>>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:11.93\00:00:14.93 God's book, The Bible 00:00:15.33\00:00:18.23 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:00:18.96\00:00:22.30 It Is Written 00:00:24.90\00:00:26.30 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 00:00:26.60\00:00:30.70 >>Chris: Len and Nicole Clamp wanted the joy of raising a 00:00:39.13\00:00:43.93 child. They were given that opportunity when they became foster parents to little Grayson 00:00:43.93\00:00:47.16 when he was only 7 weeks old. They noticed something was 00:00:47.16\00:00:52.23 different about Grayson. After going through testing the doctors discovered that 00:00:52.23\00:00:56.83 Grayson was completely deaf. The Clamp's had Grayson for almost a 00:00:56.83\00:01:03.16 year and right after receiving the news of his impairment, they 00:01:03.16\00:01:07.90 were given the opportunity to adopt him. They decided that 00:01:07.90\00:01:14.00 they could be the best parents for Grayson and decided to adopt him They learned different 00:01:14.00\00:01:19.70 ways to communicate with him. Grayson's being deaf was caused 00:01:19.70\00:01:25.76 by the fact that he was born without the nerve that connects the ear to hearing center 00:01:25.76\00:01:29.33 of the brain. Because of this, cochlear implants were not 00:01:29.33\00:01:34.63 possible and wouldn't help. However, the doctors working with the Clamps proposed a 00:01:34.63\00:01:39.46 solution. The proposed an auditory brainstem implant, if 00:01:39.46\00:01:45.46 approved Grayson would be the first child to receive such an implant in the United 00:01:45.46\00:01:50.03 States. So, the doctors at the University of North Carolina 00:01:50.03\00:01:54.26 Medical Center mapped out a careful surgery. They then performed that surgery in 00:01:54.26\00:01:59.53 April of 2013. On May 21st they activated Grayson's device and 00:01:59.53\00:02:07.50 in now what is a very popular YouTube video Grayson heard his father's voice for the 00:02:07.50\00:02:14.50 very first time. The look of utter surprise on his face is 00:02:14.50\00:02:19.36 priceless. He had never actually heard before and now was hearing for the very first time. 00:02:19.36\00:02:26.43 Often when we learn new things we are greatly surprised. 00:02:27.13\00:02:31.90 Sometimes that is a welcome surprise and sometimes that surprise is almost too much and 00:02:31.90\00:02:36.20 is overwhelming. Over the last several weeks we have been 00:02:36.20\00:02:39.93 studying the question, is heaven for real? And our study has led us to look at what the 00:02:39.93\00:02:44.93 Bible says about what happens when you die. If you've missed 00:02:44.93\00:02:51.50 the last two weeks shows, you can go to our website w w w.itiswrittencanada.ca 00:02:51.50\00:02:55.66 or www.youtube.com/IIWCanada and there find the 00:02:55.66\00:03:06.73 archived programs. The conclusion of our study may have 00:03:06.73\00:03:11.93 led to surprise in many of our viewers. For some it might be a little shocking to realize 00:03:11.93\00:03:17.33 that when someone dies, the Bible says they are sleeping - 00:03:17.33\00:03:23.53 in a totally unconscious state awaiting the Lord's return. You know friends, when I began 00:03:23.53\00:03:30.46 studying the Bible and learned this for the very first time - I 00:03:30.46\00:03:35.13 too was shocked - so shocked that it made me angry. How could 00:03:35.13\00:03:42.76 I have been taught wrong for so long? But then I learned the origins of the idea of going 00:03:42.76\00:03:48.70 immediately to heaven or hell. In fact, the concept that the 00:03:48.70\00:03:54.63 body and soul exist apart from one another comes from Greek dualism, which was derived 00:03:54.63\00:03:59.70 from ancient Egyptian belief. Friend, we are concerned with 00:03:59.70\00:04:04.86 what the Bible teaches, not what Greek philosophy or Egyptian 00:04:04.86\00:04:15.30 paganism teach. We want the Word and only the Word. Today, we are going to take some time to 00:04:15.30\00:04:22.63 study some misunderstood texts in the Bible. 00:04:22.63\00:04:27.06 Often I'll have some people that say to me Pastor Chris, wait a 00:04:28.76\00:04:31.56 second, what about the thief on the cross? Didn't Jesus say to 00:04:31.56\00:04:36.03 the thief on the cross-'Today, you'll be with me in paradise?' You know, it's amazing to 00:04:36.03\00:04:41.40 me, there are over 1600 passages in the Bible about the soul.and 00:04:41.40\00:04:46.96 not one of them ever speaks of the 'immortal' soul. You see the Bible is very clear 00:04:46.96\00:04:52.63 when in says in Ecclesiastes 9:5, 00:04:52.63\00:04:55.80 In over 50 places the Bible says death is but a sleep. 00:05:01.66\00:05:07.66 Unfortunately, however, there are a number of people that want to throw out hundreds of 00:05:07.66\00:05:11.00 clear texts in the Bible about death, about the second coming 00:05:11.00\00:05:15.56 of Christ and about the resurrection and accept the Greek and Egyptian ideas about 00:05:15.56\00:05:22.86 the immortality of the soul. See, we miss a very important 00:05:22.86\00:05:27.53 principle of Bible study and that is we start with passages that are clear and then move to 00:05:27.53\00:05:34.13 passages that are more challenging. We cannot base our 00:05:34.13\00:05:38.53 beliefs on one or a few texts, but we must go by the preponderance of the evidence. 00:05:38.53\00:05:46.50 So, what about that thief on the cross? What happened that day? The closing chapters 00:05:46.50\00:05:51.43 of gospel of Matthew and the gospel of Luke tell the story of 00:05:51.43\00:05:56.20 the final moments of Jesus' life here on this earth. When Jesus 00:05:56.20\00:06:01.90 was crucified, the Bible records that He was crucified between two thieves. And these two 00:06:01.90\00:06:07.16 thieves were not the finest of fellows. Matthew 27:38-44 tells 00:06:07.16\00:06:15.03 the story, One nailed on either side of Christ. Both of them reviled - both of them 00:07:05.06\00:07:08.06 complained and insulted Jesus. But while those criminals hung 00:07:08.06\00:07:14.03 next to Jesus, something began to happen. One of them saw Jesus, a completely 00:07:14.03\00:07:20.80 innocent man dying on the cross yet He did not retaliate, nor 00:07:20.80\00:07:29.23 complain.in fact, He asked God to forgive them. Luke adds further insight into the 00:07:29.23\00:07:38.10 story and demonstrates that transformation in Luke 27:39-42, 00:07:38.10\00:07:49.50 That thief began to experience the transformation of his 00:08:21.53\00:08:24.16 heart. He looked at Jesus and saw that Jesus was the Messiah 00:08:24.16\00:08:28.63 of the world. And that thief cries out to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into Your 00:08:28.63\00:08:39.03 kingdom." 00:08:39.03\00:08:41.10 How then does Jesus respond? Luke 27:43, 00:08:41.86\00:08:47.36 And it is here that we have a misunderstood text What is this 00:08:57.23\00:09:03.23 text really all about? Is Jesus saying to that thief, 'I say to you today, this day that 00:09:03.23\00:09:08.50 I've got the crown of thorns on my head, this day that I've got 00:09:08.50\00:09:12.30 the nails in my hands, this day that I'm dying on the cross, 00:09:12.30\00:09:16.36 this day that it doesn't look like I can save anybody, I say to you today, this very day, you 00:09:16.36\00:09:21.43 will be with Me in Paradise.' Or is it possible that there is a 00:09:21.43\00:09:25.76 different meaning to the text? You see, it all depends on where 00:09:25.76\00:09:30.76 you put that comma. If you put that comma before the word 'today' the text seems to 00:09:30.76\00:09:36.73 read, 'Assuredly I say to you, today you'll be with Me in Paradise.' It seems 00:09:36.73\00:09:42.60 to say that Jesus was assuring the thief he would be in 00:09:42.60\00:09:47.00 Paradise with Him that very day. But, let's put the comma after 'today' and look at the 00:09:47.00\00:09:53.03 difference of the meaning. "Assuredly, I say to you today,' 00:09:53.03\00:09:58.80 In other words this day I'm hanging on the cross, this day with nails through My hands. 00:09:58.80\00:10:04.00 I'm making this statement to you today, "you will be with Me in 00:10:04.00\00:10:09.93 Paradise.'" in the future. Somebody says, 'Well, Pastor Chris, when were the commas put 00:10:09.93\00:10:15.70 in there?' The commas were not put in in the original text when 00:10:15.70\00:10:24.36 it was written in the first century. The commas were put in 1300 years later during the 00:10:24.36\00:10:31.93 Middle Ages. 00:10:31.93\00:10:34.30 Somebody says, 'Pastor Chris, how do you know where to put the 00:10:35.73\00:10:39.16 comma?'You know where to put the comma because of the fact that 00:10:39.16\00:10:46.20 the Bible has to harmonize. The Bible can't be broken. If the commas weren't in the 00:10:46.20\00:10:50.26 original text, if the commas weren't put in there for 1300 00:10:50.26\00:10:56.40 years later and if indeed the Bible is very clear in telling us that death is but a sleep, 00:10:56.40\00:11:00.96 then you put the commas exactly in harmony with the rest of the 00:11:00.96\00:11:06.86 Bible. You do not throw out the clear teaching of the Bible on the subject of death and 00:11:06.86\00:11:10.36 sleep and accept an Egyptian idea on the immortality of the 00:11:10.36\00:11:15.70 soul based on one comma that's put in there 1300 year after the 00:11:15.70\00:11:20.56 Bible was written. Now, there's another reason why you know that 00:11:20.56\00:11:26.30 comma has to be after the word 'today' and not before. And that is, how could Christ promise 00:11:26.30\00:11:34.53 the thief that he would be with Him in Paradise that day if Jesus Himself never 00:11:34.53\00:11:41.80 went to Paradise that day? Some say - what are you talking about 00:11:41.80\00:11:48.40 Jesus not going there? The Bible tells us that Jesus died on the 00:11:48.40\00:11:54.66 Preparation Day -Friday - many of us know that as Good Friday. The next day was the Sabbath; 00:11:54.66\00:12:01.40 Jesus slept and rested in the tomb on the Sabbath. The next 00:12:01.40\00:12:11.16 day, Sunday, the first day, Easter Sunday as recognized by many that Jesus rose from the 00:12:11.16\00:12:19.10 dead. Do you remember the story of resurrection day? Mary went to the tomb to embalm 00:12:19.10\00:12:23.46 His body;she didn't know He had risen from the dead. There 00:12:23.46\00:12:28.96 through her teary eyes she saw the empty tomb. Then she saw someone she thought was 00:12:28.96\00:12:37.06 the gardener. But it wasn't the gardener. It was Jesus. Listen 00:12:37.06\00:12:42.16 to the story unfold in John 20:15-17, 00:12:42.16\00:12:50.53 Friends, did you here those words - He hadn't yet ascended 00:13:24.00\00:13:29.40 to heaven. It was Sunday. If He hadn't ascended to the Father on Sunday, how could He have 00:13:29.40\00:13:37.26 said to the thief on Friday that they would be together in a 00:13:37.26\00:13:41.43 place that He did not yet go until Sunday? Because He wasn't telling the thief on 00:13:41.43\00:13:49.00 Friday that they were going to go there together. You see, it 00:13:49.00\00:13:55.56 is that comma that makes the difference Because Jesus was saying, 'I say unto 00:13:55.56\00:14:01.70 you today, this day that I'm dying on the cross, this day 00:14:01.70\00:14:07.16 with blood running down my head. I'm promising you today, you 00:14:07.16\00:14:12.56 will be with Me in Paradise when I come again to resurrect the dead.' A simple comma makes all 00:14:12.56\00:14:18.60 the difference in the world. I am thankful that Jesus' Word 00:14:18.60\00:14:27.13 makes it plain, aren't you? Jesus' Word makes it so plain. He was saying to the thief, 'you 00:14:27.13\00:14:31.76 don't need to fear death and the reason you don't need to fear 00:14:31.76\00:14:36.73 death is because through My death on the cross, you can have 00:14:36.73\00:14:47.36 eternal life.' Wherever you are today, you need not fear death. Christ speaks to you 00:14:49.60\00:14:55.66 today. Because of His death on the cross you can have eternal 00:14:55.66\00:15:01.73 life. Because of His death on the cross, your sins can be forgiven. Because of what He 00:15:01.73\00:15:08.83 did. 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, 00:15:08.83\00:15:12.86 There is victory in Jesus over death, victory in Jesus over the 00:15:25.83\00:15:31.80 grave. The tomb is empty of Christ and our tomb can be opened up emptied when Jesus 00:15:31.80\00:15:38.46 Christ returns.The same Christ that ascended will descend. The 00:15:38.46\00:15:47.76 same Christ that went is going to return. This is the lesson of the thief on the cross 00:15:47.76\00:15:52.83 that we will rest in the grave with the assurance that Jesus 00:15:52.83\00:16:04.33 Christ will come again to wake us up and take us home. Some will ask further questions 00:16:04.33\00:16:10.60 about the prophet Samuel. Doesn't the Bible say that he 00:16:10.60\00:16:19.43 came back to life visited as a disembodied spirit? 00:16:19.43\00:16:24.60 Again, friends, we have seen the evidence for the Bible telling 00:16:25.33\00:16:32.30 us that death is like a sleep. But there is a story. Let's go and see what the Bible 00:16:32.30\00:16:44.30 actually says. In 1 Samuel 28:7-15 tell that story. 00:16:44.30\00:16:56.50 I would like for us to take notice of several important 00:18:41.70\00:18:45.13 points in this passage. First Saul is acting in direct disobedience to God. 00:18:45.13\00:18:53.06 Deuteronomy 18:10-14 forbids the consulting of a medium, 00:18:53.06\00:19:03.16 Friends, God calls the art of witchcraft or attempting to call 00:19:50.80\00:19:54.70 up the dead an abomination - why? Because it is in direct contradiction to His Word. 00:19:54.70\00:20:04.10 Secondly, in 1 Samuel 28:14 the Bible says that Saul perceived 00:20:04.10\00:20:10.83 that it was Samuel, but could it have really been Samuel? Of course not.Ecclesiastes 00:20:10.83\00:20:18.30 9:5 says 00:20:18.30\00:20:21.26 Friends, this was a witch who was using the art deception and 00:20:33.70\00:20:39.63 mystical practices. The Bible says that Satan in 2 Corinthians 00:20:39.63\00:20:53.60 11:14, Friends, this wasn't Samuel, but some demonic being impersonating Samuel 00:21:02.83\00:21:09.53 in order to deceive Saul further. The dead are simply 00:21:09.53\00:21:16.10 sleeping waiting for Jesus to return. Samuel was resting in his grave and couldn't be 00:21:16.10\00:21:21.13 awaked by anyone other than Jesus. Friends that Bible is 00:21:21.13\00:21:28.43 very plain that the dead are sleeping awaiting the return of Jesus. Some will say that 00:21:28.43\00:21:33.96 Paul advocates people going straight to heaven in 2 00:21:33.96\00:21:45.80 Corinthians 5:6-8. But what does it really say? 00:21:45.80\00:21:48.26 Friend is Paul advocating and existence apart from the body. 00:22:06.30\00:22:11.60 No, he is stating what the Bible clearly teaches. Friends while 00:22:11.60\00:22:16.30 in these mortal bodies, we are absent for the Lord. When is that we come to be present with 00:22:16.30\00:22:22.43 the Lord? Paul is clear in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 00:22:22.43\00:22:29.26 It is at the last trumpet that we are raised incorruptible and 00:22:47.06\00:22:54.70 are present with the Lord. Again Paul is clear in 2 Timothy 4:8, 00:22:54.70\00:23:04.26 When are we present with God and receive that crown of righteousness? It is 00:23:17.70\00:23:21.73 after the second coming of Jesus. Until that time, we rest in the grave waiting 00:23:21.73\00:23:28.16 for that return of Jesus. 00:23:28.16\00:23:31.50 I know some have claimed to have Near Death Experiences, where 00:23:33.83\00:23:38.86 they have claimed to have gone to heaven and visited loved ones.now, I want to 00:23:38.86\00:23:43.00 be very careful not to offend anyone, but friends we must 00:23:43.00\00:23:49.86 concern ourselves with what the Bible says not emotion or feelings or perceived feelings. 00:23:49.86\00:23:58.60 Several scientists believe that these near death experiences can 00:23:58.60\00:24:01.93 by explained physically. Neuroscientist Dean Mobbs says, 00:24:01.93\00:24:10.96 In addition a 2005 study found that out-of-body experiences can 00:24:20.53\00:24:25.46 be artificially triggered by stimulating the right temporoparietal junction 00:24:25.46\00:24:33.43 in the brain, suggesting that confusion regarding sensory 00:24:33.43\00:24:38.13 information can radically alter how one experiences one's body. But friends, science 00:24:38.13\00:24:45.13 doesn't have the best answer, the Bible has best and only 00:24:45.13\00:24:52.33 answer to these questions. The Bible records at least 9 resurrections - in not one 00:24:52.33\00:25:01.60 of these cases is there a recorded story of the afterlife. 00:25:01.60\00:25:10.00 The Bible is clear, over and over again that when we die, we sleep awaiting the resurrection 00:25:10.00\00:25:17.83 of Jesus. There is no consciousness, no recognition of 00:25:17.83\00:25:23.93 time. It will be like one of those nights, where you lay your head on the pillow and 00:25:23.93\00:25:29.96 seemingly just as you close your eyes, your alarm goes off 00:25:29.96\00:25:36.50 moments later - but 8 hours had passed. We will fall asleep and 00:25:36.50\00:25:48.93 the next moment we who have fallen asleep in Jesus will awake to that last trumpet. So 00:25:48.93\00:25:56.63 there needs to be no fear of death. No fear of what happens 00:25:56.63\00:26:02.60 when we die. As we give our hearts and lives to Jesus, we are secure in Him and never have 00:26:02.60\00:26:10.83 to fear. Revelation 1:18 promises, 00:26:10.83\00:26:20.33 Friends, Jesus defeated death and He is coming again to 00:26:39.10\00:26:45.20 destroy death and sin. In the kingdom of Heaven we will live with Him forever. Don't you 00:26:45.20\00:26:52.43 want to place yourself fully in the trust of His arms? Why not 00:26:52.43\00:27:01.13 decide to follow Him fully today? 00:27:01.13\00:27:08.43 Lord, we we give ourselves fully to you today. Take care of us 00:27:10.46\00:27:15.10 and remember us, we pray, in Jesus' name, amen. 00:27:15.10\00:27:19.56 The subject of heaven, and especially, the subject of death 00:27:24.76\00:27:28.43 and what happens after you die, can be a confusing subject. I want to offer to you today the 00:27:28.43\00:27:32.53 Signs of the Times special edition on death. Here's the information you need 00:27:32.53\00:27:38.56 to get today's offer. 00:27:38.56\00:27:40.60 I hope you enjoyed today's program. Please join us again 00:28:21.10\00:28:25.43 next week. Until then, remember, it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but 00:28:25.43\00:28:32.00 by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:28:32.00\00:28:36.13 $$$$$$$ 00:28:38.33\00:28:40.36