>>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:11.86\00:00:14.76 God's book, The Bible 00:00:15.46\00:00:18.33 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:00:18.96\00:00:22.76 It Is Written 00:00:23.96\00:00:25.20 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 00:00:25.56\00:00:29.56 >>Chris: What would you say if I told you that there was a lake 00:00:40.56\00:00:43.13 that had water that was actually pink? How about if I told you 00:00:43.13\00:00:47.43 that there was a mountain with red, blue, and gold rock formations? Or what if I told 00:00:47.43\00:00:52.40 you there was a cave that had crystals that grew to over 12 00:00:52.40\00:00:57.83 meters high and 4 meters in diameter? Do they all sound impossible to even exist? All of 00:00:57.83\00:01:04.96 them are real places on this earth. The pink lake is Lake 00:01:04.96\00:01:10.40 Retba near Dakar Senegal, not very far from the Cape Vert peninsula. Its pink color is due 00:01:10.40\00:01:16.30 to a specific kind of algae growing in the lake. The multi-colored mountains? 00:01:16.30\00:01:21.73 They can be found in Gansu, China and throughout the region 00:01:21.73\00:01:26.80 wonderfully red colored mountains and rock formations. 00:01:26.80\00:01:33.06 Those huge crystals also are a reality they are found in the Cave of the Crystals 00:01:33.06\00:01:38.43 in Chihuahua, Mexico. A cave that reaches a blistering 58 00:01:38.43\00:01:44.60 degrees Celsius at times. But the beauty of such crystals is amazing. All of these 00:01:44.60\00:01:51.00 seemingly unreal places are real. They actually exist even 00:01:51.00\00:01:58.53 though their description may seem otherwise. But what about a place that is often 00:01:58.53\00:02:03.23 discussed in religious circles. Heaven. Is Heaven for real? 00:02:03.23\00:02:09.30 People have a lot to say about, some people have even claimed to have been there. But 00:02:09.30\00:02:15.50 what does the Bible say about heaven? Is it a real place? Is 00:02:15.50\00:02:21.00 it some far away distant sphere with clouds and babies playing harps? What is this place? The 00:02:21.00\00:02:27.53 word heaven or heavens appears over 720 times in the Bible. It 00:02:27.53\00:02:34.66 is important to note that the word heaven or heavens can mean several different things. 00:02:34.66\00:02:38.10 Heaven and earth together can refer to the entire universe, 00:02:38.10\00:02:42.86 the word heaven or heavens can refer to the sky along with stars and planets, and it can 00:02:42.86\00:02:49.60 mean the home of the righteous. The word can have a literal 00:02:49.60\00:02:55.66 meaning or metaphorical at times. For our new series, we will concern ourselves with the 00:02:55.66\00:03:01.33 literal meaning, the home of the righteous. 00:03:01.33\00:03:04.90 Sometimes heaven is described with out using the word heaven. 00:03:06.00\00:03:13.66 This is the case when Jesus speaks of heaven and the preparations He is making 00:03:13.66\00:03:17.73 there for us. Notice what He says in John 14:1-3, it is a 00:03:17.73\00:03:26.50 text you know well because we have studied it previously, 00:03:26.50\00:03:32.33 Here, heaven is described as where God dwells and where He 00:03:55.56\00:04:01.33 wants those who want to follow Him to live as well. Jesus is preparing it for His 00:04:01.33\00:04:06.23 followers. Now over the next few moments we are going to look at 00:04:06.23\00:04:10.76 a number of Bible texts that describe heaven. Through all of 00:04:10.76\00:04:15.90 this, we must keep in mind Isaiah 64:4, and I love how the old King James Version puts it, 00:04:15.90\00:04:25.00 The Bible describes heaven in human terms so we can understand 00:04:40.06\00:04:45.53 them, but those descriptions fall short of how amazing heaven will be in reality. áááEphesians 00:04:45.53\00:04:51.30 3:20 ááásays that God is "able to do exceedingly abundantly 00:04:51.30\00:04:57.20 above all that we ask or think." 00:04:57.20\00:05:00.90 So why even try to understand. Because heaven is an important 00:05:02.06\00:05:08.86 place and it is a place that none of us want to miss out on. The Bible describes how 00:05:08.86\00:05:14.20 God will make our final home. In Isaiah 65:17 it says, 00:05:14.20\00:05:22.60 It says that He will make something new. I Revelation 21:1 00:05:30.00\00:05:36.63 the Bible describes it this way, 00:05:36.63\00:05:41.86 Heaven, the home of the righteous will be a recreated 00:05:54.30\00:06:01.70 earth. You see God created this earth over 6000 years ago and He created it over the course 00:06:01.70\00:06:07.10 of six days. And it was perfect. Perfect in every aspect. Then 00:06:07.10\00:06:13.33 sin marred the earth into the situation that we have today or 00:06:13.33\00:06:19.46 a very imperfect planet. But a day is coming when God will destroy this earth to make 00:06:19.46\00:06:24.66 a new earth on which we will live. 2 Peter 3:10 says this, 00:06:24.66\00:06:33.90 Now remember, heaven is God's home and where He wants His 00:07:09.20\00:07:13.10 followers to live. In the meantime, where is heaven, where God lives, now. The Bible 00:07:13.10\00:07:20.33 doesn't give us an exact location. It is out in the universe somewhere. Psalm 00:07:20.33\00:07:27.13 14:2 says, 00:07:27.13\00:07:33.80 And again in Psalm 33:13, 00:07:42.33\00:07:45.90 And then in Acts 1:9-11, describing Jesus' ascension from 00:07:54.53\00:08:07.33 this earth, it says, 00:08:07.33\00:08:08.93 So heaven is a real place. In fact, the book of Revelation 00:08:37.90\00:08:43.00 tells us about heaven now. John looks up and in chapter 21:2, it describes what he sees, 00:08:43.00\00:08:57.06 Where is heaven? It is out there, but Jesus is making preparations there, to 00:09:10.00\00:09:17.26 make this earth God's home and our home with Him. Heaven is a 00:09:17.26\00:09:25.50 real place. God made earth to be with humankind, but we rebelled and turned away from Him. 00:09:26.66\00:09:31.96 Now, He will make it again, perfect again but with a 00:09:31.96\00:09:37.06 guarantee, according to áááNahum 1:9ááá, a place where "Affliction will not rise 00:09:37.06\00:09:43.23 up a second time." No more sin. Heaven is a real place where 00:09:43.23\00:09:49.33 there won't be any sin. No more drive by shooting, no more car accidents, no more drunk 00:09:49.33\00:09:53.86 drivers, no more calls at midnight telling us about a son 00:09:53.86\00:09:59.30 or daughter, no more. The book of Revelation goes on to tell us 00:09:59.30\00:10:04.06 what else won't be there. Revelation 21:4 tells us that, 00:10:04.06\00:10:10.70 Heaven is a real place and it seems just too good to be true. 00:10:19.00\00:10:25.46 But there won't be any more death - no more goodbyes, no more sudden losses, no more 00:10:25.46\00:10:31.13 unexpected deaths, none of that will exist. Oh friend, maybe 00:10:31.13\00:10:36.00 you've lost son or daughter, maybe you've lost mother, father, brother or sister. 00:10:36.00\00:10:40.63 You will never be separated again, because there is no more 00:10:40.63\00:10:48.50 death. And because of that there will be no more sorrow or grief. You will never have 00:10:48.50\00:10:55.53 to mourn again. Perfect harmony. Can you picture it? No crying or 00:10:55.53\00:11:06.53 no pain. Friends, we will have no need to weep. No more tears 00:11:06.53\00:11:11.76 of sadness - everything will be perfect in Jesus. No pain. Unquestionably there will 00:11:11.76\00:11:19.20 be do physical pain. No arthritis, no aches and pains - 00:11:19.20\00:11:24.66 are you happy to know that? I know I am. I've had four knee surgeries and look forward 00:11:24.66\00:11:28.60 to the day when there will be do aches and pains. But it is also 00:11:28.60\00:11:36.46 talking about emotional pain or social pain. Friend maybe you've been abused, maybe you've 00:11:36.46\00:11:41.26 gone through a traumatic time that has left you emotionally 00:11:41.26\00:11:45.23 damaged. Jesus reaches out his arms of love and tells you heaven is real. I am preparing a 00:11:45.23\00:11:50.43 place for you right now. Cling to me, stay close to me and I 00:11:50.43\00:11:55.30 will take you there. Friend, don't you want to be there with Him? Hebrews 11:16 is another 00:11:55.30\00:12:03.30 invitation to you, 00:12:03.30\00:12:06.43 God has prepared heaven for you. With you in mind He has made 00:12:19.90\00:12:26.30 this place. Heaven is a real place for real people like you and like me. Listen to this 00:12:26.30\00:12:30.60 marvelous description in Revelation 21 of what this heavenly city looks like, 00:12:30.60\00:12:43.30 Heaven is a real place and it has real gates. These gates are 00:13:20.83\00:13:25.76 not to keep anyone out, but rather are a message for people to come from all corners of 00:13:25.76\00:13:31.00 the earth and be a part of this place. Three gates to the north, 00:13:31.00\00:13:36.03 three gates to the south, three gates to the west and three gates to the east all cry out as 00:13:36.03\00:13:40.83 an invitation to come and be a part of this beautiful place. 00:13:40.83\00:13:45.26 Revelation 21 continues describing this real place, 00:13:45.26\00:13:50.53 Heaven is a real place that has a real foundation. That 00:14:25.73\00:14:29.43 foundation has the names of the apostles inscribed on it. And 00:14:29.43\00:14:34.96 the city is a perfect square. 12000 furlongs is just over 2200 kilometers. This means 00:14:34.96\00:14:44.70 that the city would be just over 550 kilometers per side. That 00:14:44.70\00:14:51.13 would be the equivalent of driving from downtown Toronto to Montreal - just one side. 00:14:51.13\00:15:00.13 It would be comparable to the distance between Calgary and 00:15:00.13\00:15:04.73 Saskatoon or Calgary and Kamloops. Each side 550 kilometer with a wall that is 00:15:04.73\00:15:12.93 almost 64 meters thick. Heaven is a real place. Now listen to the description of some of 00:15:12.93\00:15:21.60 the actual construction of the city, 00:15:21.60\00:15:25.96 Can you picture the perfect beauty in your mind. Heaven is a 00:16:11.40\00:16:16.43 real place for real people. Jesus has prepared all of this for you and for me. 00:16:16.43\00:16:24.76 Are you excited friend? No more pollution, no more terrible 00:16:24.76\00:16:29.20 weather. Absolute perfection. I want you to take just a moment. Think of the best place you've 00:16:29.20\00:16:36.36 ever been - hold that image in your mind. Heaven will be so 00:16:36.36\00:16:47.10 much better, it is almost unimaginable. 00:16:47.10\00:16:55.20 In addition to the city of Jerusalem on this earth made 00:16:56.03\00:17:00.13 new, we will also live in homes that we build on the countryside, Isaiah 65:21-22 00:17:00.13\00:17:11.56 says, Heaven is a real place and it will have real people. We will build, we will 00:17:33.30\00:17:38.16 plant gardens and we will enjoy the fruit of our labor. No more 00:17:38.16\00:17:45.43 will be build our dream home only to have to sell it. No more 00:17:45.43\00:17:53.63 will we have that beautiful garden destroyed by weeds and pests, but we will enjoy our 00:17:53.63\00:17:57.70 lives in this very real place. Our bodies will be new. So we will be able to labor and 00:17:57.70\00:18:03.96 not experience exhaustion and pain. Philippians 3:20-21 says, 00:18:03.96\00:18:19.23 Just so we are not mistaken, what was Jesus' glorious body 00:18:40.16\00:18:46.66 like. Jesus appeared to the disciples after He had risen from the dead and listen to 00:18:46.66\00:18:50.53 these words, 00:18:50.53\00:18:56.43 Jesus was real flesh and bones. But He was perfect. His lowly 00:19:17.93\00:19:24.00 body was no glorious. It would never grow old - it wouldn't grow weary and stop 00:19:24.00\00:19:32.16 working. Neither will ours. Our bodies will be perfect and 00:19:32.16\00:19:40.76 imperishable. Heaven is real with real people. 00:19:40.76\00:19:47.50 And in case you haven't gotten the picture, we won't be sitting 00:19:49.00\00:19:53.96 around on clouds, strumming our harps. But Heaven is a real place for real people 00:19:53.96\00:19:59.73 who will have real conversations. Jesus said in 00:19:59.73\00:20:09.93 Matthew 8:11, What will it be like to have a conversation with one of heroes of the 00:20:19.16\00:20:21.90 Bible? Who is that you would talk to? Daniel, Jeremiah, 00:20:21.90\00:20:28.50 Matthew, Mark, or maybe David or Joshua? Who will it be? In addition to all of this, 00:20:28.50\00:20:34.93 the perfect harmony of heaven will be seen in the animal 00:20:34.93\00:20:40.26 kingdom as well. Isaiah shares a beautiful seen, " 00:20:40.26\00:20:43.30 Perfect harmony and perfect peace. No animals eating one 00:21:30.13\00:21:34.60 another. All of them together enjoying the peace of God. 00:21:34.60\00:21:39.43 There is one thing in heaven above all else that should 00:21:40.30\00:21:46.06 attract us. There is one thing above all others that will bring supreme joy. And that my 00:21:46.06\00:21:54.06 friends is the opportunity to meet Jesus. Jesus is the reason 00:21:54.06\00:21:58.33 that we will be there. He has made the provision for you to go. He has prepared a place 00:21:58.33\00:22:02.73 for you and today He is calling you and He is calling me to come 00:22:02.73\00:22:09.86 to Him, give our life to Him, live for Him and be obedient to Him. Then the Bible 00:22:09.86\00:22:17.13 promises that we will receive a crown in heaven, 2 Timothy 4:8 00:22:17.13\00:22:29.06 says, What a glorious day that will be! Jesus has paid the price. He has invited 00:22:48.33\00:22:53.26 you not matter if you are rich or poor, male or female, young 00:22:53.26\00:22:59.83 or old, whether you're successful or not.Jesus is calling. He is calling you to be 00:22:59.83\00:23:08.86 prepared for heaven. A real place, for real people where we 00:23:08.86\00:23:14.80 will receive a real crown. But we won't even glory in that crown. Revelation 4 00:23:14.80\00:23:26.23 says that those in heaven cast their crowns at the feet of 00:23:26.23\00:23:31.60 Jesus. Why? Because he paid the price for it all. Jesus calls today, will you answer. 00:23:31.60\00:23:38.70 Listen to this song and prayerfully consider the invitation of Jesus. 00:23:38.70\00:23:47.10 Princes and paupers, sons and daughters 00:23:50.86\00:23:56.70 Kneel at the throne of grace 00:23:57.16\00:24:03.10 Losers and winners, saints and sinners 00:24:03.83\00:24:10.00 One day will see his face 00:24:10.36\00:24:15.83 And we'll all bow down 00:24:16.23\00:24:22.53 Kings will surrender their crowns 00:24:22.90\00:24:28.80 And worship Jesus 00:24:29.43\00:24:35.73 For he is the love, unfailing love 00:24:36.66\00:24:43.23 He is the love of God 00:24:43.46\00:24:49.90 Summer and winter, the mountains and the rivers 00:24:59.73\00:25:05.76 Whisper the Saviour's name 00:25:06.23\00:25:12.10 Awesome and holy, a friend to the lonely 00:25:12.86\00:25:18.80 Forever His love will reign 00:25:19.33\00:25:24.66 And we'll all bow down 00:25:25.13\00:25:31.43 Kings will surrender their crowns 00:25:31.83\00:25:37.93 And worship Jesus 00:25:38.26\00:25:45.03 For He is the love, unfailing love 00:25:45.36\00:25:51.86 He is the love of God 00:25:52.33\00:25:57.90 He is the light of the world 00:25:58.23\00:26:04.63 And Lord of the cross 00:26:04.96\00:26:16.36 And we'll all bow down 00:26:20.40\00:26:26.06 Kings will surrender their crowns 00:26:26.73\00:26:32.20 And worship Jesus 00:26:32.50\00:26:39.20 Worship Jesus 00:26:39.96\00:26:45.83 Worship Jesus 00:26:46.13\00:26:54.13 For He is the love, unfailing love 00:26:54.80\00:27:01.30 He is the love of God 00:27:01.66\00:27:16.16 >>Chris: Heaven is a topic that deserves extra study. I'd like 00:27:34.73\00:27:38.93 to offer the Discover Bible lessons to you for more information on this very 00:27:38.93\00:27:45.33 important topic. Here's the information you need to get 00:27:45.33\00:27:49.00 those lessons. Thank you for watching. Please join us again next week. Until then, 00:28:20.86\00:28:26.06 remember, it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, 00:28:26.06\00:28:30.70 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:28:30.70\00:28:33.93 $$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:36.80\00:28:37.63