>>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:11.86\00:00:15.03 God's book, The Bible 00:00:15.56\00:00:18.30 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:00:19.16\00:00:22.83 It Is Written 00:00:24.20\00:00:25.40 Sharing messages of hope around the world! 00:00:25.70\00:00:30.50 >>Chris: Jean Francois Gravelet was born in France in 1824. At a 00:00:41.00\00:00:45.76 young age he found his calling. At the age of five, he strung a 00:00:45.76\00:00:51.76 rope between chairs and attempted to walk that tight rope. He fell off of that rope 00:00:51.76\00:00:57.50 and it would be the last rope that he ever fell from. He was 00:00:57.50\00:01:03.10 sent to an acrobat school and at the young age of eight became known as boy wonder or the 00:01:03.10\00:01:08.76 little wonder. Eventually Jean would be known as Charles 00:01:08.76\00:01:14.90 Blondin or the Great Blondie. He would become known as the greatest tightrope walker 00:01:14.90\00:01:19.16 to ever live. He walked tightropes until he was 70 years 00:01:19.16\00:01:26.30 old. His act was both a great show of ability and showman entertainment. His most 00:01:26.30\00:01:32.40 famous act is his crossing of Niagara Falls. He would stretch 00:01:32.40\00:01:38.23 a rope almost 400 meters in length from the Canadian falls to the U.S. side. Blondin would 00:01:38.23\00:01:44.23 famously cross the falls blindfolded, on stilts, pushing 00:01:44.23\00:01:50.40 a wheelbarrow and even pausing on the rope to eat breakfast. The most terrifying of his 00:01:50.40\00:01:57.66 stunts was an offer to carry someone on his back across the falls. No one would 00:01:57.66\00:02:03.53 volunteer, so Blondin's manager Harry Colcord was forced into 00:02:03.53\00:02:11.10 duty. As recorded in the book, Blondin: His life and Performances, Blondin gave 00:02:11.10\00:02:15.80 these instructions, "Look up, Harry.. you are no longer 00:02:15.80\00:02:22.70 Colcord, you are Blondin. Until I clear this place be a part of me, mind, body, and soul. 00:02:22.70\00:02:29.50 If I sway, sway with me. Do not attempt to do any balancing 00:02:29.50\00:02:34.83 yourself. If you do we will both go to our death." Colcord had a choice, would he trust 00:02:34.83\00:02:41.40 Blondin or choose his own way. Not trusting would surely cost 00:02:41.40\00:02:49.26 him his life. The real story of Noah is a story of trust. Many have perceived the story 00:02:51.30\00:02:57.76 of Noah to be the story of a harsh unforgiving God. Many have 00:02:57.76\00:03:03.46 thought that God is a vengeful tyrant. However a careful study of God's word, the Bible 00:03:03.46\00:03:09.40 demonstrates the complete opposite. The story of Noah and 00:03:09.40\00:03:15.90 the flood paint a picture of God who is very patient and gracious and trustworthy. It paints a 00:03:15.90\00:03:21.33 picture of a God is seeking to make the universe perfect once 00:03:21.33\00:03:26.30 again and seeks to reconcile His relationship with humankind. A 00:03:26.30\00:03:31.80 relationship, which He did not break, it was a relationship 00:03:31.80\00:03:38.03 broken by mankind when the choice was made to be disobedient and sin against God. 00:03:38.03\00:03:44.83 The flood was an attempt to bring things back around in a world that had become 00:03:44.83\00:03:49.66 so corrupt that man's very nature was evil to the very core. God gave man an 00:03:49.66\00:03:57.70 abundance of time to turn things around and turn from his evil 00:03:57.70\00:04:02.50 ways. He provided ample opportunity and then provided a safety vessel in the ark built 00:04:02.50\00:04:09.33 by Noah. He sent a message in the name of Methuselah - a name 00:04:09.33\00:04:15.20 that meant - at his death, it will come. And the flood did come the very year of his death. 00:04:15.20\00:04:22.76 Noah preached for 120 years warning of the impending doom. A 00:04:22.76\00:04:32.00 boat was the width of a hockey rink, the length of 2 and ½ 00:04:32.00\00:04:40.13 hockey rinks and a height of almost 16 meters. God sent warning after warning, yet only 00:04:40.13\00:04:49.70 8 people got on that boat. Just Noah and his wife along with 00:04:49.70\00:04:56.70 their children their spouses. Only 8 people. Friend, not only is the story of Noah the 00:04:56.70\00:05:04.96 story of the grace, mercy and justice of God, but it is also 00:05:04.96\00:05:12.93 the story of warnings gone unheeded. It is the story of man ignoring His creator. It 00:05:12.93\00:05:22.80 is the story of neglect. Friends, the story of Noah speaks to our heart and 00:05:22.80\00:05:29.13 tells us of One who is seeking to repair a repair relationship. 00:05:29.13\00:05:35.90 The story of Noah is a reminder that Jesus is setting up a new kingdom and world of 00:05:35.90\00:05:42.33 perfect peace and happiness. It is a reminder that God will not 00:05:42.33\00:05:46.56 allow things to continue down this road of violence and terror. A new kingdom 00:05:46.56\00:05:53.26 is coming and He wants you to be there. 00:05:53.26\00:05:59.76 C2 <---------- 00:06:00.80\00:06:01.26 new earth. Friend, let's look to the example of Noah and as 00:06:05.93\00:06:12.13 Genesis 6:9 states, 00:06:12.13\00:06:16.70 Friends let's look to Noah who yielded his life to the Lord and 00:06:27.30\00:06:32.00 follow the Lord, let's not follow in the ways of those who didn't get on the ark. 00:06:32.00\00:06:35.90 Let's yield our hearts to the One who is the repairer of 00:06:35.90\00:06:41.70 hearts. But with such a powerful lesson about the character of God what would happen 00:06:41.70\00:06:46.86 on this earth? Obviously things didn't continue in purity and 00:06:46.86\00:06:53.80 righteousness. The world today tells us that even with starting over, evil has risen 00:06:53.80\00:06:59.20 again. How long did it take? Unfortunately not very long. 00:06:59.20\00:07:15.70 Genesis 9:20-21 tells the sad story, 00:07:15.70\00:07:20.86 Although God had given Noah permission to eat of the clean 00:07:36.00\00:07:42.76 animals, Noah also chose to farm and undoubtedly provide his sustenance through that 00:07:42.76\00:07:48.00 farming. As a part of his farming, Noah planted a vineyard. There is no 00:07:48.00\00:07:53.40 question that he planted the vineyard for the grapes and for 00:07:53.40\00:07:57.33 the juice of those grapes. Noah was familiar with the result of drunkenness and the 00:07:57.33\00:08:02.10 terrible results of drinking fermented beverages. He would 00:08:02.10\00:08:06.83 have seen that in sin and rebellion of the pre-flood world. No doubt Noah would 00:08:06.83\00:08:15.86 have been familiar with the principles of drinking alcohol. 00:08:15.86\00:08:20.16 He would have known God's timeless principle found later 00:08:20.16\00:08:30.36 in Proverbs 20:1, He would have known the changeless principle found in Proverbs 23:31-32, 00:08:40.63\00:08:49.10 He saw the results in the pre-flood world. But one of the 00:09:06.36\00:09:14.70 beauties of the Bible is that it doesn't just give us stories of victory. It doesn't just 00:09:14.70\00:09:20.36 tell us the nice things. It also shows us failures. Noah, as the 00:09:20.36\00:09:27.43 Bible calls him, was a righteous man. Noah lived according to the truth found in 1 John 00:09:27.43\00:09:34.96 2:1, 00:09:34.96\00:09:38.33 The goal of the Bible, the goal of our relationship with Jesus 00:09:56.00\00:10:00.36 is to live like Him and to live a victorious life under His grace. But if we might 00:10:00.36\00:10:08.13 stumble, Jesus will lift us up and encourage us to continue on 00:10:08.13\00:10:13.80 the path of eternal life. 00:10:13.80\00:10:17.13 Part of the post-flood story is that our previous spiritual 00:10:18.00\00:10:24.56 experiences and victories are no guarantee of future success in the spiritual life. Noah 00:10:24.56\00:10:30.30 walked with God, but for a moment took a detour. And isn't 00:10:30.30\00:10:38.03 it interesting, in the aftermath of the flood, I extremely high spiritual moment is when 00:10:38.03\00:10:45.93 Noah sins. Friends, we can never let our guard down We need Jesus 00:10:45.93\00:10:51.23 at every moment of every day so we can be faithful to Him. While 00:10:51.23\00:10:58.20 Noah had this weak moment, it led to another sin, but not his own. Genesis 9:22-23 continues 00:10:58.20\00:11:10.46 on in verses 22-23, 00:11:10.46\00:11:19.83 Noah's drunkenness led him at some point to disrobe. And in 00:11:46.03\00:11:51.56 disrobing he would have been completely naked and exposed himself. God has made it clear 00:11:51.56\00:11:56.50 in His word that it is shameful for a man to expose himself. 00:11:56.50\00:12:02.96 What Noah did was shameful. However, Ham also acted shamefully. Upon finding his 00:12:02.96\00:12:09.50 father, he could have privately covered him. But instead, he 00:12:09.50\00:12:15.33 broadcast the embarrassment to his brothers. Some have come up with some very creative 00:12:15.33\00:12:19.00 thinking on what it means that Ham saw the nakedness of his 00:12:19.00\00:12:25.60 father. In fact, I like what The Bible Knowledge Commentary directly says about this 00:12:25.60\00:12:28.70 text, "Many fanciful ideas have been proposed..But the Hebrew 00:12:28.70\00:12:35.00 expression here means what it says: Ham . saw his father's nakedness. He was not 00:12:35.00\00:12:41.23 involved with Noah sexually, for in that case the Hebrew would be 00:12:41.23\00:12:46.10 translated "he uncovered his father's nakedness." Instead 00:12:46.10\00:12:52.06 Noah had already uncovered himself , and Ham saw him that way. Because of Ham's sin and 00:12:52.06\00:12:59.40 his own character, the generations that followed him no 00:12:59.40\00:13:05.36 longer desired to follow God, but desired their own ways. What did these descendants then do? 00:13:05.36\00:13:14.26 Let's read in Genesis 11:1-4, 00:13:14.26\00:13:22.73 These group of people decides to build a city. There is nothing 00:14:01.66\00:14:06.66 inherently wrong with a city in general. However these people 00:14:06.66\00:14:10.83 were instructed to scatter. But the more problematic issue was with their building a 00:14:10.83\00:14:19.30 tower to the heavens. Why would they do such a thing? Is it 00:14:19.30\00:14:26.26 possible that this group of people was trying to make their own way and create their own 00:14:26.26\00:14:32.36 salvation? Some might say, what do you mean by that? Here is 00:14:32.36\00:14:39.53 what I mean. These descendants must have been familiar with the story of the flood. They knew of 00:14:39.53\00:14:45.73 the destruction that had happened on the earth. And so now, in order to avoid 00:14:45.73\00:14:51.50 any other type of pending destruction and to escape any possible judgment of 00:14:51.50\00:14:56.46 God, they were going to build a tower to the heavens to avoid 00:14:56.46\00:15:01.30 any possibility of destruction by a flood. However, in so doing, they were directly 00:15:01.30\00:15:07.33 rebelling against God and his promise. They made a decision to 00:15:07.33\00:15:15.33 trust in their own way and do their own thing than to trust in God and His ways These ancient 00:15:15.33\00:15:28.76 people were intelligent and God could not allow this to happen. 00:15:28.76\00:15:34.43 So the Bible goes on to tell us in verses Genesis 11:5-9, 00:15:34.43\00:15:40.90 Isn't it fascinating, the diversity of language and culture all captured in 00:16:31.53\00:16:36.93 these few short verses. The language is confused. No longer 00:16:36.93\00:16:43.86 can they communicate with one another and the building stops. Can you imagine the 00:16:43.86\00:16:49.20 scene? The mixers speaking Polish, the brick makers Chinese, the bricklayers 00:16:49.20\00:16:55.83 French, so on and so forth - the confusion that abounded there. 00:16:55.83\00:17:02.26 But I want you to take clear notice of the name that is given 00:17:06.56\00:17:10.90 this place.Babel. It literally means confusion. It is where God 00:17:10.90\00:17:17.73 confused the languages. But, of greater significance is the lesson that God is trying to 00:17:17.73\00:17:23.30 teach us. And it is a lesson that has been passed down the 00:17:23.30\00:17:29.90 pages of history. Here at this place called Babel. Man made a 00:17:29.90\00:17:36.90 decision to not follow the paths that God had outlined. They faced a choice.to obey God or to 00:17:36.90\00:17:47.00 obey the desires of their heart, ultimately the ways of Satan. 00:17:47.00\00:17:54.13 Here Babel serves as a picture of rebellion and confusion against God. Here at Babel 00:17:54.13\00:18:04.30 comes to fruition the text found in Isaiah 55:8, 9 00:18:04.30\00:18:17.66 The lesson of Babel is that God's ways are best, but when we 00:18:34.06\00:18:41.16 choose to go another way, we have placed ourselves on a road that has a very bleak 00:18:41.16\00:18:45.76 outlook. This city of Babel in the land of Shinar would 00:18:45.76\00:18:52.93 eventually be known as Babylon. Throughout time Babylon would 00:18:52.93\00:19:01.73 become a fitting symbol of rebellion against God. And what emerges throughout the 00:19:01.73\00:19:07.00 Bible is the tale of two cities and the tale of a decision to be 00:19:07.00\00:19:14.76 made by each individual on this earth. What emerges from the story of Noah and the 00:19:14.76\00:19:19.66 flood is the story of a decision. It is the decision to 00:19:19.66\00:19:25.96 follow God or to follow man. The fitting symbol that emerges from the story of Noah is 00:19:25.96\00:19:31.60 Babylon as a city of rebellion. Then throughout scripture while 00:19:31.60\00:19:39.40 Babylon represents a city of rebellion, Jerusalem represents 00:19:39.40\00:19:45.93 the city of obedience and submission God's way. 00:19:45.93\00:19:52.83 We fast forward to the time of Daniel. In the time of Daniel, 00:19:53.86\00:19:59.73 you have Jerusalem that is home to God's people, but then you have Babylon and king 00:19:59.73\00:20:06.63 Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon became a city filled with the worship of 00:20:06.63\00:20:11.76 idols and false God's. Paganism abounded. Babylon the city of rebellion and Jerusalem 00:20:11.76\00:20:17.10 the city of obedience and submission to God. It is in the 00:20:17.10\00:20:36.16 book of Revelation that this choice comes into full view. The book of Revelation is a summary 00:20:36.16\00:20:44.36 of the entirety of scripture. The book of Revelation is a 00:20:44.36\00:20:50.26 story of choices, the Lamb or the dragon, obedience or rebellion, Babylon or 00:20:50.26\00:21:01.83 Jerusalem. Babylon symbolized rebellion and religious 00:21:01.83\00:21:09.10 confusion in these last days. Remember the words of Jesus in 00:21:09.10\00:21:17.63 Matthew 24:37-38, Babylon was set up in the time just after Noah. The book of Revelation 00:21:47.53\00:21:55.03 warns of the religious confusion that exists in our day and the 00:21:55.03\00:22:04.50 days to come. Revelation 17:5 says this about Babylon, 00:22:04.50\00:22:11.03 Babylon is the mother of harlots. What is a harlot? A harlot is a prostitute. 00:22:19.33\00:22:25.53 Babylon represents the religious and spiritual institutions that 00:22:25.53\00:22:32.06 have prostituted themselves with beliefs and traditions other 00:22:32.06\00:22:36.56 than that which is found in the scriptures. What is God's 00:22:36.56\00:22:42.83 solution to such a problem? Revelation 14:8 says that 00:22:42.83\00:22:51.23 Babylonian confuse religion is bankrupt. God's way is the best 00:23:03.30\00:23:14.73 way. We need to follow the counsel of Proverbs 3:4-5, 00:23:14.73\00:23:24.10 Our only surety in these last days is to stop trusting in 00:23:33.66\00:23:39.56 ourselves and trust in God. Revelation finally makes an 00:23:39.56\00:23:48.30 invitation, in áááRevelation 18:4ááá, "Come out of her, my people," God is calling 00:23:48.30\00:23:57.30 people out of Babylon and calling them to the safety of his ark. He is calling 00:23:57.30\00:24:04.16 you and calling me into His arms of safety. The story of Noah is 00:24:04.16\00:24:17.76 the story of a loving God trying to call you back. The choice is yours. Will you choose 00:24:17.76\00:24:25.96 Him? Or will you choose your own ways? Will you come to the open 00:24:25.96\00:24:31.53 arms of Jesus and into His ark of safety? Or will you wander on 00:24:31.53\00:24:41.26 your own path. Harry Colcord got on the back of Charles Blondin. And he trusted Blondin 00:24:42.76\00:24:47.53 fully. He followed the instructions to a T. The two of them made it safely 00:24:47.53\00:24:53.00 across. Friend, Jesus loves you. He died for you and He died for 00:24:53.00\00:24:59.36 me. He's calling us home. He's saying trust me fully. He's 00:24:59.36\00:25:04.36 calling you and calling me to get on His back, and to hold on for life. Friend, we don't 00:25:04.36\00:25:11.03 have to be people with no home. Jesus wants you to be God's son, 00:25:11.03\00:25:17.80 God's daughter. All it takes is to give your life to Him. The choice is yours. What 00:25:17.80\00:25:25.33 is holding you back today? Today do you want to say to the Lord, 00:25:25.33\00:25:32.50 the Real Noah teaches me that I can trust God and trust Him fully. Today, I give my 00:25:32.50\00:25:40.63 life to Him. Today Jesus won't you change my life and help me 00:25:40.63\00:25:48.06 to follow you all the way. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we have seen from the story of 00:25:48.06\00:25:54.80 Noah that it is a story of choices. And so today we choose 00:25:54.80\00:26:03.70 to follow your son Jesus. Please help us, help us in our choice to be faithful to Jesus. 00:26:03.70\00:26:11.93 Change us from the inside out Lord and help us to become like 00:26:11.93\00:26:21.86 your Son and be examples to those around us. Please be with us we pray in Jesus name, 00:26:21.86\00:26:28.40 Amen. 00:26:28.40\00:26:29.66 I hope you enjoyed today's program. This program is only 00:26:46.40\00:26:51.76 one in a series of six programs. In fact, it's the last program. I would like to offer you 00:26:51.76\00:26:56.26 today the DVD series of those six programs, Noah: The Real 00:26:56.26\00:27:03.16 Story, where you can study and learn about a God who loves us and who is seeking to reconcile 00:27:03.16\00:27:09.23 his relationship with us. Here's the information that you need to 00:27:09.23\00:27:14.83 get today's offer. 00:27:14.83\00:27:16.46 Dear friend, the story of Noah teaches us about God, about a 00:27:55.96\00:28:01.93 God who is gracious, who is loving, who is merciful, but who 00:28:01.93\00:28:08.63 is also just. Our wonderful God reaches down, and the story of Noah teaches that He wants 00:28:08.63\00:28:14.60 to bridge the relationship, repair our relationship with 00:28:14.60\00:28:18.86 Him, to save us and take us home. I hope you'll join us again next week. Until 00:28:18.86\00:28:24.63 then, remember, it is written, "Man shall not live by bread 00:28:24.63\00:28:30.00 alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:28:30.00\00:28:34.90 $$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:37.86\00:28:39.46