It Is Written Canada

Noah, The Real Story - How it All Started, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201318

00:12 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
00:15 God's book, The Bible
00:18 Still relevant in today's complex world
00:23 It Is Written
00:26 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
00:40 >>Chris: In March of 2014, Paramount Pictures released the epic movie,
00:45 Noah. The movie is said to be a biblically inspired epic film. Some have
00:51 watched this film and it has raised questions about the character of God. How
00:56 could God, who the Bible says is loving, destroy the earth with a flood?
01:02 This week on It Is Written we will take a look at how this entire story was
01:06 started.
01:10 Noah is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 5:28-29,
01:39 In Genesis chapter five, the Bible gives the genealogy of the
01:42 generations from Adam, the first created man to the sons of Noah. At this
01:49 point there is only this brief mention of Noah and the comfort he will bring.
01:54 In Biblical times names had great meaning. And in the original Hebrew
01:59 language, Noah's name literally means resting, quietness, a soothing or a
02:06 resting place. We will soon see the significance of Noah's name. Noah was
02:12 the son of Lamech, and the grandson of Methuselah - the oldest man to ever
02:18 live. Noah lived at a time where humankind often lived for hundreds of
02:24 years. The Bible goes on to say this in Genesis chapter 5,
02:52 When Noah was five hundred and ninety-five his father passed away. Noah, had
02:57 three sons and he lived a life seeking God.
03:03 The question that is brought up is why is this story of some 4-5000 years
03:09 ago, important to us today? Jesus indicates this story, which the
03:15 Bible indicates was a literal event of history, as important. Listen to
03:21 Jesus' words of Matthew 24:37-39,
03:56 Jesus indicates one of the important features to understand about the flood
04:00 event is in reference to the second coming. The flood is a lesson to us
04:08 today about how the second coming will work. In one of the parallel gospels,
04:14 the gospel of Luke, the words of Jesus are recorded in Luke 17:26-27,
04:45 The story of Noah and the flood is an event of history that we should
04:50 look to in our preparations for the second coming of Jesus.
04:55 But Jesus wasn't the only one who counseled us to specifically study the
04:59 events surrounding Noah. The book of Hebrews says these words in reference
05:04 to Noah in chapter 11 and verse 7,
05:33 The events surrounding the life of Noah are a lesson of faith. As we study
05:38 about Noah we will see that Noah moved by faith and trusting in God
05:43 completely. As we live in these last days of earth's history we too can have
05:48 confidence in God. Are you distressed by the news today? Are you feeling
05:53 insecure about the future? We will study the life and Noah and find hope to have
05:59 faith and confidence in God today - because He will take care of us.
06:06 Peter also entreats us to study story of the worldwide flood of Noah's
06:13 day. In 1 Peter 3 and verse 20,
06:37 Noah serves as a reminder of the importance of baptism and the symbolic,
06:42 cleansing and saving powerof baptism by immersion and in his
06:48 second letter, 2 Peter 2 and verse 5,
07:15 Noah also serves as a lesson that is important for today. A day of
07:21 reckoning will come, their will be a judgment of this earth and God will make
07:27 all wrongs right.
07:31 The story of Noah is a literally event, that really happened in history
07:36 that should be studied as a lesson for us. It is a lesson that prepares us
07:42 for the second coming, it is a lesson of faith that we can have confidence in
07:46 God, and it is a lesson that there is a judgment that separates all that is
07:53 right from wrong. So, let's go back to the Bible and read about the story
07:56 of Noah and the flood. Let's go back to Genesis chapter 6, verses 1-8,
09:25 Now before we deal with this entire story, I want to take notice and
09:28 emphasize the very last verse: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the
09:35 Lord. We must remember all throughout this passage that the story of Noah is
09:40 a story of grace. It is the story of the grace of God. The grace of God is
09:47 the very undergirding of the whole story of Noah. What is grace? That would
09:54 probably take an entire show or series of shows to answer fully, but the
09:58 simple answer is this - God's unmerited or undeserved favor toward
10:04 humanity. The story of Noah is the demonstration of God's grace.
10:13 As we just read, the condition of Noah's day was one of great
10:17 depravity. In next weeks program we will study how that happened to humanity
10:22 but today, I want us to look at the very origin of the problems faced in
10:28 Noah's day. Verse 5 says that,
10:54 Do you hear the words being used to describe the conditions of Noah's day?
10:59 Wickedness, evil, corrupt and violence.How could such a condition exist?
11:06 The timing of the story of Noah is just over 1000 years after the creation
11:10 of the earth. The creation was perfect and harmonious, how could it
11:17 now, in such a short time be wicked, evil, corrupt and violent? Well, we need
11:25 to go back in time, back to that garden.that harmonious and perfect
11:30 garden.but something imperfect happened there. In Genesis chapter 3 we
11:40 are introduced to the most heinous villain of all time. We are introduced to
11:45 the archenemy of God and His people, the originator of evil and wickedness. In
11:57 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1, the Bible says,
12:16 Who is this cunning serpent that is introduced into the perfect and
12:21 harmonious garden? Revelation 12:9 tells us specifically who this
12:27 serpent is. We go from that first book of Genesis to the l lt book
12:32 Revelation. Revelation chapter 12 tells us who this cunning serpent is.
12:51 The serpent is the devil or Satan. In order for us to understand the story of
12:56 Noah, we must understand whomthe originator of the evil and wickedness of his
13:03 day. Jesus spoke about the devil in John 8:44 when He said these words,
13:37 The devil is a murderer and the father of lies." Later after writing the
13:42 gospel, John wrote some letter in 1 John 3 he wrote these words about
13:49 the devil,
13:58 The devil has been a sinner from the beginning. A few verses before in
14:02 verse 4 John said this,
14:12 Sin is lawlessness or some versions say sin is the transgression of the law.
14:18 This is breaking the law of God - the ten commandments. The devil is
14:22 the originator of all evil, wrongdoing, wickedness and violence.
14:28 The story of Noah and the problems of society can be traced right to the devil
14:34 himself.
14:37 Some will say, but didn't God make the devil. The answer is no. God doesn't
14:43 create or do evil. God is good, He is love - He never makes anything bad.
14:50 But where did the devil come from then. We need to go a bit further back in
14:55 history. Some time in eternity's past - a being was made that was perfect
15:01 and beautiful. Ezekiel 28 tells the story, listen to these words in Ezekiel
15:15 28:12-15,
16:00 Lucifer was beautiful and perfect in beauty. Lucifer was covered in precious
16:07 stones. The Bible says that he was the anointed or covering cherub. Cherub
16:14 is a specific pe of angel. The covering cherub was an angel that stood
16:20 next to the very throne of God. Lucifer was the highest-ranking angel of
16:25 all of heaven, but something happened. This angel that was perfect
16:31 turned away from his perfection. I didn't finish verse 15. The end
16:38 of verse 15 says this, "Till iniquity was found in you." Iniquity is
16:45 another word for sin. Something happened. Lucifer the perfect angel,
16:52 the one perfect in beauty, the one who served next to the very throne of God
16:58 sinned. What could have happened that a perfect angel would sin? The book
17:07 of Isaiah paints a picture of the situation. In Isaiah 14:12-14, it says,
17:56 The story of Lucifer is tragic really. He was the highest ranking of angels,
18:03 he was perfect, and he had it all. But, he wanted something more. He wanted
18:09 a throne above Gods; He wanted to be the leader of the universe. In fact, He
18:16 wanted to take the place of God. He thought he could do things better. He
18:22 wanted to be in charge. And with such pride, he sinned in his own heart -
18:30 for he wanted to be God. Lucifer was a created being. He couldn't be God,
18:38 because he couldn't be worshipped. Revelation 4:11 tells us why God, why
18:45 Jesus can be worshipped,
19:10 We only worship the creator. The creation worships the creator.
19:16 Lucifer was created, yet he desired the place of God and undoubtedly
19:22 worship.
19:26 The Biblical record of what happened next is not very detailed. Undoubtedly
19:31 God would have labored with Lucifer to change his thoughts and ways. There
19:36 really is no question that Lucifer likely shared his doubts about God with
19:40 other angels around him. And like all matters, at some point, there came a
19:48 day of reckoning. Revelation 12 describes that day of reckoning.
20:21 War in heaven??? How is that possible? It seems that Lucifer through his
20:30 iniquity began to sow seeds of rebellion in heaven. Some of the angels
20:37 listen to him. And then war broke out in heaven. We don't know what kind of
20:42 war it was, but it was clearly over the supremacy of God. Who is supreme?
20:53 Ultimately Lucifer, who had now transformed himself into Satan, the
20:58 great dragon, the devil - ultimately he lost, along with his other angelic
21:03 followers. Earlier the Bible says that it was one third of the angels that
21:09 followed in Satan's rebellion. Finally, their punishment at that point
21:16 was banishment from heaven.
21:20 In order to understand the story of Noah, we need to understand the fall of
21:23 Lucifer. Lucifer was a perfect angel created by God, but he changed - he
21:31 rebelled, he sinned, he wouldn't back off of his position and was banished
21:36 from heaven and will ultimately be destroyed. God didn't make the devil,
21:43 God made a perfect angel that through his selfishness made himself
21:51 the devil. If God had destroyed him immediately, it would have raised
21:57 questions all throughout heaven about God's justice. Instead God has
22:04 allowed the devil to sow his seeds of wickedness that the universe would
22:10 know how evil the devil really is.
22:16 The story of Noah shows us the extent of evil that can develop. We will study
22:23 this further. Until that time, what can we learn from today? There is a
22:28 great war waging. It is behind the scenes. We cannot see it. But it is a
22:33 war between two beings, a war between Christ and Satan. A war for your
22:37 soul. A war asking which master will you serve. Satan is the author of
22:44 evil, wickedness and in justice. It is because of him that bad things happen
22:51 to good people. God loves you. He wants to save you. He wants to take you to
22:58 heaven where there is perfect peace and happiness. Do you want to
23:02 choose to follow Jesus today? Do you want to say today Jesus I only want to
23:09 serve you? If that is your desire, why don't you pray with me? Heavenly Father,
23:17 we desire to serve you. We know we cannot serve two masters. We know that
23:25 there is a war waging over our souls and we want to choose you. And so today
23:30 we come to you and we ask you to enter into our lives that we would serve
23:36 you forever, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
24:05 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! May I ask, "What's in your medicine cabinet?"
24:09 Hopefully, you are eating a wonderful array of vegetables and fruits, as
24:13 they are protective of your good health. When we are eating well of God's
24:17 amazing plant bounty, we can expect to not get sick with colds and flu's as
24:22 often as other people do. But, every once in a while, we might succumb to
24:27 some virus or bacteria that's out there. That's when you need to have
24:31 really helpful, natural remedies on hand. Here are four of my
24:36 recommendations: Activated charcoal has been used for over 3000
24:41 years for health and healing. Made from wood, vegetables, and other
24:45 materials, it is able to attract and bind many harmful substances. It is
24:50 also amazing at filtering toxins. In some poisoning situations, activated
24:56 charcoal is highly beneficial. And then garlic is remarkable for
25:01 its antibacterial and anti-viral properties Feel a cold coming on? Nip
25:06 it in the bud by boiling 2 cloves of garlic in 2 cups of water for around 10
25:10 minutes. Drink this tea throughout the day. Ginger: has proven to be
25:15 very effective in alleviating the unsettling symptoms of motion and sea
25:20 sickness, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold
25:23 sweating. And lemons are famous for their strong antibacterial, antiviral,
25:30 and immune-boosting powers. Here is a recipe that can ease chills and
25:35 fever symptoms: add the juice of 1 lemon to a cup of hot water with honey
25:39 and drink at once, then every 2 hours until the fever or chill subsides. I
25:45 hope you'll add these suggested super heroes to your medicine cabinet,
25:49 along with fruits, vegetables, and especially the dark, leafy greens.
25:53 I'll see you next time!
26:01 >>Chris: Friends, the story of Noah is a story of the great controversy
26:05 between good and evil, a war waging between Christ and Satan. I want to offer
26:11 you a special edition of the magazine Signs of the Times. This magazine
26:16 called The Great Controversy will help increase your
26:21 understanding of this battle waging over your soul. It will be a
26:25 valuable resource for your spiritual library. I'm going to encourage you,
26:32 once you get this magazine, to read this magazine, to study this
26:35 magazine, compare it with scripture, and help it to prepare you. Jesus is
26:41 looking for a people who are prepared to meet him. This magazine, The Great
26:46 Controversy, will help you. Here's the information you need to
26:49 receive today's special offer.
27:28 >>Chris: Friends, I hope you enjoyed today's program. I'd like to
27:31 extend an invitation to you. On May the 31st at 11 a.m., the It Is Written
27:37 team will be in Winnipeg. We will be at the Henderson Highway Seventh
27:41 Day Adventist Church at 1314 Henderson Highway. That day, I'll be giving
27:47 an encouraging message on how we should live in these last days of earth's
27:52 history in preparation for the second coming of Jesus. Now, if you're not
27:58 in Winnipeg or you can't make it to Winnipeg that day, you can go to our
28:02 website, and we'll be live streaming
28:07 the program. I encourage you to watch to be encouraged in these last
28:13 days. Friends, the story of Noah is a story of the great controversy between
28:19 good and evil. And it is a call for us to be faithful and to choose Jesus. I
28:25 hope you'll join us again next week for the program. Until then, remember, it
28:32 is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
28:38 proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:42 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06