It Is Written Canada

The Accountability Factor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Chris Holland


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201316

00:12 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time....
00:15 God's book, The Bible
00:18 Still relevant in today's complex world
00:24 It Is Written
00:25 Sharing messages of hope around the world
00:39 >>Chris: Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a sheep
00:41 and goat? Now, I'm no farmer, I'm a preacher. And I need to be careful
00:45 in giving too much careful analysis to animals that I have worked with very
00:50 little. However, with a little research one would find some noted
00:53 differences. For example, goats are considered browsers .. They nibble at
00:59 their food, which is usually leaves, tender shoots, or other soft
01:03 vegetation; often they just eat the tips. But, sheep on the other hand
01:09 are grazers the feed for hours at a time, eating small portions of food all
01:14 day long. They love clover and grasses and eat it right down to the
01:18 soil.Goats are naturally curious curious creatures, but very independent. On
01:25 the other hand sheep, like to be in the flock. In fact when a sheep is away
01:30 from the flock, they become agitated and upset. One other difference is
01:35 that most goats have hair while sheep have wool Now, I am sure there are
01:40 other differences, but why all of this talk of sheep and goats? We have been
01:44 studying about Hope for a Helpless planet. We have looked at Jesus' reminder
01:50 and warning in Matthew 24 to watch and be ready. And in Matthew 25 we now look
01:57 at the third in a series of three parables that are teaching us how to be
02:02 ready for the return of Jesus. Listen to these words of Jesus in Matthew
02:08 25 verses 31-33,
02:43 This parable uses metaphorical or symbolic language to describe the
02:48 judgment. How will Jesus decide who is and who is not going to heaven. He
02:53 makes the comparison to sheep and goats. The sheep He places on his right
02:59 hand, but the goats on his left. Right at the outset, before any information is
03:05 given, we see a difference. In the Bible, the right hand is a symbol
03:10 of power or favor. The sheep seem to be favored for some reason, but why?
03:16 Jesus gives the answer in verses 34-36,
03:48 Wow, did you hear that. We have had several studies on the joy of going to
03:52 heaven. These sheep, which represent God's true people, are invited into
03:59 the courts of heaven. Sheep are often used to describe God's people in
04:05 the Bible. In John 10 verse 4 Jesus uses the illustration,
04:25 Sheep know the voice of the shepherd, the Shepherd is Jesus. Because the
04:32 sheep know his voice they have acts of kindness, they feed the hungry, they
04:38 provide drink to the thirsty, they provide shelter to the homeless,
04:41 clothing for the naked and comfort and healing for the sick. Do you see what
04:47 is happening here? Jesus is inviting those individuals into heaven
04:51 who have provided acts of kindness.
04:59 Right now, I know what someone is thinking. Wait wait wait. Are you saying
05:05 that people are saved by their works? No not at all. I fully believe the
05:11 words of Ephesians 2:8-9,
05:26 I also believe the words of Paul in Titus 3:5,
05:53 Those who will go to heaven are saved by the grace and mercy of God
05:59 alone. I want you to notice something very interesting though, while
06:06 we are not saved by our works, listen to these words from the book of
06:12 Revelation in chapter 20:13,
06:31 Now wait that seems a little confusing. And I don't want to confuse you
06:36 more but listen to the very words of Jesus in Matthew 16:27,
07:00 Now here is the principle and I want you to listen very carefully. We are
07:05 saved 100% by the grace and mercy of God - it is His gift to us as we make
07:11 a decision to follow Him. But we are judged by our works. How does that work?
07:24 You see, as Jesus enters our life and saves a sinner like me, who
07:28 doesn't deserve His salvation - His grace and mercy makes me worthy.
07:33 Jesus makes my imperfect heart and life perfect. He invites me to come as I
07:41 am, but He doesn't want me to stay that way. He invites me and gives me
07:49 the power to change. As we make a decision to follow Jesus, He cleanses us and
07:56 takes away our sin and the Holy Spirit enters our life. As the Holy Spirit
08:01 enters our life, He begins to change us. How so? In Galatians 5:22-25 it tells
08:18 us,
08:57 As we walk with Jesus and give our life to Him, the Holy Spirit enters our
09:01 life and produces fruit, the fruit of the Spirit. This is why Jesus says in
09:06 Matthew 7:20
09:14 Several years ago I learned the art of grafting trees,
09:17 specifically apple trees. Over the years I have probably tried close to
09:22 100 different varieties of apples. And you know, if I go into an orchard, I am
09:27 pretty good at identifying what is an apple tree and what is a peach tree. But
09:31 you know, I really wouldn't know with absolute certainty until
09:38 those trees produced fruit. And here lies the principle of the Christian
09:45 life, the fruit we bear demonstrates who we are. This is why the Bible can
09:52 say we are saved by the grace of God, but judged by our works. This is why
09:59 Solomon wrote the words of Ecclesiastes 12:14,
10:20 Our works or our actions speak to who we really are. What is that old
10:26 saying.actions speak louder than words. Which is why Jesus further
10:30 emphasized in John 5:29
10:52 The sheep in this parable have done good. But remember our doing good
11:07 isn't putting together some kind of checklist of good deeds where I try and
11:12 try to accumulate enough good deeds to offset the bad deeds. No, we are
11:19 saved by grace and as the grace of Jesus works in us, it changes us to be a
11:24 person who naturally does acts of kindness, because it is the fruit we bear.
11:33 God has changed them so much, that they don't even recognize that they are
11:41 doing these things it comes naturally, Matthew continues in verses 37-40,
12:26 What a beautiful message of hope, those who are being transformed into the
12:31 likeness of Jesus do the works of Jesus and now He invites them home to be
12:37 with him eternally.
12:40 We could stop the teaching right here, but friend, it wouldn't be complete.
12:44 There is another group, those on the left, those who are referred to as
12:50 goats. Their story isn't as bright and is in fact very sad. The words of
12:58 Jesus are almost painful to read, listen in verses 41-46,
14:03 Those on the left hand are judged by the same principle; they are judged
14:07 by their works. But this group has neglected the hungry, ignored the
14:12 thirsty, shunned the homeless, overlooked the naked, and disregarded the
14:18 sick. Interestingly enough - they too didn't know, but for them a different
14:26 reason. They were oblivious to the needs in their community around
14:31 them. They didn't have a life giving relationship with Jesus. These are
14:38 those that are self-centered, they sense no need of Jesus and thus
14:43 don't bear good fruit. But I want you to notice that this group, the lost, they
14:52 don't have to be lost. See there in verse 41 and 46 it describes the
15:00 destination of those who won't go to heaven, it calls it "the everlasting
15:04 fire prepared for the devil and his angels or everlasting punishment."
15:12 This word everlasting describes the permanence of their situation and
15:16 that it can't be undone. But did you notice that hell is prepared for a
15:29 very specific group. Who does the verse say it is prepared for? The devil
15:35 and his angels. Hell is prepared to be the final destination of destruction
15:41 for the devil and his angels. Hell was and is never intended to have one
15:52 human being there, but what happens? In life we have two choices, to
16:00 follow Jesus or to follow our own way. Our own way is ultimately choosing the
16:05 way of Satan - rebellion. The final destruction of hellfire was never
16:10 prepared for humans, but humans cling to their sin so much that they are
16:18 destroyed with their sin, which is destroyed with the devil.
16:28 How sad friends. The reason this is a tragedy, is that it doesn't have to
16:33 be this way. Jesus stretches out his arms and says come to me, come and
16:38 I will offer you life eternal. But there seems to be a whole group that
16:45 seems to be familiar with a theory of religion, but the gospel has effected no
16:51 change in their lives. And there is no fruit. Jesus cries out to us and says
16:59 that He offers salvation for free. Romans 10:13 makes this promise,
17:23 When Jesus calls us, He invites us to come as we are - then He changes us
17:31 that we might bear beautiful fruit. Jesus does wonderful work for us
17:39 and in us. Then that mighty saving power will stir in us dramatic change
17:49 and the Holy Spirit will work in us so that we might produce an abundance
17:53 of good fruit. Those good works that Jesus mentions in the parable. Maybe this
18:03 year you're thinking about going and buying a fruit tree for your back yard.
18:07 Maybe you're going to buy an apple tree. The tag says it's an apple tree,
18:12 it looks like an apple tree and in fact you believe it is an apple
18:16 tree. But here is the reality; you won't really know that it is an apple
18:22 tree until it produces fruit. In the same way, we can confess to be a
18:30 Christian, we can attend church, we can even look the part.but what does the
18:36 fruit say about us. Oh friend it's time. Jesus is coming soon. And He is
18:46 saying watch and be ready. Part of getting ready is to have a real living
18:53 faith that is active and producing good fruit. The fruit we bear doesn't save
18:58 us, it just clarifies who we are and whom we serve. Can you imagine friends,
19:06 what would happen in our communities if each of us watching today took the
19:12 charge of Jesus seriously? Could you imagine what might happen all across
19:18 Canada in the large cities, the small cities, the villages and
19:25 communities? What might happen if every believer in Christ felt compelled
19:32 to look around in his or her communities and provide for the needs that
19:38 exist there?
19:42 Friend do you sense Jesus calling you today? Do you sense Jesus appealing for
19:47 you to enter into a serious and committed relationship with Him
19:51 today? Maybe you feel overwhelmed because you think you are just to far
19:57 away. Jesus calls and says not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the
20:06 Lord. We can't change ourselves by simply digging our heals in and
20:10 trying harder. But we give our life to Jesus and He changes us. Do you want to
20:17 invite Jesus into your heart today? Do you want to recommit yourself to
20:22 Him today? Do you want to clasp His hand in faith and say Jesus save me and
20:31 make me a fruit bearer so I am prepared for your kingdom? Today, I invite
20:43 you to look to Jesus. And as you listen to this song, Do they see Jesus in
20:49 Me, I would encourage you to pray and ask Jesus to come in and change, that
21:01 others around you might see Jesus in you.
21:15 Is the face that I see in the mirror
21:22 The one I want others to see?
21:29 Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
21:36 The love that You've given to me?
21:44 My heart's desire is to be like You
21:50 In all that I do, all I am
21:58 Do they see Jesus in me?
22:05 Do they recognize Your face?
22:11 Do I communicate Your love and Your grace?
22:23 Do I reflect who You are
22:29 In the way I choose to be?
22:35 Do they see Jesus, Jesus in me?
22:55 Well, it's amazing that you'd ever use me
23:01 But use me the way You will
23:06 Help me to hold out a heart of compassion and grace
23:13 A heart that your spirit fills
23:19 May I show forgiveness and mercy
23:25 The same way You've shown it to me
23:33 Do they see Jesus in me?
23:39 Do they recognize Your face?
23:45 Do I communicate Your love and Your grace?
23:57 Do I reflect who You are
24:03 In the way I choose to be?
24:09 Do they see Jesus, Jesus in me?
24:22 Well, I want to show all the world who You are
24:29 The reason I live and breathe
24:34 So You'll be the One that they see
24:39 When they see me
24:45 Do they see Jesus in me?
24:51 Do they recognize Your face?
24:57 Do I communicate Your love and Your grace?
25:08 Do I reflect who You are
25:14 In the way I choose to be?
25:21 Do they see Jesus, Jesus in me?
25:50 >>Chris: Let's pray. Oh Father in heaven we know we are far short of the
25:56 standard that you have set up. We need you, we want to reflect you. We want
26:03 people to see your son Jesus in us. Today we give our hearts and lives to
26:07 you. Please change us into your likeness. We pray in Jesus name. Amen
26:32 Friend, I hope and pray that you are sensing Jesus' call to enter into
26:36 a deeper relationship with him. Today's program is only one in a series of
26:41 eight, "Hope for a Helpless Planet." Today, we want to offer you as a
26:46 resource in your spiritual library the whole DVD set of "Hope for a Helpless
26:51 Planet." Here's the information you need to get that DVD set.
27:58 <<Chris: Thank you so much for watching. I hope that you sense Jesus calling
28:03 you into a deeper relationship with him. I want to invite you to our
28:07 website,, or to our youtube channel,
28:10 There you can find resources to deepen your
28:18 relationship with Jesus. I hope that you'll join us again next week. Until
28:24 then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but
28:29 by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:35 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06