Participants: Chris Holland
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201315
00:11 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time....
00:14 God's book, The Bible 00:18 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:24 It Is Written 00:26 Sharing messages of hope around the world 00:38 >>Chris: A Northern California couple by the name of John and Mary were 00:41 on their daily walk with their dog, they had taken that same route for their 00:46 walk for years. As they walked along their property they noticed 00:49 something sticking out of the ground. It looked like a rusty can, but they 00:54 weren't sure. They hadn't noticed it before, but today they saw it and it 00:57 intrigued them. They began to dig around the object and eventually unearthed 8 01:03 rusty cans. While that may not seem much of a find, it was the contents of 01:09 those metal cans that was truly amazing. What they found might well be the 01:14 greatest buried treasures ever found in the United States. They found a cache 01:19 of 1400 rare 19th century coins and it is estimated to be worth more than $10 01:26 million US dollars. No one knows exactly how they got there. Some had thought it 01:32 was money from a bank robbery. However, that theory has been proven 01:35 false. It's seems that someone just buried these coins and died before they 01:41 let anyone know where they were. 01:45 Is it possible that we are sitting on a buried treasure? Could it be that 01:49 this "pot of gold" as it was, could teach us a lesson in how we might be 01:54 ready for the return of Jesus? In Matthew 25 there are three parables, each 01:59 of these parables demonstrating the answer to Jesus' call to watch 02:04 and be ready from Matthew 24. Today, we look at the second of those parables. 02:10 In Matthew 25 beginning in verse 14 it says these words, 02:34 The KJV and the NKJV use the phrase, "kingdom of heaven " now notice it is 02:44 in italics. What that simply means, is that in the original Greek these 02:49 words don't actually appear. What the translators have done is 02:54 inserted these words to clarify the meaning. Newer versions of the Bible use 02:58 the word it. This is in fact what the original Greek text uses. Why make 03:04 such a big deal about such a small issue. By using the word it, Jesus is 03:12 drawing us back to the parable just previous to this parable. In a 03:18 previous program we studied verses 1-13 and saw that Jesus is talking 03:21 about the kingdom of God in the parable of the ten virgins. This is important 03:26 to note because Jesus, by using the word "it", points us back to this 03:32 first parable, which discusses our personal readiness and 03:36 accountability. All three parables are connected; in fact they are all 03:41 connected to Jesus' words of Matthew 24. This is not just a series of 03:47 individual counsels strung together. Jesus wants us to be clear in 03:52 understanding the factors related to our being ready for His return. 04:01 As we look at this parable - and remember parables are stories that are often 04:05 metaphorical or symbolic in nature - in this parable the master going 04:10 on a journey is representative of Jesus Christ and is a reference 04:14 to His departure and soon return. Let's continue with the parable, in verse 04:20 15: 04:33 As we analyze what this parable is saying, we look deeper into some of the 04:38 words, so we might better understand. The word ability is the Greek word 04:43 Dunamis. It means strength or power. In the KJV, it is often translated as 04:50 "mighty works." However, when dunamis is used it is often used in association 04:56 with God's power and His strength, especially the power of the Holy Spirit. 05:02 This gives us the sense that although these servants have been given 05:05 according to their personal ability, that these abilities themselves 05:09 are a God-given attributes 05:13 The master gave them talents, according to their ability. The talent 05:17 in New Testament times was both a weight of measure and a coin. Here in this 05:24 parable, as we will see in just a moment, there is no question that it is 05:28 referring to the coin. And just to help us in our understanding of the 05:33 parable, the value of such coin in today's money would be worth 05:38 approximately $4700.00. However, our concern should be the value of a 05:43 talent in New Testament times. Please follow me we're going to do just a 05:47 little math. In the New Testament what is the daily wage? In Matthew 05:55 20:2 it talks about a day's wage being one penny or denarius. The talent, 06:10 in New Testament times, was worth about 6,000 denarii. If we figure 300 06:15 working days per year, for weekends and the such, that means that the slave 06:21 who received only one talent received almost 20 years worth of wages. To 06:28 the one who received two almost 40 years worth of wages and to the one who 06:34 received five, almost 100 years worth of wages. Friends, this was no small 06:42 sum of money. Just one talent was of significant value. 06:49 As we journey through this parable, we will see that the talent is symbolic of 06:54 the skills and abilities God has given us to grow His kingdom. After giving 06:59 each of the servants their talents, the master leaves for a journey. The point 07:04 that is very clear as we begin this passage is that: Everyone is given 07:10 some gift or skill in accordance with his ability- which was given 07:15 by God for expanding His kingdom Let's get further into the parable Verses 07:20 16-18 07:46 Here we draw another point, it seems clear that: There is an 07:50 expectation that we are to utilize the gift or gifts given to us by God. In 07:55 verse 16 it simply says, "then", in more modern versions it says 08:01 "immediately." The Greek literally says that he went without delay. The 08:08 one who received the five talents immediately utilized those gifts and 08:12 the passage says the one with two did likewise. The passage also says, "he 08:19 traded" with them. Quite literally it means he invested them, made them 08:24 work for him. Although the text does not plainly indicate instructions from 08:29 the master, these first two servants knew that these talents were to be 08:33 put to use. They were to be taken to the marketplace and profited 08:37 on. However, the third slave does something very interesting, he goes, digs 08:44 a hole and hides the money in the ground. He does nothing with the talents 08:51 but rather stores them up. The parable continues in verse 19 09:48 The passage begins by referring to the master returning to settle 09:52 accounts. The King James says he reckoneth. The idea, clearly being 09:59 conveyed is that of settling accounts. The master came to see how 10:05 they used what he had given them. But verse 24 tells us about the servant 10:11 who received one talent, 11:21 The third key point or principle from this text is that a part of the 11:24 judgment of God will be based upon how we utilized our gifts. But the promise 11:29 of hope is that the joy of the Lord awaits those who obey and use their gifts. 11:35 And there is no difference from the one who received 5 or 2. They received the 11:38 same reward. Friends, as we look for hope in this helpless and hopeless 11:43 world - God has places us to be a beacon of hope in this dark place He's given 11:50 us each gifts. Maybe its money - how are we blessing the world around 11:59 us with this gift from God? Maybe He's given the ability to cook or bake, 12:03 what are we doing with that ability given by God to bless the world. How 12:09 about something as simple as time - what are we doing with our time to 12:16 bless those around us? Jesus has a wonderful place of hope prepared for 12:24 us. He wants you to be there, but He desires those around you to be 12:29 there. How are you using the gifts, talents and abilities to prepare those 12:36 around you for the second coming of Jesus? Today friend, do you want to 12:40 offer your life to Jesus. Do you want to offer your life for His glory and to 12:44 expand His kingdom? Do you want to be used as a tool to bring hope to this 12:49 helpless and hopeless planet? Why don't you listen to this song, Lord 12:55 I Offer my Life to You, and as you hear the song, why don't you say in your 13:01 own heart, "Lord, I offer my life to you"? 13:09 All that I am, all that I have 13:16 I lay them down before you, oh Lord 13:22 All my regrets, all my acclaims 13:28 The joy and the pain, I'm making them yours 13:37 Lord, I offer my life to you 13:41 Everything I've been through 13:46 Use it for your glory 13:49 Lord I offer my days to you 13:54 Lifting my praise to you 13:59 As a pleasing sacrifice 14:05 Lord I offer you my life 14:15 Things in the past, things yet unseen 14:21 Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true 14:27 All of my hopes and all of my plans 14:34 My heart and my hands are lifted to you 14:44 Lord, I offer my life to you 14:49 Everything I've been through 14:54 Use it for your glory 14:57 Lord I offer my days to you 15:02 Lifting my praise to you 15:06 As a pleasing sacrifice 15:12 Lord I offer you my life 15:19 Lord I offer you my life 15:33 My life 15:41 >>Chris: Lord, I offer my life to you. Is that the prayer of your heart 15:46 today? Jesus is looking for a people who receive his Word, who are filled 15:53 with his Word, who are filled with the Holy Spirit. But then in turn, 15:58 they bless others and they give. Notice what James chapter 1 and verse 22 16:07 says. James chapter 1 and verse 22. 16:30 Did you hear those words? Jesus is calling us to not just be receivers or 16:36 hearers of the Word, but also to be doers. People who receive the Word. 16:41 don't misunderstand what I'm saying, by the way. Reading the scripture, 16:46 hearing the scripture, is of utmost importance to the Christian, because as 16:52 we read the scripture, it shows us the way of salvation. It is our 16:55 roadmap. But as we read the scriptures, it should lead us to do something, 17:01 to take action. You know, there's that old saying, "Actions speak louder than 17:06 words." That's what Jesus is looking for. People of action. People who have 17:12 received from Jesus through his Word, but then they act upon their faith. 17:18 There was a book recently written entitled Unchristian. And the book 17:25 studied people who are not Christians and their attitudes toward 17:29 Christians and toward Christianity. What did they find? They found that 17:35 many people saw great hypocrisy. People who proclaimed one thing but 17:42 did another. How do we change that? There was a man who once wrote that 17:49 the strongest argument against Christianity is Christians. Their lack of 17:55 joy, their lack of hope, their lack of action. But that same man wrote that 18:01 the strongest argument for Christianity is Christians. Christians who 18:09 act upon their faith. The counsel of the Word is that we need to be both 18:14 hearers and doers. Have you offered your life to Jesus and said, "Jesus, I 18:24 want to be a doer, not just a hearer of your Word"? How do your 18:31 neighbours think of you? How do your coworkers think of you? How does the 18:36 young lady at the grocery store or the young man at the grocery store who is 18:40 serving you, what do they think of you? How do they feel about you? Is it 18:48 possible, friend, that our actions do speak louder than our words and that 18:54 our actions are saying that we really don't have Jesus fully in our life? 19:01 Jesus is calling today. And he's saying, "I've given you talents. I've 19:08 given you gifts. I've given you abilities. And I've given each of those 19:11 so that you might bless the world around you." Today, friend, do you want 19:18 to offer your life to Jesus? Let's pray Heavenly father, we come, 19:25 we offer our life to you. Help us to be doers and not just hearers of your 19:32 word. This is our prayer in Jesus' name. 20:11 Hi, everyone. I think we all know that it's important for us to stay 20:14 active, and yet, research shows that perhaps only around 20% of the 20:18 population makes a conscious effort to keep physically fit. Well, 20:23 today, I've got a surprise for you in the form of physiotherapist Andrew 20:28 Conroy who is here with me, and he's going to share some insights about 20:32 the importance of keeping physically active. Andrew, welcome. ANDREW: Thanks 20:37 for having me, Bev. BEV: Absolutely. Andrew, there are a lot of reasons 20:40 why people don't stay physically fit. What's so important about exercise? 20:45 ANDREW: Well, our bodies are made to move, Bev. And when we do move regularly, 20:49 our heart improves, it becomes a more powerful pump; we retain the 20:53 minerals in our skeletal structure so that we don't have weakening of the 20:57 bones; we'll see our blood pressure profile drop and improve; we'll see 21:01 cholesterol levels improve as well. Mood can improve and our stress levels can 21:06 be dropped. And some of the troublesome enzymes that run through our 21:10 system can be improved upon as we walk regularly. So overall, we're going to 21:14 feel more energized and just see some of that stress drop out of our 21:18 lives. BEV: Fantastic. You mentioned walking. Walking is an excellent way for 21:23 people to keep physically fit. What are some of the benefits of just walking? 21:27 ANDREW: Some of the benefits. Well, first of all, it's a benefit to 21:31 all. It's available to all. It's cheap start-up. You can slot it into any 21:35 part of your day without using up too much time in these pressure-packed days 21:40 that we live in. So walking is just the perfect undertaking for 21:43 anyone that has perhaps not exercised regularly for a while, and led a 21:50 sedentary life. BEV: That's true. So starting small with the 21:54 walking. ANDREW: Right, right. BEV: Talking about what we wear when we're 21:57 walking. Outerwear, shoes. ANDREW: Okay. well, I'll start with clothing. You 22:03 know, a common choice is cotton t-shirts, and there is a problem with that: 22:08 when cotton becomes damp, it becomes cold and loses its insulating properties. 22:13 So a lot of products on the market these days include COOLMAX-type 22:18 synthetic clothing which wicks sweat away, and we've all heard of that. 22:22 So they make great undergarments. Up against that in a middle layer, we 22:26 could choose a fleece, which would keep us nicely insulated as the 22:29 temperatures drop. And finally, a shell for when the days are windier. And 22:33 of course, gloves or head protection if the temperatures really come 22:38 down. BEV: Right. I've heard there's a saying, "There's no inclement 22:40 weather; there's only bad clothing." ANDREW: Well, correct. BEV: Let's talk 22:44 about running shoes or walking shoes. ANDREW Right. BEV: You've got 22:47 one to show us? ANDREW: I did bring one along. And you make an interesting 22:50 point, Bev. A running shoe does not work so well as a walking shoe. BEV: Right, 22:54 and I've got a running shoe on. ANDREW: That's correct. The high heel 22:57 counter of a running shoe tends to cause the foot to slap down and cause 23:01 fatigue in the front of the shin muscles here. What you're looking for in 23:07 a walking shoe is a flexible midsole, just where your foot happens to 23:13 bend naturally as well. You're looking for a little twist and an 23:16 ability to twist, which is also part of the natural walking pattern. You're 23:21 looking for a nice wide toe box with a little bit of height so that your 23:25 feet can move within that just comfortably. You know, one tip is when 23:29 you're going to get some walking shoes, go beyond about midday and 23:34 afterwards when you've been up on your feet. Your feet will spread and swell 23:37 a little bit so you will find that you will get a better fit if you're 23:40 buying a shoe later in the day. And do make sure that you take the sort of socks 23:45 that you're going to wear in that shoe. Thicker socks should be worn at 23:50 the time of purchase so that you just make sure you get that comfortable 23:53 and perfect fit that you're going to need. BEV: Right. And if you 23:56 wear orthotics, should your orthotics go in there? ANDREW: Orthotics 23:59 can go in there as well. It is good, then, to buy a shoe that has a removable 24:03 insert at first. If you try and put your orthotics on top of a pre-existing 24:08 insert, you'll often find they won't fit and your foot will bind. So make 24:14 sure that the initial, original insert does come out first. BEV: Okay, 24:18 fantastic. Really quickly, stretching. Yes or no? It's a good thing to do? 24:22 ANDREW: Stretching is a great thing to do. I am particularly in favour of 24:26 stretching after. The muscles have been warmed up, they've been 24:29 exercised, and that's when they will tighten up, after an exercise. So I 24:33 would recommend a nice warm-up, just gradually picking up your speed 24:38 during the walk, but the stretching comes after. And that will avoid any 24:41 post-exercise stiffness or soreness. BEV: All right. So show us some good 24:46 walking form. What do we need to be aware of when we're walking? 24:50 ANDREW: You'd think it would be straightforward, but there's some common 24:52 errors. The first thing I would be looking for, if you can just face this 24:57 way. I would be looking for head position. It is the most critical thing. 25:00 Whatever your head does, the rest of your body will follow. So we're looking 25:03 for a nice upright head position. Always think of keeping the chin parallel 25:08 to the floor. When you are watching where you're going, your eyes can 25:12 swivel and look several feet ahead. You want to keep the chest bone up 25:15 here, slightly elevated, so you're standing up nice and tall. Arm position is 25:21 going to swing forwards and backwards, up to about chest height. A common 25:25 error, Bev, is to come up too high with the swing. It will actually slow your 25:29 style down and throw off a smooth walking pattern. And the final thing I 25:36 would say, and a common mistake, is overstepping. It will actually slow you 25:41 down and now you have to pole-vault over a leg that's been stretched out 25:46 far away. So don't stretch too far ahead, goose-stepping, as we call 25:51 it. BEV: So just a small step, kind of thing. ANDREW: Smaller, more 25:55 rapid steps are far better. BEV: All right, fantastic. Just briefly, 25:58 eating pre- and post-? ANDREW: You know, walking is an endurance exercise. 26:04 You're going to need some fuel. Ideally, 30 to 60, perhaps 90 minutes before, 26:09 take on some carbohydrates, perhaps some juice, a banana is 26:13 ideal, perhaps a low-fat bagel or a low-fat yogurt, just to have some fuel 26:18 reserve so that you don't run out of energy midway through the exercise and 26:22 have to shorten your exercise. The other thing is, if you overeat too 26:25 soon, you're going to feel uncomfortable. Your diaphragm can't drop and 26:28 you can't breathe easily. BEV: Wow, okay, fantastic. Andrew, thank you for 26:32 those helpful tips. And I hope you will be encouraged to work some 26:36 physical activity into your everyday living. Andrew says it's 26:39 important. I'll see you next time. 26:48 >>Chris: Friend, I hope and pray that as Jesus has been compelling you to 26:52 live a life for him, that today, you've felt the urgency, not just to 26:56 receive from Jesus, but also to share, to be a doer of the Word, to use 27:02 your talents and gifts, abilities for him. We want to offer you the Discover 27:06 Bible series. These Discover Bible school lessons will help you to 27:10 grow in your faith with Jesus and help you to become a doer and not just 27:15 a hearer of the Word. Here's the information you need to get those lessons. 28:03 >>Chris: Friends, thank you so much for watching. I want to encourage you as 28:06 you want to grow your spiritual life to go to, and 28:11 there you'll find a number of resources to help you in your spiritual life. I 28:15 also would encourage you to go to y o 28:21 There you'll find archives of our shows. I hope and pray that you'll join us 28:26 again next week. Until then, remember, it is written: "Man shall not 28:31 live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 28:36 God." 28:40 $$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2015-02-06