>>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.... 00:00:11.50\00:00:14.40 God's book, The Bible 00:00:14.76\00:00:17.50 Still relevant in today's complex world 00:00:18.66\00:00:22.00 It Is Written 00:00:22.93\00:00:25.80 Sharing messages of hope around the world 00:00:26.46\00:00:30.86 >>Chris: Have you ever been waiting for or anticipating 00:00:39.00\00:00:42.20 something, then because of some type of delay, you became distracted and weren't 00:00:42.20\00:00:45.50 ready anymore? I remember during my childhood that I loved to go 00:00:45.50\00:00:51.03 camping, it was always the highlight of our summer. Frequently, when I knew that the 00:00:51.03\00:00:55.03 day had come for us to leave for our camping trip, I would be up 00:00:55.03\00:00:58.86 early and rey to go. But then the waiting would begin. My mom would have to put the 00:00:58.86\00:01:03.96 finishing touches on getting the camper loaded, we would have to 00:01:03.96\00:01:07.26 wait for my dad to come home from work. I remember one particular occasion that 00:01:07.26\00:01:12.56 we were going to go to Copper Harbor Michigan. I believe it 00:01:12.56\00:01:16.86 was a Friday, I was ready, early in the morning to make that trip. But, there were delays, 00:01:16.86\00:01:22.00 but I was anxious to go and asked my mom, several times - is 00:01:22.00\00:01:27.46 it time to go yet! But as the day wore on, I began to be distracted. I started 00:01:27.46\00:01:32.60 playing with toys, no longer as anxious as before. Then before 00:01:32.60\00:01:39.66 you knew it, it was time to go, but now I was the one who wasn't 00:01:39.66\00:01:46.40 ready. I had toys to put away to get ready. Could it be friends that many of us, as we 00:01:46.40\00:01:54.13 have been waiting for Jesus, have drifted in our commitment 00:01:54.13\00:01:58.43 to be ready for His return? In Matthew 24:42-44, Jesus said 00:01:58.43\00:02:13.26 these words, Those two keys, watch and be ready. In Matthew 24 Jesus gave signs of His 00:02:39.33\00:02:51.33 return - this is what we are to watch for. We have had two 00:02:51.33\00:02:56.80 programs on those signs in the programs Signs of Hope Part 1 and 2 - If you missed them, you 00:02:56.80\00:03:02.23 can log on to our website "www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca and view those programs in 00:03:02.23\00:03:07.56 our program archive. But in Matthew 25 Jesus gave a series 00:03:07.56\00:03:13.33 of three parables whose main point is to teach how to be ready. Today we will study the 00:03:13.33\00:03:21.63 first of those three parables, let's read the parable in 00:03:21.63\00:03:36.03 Matthew 25:1-13 As we look at the text, Jesus begins in verse one by saying, "Then the 00:04:51.33\00:04:55.16 kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went 00:04:55.16\00:04:59.40 out to meet the bridegroom." Jesus likens the kingdom of 00:04:59.40\00:05:03.40 heaven to ten virgins or bridesmaids, if you are looking 00:05:03.40\00:05:06.66 at a different translation. Jesus points out, in this first verse, the three important 00:05:06.66\00:05:12.70 elements of this parable: the ten virgins, their lamps, and 00:05:12.70\00:05:20.46 the bridegroom. Jesus used imagery that was familiar to his disciples. He used the 00:05:20.46\00:05:25.93 Eastern custom of a wedding. In that custom, the groom or 00:05:25.93\00:05:31.36 bridegroom would go forth from his house and with him some of the wedding party. Along 00:05:31.36\00:05:38.00 the way they would pick up various participants in the wedding and finally 00:05:38.00\00:05:43.23 they would arrive at the father of the bride's home. It is here 00:05:43.23\00:05:48.20 where he would pick up his bride and then return to his home for 00:05:48.20\00:05:53.23 a wedding feast. These ten virgins, in the parable, are all a part of the wedding party, and 00:05:53.23\00:05:59.80 are awaiting the bridegroom. Christ is represented as the bridegroom, in this 00:05:59.80\00:06:05.66 parable. The people He comes for are represented by the virgins. 00:06:05.66\00:06:11.10 We are those virgins. Why does the parable call them virgins. A 00:06:11.10\00:06:17.16 virgin is pure and in this parable this represents a faith that is pure and unadulterated. 00:06:17.16\00:06:23.63 Each of them has a lamp, no doubt this is a reference to the 00:06:23.63\00:06:29.80 word of God. In Psalm 119:105 the Bible says, 00:06:29.80\00:06:34.70 These ten virgins are awaiting the coming bridegroom and at 00:06:41.10\00:06:45.73 first glance the ten virgins seem to be equal, but in verse two the text reveals 00:06:45.73\00:06:52.66 a different story. 00:06:52.66\00:06:54.80 Jesus now divides these ten virgins into two classes. Five 00:07:11.60\00:07:16.23 were wise and five were foolish. In the original the word wise 00:07:16.23\00:07:21.33 literally means intelligent, prudent, sensible and mindful of one's interests. And the 00:07:21.33\00:07:27.60 word foolish in the original, means to be full of folly, 00:07:27.60\00:07:31.23 impious, godless, and stupid. Jesus divides the group in two, those that are wise, 00:07:31.23\00:07:38.06 intelligent, and prudent and then those that are foolish, 00:07:38.06\00:07:43.83 full of folly, and impious. Verse 3 reveals the key characteristic of the 00:07:43.83\00:07:49.16 foolish, they take no oil with them, but the wise take oil with 00:07:49.16\00:07:56.80 them. Why is this distinction important? 00:07:56.80\00:08:01.20 In that time, lamps didn't work like they work today. A lamp resembled more of a 00:08:02.30\00:08:06.86 bowl than a lamp. And if you can picture in your mind a bowl, and 00:08:06.86\00:08:11.63 the brim was pinched at one point to make like a spout. Into that spout a wick was 00:08:11.63\00:08:19.56 inserted that would draw up the olive to fuel the flame. Lamps 00:08:19.56\00:08:25.26 were kept burning day and night in ancient times, for the lamps 00:08:25.26\00:08:31.06 served not only to give light but also to keep fire at hand. The lamp of Jesus' time would 00:08:31.06\00:08:37.83 be comparable to today's flashlight. Just like a lamp 00:08:37.83\00:08:43.46 needed oil, a flashlight needs batteries. And in Jesus' time if 00:08:43.46\00:08:49.73 you didn't have any oil, you didn't have any light. Throughout scripture oil is used 00:08:49.73\00:08:55.93 symbolically, especially olive oil, as a symbol of the Holy 00:08:55.93\00:09:03.26 Spirit. Here in this parable, Jesus has made it very clear that all ten virgins have a 00:09:03.26\00:09:07.60 pure faith and each of them has the lamp of the word of God, but 00:09:07.60\00:09:13.36 only five of them have the fuel of the Holy Spirit. Friends, having a head knowledge of 00:09:13.36\00:09:19.53 the word of God is not enough. In this parable, Jesus teaches 00:09:19.53\00:09:24.76 that a head knowledge of the word without the oil of the Holy 00:09:24.76\00:09:30.30 Spirit is just foolishness and folly. However this story reveals that despite their 00:09:30.30\00:09:35.56 differences these two groups resemble more than one might 00:09:35.56\00:09:42.96 think. The Bible states that the bridegroom was delayed and then all of them slumbered 00:09:42.96\00:09:48.60 and slept. Both the wise and foolish They slumbered, they 00:09:48.60\00:09:54.60 became careless and began to nod off and became drowsy. Then they 00:09:54.60\00:10:02.46 slept. The word for slept is the same word used to refer to death This was a deep sleep. 00:10:02.46\00:10:09.73 They were no longer watching, they were no longer ready, they 00:10:09.73\00:10:13.23 were no longer paying attention, they were sleeping as if they 00:10:13.23\00:10:19.60 were dead. Are you struggling today with your relationship with Jesus. Does it seem 00:10:20.53\00:10:23.70 to you that your religious experience is almost dead There 00:10:23.70\00:10:29.13 is hope. Listen to the remainder of this parable. The parable comes to a conclusion and in 00:10:29.13\00:10:34.46 verse 6 the parable says, 00:10:34.46\00:10:38.13 In the original language it says literally says in the middle of 00:11:20.10\00:11:28.26 the night. At the deepest and darkest hour of the night a cry goes forth. The bridegroom 00:11:28.26\00:11:34.86 is coming now go out to meet him. I picture in my own mind 00:11:34.86\00:11:40.26 the surprise of the virgins. Do you remember a time where you were startled out of a 00:11:40.26\00:11:46.03 deep, slumbering sleep. These virgins are having that same 00:11:46.03\00:11:51.30 experience. Bewildered and groggy they get up and trim their lamps. They took the burnt 00:11:51.30\00:11:56.03 portions of the wick and they cut it off and then replenish 00:11:56.03\00:12:00.13 their supply of oil. But at this point that the foolish realize that they have no oil and 00:12:00.13\00:12:07.33 so they ask the wise for some of theirs. And this request is 00:12:07.33\00:12:13.30 denied. This may seem selfish, but friends it is not selfish, it emphasizes the point 00:12:13.30\00:12:17.73 that we cannot be responsible for someone else's salvation nor 00:12:17.73\00:12:22.13 can someone be responsible for ours. We can show someone to Christ, we can show 00:12:22.13\00:12:28.10 them His ways and we can demonstrate what a living faith looks like, but each 00:12:28.10\00:12:33.73 individual is responsible for their own salvation This is why 00:12:33.73\00:12:41.03 Paul says in Philippians 2:12, 00:12:41.03\00:12:53.83 Only we can take responsibility for our own salvation. This is a 00:13:05.33\00:13:09.13 key point of the passage today - we, individually, must be ready 00:13:09.13\00:13:14.90 for the return of Christ. We must take responsibility for being ready. I would like 00:13:14.90\00:13:19.36 reflect even further on these few texts. Friends this passage 00:13:19.36\00:13:24.00 we are studying today is direct counsel to those who claim to be 00:13:24.00\00:13:30.93 God's people. But most troubling is that all of them fell asleep. This parable is a call for 00:13:30.93\00:13:39.13 God's people to wake up. I have to wonder how this parable would 00:13:39.13\00:13:44.53 have played out if the wise would have stayed awake. They could have warned the foolish. 00:13:44.53\00:13:51.80 Friends, while this passage emphasizes personal 00:13:55.83\00:13:58.90 responsibility, it also is a call to wake up. This passage has and ending that is very 00:13:58.90\00:14:04.56 disappointing but abundantly clear. There will be a time when 00:14:04.56\00:14:10.33 it is too late to make a decision to follow Jesus The foolish virgins had 00:14:10.33\00:14:14.60 the knowledge where to go to get the oil, but they did not 00:14:14.60\00:14:20.20 utilize that knowledge until it was too late. And as they try to get into the banquet at a 00:14:20.20\00:14:25.56 late arrival, they here the most disappointing words anyone could 00:14:25.56\00:14:31.76 every hear. Jesus, the bridegroom, says to them - I never knew you. Friends 00:14:31.76\00:14:39.36 another point of this passage is that time will eventually run 00:14:39.36\00:14:46.83 out for people to make a decision and there is no second chance for that decision. 00:14:46.83\00:14:54.23 The last verse of this passage gives us our last point. Verse 00:14:54.23\00:15:03.80 13 says This passage advises us to be spiritually awake, and to 00:15:11.86\00:15:16.13 be in a state of constant readiness. The only difference between the foolish and the wise 00:15:16.13\00:15:22.33 is that the wise had an intent desire to do all that is within 00:15:22.33\00:15:27.83 their power to be ready for the coming of the bridegroom. And because of that they find 00:15:27.83\00:15:32.60 themselves receiving the reward of the promise Preparedness, 00:15:32.60\00:15:39.03 friends, is the key. This parable outlines how we are to be ready for the return of 00:15:39.03\00:15:43.46 Jesus. It gives us hope in this helpless and hopeless planet. It 00:15:43.46\00:15:49.23 calls upon us to have that lamp, the word of God, the Bible and to be filled with the Holy 00:15:49.23\00:15:56.33 Spirit. To take personal responsibility for spiritual 00:15:56.33\00:16:02.50 life. It's time to wake up. We need to stop just going through the motions. We must wake 00:16:02.50\00:16:06.70 up and get our spiritual house in order. We must realize that 00:16:06.70\00:16:12.93 time will eventually run out. We need to wake up now and stay awake. Is that your 00:16:12.93\00:16:18.16 desire today. Do you want to have a living relationship with 00:16:18.16\00:16:23.40 Jesus and be in a constant state of readiness for His return. He 00:16:23.40\00:16:28.33 is coming friends. He is coming to take those home, who are ready Do you want to be 00:16:28.33\00:16:38.66 ready? John 6:37 says of Jesus, 00:16:38.66\00:16:49.43 Jesus doesn't reject anyone. Today let's come to Jesus commit 00:16:58.06\00:17:05.70 to a life of reading the scripture, being filled with the Holy Spirit and being ready to 00:17:05.70\00:17:11.23 meet Him. I want you to listen now to this song, Seekers of 00:17:11.23\00:17:19.80 Your Heart. And today, as you listen to that song, may you pray that you would become a 00:17:19.80\00:17:25.90 seeker of the heart of Jesus. 00:17:25.90\00:17:29.26 Until we give You first place 00:17:35.66\00:17:42.53 Until we let You begin 00:17:43.03\00:17:49.43 To fill us with your spirit 00:17:50.13\00:17:56.16 Renew us from within 00:17:56.60\00:18:04.23 Nothing matters 00:18:05.06\00:18:11.56 Nothing's gained 00:18:11.90\00:18:16.90 Without your Holy presence 00:18:17.30\00:18:24.30 Our lives are lived in vain 00:18:24.70\00:18:31.26 Lord we want to know You 00:18:31.70\00:18:38.13 Live our lives to show You 00:18:38.53\00:18:44.96 All the love we owe You 00:18:45.36\00:18:52.06 We're seekers of your heart 00:18:52.46\00:19:03.66 Because your heart was broken 00:19:04.16\00:19:10.70 Because You saw the need 00:19:11.06\00:19:17.93 Because You gave so freely 00:19:19.43\00:19:24.73 Because of Calvary 00:19:25.10\00:19:31.66 We can now be called 00:19:33.36\00:19:40.13 Called your own 00:19:40.43\00:19:45.06 Completed creations 00:19:45.40\00:19:52.20 Filled with You alone 00:19:52.66\00:19:59.53 Lord we want to know You 00:19:59.90\00:20:06.53 Live our lives to show You 00:20:06.93\00:20:13.36 All the love we owe You 00:20:13.86\00:20:20.33 We're seekers of Your heart 00:20:20.66\00:20:27.70 Lord we want to know You 00:20:28.10\00:20:34.73 Live our lives to show You 00:20:35.10\00:20:41.56 All the love we owe You 00:20:41.90\00:20:48.40 We're seekers of your heart 00:20:48.80\00:20:57.40 We're seeking your heart, oh Lord 00:20:57.93\00:21:03.70 We're seeking your heart, oh Lord 00:21:04.40\00:21:10.80 Show us your face, oh Lord 00:21:11.16\00:21:18.43 Lord, we adore you, oh Lord 00:21:19.26\00:21:34.73 >>Chris: Lets Pray Dear Father in heaven, we come to you today. 00:21:36.73\00:21:43.46 We are sorry, that like those ten virgins we have slept and slumbered, but we want to 00:21:43.46\00:21:50.33 be awake, we want to be ready. Today Lord give us the strength 00:21:50.33\00:21:56.80 to leave everything els aside and focus completely on you. We have been distracted. 00:21:56.80\00:22:03.33 Today we come to your son Jesus, who has promised that He won't 00:22:03.33\00:22:08.56 turn us away. As we give our lives to Him, help us to be ready We pray in Jesus 00:22:08.56\00:22:16.13 name, Amen. 00:22:16.13\00:22:19.26 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! Wh you're traveling, do you find that it's 00:22:52.26\00:22:56.26 difficult to eat as healthy as you'd like? When you're on vacation, do you usually 00:22:56.26\00:23:00.20 return home with five extra pounds as a reminder of your 00:23:00.20\00:23:05.16 trip? Let me share some tips with you for healthy eating while you're traveling. First, 00:23:05.16\00:23:09.66 whatever your mode of transportation, pack a meal so 00:23:09.66\00:23:14.90 you won't have to purchase less-than-nutritious food at the 00:23:14.90\00:23:18.16 airport or at gas stations. I like to take things like sandwiches, dried and fresh 00:23:18.16\00:23:22.53 fruit, and nuts. Next, plan where you're going to eat There's a wonderful 00:23:22.53\00:23:27.06 website called Happy Cow, where you can search for healthy 00:23:27.06\00:23:32.00 vegetarian, vegan, or raw food restaurants practically anywhere in the world. You can also 00:23:32.00\00:23:36.16 search forhealth food stores, and they've got lots 00:23:36.16\00:23:39.73 ofinformation on vegetarian nutrition. The website address is happycow.net, and there's 00:23:39.73\00:23:45.63 even an app for your smart phone. Here's another idea: when 00:23:45.63\00:23:50.13 you're on vacation, there are apartments and condos you can 00:23:50.13\00:23:53.96 rent with fully equipped kitchens. That way you can enjoy shopping for great local produce 00:23:53.96\00:23:59.46 to cook your own healthy, delicious, low-cost meals. Or, if you prefer staying 00:23:59.46\00:24:04.60 in a hotel, get a room with a fridge, and stock it with 00:24:04.60\00:24:10.10 non-dairy milk, high fibre cereal, whole grain bread, hummus, fruit, nuts, and bottled 00:24:10.10\00:24:15.10 water from a local grocery store. I find when I'm traveling, it's often 00:24:15.10\00:24:19.66 difficult to get a good, healthy breakfast in a hotel, sokeeping 00:24:19.66\00:24:24.40 a stash of healthy food in your room is a great convenience. 00:24:24.40\00:24:29.33 Also, eat where the local people eat. You're likely to find little "hole in the wall" 00:24:29.33\00:24:33.43 kinds of restaurants with great local food at really affordable 00:24:33.43\00:24:39.30 prices. At restaurants, if there are no vegetarian choices, the chef is usually more than 00:24:39.30\00:24:43.93 happy to prepare a lovely platter of just vegetables for 00:24:43.93\00:24:48.83 you. Whenever I've asked for that, everyone else always looks at my plate with envy! Also, at 00:24:48.83\00:24:54.00 a restaurant, order the entrees that are steamed, broiled or 00:24:54.00\00:24:58.96 baked. Avoid foods that are fried, deep fried, or swimming in creams or heavy sauces. 00:24:58.96\00:25:04.46 Ask for your pizza without cheese. A nice, wholegrain-crust 00:25:04.46\00:25:08.93 pizza with just grilled vegetables equals delicious! 00:25:08.93\00:25:13.70 Restaurants are notorious for the amount of salt and sugar they use. Stay away from the 00:25:13.70\00:25:18.03 soy sauce and anything pickled. Salad is usually our friend, but 00:25:18.03\00:25:23.13 not when it comes smothered in cheese, lots of dressing, or bacon bits. Instead, 00:25:23.13\00:25:28.20 ask for a piece of lemon to spritz on your salad In fact, 00:25:28.20\00:25:34.76 don't be shy about asking your waiter to substitute or delete ingredients from your 00:25:34.76\00:25:38.40 order. Remember, when you're traveling, be good to yourself. 00:25:38.40\00:25:43.50 Of course, you can have a few treats along the way but, overall, eat healthy, live 00:25:43.50\00:25:48.23 healthy. I'll see you next time! 00:25:48.23\00:25:51.20 >>Chris: Friend, has Jesus moved upon your heart today? Do you 00:25:56.96\00:26:00.16 want to be ready for Him when He comes again? Part of being ready 00:26:00.16\00:26:03.86 is to be a student of the Word. Today we want to offer you the Discover Bible school lessons. 00:26:03.86\00:26:08.36 Those lessons will provide a resource for you to know more about Jesus, to know 00:26:08.36\00:26:13.96 more about His Word, and to become a student of His word so 00:26:13.96\00:26:18.43 you might be ready when He comes again. Here's the information you need to get those lessons. 00:26:18.43\00:26:23.20 >>Chris: Friends, I want to thank you so much for watching. 00:27:25.76\00:27:29.00 I hope and pray that you sense Jesus calling you into a relationship with Him. I 00:27:29.00\00:27:32.46 want to invite you to itiswrittencanada.ca. There you 00:27:32.46\00:27:37.10 can find spiritual resources to help you further develop that 00:27:37.10\00:27:42.10 relationship with Jesus to be ready for Him when He comes again. I want to invite you to 00:27:42.10\00:27:47.00 join us again next week. Until then, remember, it is written: 00:27:47.00\00:27:53.33 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:27:53.33\00:27:57.50 God." 00:27:57.50\00:27:59.16 $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:00.40\00:28:02.06