ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:11.66\00:00:14.53 God's book: the Bible, still relevant in today's complex 00:00:14.93\00:00:22.43 world. It Is Written 00:00:23.26\00:00:25.96 Sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:00:26.43\00:00:31.53 >>Chris: In 1962 David Bernays and Charles Sawyer were on a 00:00:39.10\00:00:43.26 mountain expedition investigating the Cordillera Blanco mountain range in Peru. 00:00:43.26\00:00:48.10 Along their journey, they decided to investigate glacier 00:00:48.10\00:00:54.20 "511." Their findings were absolutely frightening. They saw that an enormous piece of the 00:00:54.20\00:00:58.96 rock bed had been compromised by the glacier and just the 00:00:58.96\00:01:03.36 slightest disturbance would release an avalanche that would spell certain doom for the 00:01:03.36\00:01:08.83 town of Yungay in the valley below. Equipped with this 00:01:08.83\00:01:15.26 ominous warning, the men contacted the authorities and newspaper Instead of being 00:01:15.26\00:01:19.93 grateful for the warning, Bernays and Sawyer were thrown into jail and threatened 00:01:19.93\00:01:24.56 because of the hysteria they might cause. They were told to 00:01:24.56\00:01:29.40 recant their story or face lengthy prison sentences. The men were able to escape the 00:01:29.40\00:01:35.10 country and the authorities were able to suppress any warnings 00:01:35.10\00:01:39.46 that may have leaked. Everything went back to normal and for 00:01:39.46\00:01:43.36 several years nothing happened. However, on May 31, 1970, Bernays and Sawyer's worst 00:01:43.36\00:01:48.56 fears became reality. An undersea earthquake, named the 00:01:48.56\00:01:57.03 Ancash earthquake, tipped the scale at 7.9-8 on the Richter scale. The short quake set off a 00:01:57.03\00:02:05.00 most devastating turn of events. The movement of the earth shook 00:02:05.00\00:02:09.86 loose the damage to the rock bed of the mountain sending a colossal avalanche, which 00:02:09.86\00:02:15.43 included an 800 meter section of glacier down the mountain. There 00:02:15.43\00:02:21.50 was so much debris that it buried the entire city of Yungay, killing 20,000 people 00:02:21.50\00:02:27.93 instantly. It was a warning that was ignored. The complacency and 00:02:27.93\00:02:34.13 suppression of the truth by the authorities led to tragedy. We 00:02:34.13\00:02:41.70 are right now living in a time of warning. Jesus warned us almost 2000 years ago that 00:02:41.70\00:02:46.63 this world was going to an end. He gave signs to watch for that 00:02:46.63\00:02:51.13 we might know how soon He is coming. In Matthew 24 Jesus gave 00:02:51.13\00:02:55.90 us signs of His return to give hope to this helpless planet. Jesus taught that there 00:02:55.90\00:03:01.33 would be signs in the religious world, the political world, the 00:03:01.33\00:03:04.46 natural world and in the world of soety. Last week we reviewed 00:03:04.46\00:03:09.63 the signs we are seeing fulfilled in the religious world. We see a rise in false 00:03:09.63\00:03:14.23 teachings and a general pulling away from Biblical truth. We 00:03:14.23\00:03:19.10 also studied the increasing political tensions and wars in our world today, knowing that 00:03:19.10\00:03:25.40 those signs in the political world point again to the coming 00:03:25.40\00:03:29.40 of Jesus, but there are other signs in the political world. 00:03:29.40\00:03:33.66 There has been a dramatic rise in the potential for world destruction. The world's 00:03:33.66\00:03:39.33 ability to destroy itself is sobering. Revelation 11:18 00:03:39.33\00:03:48.46 cautions, Humanity's technological advances to have weapons that can destroy the 00:03:59.13\00:04:04.20 earth is much greater than it ever has been. Just think of the 00:04:04.20\00:04:10.76 countries with the known capacity for nuclear weapons: the United States, Russia, 00:04:10.76\00:04:16.26 United Kingdom, France and Japan. They have more nuclear weapons on hand to destroy 00:04:16.26\00:04:21.80 the earth many times over. And countries like India, Pakistan, 00:04:21.80\00:04:28.20 North Korea, Israel and Iran are all suspected, by some, to be capable of producing some 00:04:28.20\00:04:34.70 type of nuclear weapon as well. Walter Lippman's portentous 00:04:34.70\00:04:41.43 words are a living reality, 00:04:41.43\00:04:43.16 What hope is there for this helplessly hopeless planet? Only 00:04:54.83\00:05:01.06 the return of Jesus. He will bring all of this turmoil and suspicion to an end. 00:05:01.06\00:05:07.26 William Ripley, a journalist who covered the affects of the 00:05:07.26\00:05:12.23 atomic bomb broadcast these almost prophetic words as he stood in the midst of the 00:05:12.23\00:05:17.43 aftermath of Hiroshima, 00:05:17.43\00:05:21.03 2000 years ago, Jesus shared today's prevailing modern mind 00:05:26.46\00:05:33.43 set when He spoke these words in Luke 21:26, 00:05:33.43\00:05:39.10 People wonder today, What do things things mean for me? What 00:05:56.36\00:06:01.73 does this mean for my family? Is there any meaning at all? What hope do I have for today? 00:06:01.73\00:06:07.13 Is there any hope for tomorrow? Jesus also warned that there 00:06:07.13\00:06:11.43 would be signs in the natural world, in Matthew 24:7, 00:06:11.43\00:06:18.03 The study of things happening on and to this earth shows an 00:06:27.36\00:06:31.90 increasing intensity of natural disasters. The increasing frequency of tornados, 00:06:31.90\00:06:36.23 earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and fires point to this planet 00:06:36.23\00:06:41.30 being in distress. Sadly, Famines are happening all over this earth. While we in 00:06:41.30\00:06:47.80 the west are rarely plagued with famine, many of us will never 00:06:47.80\00:06:51.73 forget the tragic pictures of Ethiopian small children and youth emaciated and 00:06:51.73\00:06:57.20 hungry. The United Nations reports that there are over 35 00:06:57.20\00:07:02.53 nations experiencing food shortage. One-sixth of the world's population is 00:07:02.53\00:07:08.26 undernourished. 10,000 people per day . over 3.5 million 00:07:08.26\00:07:16.30 people year die of starvation. In 2012, The Associated Press reported that 80 percent of the 00:07:16.30\00:07:22.40 people living in the conflict of the Sudan were eating only 1 00:07:22.40\00:07:30.16 meager meal per day. 00:07:30.16\00:07:31.90 But famine wasn't the only sign Jesus gave, He also said that 00:07:32.33\00:07:35.86 there would be pestilences. What is a pestilence? A pestilence is a strange disease that 00:07:35.86\00:07:41.43 afflicts human beings, crops and the environment. In addition, a 00:07:41.43\00:07:47.00 pestilence can be new diseases that spring up around the world. 00:07:47.00\00:07:52.13 Just think of some of those new diseases that were unheard of in previous generations: Lyme 00:07:52.13\00:07:56.83 disease, Marrburg Virus, HIV-AIDS, Mad Cow Disease, the 00:07:56.83\00:08:05.73 Bird Flu, and H1N1 just to name a few. Many medical experts believe that our current 00:08:05.73\00:08:10.03 antibiotics will no longer be able to provide a defense 00:08:10.03\00:08:15.30 against the strongest pathogens. Diseases of the plant life have 00:08:15.30\00:08:19.73 grown increasingly complex to deal with. The loss of soil has weakened plants natural 00:08:19.73\00:08:25.36 resistance to pests and disease. Resistance to pesticides and 00:08:25.36\00:08:30.73 herbicides grows stronger and at times requires more of these chemicals potentially 00:08:30.73\00:08:37.13 causing further damage to the environment. Some have estimated 00:08:37.13\00:08:41.73 that 50-120,000 premature deaths are caused each year by the 2.4 00:08:41.73\00:08:49.26 billion pounds of toxic pollutants released into the atmosphere. In 1992 1700 00:08:49.26\00:08:57.73 scientists met together and wrote a document entitled, "A 00:08:57.73\00:09:03.33 warning to humanity". They said the following, 00:09:03.33\00:09:06.36 Did you hear those words? Human beings and the natural world are 00:09:46.20\00:09:51.23 on a collision course. In almost prophetic language, these 00:09:51.23\00:09:57.16 scientists confirm what Jesus predicted would be a sign of His soon return.They went on to 00:09:57.16\00:10:03.46 say, 00:10:03.46\00:10:05.20 While these signs can cause great fear and distress, Jesus 00:10:19.16\00:10:23.66 warned that they would happen. All of these events should draw us nearer and nearer 00:10:23.66\00:10:29.26 to Jesus and rely on him in this time of trouble. 00:10:29.26\00:10:34.90 In Matthew 24:7, He also cautioned that we would see earthquakes in various 00:10:36.26\00:10:40.96 places. The US geological survey estimates that, worldwide, there 00:10:40.96\00:10:46.16 are on average more than 40 earthquakes per day. That is more than 14,000 per 00:10:46.16\00:10:51.96 year. Luke 21:11 echoes the words of Jesus in Mathew 24 00:10:51.96\00:10:59.70 where it is recorded, 00:10:59.70\00:11:01.00 The total chaos in the natural world has led many to wonder 00:11:10.56\00:11:16.33 what is going to happen to this planet of ours. Describing this state of uncertainty and 00:11:16.33\00:11:21.20 anxiety, Luke 21:26 reveals, 00:11:21.20\00:11:27.06 Is there any hope for the future?Is there any hope for today? Our only hope 00:11:40.56\00:11:46.80 is in Jesus Christ. The natural world continues to experience 00:11:46.80\00:11:52.53 all types of turmoil . Tsunamis seem to be on the rise and occurring in various 00:11:52.53\00:11:57.73 places such as Japan, Indonesia, Sumatra, and Turkey. Many 00:11:57.73\00:12:03.33 remember the tragic Christmas Eve Asian Tsunami of 2004 in which an estimated 230,000 00:12:03.33\00:12:11.33 people died. This tsunami was set off by a 9.1 magnitude 00:12:11.33\00:12:17.90 earthquake under the ocean which produced the destructive waves. 00:12:17.90\00:12:23.03 Although in some parts of the world, the 2013 hurricane season 00:12:24.06\00:12:28.43 was one of the least active in decades, hurricanes have in 00:12:28.43\00:12:33.06 recent years been increasing in numbers and intensity. The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, 00:12:33.06\00:12:38.80 with the most named storms in history, culminated with 00:12:38.80\00:12:44.43 Hurricane Katrina. The central Gulf states of the United States were impacted by this storm 00:12:44.43\00:12:48.70 leaving behind over 100 billion dollars in damage It had a 250 00:12:48.70\00:12:54.93 billion dollar economic impact. Romans 8:22 reflects this by 00:12:54.93\00:13:06.53 saying, These natural phenomena are like the labor pains of a woman, revealing that 00:13:16.16\00:13:21.70 something is about to happen. Jesus has told us that, that 00:13:21.70\00:13:26.83 something, is His soon coming. Jesus also taught that there would be signs in the 00:13:26.83\00:13:31.33 world of society. In Matthew 24:37-38, He says, 00:13:31.33\00:13:43.33 In Noah's day, there was rampant moral decay in the land. Genesis 00:13:59.46\00:14:06.06 chapter 6 verses 5 and 6 tell us what it was like in Noah's day, 00:14:06.06\00:14:19.63 Man had reached a point of such degradation that God was actually sorry He had 00:14:37.20\00:14:42.83 made mankind. Mankind was wicked to the very core. Genesis 6 00:14:42.83\00:14:51.93 verses 11 and 12 further emphasize, 00:14:51.93\00:14:54.00 Corruption, evil, and wickedness were the words used to describe 00:15:10.30\00:15:15.46 the time of Noah. Jesus said that it would be the same way on the earth just prior to 00:15:15.46\00:15:21.93 His coming. 00:15:21.93\00:15:24.16 Over the last several decades some of the greatest areas of 00:15:25.36\00:15:28.43 moral decay in society has been the break-up of the family unit, 00:15:28.43\00:15:34.13 and complacent attitudes toward spiritual things and moral living. Over the last 25 years, 00:15:34.13\00:15:39.86 the births of babies to unwed mothers has increased almost 3 00:15:39.86\00:15:45.06 fold in Canada. Depending on what part of the world you are 00:15:45.06\00:15:50.36 in, 50-75% of all marriages end in divorce Worldwide crime and violence are on the rise 00:15:50.36\00:15:57.33 in intensity and in numbers. Author Scott Christiansen speaks 00:15:57.33\00:16:02.36 of the problem of densification. Densification is the general 00:16:02.36\00:16:08.90 movement to city living. It is the urbanization of society. As humanity moves closer 00:16:08.90\00:16:13.63 into urban centers, it places more of the population in a 00:16:13.63\00:16:18.50 smaller area. This densification has led to many problems, but one of the greatest is 00:16:18.50\00:16:24.73 an increase of crime and violence. The World Report on 00:16:24.73\00:16:30.53 violence and health states, 00:16:30.53\00:16:32.60 Jesus warned, " And because lawlessness will abound, the 00:16:53.03\00:16:58.73 love of many will grow cold." This lawlessness and violence in 00:16:58.73\00:17:05.03 society has many contributing factors, but, no doubt, many experts will point to the 00:17:05.03\00:17:10.60 increase of violence in the media as a major factor. The statistics are astounding. 00:17:10.60\00:17:16.76 On average children watch 3 hours of television per day. By 00:17:16.76\00:17:23.36 the age 12, through media, they've witnessed 14,000 murders. In addition there has 00:17:23.36\00:17:29.53 been a large increase in the allowable foul language and sexual content in the 00:17:29.53\00:17:34.53 media. It is no wonder that there has been such moral decay. 00:17:34.53\00:17:41.50 Economic uncertainty is another sign in the world of society 00:17:42.86\00:17:48.10 James 5 sums up our situation well in verses 1-3, 00:17:48.10\00:17:56.26 The banking crisis and collapse of major financial institutions 00:18:21.70\00:18:24.56 brought to the forefront the greed that exists in our day. As 00:18:24.56\00:18:29.96 one area in our world crumbles it often has a domino effect on other areas as well, 00:18:29.96\00:18:34.86 creating a more catastrophic situation. The Canadian Press 00:18:34.86\00:18:39.80 released an article entitled, "Bank of Canada: Ukraine 00:18:39.80\00:18:44.80 tensions adding to economic uncertainty". 00:18:44.80\00:18:47.06 Friend the uncertainty is real. The signs that Jesus gave almost 00:19:03.26\00:19:08.23 2000 years ago are being fulfilled with increasing intensity each day. We can see 00:19:08.23\00:19:14.23 the signs in the religious world being fulfilled, the signs in the political world are 00:19:14.23\00:19:19.26 all there, the natural world is in turmoil, and society is in 00:19:19.26\00:19:25.20 total decay. All the signs are pointing to the imminent return of Christ. However, one of 00:19:25.20\00:19:30.83 the most powerful signs of the return of Jesus is found in 00:19:30.83\00:19:41.63 Matthew 24:14, The gospel going to all the world is one of the most definitive signs that 00:19:52.70\00:19:56.73 Jesus is coming soon. 00:19:56.73\00:19:59.30 All around the world, people are more receptive to the gospel 00:20:00.86\00:20:04.43 than ever before. Radio, television and the Internet have opened territories that 00:20:04.43\00:20:09.46 couldn't be entered just a few years ago. Today you can see 00:20:09.46\00:20:13.86 that God is on the move. Thousands are being baptized each day. While there is a 00:20:13.86\00:20:18.26 tremendous amount of work still to do, things are happening. Some good friends of mine 00:20:18.26\00:20:22.96 led out in Bible prophecy lectures that took place in 00:20:22.96\00:20:27.23 Angola, over 8,000 people were baptized. Other friends have been involved in outreach in 00:20:27.23\00:20:31.83 India where over the course of 10 years 20,000 people have 00:20:31.83\00:20:36.80 become baptized followers of Jesus. Even in the western world, where society has 00:20:36.80\00:20:42.56 become disinterested in the church, places like New York and 00:20:42.56\00:20:46.10 Chicago have seen explosive growth as the gospel is shared. God is on the move. His coming 00:20:46.10\00:20:52.66 is very near. Are you watching? Will you be ready? It could be 00:20:52.66\00:20:59.70 that the signs of the times that Jesus predicted that would happen globally are 00:20:59.70\00:21:04.36 happening to you in a personal way. Maybe in your life, right 00:21:04.36\00:21:09.36 now you are searching for truth. Maybe you wonder if there even is any truth. Maybe 00:21:09.36\00:21:15.90 you have found it difficult to believe in the God you have been 00:21:15.90\00:21:19.46 taught or have heard about. You owe it to yourself to come to 00:21:19.46\00:21:23.53 the Bible and discover its truths. You can learn for yourself, first hand, the 00:21:23.53\00:21:28.26 truth about a loving God and His plan to give you an abundant 00:21:28.26\00:21:32.43 life, both now and eternally. Maybe you are experiencing political tension and war in 00:21:32.43\00:21:38.86 your family. I'm not talking about differences in political 00:21:38.86\00:21:43.43 parties but the wars and clashing of ideals that families experience, particularly 00:21:43.43\00:21:47.76 between the parents and children. Where the various 00:21:47.76\00:21:51.63 parties argue for their particular agendas and words are used like knives to cut and 00:21:51.63\00:21:55.83 sometimes kill the ones we should love and care about the most. Do others see 00:21:55.83\00:22:00.63 our families as being "perfect" yet within the walls of our 00:22:00.63\00:22:04.43 homes, there is violence, abuse, neglect? God has something so much better in store 00:22:04.43\00:22:09.50 for you. In a prophecy describing the days before Jesus 00:22:09.50\00:22:14.76 returns, Malachi 4:5,6 indicates that there will be a call for people to repent and that the 00:22:14.76\00:22:20.56 heart of the fathers will be turned toward the children and 00:22:20.56\00:22:25.93 the heart of the children to their fathers. Do want that for 00:22:25.93\00:22:30.10 your family? Jesus promises that He can begin that work in your family today. Maybe you see 00:22:30.10\00:22:35.96 signs in your life from the natural world. Maybe you are 00:22:35.96\00:22:39.30 going through something right now that is out of your control. Suffering from a physical 00:22:39.30\00:22:44.06 illness, maybe from physical hunger, maybe you feel like 00:22:44.06\00:22:50.00 there is a hurricane over your head and it is leaving in its path untold damage to you 00:22:50.00\00:22:56.40 physically, mentally. Jesus invites you to look to Him who 00:22:56.40\00:23:03.20 can say to the storms of your life, "Peace, be still." 00:23:03.20\00:23:07.66 The moral decay of society is prevalent because of what is 00:23:09.80\00:23:14.10 happening in the lives of individuals. If you are someone who has witnessed either 00:23:14.10\00:23:18.73 personally or through the media, acts of violence and crime, if 00:23:18.73\00:23:22.63 you have succumbed to societal pressures to do what feels right 00:23:22.63\00:23:27.36 only to find out that it doesn't always end up right, if what you have been watching and 00:23:27.36\00:23:32.06 participating in has led you in circles, or driven you to 00:23:32.06\00:23:37.76 despair, I invite you today to accept the invitation of Jesus to look unto Him who is the 00:23:37.76\00:23:42.43 author and finisher of our faith, to look unto Him who has 00:23:42.43\00:23:47.46 promised to give you a future and a hope. You could be experiencing economic 00:23:47.46\00:23:51.90 uncertainty in your life today, struggling just to make ends meet. Jesus again has 00:23:51.90\00:23:56.66 the answer by asking us today to seek Him first and in 1 Peter 00:23:56.66\00:24:03.43 5:7 He invites you to "cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you." In Matthew 00:24:03.43\00:24:10.63 24 the last sign that Jesus talks about is the gospel going 00:24:10.63\00:24:16.30 to all the world. Today, the gospel is not just going to all the world, but it has come 00:24:16.30\00:24:21.80 to you personally. Today you have seen the signs in world around you, you have 00:24:21.80\00:24:27.83 seen the signs in your own life, and today you have the opportunity to heed 00:24:27.83\00:24:33.36 these warnings of Jesus. Maybe you've been discouraged. Maybe 00:24:33.36\00:24:39.00 you have slipped in your Christian walk. Maybe you've 00:24:39.00\00:24:44.40 never engaged in a personal walk with Jesus. Why not take the hand of Jesus and be encouraged 00:24:44.40\00:24:50.13 to watch and be ready today? Maybe you're a faithful Christian and needed this 00:24:50.13\00:24:56.53 encouragement to stay on the course. Friends, no matter where 00:24:56.53\00:25:02.36 you are or who you are, Jesus desires that we would watch and be ready. Are you watching? 00:25:02.36\00:25:10.10 The signs are being fulfilled. Why don't you today commit or 00:25:10.10\00:25:16.13 recommit yourself to following Jesus all the way and watch to 00:25:16.13\00:25:22.33 the very end while we pray. 00:25:22.33\00:25:25.56 O heavenly Father, the signs of the times are being experienced 00:25:26.10\00:25:30.20 globally. We see them with our own eyes, we read about them. We 00:25:30.20\00:25:36.46 know your coming is soon. But the signs of the times are happening in our own 00:25:36.46\00:25:42.10 personal lives. We have been affected and today we come to 00:25:42.10\00:25:48.36 you and we open up our heart and we open up our arms and we say Jesus please come and give us 00:25:48.36\00:25:56.90 the encouragement we need. Today we give our lives to you Lord, 00:25:56.90\00:26:02.60 submit to you fully. Give us the encouragement to continue to 00:26:02.60\00:26:09.56 watch and be ready until the very end, we pray in Jesus name, 00:26:09.56\00:26:15.26 Amen. It Is Written Canada is please to present internationally acclaimed 00:26:35.23\00:26:38.16 Christian recording trio "Selah" in 2 amazing concerts. 00:26:38.16\00:26:42.03 September 20 in Surrey British Columbia 00:26:44.36\00:26:47.20 and October 11 in Red Deer, Alberta. 00:26:47.20\00:26:50.06 For more information and to purchase tickets log on to 00:26:52.83\00:26:57.53 Or call 905-404-6510. 00:26:57.53\00:27:00.40 Friend we would like to offer you the Discover Bible Lessons 00:27:02.36\00:27:06.20 to furthur your study on the signs of Jesus' second coming Right now, here is the 00:27:06.20\00:27:12.10 information you need to get those lessons. 00:27:12.10\00:27:15.63 >>Chris: Thank you so much for watching. I want to remind you 00:28:15.20\00:28:19.03 about our website, There you 00:28:19.03\00:28:21.66 will find resources to help you in your spiritual growth. I hope to see you next week. 00:28:21.66\00:28:25.73 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by 00:28:25.73\00:28:32.10 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:28:32.10\00:28:37.60 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:38.86\00:28:41.73