from It Is Written International. It Is 00:00:01.30\00:00:04.93 Written International and It Is Written Canada go back together 00:00:04.93\00:00:09.86 a great many years, all the way back to George Vandeman and the 00:00:09.86\00:00:14.33 incomparable Henry Feyerabend. Well, It Is Written Canada now has a new speaker/director and 00:00:14.33\00:00:21.26 he's a friend of mine. Pastor Chris Holland will be joining 00:00:21.26\00:00:25.33 you in your living room or on your device, wherever you watch It Is Written Canada each 00:00:25.33\00:00:28.93 week. And I know that you are going to appreciate Chris' 00:00:28.93\00:00:33.80 clear, simple, direct, and powerful teaching style. Chris has been an avid student and 00:00:33.80\00:00:39.13 teacher of the Bible for a great many years, and you'll 00:00:39.13\00:00:43.63 appreciate the insights that he brings to you from the Word of God into your home as he joins 00:00:43.63\00:00:48.56 you week after week. Transitions can be challenging. I want to 00:00:48.56\00:00:53.13 ask that you would pray for Pastor Chris Holland, and prepare to be blessed 00:00:53.13\00:00:58.13 again through his ministry with It Is Written Canada. 00:00:58.13\00:01:04.83 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. God's book: the Bible, 00:01:16.86\00:01:23.66 still relevant in today's complex world. It Is Written, 00:01:23.66\00:01:31.06 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:31.06\00:01:35.00 >>Chris: Ernest Shackleton was born in Ireland, the son of a 00:01:44.20\00:01:49.13 doctor. Ernest was an avid reader and as a result of that reading developed a strong sense 00:01:49.13\00:01:53.03 of adventure. While his father had high aspirations of his son 00:01:53.03\00:01:56.86 becoming a doctor, Ernest had other ideas. The desire to 00:01:56.86\00:02:01.96 explore led him to join the merchant navy and by the young age of 24 became a master 00:02:01.96\00:02:09.00 mariner. Shackleton had a desire to explore the poles of the earth, especially the 00:02:09.00\00:02:13.66 South Pole. In 1902, Shackelton, along with fellow explorer 00:02:13.66\00:02:19.33 Robert Falcon Scott set a record for going the furthest south and 00:02:19.33\00:02:24.70 coming closest to the south pole. Shackleton had several other explorations to the 00:02:24.70\00:02:30.13 south, but the one most famous is the Trans-Antarctic 00:02:30.13\00:02:35.16 expedition of 1914. The goal was to transverse the Antarctic The adventure required two 00:02:35.16\00:02:41.60 crews, one to make the journey, the other to place the supplies 00:02:41.60\00:02:46.06 for a successful journey. Shackleton set out on that fantastic journey in the 00:02:46.06\00:02:51.10 boat, Endurance. As the Endurance drew nearer and nearer 00:02:51.10\00:02:56.56 to the Antarctic, the boat was surrounded and eventually totally blocked in by ice. They 00:02:56.56\00:03:01.96 hoped to weather the danger and wait it out until spring thaw to 00:03:01.96\00:03:06.93 continue their journey. However, the ice pressed in harder and 00:03:06.93\00:03:12.76 harder on the Endurance until it eventually breached the hull. 00:03:12.76\00:03:17.53 Shackleton and his crew were forced to abandon ship. The Endurance sank. For two 00:03:17.53\00:03:22.20 months the party camped on ice floes hoping that they would be 00:03:22.20\00:03:26.23 directed toward Paulet Island. Paulet Island would provide refuge and safety along a 00:03:26.23\00:03:31.16 commonly used shipping route. However those plans were dashed. 00:03:31.16\00:03:36.00 The ice floe they were on began to break up and the party was forced into their life 00:03:36.00\00:03:40.70 boats and they eventually found themselves on Elephant Island. 00:03:40.70\00:03:45.63 Because it was remote and away from any shipping routes, Shackleton knew that if 00:03:45.63\00:03:50.56 his crew stayed on Elephant Island, there would be no rescue 00:03:50.56\00:03:55.10 and certain death. He knew that he needed to take a risk, do 00:03:55.10\00:03:59.90 something out of the ordinary to save his men. He decided he would take five men with him and 00:03:59.90\00:04:05.16 set sail for South Georgia island in a 6 meter boat hoping 00:04:05.16\00:04:10.86 to get the help they needed. Leaving 22 men behind, he left them with a promise. He 00:04:10.86\00:04:16.76 promised that he would return to take them home. In a 00:04:16.76\00:04:21.63 circumstance of complete hopelessness, Shackleton promised that he would return. 00:04:21.63\00:04:27.73 Hopelessness. We live in a world that seems to offer very little 00:04:29.26\00:04:34.53 in the way of hope. We look around the world today and see that it seems to be falling 00:04:34.53\00:04:39.20 apart. Wars and uprisings all over this globe.Hunger and 00:04:39.20\00:04:44.46 famines around the world still going unsolved.An economy that seems to be teetering on 00:04:44.46\00:04:49.80 total implosion.The general polarization of society. What is 00:04:49.80\00:04:55.43 a person to do? This hopelessness and despair reminds me of an event in the Bible. In 00:04:55.43\00:05:01.96 the book of John, the apostle John shares the experience of 00:05:01.96\00:05:07.20 the disciples just before Jesus was arrested and eventually 00:05:07.20\00:05:11.86 killed. The disciples had just spent their last meal with Jesus. He was trying to 00:05:11.86\00:05:15.90 prepare them for all that was soon to take place. In John 00:05:15.90\00:05:23.80 13:31-35 it is recorded, 00:05:23.80\00:05:28.00 This teaching left his disciples confused, where was their master 00:06:10.56\00:06:16.06 going? Why was He going to leave? Why couldn't they go with him? Then Peter, in his 00:06:16.06\00:06:21.76 very aggressive style engaged Jesus further in verses 36-38, 00:06:21.76\00:06:29.30 Can you imagine what a crushing blow this was for Peter to hear? 00:07:01.33\00:07:07.83 Jesus was Peter's teacher, he had spent 3 ½ years with Him. He desired to be as close 00:07:07.83\00:07:13.36 to Jesus as possible. He was a part of Jesus' inner circle and 00:07:13.36\00:07:20.53 now Jesus told him that he would betray his beloved teacher. On that night when Jesus was 00:07:20.53\00:07:27.03 trying to prepare them for the coming events, they were confused and didn't 00:07:27.03\00:07:31.56 understand. What could Jesus do? He shared words of comfort that 00:07:31.56\00:07:37.76 they could look back to and understand the events that had unfolded. Words that 00:07:37.76\00:07:42.60 would bring security in the midst of uncertainty.Listen to 00:07:42.60\00:07:47.26 Jesus' words: 00:07:47.26\00:07:52.33 Can you hear the loving voice of Jesus trying to bring comfort to 00:08:24.76\00:08:27.56 Peter and the rest of the disciples? The disciples were distraught over Jesus 00:08:27.56\00:08:32.70 predicting His death and Peter troubled by his predicted denial 00:08:32.70\00:08:39.06 are given hope. What is the hope that Jesus provides? Hope in the second coming. Hope 00:08:39.06\00:08:46.00 that even though Jesus was going to leave them, He would come 00:08:46.00\00:08:51.50 back for them. The second coming of Jesus is the hope of every person on this earth. The 00:08:51.50\00:08:57.36 second coming of Jesus can be your hope today. Through all 00:08:57.36\00:09:01.73 types of turmoil and through every challenge faced in life, the hope for the helpless 00:09:01.73\00:09:07.16 planet is the return of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul had 00:09:07.16\00:09:12.76 these words to say in Titus 2:11-14, 00:09:12.76\00:09:19.40 Notice that Paul refers to the second coming as the blessed 00:09:56.93\00:10:00.53 hope. Why does the second coming give us hope? Well, let's first 00:10:00.53\00:10:05.23 ask, what is hope? According to the Random House dictionary, 00:10:05.23\00:10:09.73 hope is defined as the feeling that what is w anted can be had or that e vents will turn out 00:10:09.73\00:10:15.66 for th e best. Jesus wants to assure us that things will turn out for the best? How 00:10:15.66\00:10:22.13 so? John 3:16 contains that answer, a verse that is well 00:10:22.13\00:10:28.00 known, But reading the next verse brings even mor hope and comfort -- Verse 17 of John 3 00:10:40.43\00:10:49.30 Notice that Jesus was sent to save the world not condemn it. 00:10:59.83\00:11:05.33 Too often Christianity presents the idea that God is out there somewhere with a watchful 00:11:05.33\00:11:10.00 eye, waiting for you to make just the wrong move and then 00:11:10.00\00:11:13.60 zap! He's got you. But no, Jesus hasn't come with the intention of condemning people, He did 00:11:13.60\00:11:19.30 not come to destroy people; Jesus came to save you and He is 00:11:19.30\00:11:24.70 coming again to take you home with Him. 00:11:24.70\00:11:28.23 Do you remember those words that Jesus spoke in John 14?.Let not 00:11:29.26\00:11:33.96 your hearts be troubled. There may be great disappointment in 00:11:33.96\00:11:38.10 your life, you may be facing challenges very unexpected challenges. Maybe you're 00:11:38.10\00:11:43.13 fighting through cancer, maybe you're going through a divorce 00:11:43.13\00:11:48.90 or maybe, maybe life seems to be overwhelming you from all sides. 00:11:48.90\00:11:53.76 Jesus draws near and says, "Don't let your heart be troubled." Why? Because Jesus 00:11:53.76\00:11:59.76 says you believe in God, believe also in Him. Then Jesus promises 00:11:59.76\00:12:06.36 that in heaven there are many mansions or some of the modern versions of the Bible 00:12:06.36\00:12:11.63 translate it rooms. The promise here is not based on materialistic riches 00:12:11.63\00:12:16.96 but on proximity. Proximity to Jesus. Jesus promises that He 00:12:16.96\00:12:24.16 has gone to heaven to prepare a place for you. Not just a general you, but for you 00:12:24.16\00:12:29.30 personally. In fact, when you repeat the verse, why not use 00:12:29.30\00:12:35.50 the Jesus has gone to prepare a place for me and for you. That is where He lives, 00:12:35.50\00:12:41.33 you may also live there. This was the whole purpose of Jesus' 00:12:41.33\00:12:46.23 first coming. That He would pave the way for us to be reunited with Him forever. But we all 00:12:46.23\00:12:53.06 face a huge problem. Romans 6:23 states, 00:12:53.06\00:13:01.90 "For the wages of sin is death" and then Romans 3:23 further 00:13:02.73\00:13:13.70 emphasizes that problem, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 00:13:13.70\00:13:21.26 This does not give us good prospects for the future. The wages of sin is death 00:13:21.26\00:13:25.23 and all have sinned. Our destiny seems bleak. But you know, I 00:13:25.23\00:13:31.53 didn't read the latter part of Romans 6:23, it goes on to say, 00:13:31.53\00:13:39.03 This is why Jesus is coming again, to give us the full 00:13:48.86\00:13:53.83 fulfillment of that promise of eternal life. This is why Jesus can say in John 14, "and 00:13:53.83\00:13:59.10 if I go and prepare a place, I will come again. Do you hear 00:13:59.10\00:14:05.70 those words? I will come again. 00:14:05.70\00:14:09.40 Now, let me share with you some insight on those words that 00:14:10.46\00:14:14.16 bring an even greater depth of hope. As we read, "I will come again," we know that in 00:14:14.16\00:14:18.93 the English language that phrase is in the future tense. However, 00:14:18.93\00:14:23.80 in the original language it was not. As you may already know, the New Testament of 00:14:23.80\00:14:27.90 the Bible was originally written in Greek. And in Greek, it is 00:14:27.90\00:14:32.70 actually written in the present tense. You see, when John wrote 00:14:32.70\00:14:37.13 these words he employed a grammatical technique - now I know, grammar may not have been 00:14:37.13\00:14:42.10 your favorite subject, but just stick with me - he employed a 00:14:42.10\00:14:46.23 grammatical technique called the futuristic present. What does that mean? An author 00:14:46.23\00:14:52.23 would write something in the present tense but have a future 00:14:52.23\00:14:57.16 meaning to convey that the event was so sure, was so definite that it was to be written as if 00:14:57.16\00:15:03.16 it was already happening or had happened. John lays out the 00:15:03.16\00:15:09.30 assurance that Jesus is coming again. And remember He is coming for you, He is coming for me - 00:15:09.30\00:15:15.66 in fact He's prepared a place for you, He's prepared a place 00:15:15.66\00:15:19.56 for me. What does this all mean? Well friend, Jesus loves you so 00:15:19.56\00:15:25.70 much that He wants to spend eternity with us, but the question is, do you want to 00:15:25.70\00:15:30.53 spend eternity with Him? It's a choice He freely gives to you. But what will you decide? 00:15:30.53\00:15:35.83 Jesus wants you there. 00:15:35.83\00:15:38.73 But, today many people have discounted the words of the 00:15:39.83\00:15:45.23 Bible. Some poke fun of this Book. And numerous people have discounted the promises of 00:15:45.23\00:15:50.06 His second coming. But this shouldn't surprise us. Peter 00:15:50.06\00:15:55.30 warned us almost two thousand years ago, in his second letter, in chapter three and verses 00:15:55.30\00:16:00.13 three and four, 00:16:00.13\00:16:06.36 A scoffer is someone who ridicules things and doesn't 00:16:24.80\00:16:30.00 believe. Peter warns that there will be people who will ridicule those who believe in the 00:16:30.00\00:16:33.93 second coming of Jesus. They will say that the earth has 00:16:33.93\00:16:37.60 always existed and it will continue to exist without any interruption. They will 00:16:37.60\00:16:41.93 say, Jesus isn't coming, you're silly to believe in such fairy 00:16:41.93\00:16:46.96 tales. But friends by just reading or listening to the news, we realize the 00:16:48.06\00:16:52.90 turmoil of this earth. Paul wrote these words in Romans eight verses twenty 00:16:52.90\00:17:00.23 to twenty-two, 00:17:00.23\00:17:07.26 The whole earth itself was subject to the curse of sin and 00:17:36.70\00:17:41.56 all the upheaval in the world we see is the very earth itself groaning to be freed by the 00:17:41.56\00:17:47.10 coming of Jesus. Everything happening around us points to Jesus' soon return. But 00:17:47.10\00:17:53.26 wait, don't those scoffers have a point - it has been 2000 years 00:17:53.26\00:17:57.83 from the time when Jesus gave that promise. But notice again what Peter says in that 00:17:57.83\00:18:04.50 second letter in chapter three and verses eight and nine, 00:18:04.50\00:18:07.76 For God, time is irrelevant. He is not confined by our rendering 00:18:34.06\00:18:39.23 of time. But more importantly, the Bible says that Jesus isn't 00:18:39.23\00:18:44.03 slack or relaxed concerning the promise of His return. But He is 00:18:44.03\00:18:49.10 longsuffering. A very special word that conveys an extraordinary patience. 00:18:49.10\00:18:55.96 Why is He so patient and hasn't returned? Because He doesn't 00:18:55.96\00:19:02.26 want any to perish, Jesus came to this earth so that no one had to die eternally but that 00:19:02.26\00:19:09.10 all would come to repentance and be saved. 00:19:09.10\00:19:13.40 Ernest Shackleton and his five men left Elephant Island for 00:19:14.50\00:19:18.43 South Georgia. Aware of the great difficulties they would 00:19:18.43\00:19:22.86 face on their 1800 nautical mile journey, Shackleton packed only 4 weeks of supplies. He knew 00:19:22.86\00:19:28.50 the crew wouldn't survive any longer that that. Through 00:19:28.50\00:19:33.50 treacherous seas and a storm that produced winds strong enough to sink a five hundred 00:19:33.50\00:19:38.86 ton boat, that crew finally made it to South Georgia Island. Once 00:19:38.86\00:19:44.73 arriving on the shores of the island, Shackleton and part of his crew still had to hike 00:19:44.73\00:19:49.26 over 50 kilometers to get to the whaling station. He knew that 00:19:49.26\00:19:55.16 many lives depended upon him and the whaling station was the only 00:19:55.16\00:19:59.16 part of the island that was inhabited. After finally arriving at the whaling station, 00:19:59.16\00:20:03.83 Shackleton gathered another crew for the rescue mission. Now, 00:20:03.83\00:20:08.83 came the most daunting task of returning to Elephant Island for 00:20:08.83\00:20:13.13 that promised rescue. Four months after leaving Elephant island,Shackleton returned 00:20:13.13\00:20:19.16 to save his men. At times, some of those men may have wondered 00:20:19.16\00:20:23.86 if he was really returning. They may have wondered if he would keep his promise. However, not 00:20:23.86\00:20:30.63 one of Shackleton's crew was lost, each one was saved. While 00:20:30.63\00:20:37.90 they lost the ship Endurance, each one of them endured to the end.Shackleton delivered 00:20:37.90\00:20:43.73 on his promise. Shackleton was proclaimed a hero. 00:20:43.73\00:20:49.13 Jesus has made a promise. He has promised that He is coming again. He is coming 00:20:50.20\00:20:57.00 to take His children home. That home, which is pictured in the 00:20:57.00\00:21:01.56 book of Revelation chapter twenty one verses one through 00:21:01.56\00:21:09.46 five, No more suffering, no more pain - all things new. Everything working the way 00:22:10.40\00:22:17.50 that it was originally intended to be. Perfect. Perfect harmony. 00:22:17.50\00:22:24.06 Perfect peace. This is what Jesus wants for you and He wants for me. It is what He 00:22:24.06\00:22:31.43 promised. Today, do you want to ask Jesus into your heart and 00:22:31.43\00:22:36.26 make a decision to follow Him fully. Jesus desires to take you 00:22:36.26\00:22:43.10 home. He says these words as recorded in Revelation three and 00:22:43.10\00:22:51.36 verse twenty, Jesus knocks today, will you let him in? 00:22:59.26\00:23:03.03 The apostle Paul also gives us comfort and hope in describing 00:23:03.03\00:23:08.10 the day Jesus returns in his first letter to the Thessalonians in chapter 00:23:08.10\00:23:13.20 four and verses fifteen through eighteen, 00:23:13.20\00:23:22.33 We shall always be with the Lord. No wonder that we are to 00:23:59.60\00:24:04.56 comfort one another with these words. Whatever your situation may be today, Jesus wants 00:24:04.56\00:24:09.00 to encourage you - He wants to give you hope. Are you facing an 00:24:09.00\00:24:13.53 illness, Jesus says do let your heart be troubled? Are you facing marital challenges, 00:24:13.53\00:24:19.30 Jesus wants to give you assurance? Are you facing a problem in the work 00:24:19.30\00:24:23.53 place, Jesus reaches out to encourage you? Whatever you face 00:24:23.53\00:24:29.26 today, in this hopeless and helpless planet Jesus gives you hope. Today, I invite you 00:24:29.26\00:24:36.73 to cling to that hope of Jesus' soon return. Today is your 00:24:36.73\00:24:41.73 opportunity toinvite Him into your heart and commit yourself to Him. Jesus invites you 00:24:41.73\00:24:48.13 today, in His words of Matthew 11:28-29, 00:24:48.13\00:24:53.06 Let's Pray. Oh father in heaven, we live in a hopeless and 00:25:12.46\00:25:17.23 helpless planet. Things are happening all around in the world and we wonder, 00:25:17.23\00:25:23.83 what are we to do? In our own lives, we are struggling, facing 00:25:23.83\00:25:29.53 great issues. But today you've given us a message of hope. And 00:25:29.53\00:25:36.10 so let us live with that hope in our heart. Let us be encouraged 00:25:36.10\00:25:40.10 to follow you because there is a day soon coming where you will bring all things to an end 00:25:40.10\00:25:45.16 and we will live forever with you. Keep us strong to follow 00:25:45.16\00:25:51.23 you, that we would be ready for that day. We pray in Jesus' 00:25:51.23\00:25:56.30 name, amen. Maybe the subject material we covered today is new to you or maybe you're simply 00:26:12.00\00:26:16.53 looking for additional study on the subject of the hope of 00:26:16.53\00:26:20.93 Jesus' soon coming. I want to offer you today the Discover Bible guide. The Discover 00:26:20.93\00:26:25.76 Bible guide is a wonderful resource that will help you in 00:26:25.76\00:26:30.83 your spiritual growth. Here's the information you need to get 00:26:30.83\00:26:35.76 that guide. >>Chris: The second coming of Jesus Christ provides great hope. Maybe you'd 00:27:18.20\00:27:23.20 like to see this program again or maybe you'd like to show it 00:27:23.20\00:27:26.46 to one of your friends. I'd invite you to go to our website,, or 00:27:26.46\00:27:31.06 to our youtube channel, There you 00:27:31.06\00:27:37.10 can watch archived broadcasts over and over again. I thank you so much for watching 00:27:37.10\00:27:43.00 this week and I invite you to come back again next week to 00:27:43.00\00:27:47.46 watch the program. Until then, it is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by 00:27:47.46\00:27:54.20 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 00:27:54.20\00:27:58.56 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:29.13\00:28:30.13