It Is Written Canada

Crescendo, part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos, Jaime Jorge


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201305

00:11 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time....
00:15 God's book, The Bible
00:19 Still relevant in today's complex world
00:23 It Is Written
00:27 Sharing messages of hope around the world
00:39 BILL: I want to welcome you to the It Is Written Canada television program.
00:42 My name is Bill Santos.
00:44 Thank you so much for joining us.
00:46 Well, if you were with us last week, you already know who our guest is this
00:50 week.
00:52 But if you weren't with us, let me introduce Jaime Jorge.
00:56 Jaime, welcome JAIME: Thank you.
00:57 It's great to be back.
00:59 BILL: It's good to have you back.
01:01 For the benefit of those that don't know Jaime, who is not an unknown
01:05 commodity in Canada, 'cause you have been on Canadian television quite
01:08 a bit, Jaime is a world-renowned concert violinist.
01:12 That's quite the introduction, isn't it?
01:14 JAIME: Phew, man.
01:15 I should pay you for this.
01:16 BILL: But more importantly than his, I think, talent at playing the violin is
01:22 his heart for mission and to see people. winning people to Jesus Christ.
01:29 JAIME: Yeah.
01:30 BILL: Last week, we got a sense, a little background of your life.
01:35 And I thought it'd be important this week to sort of, with your
01:41 permission, you know, to delve into one aspect of your life that you
01:45 identified as one of the most trying moments in your life, which was the
01:49 breakdown of your marriage.
01:51 JAIME: Mmhmm.
01:52 BILL: Because I believe, Jaime, you know what?
01:55 It's not to air, you know, dirty laundry or anything, but I believe that, you
01:58 know, your testimony and your experience can benefit someone that's
02:02 watching us here today.
02:05 JAIME: Amen.
02:06 BILL: Maybe just a very quick, for the benefit of those that maybe are
02:09 tuning in for the first time, very quick bio on who you are and where
02:12 you're from.
02:13 JAIME: Okay.
02:14 Well, I'm born in Cuba.
02:15 I started playing the violin at the age of five.
02:17 When I was ten years old, my family was fortunate to be able to leave Cuba and
02:22 go to the United States where I received a Christian education and
02:26 continued taking violin lessons.
02:29 And over the last 25 years, I've had the privilege to travel around
02:34 the world, because music is the international language.
02:36 BILL: Yes.
02:38 JAIME: The violin doesn't need translation.
02:39 BILL: Yes, you're absolutely right.
02:40 JAIME: Everybody understands it.
02:42 The only continent I haven't been to is Antarctica.
02:44 And I don't think I'm going to be doing a concert for the penguins
02:47 anytime soon.
02:48 BILL: You never know, right?
02:50 JAIME: Maybe.
02:51 So I get to travel around and share the Gospel through music and
02:54 testimony.
02:56 BILL: So last week, I asked you, you know, any regrets?
03:01 We talked about some of the highlights.
03:03 You mentioned playing in a hut church in Mexico.
03:06 JAIME: Yes.
03:08 BILL: And watching some folks as you played ve their life to Jesus
03:10 Christ.
03:12 And you said that was one of the highlights of your ministry.
03:14 JAIME: Yes, indeed.
03:16 BILL: And I sort of follow that up, and sort of unintentionally.
03:18 I hope I didn't put you on the spot, you know.
03:20 Well, were there any regrets?
03:23 And you made reference to the breakdown of your marriage.
03:26 JAIME: Yes.
03:28 BILL: And that's sort of what prompted this discussion today.
03:30 What happened, man?
03:33 JAIME: Well, I can tell you, it wasn't anything bombastic.
03:36 It wasn't any one thing.
03:38 It was a gradual breakdown of the relationship.
03:42 And for those that have been married or that are married, marriage is work.
03:48 BILL: Yes.
03:49 JAIME: Now, it is a good work.
03:51 But it's not something you can sit back and kick your feet up, and just because
03:54 things were good last week or the year before, you can rest on those laurels.
03:59 You have to continue to feed the relationship.
04:02 You have to continue to devote time to nurture that relationship.
04:06 And what began to happen is, as the Lord blessed, and I was travelling more
04:12 and doing more concerts, and at first, my wife travelled with me.
04:16 She was also a musician.
04:18 And so she sang.
04:20 BILL: Okay.
04:21 JAIME: We had a great team as we went from place to place.
04:23 But this travelling, gruelling schedule can break people down
04:31 physically.
04:32 And I've spent 25 years doing it.
04:35 And sometimes I get sick.
04:36 Sometimes I get worn out.
04:38 And she certainly sort of got tired.
04:41 She got worn out as well, and so she started cutting back.
04:44 And then she had other opportunities to sing locally.
04:48 We live in the Chattanooga area.
04:50 Well, the country and gospel meccas are in Nashville, just a couple
04:54 hours away.
04:56 And she had great opportunities in singing in Nashville.
05:00 And so she went there.
05:02 And so I began to travel more and be home less.
05:05 And she was spending more and more time in Nashville.
05:08 And over the course of time, what happened was, we didn't spend enough
05:14 time together.
05:16 We didn't work out, you know, the little things that became big things.
05:19 And we just gave up, is probably the best, you know, answer I can give.
05:26 We gave up.
05:28 And you know, the reason why the Bible says that God hates divorce is
05:32 because of the pain that it causes.
05:36 BILL: Right.. JAIME: And divorce is also a symbol of the breaking down of
05:40 our relationship with God, because our union with Him is like a marriage as
05:46 well.
05:48 And so the pain, you know, the devastation that we both suffered.
05:52 Only, I think, if people have gone through it can you relate, because it is
05:58 so deep.
06:00 It is so despondent.
06:02 I remember one period of time I went eight days without eating. BILL: My
06:08 goodness.
06:10 JAIME: .not realizing it, you know.
06:12 It was such a difficult time.
06:13 I didn't even get out my front door, I was hurting so bad.
06:16 I cried out to God.
06:18 But you know, if I had had my relationship with the Lord in the right place, I
06:23 would've listened to Him saying, "Take time to devote to your marriage.
06:29 " Because doing God's work never takes the place of taking care of your
06:34 family.
06:36 Sometimes we can be so busy doing God's work that we can forget to do the
06:39 things that he has called us to do first and foremost.
06:43 And that's what happened.
06:44 And the years went by.
06:47 And the pain didn't go away.
06:49 The nights alone, you know, crying and crying out to God and blaming
06:55 God.
06:56 'Cause what happens is you say, "Well, why did you let this happen to me,
06:58 God?
07:00 " BILL: Right.
07:00 Here I'm doing a good work.
07:02 JAIME: I'm doing your work.
07:03 BILL: Yeah.
07:05 JAIME: And all of a sudden, my life falls apart, you know.
07:06 And it took a long time for my heart to heal.
07:08 And yet, God is in the business of healing.
07:11 And God is in the business of miracles.
07:15 And God worked a miracle in my heart and in my life the same way he can work a
07:19 miracle in anybody's life that comes to Him and says, "Lord, take over my
07:24 life.
07:25 " BILL: Yes.
07:26 JAIME: There's a song that I want to share coming up and it's called "I
07:28 Surrender All.
07:30 " And I have learned that the best place we can be is surrendered to Jesus
07:33 Christ.
07:35 I used to love the saying that goes like this: If you want something done
07:38 right, do it yourself.
07:40 'Cause I used to think that if I could just get my hands on the situation
07:44 or the problem. BILL: You could fix it.
07:46 JAIME: .I could fix it.
07:48 But you know, when I look in the rear-view mirrors of my life, when I'm in
07:50 control is when things have been disastrous.
07:54 But when God has been in control, it's a totally different thing.
07:58 It's amazing how wonderful.
07:59 Doesn't mean that there aren't going to be challenges.
08:02 But we have this peace knowing that God is really the one carrying us.
08:06 And that's how I want to live my life every day, you know.
08:10 BILL: Jaime, you're a well-known musician.
08:13 I mean, like you said, you've travelled around the world doing a
08:16 magnificent work for God.
08:19 And you were under attack from the devil.
08:22 The enemy wanted to do whatever he could to destroy. JAIME: Certainly.
08:25 BILL: .your ministry, your wife's ministry, your ex-wife's ministry.
08:28 And you mentioned last week that you actually, as you were going through
08:35 this painful separation process, you actually considered abandoning your
08:42 ministry.
08:43 JAIME: Yes.
08:44 And I think it's sort of natural, you know.
08:48 BILL: Yes.
08:49 JAIME: People sometimes look at those who are up front and think and expect
08:53 and project that everything. BILL: Everything is
08:56 perfect.
08:58 JAIME: .is perfect.
08:59 BILL: Yeah.
08:59 JAIME: Things are not.
09:01 And I didn't want to project something that I was not or somebody that I
09:03 was not.
09:04 But you know, I think it was the devil saying to me, "You're a loser.
09:07 You're a fake.
09:09 You don't have any business getting up there in front of people and
09:12 telling them.
09:13 " But you know what?
09:14 It's those people that have experienced God's grace that can share that
09:19 with others, because there are others that are hurting silently out
09:23 there.
09:24 There are others who don't know where to go, you know.
09:26 I didn't know where to turn to.
09:28 I was afraid.
09:30 What if somebody finds out I'm having problems?
09:32 And so I didn't know who I could talk to or where I could go.
09:35 And eventually, we did go to counselling, but you know, those things didn't
09:39 help, unfortunately.
09:40 You need Christian counsellors that can help.
09:43 BILL: Yes.
09:45 JAIME: We need. you know, there are things that churches have set in place
09:47 to help.
09:48 I sort of recoiled, you know, and hid in a cave, and that only made things
09:54 worse.
09:55 We need to be able to help others and share.
09:57 We need to be able to talk about it openly.
09:59 BILL: I want to pick up on that, but I want to take a quick break now, because
10:03 earlier, you had the chance to tape some songs, and I believe now we're
10:09 going to listen to "I Surrender All.
10:11 " JAIME: Yes.
10:15 [Violin Music]
13:26 BILL: Well, that was beautiful.
13:28 We're going to get a chance to hear another number from you a little
13:29 bit later.
13:31 But a couple things. one thing I want to say to you.
13:33 I commend you on your honesty, man, and your openness.
13:37 And I think you're doing a lot of good. JAIME: I hope so.
13:44 BILL: .as you open up and share some of this that you went through.
13:46 JAIME: That's my desire, is for people to be able to be blessed, to be able
13:50 to be encouraged.
13:52 And again, to point to Jesus Christ as our only answer, as our only
13:56 solution, as our only hope.
13:58 BILL: I have to tell you that sometimes, I'm afraid that our churches are not
14:00 places where we can come and be as honest as we would like to be.
14:04 JAIME: Yeah.
14:06 BILL: .for fear that someone might think that, "I'm having problems.
14:07 " But if we could foster within our churches, within our church
14:11 communities, you know, an environment where I could come.
14:15 You know, we're afraid to sometimes tell that, "I spent the whole night
14:18 crying over an issue in my life," because, "Should I share that with my friends
14:22 and my church, lest they're going to think I'm weak?
14:24 " JAIME: Exactly.
14:26 BILL: And so you're doing a lot of good, man.
14:28 And so God bless you.
14:30 JAIME: Praise the Lord.
14:32 BILL: But you know, it is a challenge.
14:34 I mean, you are up front.
14:35 You are there.
14:37 And you're right: people are looking up to you.
14:39 And the devil is hammering on you, saying, you know, "You're not worthy.
14:42 You're not worthy.
14:43 " JAIME: And he's right.
14:45 BILL: And you know what?
14:46 We're not worthy.
14:47 JAIME: Jesus is.
14:48 BILL: But Jesus is worthy.
14:50 JAIME: Amen.
14:51 BILL: And that's the promise that we claim.
14:53 And I'm happy to say that that aspect of your life has had a happy
14:57 resolution.
14:59 JAIME: Yes.
15:01 BILL: Why don't you share a little bit with our viewers about that?
15:03 JAIME: Okay.
15:04 Well, for nearly nine years, I basically gave up.
15:09 I looked for other things to take up my time.
15:14 I worked hard.
15:16 I travelled.
15:16 I spent time with family and friends.
15:18 I did good things, you know.
15:20 But it wasn't until I believe that I came before the Lord and I said,
15:24 "Lord, the only thing I really need in my life is You," that he opened up a
15:29 door that hadn't opened before.
15:32 You know, I certainly tried.
15:36 I pursued a relationship.
15:40 I gave it a try, but you know, nothing was working.
15:43 And so I said, "You know what?
15:44 I'm going to focus on pursuing God.
15:46 " BILL: Hmm.
15:47 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
15:49 " JAIME: Precisely right.
15:50 And when I did, God healed my heart.
15:53 Because I told my mother eighteen months ago, "I am never getting married
15:59 again, Mother.
16:00 " I said, "I'm going to marry my violin.
16:02 " I spend, you know, so many days on the road already with the violin.
16:06 I said, "She makes beautiful music.
16:09 She only talks back when I tell her to.
16:11 You know, I'm going to focus on that and I'm going to focus on family
16:15 and friends and you know, my life is full.
16:20 " And she said, "That's great.
16:22 Just don't close the door to what God may have for you.
16:25 " And I put it away in the back of my mind.
16:28 "That's just my mother talking, you know.
16:30 She means well.
16:31 " But indeed, as the Lord worked in the right ways in my heart, because
16:36 everything He does is right, He brought me to the place where I was
16:40 ready.
16:41 And I met a young lady three years ago at a concert, just like many
16:46 people that I meet.
16:48 Nothing happened for months.
16:51 And then we exchanged some communication on Facebook.
16:54 I saw her, I visited her, because she was nearby where I lived.
16:58 We spent a little time together.
17:00 But I didn't think of anything else.
17:02 She was a professional women's football player.
17:06 And I'm talking about American football, not soccer football.
17:09 BILL: Wow.
17:10 JAIME: So when I saw her face to face and we talked, she's a wonderful,
17:12 sweet, young lady.
17:14 But the prospect of having somebody put on her uniform and run me over
17:19 and tackle me if I did something wrong, it's like, you know, maybe I
17:23 don't want to mess with this.
17:24 And so a little time went by, a year and a half, as a matter of fact.
17:28 And it was in September of 2012 that, out of the blue, I was doing some
17:36 concerts in Hawaii.
17:37 And I went to her Facebook page.
17:38 And she had a picture of the beach in Puerto Rico where she was.
17:44 And I thought, "Oh, hey, I'm at the beach, she's at the beach.
17:47 " I sent her a little text message saying, "I hope you're having a wonderful
17:50 time," you know.
17:51 And she texted back and we began to talk.
17:53 And in the next couple of months, as we communicated more, we both realized
18:00 that the Lord was doing something in our hearts and in our lives to bring
18:04 us together.
18:05 She had also gone through a very sad divorce.
18:07 She had given her heart to the Lord years before.
18:11 BILL: Wow.
18:12 JAIME: So this was a new phase for her as well.
18:15 But we were both scared.
18:16 When you've had your heart broken, when you've suffered so much, you
18:19 don't want to jump into something.
18:20 But we prayed and we said, "Lord, if this is your will, open the doors.
18:24 " And you know, He did in an amazing way.
18:28 Now at my age, I certainly don't have to be, you know, calling or writing
18:35 and waiting and seeing.
18:36 When I knew that this is what the Lord had for me, man, I went after her and
18:41 I told her, "I'm going to pursue you until you tell me to go away.
18:44 " And she said, "All right.
18:46 " And I did.
18:47 And the Lord brought us together.
18:49 And in July of 2013, this year, we got married.
18:55 BILL: Oh, to God's glory, man.
18:56 Congratulations.
18:57 JAIME: And he is calling us. thank you.
18:59 He has brought us together and equipped us perfectly so that we can do ministry
19:02 together with her background as a professional athlete.
19:05 She has a passion for inviting people to live their lives to the fullest
19:10 to serve God to the fullest.
19:13 And so we want to encourage couples to stay together, to do the things
19:18 we're doing, to keep the marriage alive and happy and burning for the Lord
19:25 and with the right love that he's placed in our hearts, and to also
19:29 encourage people, eat right, exercise right so that you can have more
19:33 energy and more capacity to serve the Lord in everything that you do.
19:38 BILL: I mean, isn't it incredible how God. we have a saying in
19:41 Portuguese.
19:42 And I don't know if you have it in Spanish.
19:44 That says: God can write straight even though the lines may be crooked,
19:47 right?
19:49 JAIME: Yes.
19:51 BILL: And so you know, the devil. and I believe with all my heart it was the
19:54 devil that brought this into your life, that destroyed your marriage.
19:56 Anything that involves separation can't be from God.
19:58 But how God healed and has brought the two of you together.
20:04 And now the two of you can speak to this reality that is a plague in our society
20:10 today, marriages breaking down.
20:12 It's a tragedy.
20:14 And you can speak to that at a level that I can't because, I mean,
20:18 thankfully, and I hope I never have to go through that.
20:21 JAIME: Praise the Lord, that's right.
20:24 BILL: You know, through what you've gone through, Jaime.
20:26 You know, and I have my issue and we each have our own issues.
20:28 JAIME: Certainly.
20:30 BILL: But it's incredible to me, listening to you, how you just see God's
20:31 hand saying, you know, "When you put your life in my hands, I'm going to
20:35 take you," and he's going to do a wonderful work through you and your wife
20:40 to impact many, many marriages.
20:44 I believe that with all my heart, man.
20:47 For someone that's listening that's going through that right now,
20:50 saying, "Yeah, man, that's for you, but that'll never happen to me," what advice
20:54 would you give to someone that's sitting there in that pit of despair that
20:58 you were, you know, just a few short years ago?
21:01 What would you say to them?
21:03 JAIME: Get down on your knees and ask God to be in control.
21:08 You know, marriage is not everybody giving 50/50; it's everybody giving 100
21:15 and 100.
21:17 And it's the same thing in our relationship with God.
21:19 God gave it all.
21:21 He gave Jesus and he's still giving all.
21:23 We have to give all.
21:24 We can't just keep a little something for ourselves.
21:26 So in a relationship and a marriage, you can't have that pride saying, "I'm
21:30 going to do it my way because I need to show her I'm boss.
21:33 " No.
21:34 It's all about giving.
21:36 Because when we give, we receive.
21:38 You know, the more time I spend with my wife, the more I romance her, the
21:43 more she gives me her love.
21:46 And so the more we give, the more we're going to get back.
21:50 And so I invite people to invest the time to spend in prayer and in laughter
21:55 and singing and holding hands and doing special things to continue to make
22:01 it special so that the relationship will thrive and not shrink and die.
22:06 BILL: We're short on time.
22:09 We have another song we want to get to before we leave.
22:11 What is this one we're going to hear now?
22:14 JAIME: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.
22:16 " BILL: Let's listen to that, Jaime.
22:28 [Violin Music]
26:02 BILL: We'd like to offer you a DVD of this program.
26:04 I think Jaime touched on such important principles for those that are
26:08 married, those that are thinking about marriage, those that maybe are going
26:11 through some struggles in their marriage.
26:13 And we'd like you to have this on DVD in your homes.
26:17 You can share it with your friends and family.
26:18 It is our gift to you.
26:20 Here's the information you need to get your copy.
27:25 BILL: Well, Jaime, thank you again for being here. JAIME: Thank you.
27:28 BILL: .this week also with us.
27:29 JAIME: It was a pleasure.
27:30 BILL: Please remind our viewers of your website.
27:32 JAIME:
27:34 BILL: We'll make sure to put a link on our website,
27:38 JAIME: Thank you.
27:39 BILL: On the website, Jaime has a beautiful 25th anniversary concert DVD.
27:44 He has it on Blu-ray.
27:45 You're going to want to get that.
27:46 You can get that at
27:48 Tonight, I will be at the Windsor Seventh-Day Adventist
27:53 Church for our Countdown to Life Bible seminar.
27:56 Why don't you come out and join us?
27:58 If you're not in the Windsor area, you can still join us.
28:00 How?
28:01 On the internet.
28:02 Go to our website,
28:05 Click on the "watch live" tab and you will be able to watch our Bible seminar
28:10 from Windsor on any mobile device, iPhone, Android, iPad.
28:16 You name it, you can watch it.
28:19 I hope you will join us.
28:20 We hope to be back next week.
28:22 In fact, we'll be praying that you will be here with us.
28:26 Until then, remember, it is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but
28:32 by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-02-06