It Is Written Canada

Crescendo, part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos, Jaime Jorge


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201304

00:11 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
00:14 God's book, The Bible
00:18 Still relevant in today's complex world
00:24 It Is Written
00:27 Sharing messages of hope around the world!
00:38 BILL: Welcome to the It is Written Canada television program.
00:41 My name is Bill Santos.
00:42 Thanks for taking the time to join us today.
00:46 You know, every so often on our program, we have special guests.
00:49 And I have to tell you, as the host of the program, it's always a treat to
00:53 have guests that come with life experiences that I know are going to benefit
00:59 all of us as we listen to them.
01:01 And today, we have a guest.
01:04 He's probably not unknown to many Canadian viewers 'cause he has been on
01:09 Canadian television quite a bit.
01:11 He is a renowned concert violinist, Jaime Jorge.
01:15 Jaime, thank you so much for being here.
01:17 JAIME: Thank you for having me.
01:18 I'm excited to be here.
01:20 BILL: That's great.
01:21 Now, this is the first time you and I have had a chance to be on the
01:23 program.
01:24 But like I said earlier, many of our Canadian viewers would be familiar
01:27 with you because you have been on Canadian television quite a bit,
01:32 playing.
01:36 And God has gifted you, man, in a mighty, mighty way.
01:38 But we're going to get a chance to hear you today.
01:42 But for the benefit of those few that may not know you, I'd like to
01:46 learn a little bit about you.
01:48 JAIME: Sure.
01:49 BILL: So you know, tell us, you know, where were you born?
01:52 Where are you from?
01:53 And let's get going on who you are.
01:55 JAIME: Well, I was born in the Communist island of Cuba.
01:57 And I was fortunate and blessed to be born into a Christian home.
02:01 My parents already knew the Lord.
02:04 They had accepted the gift of salvation.
02:06 And so I was born in an environment of love and worship to God, even
02:12 though we were in a country that persecuted Christians, oftentimes.
02:17 But for me and my sister, because there's two of us, I think we didn't really
02:21 experience the kind of reality that my parents did, and others, because
02:26 we were shielded from so much of it.
02:29 However, we still experienced trials and tribulations at school.
02:33 In order for you to be a communist, you had to wear a little scarf.
02:38 It was called a Pioneer scarf.
02:41 And if you didn't show up at school wearing it, when you lined up in the
02:45 morning with all the other hundreds of other students, everybody wore
02:49 the same uniform, it was very easy to pick out those young people who did
02:53 not wear their scarves.
02:55 And so from the very beginning of every day, teachers and the principal
02:58 would know who was a Christian.
03:00 And sometimes we would be interrogated half of the morning.
03:03 "Why are you a Christian?
03:05 Why do you believe in God?
03:06 Where is God?
03:07 Show God to us so that we can believe too.
03:09 " And so we had some of those challenges from the very beginning.
03:13 But we were taught to love Jesus and to serve him no matter what.
03:17 And so when I started playing the violin at the age of 5, and it was
03:21 because my mother forced me, not because I wanted to. I want to make that
03:25 very clear. she recognized that I had a talent, began to take me to violin
03:30 lessons, and I excelled.
03:32 And so when I was 9, I participated in a competition that was at
03:36 the local school.
03:38 From there, we kept going up, city's, province, national, and I got to the
03:43 very last round, and I played in an auditorium full of people from all
03:47 over the island, participants, representatives from all
03:51 over the country.
03:53 When I finished playing and I walked off the stage, the judges said,
03:56 "You played so well that you deserve to win first place.
04:00 " And of course, I lit up.
04:02 But one of them said, "We know that you're a Christian.
04:07 And in this country, we don't believe in God.
04:09 And we cannot acknowledge anybody that does.
04:12 But if tonight, you go out on that stage and you make a public declaration that
04:18 you will renounce your faith in God." BILL: Oh my goodness.
04:20 Now, how old were you?
04:22 JAIME: Nine.
04:23 BILL: Wow.
04:24 JAIME: ". we will give you first place and the big trophy.
04:26 " But my parents had taught me as it says in God's word that it is
04:29 better to obey God rather than men.
04:31 And so I said, "Thank you, but no.
04:34 " And they said, "Okay.
04:36 " I went home, lost that opportunity.
04:38 Some time passed.
04:39 And one of these same judges came to my house to offer me a scholarship on
04:43 behalf of the government of Cuba to go to Moscow to study, he said, in the
04:47 best music school in the world, the Moscow Conservatory of Music in
04:50 Russia.
04:51 He said, "You will be famous.
04:53 Your family will have a better life.
04:55 All you have to do is sign this paper that says you don't believe in God
04:59 anymore.
05:01 " BILL: Oh my goodness.
05:02 JAIME: He said, "Now, I don't care what you believe in.
05:03 Just sign this.
05:05 " BILL: Just sign the paper.
05:06 JAIME: And I said, "Listen, if that's the condition, you're wasting
05:08 your time 'cause you already know my answer.
05:10 " And he stood up and he said, "You're right.
05:12 You're wasting my time and the time of the communist government because you are
05:16 never going to be a good violinist.
05:18 " And he stormed off and left and I never saw him again.
05:21 BILL: Wow.
05:23 JAIME: But God has greater plans than we can imagine.
05:28 And God is always faithful.
05:30 And when we are faithful, we're able to see what he has for us.
05:35 And you know, I was walking away from the biggest opportunity of my
05:38 life.
05:39 BILL: Yes, of course.
05:41 JAIME: But I was walking away from something even bigger if I would've been
05:43 willing to renounce my faith in God, and I wasn't going to do that.
05:46 But my family got the news just a couple of months after that, that we were
05:52 being allowed to leave Cuba and go to the United States of America.
05:55 My dad had dreamed of and tried for years to leave Cuba.
06:00 And the opportunity came and the Lord opened the doors and my family went
06:04 to the U.S.
06:06 where I had many, many other opportunities to continue to further the
06:09 talent that God has given me.
06:11 Because really, what I do and playing the violin is not an ability that I
06:15 deserved or that I earned.
06:17 It was given to me by God.
06:18 And my mother taught me that I always needed to dedicate my talents for
06:23 God's honour and glory.
06:24 And so now I have the wonderful privilege to share this talent with
06:28 others and remind other people that their talents also have the opportunity
06:32 to be used in the Lord's work to bring others to Jesus Christ.
06:37 And as you know, because you do God's work, there is nothing better to do
06:41 when we do God's will and we fulfill his calling in our lives.
06:46 BILL: Yeah, I've often said God can use anyone.
06:47 He just looks for us to be available to be used by him.
06:50 JAIME: That's right.
06:51 BILL: So how old were you when you came to the United States?
06:53 JAIME: Ten years old.
06:54 BILL: Ten years old.
06:55 JAIME: It was in 1980.
06:56 BILL: That must have been quite a shock for you to come to the United States.
06:59 JAIME: It was like going from black and white television to colour
07:02 television.
07:03 BILL: Right, okay.
07:04 JAIME: You know.
07:05 I remember the day we arrived.
07:07 I ate an apple and a grape for the very first time.
07:09 And I chewed gum for the very first time in my life.
07:11 In fact, I chewed it for so long that it disintegrated.
07:16 And then I wanted to swallow it and they said, "No, no, no, you spit it
07:19 out and then there's more.
07:21 " BILL: You get another one.
07:22 JAIME: There was more of everything.
07:23 I had never been to a store.
07:25 The stores in Cuba are like this: you walk in.
07:28 There's a counter.
07:30 You give the person who works there the booklet that the government gives
07:33 you which says how many pounds or kilos of rice and beans you get every
07:39 day, how many loaves of bread, how many you get every month, not every
07:42 day.
07:44 And then they weight it, bring it.
07:45 You pay and you walk out.
07:47 BILL: You walk out.
07:49 JAIME: You can't choose whether you want yogurt that's Greek yogurt or
07:51 flavoured yogurt or this kind of juice, none of that.
07:54 And when I walked into a store and I saw aisles and aisles packed with food
07:59 and different types of the same kind of food, I was just amazed.
08:04 I was overwhelmed.
08:05 I'd never been to a clothing store before where you could just
08:08 choose from all kinds of sizes and colours and styles and get what you
08:13 wanted; you just had to pay.
08:14 We didn't have that before.
08:15 It was absolutely amazing.
08:17 BILL: Wow.
08:18 So you pursued your gift of violin.
08:22 At what point did you realize that this is something special here, I
08:26 mean, that God is going to, you know, do something special with me here?
08:30 JAIME: You know, interestingly enough, I hated the violin.
08:33 My mother forced me to practice for 15 years.
08:36 And it wasn't until I was a freshman in college in the U.S.
08:41 I was 18 years old.
08:42 And I played for a talent show at school.
08:46 And I remember playing this classical piece of music and I was scared to
08:51 death because I thought, "Nobody's going to like classical music.
08:56 " All the other participants were singing and dancing and doing rock
08:59 and roll and rap and all this stuff.
09:02 I thought, "When I get up there, people are going to boo me, you know.
09:04 " And I was scared.
09:06 I went out there.
09:07 My hands were sweaty.
09:10 My palms on the inside, but on the outside, they were stiff.
09:13 And I just started playing.
09:15 And I said, "Lord, help me to be a light and an example here for You.
09:18 " When I finished playing that song, the whole place came down.
09:21 People on their feet, clapping, yelling, cheering.
09:24 For weeks after that, they would come and hunt me down as I walked around
09:28 the campus saying, "Who are you?
09:30 Why are you different?
09:31 What is it about you that is different?
09:33 " And I saw two things there that night.
09:35 Number one, the power of music, and number two, the power of being a servant
09:40 of God.
09:41 People could tell that there was something different about me.
09:43 And I thought, "You know what?
09:45 I want to use this for God's honour and glory.
09:48 " But I didn't want to be a musician; I wanted to be a doctor, 'cause I went to
09:52 medical school.
09:53 And it was into my second year that the Lord called me to walk away from
09:58 medicine to do music medicine, music ministry fulltime.
10:02 BILL: Earlier, we had the opportunity to have you tape a couple songs.
10:08 We're going to listen to one right now.
10:10 Maybe you can give us a brief introduction on what you're going to be playing
10:14 for us.
10:15 JAIME: Absolutely.
10:16 You know, we don't have a lot of guarantees in this world.
10:17 But we can be guaranteed of the fact that God has secured our salvation
10:21 through Jesus dying on the cross for us.
10:24 And so that is an assurance that we have of his love for us.
10:28 It never goes away, it never dies, it never changes.
10:30 And this song simply says, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.
10:36 "
10:40 (Violin Music)
13:56 BILL: Well, that was beautiful.
13:59 If your mom's listening, Mrs. Jaime Jorge, thank you for insisting that
14:02 your son continue to play.
14:04 JAIME: I will let her know.
14:06 BILL: So you leave medical school and you pursue the violin as a ministry.
14:09 Now, you've had the opportunity to play all around the world in some
14:14 pretty interesting places.
14:17 Is there one that sort of stands out for you?
14:19 JAIME: Well, yes.
14:23 BILL: Hey, I know that's a tough question because there's probably a bunch
14:25 of them, right?
14:27 But. JAIME: But you might be surprised by my answer.
14:29 I was in Mexico three years ago.
14:32 And I was invited to do a number of concerts in a couple of days.
14:38 You know, over there, it's just shotgun.
14:40 You go and you go and you go.
14:41 BILL: Right.
14:42 JAIME: And it was great.
14:44 And I played, I remember, for a mayor and a governor in different places.
14:49 And then they took me to a hut church.
14:52 And the floor was dirt.
14:55 And there was no sound system, there was no fancy lighting, but there were
15:00 such humble and sincere people there.
15:05 And at the end of the concert, a couple of them gave their hearts to the
15:09 Lord.
15:10 And I will never, ever forget that.
15:13 And it reminds me of the fact that what we do isn't just to play for some
15:19 president or some king or some dignitary.
15:22 It is to touch people's lives.
15:24 And in the simplest of places, there are people who are hungry for God's
15:29 word.
15:31 And it is our privilege to be able to reach those people as well.
15:34 BILL: And you have literally played for presidents and kings.
15:39 And isn't it incredible to know that the power of the King of kings worked
15:45 through you in that little hut church to reach those souls for Jesus Christ?
15:49 JAIME: That's right.
15:51 BILL: It's eternal consequences, citizens of the Kingdom.
15:53 JAIME: Amen.
15:54 BILL: Jaime, you've been at this now for how long?
15:56 JAIME: 25 years.
15:57 BILL: 25 years.
15:59 My goodness, it is a lifetime.
16:01 JAIME: It is.
16:03 And I didn't imagine that it was going to last this long, you know.
16:06 When I walked away from medical school, I really had no expectations that a
16:12 whole lot was going to happen other than the fact that I was allowing God to
16:16 use me.
16:18 And I say that because all of us have that choice to make.
16:21 Like you said, He wants to use us, but do we make ourselves available to
16:24 Him?
16:25 So I didn't know what was going to happen.
16:27 I just knew that God was going to have to provide 'cause the salary of a
16:31 doctor is a little different than the salary of a Christian musician,
16:34 you know.
16:35 But I'm humbled the way that God has blessed, not necessarily on human
16:40 terms, 'cause I think we look at success in different ways.
16:45 For us, I think as human beings, success is money and fame and fortune and
16:50 power.
16:51 For God, I believe success is how well He can use those people that allow
16:56 Him to use them.
16:58 Bottom line.
17:00 And so as I look back, it almost seems impossible and it is, except that God
17:05 has been the one guiding.
17:06 And when God guides, we don't have any reason to be afraid and anything to
17:12 worry about because He's going to work it out.
17:15 BILL: Yeah, it is an incredible experience because you know, you lack
17:20 the security of, you know, a fulltime employment, and you've really placed
17:27 yourself out there at God's will.
17:29 And He has sustained for these 25 years and you've impacted many, many lives.
17:36 You know, we just had you do a concert for us just the other night just
17:38 because we taped this.
17:40 And dozens and dozens of people came to me and said that they were moved by
17:44 your playing, because it's beyond. I mean, you're definitely a gifted
17:49 musician.
17:51 But there's something that comes through in that music that is this
17:55 ministry, this call to Jesus Christ that I think is so, so powerful, Jaime.
18:02 JAIME: Praise the Lord.
18:03 BILL: And God has used you mightily.
18:05 We wanted to talk a little bit about. I want to leave some time 'cause I know
18:09 you have a special project that commemorated your 25th anniversary.
18:15 But as you look back over, you know, your 25 years, you know, serving God this
18:21 way, we've talked about this special moment there in Mexico.
18:24 Any regrets?
18:26 JAIME: Oh, certainly.
18:28 You always pay a price for what you do.
18:33 And sometimes people come up to me and say, "Oh, that TV personality or
18:39 religious personality, you know, I heard that something happened or they
18:43 got sick or their life sort of fell apart.
18:46 " You know, I think one of the most challenging and difficult things I've ever
18:52 gone through was losing my marriage.
18:54 I never imagined when I got married that this could or would happen.
18:59 And yet, it did.
19:01 And yeah, you betcha, it is a regret.
19:03 And for a long time, I dealt with guilt.
19:06 I dealt with these feelings of inadequateness, until the
19:11 Lord reminded me that it isn't about me; it's about Him.
19:16 Because I was thinking about walking away and never playing the violin
19:20 again.
19:21 BILL: Wow.
19:22 JAIME: How could I stand up in front of people and tell them anything when my
19:23 life is a mess, you know?
19:25 And I remember God saying to me one time, "Go out there and play and talk.
19:29 It's not about you; it's about Me.
19:31 " And it really changed my approach because you get used to the lights and the
19:36 focus being on you.
19:38 It really isn't about me.
19:39 It's not about you.
19:40 It's about Jesus Christ.
19:42 And it gave me strength to go out and it gave me hope that even when I make
19:46 mistakes and I make big mistakes like that or my life falls apart, that God
19:49 can still work in my life and He can renew and He can change things and He
19:55 can redo things.
19:57 And I am thankful for what has happened and what God has done.
20:01 BILL: Let me ask you something: would you be willing to come back next
20:04 week?
20:05 'Cause I. and talk specifically. JAIME: Yeah.
20:07 BILL: . about the breakdown. JAIME: You bet.
20:09 BILL: . of your marriage?
20:11 JAIME: You bet.
20:12 BILL: 'Cause I've got to believe that there's people listening here that
20:13 are going through, have gone through the same thing.
20:15 And I think your experience can impact.
20:19 And so is that. JAIME: You betcha.
20:21 BILL: . okay?
20:22 It's not that I want to cut the subject down right now, but I think we need
20:24 to dedicate an appropriate amount of time to this, 'cause I believe you can
20:27 truly help someone.
20:30 JAIME: I hope so.
20:32 BILL: Tell us a little bit about this special project that you put together to
20:35 commemorate your 25 years in ministry.
20:38 JAIME: Yes.
20:40 Well, I was on a cruise to Alaska with my sister a couple years ago, and she
20:43 said, "Why don't we do something?
20:45 " And the idea at first was just, "Let's do a concert, you know.
20:48 We'll have people, we'll invite those that have been a part of the
20:52 ministry and have supported," and this and that.
20:54 And then she said, "Well, why don't we invite some of your musician friends?
20:57 " And then I started thinking even bigger than that.
21:01 "Well, why don't we have an orchestra, a choir, a band?
21:04 Why don't we record this to turn into a live concert DVD and a
21:08 documentary?
21:09 " And so we began to work towards this.
21:11 The Lord opened the doors, because when you do a project like this, it's
21:15 not an easy feat.
21:16 I brought it before the Lord.
21:18 You know, we were going to need a lot of resources, a lot of time, a lot of
21:21 help.
21:22 And the Lord opened the doors.
21:24 In November of 2012, we had a concert in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
21:28 and a band, an orchestra, a choir came together.
21:31 And then some of these friends that I invited were also able to come.
21:35 And so we had duets during the concert; we had. with everybody joining in.
21:41 And I had the privilege of the participation of Michael Card, one of the
21:46 most successful singer/songwriters in Christian music.
21:50 Larnelle Harris, one of my very favourite singers as well.
21:54 Kirk Whalum, who is an amazing sax player.
21:56 He used to give Bible studies to Whitney Houston.
22:00 BILL: Isn't that something?
22:02 JAIME: He was her sax player.
22:03 And they would travel together and he would pray with her.
22:04 And some other friends, Sam Ocampo, Jennifer LaMountain, John Stoddart,
22:07 and we were able to put this project together for God's honour and glory.
22:11 And when people are watching this now, whether it's on television or
22:15 after the concerts, people are saying, "You know what?
22:18 I want to either give my heart to the Lord or I want to dedicate my life,
22:23 because if God can use somebody like you, coming from a country like Cuba,
22:27 where you had no future, where you had no hope, maybe. what could God do
22:32 with me?
22:33 " BILL: Yes.
22:35 JAIME: And so that is the aim.
22:36 BILL: How can someone get that, very quickly?
22:37 JAIME: Visiting our website,
22:39 BILL: And we'll make sure that there's a link on our website,
22:42 for that.
22:43 JAIME: Thank you.
22:44 BILL: We want to get to the second song that you taped earlier and which
22:47 one will that be?
22:48 JAIME: A mighty fortress is our God.
22:49 Bill: Let's listen to that Jaime.
22:58 (Violin music)
26:12 BILL: If you enjoyed today's interview with Jaime and would like to
26:14 receive a free DVD of this interview, you can request one from It Is Written.
26:19 It is our gift to you.
26:21 Here is the information you need to get your copy.
26:25 Here is the information you need to get your copy.
27:25 BILL: Well, that's the end of the program.
27:27 It goes by fast, doesn't it?
27:28 JAIME: Man, it sure does.
27:29 BILL: Thank you for agreeing to join us again next week.
27:32 JAIME: You betcha.
27:33 It's an honour.
27:34 BILL: Thank you for watching.
27:36 I want to let you know that on November the 8th, that's Friday, November
27:39 the 8th, I will be conducting a Bible seminar at the Windsor Seventh-Day
27:44 Adventist Church,
27:45 If you're in the area, why don't you come and join us?
27:48 Visit our website for the address.
27:50 If you're not in the area and can't join us, don't worry, go to our website,
27:57 Click the "watch live" tab and you will be able to watch that seminar from
28:01 anywhere in the world on any mobile device.
28:06 I hope you will join us.
28:08 On the website, we will also have a link to Jaime's website where you
28:12 can acquire his DVDs and his CDs and this special 25th anniversary DVD that
28:19 I know you will just love.
28:21 Well, our plan and our prayer is that we come back together next week.
28:26 Until then, remember, it is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but
28:32 by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-02-06