It Is Written Canada

All The King's Men, Pt 8

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201234

00:03 TEASER: At age 14 he ran away from home and fought in the French and Indian
00:06 War.
00:09 At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he joined the American army
00:13 as a colonel and in 1775 shared a command with Ethan Allen in the capture
00:17 of Ticonderoga.
00:20 Later he led 1000 men into Canada where he fought in the battle of Quebec.
00:26 His courage in battle won him a promotion to brigadier general.
00:30 But something went wrong.
00:33 Thoughts of compromise ate away at his patriotic zeal.
00:36 Soon the unthinkable happened.
00:39 He offered his services to the British, and in 1780 devised a plan to
00:44 surrender West Point to British control.
00:49 Today, instead of being remembered as a national hero, Benedict Arnold is
00:52 synonymous with "traitor."
01:11 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time.
01:15 God's book: the Bible,
01:18 still relevant in today's complex world.
01:22 It Is Written,
01:25 sharing the messages of hope around the world.
01:39 Let me invite you to turn with me in your Bible to the tenth chapter of
01:44 Matthew this morning for our study of the Word of God.
01:48 In our progressing through this marvelous, marvelous gospel that opens the New
01:52 Testament we have been seeing how Jesus trained His twelve to be sent out
01:59 as the representatives of the Kingdom.
02:03 And as we come to chapter 10 He is ready to send them on their first
02:08 mission, to give them some on-the-job experience.
02:12 We have been noting the names of the twelve and we've stopped to take the
02:17 time to get to know them as much as is possible in the Word of God.
02:22 We're looking today at the last name in the list in verse 4, the name Judas
02:30 Iscariot.
02:33 Let me read from Matthew 10:1 - 5a
03:07 Now we have met already the first eleven disciples.
03:11 We had set about to learn everything that we could learn about them.
03:15 Some of them have a lot of information, some of them little or none.
03:19 But we've tried to look at their personalities and their character and how
03:23 they fit into the scheme of things and the plan of our Lord and why they were
03:27 selected for such an incredibly marvelous task.
03:32 The one thing, I think, that we have concluded in general is that they were
03:36 basically unqualified.
03:38 They were basically common men just like we are.
03:41 Men whom God had to transform in order to make them into what He wanted
03:46 them to be.
03:48 And we saw how our Lord overcame their commonness and enabled them to preach
03:54 and to teach and to heal and to cast out demons as the official
03:57 representatives of the Kingdom.
04:01 And I might add that they were successful, oh, they were highly successful.
04:05 Under the energy of the Spirit of God they pulled off that which Christ had
04:10 asked them to do, they built His church.
04:13 They were a remarkable group.
04:16 But one of them stands out against the background of the others.
04:20 He is isolated.
04:22 He is lonely.
04:23 He is alone.
04:25 His name is Judas Iscariot.
04:28 He is a horrifying, colossal, misfit.
04:30 He is the epitome of disaster.
04:34 He is the vilest, wickedest man the Bible knows anything about and
04:38 he is our subject this morning.
04:41 He is listed last, you'll notice, in verse 4.
04:44 And he is always listed with a comment about his betrayal, because that was
04:46 his brand and will be for all time.
04:51 Let's examine what the Bible says about him.
04:54 First of all, his name, Judas, a common name.
04:58 Lebbaeus Thaddaeus in verse 3 is also called Judas.
05:02 It is simply a form of Judah, the land of God's people.
05:06 Some say the root of it means 'Jehovah leads' and others think the root of
05:10 it might refer to 'one who is the object of praise'.
05:15 But what a paradox either way.
05:18 If it means Jehovah leads there never was one who was more obviously led by
05:22 Satan than was Judas.
05:26 If it means one worth of praise there is never lived one more unworthy of
05:31 praise than Judas.
05:34 It says his name is not only Judas but Iscariot.
05:39 What does that mean?
05:41 Basically it comes from two terms ish meaning man and Kerioth meaning town.
05:44 He was a man of the town of Kerioth.
05:48 That is simply a geographical identification.
05:52 Why is it that Judas is identified geographically and the other eleven are
05:59 not?
06:01 It's important because he is the only non-Galilean.
06:05 He is the only Jew from the southern section.
06:08 He is the only Judean Jew.
06:10 All of the rest came from Galilee.
06:13 And this may indicate to us that from the very beginning Judas was never
06:16 really one of the boys.
06:19 Also, the southern Jews felt themselves greatly superior to the rural Jews
06:24 of the north and would have looked down on them and consequently there may
06:30 have been a certain amount of pride involved which deepened as time went on.
06:35 Author E.G. White in her book on the life of Jesus, "Desire of Ages" writes
06:40 the following (page 717)
06:59 Twenty-three miles south of Jerusalem, seven miles from Hebron was a little
07:03 group of tiny villages.
07:05 They were built near farms where the people cultivated the soil.
07:09 As the little villages congregated together and grew they became one
07:13 little town and that little town became known as Kerioth.
07:18 And in Joshua 15:25 it is mentioned.
07:21 And it was that little village that gave birth to this man.
07:25 Seven miles from Hebron a little child was born that was one day to betray the
07:30 Savior.
07:33 From his name we look at his call secondly.
07:39 And I hasten to add that the call of Judas is not recorded in the Bible.
07:44 We meet him the first time right here in this list and we don't know how he
07:48 got in the group.
07:51 We know he wanted to be involved but we don't know how it was that he
07:54 attached himself to Jesus.
07:56 Apparently he was attracted to Jesus, that's obvious.
07:58 He followed Him.
08:00 He stayed with Him.
08:02 And he stayed with Him longer than a lot of the other false disciples who
08:05 bailed out much earlier than this.
08:09 In fact, in John 6, it says there were many disciples who followed
08:14 Jesus but when He demanded total commitment out of them it says,
08:22 But the twelve, it says, remained.
08:26 So, even when Jesus called for all-out commitment, even when He made total
08:30 demand on them and many of them left, Judas stuck it out.
08:35 He stayed.
08:37 Now one thing is certain, Jesus knew Judas would betray Him.
08:42 The Old Testament predicted that one of His own would betray Him.
08:45 Psalm 41:9
08:58 If you look into the prophecy of Zechariah chapter 11 it even gets
09:01 more specific.
09:06 Zechariah 11:12
09:28 Betrayed by His own friend for thirty pieces of silver.
09:32 Now outwardly Judas didn't appear to have defective character.
09:36 I'm sure of that.
09:39 Three years he was with the disciples and Jesus said in the upper room in
09:43 John 13, He said: "One of you will betray Me."
09:46 And all the Apostles responded.
09:48 Do you remember how they responded?
09:50 Did they say - Is it Judas?
09:52 No, everyone of them said - Is it I?
09:55 Why?
09:57 They had no more reason to suspect Judas then they had reason to suspect
10:03 themselves.
10:05 They knew better about themselves and they assumed better about
10:08 Judas, he was a fantastic hypocrite.
10:14 He was so good at it they elected him treasurer of the group.
10:17 They gave him the money.
10:18 That's how much they trusted him.
10:21 You say - Well, didn't they know he must have had a rotten, sinful
10:28 background if he was such a rotten wretched vile man that he would do this to
10:32 Christ, he must have had a track record that was horrifying?
10:36 Yeah, but it wasn't at the worst any worse than any other ones.
10:42 It's hard to be much worse than Matthew who was an extortioner and a thief
10:45 and took bribes.
10:47 It would be hard to be much worse than Simon the Zealot who was an
10:49 assassin.
10:52 So you know, they were all kind of a crummy bunch if you look at it that way.
10:56 It's interesting to me that he never has a word to say until he complains
11:00 about the waste of money in Bethany.
11:03 He had the same potential as any of the others.
11:06 He could have been a John or a Peter or whatever.
11:10 I mean, Christ could have transformed him if his heart had been willing.
11:14 He was the same raw material, he was no more unqualified than anybody
11:18 else.
11:20 But the same sun that melts the wax, hardens the clay and while the other
11:24 men were being melted and molded he was being hardened.
11:29 Now I would hasten to add to you that he is no different than the other
11:34 twelve.
11:35 They all believed that the Messiah had come.
11:38 They all believed the Messiah would bring an earthly Kingdom.
11:42 They all believed the Messiah would overthrow Rome, He would establish
11:48 the Kingdom and they would enter into the glory of the Kingdom.
11:52 They all believed that they had met the lion of the tribe of Judah.
11:56 But the Lord began to tell them that before He was the lion of the tribe of
12:01 Judah, He had to be the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
12:07 And He talked about dying.
12:09 And He talked about giving His life.
12:12 And He talked about being lifted up.
12:15 And whenever He talked about that you could just hear Judas saying - What
12:19 is this?
12:21 You see, the other disciples started where he started.
12:25 But the Lord lifted them to a spiritual plain, Judas never got there.
12:31 The Lord elevated them to a spiritual Kingdom to see things in a divine
12:36 dimension, but Judas never got off the crass materialistic earthly
12:42 level, he was the epitome of a crass materialist.
12:46 The other disciples had worldliness - yes, and greed and selfishness, but
12:50 it was overcome by the love of Christ.
12:54 And they began to love Him and in their love for Him He lifted them to another
12:58 level.
12:59 Well, it never happened in Judas' life.
13:02 Greed and selfishness and materialisú and worldliness conquered
13:05 love.
13:07 And the others were lifted and he stayed.
13:10 The others became uncorrupted and he became more corrupted, more
13:12 greedy.
13:15 He had at the root of his character a terrible, terrible passion and he
13:19 never was willing to relinquish it.
13:25 In John chapter 12, we're coming to the final events, moving to the
13:30 cross, Judas is utterly and totally disillusioned.
13:35 The anticipation of anything good coming had totally removed itself
13:38 from him.
13:41 There was nothing good left and he no longer could contain his
13:44 hypocrisy, he could no longer mask the vile, filthy, wretched soul that
13:50 was within him and so in Bethany there was an incident that unmasked
13:53 him.
13:55 I don't think the disciples really picked up on it.
13:58 John 12:3
14:15 She was just pouring out love, just pouring out affection.
14:20 She gave this very costly thing to Jesus and it's something that was once
14:24 used and then forever gone.
14:27 John 12: 4 - 5
14:45 This is the first time the man every speaks.
14:48 He hated Jesus so deeply now that he couldn't stand any homage paid to Him.
14:52 The hate had taken over.
14:56 What started as attraction and love and fascination had turned to hate.
15:00 Because Jesus didn't do what he expected.
15:04 By the way, it may not have been worth quite three hundred, that may
15:09 have been his exaggeration because of the greed of his heart and in order to
15:12 overstate his case for affect.
15:15 If it was it was three hundred denarii it would be nearly a year's wages
15:19 worth of ointment.
15:22 John 12:6
15:37 Can you imagine that kind of a guy?
15:41 Here's a poor band of people going around doing good and he was stealing
15:44 out of their resources.
15:46 He had absolutely no love for them.
15:50 He was a materialist and he was in life for one thing - what he could get
15:54 out of it and he got it any way he could.
15:57 And if he wasn't going to get the whole Kingdom, he was going to get a few
16:01 bucks getting out.
16:03 That's the basic motive of Judas.
16:07 And some people have tried to ascribe to him a good motive, you cannot ascribe
16:11 to Judas a good motive anytime in anyway for two reasons.
16:20 One, Jesus said - One of you is a devil; Two, before he betrayed Him
16:23 Jesus said, "And Satan entered into him."
16:26 There was nothing good about him.
16:28 John 18, the next time we see Judas.
16:30 A few nights later Jesus is in the garden, verse 2:
16:41 Judas not only profaned the Passover with blood money, he profaned the
16:45 private place of devotion for our dear Lord.
16:49 He profaned friendship.
16:51 He knew the place.
16:52 Verses 3 & 4
17:13 You see, Jesus knew that Judas was going to come in and he was going to come
17:18 up to Jesus and he was going to kiss Him.
17:22 Judas would kiss Him to put Him at ease so He wouldn't think anything
17:25 was up.
17:26 Jesus knew all that.
17:27 So you know what He did?
17:29 He removed the necessity for the kiss.
17:31 He walked out and said - "Whom seek ye?
17:34 " And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
17:37 And He said, "I am He.
17:39 " Thus eliminating the need for a kiss.
17:42 But just to show you the pit of blackness in the heart of Judas, he kissed
17:46 Him anyway.
17:49 The diabolical heart forced him into that unnecessary kiss even
17:54 though it was no longer a kiss to point Him out, it was a kiss to fake his
17:59 innocence a supreme act of hypocrisy.
18:04 Some lessons learned from the life of Judas?
18:07 Number one, Judas is the world's greatest example of lost opportunity.
18:12 No man ever, ever, ever is a greater tragedy than that man.
18:17 Twelve men in human history have the privilege of walking three years in
18:22 the presence of the living God incarnate and he missed it.
18:25 The other eleven got it.
18:26 Incredible.
18:30 And there are people who will sit in the presence of Christians and thus in
18:34 the presence of Christ, there are fathers in families and mothers in
18:40 families and people in.... in churches who come and go and live their life -
18:44 around them are all these people in whom dwells the living Christ and they
18:48 lose that opportunity and go into eternity without Him.
18:51 But Judas is the worst.
18:55 And those who continue to miss the opportunity are in the line of Judas.
19:00 He was content to associate - nothing more.
19:03 Secondly, he is the world's greatest example of wasted privilege.
19:09 He wanted money, he wanted riches, he wanted possessions, he could have
19:12 possessed the universe forever but he sold it for ten or twenty dollars.
19:18 God offers you and every soul the riches of eternity.
19:22 What kind of a stupid bargain are you making?
19:26 By saying no to that to say yes to some pittance that will burn in the end
19:30 of this earth.
19:35 Thirdly, Judas is the world's greatest illustration of the love
19:39 of money as the root of evil.
19:43 He loved money so much that he actually sold the living God.
19:46 That's how far greed can take a man.
19:50 He is a monument to the destructiveness and the damnation of greed.
19:55 Fourthly, and this is turning the corner, I believe Judas is the
20:02 greatest lesson in the history of the world of the forbearing patient
20:05 love of God.
20:09 Only God could have known what He knew and tolerated that man's presence that
20:13 long.
20:16 That is the patient forbearance of God.
20:19 And then to have reached out in affection to him and offer him the sop and
20:22 even after the kiss said to him -Friend.
20:25 Incredible insight into the patience of God.
20:30 The Bible tells us that Christ was perfected through suffering, that He
20:36 became a sympathetic high priest.
20:39 Many men are betrayed, many men are wounded in the house of their
20:43 friends.
20:46 People cut people up and all of us have known the hurt and the pain of that
20:49 kind of thing.
20:52 And when we go to the Lord Jesus and we say -You know, I've had this happen
20:56 in my life, do You understand?
20:58 You can know for certain He understands.
21:07 One day i saw, a potter and some clay,
21:15 he molded it,fashioned it, and caused it to obey,
21:23 and soon he had, a vessel he could use,
21:31 it held his food it brought him life, no water he would loose,
21:39 but then i heard the vessel slipped and fell,
21:47 it's broken know, no one know's how to put it back again,
21:55 oh my life, was like, that vessel made of clay,
22:03 it fell apart and my broken heart knew i'd always go astray...
22:11 But Jesus made my vessel over,
22:19 Lord He made this vessel over,
22:26 Jesus made my vessel over
22:35 He made this vessel over again....
22:44 And now i know, his spirit lives in me
22:50 we're closer now i don't know how,
22:55 He saw what i could be,
22:59 if you've seen my life in pieces on the floor,
23:06 I wept inside no place to hide,
23:12 'till Jesus said ther's more...
23:15 And He made my vessel over,
23:23 Lord you made this vessel over,
23:30 Lord you made my vessel over
23:38 You made this vessel over again....
23:46 Jesus made my vessel over,
23:54 Lord He made this vessel over,
24:02 Jesus made my vessel over
24:11 Lord you made this vessel over again.
24:23 >>Bill: Let us pray.
24:25 Father we thank for this time together today.
24:27 We have studied a sobering message today and I pray that if anyone today has
24:33 not accepted Jesus fully that they will open up their heart and receive
24:38 Christ, ask His forgiveness right now and invite Him to be their
24:43 Lord and Savior.
24:45 Bless each and every viewer I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
25:31 >>Allen: What kind of people can God use?
25:33 Any kind!
25:35 All we have to do is make ourselves available.
25:38 That means there is hope for you and me.
25:42 Pastor Bill has written a book "All the King's men", it includes all of the
25:47 messages in this series, we would like to send it to you, here is the
25:50 information you need to get your free copy.
26:53 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It Is Written program, I want
26:56 to thank you for taking this half hour to join us.
26:59 We have come to the end of this series about the lives of the disciples and
27:03 if you have not gone on the web site yet to get study guide and the DVD
27:08 and the book, please do that.
27:11 We would be happy to send that to you for a donation of fifty dollars to the
27:14 ministry of It Is Written Canada.
27:18 Please know that the fifty dollars goes to support this ministry and help us
27:20 stay on the air.
27:23 While on the web site you can look at all the programs, you can send a
27:26 prayer request, you can make a donation, you can find out where our team
27:28 will be appearing.
27:30 You can also see all of our program on our You Tube channel
27:33 "".
27:36 Why not refer a friend to our You Tube site where they can see these and
27:40 other programs -- all of our programs are there.
27:43 You can also follow us on twitter.
27:46 I pray that we will have the privilege of being together once again next
27:49 week where we can study God's word.
27:52 Until then you remember this.... It Is Written, man shall not live by
27:56 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
28:04 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06