>>Bill: A rabbi and a pompous woman who were attending a 00:00:02.43\00:00:04.20 luncheon were conversing. 00:00:04.20\00:00:06.46 "One of my ancestors," boasted the woman, "signed the 00:00:06.46\00:00:10.96 Declaration of Independence." 00:00:10.96\00:00:12.26 "Is that so?" 00:00:12.26\00:00:14.06 asked the rabbi. 00:00:14.06\00:00:15.60 "One of mine wrote the Ten commandments." 00:00:15.60\00:00:18.16 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:35.03\00:00:36.63 God's book: the Bible, 00:00:37.46\00:00:39.93 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:00:41.10\00:00:44.50 It Is Written, 00:00:45.16\00:00:47.26 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:00:48.53\00:00:51.60 It was on Mount Sinai that Moses received the Ten commandments. 00:01:02.93\00:01:06.83 He didn''t write them. 00:01:06.83\00:01:09.20 He received them from God, and these commandments have become a 00:01:09.20\00:01:13.83 reliable guide to behavior for millions of people on this 00:01:13.83\00:01:18.66 earth. There is a story told of a church member who was going to 00:01:18.66\00:01:24.83 visit Mount Sinai where the Ten commandments were given by Almighty God to his servant 00:01:24.83\00:01:28.80 Moses. In fact, he told his Pastor that he planned to 00:01:28.80\00:01:32.93 actually climb the mountain and when he reached the top to read 00:01:32.93\00:01:35.36 aloud the Ten commandments. 00:01:35.36\00:01:38.76 Thinking this would please the Pastor, the church member was 00:01:38.76\00:01:43.76 surprised to hear his pastor say, "You know, I can think of something even better than 00:01:43.76\00:01:48.16 that." 00:01:48.16\00:01:49.60 The man responded, "You can, Pastor? 00:01:49.60\00:01:52.26 And what might that be?" 00:01:52.26\00:01:54.23 The Pastor replied rather bluntly, "Just this. 00:01:54.23\00:01:58.53 Instead of traveling thousands of miles to read the Ten 00:01:58.53\00:02:03.30 commandments on Mount Sinai, why not stay right here at home and 00:02:03.30\00:02:09.10 keep them?" It is believed by some Christians that God's Law - the Ten Commandments 00:02:09.10\00:02:12.76 given to Moses on Mt. 00:02:12.76\00:02:14.80 Sinai is not applicable to Christians. 00:02:14.80\00:02:19.20 Some have argued - that there were no Christians when God gave 00:02:19.20\00:02:24.73 the law so therefore it is not necessary to keep the Commandments today - I 00:02:24.73\00:02:28.76 wonder, what does the Bible say about keeping the Ten 00:02:28.76\00:02:34.16 Commandments - join me now as we Ask The Bible about the Ten 00:02:34.16\00:02:41.46 Commandments. In some of the saddest verses in the New Testament Jesus says . 00:02:41.46\00:02:44.76 Matthew 7: 21 - 23 00:02:44.76\00:02:49.16 What makes this passage so sad? 00:03:20.36\00:03:24.30 Well, the people Jesus is referring to in these verses 00:03:24.30\00:03:27.83 They call Him "Lord. 00:03:27.83\00:03:29.13 " They preach in God's name. 00:03:29.13\00:03:30.66 They cast out devils. 00:03:30.66\00:03:32.86 They do all kinds of wonderful things in the name of God - but 00:03:32.86\00:03:35.76 Jesus says He doesn't know them, because they are lawless. 00:03:35.76\00:03:38.70 They will not do the will of God. 00:03:38.70\00:03:42.53 They wouldn't trust God enough to actually just do what He 00:03:42.53\00:03:46.36 says. In the end, even though they played church and looked 00:03:46.36\00:03:51.26 like Christians, and they sounded like Christians, they 00:03:51.26\00:03:55.06 were still lost. Why? 00:03:55.06\00:03:56.36 Because they were lawless. 00:03:56.36\00:04:00.20 It turns out that situation ethics isn't just in the world, 00:04:00.20\00:04:04.90 it's in the church, too. 00:04:04.90\00:04:08.70 A Gallup Poll conducted a couple of years ago discovered that 00:04:08.70\00:04:10.66 Why does that matter? 00:04:21.83\00:04:24.36 Look at what John told us: 1 John 3: 4 00:04:24.36\00:04:30.40 But I thought the law was only for the Old Testament! 00:04:43.13\00:04:47.00 Ever heard that before? 00:04:47.00\00:04:49.13 Let me ask you a really easy question: Is the book of 1 John 00:04:49.13\00:04:55.23 in the New Testament or the Old Testament? 00:04:55.23\00:04:56.33 The New! 00:04:56.33\00:04:58.90 Let me ask you another question: Do we still have sin in our 00:04:58.90\00:05:02.46 world tonight? Of course. 00:05:02.46\00:05:05.96 So let's put two and two together - if there's sin in our 00:05:05.96\00:05:10.16 world today, and sin is the transgression of the law - does the moral law of God still 00:05:10.16\00:05:15.76 count? 00:05:15.76\00:05:17.03 Of course. 00:05:17.03\00:05:18.93 Or there would be no such thing as sin. 00:05:18.93\00:05:21.83 And nobody born in the New Testament era would need Jesus 00:05:21.83\00:05:26.53 at all. And we know that's not true. 00:05:26.53\00:05:28.73 Sin exists, and people still need Jesus - so therefore, 00:05:28.73\00:05:31.83 according to the Bible, the law of God must still exist, too. 00:05:31.83\00:05:37.56 "But I though that Jesus did away with the law! 00:05:37.56\00:05:43.46 Didn't Jesus nail the law to the cross? 00:05:43.46\00:05:46.66 " Yes and no. 00:05:46.66\00:05:50.63 Let me explain. 00:05:50.63\00:05:52.63 I have heard some Christians say that in the Old Testament people 00:05:52.63\00:05:55.93 were saved by keeping God's law, but now we're saved by grace. 00:05:55.93\00:06:01.13 Have you ever heard anything like that? 00:06:01.13\00:06:04.23 The Word of God is clear that everybody has always been saved 00:06:04.23\00:06:10.86 in exactly the same way - by grace through faith in what Jesus did for us at the 00:06:10.86\00:06:17.06 cross of Calvary. 00:06:17.06\00:06:19.06 Look at Acts 4: 12 00:06:19.06\00:06:23.16 The fact is that nobody has ever been saved by keeping the law. 00:06:34.83\00:06:40.50 Not even in the Old Testament. 00:06:40.50\00:06:42.23 It's always been by faith. 00:06:42.23\00:06:44.80 The Old Testament prophet Habakuk said: Habakuk 2: 4 00:06:44.80\00:06:51.13 Whether you lived in the Old Testament or the New Testament, 00:06:58.60\00:07:01.46 you were saved Whether you lived in the Old Testament or the New Testament, you were saved 00:07:20.80\00:07:24.03 exactly the same way - by faith in the Messiah. 00:07:24.03\00:07:28.70 The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is a list of Old Testament 00:07:28.70\00:07:32.56 people who have been saved by faith. 00:07:32.56\00:07:35.60 Why? 00:07:35.60\00:07:37.46 Because it's always been that way. 00:07:37.46\00:07:41.50 But still the Bible teaches that something changed when Jesus 00:07:41.50\00:07:46.80 died on the cross, right? 00:07:46.80\00:07:49.80 And if it wasn't the method of salvation, what was it? 00:07:49.80\00:07:52.63 In the Old Testament, there is more than one kind of law. 00:07:52.63\00:07:57.56 The Ten Commandments, or the moral law of God. 00:07:57.56\00:08:03.66 You shall not steal, you shall not commit adultery, and so on. 00:08:03.66\00:08:06.96 This is the law that John says it is a sin to break even to 00:08:06.96\00:08:12.33 this day. It is still wrong to worship other gods. 00:08:12.33\00:08:14.90 It is still wrong to murder. 00:08:14.90\00:08:17.06 It is still wrong to take God's name in vain. 00:08:17.06\00:08:20.50 The other is called the Law of Moses - And this law had to do 00:08:20.50\00:08:26.30 with special ceremonies, rites, rituals and ordinances. 00:08:26.30\00:08:30.03 It was the law that regulated the sacrificial system. 00:08:30.03\00:08:35.30 In the Old Testament, sinners would confess their sins over a 00:08:35.30\00:08:41.76 lamb or another animal, and their sins would be symbolically transferred to that lamb. 00:08:41.76\00:08:48.86 Then that lamb would symbolically die in their place. 00:08:48.86\00:08:54.36 Tell me - what did that represent? 00:08:54.36\00:08:58.80 Jesus Christ. 00:08:58.80\00:09:02.86 Through the sacrificial system, people looked forward to what 00:09:02.86\00:09:07.06 the Messiah would do for them when He came. 00:09:07.06\00:09:10.50 That's why John the Baptist called Jesus the "Lamb of God 00:09:10.50\00:09:17.80 which takes away the sins of the world. 00:09:17.80\00:09:20.40 " (John 1:29) every Hebrew mind thought, lamb of Go - that is 00:09:20.40\00:09:24.36 what all those little lambs represented. 00:09:24.36\00:09:27.66 Those little lambs were never able to save anybody. 00:09:27.66\00:09:31.96 They were just symbols. 00:09:31.96\00:09:34.20 They helped people look forward to the cross in faith, and that 00:09:34.20\00:09:37.46 faith saved them. 00:09:37.46\00:09:41.03 But when Jesus Himself came, we didn't need the symbols anymore, 00:09:41.03\00:09:44.46 because we had the real thing. 00:09:44.46\00:09:46.76 That's why, when Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn in 00:09:46.76\00:09:51.43 two. We didn't need it anymore. 00:09:51.43\00:09:52.63 It was just a symbol. 00:09:52.63\00:09:54.40 Folks, salvation has always been by faith. 00:09:54.40\00:09:58.93 In the Old Testament, they used symbols to help them see the 00:09:58.93\00:10:02.56 cross coming, and by faith they were saved. 00:10:02.56\00:10:05.73 In the New Testament, we look back to that same cross in 00:10:05.73\00:10:11.70 faith, and we are saved. 00:10:11.70\00:10:13.46 What changed at the cross? 00:10:13.46\00:10:17.13 Not God's moral law. 00:10:17.13\00:10:19.56 It was the ceremonial law. 00:10:19.56\00:10:21.46 We don't need it anymore. 00:10:21.46\00:10:24.30 But the moral law - God's ten commandment law - it still 00:10:24.30\00:10:27.60 applies. How do I know? 00:10:27.60\00:10:29.20 Jesus said so: Matthew 5: 17 - 19 00:10:29.20\00:10:36.20 Jesus said that as long as the earth and sky are still there, 00:11:12.40\00:11:17.50 so is His law. 00:11:17.50\00:11:19.86 In fact, it has always been there. 00:11:19.86\00:11:22.76 It was there before Moses got it written on two tables of stone 00:11:22.76\00:11:25.93 at Mt. Sinai. 00:11:25.93\00:11:27.00 How do I know? 00:11:27.00\00:11:28.53 Because Abraham kept it: Genesis 26: 5 00:11:28.53\00:11:36.06 God's law still counts. 00:11:44.60\00:11:48.26 Satan hates it, the antichrist hates it, but God's people love 00:11:48.26\00:11:52.60 it, and God's people keep it. 00:11:52.60\00:11:55.73 How do I know? 00:11:55.73\00:11:57.56 The Bible tells me so: Look at 1 John 2: 3 - 4 00:11:57.56\00:12:05.16 That's how you can tell who the real Christians are in the last 00:12:23.63\00:12:26.73 days. They love to keep God's law. 00:12:26.73\00:12:30.56 They love to show the world that God is love through their 00:12:30.56\00:12:34.96 behaviour: God's people keep God's law. 00:12:34.96\00:12:38.53 Why? 00:12:38.53\00:12:39.63 Because it saves them? 00:12:39.63\00:12:40.43 No. 00:12:40.43\00:12:41.86 Because God asks them to do it. 00:12:41.86\00:12:46.63 John 14: 15 00:12:46.63\00:12:48.46 We do it because we love Him. 00:12:54.73\00:12:59.10 God's people keep God's law - speaking of God's Last Day 00:12:59.10\00:13:07.10 people- those that will be alive at the time of the return of Jesus - John writes: 00:13:07.10\00:13:10.46 Revelation 14:12 00:13:10.46\00:13:14.13 God's laws matter in God's kingdom, and they matter to 00:13:40.66\00:13:49.76 God's people. Roger Staubach who led the Dallas Cowboys to the Superbowl in '72 admitted 00:13:49.76\00:13:57.26 that his position as a quarterback who didn't call his 00:13:57.26\00:14:01.70 own signals was a source of trial for him. 00:14:01.70\00:14:05.20 Coach Landry sent in every play. 00:14:05.20\00:14:11.30 He told Roger when to pass, when to run and only in emergency 00:14:11.30\00:14:16.86 situations could he change the play (and he had better be 00:14:16.86\00:14:20.40 right! ). 00:14:20.40\00:14:22.73 Even though Roger considered coach Landry to have a "genius 00:14:22.73\00:14:28.13 mind" when it came to football strategy, pride said that he should be able to run 00:14:28.13\00:14:32.23 his own team. 00:14:32.23\00:14:33.60 Roger later said, 00:14:33.60\00:14:35.56 Some years ago, Erma Bombeck printed a piece about having the 00:14:48.16\00:14:50.20 meanness parents in all the world. 00:14:50.20\00:14:53.86 It went something like this: I had the meanest parents in all 00:14:53.86\00:14:58.20 the world. When I was seven years old they dared to spank me just because I told them I 00:14:58.20\00:15:02.10 would not do what they asked me to do to help around the house. 00:15:02.10\00:15:07.63 My friend next door never got spanked. 00:15:07.63\00:15:10.66 He didn't have to help at home. 00:15:10.66\00:15:12.20 He had nice parents. 00:15:12.20\00:15:13.76 I had the meanest parents. 00:15:13.76\00:15:16.60 I had to eat all my broccoli and carrots before they would ever 00:15:16.60\00:15:18.90 let me have dessert. 00:15:18.90\00:15:20.53 My friend next door never had to eat vegetables. 00:15:20.53\00:15:23.50 He had fast food brought in with burgers and shakes and brownies 00:15:23.50\00:15:27.76 with all kinds of ice cream. 00:15:27.76\00:15:29.30 I had the meanest parents. 00:15:29.30\00:15:32.53 They made me go to church every Sunday as long as I lived under 00:15:32.53\00:15:35.60 their roof, sit there in that boring worship service. 00:15:35.60\00:15:38.80 My friend next door could do as he pleased. 00:15:38.80\00:15:41.60 He never went to church. 00:15:41.60\00:15:43.13 Sunday was a fun day for him. 00:15:43.13\00:15:44.73 I had the meanest parents. 00:15:44.73\00:15:48.40 They made me work for my allowance. 00:15:48.40\00:15:50.76 I had to get a job helping an elderly old man with chores 00:15:50.76\00:15:55.03 around his house. My friend next door never had to do anything and he was given four times as 00:15:55.03\00:15:58.93 much allowance as I could ever earn. 00:15:58.93\00:16:02.16 He had nice parents. 00:16:02.16\00:16:05.06 I had the meanest parents. 00:16:05.06\00:16:07.33 When I turned sixteen, they made me earn points before I could 00:16:07.33\00:16:10.20 drive the family car. 00:16:10.20\00:16:12.30 My friend next door was given a brand new luxury automobile. 00:16:12.30\00:16:16.46 My folks had bought an old jalopy for me to get back and forth to school, but 00:16:16.46\00:16:21.66 you think I'd drive that hunk of junk and park it beside those 00:16:21.66\00:16:25.26 Jeep Wagoneers, BMWs, Buicks and Mercedes? 00:16:25.26\00:16:29.13 My friend had it made. 00:16:29.13\00:16:32.60 Or so I once thought, but, when we reached age thirty, I had a 00:16:32.60\00:16:37.46 change in perspective. 00:16:37.46\00:16:39.53 I had learned that my parents were not so mean after all. 00:16:39.53\00:16:43.33 I was experiencing: the pleasure of work, the reward of 00:16:43.33\00:16:47.70 recreation, the strength of a healthy body, the bonds of a strong marriage, the 00:16:47.70\00:16:51.73 inward confidence that comes from faith and the wonderful 00:16:51.73\00:16:55.90 supportive fellowship that comes from the Church as a community 00:16:55.90\00:16:59.76 of believers. As for my friend, things were not going so well: he was not finding his niche 00:16:59.76\00:17:05.40 in the workplace, nothing seemed to satisfy him, he was having 00:17:05.40\00:17:10.16 difficulty getting along with people who were not willing to do everything just as he 00:17:10.16\00:17:14.40 thought he knew it ought to be done, his marriage had not 00:17:14.40\00:17:18.10 lasted even two years, his body was getting out of shape, and he evidenced a cynical 00:17:18.10\00:17:23.40 outlook without any under-girding that comes from 00:17:23.40\00:17:26.33 the assurance of faith. 00:17:26.33\00:17:28.96 Erma came to understand that obedience to her parents ways 00:17:28.96\00:17:34.30 instilled in her lasting, life giving values. 00:17:34.30\00:17:41.63 "If you love me, Jesus said, keep my commandments. 00:17:41.63\00:17:45.63 Until we give You first place 00:17:51.86\00:17:58.10 Until we let You begin 00:17:58.80\00:18:04.96 To fill us with your spirit 00:18:05.86\00:18:11.86 Renew us from within 00:18:12.73\00:18:19.30 Nothing matters 00:18:21.23\00:18:26.96 Nothing's gained 00:18:27.56\00:18:32.33 Without your Holy presence 00:18:33.16\00:18:39.83 Our lives are lived in vain 00:18:41.00\00:18:46.90 Lord we want to know You 00:18:47.66\00:18:53.83 Live our lives to show You 00:18:54.76\00:19:00.73 All the love we owe You 00:19:01.70\00:19:07.73 We're seekers of your heart 00:19:08.76\00:19:18.23 Because your heart was broken 00:19:20.30\00:19:25.56 Because You saw the need 00:19:26.43\00:19:33.40 Because You gave so freely 00:19:34.36\00:19:40.43 Because of Calvary 00:19:41.23\00:19:46.93 We can now be called... 00:19:49.30\00:19:55.46 Called your own 00:19:56.26\00:20:00.60 Complete creations 00:20:01.40\00:20:07.70 Filled with You alone 00:20:08.56\00:20:15.23 Lord we want to know You 00:20:16.13\00:20:22.13 Live our lives to show You 00:20:23.06\00:20:28.80 All the love we owe You 00:20:29.70\00:20:35.80 We're seekers of your heart 00:20:36.90\00:20:43.30 Lord we want to know You 00:20:44.13\00:20:50.03 Live our lives to show You 00:20:50.86\00:20:57.06 All the love we owe You 00:20:57.93\00:21:03.93 We're seekers of your heart 00:21:05.00\00:21:12.60 We'er seeking your heart o Lord 00:21:13.90\00:21:19.50 We'er seeking your heart o Lord 00:21:20.46\00:21:26.50 Show us your face o Lord 00:21:27.36\00:21:34.06 Lord we adore you 00:21:34.83\00:21:43.06 O Lord 00:21:43.70\00:21:49.93 >>Bill: Father in heaven, we want to thank you for your love 00:21:53.10\00:21:55.93 and kindness. Father I pray that as we contemplate the words of scripture, that you may 00:21:55.93\00:22:01.80 instill in everyone of us a heart for obedience. 00:22:01.80\00:22:07.56 As the old hymn says, may we "trust and obey". 00:22:07.56\00:22:13.06 In Jesus name, amen. 00:22:13.06\00:22:16.63 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! 00:22:51.76\00:22:53.83 If you love pears and persimmons, I have the easiest 00:22:53.83\00:22:57.30 and yummiest raw dessert recipe to share today: Pear Napoleon with Pistachio Crumble and 00:22:57.30\00:23:01.60 Persimmon Puree. 00:23:01.60\00:23:03.70 Sound scrumptious? 00:23:03.70\00:23:04.96 It is! 00:23:04.96\00:23:07.33 Pears are a good source of vitamin C and K, and the skin is 00:23:07.33\00:23:10.63 a great source of fibre and flavonoids. 00:23:10.63\00:23:13.30 Persimmons are abundant in winter and, if you wait until they are ooey, gooey 00:23:13.30\00:23:15.60 ripe, they are especially delicious! 00:23:15.60\00:23:19.06 Pistachios are a lovely, buttery nut. 00:23:19.06\00:23:22.46 They are high in healthy fats and, thus, in calories. 00:23:22.46\00:23:25.73 A quarter cup of raw, unsalted pistachios has about 170 00:23:25.73\00:23:29.53 calories, 6 grams of protein, and around 14 grams of fat. 00:23:29.53\00:23:33.43 Plus, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. 00:23:33.43\00:23:37.13 This recipe is from the Bella Vita Lifestyle Education Home in 00:23:37.13\00:23:41.00 California, where I had the wonderful privilege to attend a 00:23:41.00\00:23:44.03 10-day therapeutic detox/cleansingprogram. 00:23:44.03\00:23:47.96 It was an over-the-top-fantastic experience physically, 00:23:47.96\00:23:51.40 mentally, and spiritually! 00:23:51.40\00:23:54.33 This raw Pear Napoleon is just one of the delicious raw recipes 00:23:54.33\00:23:58.36 we enjoyed, and I'm adapting it just a little bit. 00:23:58.36\00:24:01.90 All you'll need for one portion of this lovely, raw dessert is: 00:24:01.90\00:24:06.46 one pear, one ripe persimmon, 1/4 cup of chopped pistachios 1 00:24:06.46\00:24:11.33 Tablespoon of sweetener, I'm maple syrup and a 1/4 teaspoon of ground cardamom or pumpkin 00:24:11.33\00:24:14.80 spice. 00:24:14.80\00:24:17.20 Now, look how easy this is! 00:24:17.20\00:24:19.50 And how gorgeous! 00:24:19.50\00:24:21.83 I've sliced up a pear and I'm going to put one there and then 00:24:21.83\00:24:26.86 I'm going to take the pistachios that I already crumbled and I've 00:24:26.86\00:24:31.40 already added the sweetener to them. 00:24:31.40\00:24:33.96 So we are going to put them there. 00:24:33.96\00:24:37.26 And then we are going to put some of this delicious persimmon 00:24:37.26\00:24:41.70 on top. And then we are going to take another slice of pear and 00:24:41.70\00:24:45.66 we are going to do that whole thing all over again. 00:24:45.66\00:24:49.30 Put the crumble -- I can't even tell you how delicious it is -- 00:24:49.30\00:24:53.70 put some more of the crumble. 00:24:53.70\00:24:56.63 And then some more of the persimmon -- and for the persimmon, all I did was I 00:24:56.63\00:25:01.13 chopped it up and one of them was really really mushy so I 00:25:01.13\00:25:04.43 mashed that one and then mixed the two together. 00:25:04.43\00:25:06.86 And then, take another slice of pear, see how it's building 00:25:06.86\00:25:11.56 beautifully and how it's all raw. 00:25:11.56\00:25:14.13 So we put some more of the crumble and then we put some 00:25:14.13\00:25:18.90 more of the persimmon. 00:25:18.90\00:25:21.53 And isn't that georgous, isn't that beautiful. 00:25:21.53\00:25:27.90 And then I made a cashew/ persimmon cream -- and you can just kind-of put that 00:25:27.90\00:25:31.46 on top and drizzle it down the side. 00:25:31.46\00:25:34.46 Isn't that beautiful. 00:25:34.46\00:25:37.56 If you'd like information about attending a therapeutic 00:25:37.56\00:25:41.23 detox/cleansing program at Bella Vita, their website is 00:25:41.23\00:25:46.70 modernmanna.org. I highly, highly recommend them. 00:25:46.70\00:25:48.86 Tell them Bev sent you! 00:25:48.86\00:25:50.60 I'll see you next time! 00:25:50.60\00:25:51.66 >>Bill: For those that would like to do more studying on 00:25:59.63\00:26:02.13 today's topic, we have some resources available to help you. 00:26:02.13\00:26:05.50 One is a study guide that has been prepared specifically on 00:26:05.50\00:26:09.93 today's subject -- it is available for download free of charge at our web-site 00:26:09.93\00:26:13.86 www.itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:26:13.86\00:26:16.83 Besides that I'd like to offer you two publications. 00:26:16.83\00:26:20.26 One is this small booklet called "certainty in and uncertain 00:26:20.26\00:26:24.63 world" and the other is a special edition of the "signs of the times" magazine "who are 00:26:24.63\00:26:28.70 the Adventist's?" 00:26:28.70\00:26:31.23 . 00:26:31.23\00:26:33.60 Both of these publications are free of charge, they are our 00:26:33.60\00:26:36.26 gift to you, our viewer. 00:26:36.26\00:26:38.46 Here is the information you need to get your copies. 00:26:38.46\00:26:40.56 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It Is Written 00:27:24.16\00:27:26.63 program. I want to thank you very much for spending this time 00:27:26.63\00:27:31.06 with us. I hope you will be back again with us next week. 00:27:31.06\00:27:34.96 Now, between now and then you can always visit the web-site 00:27:34.96\00:27:37.30 www. ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:27:37.30\00:27:40.33 All of the programs are there, they are archived. 00:27:40.33\00:27:43.33 You can send prayer requests, we have a very dedicated team of 00:27:43.33\00:27:47.46 professionals at the office that gather every single morning to 00:27:47.46\00:27:50.86 pray over all of the requests that arrive. 00:27:50.86\00:27:54.90 So if you would life us to be praying for you, send your 00:27:54.90\00:27:58.86 request in. You can send that via the web-site. 00:27:58.86\00:28:01.63 You can also make an online donation to the It Is Written 00:28:01.63\00:28:05.56 ministry, and that donation will go a long way to help us remain 00:28:05.56\00:28:08.96 on the air. You can visit our you tube channel, youtube.com/IIWCanada, and 00:28:08.96\00:28:14.40 you can follow us on Twitter. 00:28:14.40\00:28:18.03 Well, let's pray that we can be back again together next week to 00:28:18.03\00:28:22.36 once again open God's word and study it together. 00:28:22.36\00:28:25.33 Until then remember, It Is Written, man shall not live by 00:28:25.33\00:28:31.33 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:28:31.33\00:28:35.76 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:37.16\00:28:37.50