It Is Written Canada

All The King's Men, Pt 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201231

00:03 >>Bill: When Julius Caesar landed on the shores of Britain with his Roman
00:06 legions, he took a bold and decisive step to ensure the success of his
00:10 military venture.
00:13 Ordering his men to march to the edge of the Cliffs of Dover, he commanded
00:17 them to look down at the water below.
00:20 To their amazement, they saw every ship in which they had crossed the
00:24 channel engulfed in flames.
00:28 Caesar had deliberately cut off any possibility of retreat.
00:33 Now that his soldiers were unable to return to the continent, there was
00:37 nothing left for them to do but to advance and conquer!
00:42 And that is exactly what they did.
01:03 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time.
01:05 God's book: the Bible,
01:09 still relevant in today's complex world.
01:12 It Is Written,
01:16 sharing the messages of hope around the world.
01:30 We've been looking at these individuals whom our Lord chose and sent to
01:33 preach the kingdom, to heal, to cast out demons.
01:37 We've found, I think that it's fascinating to note that in spite of what is
01:44 traditionally believed about them they were very common men, very much like
01:47 we are.
01:49 Now in this series we're examining men who were willing to pay everything.
01:54 They were willing to go to the ultimate sacrifice, they were willing to turn
01:58 their back on their profession, their lifestyle, their homes,
02:02 their own choices in life to follow Jesus Christ.
02:07 These twelve gave everything.
02:10 They walked away from their nets, their tax tables, their political
02:14 involvements, their enterprises totally committed to following
02:18 Jesus Christ wherever He led them.
02:20 And may I suggest to you that they were a few among many who were not so
02:28 willing.
02:30 Look with me for a moment at John chapter 6, and I want to give you a
02:36 contrast out of which the message today will flow with deeper meaning.
02:43 Now Jesus had many who followed Him, in fact unnumbered multitudes
02:47 followed Him.
02:50 They attracted by His personal magnetism, they were attracted by the
02:53 power of what He said.
02:55 They were attracted by His ability to do miracles and signs and wonders.
03:01 They were fascinated by Him, and by the things He said and did.
03:04 And so wherever you see Jesus you see this mass of people following.
03:10 Now all of these people in one sense or another could be classified as
03:14 disciples, for the word in the Greek simply means a learner.
03:20 They were there taking it in, learning about Him.
03:24 The word doesn't really say anything about their commitment.
03:29 That's why chapter 10 of Matthew starts out with twelve disciples and then
03:32 a verse later it says apostles.
03:36 First they were learners then they were sent.
03:40 For illustration sake look at John 6:26.
03:46 It is the morning after.
03:49 The morning after Jesus had fed the five thousand men plus women plus
03:52 children.
03:54 As morning breaks He sees the same crowd back again, I mean why not?
03:58 They got a free dinner, why not go for a free breakfast?
04:00 And so they're all back, and Jesus says to them in verse 26,
04:20 In other words He says to them, your interest in Me is because you ate and got
04:22 filled up.
04:24 In other words you are living on a totally physical level, and your
04:28 attraction to Me has to do with free food and physical healing.
04:31 Verse 27,
04:45 You need to be more concerned with eternity than you are with time,
04:49 with heaven than you are with earth.
04:52 They were attracted to Him because of what they could see that applied to their
04:56 physical living, not really thinking about the spiritual at all.
05:01 We drop down to verses 53 and 54
05:21 He is simply saying you have to take Me all in as if you were consuming Me.
05:28 Everything I am, everything I say, everything I do.
05:34 They wanted free food and miracles but they weren't interested in really
05:39 taking Jesus Christ for all that He was.
05:41 Look at verse 60,
05:51 Jesus is saying, I alone am able to give you life, and you have to take all
05:55 of Me to have that life.
05:58 And they're saying, we can't handle that, we cannot accept that.
06:02 They didn't like what He said, and they did understand it.
06:07 And as a result of that, Jesus said in verse 61 "Does this offend you?
06:13 What is He saying?
06:16 He's saying, when I fed you it was okay, and when I healed you it was okay,
06:20 we had something going.
06:22 But when I said you take all of Me or none, did that kill off our
06:27 relationship?
06:28 And indeed it did, go down to verse 66,
06:39 Why?
06:42 Too much, too much was expected, too much was required.
06:44 They weren't interested in total commitment.
06:47 They bailed out.
06:49 Free food, that's great, healing, super, commitment, not
06:52 interested.
06:54 Verse 67
07:03 After everybody leaves, guess who's still there?
07:06 Twelve guys.
07:09 What I'm trying to show you is these are not just sort of tagalongs, these
07:16 twelve are the ones who counted the cost, stuck it out, paid the price when
07:20 the rest bailed out.
07:24 These have made the commitment and paid the price.
07:26 Why do I say that?
07:28 Because I'm about to introduce to you three men that we don't know
07:30 anything about.
07:33 And at least if we don't know anything else we ought to know that they
07:36 made the commitment, right?
07:39 Because when you take obscure names, and we're going to be looking today
07:43 at James, the son of Alphaeus, Lebbaeus, surnamed Thaddeaus, and
07:46 Simon, the Zealot.
07:49 At least if we don't know anything about them the tendency is to sort of
07:53 figure them as second class sort of out of the way stragglers, when the
07:57 fact is they had made the same commitment that Peter and everybody else made,
08:05 they crossed the line in utter, total obedience to Christ.
08:10 Now we've been asking a question, and the question we've been asking is what
08:17 kind of people does God use in His special service?
08:19 When the Lord went out to pick people what kind did He pick?
08:23 And we've found some interesting answers, haven't we?
08:25 He picked all kinds, all kinds of people.
08:28 I mean we have seen that the Lord can basically take any kind of raw
08:33 material at all, and use it for the advance of His glorious eternal kingdom.
08:38 Jesus Christ can take a worthless, sinful life, wash it in the blood, put
08:45 His Spirit in it and make it a blessing, and that's called sanctification, and
08:51 that's what the Lord is in the business of doing, taking rough, raw material
08:54 and using it.
08:57 As we have been looking at the apostles we have been amazed I think, at their
09:01 lack of qualification.
09:03 In fact there is not of executive search organization in the
09:07 country who would have picked up any one of these guys.
09:11 They just didn't cut it, by the world's standards.
09:14 I mean, at least with James and Peter, Andrew and John, you have some
09:17 strong leaders there.
09:19 Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, some good men here, but James,
09:24 the son of Alphaeus, Lebbaeus, and Simon the Zealot, whoever heard of
09:28 them?
09:31 Do you want to know the Bible doesn't say anything about them?
09:34 Some of you are saying, does that mean this is the end of today's broadcast?
09:36 No.
09:38 Because even though the Bible doesn't say anything about them I would like to
09:41 say something about them.
09:43 First, James, the son of Alphaeus.
09:49 He would never make Who's Who.
09:51 He would never be a guest on a TV talk show.
09:54 He would never be asked to write a preface for a book or to pray at a
09:57 convention.
09:58 James, the son of Alphaeus, who is that?
10:02 Do you know what the Bible says about him?
10:05 Absolutely nothing.
10:07 That's right, nothing.
10:09 Just his name.
10:12 And he had a famous name, I guess he probably suffered because there was
10:16 James, the son of Zebedee who was a ramrod of a guy.
10:22 A son of thunder, the Bible calls him.
10:26 And then there was James, the brother of our Lord, and then there was James,
10:30 the son of Alphaeus.
10:33 Never wrote anything, never said anything, never asked anything, never did
10:38 anything recorded in the Bible.
10:41 In fact in Mark 15:40 he is called; James the "mickros" little James,
10:50 who was big James?
10:54 James the "son of thunder", and he was "little James".
10:58 The word mikros basically means small in stature, it could indicate that he was
11:03 little.
11:05 It also can mean young in age, it could mean that he was little and young.
11:09 9
11:11 So he was little and young and not very influential.
11:15 I kind of think he probably was all three of those things, and that's
11:22 why they sort of gave him that nickname, little James.
11:27 So it may well be that he was just a small, little, young fella who wasn't a
11:33 particularly powerful personality.
11:37 Because God does not depend on that.
11:42 James, the son of Alphaeus will sit on a throne reigning over one of the
11:45 tribes of Israel, and what do you know about him?
11:48 You don't know anything about him.
11:50 Well, what's the point?
11:52 God is the power, right?
11:54 Not James.
11:55 The Bible doesn't say a thing about him.
11:58 His work, his personality, nothing, his mark is obscurity and I think it's
12:03 kind of neat that the Lord put one guy in here, who is utterly obscure.
12:06 He's the most obscure of all of them.
12:10 He didn't ask any questions, he didn't say anything, we don't know
12:13 anything about him.
12:15 Oh, there is one faint tradition about him.
12:19 The early church fathers say he preached in Persia.
12:24 Persia is ancient Iran, and that he took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
12:29 that land, and they refused to hear him preach and they crucified him.
12:38 The Lord uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
12:41 Silent unknown soldiers.
12:45 In Hebrews 11:32 - 38 we read,
13:55 May I speak to you from my heart for just a minute?
13:58 The apostles demonstrate to us that it is never really the worker who is
14:03 the issue in the kingdom work, that is what Paul meant when he said, So
14:07 what is Apollos and what is Paul?
14:10 "It is God that gives the increase.
14:11 "
14:14 The human instrument is immaterial to God.
14:16 He can use Balaam's ass if He has to.
14:19 He can make the rocks cry out if He has to.
14:21 The, the human instrument is not the issue.
14:26 You don't have to be way up here intellectually or - in the gifted category,
14:29 that is not the issue.
14:31 The Bible never deals with that.
14:34 The focus is always on Jesus.
14:41 What about the second one?
14:44 Verse 3, "Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus.
14:47 " And if you look in Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13, you don't have to look it up,
14:55 you'll find he had a third name, Judas, son of James.
15:00 And he's one place called Judas, not Iscariot.
15:05 Judas also was a common name, it means Jehovah leads, and many people in
15:11 that time named their son, Jehovah leads, God leads.
15:15 This is Judas, that's probably his given name, and then he probably
15:20 received the names Lebbaeus and Thaddaeus as people add names, almost
15:26 like nicknames.
15:29 He did ask one very important question, and it's the only time we meet
15:32 him in the Scripture.
15:34 John 14, look with me quickly and we'll just look at this rather
15:40 briefly.
15:42 Jesus speaking, the night before His trial, and He says in verse 21 (John
15:46 14:21)
16:02 "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.
16:08 These words of Jesus trigger something in his head and he asks the
16:10 following questions, verse 22
16:18 '" It's a good question.
16:20 Why won't everybody see You?
16:23 I mean if it's the time for the kingdom let's get it on, and you might see a
16:25 little of that courage that he perhaps was known for.
16:28 Let's go for it Lord!
16:30 The whole world needs to know.
16:32 Why would You just want to show us?
16:36 That was an insightful question, this guy really thought through.
16:41 He reects a typical Jewish view of the kingdom, that it was an
16:46 earthly, literal real kingdom, that's exactly what the Jews believed,
16:51 and he couldn't figure out how you could bring it without everybody knowing
16:56 it.
16:58 He also reflects I think humility.
17:02 Why would You tell it to us and not the whole world, why would You limit
17:05 Yourself to just us?
17:08 So you see some things in him that are admirable.
17:13 Only those whose heart are purified by love and walk in obedience will know the
17:18 manifestation of God.
17:21 I think that's the kind of person Thaddaeus was.
17:25 So we see the Lord uses obscure people like James, the son of Alphaeus and
17:32 Thaddaeus, Lebbaeus, Judas.
17:36 By the way, early church tradition tells us he was killed in Syria.
17:42 If you ever pick up an old church history book on Thaddaeus you will see
17:50 that each of the disciples have a symbol and the symbol for Thaddaeus is a
17:55 big club, because the legend says they beat him to death with a club.
18:02 Faithful to his Lord.
18:07 Finally, the last name for this morning, "Simon, the Zealot.
18:12 " There were four dominant groups within Judaism, Pharisees, the Sadducees
18:17 there were the Essenes and then there were the Zealots.
18:20 The Zealsots were the political oriented group, they were the terrorists,
18:23 they were the guerrillas.
18:26 Now a man like Simon to attach himself to them must have been a man with
18:32 a tremendous passion, a tremendous capacity for zeal.
18:36 And you can imagine that he must have been a fireball when it got to
18:41 the work of the Lord.
18:44 He found a better leader and a greater cause.
18:46 He is listed, right before what name?
18:48 Judas Iscariot.
18:53 It's interesting to me but they probably went together two by two,
18:59 because Judas had the same kind of political orientation, didn't he?
19:07 Simon could have been the betrayer, and you would have named your children
19:12 Judas, not Simon.
19:17 But Simon believed and was transformed, Judas did not, and so no one names
19:23 anything Judas.
19:27 Simon became Christ's man.
19:29 Think of how wonderful it must have been for him to get along with Matthew who
19:34 collected taxes for the Roman government.
19:39 I wonder if he ever had just little anxieties about Matthew.
19:45 Well, the Lord uses all kinds of unqualified people, doesn't He?
19:51 He can use you and me.
19:56 There was a concert violinist who wanted to demonstrate, a very
20:01 important point he felt, so he hired a great hall in a city and announced
20:07 that he would play a concert on a twenty thousand dollar violin.
20:12 He had the place packed with violin lovers, came out and he played
20:17 exquisitely and they applauded just gloriously.
20:23 He bowed and took their applause, threw the violin to the ground and stomped
20:25 it into bits.
20:27 The people were horrified.
20:29 And then he walked off the stage.
20:32 The stage manager came out and said, Ladies and Gentlemen, to put you at
20:35 ease that was a twenty dollar violin, he will now return to play the twenty
20:41 thousand, or whatever it was, violin.
20:44 And you know what?
20:47 They couldn't tell the difference, and he made his point.
20:51 It isn't the instrument, it's the artist, right?
20:57 Now folks let's face it, most of us are twenty dollar violins, at best,
21:04 right?
21:06 At best.
21:08 But oh what music can the Master make with us.
21:11 There are days when I feel
21:25 There are days when I feel
21:30 the best of me is ready to begin
21:36 Then they're days when I feel
21:40 i'm letting go and soaring on the wind
21:47 Cause i've learned in laughter or in pain how to survive
21:56 I get on my knees,
22:02 I get on my knees
22:07 There I am before the love that changes me
22:17 See I don't know how but there's power when i'm on my knees
22:33 I can be in a crowd
22:38 or by myself or almost anywhere
22:44 When I feel there's a need
22:48 to talk with God, he is Emmanuel
22:54 When I close my eyes, no darkness there
23:00 There's only light
23:04 I get on my knees,
23:10 I get on my knees
23:15 There I am before the love that changes me
23:25 See I don't know how but there's power in the blue skies,
23:33 in the midnight
23:38 When i'm on my knees
23:49 I get on my knees,
23:53 I get on my knees
23:59 There I am before the love that changes me
24:09 See I don't know how but there's power when i'm on my....
24:17 Oh, When i'm on my....
24:22 When i'm on my knees
24:47 >>Bill: Let us pray.
24:49 Thank you Father for your word to us through the lives of these obscure
24:51 people.
24:54 Thank you that we will see them reigning in your kingdom, that we'll spend
24:59 eternity with them and learn all of the unspoken truths about their
25:03 powerful and marvelous ministries.
25:09 Lord help us to know that the focus in never on the human tool but only on
25:12 you.
25:14 Put these truths deep in our hearts, may we see what you can do with a
25:19 simple life for your glory.
25:21 Thank you for this time together, in Jesus name, amen.
25:40 >>Dave: God can take a very common person and transform them into a very
25:42 uncommon apostle.
25:45 The only qualification God needs is availability - and that means he can use
25:49 anyone of us if we make ourselves available.
25:52 Pastor Bill has written a book "All the King's men", it includes all of the
25:57 messages in this series, we would love to send it to you, here is the
26:00 information you need to get your free copy.
27:03 >>Bill: Let me thank you for joining us again this week.
27:05 I hope you are enjoying this series on the disciples.
27:08 You can visit our web site and for a $50 donation you can pre-order a DVD and a
27:13 study guide and the book of this series that is excellent for your own
27:19 study or small group study or church Bible study.
27:24 The series is available in Portuguese and Spanish is English in not your first
27:29 language.
27:30 You can get that at our web site I t
27:34 You can also visit our youtube channel --, all
27:43 of our programs are there you watch them, you can refer a friend you can
27:46 send them to people you know, you can also follow us on twitter.
27:52 Well I hope we have the privilege of being back together again next week.
27:56 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by
28:03 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
28:09 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06