>>Bill: According to Psychology Today - fear is a vital response 00:00:02.00\00:00:06.63 to physical and emotional danger-if we couldn't feel it, we couldn't protect 00:00:06.63\00:00:11.36 ourselves from legitimate threats. 00:00:11.36\00:00:14.36 But often we fear situations that are in no way 00:00:14.36\00:00:19.56 life-or-death, and thus hang back for no good reason. 00:00:19.56\00:00:23.83 Trauma or bad experiences can trigger a fear response within 00:00:23.83\00:00:28.30 us that is hard to quell. 00:00:28.30\00:00:31.73 Yet exposing ourselves to our personal fears is the best way 00:00:31.73\00:00:36.03 to move past them. 00:00:36.03\00:00:37.43 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:49.50\00:00:52.46 God's book: the Bible, 00:00:53.23\00:00:55.66 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:00:56.73\00:01:00.43 It Is Written, 00:01:01.03\00:01:02.93 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:04.26\00:01:07.33 Many folks today have fear of failure - not sure how many of 00:01:31.53\00:01:35.80 you have seen the Nike ad with Michael Jordan where he says . 00:01:35.80\00:01:38.73 Or the Nike print ad that said . 00:01:59.90\00:02:01.20 There is the story told by the wife of a world famous tightrope 00:02:42.30\00:02:46.23 walker shortly after he had fallen to his untimely death. 00:02:46.23\00:02:50.13 She said that her husband had spent too much time preparing 00:02:50.13\00:02:56.93 not to fall that he forgot to properly practice the fundamentals of walking on a 00:02:56.93\00:03:02.33 simple piece of rope. 00:03:02.33\00:03:04.76 She said, "The power of fear can be deadly!" 00:03:04.76\00:03:09.50 Matthew 10: 29 - 31 says . 00:03:09.50\00:03:17.60 Some people live in fear all their lives. 00:03:41.30\00:03:44.53 Some of the fears that haunt us are totally irrational. 00:03:44.53\00:03:50.76 Did you know that that the number one fear that people list 00:03:50.76\00:03:55.70 in surveys is the fear of speaking in front of an 00:03:55.70\00:03:59.93 audience. It even beats out death in most surveys. 00:03:59.93\00:04:04.60 Jesus says that the ideal antidote for fear is faith in 00:04:04.60\00:04:12.26 God. It is reported in Genesis chapter 15 that God came to Abram in a dream and 00:04:12.26\00:04:19.23 the very first words heard by this servant of God are "fear 00:04:19.23\00:04:28.26 not." Luke 1: 30 reports that when the angel, Gabriel, appeared to Mary he says 00:04:28.26\00:04:34.16 to her "Do not be afraid . 00:04:34.16\00:04:36.53 . 00:04:36.53\00:04:37.53 . 00:04:37.53\00:04:41.16 " Now, further remember when the Angel comes to the shepherds 00:04:41.16\00:04:44.63 keeping watch over their flock in the dark of night, in Luke 2: 10, the angel declared 00:04:44.63\00:04:46.03 Yes, "fear not." 00:04:57.13\00:05:02.63 Great words, comforting words, yet ones we tend not to hear 00:05:02.63\00:05:07.90 with the original power and purpose they were intended to 00:05:07.90\00:05:12.40 convey. Well once again we have the privilege of having with us 00:05:12.40\00:05:14.20 Dr. Leader from Toronto's York University. 00:05:14.20\00:05:21.76 Dr. Leader, thank you so much for once again taking the time 00:05:21.76\00:05:28.76 to provide some powerful insights to us. 00:05:28.76\00:05:31.13 Dr. Leader, let me ask you this, how powerful are the words found 00:05:31.13\00:05:34.33 in scripture "fear not". 00:05:34.33\00:05:38.60 Thank you Bill once again. 00:05:39.83\00:05:41.96 When the Creator lovingly formed us, He wired us with an array of 00:05:41.96\00:05:46.03 emotions. Emotions serve as thermostats or thermometers, 00:05:46.03\00:05:50.43 giving us information about our environment. 00:05:50.43\00:05:54.16 Fear is an emotion that serves to alert us to danger: real or 00:05:54.16\00:05:59.16 imagined. The autonomic nervous system prepares us for fight or 00:05:59.16\00:06:04.90 flight. This is the body's emergency system and was designed to take care of 00:06:04.90\00:06:09.63 life's emergencies. 00:06:09.63\00:06:13.00 We respond almost automatically, but when the danger is past, our 00:06:13.00\00:06:18.06 autonomic nervous system is no longer activated, and we go 00:06:18.06\00:06:22.13 along more calmly with life. 00:06:22.13\00:06:25.46 Many develop all kinds of fears, and, for the most part, keep the 00:06:25.46\00:06:31.93 body on emergency alert for prolonged periods. 00:06:31.93\00:06:37.83 Because the body is not designed for this, we wear our bodies 00:06:37.83\00:06:44.66 down needlessly with fear, stress, and eventually, we suffer physically and develop 00:06:44.66\00:06:50.53 emotional and psychological illnesses such as generalized 00:06:50.53\00:06:53.96 anxiety disorder, phobia, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive 00:06:53.96\00:06:58.66 disorders. 00:06:58.66\00:07:02.20 We live in times of fear: fear of economic disaster, fear of 00:07:02.20\00:07:07.66 losing our loved ones; fear of being attacked; fear of 00:07:07.66\00:07:10.40 terrorism. You can add yours here. 00:07:10.40\00:07:14.60 Fears can turn into phobias, interfering with our daily 00:07:14.60\00:07:21.80 functioning. Those of you who have been victims of trauma that has not been treated may find 00:07:21.80\00:07:27.53 that you live in fear that it may happen again. 00:07:27.53\00:07:31.53 In fact, you may also have developed panic attacks and are 00:07:31.53\00:07:35.66 experiencing night terrors. 00:07:35.66\00:07:39.16 We all experience fear at one time or another. 00:07:39.16\00:07:42.70 Fear is problematic only when it is extreme and interferes with 00:07:42.70\00:07:47.70 our daily functioning. 00:07:47.70\00:07:50.23 Some become paralyzed in life and find it difficult to leave 00:07:50.23\00:07:56.20 their home, sometimes they are months in the home; others dread speaking in public no 00:07:56.20\00:08:00.06 matter how small the group. 00:08:00.06\00:08:04.03 Multiplied many others are plagued by the fear of what others think and say 00:08:04.03\00:08:08.16 about them. 00:08:08.16\00:08:12.66 Or what they think others think and what the think other are 00:08:12.66\00:08:15.30 saying about them. 00:08:15.30\00:08:16.63 My Bible tells me, 00:08:16.63\00:08:17.90 Many books of the Bible contain verses telling us not to fear. 00:08:29.23\00:08:34.96 Others contain variations such as "do not be afraid", or "be of 00:08:34.96\00:08:40.00 good courage. 00:08:40.00\00:08:46.00 " We do know also that we spend much of our time fearing some 00:08:46.00\00:08:48.70 outcome which never happens, yet we engage in the wearisome habit 00:08:48.70\00:08:52.16 of fear. You see, God knew that throughout our lives, we would 00:08:52.16\00:08:58.46 experience situations in which fear might be activated. 00:08:58.46\00:09:03.40 So, to encourage reliance on Him who made us, He sent us 00:09:03.40\00:09:08.63 encouragement ahead of time. 00:09:08.63\00:09:11.40 He knew the effect that fear could have on His children as we 00:09:11.40\00:09:15.00 journey through life. 00:09:15.00\00:09:17.36 Until we reach a place of complete trust and faith in Him, 00:09:17.36\00:09:22.13 His works, and His promises, we will be plagued by fear. 00:09:22.13\00:09:27.50 So for our use, the words "fear not" reverberate in books in the 00:09:27.50\00:09:33.03 Bible starting at Genesis right through to Revelation. 00:09:33.03\00:09:38.46 Fear is a most powerful tool the enemy uses to draw our attention 00:09:38.46\00:09:43.23 away from what God is actually doing in our lives, or wants to 00:09:43.23\00:09:47.86 do in our lives. It often distracts us from what is really 00:09:47.86\00:09:51.96 important. "Fear not" in Scripture really is designed to teach us to really trust 00:09:51.96\00:09:56.80 God. 00:09:56.80\00:09:58.36 It's a question of faith. 00:09:58.36\00:10:01.10 It is challenging us to taste God's ability to do powerful 00:10:01.10\00:10:06.86 things, impossible things in our lives. 00:10:06.86\00:10:11.00 It makes all the difference when we, though faced with fear, can 00:10:11.00\00:10:19.96 stand on God's invitation to take courage. 00:10:19.96\00:10:23.96 Here are some: To Abram God said: 00:10:23.96\00:10:27.63 To Isaac, after several quarrels between his herdsmen and Gerar's 00:10:34.90\00:10:40.60 herdsmen over wells that were dug, (Gen. 00:10:40.60\00:10:43.06 26:24), He said: 00:10:43.06\00:10:47.50 In the face of famine, to Jacob after he discovered that his son 00:11:00.06\00:11:05.96 Joseph was still alive, and was a ruler in Egypt, He said in 00:11:05.96\00:11:11.33 Gen. 46:3 00:11:11.33\00:11:12.73 When the children of Israel were fleeing from Pharoah, they found 00:11:21.60\00:11:24.66 themselves hedged in by sea, and mountain. 00:11:24.66\00:11:28.60 Pursued by the Egyptian army, they were very afraid. 00:11:28.60\00:11:31.00 I like Joshua. 00:11:54.50\00:11:57.33 In Joshua 1:9, when faced with the awesome task of succeeding 00:11:57.33\00:12:02.90 Moses in leading the children of Israel across the Jordan, God 00:12:02.90\00:12:07.86 encourages Joshua. One of my favourite places to go to when fear rears its head in my 00:12:21.90\00:12:25.70 personal life is II Chron. 00:12:25.70\00:12:28.43 20:17. 00:12:28.43\00:12:32.03 King Jehoshaphat receives word that three armies were 00:12:32.03\00:12:34.53 approaching his country: Moab, Ammon, and Mt. 00:12:34.53\00:12:37.46 Seir. 00:12:37.46\00:12:39.26 The assurance that comes to him was: 00:12:39.26\00:12:44.20 Isn't it time that we draw back and let God take care of the 00:12:56.90\00:13:00.33 things that cause us to be afraid? 00:13:00.33\00:13:02.80 David in many a psalm cried out to God because of persecution 00:13:02.80\00:13:08.03 and fear. Every time and in each of these situations he sings of 00:13:08.03\00:13:16.00 God's deliverance. He had faith in God's ability to deliver him 00:13:16.00\00:13:20.66 from fear. This reminds me of one of his psalms, Psalm 23:14 00:13:20.66\00:13:24.70 Why not let go of that fear as you turn to the One who has 00:13:37.26\00:13:42.46 instead of fear, given you a spirit of power, love and a 00:13:42.46\00:13:50.66 sound mind. Amen! 00:13:50.66\00:13:53.43 Back to you pastor Bill. 00:13:53.43\00:13:55.03 >>Bill: Well thank you Dr. Leader. 00:13:56.36\00:13:59.13 Let's turn your thoughts now back to the Old Testament . 00:13:59.13\00:14:02.06 Here in 1 Samuel 17, we see an incident that would put the 00:14:02.06\00:14:08.73 reality of fear into any person. 00:14:08.73\00:14:11.90 Goliath comes up to present the challenge to the Israelites. 00:14:11.90\00:14:17.46 As David comes upon the scene, he sees how Goliath presents the 00:14:17.46\00:14:23.53 challenge. Unfortunately, his fellow believers are defeated by fear, and they run back to 00:14:23.53\00:14:27.43 the camp. 00:14:27.43\00:14:30.66 This small lad, David, cries out, "For who is this 00:14:30.66\00:14:36.63 uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the armies of 00:14:36.63\00:14:42.40 the living God?" While his fellow believers are paralyzed by fear, David is propelled by 00:14:42.40\00:14:47.53 faith to meet this giant of a man. 00:14:47.53\00:14:51.36 Turn to the New Testament passage in Acts 18:5-11 for just 00:14:51.36\00:15:01.06 a moment. Here we read . 00:15:01.06\00:15:02.56 Paul has just left Athens and he was greatly discouraged. 00:16:12.03\00:16:15.80 He has almost allowed himself to be frozen and paralyzed by fear. 00:16:15.80\00:16:20.06 Things in general had not been going well for Paul. 00:16:20.06\00:16:25.00 It had been tough, in this sophisticated center of learning 00:16:25.00\00:16:30.40 in Athens. We catch a spirit of tiredness when Paul comes to 00:16:30.40\00:16:35.46 Corinth. I believe here we have Paul, the great missionary, 00:16:35.46\00:16:39.50 asking the question, "Is it worth it all?" 00:16:39.50\00:16:43.90 With this comes a physical decline, a spiritual low, so to 00:16:43.90\00:16:49.40 speak. David comes forward, not backwards, and volunteers, because he trusts in the 00:16:49.40\00:16:55.66 power of God to overcome any fear or limitation he might 00:16:55.66\00:17:00.46 have. God always looks for the "availability" of a servant long 00:17:00.46\00:17:05.40 before he judges the "ability" of the person. 00:17:05.40\00:17:09.86 David would not have gone out to do battle with Goliath and been 00:17:09.86\00:17:17.70 victorious if he had allowed the power of fear to paralyze his 00:17:17.70\00:17:22.96 human abilities. 00:17:22.96\00:17:25.90 However, when he declared his availability to God, God took 00:17:25.90\00:17:29.23 his human abilities, now energized by faith, and they were more than sufficient to 00:17:29.23\00:17:34.46 defeat the giant of Goliath. 00:17:34.46\00:17:39.80 David learned that believing in the power of God provides a way 00:17:39.80\00:17:43.83 of seeing and believing far beyond the normal perception of 00:17:43.83\00:17:48.96 our human eyes and mental insight. 00:17:48.96\00:17:52.70 The power of fear often seduces us into believing only what we 00:17:52.70\00:17:58.66 can see. If you wait to see before you believe, you will not see very much in life, 00:17:58.66\00:18:06.73 because the giants like Goliath will have blocked your view. 00:18:06.73\00:18:12.50 There is no doubt that it is our faith and trust in God which is 00:18:12.50\00:18:19.50 necessary to save us, but with trust comes training. 00:18:19.50\00:18:22.53 Training means discipline. 00:18:22.53\00:18:24.80 Discipline means taking time out for learning. 00:18:24.80\00:18:28.30 When was the last time you faithfully opened the Bible? 00:18:28.30\00:18:34.53 You can't succeed in taming the lion of fear unless you 00:18:34.53\00:18:42.00 strengthen your life with the sword of the Spirit which is God's word, The Bible. 00:18:42.00\00:18:46.06 When David trusted God, and used his training as a shepherd, he 00:18:49.40\00:18:53.46 could face the world with all its Goliaths on the outside . 00:18:53.46\00:18:55.93 . 00:18:55.93\00:18:57.00 . 00:18:57.00\00:19:01.93 Yes, a human soul cannot be defeated or destroyed unless the 00:19:01.93\00:19:02.53 poison of fear gets on the inside. 00:19:02.53\00:19:07.46 Know this truth and it will set you free from the gripping power 00:19:07.46\00:19:13.46 of fear. On August 20, 1991, a priest, Father Alexander Borisov 00:19:16.66\00:19:24.93 demonstrated how the power of faith was greater than the power 00:19:24.93\00:19:30.66 of fear. Fear was beginning to grip the hearts and minds of the 00:19:30.66\00:19:35.00 Russian people. So this man of God, propelled by faith in God, found himself passing out 00:19:35.00\00:19:42.23 Bibles right smack in a midst of the uprising in Red Square. 00:19:42.23\00:19:47.20 The Soviet military was in position to silence the voice of 00:19:47.20\00:19:50.60 the people yearning for freedom. 00:19:50.60\00:19:52.56 He took to the streets with Bibles. 00:19:52.56\00:19:55.76 The military was ready with bombs and bullets. 00:19:55.76\00:20:00.40 So the priest and the members of the local one year old bible 00:20:00.40\00:20:06.00 society actually climbed onto the tanks and began passing out 00:20:06.00\00:20:12.96 Bibles. They passed them out to the soldiers on the streets. 00:20:12.96\00:20:16.13 They stopped the tanks with nothing but arm loads of Bibles, 00:20:18.46\00:20:24.63 and when they had opportunities they would climb on top of the tanks and throw the Bibles 00:20:24.63\00:20:29.83 inside. 00:20:29.83\00:20:32.13 One morning a soldier was given a larger size children's Bible 00:20:34.46\00:20:38.33 because they ran out of New Testaments. 00:20:38.33\00:20:41.66 It was larger than would fit in his front pocket. 00:20:41.66\00:20:45.53 Realizing this and wanting to keep the Bible with him, he 00:20:45.53\00:20:49.00 emptied his pocket of bullets so the Bible would fit. 00:20:49.00\00:20:54.10 Yes, the power of fear can be deadly. 00:20:55.83\00:21:00.10 However, the power of faith can be transforming and victorious. 00:21:00.10\00:21:07.66 We believe, because Jesus Christ is Lord, that the Bible and its 00:21:07.66\00:21:13.80 truth are always greater than bombs and bullets. 00:21:13.80\00:21:18.73 I want you to know today that while God is great and beyond 00:21:20.93\00:21:27.50 all human comprehension, He also is the God who, through Jesus, 00:21:27.50\00:21:32.16 has taught us that He knows us all by name and that His eye is on the sparrow; therefore, His 00:21:32.16\00:21:41.90 eyes are on us. 00:21:41.90\00:21:45.40 Fear not because we are of more value than many sparrows. 00:21:45.40\00:21:52.43 Let me ask you today: if the power of fear can be deadly and 00:21:55.16\00:22:01.60 defeating, does not this book (The Bible) and its testimony declare with boldness and 00:22:01.60\00:22:10.53 confidence that the power of faith can be delightful and 00:22:10.53\00:22:18.40 daring? Instead of wearing Nike shoes to prevent the reality of 00:22:20.60\00:22:28.53 fear from paralyzing your life, why not put on the whole armor 00:22:28.53\00:22:32.10 of God. What a friend we have in Jesus, 00:22:37.93\00:22:43.53 All our sins and griefs to bear! 00:22:44.46\00:22:49.46 What a privilege to carry 00:22:50.23\00:22:56.06 Everything to God in prayer! 00:22:57.13\00:23:01.90 Oh, what peace we often forfeit, 00:23:03.10\00:23:09.06 Oh, what needless pain we bear, 00:23:10.06\00:23:17.53 All because we do not carry 00:23:18.50\00:23:24.56 Everything to God in prayer! 00:23:25.50\00:23:31.20 Have we trials and temptations? 00:23:32.16\00:23:38.56 Is there trouble anywhere? 00:23:39.40\00:23:46.20 We should never be discouraged- 00:23:47.20\00:23:53.83 Take it to the Lord in prayer. 00:23:54.83\00:24:00.80 Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? 00:24:01.90\00:24:07.43 Take it to the Lord in prayer! 00:24:08.36\00:24:16.36 In His arms He'll take and shield thee, 00:24:17.43\00:24:22.93 Thou wilt find a solace there. 00:24:23.86\00:24:31.93 Amen, Amen. 00:24:33.33\00:24:44.73 >>Bill" Lets pray. 00:24:46.83\00:24:49.00 Gracious loving heavenly Father, we thank you for you love and 00:24:49.00\00:24:54.00 your mercy towards us. 00:24:54.00\00:24:56.53 Father, at this moment we think of those living lives paralyzed 00:24:56.53\00:25:02.13 by fear. May they cling to Jesus and find the answer in Him to all of their anxieties. 00:25:02.13\00:25:13.60 Be with each and every viewer, bless us I pray in Jesus name, 00:25:13.60\00:25:20.30 Amen. >>Dave: God is great and beyond all human comprehension. 00:25:33.40\00:25:37.33 We are told that his eyes are even on the sparrow, therefore 00:25:37.33\00:25:41.33 his eyes are on us. 00:25:41.33\00:25:44.53 Pastor Bill has prepared a book that includes all of the 00:25:44.53\00:25:46.80 messages in this series. 00:25:46.80\00:25:48.46 The book is called "Fear not, for I am with you". 00:25:48.46\00:25:51.53 We would like to send it to you as our gift. 00:25:51.53\00:25:54.36 Here is the information you need to get your copy. 00:25:54.36\00:25:56.23 >>Bill: We have come to the end of another It Is Written 00:26:45.60\00:26:48.33 program. I want to thank you for taking the time to be with us 00:26:48.33\00:26:53.40 today and each and every week that you join us. 00:26:53.40\00:26:56.66 You can always visit our web site I tIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:26:56.66\00:27:01.86 On the web site we have a number of interesting things, spend 00:27:01.86\00:27:06.33 some time there - you can see that all of our programs are archived there in case you 00:27:06.33\00:27:09.30 missed any. 00:27:09.30\00:27:11.66 You can send prayer requests - you know every morning the staff 00:27:11.66\00:27:14.50 meets and they pray over the requests that come in. 00:27:14.50\00:27:17.20 You can even send a donation online if you feel so impressed 00:27:17.20\00:27:21.73 to support this ministry. 00:27:21.73\00:27:24.33 We also have a Youtube channel YouTube.com/IIWCanada - 00:27:24.33\00:27:29.63 all of the programs are on there also - and you can share those 00:27:29.63\00:27:35.73 programs with friends and relatives and maybe refer other people to the It Is Written 00:27:35.73\00:27:39.10 program. 00:27:39.10\00:27:41.13 You can also follow us on twitter. 00:27:41.13\00:27:44.40 Well our prayer and the desire of our hearts is to be back 00:27:44.40\00:27:48.33 together with you again next week. 00:27:48.33\00:27:51.20 In the mean time, you remember, it is written man shall not live 00:27:51.20\00:27:56.90 by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the 00:27:56.90\00:28:01.73 mouth of God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:05.43\00:28:05.80