>>Bill: According to a Greek legend, in ancient Athens a man 00:00:02.43\00:00:04.73 noticed the great storyteller Aesop playing childish games with some little boys. 00:00:04.73\00:00:09.73 He laughed and jeered at Aesop, asking him why he wasted his 00:00:09.73\00:00:13.46 time in such frivolous activity. 00:00:13.46\00:00:18.10 Aesop responded by picking up a bow, loosening its string, and 00:00:18.10\00:00:21.23 placing it on the ground. 00:00:21.23\00:00:24.33 Then he said to the critical Athenian, "Now, answer the 00:00:24.33\00:00:28.20 riddle, if you can. 00:00:28.20\00:00:29.76 Tell us what the unstrung bows implies." 00:00:29.76\00:00:34.33 The man looked at it for several moments but had no idea what 00:00:34.33\00:00:37.83 point Aesop was trying to make. 00:00:37.83\00:00:40.73 Aesop explained, "If you keep a bow always bent, it will break 00:00:40.73\00:00:46.16 eventually; but if you let it go slack, it will be more fit for use when you want it." 00:00:46.16\00:00:51.36 People are also like that. 00:00:51.36\00:00:53.53 That's why we all need to take time to rest. 00:00:53.53\00:00:57.20 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:10.20\00:01:12.73 God's book: the Bible, 00:01:13.50\00:01:16.10 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:17.20\00:01:20.66 It Is Written, 00:01:21.26\00:01:23.53 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:24.73\00:01:27.90 >>Bill: The Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on 00:01:38.16\00:01:48.10 the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. 00:01:48.10\00:01:54.90 The fourth commandment of God's unchangeable law requires the 00:01:54.90\00:01:59.96 observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in 00:01:59.96\00:02:06.40 harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of 00:02:06.40\00:02:11.40 the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. 00:02:11.40\00:02:17.06 It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of our 00:02:17.06\00:02:21.63 sanctification, a token of our allegiance, and a foretaste of 00:02:21.63\00:02:26.06 our eternal future in God's kingdom. 00:02:26.06\00:02:31.40 The Sabbath is God's perpetual sign of His eternal covenant 00:02:31.40\00:02:36.10 between Him and His people. 00:02:36.10\00:02:39.13 Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to evening, 00:02:39.13\00:02:45.06 sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God's creative and redemptive acts. 00:02:45.06\00:02:49.80 It happened one Sabbath morning. 00:02:49.80\00:02:53.83 Jesus as was His custom was worshipping together with the 00:02:53.83\00:02:59.23 rest of the believers in the synagogue. 00:02:59.23\00:03:01.23 In fact, Jesus was teaching this particular Sabbath. 00:03:01.23\00:03:05.56 Luke 6: 6 - 11 00:03:05.56\00:03:09.63 Can you imagine the scene? 00:04:03.53\00:04:06.60 A man who needed healing was caught between the two forces; 00:04:06.60\00:04:11.03 the loving, healing power of Jesus and the rules of proper Sabbath observance. 00:04:11.03\00:04:18.36 Jesus sensed full well what was at stake. 00:04:18.36\00:04:24.73 He knew the hearts of those Pharisees, and Jesus realized 00:04:24.73\00:04:29.96 that healing that man on the Sabbath would bring Him one step closer to His execution day. 00:04:29.96\00:04:37.43 Jesus did not back away; in fact, He heightened the drama in 00:04:37.43\00:04:42.16 order to make a point. 00:04:42.16\00:04:43.90 He said to the man "Get up and come forward! 00:04:43.90\00:04:46.56 " Then Jesus turned to those watching and asked them a 00:04:46.56\00:04:49.93 question: There was no answer. 00:05:00.23\00:05:02.90 Then Jesus, with Heaven's courage flashing from His eyes 00:05:02.90\00:05:06.53 said to the man: "Stretch out your hand! 00:05:06.53\00:05:09.40 " It was an electric moment, a showdown on that Sabbath, and 00:05:09.40\00:05:13.63 the crowd gasped when they saw that withered hand miraculously restored to perfect 00:05:13.63\00:05:18.60 health. 00:05:18.60\00:05:21.13 Some in the crowd however, did not gasp. 00:05:21.13\00:05:25.10 Instead they grumbled quietly among themselves - and went out 00:05:25.10\00:05:30.56 the back door to begin planning for a crucifixion. 00:05:30.56\00:05:33.23 What was going on here? 00:05:33.23\00:05:36.36 Why had this issue of the Sabbath and its observance become such a point of 00:05:36.36\00:05:43.20 contention? 00:05:43.20\00:05:44.80 How important is this anyway? 00:05:44.80\00:05:48.26 Does Jesus' view of the Sabbath hold any value for us here today 00:05:48.26\00:05:52.90 2000 years later? 00:05:52.90\00:05:55.53 Let's Ask The Bible! 00:05:55.53\00:05:59.60 Come with me to the Garden of Eden; try to imagine the splendor and the glory 00:05:59.60\00:06:04.53 in that paradise. 00:06:04.53\00:06:07.90 God the Father and Jesus His Son have just put the finishing 00:06:07.90\00:06:11.66 touches on the creation of a brand-new world. 00:06:11.66\00:06:14.43 Everything is perfect, including the two beautiful human beings, 00:06:14.43\00:06:20.96 all wide-eyed in their fresh innocence, Adam and Eve our 00:06:20.96\00:06:27.23 first parents. We all know what was the first thing that Adam and Eve did, they celebrated 00:06:27.23\00:06:32.36 the world's first Sabbath together, we can read about it 00:06:32.36\00:06:37.60 in Genesis 2: 2 - 3. 00:06:37.60\00:06:41.53 Let's make a list of the things God did on that first Sabbath: 00:07:02.46\00:07:08.03 He rested He blessed it He made it holy Now a question comes to 00:07:08.03\00:07:12.03 mind - why did God rest? 00:07:12.03\00:07:15.13 Even after six long and wonderful days of creating, was 00:07:15.13\00:07:23.46 God tired? Was Jesus burned out and exhausted looking for a couch to throw Himself on? 00:07:23.46\00:07:29.83 God set aside that seventh day as a time for His two created 00:07:29.83\00:07:36.60 children to rest and fellowship with Him? 00:07:36.60\00:07:39.83 So right at the beginning of the Bible we see the purpose of the 00:07:39.83\00:07:43.30 Sabbath, not for God's rest, but ours. 00:07:43.30\00:07:46.36 In fact, Jesus confirmed this point when questioned by the 00:07:46.36\00:07:50.46 Pharisees. These religious leaders had criticized Jesus' disciples for walking 00:07:50.46\00:07:55.20 through the grain fields and picking a little bit of grain to 00:07:55.20\00:07:58.50 eat during the Sabbath hours. 00:07:58.50\00:08:00.13 What did Jesus say in response? 00:08:00.13\00:08:02.73 Mark 2: 27 00:08:02.73\00:08:06.83 From the very first week of creation, God had in mind a day 00:08:15.60\00:08:20.16 of delight and spiritual refreshment for human men and 00:08:20.16\00:08:26.46 women. Do you know why the multitudes today fail to bow down before God alone, 00:08:26.46\00:08:32.90 to reverence only the creator - we don't have time! 00:08:32.90\00:08:35.66 We are too busy! 00:08:35.66\00:08:37.70 Most people don't avoid God because they are terribly evil 00:08:37.70\00:08:41.96 or because they have something against God. 00:08:41.96\00:08:44.56 Most just cannot seem to find the time. 00:08:44.56\00:08:47.76 We are meeting deadlines at the office, trying to get home 00:08:47.76\00:08:51.03 through the traffic, trying to remember what we were suppose to 00:08:51.03\00:08:53.46 pick up at the store, trying to deal with our children, trying to cram in a vacation. 00:08:53.46\00:08:57.20 We never stop! 00:08:57.20\00:09:00.30 Who has the time? 00:09:00.30\00:09:02.63 You know what that means for our spiritual lives? 00:09:02.63\00:09:06.40 That is why God carved a giant STOP sign in the rock of Mount 00:09:06.40\00:09:14.16 Sinai! Exodus 20: 8 - 11 00:09:14.16\00:09:19.33 The fourth commandment comes as the climax of the first three. 00:09:55.86\00:10:00.03 How do we have no other gods before Him? 00:10:00.03\00:10:03.33 How do we bow down to Him alone? 00:10:03.33\00:10:06.20 How do we reverence His name? 00:10:06.20\00:10:08.53 We have to give Him our time. 00:10:08.53\00:10:12.73 That is the one thing we keep holding back. 00:10:12.73\00:10:16.80 There's a verse in the Psalms that sums up the 4th commandment 00:10:16.80\00:10:19.73 very nicely, Psalm 46: 10 00:10:19.73\00:10:22.93 We can know God only in stillness. 00:10:28.83\00:10:32.93 We have to take the time to be still. 00:10:32.93\00:10:36.00 We can hear God only when we really listen, we have to take 00:10:36.00\00:10:39.80 the time to listen. 00:10:39.80\00:10:42.13 Moses told his people: "Stand still, that I may hear what the 00:10:42.13\00:10:47.00 Lord will command concerning you" Job was told: "Stand still and consider the wondrous 00:10:47.00\00:10:51.90 works of God". 00:10:51.90\00:10:57.13 Now let's travel back once again to the time of Jesus, back to 00:10:57.13\00:11:03.76 the site of the original Jerusalem temple, had the Sabbath been forgotten? 00:11:03.76\00:11:07.10 No, quite the opposite. 00:11:07.10\00:11:10.46 In fact, the Sabbath was being so rigorously observed that 00:11:10.46\00:11:14.40 people were suffocating on it. 00:11:14.40\00:11:18.60 That sounds harsh, but that was in fact what was happening. 00:11:18.60\00:11:22.56 Take an ordinary handkerchief. 00:11:22.56\00:11:27.60 Carrying it with you during the Sabbath hours was a grievous 00:11:27.60\00:11:30.06 violation of the religious regulations of the day. 00:11:30.06\00:11:33.73 A tiny cloth was an unnecessary burden. 00:11:33.73\00:11:37.76 But it was all right to pin that same handkerchief to your 00:11:37.76\00:11:44.70 clothes - within reach of your nose, then it became part of your clothing, the rabbis would 00:11:44.70\00:11:48.03 say, not something extra. 00:11:48.03\00:11:51.56 It went on like that with regulations and rules and headings and subheadings 00:11:51.56\00:11:56.50 for every imaginable situation. 00:11:56.50\00:12:00.80 None of these regulations were found in God's Word, they had 00:12:00.80\00:12:04.36 been created out of centuries of human tradition. 00:12:04.36\00:12:09.00 Let me ask you a question; Who stands to gain if the Sabbath is 00:12:09.00\00:12:15.20 destroyed or changed? 00:12:15.20\00:12:18.90 Who would be the power behind such a move? 00:12:18.90\00:12:23.96 Who stands to gain when God's beautiful Sabbath rest is buried 00:12:23.96\00:12:28.96 under a choking tangle of confusing and arbitrary 00:12:28.96\00:12:34.10 regulations? Can't you just visualize Satan quietly working behind the scenes to 00:12:34.10\00:12:38.70 destroy the Sabbath from within? 00:12:38.70\00:12:42.26 Throwing a heavy blanket of rules over the original concept 00:12:42.26\00:12:46.33 of happy, life-restoring fellowship with God? 00:12:46.33\00:12:51.60 Probably the most powerful lesson we can learn about the 00:12:51.60\00:12:56.86 Sabbath is to be discovered in the hills near the town of 00:12:56.86\00:13:01.03 Capernaum. Jesus retreated to this deserted spot for some well-deserved rest with 00:13:01.03\00:13:03.86 His disciples. 00:13:03.86\00:13:07.76 The only trouble was word leaked out that Jesus was there and 00:13:07.76\00:13:11.30 soon the place was not all that deserted. 00:13:11.30\00:13:14.50 Thousands arrived to receive spiritual nourishment. 00:13:14.50\00:13:19.10 The hours went by and those people needed physical 00:13:19.10\00:13:24.33 nourishment also. You know the story; there were only 5 loaves and two fishes for those 00:13:24.33\00:13:28.70 thousands of hungry people and no grocery stores near by. 00:13:28.70\00:13:32.90 The disciples tried to send some people away, but Jesus would 00:13:32.90\00:13:36.73 have none of that. 00:13:36.73\00:13:38.93 "You don't have to send them away, there is enough here for 00:13:38.93\00:13:41.36 all to eat - go ahead and feed them! 00:13:41.36\00:13:43.10 " The disciples were stunned! 00:13:43.10\00:13:44.60 "Lord, how? 00:13:44.60\00:13:46.60 Five loaves and two fish - there is no way! 00:13:46.60\00:13:50.20 " Luke 9: 14 00:13:50.20\00:13:52.40 Jesus invited everyone to sit down and rest. 00:14:06.00\00:14:08.96 Now I don't know about you but when I am hungry and there is no 00:14:08.96\00:14:14.80 food around, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting down 00:14:14.80\00:14:18.96 to rest. I want to rummage around for something to eat. 00:14:18.96\00:14:24.36 But in obedience to Christ, those 5000 men and their 00:14:24.36\00:14:28.96 families all sat down to rest. 00:14:28.96\00:14:31.33 They trusted Jesus, and you know what happened - the Bible tells 00:14:31.33\00:14:34.70 us they all ate and were filled Luke 9: 17 00:14:34.70\00:14:39.33 What a picture of the Christian life! 00:14:50.96\00:14:53.13 To stop our working and rest in Christ - and then, perfect 00:14:53.13\00:14:58.56 fulfillment. We are so tempted to work our way to heaven, but Jesus says to you and me 00:14:58.56\00:15:04.23 today, just as He said to those hungry followers: "I have provided everything 00:15:04.23\00:15:07.20 you need. 00:15:07.20\00:15:10.10 Come, for all things are now ready. 00:15:10.10\00:15:14.06 " People will sometimes ask, is the Sabbath still valid? 00:15:14.06\00:15:18.70 Hasn't it been changed? 00:15:18.70\00:15:21.20 Does God really care what day you rest? 00:15:21.20\00:15:25.43 If God felt the Sabbath was needed in the quiet peacefulness 00:15:25.43\00:15:32.23 of Eden, isn't it a million times more needed in our 00:15:32.23\00:15:35.63 frantic, confused, traffic-snarled world today? 00:15:35.63\00:15:39.56 Would God really have done away with the Sabbath? 00:15:39.56\00:15:42.10 Didn't Jesus Himself change the Sabbath? 00:15:42.10\00:15:48.13 No, there is no record of such a change - not in a single part of 00:15:48.13\00:15:52.10 the Bible. Jesus kept the Sabbath, so did His disciples, so did His followers for long 00:15:52.10\00:15:57.06 decades after His resurrection. 00:15:57.06\00:16:01.20 Some people will say, keeping the Sabbath after Calvary is 00:16:01.20\00:16:07.96 legalism - that we are trying to earn our salvation by worshipping on the Sabbath. 00:16:07.96\00:16:13.73 You see, keeping the Sabbath involves rest, the Hebrew word 00:16:13.73\00:16:18.23 for Sabbath means "rest, cease, desist". 00:16:18.23\00:16:23.43 Resting in Christ's accomplishments, trusting in His 00:16:23.43\00:16:29.76 works rather than my works - that is the very opposite of 00:16:29.76\00:16:33.73 legalism! Think of Calvary, crucified on a Friday afternoon, 00:16:33.73\00:16:39.13 resting in the tomb on the 7th day Sabbath, and then raised to life on the Sunday with 00:16:39.13\00:16:44.20 your salvation and mine guaranteed for all time. 00:16:44.20\00:16:50.00 So when we rest on Sabbath, we honor Christ's glorious act of 00:16:50.00\00:16:55.53 redemption on the cross, as He rested on the Sabbath, I rest too, trusting in Him as my 00:16:55.53\00:17:00.10 Creator and my Redeemer and Saviour. 00:17:00.10\00:17:05.53 We all need regular Sabbath rest, we desperately need to be 00:17:05.53\00:17:10.80 still and know that He is our God. 00:17:10.80\00:17:15.80 It is easy to point the finger at problems in society; we can 00:17:15.80\00:17:21.40 identify evils in the world without any effort, but what about the problems in here? 00:17:21.40\00:17:25.03 Have we given God our time? 00:17:25.03\00:17:31.73 That's the big question, we really cannot give ourselves 00:17:31.73\00:17:35.53 unless we have given time - quality time, true Sabbath rest time, won't you decide that 00:17:35.53\00:17:37.70 today. 00:17:37.70\00:17:44.53 Decide that you are going to spend quality time with God 00:17:44.53\00:17:51.73 regularly - enough time to worship and honor our Creator 00:17:51.73\00:17:58.20 and Saviour. Jesus loves me! 00:18:00.90\00:18:05.06 This I know, 00:18:05.06\00:18:07.26 For the Bible tells me so; 00:18:08.26\00:18:14.66 Little ones to Him belong; 00:18:15.56\00:18:22.03 They are weak, but He is strong. 00:18:22.93\00:18:31.23 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:18:32.60\00:18:38.53 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:18:39.40\00:18:46.73 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:18:47.43\00:18:55.73 The Bible tells me so. 00:18:56.73\00:19:06.96 Jesus, take this heart of mine 00:19:16.60\00:19:22.56 Make it pure and holy Thine 00:19:23.40\00:19:29.76 On the cross, You died for me 00:19:30.66\00:19:37.70 And I will love and live for Thee 00:19:38.63\00:19:46.76 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:19:48.20\00:19:54.43 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:19:55.16\00:20:02.06 Yes, Jesus loves me! 00:20:02.86\00:20:11.86 The Bible tells me so. 00:20:12.70\00:20:19.76 All to Jesus I surrender; 00:20:33.63\00:20:39.66 All to Him I freely give; 00:20:40.43\00:20:46.63 I will ever love and trust Him, 00:20:47.63\00:20:54.80 In His presence daily live. 00:20:55.76\00:21:02.06 I surrender all, 00:21:02.66\00:21:08.20 I surrender all; 00:21:08.80\00:21:15.10 All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 00:21:16.16\00:21:25.96 I surrender all. 00:21:26.70\00:21:34.06 All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 00:21:35.16\00:21:44.06 I surrender all. 00:21:44.76\00:21:54.56 >Bill: Let us pray. 00:21:59.76\00:22:03.10 Father in heaven, we thank you for your love and your kindness, 00:22:03.10\00:22:06.53 your mercy and your goodness. 00:22:06.53\00:22:08.96 Father I pray for those now searching for rest. 00:22:08.96\00:22:12.10 May they find rest in Jesus. 00:22:12.10\00:22:16.23 May the experience the blessing of Sabbath rest. 00:22:16.23\00:22:20.40 Be with each and every viewer I pray, In Jesus name, Amen. 00:22:20.40\00:22:25.63 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! 00:23:00.66\00:23:03.40 On previous shows you've heard me talking about green smoothies 00:23:03.40\00:23:06.40 and how fantastic they are for your good health. 00:23:06.40\00:23:09.10 Well, today I want you to consider adding another type of 00:23:09.10\00:23:11.30 green to your daily living. 00:23:11.30\00:23:13.16 This one you don't eat, though. 00:23:13.16\00:23:15.46 This one - nature - is all around us. 00:23:15.46\00:23:19.60 The effects of nature on our wellbeing have been extensively 00:23:19.60\00:23:23.16 researched and found to be quite profound. 00:23:23.16\00:23:26.20 In fact, being out in nature appears to affect us all the way 00:23:26.20\00:23:31.06 down to the cellular level, and especially has a profound effect 00:23:31.06\00:23:33.70 on the pre-frontal cortex of our brains. 00:23:33.70\00:23:37.16 A study done by scientists at the University of Michigan found 00:23:37.16\00:23:41.36 that not only is being in nature relaxing, but it can also improve your memory. 00:23:41.36\00:23:46.56 They took 38 people, asked them to recite a given list of 00:23:46.56\00:23:51.00 numbers backwards, then sent them on a two-mile walk, either through an urban setting 00:23:51.00\00:23:55.70 or through the university's botanical gardens. 00:23:55.70\00:23:58.70 The numbers test was re-administered after the walks. 00:23:58.70\00:24:02.03 A week later, the participants were put through the same 00:24:02.03\00:24:05.13 procedure but the walking route was switched. 00:24:05.13\00:24:07.63 What were the results? 00:24:07.63\00:24:11.43 The walk through the botanical gardens actually improved test 00:24:11.43\00:24:15.53 scores a whopping 20 percent, while the participants who walked in the urban 00:24:15.53\00:24:18.90 setting had no improvement. 00:24:18.90\00:24:21.96 The really neat thing is that even in coldest winter, being 00:24:21.96\00:24:25.50 outside in nature boosted the participants' performance. 00:24:25.50\00:24:29.23 See how powerfully restorative nature is for our well-being? 00:24:29.23\00:24:33.30 And, speaking of winter, a Japanese study found that fractal patterns in 00:24:33.30\00:24:38.30 nature, for example, snowflakes, have a calming effect on our 00:24:38.30\00:24:42.60 brains. Studies also show that nature is a wonderful treatment 00:24:42.60\00:24:47.03 for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 00:24:47.03\00:24:50.90 Children who participated in activities in green outdoor 00:24:50.90\00:24:55.66 settings experienced significantly reduced symptoms of ADHD compared to children who 00:24:55.66\00:25:01.23 participated in activities conducted in built outdoor and 00:25:01.23\00:25:06.43 indoor settings. For those of us who live in cities, it's especially important to take 00:25:06.43\00:25:09.83 breaks often in parks and green spaces. 00:25:09.83\00:25:13.93 It can be difficult sometimes to find time during a hectic week 00:25:13.93\00:25:17.13 to do that, but Sabbath afternoons are a particularly 00:25:17.13\00:25:21.43 good for spending time in naturewith family and God. 00:25:21.43\00:25:24.03 Green up your life this week! 00:25:24.03\00:25:28.50 I'll see you next time! 00:25:28.50\00:25:30.66 >>Bill: I know that many of you would like to continue studying 00:25:36.33\00:25:38.80 on today's topic, and so we have some resources available to you. 00:25:38.80\00:25:42.23 One of them is a study guide that has been prepared 00:25:42.23\00:25:45.56 specifically on today's subject. 00:25:45.56\00:25:47.86 It is available for download on our website at ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:25:47.86\00:25:54.13 The other two are these two special editions of the "Signs 00:25:54.13\00:25:57.16 of the times" magazine. 00:25:57.16\00:25:59.43 One is entitled "A day to remember", the other "History's 00:25:59.43\00:26:04.60 greatest hoax". They are free of charge because they are our gift 00:26:04.60\00:26:08.96 to you our viewer. Here is the information you need to in order to get your magazines. 00:26:08.96\00:26:12.43 Well, we have come to the end of another program, thank you, 00:27:12.36\00:27:16.36 thank you, thank you for spending this half hour with us - I hope you will do it again. 00:27:16.36\00:27:20.73 While we are gone, you can always visit the web site, ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:27:20.73\00:27:25.36 All of the programs are archived there, you can send prayer 00:27:25.36\00:27:30.80 requests -- I tell you that we have some very dedicated staff in the office, they come 00:27:30.80\00:27:35.23 together every single morning and they pray over all of the 00:27:35.23\00:27:40.10 requests that get to our office. 00:27:40.10\00:27:42.63 So if you have a special prayer request, send it in knowing that 00:27:42.63\00:27:45.13 our staff will be praying for you. 00:27:45.13\00:27:47.03 You can also make a donation online. 00:27:47.03\00:27:50.00 Every donation you send goes directly to help keep this ministry on the air. 00:27:50.00\00:27:55.20 We have a youtube channel, YouTube.com/IIWCanada, you can follow us on twitter. 00:27:55.20\00:28:00.36 I pray that we will be back again together next week where 00:28:00.36\00:28:05.16 once again we will have the opportunity of studying God's 00:28:05.16\00:28:08.23 word together. Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, 00:28:08.23\00:28:13.46 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. 00:28:13.46\00:28:17.80 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:19.43\00:28:19.46