>>Bill: There is a popular teaching among some Christians 00:00:02.46\00:00:06.33 that states that the secret rapture is a theological event that the Bible foretells will 00:00:06.33\00:00:11.36 happen during the end times when millions and millions of people 00:00:11.36\00:00:15.96 across the world will suddenly "vanish" or "disappear" without 00:00:15.96\00:00:19.26 any kind of advance signs or warnings. 00:00:19.26\00:00:21.93 As a result, people will be walking on Earth one second and 00:00:21.93\00:00:25.83 then find themselves walking in Heaven the next. 00:00:25.83\00:00:29.16 The rapture will only be for people who placed their trust 00:00:29.16\00:00:33.13 and faith in their salvation on the completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. 00:00:33.13\00:00:38.20 People who have not made a decision for Jesus Christ will 00:00:38.20\00:00:42.93 suddenly find themselves left behind to face the Tribulation period and the wrath of 00:00:42.93\00:00:46.83 God to come. 00:00:46.83\00:00:49.63 My question is - is this teaching found in the Bible? 00:00:49.63\00:00:54.93 Let's Ask the Bible About the Rapture. 00:00:54.93\00:00:58.96 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:11.50\00:01:14.23 God's book: the Bible, 00:01:14.90\00:01:17.70 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:18.73\00:01:22.13 It Is Written, 00:01:22.66\00:01:24.73 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:25.93\00:01:29.30 Bible prophecy provides some of the greatest encouragement and 00:01:39.76\00:01:42.40 hope available to us today. 00:01:42.40\00:01:45.20 Just as the Old Testament is saturated with prophecies 00:01:45.20\00:01:50.50 concerning Christ's first advent, so both testaments are filled with references to the 00:01:50.50\00:01:54.10 second coming of Christ. 00:01:54.10\00:01:57.20 One scholar has estimated that there are 1,845 references to 00:01:57.20\00:02:03.30 Christ's second coming in the Old Testament, where 17 books give it prominence. 00:02:03.30\00:02:10.06 In the 260 chapters of the New Testament, there are 318 00:02:10.06\00:02:16.46 references to the second advent of Christ, that is an amazing 1 out of every 30 verses. 00:02:16.46\00:02:24.76 Twenty-three of the 27 New Testament books refer to this 00:02:24.76\00:02:29.86 great event. For every prophecy in the Bible concerning Christ's first advent, there are 8 00:02:29.86\00:02:34.96 which look forward to His second! 00:02:34.96\00:02:38.86 It is the hope of the Second Coming of Jesus that has 00:02:38.86\00:02:42.93 sustained the faith of Christians throughout the ages - while a majority of 00:02:42.93\00:02:46.56 Christians believe Jesus WILL return for a second time, it is 00:02:46.56\00:02:51.40 HOW He will return where the divisions appear. 00:02:51.40\00:02:55.26 Well, Let's Ask the Bible! 00:02:55.26\00:02:59.16 The first thing we see is that the Second Coming of Jesus is a 00:02:59.16\00:03:04.23 very LITERAL EVENT. 00:03:04.23\00:03:07.76 When Jesus was here the first time He took His disciples out 00:03:07.76\00:03:12.10 to the mount and He held up His hands and blessed them and He 00:03:12.10\00:03:17.56 began to ascend. Look at Acts 1: 9 - 11 00:03:17.56\00:03:21.20 This same Jesus is coming back in the same way you just saw Him 00:03:52.36\00:03:57.10 leave. Is Jesus coming back? 00:03:57.10\00:04:00.50 The angels say He is. 00:04:00.50\00:04:03.26 A Literal Event. 00:04:03.26\00:04:07.46 The Bible also teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus will be a 00:04:07.46\00:04:11.80 Visible Event - Revelation 1: 7 00:04:11.80\00:04:18.00 The Bible is very clear - how many will see Him when He comes 00:04:28.36\00:04:35.33 - every eye. Now, some have suggested that the wicked will not see Him when He comes - 00:04:35.33\00:04:40.56 but look at what the Bible says . Matthew 24: 30 00:04:40.56\00:04:49.70 Every eye is going to see Jesus return - the righteous will see 00:05:05.80\00:05:10.23 Him come the unrighteous will see Him come, that's what the 00:05:10.23\00:05:14.16 Bible says. Now look at verse 31 . 00:05:14.16\00:05:15.60 Now don't miss this - this is the gathering of the elect. 00:05:32.53\00:05:35.03 He sends His angels with the great sound of a trumpet, does 00:05:35.03\00:05:40.40 this sound like it is silent? 00:05:40.40\00:05:44.96 Does it sound like it is secret? 00:05:44.96\00:05:47.73 Does it sound like an event that only a few know? 00:05:47.73\00:05:51.46 You see when Jesus came the first time as a Babe in Bethlehem's manger, 00:05:51.46\00:05:55.30 very few people recognized Him. 00:05:55.30\00:06:00.70 But at the climax of history He is not going to come sneaking 00:06:00.70\00:06:04.56 back to take a few with Him. 00:06:04.56\00:06:07.13 It is the climax of history, all history moves to one great 00:06:07.13\00:06:11.50 glorious event, the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with the sound of trumpets 00:06:11.50\00:06:17.40 He will gather His elect, it is a visible event ... 00:06:17.40\00:06:25.36 The Second Coming of Jesus will be an AUDIBLE EVENT - not only 00:06:25.36\00:06:31.26 will every eye see him, every ear will hear him. 00:06:31.26\00:06:37.30 Psalm 50: 3 00:06:37.30\00:06:39.63 Does that sound like a silent, secret coming? 00:06:52.60\00:06:59.56 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 00:06:59.56\00:07:05.70 Now according to the Bible when do the dead in Christ rise? 00:07:19.33\00:07:24.86 So when Jesus comes the Bible says, the dead in Christ will 00:07:24.86\00:07:29.83 rise, there is a physical resurrection. 00:07:29.83\00:07:34.46 Now notice what else the Bible says ... Verse 17 00:07:34.46\00:07:35.63 Does it say Jesus' feet touch the earth? 00:07:50.80\00:07:55.83 Not now, where do we meet Him? 00:07:55.83\00:08:00.36 in the air - so the righteous dead are resurrected, the 00:08:00.36\00:08:06.03 righteous living meet Jesus in the air as He comes with the sound of the trumpet. 00:08:06.03\00:08:13.30 Christ's coming is a literal event, Christ's coming is a 00:08:13.30\00:08:20.33 visible event, Christ's coming is an audible event and Christ's coming is a glorious 00:08:20.33\00:08:24.70 event. 00:08:24.70\00:08:27.93 Matthew 16:27 00:08:27.93\00:08:31.16 Now follow this closely, when does the Bible say each will be 00:08:44.00\00:08:49.50 rewarded according to his deeds? 00:08:49.50\00:08:51.60 When He comes in the "glory of His Father. 00:08:51.60\00:08:55.26 " So when Jesus comes in the glory of His Father that is when 00:08:55.26\00:08:59.96 each, the Bible says, each will receive according to their 00:08:59.96\00:09:04.26 deeds. So the Bible teaches that when Jesus comes the second time 00:09:04.26\00:09:09.06 both the righteous and the wicked, both the saved and the unsaved will receive their 00:09:09.06\00:09:16.20 reward. 00:09:16.20\00:09:18.90 Matthew 24: 27 00:09:18.90\00:09:22.63 When Jesus returns it will be like lightning shining from the 00:09:33.13\00:09:39.53 east to the west - the coming of Christ is a CLIMACTIC EVENT ... It is a decisive event, in 00:09:39.53\00:09:46.33 all of history. 00:09:46.33\00:09:48.30 The coming of Christ will be the climax of history. 00:09:48.30\00:09:54.33 The destinies of all human beings will be decided by the 00:09:54.33\00:10:00.20 choices they have made. 00:10:00.20\00:10:02.80 Friends, it is not that Christ comes and those that are "left 00:10:07.93\00:10:10.66 behind" are given a second chance, as they go through the tribulation ... Who do you 00:10:10.66\00:10:13.43 think wants you to put off your salvation? 00:10:13.43\00:10:18.46 Wouldn't you say that it is the evil one that says - "Don't 00:10:18.46\00:10:22.00 worry about today. 00:10:22.00\00:10:24.26 " It is Jesus Christ that appeals to you, when Jesus comes 00:10:24.26\00:10:27.50 there is no second chance, do you know why? 00:10:27.50\00:10:31.36 Because He gives every one of us thousands of chances in this 00:10:31.36\00:10:36.73 life. The Bible says that when Jesus Christ returns a decree 00:10:36.73\00:10:42.50 will go out to the whole universe... 00:10:42.50\00:10:44.63 Revelation 22: 11 00:10:44.63\00:10:49.33 The Bible says when Jesus Christ comes the second time, every 00:11:09.00\00:11:14.70 human being has settled their destiny. 00:11:14.70\00:11:18.23 The choices have been made either to respond to His love or 00:11:18.23\00:11:25.00 reject that love. There is a battle over every mind, there is a battle over every life and 00:11:25.00\00:11:30.30 when every human being 00:11:30.30\00:11:36.36 has decided for or aga Christ, the door of mercy 00:11:30.30\00:11:36.36 is shut, men and women have made their decision, they have 00:11:36.36\00:11:41.16 settled their destiny, they have made their choices. 00:11:41.16\00:11:45.00 You see the Bible says that when Jesus returns the second time 00:11:45.00\00:11:49.83 there will be two classes of people - the saved and the lost, not three, just two. 00:11:49.83\00:11:57.03 Every man woman and child will be in one of those two groups 00:11:57.03\00:11:58.96 based on the choices they have made. 00:11:58.96\00:12:08.96 While one group cries out . Isaiah 25: 9 00:12:08.96\00:12:15.66 The other group has a completely different response - Revelation 00:12:29.93\00:12:37.66 6: 15 - 17 00:12:37.66\00:12:40.43 "hide us" they say from the presence of Jesus - they want to 00:13:12.20\00:13:16.60 run and hide from the Lamb that was nailed to the cross, they have spurned His love and 00:13:16.60\00:13:21.66 have turned their backs on Him. 00:13:21.66\00:13:23.80 Jesus comes not first and foremost to destroy. 00:13:23.80\00:13:29.36 Jesus comes to save, but He cannot save those that have not 00:13:29.36\00:13:35.50 chosen to be saved. 00:13:35.50\00:13:37.00 So Jesus wants the kingdom of God to come to your heart tonight and once the 00:13:40.93\00:13:48.60 kingdom of God is within you and you accept His love and His 00:13:48.60\00:13:54.16 grace, you are ready to live in the kingdom above. 00:13:54.16\00:13:57.30 But if you keep battling Him down here, and you keep fighting 00:13:57.30\00:14:02.53 Him down here and you don't let Him sit on the throne of your heart down here, then you 00:14:02.53\00:14:07.56 are not ready to worship Him on the throne of the universe. 00:14:07.56\00:14:12.16 But isn't Jesus coming as a thief? 00:14:12.16\00:14:16.83 Let's look at a couple of verses. 00:14:16.83\00:14:20.16 First let's look at Matthew 24: 43 00:14:20.16\00:14:24.70 Isn't Jesus coming as a thief somebody says? 00:14:38.76\00:14:42.76 Did you know what the text said - if we knew what "time" the 00:14:42.76\00:14:50.16 thief would have come - when a thief comes he does not say "GET READY I AM COMING AT 2:00 00:14:50.16\00:14:52.83 AM! 00:14:52.83\00:14:54.86 ! 00:14:54.86\00:14:57.13 " Every reference in the Bible to Jesus coming as a thief relates to the time 00:14:57.13\00:15:04.43 of His coming - not the manner of His coming. 00:15:04.43\00:15:07.83 He is coming so every eye will see Him, He is coming with a 00:15:07.83\00:15:14.56 shout and a voice and a trumpet and flashing lightning in heaven - but He is coming quickly to 00:15:14.56\00:15:21.10 those who are unprepared as a thief - Look Matthew 24:44 00:15:21.10\00:15:30.86 The references to Jesus coming as a thief are always references 00:15:37.96\00:15:40.33 to a The references to Jesus coming as a thief are always 00:15:42.56\00:15:46.53 references to a time when we don't expect it. 00:15:46.53\00:15:50.20 Let me show you one more . 2 Peter 3: 10 00:15:50.20\00:15:55.63 But the day of the Lord will come like a what? 00:16:16.06\00:16:19.23 - thief and the heavens will pass away with a roar, don't 00:16:19.23\00:16:25.33 miss it - when Jesus comes as a thief - the heavens will pass away, will disappear. 00:16:25.33\00:16:31.13 That is when He comes as a thief - every eye sees Him, every ear 00:16:31.13\00:16:36.46 hears Him. There's nothing quiet or intangible about the heavens 00:16:36.46\00:16:43.66 disappearing with a roar. 00:16:43.66\00:16:46.00 And finally the coming of Christ is a joyous event - it is a 00:16:46.00\00:16:55.20 glorious event for the saved Titus 2:13 . 00:16:55.20\00:17:00.70 Jesus Christ is coming again, He is coming in glory and He is 00:17:12.00\00:17:15.40 coming in power. 00:17:15.40\00:17:17.66 He wants you saved, Is there anything in your life that would 00:17:17.66\00:17:23.20 keep you from being ready for His coming? 00:17:23.20\00:17:27.80 Is there anything in your life, some habit, some attitude, is 00:17:27.80\00:17:33.33 Jesus Christ, right now at this very instant, Lord or your life? 00:17:33.33\00:17:37.60 Have you responded to His love, has He forgiven your sins? 00:17:37.60\00:17:42.60 Is He living in your life? 00:17:42.60\00:17:46.86 He wants you to live in His kingdom forever, there is nothing more that Jesus 00:17:46.86\00:17:54.10 wants than you - He is coming for you, He loves you! 00:17:54.10\00:18:00.63 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring: 00:18:04.90\00:18:07.46 Jesus is coming again! 00:18:08.13\00:18:10.90 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing: 00:18:13.03\00:18:16.20 Jesus is coming again! 00:18:16.86\00:18:20.50 Coming again, coming again, 00:18:23.70\00:18:27.06 Jesus is coming again! 00:18:27.73\00:18:32.23 Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains: 00:18:39.56\00:18:42.33 Jesus is coming again! 00:18:43.00\00:18:47.00 Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain; 00:18:48.10\00:18:51.26 Jesus is coming again! 00:18:52.00\00:18:55.76 Coming again, coming again, 00:18:58.93\00:19:02.06 Jesus is coming again! 00:19:02.83\00:19:07.23 We have this hope that burns within our hearts, 00:19:14.46\00:19:21.50 Hope in the coming of the Lord. 00:19:22.63\00:19:31.60 We have this faith that Christ alone imparts, 00:19:33.90\00:19:41.36 Faith in the promise of His Word. 00:19:42.66\00:19:48.16 We believe the time is here, 00:19:51.40\00:19:54.50 When the nations far and near 00:19:55.40\00:19:59.03 Shall awake, and shout and sing 00:19:59.93\00:20:03.26 Hallelujah! 00:20:03.83\00:20:07.63 Christ is King! 00:20:07.63\00:20:08.40 Coming again, Coming again 00:20:09.56\00:20:11.83 Jesus is coming again 00:20:12.56\00:20:16.56 Jesus is coming again! 00:20:17.43\00:20:26.20 >>Bill: Let us pray. 00:20:27.60\00:20:30.23 Father in heaven, thank you once again for the clarity of 00:20:30.23\00:20:34.40 scripture. Father, I think of those that at this very moment are reaching out for 00:20:34.40\00:20:38.16 Jesus. 00:20:38.16\00:20:41.06 Father send you Holy Spirit to abide in their lives, preparing 00:20:41.06\00:20:45.26 them to meet Jesus when he comes in glory and power, I pray in 00:20:45.26\00:20:53.73 His name, Amen. >>Bev: Hi, everyone! 00:21:28.90\00:21:31.26 If you are nuts about nuts, you'll be glad to hear that 00:21:31.26\00:21:34.66 eating a small handful every day can help lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. 00:21:34.66\00:21:38.00 According to the Mayo Clinic, "eating nuts as part of a 00:21:38.00\00:21:42.06 healthy diet can be good for your heart," and a number of health studies confirm this to 00:21:42.06\00:21:44.66 be true. 00:21:44.66\00:21:46.86 Despite their diminutive size, nuts are packed with all kinds 00:21:46.86\00:21:50.90 of good nutrition, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, 00:21:50.90\00:21:55.00 fibre, vitamin E, trace minerals, and something interesting called L-arginine. 00:21:55.00\00:21:59.90 L-arginine is a substance that helps make your arteries more 00:21:59.90\00:22:04.63 flexible, thereby aiding in lowering your blood pressure. 00:22:04.63\00:22:07.96 So, what's your favourite nut? 00:22:07.96\00:22:11.36 I love the rich, creaminess of cashews, the hard crunch of a 00:22:11.36\00:22:14.60 Brazil nut, the way walnuts mix so well with dates, and the heightened sweetness 00:22:14.60\00:22:17.96 of almonds when they plump up after soaking in water. 00:22:17.96\00:22:22.20 Speaking of soaking, it's a good idea to soak nuts for several 00:22:22.20\00:22:25.63 hours before using them. 00:22:25.63\00:22:27.73 This makes them easier to digest by neutralizing protective 00:22:27.73\00:22:31.20 enzyme inhibitors on the surface of the nut. 00:22:31.20\00:22:34.46 Soaking times vary for different nuts, and you can Google the 00:22:34.46\00:22:37.46 Internet to find more information. 00:22:37.46\00:22:39.30 When purchasing nuts, raw is best. 00:22:39.30\00:22:41.93 Leave the salted and chocolate-covered ones on the 00:22:41.93\00:22:45.93 grocery shelf. At home, store nuts in the fridge so their natural oils don't spoil too 00:22:45.93\00:22:49.40 quickly. 00:22:49.40\00:22:51.20 What all can you do with nuts? 00:22:51.20\00:22:52.86 The list is endless! 00:22:52.86\00:22:55.20 Make your own nut milks, nut butters, patés, sweet or savoury 00:22:55.20\00:22:58.90 creams, cheeses, pie crusts, scrambles, and more! 00:22:58.90\00:23:02.13 Be careful, though. 00:23:02.13\00:23:04.90 With their high fat content, it's easy to overload by eating 00:23:04.90\00:23:07.33 too many nuts. 00:23:07.33\00:23:09.33 Been there, done that! 00:23:09.33\00:23:12.63 Keep in mind that about a quarter-cup of nuts daily is enough to derive all 00:23:12.63\00:23:15.50 their delicious health benefits. 00:23:15.50\00:23:17.90 If you have high cholesterol or want to lose weight, however, 00:23:17.90\00:23:21.03 you'll want to curb your intake of nuts. 00:23:21.03\00:23:24.06 This week, instead of purchasing cow's milk, blend your own 00:23:24.06\00:23:26.86 healthy nut milk instead! 00:23:26.86\00:23:28.90 It's super easy, and so delicious! 00:23:28.90\00:23:32.70 Let me show you how to make Almond Milk. 00:23:32.70\00:23:35.30 You'll need: 1 cup of raw almonds (rinse them well, then soak overnight; this 00:23:35.30\00:23:39.33 will yield around 1&1/2 cups of almonds) 3-4 cups of water, 00:23:39.33\00:23:44.80 depending on how thin or thick you like your milk (filtered water is best) 2-3 dried dates 00:23:44.80\00:23:48.60 soaked to soften, or 2 teaspoons of honey 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla 00:23:48.60\00:23:54.86 After soaking overnight, drain and rinse the almonds, then 00:23:54.86\00:23:59.30 place them in the blender. 00:23:59.30\00:24:01.26 Add the dates, the vanilla, and half the water. 00:24:01.26\00:24:03.43 Blend on high speed until creamy. 00:24:03.43\00:24:06.16 Keep adding the remaining water and blend until you have the 00:24:06.16\00:24:09.00 consistency of milk you like. 00:24:09.00\00:24:10.76 Now I'm just going to do that right now. 00:24:10.76\00:24:14.06 I've got my water already in here and I'm going to put the 00:24:14.06\00:24:17.83 nuts in and the dates. 00:24:17.83\00:24:20.23 And you know what? 00:24:20.23\00:24:24.13 I don't usually add the vanilla, so I'm not even going to do that 00:24:24.13\00:24:30.06 this time. 00:24:30.06\00:24:32.33 And then you just put this back on ... I'm using a Vitamixer - 00:24:32.33\00:24:33.83 and this is the king of blenders. 00:24:33.83\00:24:35.96 So, here we go... 00:24:35.96\00:24:39.30 You can strain the milk, if you prefer, but don't throw out the 00:24:39.30\00:24:56.30 fibrous goodness; be sure to use the pulp in other recipes. 00:24:56.30\00:25:00.33 You can store this milk in a glass jar in the fridge for 00:25:00.33\00:25:03.90 three days. I'm just going to pour this out to show you. 00:25:03.90\00:25:06.66 Look at this, when I make it, I don't strain it. 00:25:06.66\00:25:09.73 Beautiful milk, enjoy it in good health. 00:25:09.73\00:25:13.86 I'll see you next time! 00:25:13.86\00:25:15.16 >>Bill: I'd like to offer you a couple of resources to allow you 00:25:22.73\00:25:25.90 to continue studying today's topic. 00:25:25.90\00:25:29.00 One is a study guide that has been prepared specifically on 00:25:29.00\00:25:31.40 this subject. 00:25:31.40\00:25:34.60 It is available for download at our web site ItIsWrittenCanada.ca . 00:25:34.60\00:25:39.03 The other is a special edition of the magazine "Signs of the 00:25:39.03\00:25:43.70 Times". This edition here, "The surprising truth about the 00:25:43.70\00:25:48.23 Rapture". It is free of charge because it's our gift to you. 00:25:48.23\00:25:51.33 Here is the information you need to get your copy. 00:25:51.33\00:25:54.10 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It Is Written 00:26:54.46\00:26:57.33 program, thank you so much for making the time to be with us. 00:26:57.33\00:27:01.66 I hope you're enjoying this series on "let's ask the Bible". 00:27:01.66\00:27:04.10 Remember our web site, ItIsWrittenCanada.ca. 00:27:04.10\00:27:08.93 If you have missed any of our programs, they are all archived 00:27:08.93\00:27:12.23 there so you can see them, you can send prayer requests, you can send questions, you can 00:27:12.23\00:27:18.10 make an online donation if you feel so moved to do so - knowing 00:27:18.10\00:27:22.33 that all of those donations go to keep this ministry on the 00:27:22.33\00:27:28.60 air. We have a youtube channel, youtube.com/IIWCanada, you can follow us on twitter. 00:27:28.60\00:27:33.90 Well, we will be praying that the Lord will allow us the 00:27:33.90\00:27:40.80 privilege to be back again next week where once again we will open God's word and study it 00:27:40.80\00:27:43.43 together. 00:27:43.43\00:27:44.80 I hope you will join us. 00:27:44.80\00:27:46.96 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by 00:27:46.96\00:27:53.16 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:27:53.16\00:27:57.16 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:27:59.33\00:27:59.36