>>Bill: I like the story of the young woman who wanted to go to 00:00:02.40\00:00:07.00 college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application blank that 00:00:07.00\00:00:11.10 asked, "Are you a leader?" 00:00:11.10\00:00:14.90 Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, "No," 00:00:14.90\00:00:19.63 and returned the application, expecting the worst. 00:00:19.63\00:00:23.43 To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: 00:00:23.43\00:00:29.13 "Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college 00:00:29.13\00:00:33.93 will have 1,452 new leaders. 00:00:33.93\00:00:38.66 We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they 00:00:38.66\00:00:42.83 have at least one follower." 00:00:42.83\00:00:45.63 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:57.70\00:01:00.56 God's book: the Bible, 00:01:01.30\00:01:04.10 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:05.16\00:01:08.60 It Is Written, 00:01:09.23\00:01:11.26 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:12.66\00:01:15.66 In business today if somebody was coming along and saying -I 00:01:27.76\00:01:30.83 want twelve people to help build a company there would be a string of qualifications a 00:01:30.83\00:01:35.60 mile long and they would have figured out exactly the kind of 00:01:35.60\00:01:40.96 person they wanted and get twelve just like that. 00:01:40.96\00:01:44.43 Not the Lord, He picked twelve unqualified people who were so 00:01:44.43\00:01:49.43 diverse it's incredible. 00:01:49.43\00:01:53.43 And they all had problems. 00:01:53.43\00:01:56.40 And they all had sins. 00:01:56.40\00:01:57.90 Even the best of them. 00:01:57.90\00:01:59.86 It's just a list of the unqualified. 00:01:59.86\00:02:05.06 Now Jesus never intended to go through the work of proclaiming 00:02:05.06\00:02:09.23 the Kingdom alone. 00:02:09.23\00:02:11.63 That's why when He began His ministry He began it not only by 00:02:11.63\00:02:18.33 preaching and teaching but by training men with Him at the same time He began His 00:02:18.33\00:02:22.00 ministry. 00:02:22.00\00:02:24.26 He was training them all the while so that when He left they'd carry it on. 00:02:24.26\00:02:29.60 And these are the ones He chose, they are the ambassadors of the 00:02:29.60\00:02:35.13 King. What kind of people are qualified for the Lord's work? 00:02:35.13\00:02:39.36 What kind of people does Jesus use? 00:02:39.36\00:02:43.66 Well, He uses, we learned, dynamic, strong, bold leaders 00:02:43.66\00:02:49.03 like Peter, who take charge, who initiate, who plan, who strategize, who confront, who 00:02:49.03\00:02:54.56 rebuke, who command people to Christ and who frankly often 00:02:54.56\00:02:59.90 talk a better game than they play, and often act too hastily. 00:02:59.90\00:03:03.70 But are usually eager to be forgiven and restored. 00:03:03.70\00:03:09.33 And, our Lord uses humble, gentle, inconspicuous, quiet 00:03:09.33\00:03:15.23 souls like Andrew, who seek no prominence, never preach to crowds, but quietly bring 00:03:15.23\00:03:19.16 individuals to Christ. 00:03:19.16\00:03:22.90 And then He uses zealous, passionate, uncompromising, task 00:03:22.90\00:03:30.10 oriented, insensitive, ambitious dynamos like James, who wind up 00:03:30.10\00:03:35.43 getting killed because nobody can handle him. 00:03:35.43\00:03:39.50 They see only a job to do and they'll die getting it done. 00:03:39.50\00:03:43.63 And He also uses sensitive, loving, believing, intimate, 00:03:43.63\00:03:49.00 truth seekers like John, who speak in love and attract men to 00:03:49.00\00:03:54.96 Christ. Let's look at Matthew 10:3, 00:03:54.96\00:04:02.36 Let's look, first of all, at Philip. 00:04:14.23\00:04:17.80 This is not to be confused with Philip the deacon in Acts 6 who 00:04:17.80\00:04:23.56 later became an evangelist, this is Philip the disciple. 00:04:23.56\00:04:28.50 His name is a Greek name. 00:04:28.50\00:04:30.93 Now all twelve were Jews so he must have had a Jewish name but 00:04:30.93\00:04:37.63 we don't know his Jewish name. 00:04:37.63\00:04:40.66 For some reason he goes always by his Greek name, and by the 00:04:40.66\00:04:44.70 way, his Greek name means lover of horses. 00:04:44.70\00:04:48.76 This is kind of interesting because when the Greeks later on 00:04:48.76\00:04:53.10 want to see Jesus they go to Philip maybe they felt comfortable because his 00:04:53.10\00:04:59.90 name was the Greek name. 00:04:59.90\00:05:02.96 Now for a while he was a fellow townsman at Bethsaida, and you 00:05:02.96\00:05:07.56 remember that Bethsaida up in Galilee was the town where Peter 00:05:07.56\00:05:12.30 and Andrew came from, so Philip knew Peter and Andrew. 00:05:12.30\00:05:17.96 He had perhaps grown up knowing them, perhaps was a close friend 00:05:17.96\00:05:22.73 of theirs. Since they were all God-fearing Jews, Peter, Andrew, 00:05:22.73\00:05:28.76 Philip and Nathanael or Bartholomew, we'll get to him later, they probably all knew 00:05:28.76\00:05:33.46 each other. 00:05:33.46\00:05:35.63 He may well have been a fisherman. 00:05:35.63\00:05:39.56 He appears later on with Andrew and with Peter and with James 00:05:39.56\00:05:44.03 and with John in John 21 fishing. 00:05:44.03\00:05:48.16 The three gospels say nothing about him, just his name, 00:05:48.16\00:05:53.03 nothing else. But John's gospel mentions him four times. 00:05:53.03\00:05:57.46 Let's look together at John 1:43 and let's meet Philip. 00:05:57.46\00:06:07.36 And let's ask the question again - What kind of people can God 00:06:07.36\00:06:12.30 use? The 'next day' that means the day following Peter and 00:06:25.03\00:06:30.30 Andrew having an encounter with Christ, the day following the time when John the Baptist 00:06:30.30\00:06:35.56 pointed to Christ and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God," and 00:06:35.56\00:06:38.93 Peter and Andrew followed Him. 00:06:38.93\00:06:41.53 Now that is the first direct call of a disciple. 00:06:41.53\00:06:48.76 Peter and Andrew had already met Christ but they had sort of 00:06:48.76\00:06:52.70 found Him, they had sort of come along. 00:06:52.70\00:06:56.30 John the Baptist had pointed to Him and they sort of followed 00:06:56.30\00:06:58.96 Jesus along and got a chance to meet Him and so forth. 00:06:58.96\00:07:02.23 But Philip is the first individual to whom the Lord 00:07:02.23\00:07:06.63 expressly said - Follow Me. 00:07:06.63\00:07:09.83 He walked up and found him and said Follow Me. 00:07:09.83\00:07:15.06 But may I hasten to add that Philip also had a seeking heart. 00:07:15.06\00:07:20.16 God doesn't find people against their will. 00:07:20.16\00:07:24.93 He had a seeking heart and if you look at John 1:45 it says 00:07:24.93\00:07:31.23 Philip then went to find Nathanael, or Bartholomew same person, and said to him, 00:07:31.23\00:07:34.93 Now from the Lord's viewpoint He found Philip, from Philip's 00:07:37.53\00:07:39.93 viewpoint he Now from the Lord's viewpoint He found Philip, from Philip's viewpoint he 00:07:48.83\00:07:53.56 found the Lord. 00:07:53.56\00:07:57.80 And isn't that the way your testimony goes? 00:07:57.80\00:08:01.50 The sovereign side is that God found you, the human side is 00:08:01.50\00:08:05.86 that you found Christ. 00:08:05.86\00:08:08.40 And in order for it to happen both of you had to be seeking. 00:08:08.40\00:08:13.43 "The Son of man has come into the world to seek and save that 00:08:13.43\00:08:21.03 which is lost, if you seek with Me with all your heart you shall 00:08:21.03\00:08:26.40 surely -what? - find Me." 00:08:26.40\00:08:28.30 God seeks that true heart that seeks Him. 00:08:28.30\00:08:32.43 Jesus just came right up and said - Follow Me. 00:08:32.43\00:08:37.20 Philip's eyes and ears were open, his heart was open. 00:08:37.20\00:08:40.73 And when he heard the divine voice say - Follow Me, he ran to 00:08:40.73\00:08:44.80 tell Nathanael that he had found Him, the Messiah was here. 00:08:44.80\00:08:48.56 And you can imagine the excitement and the thrill and 00:08:48.56\00:08:51.03 the joy and the ecstasy. 00:08:51.03\00:08:53.36 In fact, he even wanted to bring Nathanel, at the end of verse 00:08:53.36\00:08:57.26 46, he says - Come and see. 00:08:57.26\00:09:02.60 Find out for yourself! 00:09:02.60\00:09:04.26 Now what do we learn about Philip? 00:09:04.26\00:09:06.86 First thing we learn about him is he was seeking the Messiah. 00:09:06.86\00:09:08.26 He was a God-fearing Jew. 00:09:08.26\00:09:10.20 He was religious and he had an honest heart. 00:09:10.20\00:09:13.13 We also learn that his response when being found was to find 00:09:13.13\00:09:19.76 somebody else. And I'm convinced that the greatest source for evangelism is friendship. 00:09:19.76\00:09:25.36 I think friendship provides the most fertile soil for 00:09:25.36\00:09:30.83 evangelism. Don't you? 00:09:30.83\00:09:33.00 Because there's already a relationship of love. 00:09:33.00\00:09:35.63 And into that relationship of love you can introduce the 00:09:35.63\00:09:40.90 reality of Christ. Invariably when somebody becomes a Christian their first reaction 00:09:40.90\00:09:46.90 in the warmth and the joy of that new found life is to find a friend and tell that 00:09:46.90\00:09:51.76 person what has happened. 00:09:51.76\00:09:54.46 And by the way, if you've lost that then that's only a sad commentary on one of 00:09:54.46\00:10:01.66 two things, one you don't have any unchristian friends or two 00:10:01.66\00:10:04.93 you don't care anymore. 00:10:04.93\00:10:06.93 Both are tragic. 00:10:06.93\00:10:08.43 But Philip immediately went to Nathanel. 00:10:08.43\00:10:12.20 The immediate response to salvation is evangelism, find 00:10:12.20\00:10:17.20 somebody else and tell them the good news. 00:10:17.20\00:10:19.50 Now let's look at John 6 and see the next passage about him. 00:10:19.50\00:10:26.30 And I think this really cracks open Philip. 00:10:26.30\00:10:30.86 Jesus has already made wine at the marriage feast at Cana so He 00:10:30.86\00:10:35.20 has demonstrated His supernatural power. 00:10:35.20\00:10:38.26 That for sure has happened. 00:10:38.26\00:10:41.10 And there may have been other miracles and mighty deeds that 00:10:41.10\00:10:46.03 he had seen. But we come to chapter 6 and a big crowd has gathered at the north end 00:10:46.03\00:10:50.93 of the Sea of Galilee and Jesus has been teaching them all day 00:10:50.93\00:10:54.63 and healing them all day of all their diseases. 00:10:54.63\00:10:57.43 And it's been a tremendous day but it's coming to the evening 00:10:57.43\00:11:02.20 now and the crowd is hungry and there were 5,000 men which means there were probably at 00:11:02.20\00:11:05.83 least 5,000 women and 20,000 kids, so it's a big crowd. 00:11:05.83\00:11:11.13 And they're all there and you go to John 6:5 00:11:11.13\00:11:13.53 Philip, how are we going to get bread. 00:11:28.90\00:11:33.00 Why did He single Philip out? 00:11:33.00\00:11:34.96 You know what I believe? 00:11:34.96\00:11:37.06 I believe Philip was in charge of the food. 00:11:37.06\00:11:40.06 Somebody had to be in charge of the food. 00:11:40.06\00:11:42.13 We know Judas was in charge of the money. 00:11:42.13\00:11:45.73 And somebody had to be in charge of the food. 00:11:45.73\00:11:49.00 They had to eat as they traveled around and ministered. 00:11:49.00\00:11:52.46 And it seems to me that was Philip's area and so the Lord 00:11:52.46\00:11:57.06 says to him - Now, Philip, how are we going to get the bread to 00:11:57.06\00:12:00.33 feed these folks? Why did He ask him that? 00:12:00.33\00:12:04.06 Verse 6 00:12:04.06\00:12:05.33 He knew He was going to feed them miraculously and create in 00:12:14.50\00:12:19.36 His own hand bread and fish but He was testing Philip. 00:12:19.36\00:12:24.90 Now, Philip, you've seen Me make wine at the marriage supper, now 00:12:24.90\00:12:28.60 we don't have any food for this multitude, how are we going to 00:12:28.60\00:12:31.93 get some food? You know what he said? 00:12:31.93\00:12:35.10 Verse 7: 00:12:35.10\00:12:36.40 He gives Him an instant answer which, you know what that 00:12:46.20\00:12:52.83 proves? That's another thing that proves to me that he was in charge of the food, he 00:12:52.83\00:12:55.90 had already analyzed it. 00:12:55.90\00:12:58.40 I've got it figured out - it cannot be done. 00:12:58.40\00:13:02.03 You know what you learn about Philip? 00:13:02.03\00:13:04.80 It never entered into his mind that the Lord was supernatural. 00:13:04.80\00:13:08.76 It utterly eluded him that Christ could do a creative 00:13:08.76\00:13:14.06 miracle. The supernatural resources of Jesus Christ totally escaped his thinking. 00:13:14.06\00:13:17.86 He just calculated the whole deal. 00:13:17.86\00:13:19.83 You know what he is? 00:13:19.83\00:13:21.43 He is analytical. 00:13:21.43\00:13:23.03 He is pragmatic. 00:13:23.03\00:13:25.16 I'm sure he would sit in a board meeting today with a calculator 00:13:25.16\00:13:27.00 punch it. Can't do it. 00:13:27.00\00:13:28.36 We don't have the money. 00:13:28.36\00:13:29.43 It cannot be done. 00:13:29.43\00:13:30.93 He had too much arithmetic to be adventurous. 00:13:30.93\00:13:35.23 He was so stuck on facts and figures he missed faith all 00:13:35.23\00:13:41.46 together. One writer said, "The supreme essential of a great leader is a sense of 00:13:41.46\00:13:48.90 the possible." 00:13:48.90\00:13:50.43 Philip had a sense of the impossible. 00:13:50.43\00:13:55.86 He didn't know that God said: "That with Him all things are 00:13:55.86\00:14:02.76 -what? - possible." 00:14:02.76\00:14:04.93 Christ was trying to teach him about faith and he wasn't 00:14:04.93\00:14:08.86 learning the lesson. 00:14:08.86\00:14:10.96 You know what he should have said? 00:14:10.96\00:14:13.63 Lord, You made wine at Cana, You fed Your children in the 00:14:13.63\00:14:17.56 wilderness with manna, do what You want. 00:14:17.56\00:14:20.66 You've got this crowd here, You feed them. 00:14:20.66\00:14:22.70 You know something? 00:14:22.70\00:14:25.53 He had been healing all day long Philip had watched demonstration 00:14:25.53\00:14:28.56 of supernatural power. 00:14:28.56\00:14:32.10 The Lord had overcome all diseases possible in that multitude and Philip says 00:14:32.10\00:14:35.50 - It can't be done. 00:14:35.50\00:14:38.40 Boy, that is thick-headedness. 00:14:38.40\00:14:42.26 Philip was a materialist. 00:14:42.26\00:14:44.03 He was a man of practical common sense. 00:14:44.03\00:14:45.33 He had measurements. 00:14:45.33\00:14:47.70 He was methodical, mechanical, he had very little understanding 00:14:47.70\00:14:50.16 of the supernatural. 00:14:50.16\00:14:52.56 He was a facts and figures guy, always going by what appeared on 00:14:52.56\00:14:58.00 the human level. 00:14:58.00\00:14:59.90 Now let's see if he has any improvement in six chapters. 00:14:59.90\00:15:04.03 Go to John 12:20. 00:15:04.03\00:15:06.66 They were God-fearing Greeks, come for the Passover, and they 00:15:15.36\00:15:20.40 had come because they had been devotees of Judaism and they heard about Christ. 00:15:20.40\00:15:26.90 "And they came to Philip," because he was the Greek connection, he had a Greek 00:15:26.90\00:15:31.76 name probably that's the reason they came to him. 00:15:31.76\00:15:35.03 "And they desired him saying, Sir, we would see Jesus." 00:15:35.03\00:15:39.43 Well, Philip may have been approachable, he may have been a 00:15:39.43\00:15:47.36 warm-hearted fellow, but he didn't take them to Jesus. 00:15:47.36\00:15:50.56 He said, in affect, - Now you guys wait here, I don't know if 00:15:50.56\00:15:55.03 this can happen, I've got to go check. 00:15:55.03\00:15:57.06 So he goes and tells Andrew. 00:15:57.06\00:16:00.40 And together they go to Jesus. 00:16:00.40\00:16:03.86 You know what we learn about Philip? 00:16:03.86\00:16:06.46 He was not decisive. 00:16:06.46\00:16:07.96 He was not forceful. 00:16:07.96\00:16:10.10 Peter would have grabbed those Gentiles and dragged them into 00:16:10.10\00:16:14.10 the presence of Jesus and said, - Lord, look at these guys, they 00:16:14.10\00:16:16.70 want to see you. But not Philip, he had to check it out with 00:16:16.70\00:16:18.53 somebody else. Well, what was bothering him? 00:16:18.53\00:16:21.36 He was still living in chapter 10 of Matthew when the Lord had 00:16:21.36\00:16:25.86 said, "I am come but for the lost sheep of the house of 00:16:25.86\00:16:29.06 Israel." So he's saying -These are Gentiles, it's not in the minutes to bring the 00:16:29.06\00:16:32.86 Gentiles. 00:16:32.86\00:16:35.03 I don't think the constitution allows it, I am not sure that is 00:16:35.03\00:16:37.60 in the bylaws. 00:16:37.60\00:16:39.53 Isn't it wonderful that the Lord uses those kind of people? 00:16:39.53\00:16:45.30 Aren't you thrilled? 00:16:45.30\00:16:46.96 I am. 00:16:46.96\00:16:48.20 He is no genius. 00:16:48.20\00:16:51.00 He didn't get lesson one - Jesus is God - three years he didn't 00:16:51.00\00:16:54.13 get it. He needs to be in remedial class, basic has 00:16:54.13\00:16:59.40 alluded him. He is so skeptical, so unconvinced. 00:16:59.40\00:17:03.43 Here is a man of limited ability, here is a man of inadequate faith, here is 00:17:03.43\00:17:06.50 a man of imperfect understanding, here is a man who 00:17:06.50\00:17:09.93 fools around with numbers instead of meditating. 00:17:09.93\00:17:13.00 Here is a man who is stuck on the level of rules and codes and 00:17:13.00\00:17:17.50 stuff instead of seeing God. 00:17:17.50\00:17:21.30 And someday he's going to inherit gloriously in the Kingdom, beyond what he 00:17:21.30\00:17:26.93 would ever have dreamed, a pessimistic, reluctant, 00:17:26.93\00:17:32.16 insecure, unsure, analytical, skeptical man. 00:17:32.16\00:17:35.30 Saw facts and figures and missed the big picture of power and 00:17:35.30\00:17:39.26 grace. His faith was limited by money, circumstances and proof. 00:17:39.26\00:17:45.80 You know what tradition tells us about this dear fellow? 00:17:45.80\00:17:49.26 He got his act together and he wound up dying as a martyr for a 00:17:49.26\00:17:54.53 Christ he wouldn't deny. 00:17:54.53\00:17:58.90 They stripped him naked, according to tradition, they hung him by his feet 00:17:58.90\00:18:03.03 upside down and they pierced great holes in his ankles and 00:18:03.03\00:18:06.80 his thighs so that the blood would pour out and slowly he 00:18:06.80\00:18:13.50 would die. And he said he only had one request and that is that when he was dead they 00:18:13.50\00:18:19.06 not wrap his body in linen like his Lord because he wasn't 00:18:19.06\00:18:24.33 worthy of that. Aren't you glad God uses the slow, and the 00:18:24.33\00:18:28.56 faithless and the analytical skeptics? 00:18:28.56\00:18:32.30 Because some of us find ourselves there, don't we? 00:18:32.30\00:18:38.66 One more fellow for this morning, and he's only introduced to us in one 00:18:38.66\00:18:44.80 passage and then we just lose him the rest of the time. 00:18:44.80\00:18:48.90 His name is Bartholomew in Matthew 10, but that was his 00:18:48.90\00:18:52.26 last name. His first name was Nathanael. 00:18:52.26\00:18:54.10 Bartholomew. 00:18:54.10\00:18:56.26 He came from Cana of Galilee, again from a little village in 00:18:56.26\00:19:02.20 Galilee. He was brought to Jesus by Philip so he was acquainted 00:19:02.20\00:19:07.13 with the rest of the gang. 00:19:07.13\00:19:09.30 Only one passage in the Bible tells us about him and it's John 00:19:09.30\00:19:11.73 1. Let's go back. 00:19:11.73\00:19:14.86 Verse 43, I think you're going to find him fascinating. 00:19:14.86\00:19:20.66 It says in verse 43 that 00:19:20.66\00:19:22.90 What does that tell us? 00:19:43.93\00:19:46.50 It tells us that Nathanael would have know Messianic prophecy and 00:19:46.50\00:19:52.16 studied it, he was a studier of the Scripture, a searcher for truth, a seeker for God. 00:19:52.16\00:19:55.56 But verse 46 tells us he had a sin too. 00:19:55.56\00:20:02.73 He had a weakness. 00:20:02.73\00:20:03.36 Nathanael showed prejudice. 00:20:12.90\00:20:16.06 You say - Boy, if there's one thing you don't want among the 00:20:16.06\00:20:19.13 twelve it's a guy with prejudice. 00:20:19.13\00:20:21.20 He was a good fellow, thoughtful, biblical, looking 00:20:21.20\00:20:24.66 for the Messiah, quiet, meditative guy full of 00:20:24.66\00:20:29.86 prejudice. Well, Philip offered him a solution at the end of verse 46, he says - Come 00:20:29.86\00:20:34.33 and see. 00:20:34.33\00:20:37.53 Now we're going to find out how deep his prejudice is. 00:20:37.53\00:20:42.50 If he's got the kind of prejudice that can be overcome 00:20:42.50\00:20:46.00 he's going to respond, and he did respond. 00:20:46.00\00:20:48.50 Verse 47, 00:20:48.50\00:20:49.56 What a wonderful, lovely introduction, wouldn't it be a 00:21:00.80\00:21:05.50 wonderful thing if the Lord walked up to you and said - Ah, a true Christian who is without 00:21:05.50\00:21:10.56 hypocrisy? 00:21:10.56\00:21:13.46 Nathanael responds, verse 48 00:21:13.46\00:21:14.63 Jesus is saying to him - I saw you, I saw you seeking. 00:21:28.03\00:21:30.10 Well, that's enough for him. 00:21:30.10\00:21:33.66 Nathanael verse 49: 00:21:33.66\00:21:35.36 You want to know something? 00:21:43.73\00:21:47.46 Three years later Philip wasn't sure about that, whether He was 00:21:47.46\00:21:52.46 God. Nathanael knew it immediately. 00:21:52.46\00:21:56.03 He saw deity in His presence. 00:21:56.03\00:22:00.33 So, we meet Nathanael Bartholomew, the seeker of truth, prejudice but not 00:22:00.33\00:22:03.80 bound by it, honest, open, a man of prayer, a man of meditation, 00:22:03.80\00:22:12.36 a man who made a complete surrender to Christ, a man with a keen mind and a heart of 00:22:12.36\00:22:17.60 faith. He saw. 00:22:17.60\00:22:19.00 He understood. 00:22:19.00\00:22:22.03 The Lord can use any raw material that's available, and He's in the business 00:22:22.03\00:22:26.56 of making the most out of the unqualified. 00:22:26.56\00:22:30.56 Can I ask you this in closing? 00:22:30.56\00:22:34.20 Do you qualify among the unqualified? 00:22:34.20\00:22:38.93 Because if you do the Lord wants to use you. 00:22:38.93\00:22:43.93 Let us pray. 00:25:34.00\00:25:36.16 Father, we thank You that the ability that You want from us is 00:25:36.16\00:25:40.80 availability. Thank You that You can take the unqualified and do the transforming of 00:25:40.80\00:25:45.20 their lives. 00:25:45.20\00:25:46.70 I know my own weaknesses. 00:25:46.70\00:25:49.06 All of us do.. . 00:25:49.06\00:25:50.70 our sins, our failings. 00:25:50.70\00:25:52.00 And yet You use us. 00:25:52.00\00:25:54.73 We thank You that we are the company of the unqualified who 00:25:54.73\00:25:59.06 have been transformed to useful vessels fit for the Master's 00:25:59.06\00:26:04.60 use. May the truth that we have learned today linger in our 00:26:04.60\00:26:09.06 hearts and make us better than we were had we not heard it. 00:26:09.06\00:26:12.36 For Your glory, in Christ's name. 00:26:12.36\00:26:17.50 Amen. 00:26:17.50\00:26:18.83 >>Dave: God can take a very common person and transform them 00:26:22.36\00:26:24.76 into a very uncommon apostle. 00:26:24.76\00:26:27.76 The only qualification God needs is availability - and that means 00:26:27.76\00:26:31.53 he can use anyone of us if we make ourselves available. 00:26:31.53\00:26:35.03 Pastor Bill has written a book "All the King's men", it includes all of the 00:26:35.03\00:26:39.76 messages in this series, we would love to send it to you, 00:26:39.76\00:26:43.23 here is the information you need to get your free copy. 00:26:43.23\00:26:45.20 >>Bill: I want to thank you again for joining us this week. 00:27:34.66\00:27:37.53 I hope your enjoying this series on the life of the disciples. 00:27:37.53\00:27:40.10 Like I have said before, this is one of my favorite series. 00:27:40.10\00:27:43.43 We are going to make this series available to you on DVD with a 00:27:43.43\00:27:47.33 wonderful study guide and a book. 00:27:47.33\00:27:51.56 You can go on our website and pre-order that for a donation of 00:27:51.56\00:27:56.20 $50. Those $50 will be used to keep this ministry on the air. 00:27:56.20\00:27:59.20 While on the web site visit our archive program section - all of 00:27:59.20\00:28:04.13 our programs are there. 00:28:04.13\00:28:06.56 You can find out where the It Is Written team may be appearing, 00:28:06.56\00:28:09.56 you can even make a donation online if you feel so impressed 00:28:09.56\00:28:13.46 to do so. You can visit our youtube channel youtube.com/IIWCanada, you 00:28:13.46\00:28:17.46 can also follow us on twitter. 00:28:17.46\00:28:21.80 Well, we pray that we will have the privilege of being together 00:28:21.80\00:28:24.10 again next week. 00:28:24.10\00:28:26.43 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by 00:28:26.43\00:28:31.53 bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:28:31.53\00:28:35.63 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:36.56\00:28:37.20