It Is Written Canada


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201224

00:02 >>Bill: In a hi-tech society like ours, we often need instructions
00:04 for using new products.
00:06 But who writes these instructions?
00:10 On a package of airline peanuts: "Open packet and eat contents."
00:16 Good advice!
00:24 On a chain saw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands."
00:27 And finally, on a steering-wheel lock : "Warning--remove lock
00:31 before driving."
00:34 Unless, of course, you plan on making only right turns.
00:49 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time.
00:52 God's book: the Bible,
00:56 still relevant in today's complex world.
01:00 It Is Written,
01:03 sharing the messages of hope around the world.
01:30 I love reading about these silly instructions - there are some really great ones
01:33 . "Do not use as ear plugs."
01:38 -- On a package of silly putty.
01:40 "May be harmful if swallowed."
01:41 -- On a shipment of hammers.
01:44 "Warning: May contain nuts."
01:47 -- On a package of peanuts.
01:50 "Do not eat toner."
01:53 -- On a toner cartridge for a laser printer.
01:55 "Warning: May contain small parts."
01:59 -- On a frisbee.
02:03 Much of the book of I Thessalonians is concerned with giving instructions.
02:08 The Christian believers in the city of Thessalonica faced persecution from the
02:13 outset.
02:16 In spite of this, the Thessalonian church appeared to be a faithful
02:18 community of believers.
02:21 The apostle Paul, author of I and II Thessalonians, often praises them for
02:26 their faithfulness, holy living, and generosity.
02:31 Yet he also wants to make sure that they are thoroughly instructed in
02:37 the issues of the faith, because he knows they will come under great pressure
02:41 from the surrounding society.
02:44 Keep away from promiscuity, he says to them, follow Christ's
02:49 example of holiness, work hard to support yourself, live at peace with your
02:52 neighbors.
02:55 The first half of I Thessalonians, chapter 4, teaches the believers in
03:00 Thessalonica how to LIVE as Christians.
03:05 The second half of this chapter teaches them how to DIE in the same manner.
03:14 And here is where Paul's attitude is so much healthier than our own.
03:19 We all crave instructions on how to live better, but rarely do we give much
03:24 thought to the question of how to die better.
03:27 In fact, we would rather avoid the subject altogether.
03:32 Paul writes:
03:51 Dying is an important part of living, so let's spend a few moments thinking
03:57 about this unique event in human experience.
04:05 There is a healthy and an unhealthy way to grieve.
04:07 When someone we love dies, it hurts.
04:11 Sometimes the hurt is overwhelming.
04:14 We call the process of dealing with that hurt, grief.
04:20 According to the Canadian Mental Health Association .
05:07 Paul does not tell us not to grieve.
05:12 What he says is, do not grieve as those who have no hope.
05:18 Grief is a natural part of losing a loved one to death.
05:24 A healthy person must grieve.
05:28 The question is, what is different about how a Christian grieves?
05:35 Joining me on today's program is Dr. Leader from Toronto's York University.
05:41 She is considered by many to be a grief expert.
05:46 Dr. Leader, I'd like to ask you today, how should a Christian grieve?
05:52 >>Dr.
05:54 Leader: Thank you Bill.
05:56 Grief is the normal reaction to loss of any kind.
05:58 We often associate grief with the death of a loved one.
06:01 However, grief normally occurs in the face of loss: loss of a
06:05 relationship including death; conflict or divorce and separation; death of a
06:11 pet; loss of health; loss of one's station in life, etc. Some Christians and
06:18 others believe that grieving is a sin, that is, it is wrong to grieve.
06:23 As a result of this view of grief, many Christians unnecessarily suffer in
06:27 silence, leading to complicated grief.
06:31 That is not what the Bible teaches.
06:34 Jesus grieved over the spiritual condition of the people at the time of
06:38 Lazarus' death.
06:41 John 11:35 stated: "Jesus wept.
06:44 " That was grief.
06:46 Grief touches all humanity, Christian or not.
06:51 Those who see loss as a natural part of our existence understand the
06:55 need to allow oneself to grieve, instead of bottling it all up.
07:00 Those who have the courage to actually grieve, tend to have a smoother passage
07:05 through the grief process than those who for one reason or another believe
07:11 they should hide their grief, show a stiff upper lip, and be strong for
07:15 everyone around them.
07:18 Grief is a painful process, but the process and duration are different
07:22 for each person.
07:25 Many prefer to avoid the pain of loss, grief and separation, yet grieving
07:30 is important.
07:34 It helps us mark the connection we once had with the person or
07:36 situation no longer there.
07:41 Though being a Christian does not take away the pain, grief does not have
07:46 to feel like a hopeless end.
07:49 Knowing God brings solace.
07:53 God Himself understands our pain and grief, and knows how to get us
07:58 through it.
08:00 He lost His only Son.
08:03 When our grief involves the death of a loved one, knowing that there's a
08:08 resurrection gives us confidence in Him who is the resurrection and the
08:13 life (John 11:25).
08:16 Here are some passages from God's word that address the theme of
08:22 grief: The Gospel Prophet in Isa 53:3 tells us that He, Jesus is acquainted
08:27 with grief.
08:32 In Isa.
08:34 61:1, Jesus comes to heal the "brokenhearted".
08:36 In vs.
08:38 2b, He comforts those who mourn and, In vs.
08:43 3, He is there to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for
08:49 ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the
08:55 spirit of heaviness.
08:57 In 1 Thess.
09:02 4:13, Paul encourages the brethren to have hope that just as Jesus was raised
09:04 from the dead, then they should have hope about their loved ones who
09:08 "sleep in Jesus".
09:11 He is here speaking about losing loved ones.
09:15 The book of Lamentations written by the prophet Ezekiel is of full of just
09:20 that.
09:23 Read chapter 3 when you have the opportunity.
09:27 Our favourite song "Great is thy faithfulness" is based on verse 22, 23
09:30 which says...
09:49 Let's console each other and support one another through grief.
09:52 God knows what we go through, and he has made provision in His word for
09:58 us to find comfort, but He placed us in one another's lives to minister that
10:02 comfort.
10:05 We serve a great God, don't we?
10:08 Back to you Bill.
10:12 >>Bill: Thank you Dr. Leader.
10:14 How do we help others who are going through the grieving process.
10:19 The apostle Paul says near the end of this passage, "Therefore comfort one
10:23 another with these words."
10:26 Comfort each other by talking about death?
10:31 Yes!
10:32 That's exactly what he means.
10:33 Talk about it.
10:34 Vent your emotions.
10:36 Express your fears.
10:37 Ponder the mysteries.
10:39 But emphasize the hope!
10:45 Let's return to our Bible passage:
11:11 This is the reality of death for followers of Jesus Christ: death hurts.
11:15 It hurts bad, but it is not the end.
11:18 We will be raised up to eternal life, and we will be with the Lord forever!
11:25 John 11 tells us the story of Lazarus' illness and death.
11:32 Among the most steadfast of Christ's disciples was Lazarus of Bethany.
11:39 From their first meeting his faith in Christ had been strong; his love for
11:44 Him was deep, and he was greatly beloved by the Saviour.
11:50 It was for Lazarus that the greatest of Christ's miracles was performed.
11:58 Jesus would often come to Lazarus' home to rest.
12:02 Jesus did not have his own home; He was dependent on the hospitality of His
12:07 friends and disciples, and on many occasions, He would escape to this
12:11 peaceful household, away from the suspicion and jealousy of the angry
12:16 Pharisees.
12:19 Here He could speak with simplicity and perfect freedom, knowing that His
12:23 words would be understood and treasured.
12:27 One day Jesus got word that Lazarus was not well.
12:34 John 11: 3
12:45 They believed that Jesus would sympathize with them in their distress; they
12:50 thought that He would respond immediately and would come right away.
12:54 Anxiously they waited for Jesus to come or at least for a word from Jesus.
12:59 As long as Lazarus was alive they prayed and watched for Jesus to come.
13:04 But the messenger returned without Him.
13:08 When Lazarus died, they were bitterly disappointed; but they
13:12 refrained from placing any blame on Jesus.
13:16 After two days, Jesus said to the disciples,
13:26 This is the other side of faith.
13:29 We will not forever feel forsaken.
13:33 Christ may linger in another place for a long time, or so it seems.
13:37 But his absence is temporary.
13:43 He has not forgotten us.
13:45 On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb
13:52 for four days.
13:54 There was no life left in him.
13:57 Martha rushed to meet Jesus, her heart troubled by conflicting emotions.
14:04 When she saw Jesus, the look on His face portrayed the tenderness and love
14:08 that had always been there.
14:11 Her confidence in Him was unbroken, but she thought of her brother, whom Jesus
14:15 also had loved.
14:19 With grief surging in her heart because Christ had not come before, yet with
14:24 hope that even now He would do something to comfort them, she said,
15:22 And after she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary
15:24 aside.
15:27 "The Teacher is here," she said, "and is asking for you.
15:31 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his
15:34 feet and said the same thing Martha said, "Lord, if you had been here, my
15:38 brother would not have died.
15:44 " When Jesus saw her weeping, and those who had come along with her also
15:48 weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.
15:52 "Where have you laid him?
15:54 " he asked.
15:55 "Come and see, Lord," they replied.
15:58 Jesus wept.
16:05 We love that verse, don't we?
16:11 It saved many of us when we were young and were asked to recite a Bible
16:16 verse.
16:17 "Jesus wept"--the shortest verse in the Bible.
16:22 But it is also one of the most powerful.
16:25 Jesus wept.
16:29 Real tears.
16:31 Just like we cry real tears when we are hurting.
16:35 To know that Jesus cares, that he enters into our pain and feels our
16:40 suffering is at the heart of our faith.
16:44 There's an important lesson here.
16:46 When people are in grief, they don't want theological
16:48 pronouncements.
16:50 They just want us to come and love them.
16:53 They just want us to come and cry with them.
16:57 Jesus wept with those He loved, and He still does.
17:02 He hurts with us.
17:04 He feels our pain.
17:08 We all face suffering some time and when it comes, one thing we can know is
17:14 that our Lord is hurting with us, and He will love us through it.
17:21 He will walk through the valley with us and in time He will bring us out of
17:26 the valley of sorrow to the mountaintop on the other side.
17:29 Jesus wept with those he loved and he still does.
17:37 Friends standing around said, "See how he loved him!
17:42 " But some of them said, "Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man
17:49 have kept this man from dying?
17:51 " Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb.
17:58 It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance.
18:02 "Take away the stone," he said.
18:06 "But, Lord," said Martha, "by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been
18:11 there four days.
18:12 " Then Jesus said, "
18:45 I have heard someone comment on this saying, "If Jesus hadn't limited
18:48 that command to Lazarus, every corpse in the graveyard would have come
18:51 forth!
18:53 " Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!
18:59 " And the dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of
19:04 linen, and a cloth around his face.
19:07 Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go.
19:10 " What an amazing story.
19:14 After four days in the tomb, Jesus raised a dead man from the grave.
19:20 Resurrection is a present reality, not a wild futuristic fantasy.
19:29 The apostle Paul, writing to the church at Corinth, says that this is the
19:33 central claim of Christianity, that Christ's own resurrection
19:39 and his power to raise others is absolutely critical for the Christian
19:44 faith.
19:46 Paul says )ú the resurrection is not true, then Christianity is
19:49 meaningless, and if it is true, only then do we have reason to hope for the
19:55 future.
19:58 But that hope is not born in times of celebration and rejoicing.
20:03 Hope is born of grief and sorrow, given birth by a man well acquainted with
20:10 grief and sorrow, who weeps with us.
20:15 Resurrection hope didn't come to a bunch of folks who were rejoicing and
20:20 triumphant.
20:22 It came to folks who were at the end of their rope, who were shaking their
20:26 heads and saying, "I don't know, Lord.
20:29 I just don't know."
20:32 Through tears and weariness, through fear and confusion, through the
20:36 disorientation of grief, through arms reaching out to feel their way in the
20:41 darkness, resurrection came.
20:45 It came because our God is a God who breathes new life even into dry, dead
20:49 bones.
20:51 It came because with God, all things are possible.
20:55 It came because God really is love.
21:02 Where is our hope in the face of death?
21:06 Jesus says,
21:10 That's where our hope is.
21:12 God can bring new life even in the midst of death.
21:16 God invites each of us, everyone, everywhere, to come to new life in Jesus
21:21 Christ.
21:23 Because, you see, God is not willing to let death have the last word.
21:27 But in order to be witnesses to the resurrection, we've got to
21:32 walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
21:35 Despite our questions, despite our doubts - we go on believing.
21:41 Death still stinks, but we struggle to roll away the tombstones, to help one
21:48 another remove the wrappings of death that bind us all in one way or
21:53 another.
21:55 And we, of all people should know that . "the Lord Himself will descend
22:03 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the
22:07 trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
22:12 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the
22:17 clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
22:23 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
22:36 I'm only human; I'm just a woman
22:46 Help me be all I can be and all that I am
22:55 Show me the stairway
23:00 I have to climb
23:05 So for my sake
23:07 Teach me to take
23:09 One day at a time
23:15 One day at a time, sweet Jesus
23:21 That's all I'm asking from you
23:27 Help me today to do everything that I have to do
23:37 Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
23:42 And tomorrow may never be mine
23:48 Help me today
23:51 Show me the way
23:53 One day at a time.
23:58 Do you remember
24:04 When you walked among men
24:08 Well Jesus, you know if you're looking below
24:13 It's worse now than then
24:17 Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
24:27 So for my sake
24:30 Teach me to take
24:32 One day at a time
24:37 One day at a time, sweet Jesus
24:42 That's all I'm asking from you
24:50 Help me today to do everything that I have to do
24:59 Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
25:04 And tomorrow may never be mine
25:10 Help me today
25:13 Show me the way
25:15 One day at a time.
25:20 Help me today
25:23 Show me the way
25:25 One day at a time.
25:36 >>Bill: Let us pray.
25:39 Heavenly Father, at this moment in time, we think of those who are
25:43 travelling through the valley of the shadow of death.
25:47 In their grief and dispair they see no way out.
25:53 Father draw close to them right now.
25:57 And may they live with the assurance of the ressurection in Jesus
26:03 Christ, Amen.
26:22 >>Dave: God is great and beyond all human comprehension.
26:27 We are told that his eyes are even on the sparrow, therefore his eyes are on
26:31 us.
26:33 Pastor Bill has prepared a book that includes all of the messages in this
26:35 series.
26:37 The book is called "Fear not, for I am with you".
26:40 We would like to send it to you as our gift.
26:42 Here is the information you need to get your copy.
27:45 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It Is Written program --
27:47 incredible how quickly these 30 minuet's go by.
27:50 I'm so happy that you joined us and I hope and pray that you will join us
27:53 again next week.
27:57 Remember to visit our web site " I t".
28:00 There you can see all of the programs that have been archived, you can
28:05 send prayer requests, you can even make an online donation to this ministry
28:10 to help keep this program on the air.
28:15 Don't forget the youtube channel " y"
28:20 and you can also follow us on twitter.
28:22 Well, let's make plans to be back together again next week and the good
28:25 Lord willing, that will be a reality.
28:28 Until then remember, it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by
28:34 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
28:41 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06