Bill: On February 15, 1947 Glenn Chambers boarded a plane bound 00:00:02.33\00:00:07.76 for Quito, Ecuador to begin his ministry in missionary 00:00:07.76\00:00:11.40 broadcasting. But he never aived. 00:00:11.40\00:00:15.63 In a horrible moment, the plane carrying Chambers crashed into a 00:00:15.63\00:00:18.06 mountain peak and spiraled downward. 00:00:18.06\00:00:22.33 Later it was learned that before leaving the Miami airport, 00:00:22.33\00:00:25.50 Chambers wanted to write his mother a letter. 00:00:25.50\00:00:28.90 All he could find for stationery was a page of advertising on 00:00:28.90\00:00:33.76 which was written the single word "WHY?" 00:00:33.76\00:00:38.70 Around that word he hastily scribbled a final note. 00:00:38.70\00:00:43.30 After Chambers' mother learned of her son's death, his letter 00:00:43.30\00:00:48.46 arrived. She opened the envelope, took out the paper, 00:00:48.46\00:00:53.30 and unfolded it. Staring her in the face was the question "WHY?" 00:00:53.30\00:00:58.46 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:10.93\00:01:14.23 God's book: the Bible, 00:01:14.93\00:01:17.63 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:18.80\00:01:22.36 It Is Written, 00:01:23.00\00:01:24.73 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:01:25.93\00:01:30.10 The curious as well as the critics of Christianity ask this 00:01:39.63\00:01:46.43 question. If God is all-powerful and all loving, then why does He 00:01:46.43\00:01:53.66 permit evil and suffering in the world? 00:01:53.66\00:01:56.93 Why do people get cancer? 00:01:56.93\00:01:59.20 Why are there earthquakes that destroy entire cities? 00:01:59.20\00:02:03.56 Why do people have to work so hard just to have enough money 00:02:03.56\00:02:07.10 to barely feed their families? 00:02:07.10\00:02:10.06 Subconsciously, we probably ask ourselves questions like these 00:02:10.06\00:02:13.80 quite often. 00:02:13.80\00:02:15.26 So, WHY do bad things happen? 00:02:15.26\00:02:18.03 WHY isn't this world a better place? 00:02:18.03\00:02:22.20 Let's ask the Bible. 00:02:22.20\00:02:26.13 Turn with me to Revelation 12: 7 - 9 00:02:26.13\00:02:33.30 War in Heaven! 00:03:04.63\00:03:07.20 Strange that war should break out in the most holy place of 00:03:07.20\00:03:07.53 heaven's sanctuary! 00:03:07.53\00:03:14.43 God's throne is the last place one would expect a fight. 00:03:14.43\00:03:18.63 But the throne was the focus of the battle. 00:03:18.63\00:03:21.56 Possession of the throne was the issue. 00:03:21.56\00:03:25.53 Two groups battled - the dragon and his angels and Michael and 00:03:25.53\00:03:31.16 His angels. The dragon is Satan, the devil. 00:03:31.16\00:03:34.16 The Hebrew word for Michael means "who is like God. 00:03:34.16\00:03:38.93 " Clearly the war in heaven was between Christ and Satan, first 00:03:38.93\00:03:44.73 in heaven and then on earth. 00:03:44.73\00:03:47.26 Before this war in heaven, God created the universe through 00:03:47.26\00:03:53.90 Christ - Colossians 1:16. 00:03:53.90\00:03:58.46 This means that Christ created Lucifer (who later became Satan) 00:04:17.06\00:04:21.83 and those who joined his side of the cosmic controversy. 00:04:21.83\00:04:29.50 Rebellion was against Christ, the One who gave them existence. 00:04:29.50\00:04:33.06 Consider Lucifer's position in heaven before his rebellion. 00:04:35.16\00:04:39.83 Lucifer means "the shining one. 00:04:39.83\00:04:42.90 " He stood at God's throne as the "anointed . guardian cherub" 00:04:42.90\00:04:48.03 look at Ezekiel 28:14. 00:04:48.03\00:04:52.76 Christ created Lucifer as much like Himself as He could. 00:05:05.63\00:05:09.93 We might call him a look-alike. 00:05:09.93\00:05:13.20 Lucifer even had his own throne. 00:05:13.20\00:05:16.93 He said, 00:05:16.93\00:05:18.23 Lucifer, a created being, wanted to raise his throne above the 00:05:42.56\00:05:46.80 throne of God and be "like the Most High. 00:05:46.80\00:05:49.00 " How could this be? 00:05:49.00\00:05:51.36 - a created being wanted to become as the Creator and sit on 00:05:51.36\00:05:59.86 His throne? Why did Lucifer rebel and become the devil? 00:05:59.86\00:06:05.16 He thought he could become God, sit on His throne, in spite of 00:06:05.16\00:06:11.56 the fact that it was Christ who created him and gave him everything, including freedom of 00:06:11.56\00:06:16.53 choice and a position as the leading cherubim at the throne, 00:06:16.53\00:06:24.13 and thus great authority. 00:06:24.13\00:06:27.43 Lucifer was the most exalted created being in the universe. 00:06:27.43\00:06:34.40 He should have been grateful and known that the One who created 00:06:34.40\00:06:38.86 him was the Creator and not a created being. 00:06:38.86\00:06:42.66 And a creature can never become the Creator. 00:06:42.66\00:06:48.13 Yet Lucifer sought to be one. 00:06:48.13\00:06:51.23 So blind is pride. 00:06:51.23\00:06:54.53 Thus sin, rebellion against God, had its roots in self-exaltation, or 00:06:54.53\00:07:01.43 self-dependence. 00:07:01.43\00:07:04.66 Lucifer knew that he was dependent on Christ for his life 00:07:04.66\00:07:08.96 yet said "I will" be independent! 00:07:08.96\00:07:13.33 Lucifer's rebellion was not public at first. 00:07:13.33\00:07:17.00 It started in his mind, that is where all sin begins. 00:07:17.00\00:07:21.46 Sin is not just the outward act it is the inward thought. 00:07:21.46\00:07:26.86 Lucifer was becoming Satan in his mind. 00:07:26.86\00:07:32.23 He mulled over the position of Christ and became jealous. 00:07:32.23\00:07:36.26 He wanted to the throne of the One who had given him his throne, and he hated 00:07:36.26\00:07:39.93 Christ. 00:07:39.93\00:07:42.53 Scripture says: Ezekiel 28: 15 - 16. 00:07:42.53\00:07:47.90 The Hebrew word for "unrighteousness" is rekullah 00:08:17.86\00:08:23.50 meaning "trading" or "peddling", which in this case refers to 00:08:23.50\00:08:28.23 gossip. Here Satan spreads gossip about God among the 00:08:28.23\00:08:34.23 angels. The cosmic controversy spread with gossip, slandering 00:08:34.23\00:08:41.83 the character of God as unjust. 00:08:41.83\00:08:44.36 Satan claimed himself a better choice to run heaven's 00:08:44.36\00:08:49.53 government. His influence permeated Paradise like a 00:08:49.53\00:08:54.03 cancer. One-third of the angels according to Revelation 12: 4 00:08:54.03\00:09:00.56 succumbed to his deception and cast their lot with him. 00:09:00.56\00:09:05.06 After he was cast out of heaven, Satan shifted his focus to 00:09:05.06\00:09:12.06 Planet Earth to cause the human race to rebel against God. 00:09:12.06\00:09:16.66 Satan knew God has given all His creatures, angelic and human, 00:09:16.66\00:09:22.00 freedom of choice. 00:09:22.00\00:09:24.63 It was the wrong exercise of this freedom that led Lucifer 00:09:24.63\00:09:31.43 and his angels to rebel, and now he would use the same technique with our first parents. 00:09:31.43\00:09:38.83 Adam and Eve, made in the image of God were free beings. 00:09:38.83\00:09:43.56 They could converse with God, and God expected them to serve 00:09:43.56\00:09:48.53 and freely obey out of love. 00:09:48.53\00:09:51.06 Once again the wrong exercise of freedom on the part of Adam and 00:09:51.06\00:09:56.03 Eve led them, and with them all humanity, to become subjects of 00:09:56.03\00:10:02.93 sin and Satan. God knew that freedom is risky, but the fearful risk was worth it, for 00:10:02.93\00:10:11.16 at the end of history all created beings will choose freely to follow Christ 00:10:11.16\00:10:16.73 forever. 00:10:16.73\00:10:18.96 God warned Adam and Eve that they would die if they ate of 00:10:18.96\00:10:23.96 the forbidden fruit. 00:10:23.96\00:10:25.96 But Satan in the form of a serpent told Eve; Genesis 3: 4 - 00:10:25.96\00:10:33.83 5. Eve doubted the word of her Creator and accepted the word of 00:10:52.20\00:10:59.23 her tempter. Thus through Adam and Eve sin entered the world, and all humanity fell prey to 00:10:59.23\00:11:03.53 sin and its effects . 00:11:03.53\00:11:07.53 Consequently, Satan pretended to be master of this earth. 00:11:07.53\00:11:11.46 As the prince and god of this world, Satan claimed the human 00:11:11.46\00:11:17.06 race as his. But Christ came to this world to win back the lost 00:11:17.06\00:11:24.30 world. The book of Job introduces us to the cosmic united nations where Adams of 00:11:24.30\00:11:31.96 different worlds came to a cosmic council. 00:11:31.96\00:11:36.00 These representatives come by virtue of the leader of a world. 00:11:36.00\00:11:40.70 Christ created each of these worlds and each of these Adams 00:11:40.70\00:11:45.30 also called "sons of God" Job 1:6 00:11:45.30\00:11:47.23 Each has dominion over their world as Adam and Eve were given 00:11:49.56\00:11:50.40 dominion Each has dominion over their world as Adam and Eve were 00:12:04.43\00:12:08.60 given dominion over this world. 00:12:08.60\00:12:10.96 But Adam and Eve lost their position, which because of their 00:12:10.96\00:12:15.00 sin, was usurped by Satan. 00:12:15.00\00:12:17.66 And so Satan came. 00:12:17.66\00:12:21.16 At this cosmic council, Christ asked Satan, 00:12:21.16\00:12:26.50 Here's a test case of one who freely followed Christ in the cosmic controversy. 00:12:40.26\00:12:47.76 The book of Job unravels the drama that ensues, and one imagines that angels 00:12:47.76\00:12:54.80 and inhabitants of all the worlds watched to see whether 00:12:54.80\00:12:58.13 Job would stay true to Christ. 00:12:58.13\00:13:01.10 Christ allows Satan to cause Job's family and possessions to 00:13:01.10\00:13:05.46 be taken through death and destruction. 00:13:05.46\00:13:09.60 Rather than blame God, Job "fell to the ground in worship and 00:13:09.60\00:13:15.83 said: At another meeting of the council Christ asked Satan again 00:13:39.73\00:13:47.06 about Job. Satan replied Job 2: 1 - 5 00:13:47.06\00:13:54.23 Again Christ permitted Satan to test Job. 00:14:57.43\00:15:02.23 Through it all Job remained faithful to Christ and was 00:15:02.23\00:15:08.63 commended by Him, and He made him twice as prosperous as 00:15:08.63\00:15:14.56 before. Job is a type of all those who will be saved. 00:15:14.56\00:15:19.33 Each one witnesses to the universe about the justice of 00:15:19.33\00:15:24.80 God. In the trials and crucifixion of Jesus we find the 00:15:24.80\00:15:31.66 climax of the cosmic controversy between Christ and Satan. 00:15:31.66\00:15:37.30 Properly understood the destiny of the world hung in the balance 00:15:37.30\00:15:41.03 at Gethsemane and the cross. 00:15:41.03\00:15:45.63 The temptations endured during those crises can only be 00:15:45.63\00:15:48.63 glimpsed, never fully understood. 00:15:48.63\00:15:52.53 Amid the anguish and shame of crucifixion, carrying the crushing weight of the 00:15:52.53\00:15:56.30 world's sin the mob mocked and ridiculed the One who hung there 00:15:56.30\00:16:02.56 for them. Was it worth it? 00:16:02.56\00:16:06.26 Should He give up? 00:16:06.26\00:16:08.86 Satan knew everything was at stake now. 00:16:08.86\00:16:12.86 If Christ died triumphant, he was doomed. 00:16:12.86\00:16:17.73 But if he could make Christ come down form the cross, or just sin 00:16:17.73\00:16:24.06 once, his future was secure. 00:16:24.06\00:16:28.40 But Calvary decided the controversy. 00:16:28.40\00:16:30.26 Christ won the decisive victory. 00:16:30.26\00:16:33.40 Satan knew he was defeated. 00:16:33.40\00:16:35.83 He knew Christ's death meant that he would die. 00:16:35.83\00:16:38.46 But Satan would not give up. 00:16:38.46\00:16:42.06 He flung his full flury against the r esurrected/ascended 00:16:42.06\00:16:45.33 Christ. 00:16:45.33\00:16:49.86 He would throw all his energy against Christ by attempting to 00:16:49.86\00:16:52.86 make the Cross of no avail. 00:16:52.86\00:16:56.33 If the human race neglects what happened that day on the cross, 00:16:56.33\00:17:01.43 then it would be of no value to them, and Satan would still come 00:17:01.43\00:17:07.13 out the winner. He would invest everything to make the cross of no effect to humans. 00:17:07.13\00:17:11.96 Although Christ has won the cosmic war on the cross, the 00:17:11.96\00:17:17.46 Bible does speak of a final judgment at the end of time when the great controversy will 00:17:17.46\00:17:24.13 meet its final resolution. 00:17:24.13\00:17:27.76 Revelation 20: 11 - 12 00:17:27.76\00:17:33.60 Indeed, it make no sense to have a final judgment if there is no 00:18:03.56\00:18:08.53 cosmic controversy needing resolution. 00:18:08.53\00:18:14.20 For why else would God gather all who ever lived in one place 00:18:14.20\00:18:19.86 at one time? This post - millennial judgment is one thousand years after the saints 00:18:19.86\00:18:29.43 went to heaven in the second advent and includes the dead 00:18:29.43\00:18:34.60 wicked who are now resurrected The fact that one group has been in heaven and the other group 00:18:34.60\00:18:41.60 not, shows destiny has already been decided and experienced by 00:18:41.60\00:18:48.46 the saved. The wicked dead are resurrected to face their Creator and Savior and to 00:18:48.46\00:18:53.70 receive their final judgment, along with Satan and his angels. 00:18:53.70\00:18:59.00 What is this final judgment? 00:18:59.00\00:19:02.46 It is God's self revelation, providing overwhelming evidence 00:19:02.46\00:19:07.86 that convinces all created beings that God is just, gracious, and loving. 00:19:07.86\00:19:16.00 True, God's character was fully revealed at Calvary. 00:19:16.00\00:19:20.33 But only a few saw Jesus die. 00:19:20.33\00:19:23.70 How could He show the others? 00:19:23.70\00:19:26.93 What if He replays the scenes of the cross across the canvass of 00:19:26.93\00:19:33.16 the heavens. 00:19:33.16\00:19:35.26 The saved and the lost would gaze upon the greatest 00:19:35.26\00:19:37.76 revelation of God. 00:19:37.76\00:19:39.96 Here they would see that God poured out all of His love to 00:19:39.96\00:19:48.03 save every human. In the light of salvation offered to all at Calvary, the wicked realize 00:19:48.03\00:19:52.83 their abject slavery to Satan. 00:19:52.83\00:19:57.00 For the first time they see the utter contrast between Christ 00:19:57.00\00:20:02.30 and Satan. They realize that only God is love. 00:20:02.30\00:20:05.13 But they also realize that they don't love Him. 00:20:05.13\00:20:07.96 They are unfit for life with God. 00:20:07.96\00:20:11.73 They want to be hidden from God. 00:20:11.73\00:20:14.10 Sin has separated them from the Savior. 00:20:14.10\00:20:18.50 There will be an universal acknowledgment of God's love and 00:20:18.50\00:20:25.43 justice. Then every created being will realize "in all things God works for the 00:20:45.30\00:20:52.26 good of those who love Him. 00:20:52.26\00:20:54.33 " (Romans 8:28). 00:20:54.33\00:20:56.90 For God is Love on that the universal cosmic conflict will 00:20:56.90\00:21:06.93 see its end. Let us pray. 00:21:06.93\00:21:09.03 Gracious, loving heavenly Father thank you for revealing your 00:21:09.03\00:21:13.83 love through the life, death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. 00:21:13.83\00:21:19.00 I pray for those that have not accepted Jesus. 00:21:19.00\00:21:23.06 May they claim him as Lord and Savior right now. 00:21:23.06\00:21:26.93 For in his name we pray, Amen. 00:21:26.93\00:21:30.53 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! 00:22:05.20\00:22:07.46 When I was at university studying to become a Dietitian, 00:22:07.46\00:22:11.40 I remember a professor talking one day about certain plants that were "functional foods". 00:22:11.40\00:22:15.30 I remember thinking, "aren't all plants that God has ordained for 00:22:15.30\00:22:19.00 food, functional? 00:22:19.00\00:22:21.26 " Sure, some plant foods seem to be "more equal" than others, 00:22:21.26\00:22:24.56 however, in my estimation, all plants we use for food are 00:22:24.56\00:22:28.96 functional. Even many of the plants we've come to consider as 00:22:28.96\00:22:33.43 "weeds". Case in point: the much maligned, lowly dandelion. 00:22:33.43\00:22:38.63 So relentlessly exterminated from our lawns, this pesky weed 00:22:38.63\00:22:42.16 - often called Lion's tooth, Priest's crown, or Swine's snout 00:22:42.16\00:22:47.40 - is so amazingly good for us , we should actually be cultivating it in our gardens! 00:22:47.40\00:22:51.63 Native American, Chinese, and European populations have been 00:22:51.63\00:22:56.46 aware of the dandelion's medicinal uses for centuries, and many cultures love using 00:22:56.46\00:23:00.46 dandelion greens for food. 00:23:00.46\00:23:04.33 Interestingly, the whole plant from its roots to its flowers 00:23:04.33\00:23:08.23 can be used for an assortment of teas, drinks, salads, and more. 00:23:08.23\00:23:12.86 Here are just a few of the many reasons you should be consuming 00:23:12.86\00:23:15.70 dandelions on a regular basis. 00:23:15.70\00:23:18.33 Dandelion acts as a diuretic to increase urine flow, detoxifies 00:23:18.33\00:23:24.23 the liver and gallbladder, purifies and nourishes the blood, acts as a mild laxative 00:23:24.23\00:23:27.70 and helps relieve constipation, can stimulate a poor appetite, 00:23:27.70\00:23:33.53 aids digestion, helps relieve stomach aches, strengthens the 00:23:33.53\00:23:38.80 immune system to fight disease, may lower blood sugar levels, 00:23:38.80\00:23:43.73 and according to researchers, early results show that dandelion tea kills cancer cells 00:23:43.73\00:23:47.50 in the lab. 00:23:47.50\00:23:51.66 You can find dandelions fresh in the produce section of your 00:23:51.66\00:23:54.26 grocery store, or dried, in capsule form, or in liquid form 00:23:54.26\00:23:57.56 at the health-food store. 00:23:57.56\00:23:59.60 I love putting the fresh, raw leaves in my breakfast 00:23:59.60\00:24:02.16 smoothies. I also add the fresh leaves to my salads. 00:24:02.16\00:24:05.23 Or, if I want a nice bowl of sautéed greens, I'll add a few 00:24:05.23\00:24:10.00 dandelion leaves with my collard greens and kale, along with some garlic, onion, and a 00:24:10.00\00:24:13.50 little vegetable broth. 00:24:13.50\00:24:15.13 Very delicious! 00:24:15.13\00:24:17.50 You'll get lots of vitamins, including A, B-complex, C, and K 00:24:17.50\00:24:21.53 from dandelions. 00:24:21.53\00:24:24.46 They are also a good source of calcium, manganese, iron, zinc 00:24:24.46\00:24:26.76 and potassium. 00:24:26.76\00:24:29.63 In fact, when it comes to overall nutritional value, dandelions are deemed one 00:24:29.63\00:24:33.13 of the top 4 green vegetables, according to USDA Bulletin #8, 00:24:33.13\00:24:37.53 "Composition of Foods". 00:24:37.53\00:24:40.10 Be careful, though. 00:24:40.10\00:24:42.46 Don't run out to your backyard and pick your dandelions just 00:24:42.46\00:24:45.46 yet, because chances are that pesticides and other chemicals 00:24:45.46\00:24:48.56 have been used on your lawn. 00:24:48.56\00:24:50.76 As well, if you are taking any medications - especially 00:24:50.76\00:24:54.13 antacids, antibiotics, blood thinners, diuretics, diabetes 00:24:54.13\00:24:55.80 medications, or lithium - ask your doctor about possible adverse interactions between the 00:24:55.80\00:25:03.80 dandelion and your medication. 00:25:03.80\00:25:07.00 Overall, though, dandelions are super heroes when it comes to 00:25:07.00\00:25:10.56 high antioxidant nutrition! 00:25:10.56\00:25:12.80 Eat them in good health. 00:25:12.80\00:25:14.90 I'll see you next time! 00:25:14.90\00:25:16.00 >>Bill: We would love to offer you a couple of resources to 00:25:23.80\00:25:27.70 help you as you continue to study these important topics at 00:25:27.70\00:25:31.90 home. One of them is a study guide that was prepared specifically on today's 00:25:31.90\00:25:34.96 topic. 00:25:34.96\00:25:37.23 It is available for download at our It Is Written Canada web 00:25:37.23\00:25:40.66 site "". 00:25:40.66\00:25:44.63 The other is the complete set of Bible study guides ... the 00:25:44.63\00:25:49.10 "Discover Bible Study Guides" that are available to you by correspondence free of 00:25:49.10\00:25:53.36 charge. 00:25:53.36\00:25:55.36 The cover all the major topics in the scriptures. 00:25:55.36\00:25:58.86 A wonderful way to deepen your understanding of God's word. 00:25:58.86\00:26:02.26 It is our gift to you, here is the information you need to 00:26:02.26\00:26:05.36 begin your studies today. 00:26:05.36\00:26:07.53 I want to encourage you to visit our web site "". 00:27:07.10\00:27:12.16 There you can see all of the programs, they are all archived 00:27:12.16\00:27:15.46 there. You can find out where the It Is Written team may be 00:27:15.46\00:27:19.23 appearing. You can send a prayer request -- I want to let you know that the staff at 00:27:19.23\00:27:22.90 the office come together every morning and pray over all of the 00:27:22.90\00:27:27.60 requests that make their way to our office either by conventional mail or 00:27:27.60\00:27:31.30 e-mail or from the web site. 00:27:31.30\00:27:34.16 You can also, at the web site make a donation to It Is Written, if you feel so 00:27:34.16\00:27:39.40 impressed to do that to help us keep this ministry on the air. 00:27:39.40\00:27:43.53 You can also visit our Youtube channel "". 00:27:43.53\00:27:50.00 There you can see all the programs also, you can refer 00:27:50.00\00:27:54.03 friends to see the programs. 00:27:54.03\00:27:55.73 Check that out when you get a chance. 00:27:55.73\00:27:57.93 You can also follow us on twitter. 00:27:57.93\00:28:00.36 Well, our pray will be that we will have this opportunity again 00:28:00.36\00:28:04.76 next week to sit down together and to once again open God's word and study it, I 00:28:04.76\00:28:09.33 hope you will join us. 00:28:09.33\00:28:11.73 Until then, remember, It Is Written, man shall not live by 00:28:11.73\00:28:17.86 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:28:17.86\00:28:22.93 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:24.03\00:28:24.06