>>Bill: Neil Simon, who wrote The Odd Couple and Barefoot in 00:00:02.30\00:00:06.66 the Park, was asked on the Dick Cavett Show whether making a lot of money concerned him. 00:00:06.66\00:00:12.63 The studio went dead silent when Simon answered, "No, what does 00:00:12.63\00:00:18.16 concern me is the fear of dying." 00:00:18.16\00:00:22.53 ANNOUNCER: It has stood the test of time. 00:00:35.00\00:00:37.73 God's book: the Bible, 00:00:38.53\00:00:41.23 still relevant in today's complex world. 00:00:42.36\00:00:45.66 It Is Written, 00:00:46.36\00:00:48.56 sharing the messages of hope around the world. 00:00:50.13\00:00:55.50 The fear of death and dying isn't uncommon. 00:01:02.73\00:01:05.30 Most of us fear death to some degree. 00:01:05.30\00:01:10.23 In fact, the fear of death is so common that it has spurred 00:01:10.23\00:01:15.13 multiple research projects and intrigued everyone from scholars to religious leaders around 00:01:15.13\00:01:18.76 the world. 00:01:18.76\00:01:21.43 Some interesting findings have emerged from studying the fear 00:01:21.43\00:01:26.13 of death. For example, women have generally shown more fear of death than men, perhaps 00:01:26.13\00:01:30.70 because women are more likely to admit to and discuss their 00:01:30.70\00:01:35.80 fears. There is conflicting research about fear of death in 00:01:35.80\00:01:39.76 young people versus the elderly. 00:01:39.76\00:01:42.36 While most researchers will argue that young people fear 00:01:42.36\00:01:46.80 death more than the elderly, one study done with dying people in 00:01:46.80\00:01:51.93 Taiwan and published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management showed that the 00:01:51.93\00:01:56.86 fear of death actually didn't lessen with increased age. 00:01:56.86\00:02:01.93 Interestingly, the same study showed that patient's fear of 00:02:01.93\00:02:06.56 death decreased after they were admitted to hospice care likely 00:02:06.56\00:02:13.33 a result of the education and emotional/spiritual support 00:02:13.33\00:02:17.40 patients receive from the hospice team. 00:02:17.40\00:02:19.76 So what is it about death that has us so scared? 00:02:19.76\00:02:25.60 Fear of death is broken down into specific fears - according 00:02:25.60\00:02:32.36 to the experts: Fear of Pain and Suffering - many people fear that they will meet death with 00:02:32.36\00:02:37.43 excruciating pain and suffering. 00:02:37.43\00:02:41.20 This fear is common in many healthy people and is seen often 00:02:41.20\00:02:45.33 in patients dying of cancer or other painful diseases. 00:02:45.33\00:02:50.26 Fear of the Unknown - death is the ultimate unknown--no one has 00:02:50.26\00:02:55.10 survived it to tell us what happens afterward. 00:02:55.10\00:02:58.40 It's in our human nature to want to understand and make sense of 00:02:58.40\00:03:03.60 the world around us but death can never be fully understood while we are still alive. 00:03:03.60\00:03:08.46 That is an interesting statement, I don't agree with the experts, because 00:03:10.63\00:03:16.83 when I ask the Bible, I find that there is someone who has 00:03:16.83\00:03:24.46 died and come back to tell us all about death - look at 00:03:24.46\00:03:32.50 Revelation 1: 18 You see, we don't have to grope around in 00:03:46.60\00:03:49.46 the dark. Jesus has died, and He came back. 00:03:49.46\00:03:54.03 Let's go to Him for some answers - and when it comes time to die, 00:03:54.03\00:03:59.26 time to close your eyes for the last time you'll know what to 00:03:59.26\00:04:05.03 expect. I think you'll be surprised at how much the Bible 00:04:05.03\00:04:11.06 actually says on this subject. 00:04:11.06\00:04:13.76 And it's going to take some effort on your part as we go 00:04:13.76\00:04:16.33 through the Bible. 00:04:16.33\00:04:18.60 We need to be willing to separate ourselves from the subject long enough to 00:04:18.60\00:04:21.96 let God do some explaining. 00:04:21.96\00:04:25.06 So I'll ask of you not to jump to conclusions and we simply Ask 00:04:25.06\00:04:30.03 the Bible what happens to someone when they die? 00:04:30.03\00:04:36.56 Here's how Jesus described death in one of the most compassionate 00:04:36.56\00:04:40.90 scenes in the Bible, John 11: 11 00:04:40.90\00:04:46.86 Jesus compares death to a sleep - so I asked myself - why? 00:04:56.40\00:05:03.46 You make your way through the Bible you are going to see that 00:05:03.46\00:05:08.86 the Bible compares death to a sleep in almost 60 verses. 00:05:08.86\00:05:12.80 Why has God chosen to compare death to sleep - over and over 00:05:12.80\00:05:16.46 again in the Bible? 00:05:16.46\00:05:19.53 I started digging a little bit deeper, I started to find some 00:05:19.53\00:05:23.36 answers in the scriptures - In Ecclesiastes 12:7 we have the 00:05:23.36\00:05:36.03 formula for death: It's very simple. 00:05:44.90\00:05:48.13 When you die, the spirit returns to God, and your body, which is 00:05:48.13\00:05:51.93 made of dust, decomposes and goes back to the earth. 00:05:51.93\00:05:55.96 "For dust thou art, and unto dust shall you return. 00:05:55.96\00:06:02.30 " It's one of the most basic statements and ugly truths in 00:06:02.30\00:06:05.20 scripture. That's what the book of Ecclesiastes says. 00:06:08.20\00:06:10.66 The dust returns to earth, and the spirit - small "s" - returns 00:06:10.66\00:06:15.73 to God. This isn't the only place you find that same 00:06:15.73\00:06:19.06 formula. If you go to the book of Genesis, for example, you find the reverse process 00:06:19.06\00:06:26.63 being described when God first created life: Genesis 2: 7 00:06:26.63\00:06:32.93 Let me make a bold suggestion. 00:06:46.46\00:06:49.43 And then we'll test it with the Bible. 00:06:49.43\00:06:51.33 They're the same formula. 00:06:51.33\00:06:55.43 Genesis 2:7 and Ecclesiastes 12:7 are two sides of the same 00:06:55.43\00:07:01.13 coin. Is it possible that the "breath of life" of Genesis 2: 7 00:07:01.13\00:07:08.53 is the same as "spirit" of Ecclesiastes 12: 7 Let's look at 00:07:08.53\00:07:20.00 Job 27: 3 Let me ask you a question. 00:07:29.03\00:07:31.00 How can the spirit be in Job's nostrils? 00:07:31.00\00:07:35.86 It's because in the Bible sometimes the word spirit refers 00:07:35.86\00:07:42.36 to a spirit being like the Holy Spirit or angels, but sometimes it refers simply to our 00:07:42.36\00:07:46.83 breath. 00:07:46.83\00:07:50.83 At least in Ecclesiastes 12:7 and Job 27:3, the spirit is not 00:07:50.83\00:07:55.93 a ghost - it is the breath of life. 00:07:55.93\00:07:58.13 It's the life giving principle that only God can give. 00:07:58.13\00:08:02.30 Look at Psalm 146: 3 - 4 00:08:02.30\00:08:07.36 The Bible says when you die - in Ecclesiastes it says your body 00:08:22.56\00:08:28.13 goes back to the dust and the spirit goes back to God. 00:08:28.13\00:08:31.56 Here's the formula again. 00:08:31.56\00:08:34.56 The breath goes forth and the body becomes dust but David adds 00:08:34.56\00:08:40.76 one more important thought. 00:08:40.76\00:08:42.66 The day you die, your thoughts perish. 00:08:42.66\00:08:45.76 You stop thinking. 00:08:45.76\00:08:48.03 That is what the Bible says. 00:08:48.03\00:08:49.56 Now think about it. 00:08:49.56\00:08:52.96 If, when you die, you immediately at that moment pass into the presence of 00:08:52.96\00:08:57.60 God, don't you think you might have some thoughts? 00:08:57.60\00:09:00.73 Now I know for a fact that this is a new way of thinking for a 00:09:00.73\00:09:05.40 lot of people. 00:09:05.40\00:09:07.20 This isn't what you've always been told. 00:09:07.20\00:09:10.40 We've always been told that when we die, our "ghost" floats away 00:09:10.40\00:09:12.10 somewhere. 00:09:12.10\00:09:14.36 And we've always been told that the "spirit" is our ghost - but 00:09:14.36\00:09:16.86 the Bible doesn't say that. 00:09:16.86\00:09:19.30 The spirit is our breath, and we are a living soul. 00:09:19.30\00:09:23.70 So then what happens when we die? 00:09:23.70\00:09:27.70 When you take a light bulb and turn it into a socket, and add 00:09:27.70\00:09:34.00 electricity, what do you get? 00:09:34.00\00:09:35.60 Light. 00:09:35.60\00:09:37.43 If you take away the electricity, the light goes out. 00:09:37.43\00:09:40.73 Now here's the important question: where did the light 00:09:40.73\00:09:43.06 go? It didn't go anywhere, did it? 00:09:43.06\00:09:45.53 It simply ceased to exist. 00:09:45.53\00:09:49.36 Now follow me carefully, because I don't want to be 00:09:49.36\00:09:53.56 misunderstood. According to the Bible, we are a combination of dust and breath - which makes a 00:09:53.56\00:09:59.73 living soul. 00:09:59.73\00:10:03.96 It's like a light bulb plus power creates light. 00:10:03.96\00:10:09.16 But when you take away the breath, the gift of life - where 00:10:09.16\00:10:13.66 do we go? Nowhere. 00:10:13.66\00:10:16.23 We die. 00:10:16.23\00:10:17.83 We cease to exist. 00:10:17.83\00:10:19.76 Look at Psalm 115: 17 00:10:19.76\00:10:23.66 Don't you think you might praise God that you actually made it? 00:10:33.10\00:10:37.93 The fact is you don't go to heaven right away. 00:10:37.93\00:10:41.60 The first thing that happens is that you die. 00:10:41.60\00:10:44.40 You go to the grave. 00:10:44.40\00:10:46.66 And that's how I know that the psychics don't have the answers 00:10:46.66\00:10:49.46 - because they can't talk to the dead - the dead have no 00:10:49.46\00:10:53.86 thoughts. They can't talk to you. 00:10:53.86\00:10:55.70 Job 7: 9 - 10 00:10:55.70\00:10:59.93 The Bible says that when you die, that's it. 00:11:13.73\00:11:17.00 If somebody says they're communicating with the dead, they're either lying 00:11:17.00\00:11:23.30 or they're deceived - because God says the dead don't come 00:11:23.30\00:11:26.43 back. They're dead. 00:11:26.43\00:11:28.23 They don't know anything: Ecclesiastes 9: 5 - 6 00:11:28.23\00:11:42.43 When you're dead, you're dead. 00:11:58.46\00:12:03.96 That's what the Bible teaches. 00:12:03.96\00:12:06.96 Let me prove it to you. 00:12:06.96\00:12:09.83 In the eleventh chapter of John, some people came to Jesus to 00:12:09.83\00:12:14.36 tell Him that one of His friends was very sick - and before Jesus can get to Him, he dies. 00:12:14.36\00:12:21.96 John 11: 11 - 14 00:12:21.96\00:12:25.76 The disciples didn't know that Lazarus was dead yet - and Jesus 00:12:58.26\00:13:01.63 said, "Lazarus is sleeping. 00:13:01.63\00:13:03.96 " "Jesus, that's great - if he's sleeping, he's going to get 00:13:03.96\00:13:07.03 better. " But that's not what Jesus meant. 00:13:07.03\00:13:11.93 He was trying to tell them that Lazarus was sleeping the sleep 00:13:11.93\00:13:16.90 of death. I would encourage you to check your Bible carefully - it calls death a sleep. 00:13:16.90\00:13:21.83 It doesn't say that people are whisked off to heaven, it doesn't say that people 00:13:24.36\00:13:27.50 are whisked off to hell, it says that they're sleeping. 00:13:27.50\00:13:31.90 And that's because when we die, we sleep until Jesus comes. 00:13:31.90\00:13:35.73 And that's exactly what Lazarus' sister believed: John 11: 23 - 00:13:35.73\00:13:41.10 24 When you die, you fall asleep. 00:13:57.20\00:14:02.00 What seems like just a moment passes - and when you open your 00:14:02.00\00:14:06.70 eyes again, you see Jesus coming. 00:14:06.70\00:14:09.43 And that is what the Bible teaches about death. 00:14:09.43\00:14:12.86 And that has been the hope of Christians for 2000 years. 00:14:12.86\00:14:16.76 Try to find a description of an immortal soul - I promise you 00:14:16.76\00:14:24.00 you're not going to find it. 00:14:24.00\00:14:26.16 In fact, the Bible says that only one person is immortal. 00:14:26.16\00:14:32.20 Do you know who? 00:14:32.20\00:14:34.43 1 Timothy 6: 15 - 16 00:14:34.43\00:14:40.36 Only God is immortal. 00:14:56.36\00:14:59.00 You and I are not. 00:14:59.00\00:15:00.66 We're going to die. 00:15:00.66\00:15:03.50 We are living souls now, but when we die, we go back to the 00:15:03.50\00:15:09.00 dust. In fact, you may not know it, but the Bible is very clear that a soul can die: 00:15:09.00\00:15:15.00 Ezekiel 18: 4 00:15:15.00\00:15:18.06 The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is what? 00:15:30.20\00:15:33.30 Death. 00:15:33.30\00:15:35.80 And here the Bible says that the soul that sins is going to die. 00:15:35.80\00:15:40.46 And you wait in your grave until the resurrection morning. 00:15:40.46\00:15:46.36 Let me share something with you. 00:15:46.36\00:15:49.96 This book in my hand is "A Study of the Christian Hope - Life and 00:15:49.96\00:15:57.86 Death. " The foreword says the following: 00:15:57.86\00:16:03.23 In one of his lighter moments, Benjamin Franklin penned his own 00:19:20.80\00:19:28.26 epitaph. He didn't profess to be a born-again Christian, but it seems that he must have 00:19:28.26\00:19:33.33 been influenced by Paul's teaching of the resurrection. 00:19:33.33\00:19:37.30 Here's what he wrote: 00:19:37.30\00:19:38.80 The Bible says that our citizenship is in heaven. 00:20:11.30\00:20:14.90 We may have to fall asleep before Jesus comes, but the resurrection morning 00:20:14.90\00:20:20.36 is coming. 00:20:20.36\00:20:21.73 Things change, plans fail You look for love on a grander scale 00:20:26.03\00:20:35.20 Storms rise, hopes fade 00:20:37.46\00:20:43.03 And you place your bets on another day 00:20:44.23\00:20:49.06 When the going gets tough 00:20:50.13\00:20:52.90 When the ride's too rough 00:20:53.73\00:20:56.13 When you're just not sure enough 00:20:57.16\00:21:01.33 Jesus will still be there 00:21:02.26\00:21:07.60 His love will never change 00:21:08.56\00:21:11.10 Sure as the steady rain 00:21:12.00\00:21:14.76 Jesus will still be there 00:21:15.66\00:21:20.80 When no one else is true 00:21:21.73\00:21:24.16 He'll still be loving you 00:21:25.06\00:21:29.10 When it looks like you've lost it all 00:21:30.26\00:21:33.56 And you haven't got a prayer 00:21:34.60\00:21:37.50 Jesus will still be there 00:21:38.36\00:21:45.36 Time flies, hearts turn 00:21:56.26\00:22:01.06 A little bit wiser from lessons learned 00:22:02.20\00:22:07.63 But sometimes, weakness wins 00:22:08.60\00:22:14.03 And you lose your foothold once again 00:22:15.16\00:22:19.86 When the going gets tough 00:22:20.83\00:22:23.60 When the ride's too rough 00:22:24.60\00:22:27.16 When you're just not sure enough 00:22:28.36\00:22:31.83 Jesus will still be there 00:22:32.76\00:22:38.40 His love will never change 00:22:39.40\00:22:41.80 Sure as the steady rain 00:22:42.70\00:22:45.50 Jesus will still be there 00:22:46.36\00:22:51.40 When no one else is true 00:22:52.23\00:22:54.63 He'll still be loving you 00:22:55.60\00:22:59.06 When it looks like you've lost it all 00:23:00.96\00:23:04.30 And you haven't got a prayer 00:23:05.26\00:23:08.50 Jesus will still be there 00:23:09.30\00:23:15.76 Jesus will still be there 00:23:19.10\00:23:23.76 His love will never change 00:23:24.83\00:23:27.20 Sure as the steady rain 00:23:28.13\00:23:30.93 Jesus will still be there 00:23:31.76\00:23:37.13 When no one else is true 00:23:37.93\00:23:40.46 He'll still be loving you 00:23:41.33\00:23:45.16 When it looks like you've lost it all 00:23:46.40\00:23:50.23 And you haven't got a prayer 00:23:51.13\00:23:53.76 Jesus will still be there 00:23:54.56\00:24:01.46 When it looks like you've lost it all 00:24:03.13\00:24:06.23 And you haven't got a prayer 00:24:07.16\00:24:10.16 Jesus will still be there 00:24:10.96\00:24:22.63 >>Bill: Let us pray. 00:24:33.23\00:24:36.23 Gracious, loving Heavenly Father we thank you for the clarity of 00:24:36.23\00:24:37.66 scripture, we thank you for the truth that those that die wait in the grave for the 00:24:37.66\00:24:40.30 Gracious, loving Heavenly Father we thank you for the clarity of 00:24:40.30\00:24:42.86 scripture, we thank you for the truth that those that die wait in the grave for the 00:24:42.86\00:24:47.63 resurrection morning. 00:24:47.63\00:24:50.00 I pray that you comfort those that have lost a loved one, that 00:24:50.00\00:24:53.96 you clear our minds of mythology and falsehood and that you speak 00:24:53.96\00:24:58.43 clearly to our hearts. 00:24:58.43\00:25:01.06 Bless each and every viewer I pray in Jesus name, Amen. 00:25:01.06\00:25:06.26 We would like to make a couple of resources available to you so 00:25:23.76\00:25:26.96 that you can continue your study on today's topic. 00:25:26.96\00:25:31.10 The first is a study guide that is available for download on our 00:25:31.10\00:25:35.93 web site at www.itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:25:35.93\00:25:40.46 The other is a special edition of the magazine "Signs of the 00:25:40.46\00:25:44.06 times" which has as it's topic "what happens when you die". 00:25:44.06\00:25:49.06 This is our gift to you, here is the information you need to get 00:25:49.06\00:25:53.80 your copy. I want to thank you for joining us. 00:26:53.26\00:26:56.73 I'm glad that we had this opportunity to spend this time 00:26:56.73\00:27:00.96 together. You know, you can go to our web sit www.itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:27:00.96\00:27:06.06 There you can see anyone of these programs, in fact, all or 00:27:06.06\00:27:10.06 our program are archived there -- you can watch them at you 00:27:10.06\00:27:14.23 leisure. You can also send us a prayer request - every morning 00:27:14.23\00:27:19.26 the staff gather at our office and they pray over all of the requests that we receive 00:27:19.26\00:27:23.86 by mail, by email and over the web site. 00:27:23.86\00:27:28.40 You can also send a donation to It Is Written if you feel so 00:27:28.40\00:27:30.76 impressed to do so. 00:27:30.76\00:27:33.26 You can do that right from the web site knowing that every 00:27:33.26\00:27:36.00 dollar you send is used to keep this ministry on the air. 00:27:36.00\00:27:41.06 You can also visit our youtube channel all our programs are 00:27:41.06\00:27:44.66 there also -- youtube.com/IIWCanada and you can follow us on twitter. 00:27:44.66\00:27:49.43 I'll be praying that the good Lord will allow us the privilege 00:27:49.43\00:27:52.26 of being back together again next week. 00:27:52.26\00:27:55.10 You know it won't be the same if you're not here. 00:27:55.10\00:27:57.93 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not live by 00:27:57.93\00:28:03.63 bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of 00:28:03.63\00:28:07.86 God. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:10.40\00:28:10.76