It Is Written Canada

All The King's Men, Pt 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201218

00:02 <<Bill: Back in the 15th century in a tiny village near Nuremberg, Germany
00:06 there lived a family with eighteen children.
00:08 That's right. eighteen!
00:12 In order merely to keep food on the table for this large family, the father
00:15 (who was a goldsmith by profession) worked almost eighteen hours a day at
00:20 this trade and any other paying job he could find in the neighborhood.
00:26 Despite their seemingly hopeless condition, two of the older children had a
00:31 dream.
00:33 They both wanted to pursue their talent for art, but they knew full well that
00:38 their father, with all that he had on him, would never be financially able
00:43 to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Art Academy there.
00:49 After much discussion, the two boys finally worked out a plan.
00:53 They would toss a coin.
00:56 The loser would go down into the nearby mines and with his earnings, support
01:00 his brother while he attended the Art Academy.
01:03 Then, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies in four years,
01:08 he would in turn support the other brother at the academy either with sales
01:12 of his art work, or, if necessary, also by working in the mines.
01:17 So, one Sunday morning after church, they tossed a coin.
01:20 Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg to study art.
01:25 His brother, Albert, went down into the dangerous mines and for the next
01:31 four years, financed his brother's studies at the Art Academy
01:48 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
01:50 God's book, The Bible
01:54 Still relevant in today's complex world.
01:59 It Is Written.
02:01 Sharing messages of hope around the world.
02:16 Albrecht Durer's etchings, his woodworks, and his oils were far better than
02:20 those of most of his professors, and by the time he graduated, he was
02:25 beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works.
02:30 When the young artist returned home to his village, the Durer family
02:34 held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht's triumphant
02:38 homecoming.
02:40 After a delightful meal with lots of music and laughter, Albrecht Durer
02:44 rose from his honored position at the head of the table to express his
02:48 deep appreciation to his beloved brother, Albert, for the years of sacrifice
02:53 he had put in that had enabled Albrecht to fulfill his ambition.
02:59 His closing words were: "And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is
03:03 your turn.
03:06 Now you can go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream and I will take care
03:09 of you.
03:12 " All heads turned in love and eager expectation to the far end of the table
03:16 where Albert sat.
03:19 Tears were streaming down his face.
03:22 Slowly, Albert stood to his feet and softly he said, "Thank you, my
03:26 brother, but no I cannot go to Nuremberg.
03:30 It is too late for me.
03:32 Look, look what four years in the mine have done to my hands.
03:38 The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and lately, I have
03:42 been suffering from arthritis so badly in my right hand that I cannot
03:47 even hold a glass to return your toast, much less, make delicate lines
03:51 on parchment or canvas with a pen or a brush.
03:55 No, my brother, for me it is too late.
04:02 " More than 450 years have passed.
04:06 By now, Albrecht Durer's hundreds of masterful portraits, pen and
04:11 silver-point sketches, watercolors, charcoals, woodcuts, and copper
04:16 engravings hang in every great museum in the world, but the odds are great
04:22 that you, like most people, are familiar with only one of Albrecht
04:26 Durer's works.
04:29 More than merely being familiar with it, you very well may have a
04:35 reproduction hanging in your home or office.
04:39 One day, to pay homage to Albert for all that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer
04:45 painstakingly drew his brother's abused hands with palms together and
04:51 thin fingers stretched skyward.
04:56 He called his powerful drawing simply "Hands", but the entire world
05:01 almost immediately opened their hearts to this great masterpiece and renamed
05:06 his tribute of love, "The Praying Hands.
05:12 " The next time you see a copy of this touching creation, take a second
05:15 look; let it be a reminder that no one. no one ever makes it alone!
05:24 Take Simon Peter, for example.
05:27 He was one of the great leaders of the original disciples of Jesus.
05:30 He was one of the great servants of the early church.
05:34 He was one of the most beloved and respected saints in the history of
05:38 the world, but he did not achieve that all by himself.
05:42 The truth is we are incredibly indebted to Simon Peter's brother,
05:48 Andrew, for the gift of Peter to the church and to the world.
05:52 Andrew was the one who brought his brother, Simon Peter, into the presence
05:56 of Jesus.
06:00 Let's meet another of the disciples, Andrew, Peter's brother.
06:05 By the way, his name means manly.
06:08 He too was a native of Bethsaida, that little village in Galilee.
06:14 And he like his brother was a fisherman.
06:17 In fact, in Matthew 4 he was down at the sea when Jesus came along, he had
06:23 already met Jesus, he had already believed in Jesus, he had already affirmed
06:29 Him as the Messiah, but after going back to his fishing, now the Lord
06:34 appears again to him at the shore, and calls him permanently to follow and
06:39 He will make him a fisher of men.
06:44 Prior to coming to follow Jesus Christ he had been a pious Jew, he had been a
06:50 godly Jew, he had been a God- fearing Jew.
06:53 He had also been a disciple of John the Baptist.
06:58 In fact, it was one day at the message of John the Baptist that his life was
07:00 changed.
07:03 For John the Baptist saw Jesus in John 1 and said: "Behold, the Lamb of God."
07:07 And Andrew was there that day, along with John who was also a fisherman , and
07:11 surely an acquaintance as well as was James.
07:17 And he and John heard John the Baptist say that, and they followed after Jesus
07:22 immediately and Jesus turned and said to them, "What seek you?"
07:25 And they replied, "Where do You dwell?"
07:29 And they went where Jesus dwelt and they spent the entire day with Him and
07:33 immediately it says that Andrew opened his mouth and said these first
07:37 words, "We have found the Messiah."
07:40 No sooner did Andrew discover the reality of Jesus Christ for himself,
07:46 than that he announced to his brother Peter that very phrase, "We have
07:48 found the Messiah."
07:51 Peter and Andrew lived together, it says in Mark 1:29.
07:57 And no doubt they shared everything.
08:00 And especially did Andrew want to share with him the Messiah.
08:05 And so from this very beginning he becomes a part of that intimate
08:07 four.
08:11 In fact, if you study through the New Testament, it's James and Peter and
08:18 John and Peter, James and John, and John and Peter and James, they're always
08:23 the inner circle and nobody is ever let into that inner circle except
08:29 once when Andrew gets in and it's Peter, James, John and Andrew in one
08:34 incident.
08:38 He was in the most intimate four but he never quite cracked that inside
08:41 three.
08:44 But he was greatly respected.
08:47 In fact, Philip who was in group two, a little less intimate with the Lord,
08:53 one time had some Greeks come to him and say - We want to see Jesus.
08:59 And you know where Philip took them?
09:02 He took them to Andrew.
09:03 Why?
09:05 Because I guess Philip thought that if you want to get to Jesus all you've
09:11 got to do is get to Andrew.
09:13 Andrew was intimate with Jesus.
09:15 And Andrew was respected.
09:18 And even yet he isn't in the inner three.
09:22 But all of a sudden in the fourth gospel, the gospel of John, Andrew begins to
09:27 emerge from the background.
09:30 And we see Andrew three times in the gospel of John.
09:34 And all three times Andrew is doing the same thing.
09:38 It's easy to characterize him.
09:42 The first time is in John chapter 1 verse 40 which I just reported to you.
09:46 It says in John 1:40;
10:03 And by the way, Andrew is always called Simon Peter's brother with, I
10:09 think, one or two exceptions, maybe just one.
10:13 That's always how he's identified.
10:15 "And he first finds his own brother Simon, and says to him, We have found
10:21 the Messiah," which is being interpreted the Christ, the anointed one,
10:25 "and he brought him to Jesus."
10:29 Now if you want to know how to characterize the life of Andrew it's very
10:34 simple, he is the one who was always bringing people to Jesus.
10:38 The second time we see him is in the sixth chapter of John and the eighth and
10:43 ninth verse John 6: 8 - 9.
11:01 A vast multitude of people are gathered, Jesus is teaching, it's late in the
11:04 day, the crowd is hungry.
11:06 There's not enough food and Andrew brings to Jesus this time a little boy.
11:11 And the little boy has five loaves and two fish.
11:13 It doesn't mean five big loaves of bread, it means five little flat barley
11:20 crackers and two fish.
11:23 And they would take those fish and they would pickle them and then they would
11:27 eat them with the crackers.
11:30 So he brought a little fellow with five barley crackers and two pickled
11:33 fish.
11:34 He brought him to Jesus.
11:36 I guess Andrew must have thought the Lord could make a whole lot out of a
11:40 very little.
11:43 The third time we meet him is in John 12.
11:48 And I've already alluded to that incident.
11:50 And in John 12: 20
12:07 Philip is approached by the Greeks, or the Gentiles, and they want to
12:11 see Jesus.
12:13 And Philip tells Andrew and together they went to Jesus.
12:18 The assumption being that they took the folks there too.
12:24 And so, whenever you see Andrew he is involved in finding Jesus so that
12:30 Jesus can meet someone, bringing people to Jesus.
12:37 I guess maybe he didn't think there was anybody that Jesus didn't want to
12:42 see.
12:44 Or there was anything Jesus couldn't respond to, or there was any problem
12:47 Jesus couldn't solve.
12:50 Because he's characterized as the one who brought men to Christ.
12:54 Now in these three incidents, if I can just sort of draw some pictures
13:01 for you, in these three incidents several things become clear.
13:04 First of all we see Andrew's openness.
13:08 He knew that they were to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
13:13 He knew that primarily it was the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
13:18 And yet he also got the spirit of our Lord because the Lord originally had
13:23 revealed His Messiahship to a Samaritan woman, so Andrew was never choked by
13:28 a hyper-Judaism.
13:32 I mean, he didn't have any problem at all with bringing some Gentiles to
13:35 Jesus.
13:37 So we sense a little bit of the openness of his heart.
13:40 There just wasn't anybody outside, there wasn't anybody that he didn't
13:43 think Jesus would not want to see.
13:46 We also see his faith.
13:49 He had a simple faith.
13:51 I don't know what he was thinking when he brought those five crackers and
13:55 two fish with such a huge crowd.
13:58 I don't know what he was trying to do, running around looking for whoever
14:00 had a lunch.
14:02 But he must have had some kind of faith to believe that the Lord could do
14:06 something with that.
14:10 After all he had seen Jesus make wine, why couldn't He make food?
14:17 A third thing we see is not only his openness and his faith but we see his
14:22 humility.
14:25 I mean, he spent his whole life being known as Simon Peter's brother.
14:29 And now when he had found the Messiah, there might have been a temptation to
14:33 say -Boy, now I'm not telling Peter.
14:38 This is my chance to be somebody.
14:41 But no he runs to get Peter knowing full well that as soon as Peter
14:46 enters the group he will run the group, because that's Peter.
14:50 And Andrew will be right back where he's always been, as Simon Peter's
14:56 brother.
15:01 But he thought more of the work to be done then who was in charge.
15:06 He thought more of the cause of the eternal virtue of the Kingdom then
15:09 he did of his personal and petty problems.
15:13 Sad to say but there are some people who won't play in the band unless they
15:17 can beat the big drum.
15:19 James and John had that problem, didn't they?
15:21 But not Andrew.
15:24 I don't find Andrew fighting about whose going to get the glory in the
15:27 Kingdom.
15:29 You see, Andrew is the picture of all those who labor quietly in humble
15:32 places.
15:35 Not with eye service as men pleasers but as servants of Christ doing
15:39 the will of God from the heart.
15:44 Andrew is not the pillar like Peter, James and John, he is a humbler
15:47 stone.
15:49 I mean, after all, he was one of the original two called and yet he wasn't
15:54 in the inner three but it didn't seem to bother him.
16:00 He was always Peter's brother.
16:05 He's one of those rare people who's willing to take second place.
16:09 One of those rare people who wants to be in support.
16:13 Or one of those rare people who doesn't mind being hidden as long as
16:17 the work is done.
16:19 He is the kind of man that all leaders depend on.
16:23 He's the kind of person that everyone knows is the backbone of every
16:26 ministry.
16:29 The cause of Christ is dependent, beloved, on self-forgetting souls who
16:35 are content to occupy a small sphere and an obscure place, free from
16:42 self-seeking ambition and yet he will sit on the throne judging the tribes
16:50 of Israel.
16:53 Daniel Mc Lean, a Scotsman, who has a special affection for
16:58 Andrew writes about his beloved Apostle these words:
18:03 God uses people like that.
18:06 And only God can calculate their value because sometimes it takes an
18:10 Andrew to reach a Peter.
18:13 There's an early Methodist preacher, his name was Thomas Mitchell.
18:16 You never heard of him.
18:19 I had never heard of him.
18:20 But he was an Andrew.
18:23 And he died and the conference of ministers who ministered with him
18:29 wrote his obituary and this is what it said:
18:42 How's that for an obituary?
18:45 Slender abilities and a defective education.
18:49 And yet one friend wrote this:
19:00 A man of slender abilities and defective education yet he was the means in
19:06 God's hands of bringing to Christ one of the greatest of early preachers by the
19:13 name of Thomas Olivers, the writer of the great hymn, "The God of Abraham
19:17 Praised."
19:18 A man of slender abilities?
19:21 That is the official record and yet one of the strongest and most
19:27 faithful souls who ever lived.
19:32 It was he who went to the little village of Rangal in Lincoln-shire, and
19:38 arose at 5 o'clock in the mornings to preach the gospel in the open air.
19:40 And so fiery was his preaching that he was arrested.
19:44 And in the midst of his arrest a mob attacked him.
19:48 He was taken to the public house and the curate of the village was consulted
19:51 as to what to do with him.
19:54 They said don't let him go and so they decided they'd put him in the pond.
19:57 They took him to a pond which was full of filth and they threw him in.
20:02 He tried to get out and seven times they threw him back in.
20:05 Then he was taken again to the public house, having been in the meantime
20:08 painted from his head to foot with white paint.
20:13 Then they didn't know what to do with him so they decided to drown him.
20:17 They dragged him to a railed in small lake outside the village which
20:21 was at least ten feet deep and they took him in their arms and threw him into
20:24 the water.
20:27 He sank to the bottom and when he came up to the surface and man in the
20:30 crowd with a long pole and a hook on the end, played with him as if he were a
20:33 fish.
20:36 They brought him out more dead than alive and he was taken to a little house in
20:40 the village where he was looked after by a pious lady.
20:44 But when the mob found that he was recovering they sought him out and
20:48 went to the house and to his bedside and said they would rend him limb from
20:52 limb unless he promised never to preach again.
20:56 To which he said - I can promise no such thing.
21:02 And somehow or other he got away from the place and he made this record of
21:08 the whole incident.
21:10 He wrote, "All the time God kept me in perfect peace and I was able to
21:15 pray for my enemies."
21:19 It doesn't sound like a man of slender abilities to me.
21:23 No one knows about him.
21:26 No one ever heard of him.
21:30 He ministered in obscurity.
21:33 He was a faithful man.
21:35 God needs Thomas Mitchells.
21:37 God needs Andrews.
21:40 People who quietly obscurely bring others to Jesus.
21:49 I regret the hours I have wasted
21:56 and the pleasures I have tasted
21:59 that you were never in.
22:05 And I confess that though your love is in me,
22:12 it doesn't always win me
22:16 when competing with my sin.
22:22 And I repent, making no excuses.
22:31 I repent no one else to blame.
22:39 And I return to fall in love with Jesus.
22:49 I bow down on my knees and I repent.
23:05 I lament the idols I've accepted,
23:12 the commandments I've rejected
23:16 to pursue my selfish end.
23:22 And I confess I need you to revive me,
23:28 put selfishness behind me
23:32 and take up my cross agian.
23:38 And I repent, making no excuses.
23:47 I repent no one else to blame.
23:56 And I return to fall in love with Jesus.
24:05 I bow down on my knees...
24:10 And I return to fall in love with Jesus.
24:21 I bow down on my knees and I repent.
24:34 I bow down on my knees and I repent.
24:52 >>Bill: Thank You, Father, for Andrew, and the lesson of his life.
24:54 May each of us become the men and women You want us to become, by the power of
24:58 your sweet Spirit we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
25:24 >>Dave: What kind of people can God use?
25:26 Any kind!
25:28 All we have to do is make ourselves available.
25:31 That means that there is hope for you and me.
25:33 Pastor Bill has written a book "All The King's Men".
25:36 It includes all the messages in this series.
25:38 We would like to send it to you.
25:41 Here is the information you need to get your free copy.
26:41 >>Bill: Thank you for
26:41 joining us tay on the "It Is Written" program.
26:45 You know, if your enjoying this series on the disciples, we have a study
26:49 guide and the DVD of the series that makes for excellent Bible study in
26:54 small groups or individually or in your churches.
26:58 If you would like to pre-order that, it will be available at the end of
27:01 the series.
27:03 You can visit our web-site
27:05 Here is how it works...
27:08 if you can send us a donation of $50, we will make that DVD, study guide
27:13 and the book available to you and that can form the basis of your study in
27:18 small groups or in your church or individually.
27:21 If you would like that series in Portuguese, it's available in Portuguese
27:25 and in Spanish.
27:28 Remember, while you are on the web-site, visit our archive programs page --
27:32 all the programs we have aired are all there.
27:35 You can see where the It Is Written team will be appearing and upcoming
27:39 events, you can make a donation online it you feel so impressed to do
27:40 that.
27:43 You can always visit our Youtube channel to see all our programs --
27:47 -- and you can follow us on twitter.
27:52 Well, we plan on being back together next week be the good Lord willing.
27:58 Until then, you remember, It Is Written, man shall not live by bread alone,
28:02 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
28:09 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06