It Is Written Canada

Kingsway College

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos (Host), Scott Bowes, Jared Browne


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201217

00:02 BILL: On today's It Is Written program, we're going to be talking
00:04 Christian education.
00:06 If you have high school-aged children in your home or soon-to-be
00:11 high school-aged children in your home, you're not going to want to miss our
00:14 discussion with our two special guests.
00:18 It Is Written begins right now.
00:33 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time.
00:36 God's book, The Bible
00:40 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:44 It Is Written.
00:47 Sharing messages of hope around the world.
01:00 I want to welcome all of our viewers to this week's It Is Written program.
01:03 Thank you for taking the time to join us.
01:07 I have two guests here in studio with me.
01:09 Today we're going to be talking about Christian education.
01:12 Some of you, as I said in the introduction, may have high school-aged children
01:18 at home, or soon-to-be high school-aged children, and you're thinking about
01:21 different options for their education for high school.
01:25 Well, I think one of the viable options, an excellent option, is
01:28 Christian education.
01:30 And so we wanted to talk about that today, and I invited two guests.
01:34 I have Principal Scott Bowes and Pastor Jared Brown.
01:39 They are both from Kingsway College, which is located in Oshawa.
01:42 Gentlemen, thank you so much for the opportunity to join us.
01:46 I appreciate you guys making the effort to be here.
01:48 SCOTT BOWES: Thank you for having us.
01:50 JARED BROWN: Thank you.
01:53 BILL: Why don't you give us a little bit of a background on Kingsway
01:55 College, where it's located, you know, the size of your campus, when
01:57 it began, just to give us a picture of what the school is all about?
01:59 SCOTT BOWES: Sure.
02:01 Kingsway started in 1903, located in Oshawa, Ontario, so about 45
02:05 minutes east of Toronto.
02:09 We're sitting on about 100 acres, so it's a beautiful, almost like a
02:13 park-like setting.
02:16 It's a huge campus for a small high school, so it's a beautiful place for
02:19 students to go to school.
02:22 And it's just a great place to be.
02:25 BILL: Now, it's a high school?
02:27 SCOTT BOWES: It is a high school.
02:28 BILL: So grade 9 through 12?
02:30 SCOTT BOWES: Grade 9 through 12.
02:32 We offer the Ontario secondary school diploma, the same that you would
02:34 get at other institutions.
02:36 But obviously, we feel that we're pretty special in some other areas as
02:38 well.
02:40 BILL: You're also a boarding school?
02:41 SCOTT BOWES: We are a boarding school.
02:43 We have close to 100 students living in the dorm, and then about the
02:47 same that are community students as well.
02:50 We're a very multicultural school; a lot of different nationalities represented
02:53 there.
02:55 So again, just a great opportunity for either people in the local
02:59 community or for people from a distance to attend Kingsway College.
03:03 BILL: Let's talk a little bit about the school.
03:04 So you know, let me give you the scenario.
03:08 So you know, I'm a parent.
03:10 I'm sitting at home; I'm watching the program.
03:11 I've tuned in to It Is Written.
03:14 And I have some children that are high school age or about to become high
03:18 school age, and I'm thinking about, "Does Christian education really
03:20 work for us?
03:22 " So why would someone choose Kingsway College?
03:28 I mean, why would someone choose Christian education, maybe?
03:31 And then specifically, why would they choose Kingsway College?
03:34 What do you guys offer that would be unique?
03:36 SCOTT BOWES: Okay.
03:39 Usually probably the first question that people ask actually centres around
03:42 the academic program.
03:44 Academically at Kingsway, the program is very, very strong.
03:49 We have a small teacher-to-student ratio.
03:55 So a great opportunity for kids to get a lot of extra help.
03:59 Our graduation rate over the last five years is 95.3%.
04:02 BILL: Wow.
04:05 SCOTT BOWES: And all of those go on to a university or a college.
04:08 And so again, a very high percentage.
04:12 Outside of the academic program, though, which, to be honest, there are a lot
04:17 of schools that have a great academic program, there are a lot of other
04:20 things that Kingsway has to offer, from great extracurricular
04:23 opportunities, the spiritual programming, which you'll hear more
04:26 about from Jared a little later on in the program.
04:29 There's just so many opportunities for the kids to get involved in.
04:31 Our outreach program as well.
04:33 It's just a great place for the kids to have options.
04:37 BILL: I don't know if you know this, but that 95% graduation, how would that
04:41 compare, let's say, to other schools?
04:44 SCOTT BOWES: Yeah.
04:47 Dalton McGuinty in 2010 released a report that public school students in
04:51 Ontario, 72% of them graduate after four years, and 81% after five years
04:57 of high school.
05:00 So that compares to the 95.3.
05:03 And then the study that Queens University did in 2009 states that of
05:06 Ontario graduates, only 60% of them attend postsecondary education.
05:11 So it's quite a difference.
05:15 BILL: Now, to what do you attribute that higher success rate?
05:18 SCOTT BOWES: I would attribute it to a few different things, to be
05:20 honest.
05:22 One is the caring that the students get from the teachers.
05:25 There's a lot of effort and a lot of extra time that goes into making sure
05:29 these students are prepared to be successful at the next level.
05:32 And honestly, I think it's the families.
05:35 Families who are willing to spend money to send their child to private
05:38 school, to Christian education, are very serious about education.
05:43 And so they have the commitment as well as the school.
05:46 And that combination together tends to create successful kids.
05:49 BILL: Hmm.
05:51 The cost of the school as compared to other private schools.
05:58 Because you know, that is a consideration for some folks.
06:00 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
06:02 Compared to private schools, we're very, very cheap.
06:06 A boarding student can attend Kingsway College in most cases for quite a bit
06:12 less money than the tuition at other private schools, not counting the
06:15 boarding.
06:17 BILL: Wow.
06:20 So that's room, meals, and then their tuition.
06:23 SCOTT BOWES: And their tuition.
06:24 BILL: Jared, you're the chaplain on campus.
06:27 JARED BROWN: That's correct.
06:29 BILL: And how long have you been with Kingsway?
06:31 JARED BROWN: This is my fourth school year.
06:33 BILL: Wow.
06:34 So what's that been like?
06:36 Had you ever worked in a school setting like this before?
06:37 JARED BROWN: Never.
06:39 BILL: So what was that like?
06:41 JARED BROWN: It was a lot different than I was expecting.
06:42 BILL: Now, you had pastored churches?
06:44 JARED BROWN: That's right.
06:45 BILL: Yeah.
06:47 JARED BROWN: And I had worked with young people at summer camps for a
06:49 week, but I had never committed my full ministry time to young people.
06:51 So it's been really exciting.
06:52 BILL: Well, great.
06:54 Well, we're going to get a chance to talk a little bit more with both of you.
06:57 But I know you've prepared sort of a promotional video as sort of an
07:01 overview to our viewers of Kingsway College.
07:05 Let's just show that right now and we'll come back and talk about some of the
07:07 other unique aspects of Kingsway College.
07:09 SCOTT BOWES: Sounds good.
07:27 NARRATOR: With the mission of preparing Canadian youth for God's service,
07:30 Adventist Education in Canada began over a century ago in 1903 with
07:34 this small school then known as Lornedale Academy.
07:38 But Lornedale did not remain small for long.
07:41 Under God's leading, it grew and prospered and continue to train
07:45 generations of young men and women to this day, where now the Kingsway
07:49 College alumni family has grown to over 4,000.
07:52 Looking at Canada today, one can even find Kingsway alumni serving in a
08:00 variety of roles in every province of this country.
08:03 Kingsway alumni may even be serving in your community.
08:07 Kingsway cherishes its history and alumni and remains true to its
08:11 original mission.
08:14 It seeks to introduce students to Jesus Christ and to prepare them for a
08:17 life of service to God and others.
08:21 Kingsway aims to help students grow spiritually, to encourage them to make
08:29 a decision for Christ, and to lead out in His ministry; to help students
08:34 achieve their highest potential academically; to develop their critical
08:40 thinking skills and view every topic from a scriptural point of view;
08:43 to help students grow physically with a wide variety of physical
08:49 activities and experience a balanced Christian lifestyle; to help them
08:54 grow socially by providing opportunities to make lifelong friends who share
08:59 their beliefs and have respect for all people.
09:03 It is our aim to inspire young men and women to be thinkers and not mere
09:09 reflectors of other men's thoughts.
09:12 There is no more important work than to prepare our youth for eternity.
09:15 Give the gift of Adventist Education.
09:21 Contact Kingsway College today.
09:34 BILL: Well, that'll give folks a better picture of the school.
09:38 Now, let's talk a little bit about some of the extracurricular, besides
09:41 the academics.
09:44 Talk to us a little bit about that, Scott.
09:45 SCOTT BOWES: Sure.
09:47 One of the things Kingsway is really known for is their touring groups.
09:51 We have three touring groups on campus: the Aerials, the band, and the
09:53 choir.
09:56 The band and the choir is pretty straightforward; I think everybody knows what
09:57 that is.
09:59 The Aerials is our gymnastics team.
10:02 All three groups get the opportunity to travel extensively throughout
10:05 Canada and even into the United States, getting a lot of opportunities to
10:10 perform and share the message of Kingsway and the message about what
10:14 Christ has done for them in their lives.
10:17 So it's been a great opportunity for the kids.
10:20 They also have the opportunity to perform at the General Motors Centre
10:23 in Oshawa for an Oshawa Power basketball game.
10:27 Our Aerials have been featured in the Toronto Star in a recent article.
10:31 So it's been a great thing for the kids to be involved in.
10:35 BILL: Yeah, I'm a little biased because my son was on the Aerials and they do
10:37 a tremendous, tremendous job.
10:42 And really promoting that lifestyle, that healthy lifestyle.
10:44 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
10:46 BILL: And I know that many of the places they go, the audience is so impressed
10:49 that these young people live a healthy lifestyle and promote good Christian
10:51 values.
10:54 As a proud father, I also have to say that when the Aerials went to Andrews
10:59 University and competed at what they call Acrofest and they did the butterfly
11:05 competition, which is where you stand there and somebody on your shoulders
11:09 and hold out two other participants out like this, my son won.
11:15 So it's a great thing.
11:20 I don't think maybe folks don't really understand the complexity and the
11:22 skill that's involved here.
11:26 It's like Cirque du Soleil.
11:28 It's really quite good.
11:30 I know you have another promotional little video that shows the Aerials.
11:34 Now, anyone can try out for the Aerials that comes to the school?
11:37 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
11:39 BILL: And it's by tryout?
11:41 SCOTT BOWES: It's by tryout.
11:43 BILL: Let's quickly show that brief report on the Aerials to give our
11:48 viewers an opportunity to see that.
11:51 I want to come back and Jared, I want to talk to you and Scott about what I
11:55 think is the most important aspect of your school.
13:29 That was great.
13:30 I enjoyed seeing the Aerials.
13:33 But you know, I don't want the audience to think that. talk to us a little
13:38 bit about. 'cause I understand the choir has won some prestigious
13:41 awards recently.
13:43 SCOTT BOWES: Yeah, in the last few years, they've actually placed 1st in the
13:46 Durham Kiwanis Festival with a variety of other choirs in the area all
13:49 competing.
13:52 So that's been a very exciting thing on campus as well.
13:55 BILL: What are some of the other extracurricular activities that students
13:57 can participate in?
13:58 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
14:01 We have a ski club where students get to go six different times throughout
14:04 the year to ski and snowboard at a local hill.
14:07 We have an outdoor club that does a backpacking, canoeing, and winter
14:10 camping trip each year.
14:13 We have a drama club for students who like to get involved in that.
14:15 We have a basketball team that participates in a local church league here
14:19 in Toronto.
14:22 As well, they travel to Andrews University in Michigan for a tournament
14:24 down there with other schools.
14:27 Many opportunities for the students as well in leadership.
14:30 We have a student association where students can get involved in
14:33 planning events and helping direct things that happen on the campus, so a
14:38 wonderful opportunity for them there as well.
14:40 BILL: So a very well-rounded curriculum, plenty of activities,
14:43 plenty of opportunities for the students to participate in.
14:45 SCOTT BOWES: Right.
14:48 BILL: Now, I said before we showed that little Aerials promo that to me,
14:55 and I know to you gentlemen 'cause I know both of you, the most
14:58 important aspect of the school is not what you are doing to develop these
15:03 young people academically; it's what is happening spiritually in the lives
15:09 of these young people.
15:11 So Pastor, talk to us a little bit about some of the things you've seen in
15:14 there.
15:16 I know you have a Bible study group.
15:19 Talk to us about that spiritual growth that you have been seeing in the
15:24 students there.
15:25 JARED BROWN: Absolutely.
15:26 It's been amazing.
15:29 We have. there's been very intentional in our spiritual program.
15:33 And what that means is that we've made our school calendar. we have a
15:37 spiritual calendar as well where we introduce kids to Christ and then we try to
15:42 disciple them through the Bible studies and prepare them for baptism.
15:46 And then we have a series of meetings at the end of the year where we
15:49 actually. we call it kind of reaping, like you would a harvest, and we try to
15:54 harvest as many young people as possible in order to prepare them for
15:57 baptism.
15:58 And this year again, we have many baptisms again.
16:00 So it's really exciting.
16:02 BILL: Now, these Bible studies, are they mandatory?
16:06 Do they have to attend?
16:07 JARED BROWN: Absolutely not.
16:09 In fact, they sign up voluntarily.
16:12 We have a spiritual week of emphasis, or what we call week of prayer in
16:14 October.
16:16 We have a guest speaker come in from somewhere.
16:18 This year it was Ricky Schwarz who came in and presented Christ to the
16:21 students through his own personal testimony.
16:23 And when he gave an appeal on the last Friday of our week of prayer, 90
16:27 students came forward for Bible studies.
16:30 BILL: Wow.
16:31 Ninety?
16:32 JARED BROWN: Ninety, yeah.
16:34 And that's about half of our student population.
16:35 BILL: Isn't that incredible?
16:37 JARED BROWN: So we're amazed.
16:38 SCOTT BOWES: Isn't it?
16:40 BILL: That must make both of you feel very, very proud of that work.
16:42 JARED BROWN: Absolutely.
16:44 BILL: I know the impact it's had on my son.
16:46 I know the impact that you have had on my son.
16:49 And well, I'm getting choked up.
16:53 And I want to thank you for the care both of you gentlemen have shown with
16:59 my son, and the impact you've had.
17:02 You know, he's changed his whole eating habits.
17:06 You know, because of you, I'm no longer eating red meat in my house or
17:08 chicken.
17:09 Just tofu.
17:12 And it's great.
17:14 We feel great.
17:16 So tell me about how important this is for the school.
17:20 I mean, 'cause you can get the academics anywhere, right?
17:23 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
17:25 BILL: I mean, anywhere, you can go for academics.
17:26 SCOTT BOWES: Absolutely.
17:28 BILL: But tell me about the importance of developing this component
17:30 of these young people.
17:31 SCOTT BOWES: Mmhmm.
17:33 We believe that. I mean, obviously we put great emphasis on the academic
17:37 program.
17:40 We wouldn't be a school if we didn't.
17:42 But we believe that the purpose for us being there is to help students meet
17:47 Christ.
17:49 Our mission statement is to reflect Jesus Christ and prepare students for
17:51 his service.
17:54 And that's what we're trying to be very intentional about doing.
17:57 So as Pastor Brown said, we've taken a lot of time to intentionally, through
18:01 our strategic planning, put specific things in place to provide as many
18:06 opportunities for these kids as possible.
18:09 And to see them choosing on their own to make these decisions and get
18:14 involved, you can feel the difference that it has made on the campus.
18:18 It's incredible.
18:19 It's incredible.
18:24 BILL: Now, one of the things I hear the young people say about you,
18:26 Pastor, is you don't shy away from any of the tough issues.
18:27 So they'll raise questions.
18:28 JARED BROWN: Absolutely.
18:30 BILL: And that can be a bit of a challenge sometimes.
18:32 JARED BROWN: It can be because you have to think on your feet.
18:34 And they ask you direct and honest questions, but the awesome thing about it
18:36 means they're thinking and they care, right, and they want to make good choices.
18:41 And it's so awesome when you see a society that seems to be spinning out
18:45 of control; you have young people, the future leaders of our schools, our
18:48 country, and they're asking important questions 'cause they want to do
18:51 what's right.
18:53 It's inspiring.
18:55 BILL: You know, we sometimes are very quick to point out what's wrong
18:58 with this new generation.
19:00 But I believe this is something that's very right.
19:03 JARED BROWN: Absolutely.
19:05 BILL: I know you have prepared a short video where some of the young
19:11 people talk firsthand about the impact that this has had on their lives.
19:13 I'd love to show that now to our viewers.
19:16 JARED BROWN: Absolutely.
19:20 NARRATOR: Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
19:27 the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them
19:31 to obey everything I have commanded you.
19:35 SCOTT BOWES: Hi.
19:39 I'm Scott Bowes, president of Kingsway College.
19:41 We take the gospel commission very seriously here at Kingsway, and our
19:43 desire is that every student here has the opportunity to develop a
19:46 close relationship with Jesus.
19:50 We started a new program here last year which sets aside enough time in our
19:55 schedule to allow every student the opportunity to participate in Bible
19:58 studies.
20:01 In the first year of this program, 30 students made the decision to follow
20:04 Christ and were baptized.
20:07 This year, we have 90 students participating in this program, many of whom
20:11 will be baptized soon.
20:15 This program has had such a positive impact in the lives of our students, and
20:19 I think that the best way for you to understand just how big of an impact is to
20:23 hear from our students directly.
20:28 MALE STUDENT: The Bible study here, it's optional, but still every week,
20:31 everyone shows up on time and [chuckle] sometimes we try to drag it out.
20:38 It's supposed to end at 6:30, but sometimes, you know, we'll go a couple
20:40 minutes later just 'cause we enjoy it.
20:43 It's not a burden.
20:45 FEMALE STUDENT: Joining the Bible study, it challenged my faith.
20:47 It challenged my knowledge in my religion.
20:49 It just really helps.
20:55 FEMALE STUDENT: I always looked at God in a different way, but this
20:57 year, it's changed my complete view upon him.
20:59 Like, I know that He's always there to catch me when I fall, and that's
21:01 the thing that has changed the most with me.
21:04 FEMALE STUDENT: The Bible studies plus my religion class, I've learned so
21:07 much more, you know, how to defend my faith, give reasons for my beliefs,
21:11 and yes, I feel more confident to share with people.
21:15 FEMALE STUDENT: My schedule is very busy, so being able to study during
21:17 school means I can actually get it done, while if I was at another
21:19 school, I probably wouldn't have the opportunity to go and have
21:21 someone teaching Bible studies.
21:24 NARRATOR: A Kingsway student's schedule can be demanding.
21:28 Along with the daily schoolwork, the work program, intramurals, as
21:32 well as touring group practices, this all adds up to a full day.
21:36 But by intentionally setting a specific time aside for small group
21:41 Bible studies, our students are able to benefit spiritually.
21:44 FEMALE STUDENT: Coming together in a small group and talking about God is
21:48 just really inspiring, instead of going through the motions of church and
21:53 stuff.
21:55 It's more personal.
21:58 MALE STUDENT: It's meant a great deal to me to be able to be around people
22:00 that live the same things I do and that have the same questions I do and
22:04 the same problems that I have, to be able to just talk about it and figure
22:07 things out as a group instead of alone.
22:10 MALE STUDENT: I've got a new perspective of the Bible and I see a
22:13 different view of God and who he really is and now I can just share with my
22:17 friends, tell them the wonderful news about God.
22:20 MALE STUDENT: It was a really spiritual experience.
22:24 It was really positive for me as well as other people in my Bible study class.
22:26 FEMALE STUDENT: It's very helpful because you have people going through the
22:27 same things you're going through.
22:33 And it's good to hear their side too and know that you're not alone in
22:37 your spiritual walk.
22:41 NARRATOR: In the Bible study program, emphasis is placed on providing a
22:43 solid, Biblical foundation and giving the students the skills necessary to
22:46 continue to grow and study on their own.
22:52 FEMALE STUDENT: Last year, I'd already been taking Bible studies with Pastor
22:54 Brown and I had been baptized at graduation.
22:56 So this year, just to continue growing in my walk with God, I decided
22:59 to take Bible studies again.
23:02 MALE STUDENT: Growing up in the church and as a Christian, I focussed more
23:05 on my personal relationship with God through prayer, but I
23:10 didn't know that the Bible was also crucial in our own relationships and how
23:14 we can use the Bible to read what God has to say to us.
23:17 In the Bible studies class, we're learning a lot about how to use the
23:19 Bible.
23:21 FEMALE STUDENT: We ask the questions, and it's like, "Well, let's look in this
23:24 verse and see what it says that can explain your question.
23:26 " So it's not just him answering us; he's using the Word to answer us.
23:29 FEMALE STUDENT: We'll ask a question, and we're like, "Give us the
23:32 answer," and he won't give us the answer.
23:34 He'll be like, "What do you think?
23:35 Look in this verse.
23:37 " And we're like, "Why can't you just tell us?
23:39 " And he's like, "No, 'cause you won't always have me to tell you, so I
23:41 want to teach you to how to find it yourself so later on in life, you can
23:44 find it too.
23:46 " FEMALE STUDENT: Once you actually look it up for yourself, it's kind of
23:48 like you're discovering it again.
23:50 MALE STUDENT: I'm able to do my own little Bible study and I'm able to
23:53 study the Bible on my own with God's guidance as well.
23:54 It's really amazing.
23:57 FEMALE STUDENT: I certainly think that now I can go study the Bible on
24:02 my own because I've learned skills through Bible study and now I can
24:05 learn more and then I like to tell people what I've learned.
24:10 JARED BROWN: Hi.
24:12 I'm Jared Brown, the campus chaplain at Kingsway College.
24:14 Leading out in Bible studies here has been incredibly rewarding.
24:17 I've seen many lives changed as the result of our Bible study program.
24:18 There's nothing more important than seeing students commit their
24:24 lives to Christ.
24:30 FEMALE STUDENT: Well, just yesterday, we learned about the signs of Jesus'
24:32 coming and I'm more excited for it than ever, you know.
24:37 MALE STUDENT: The most amazing experience I've ever had in my life.
24:42 MALE STUDENT: Bible study is incredibly amazing.
24:46 FEMALE STUDENT: Bible studies has definitely been enlightening for me
24:49 and it has definitely led me to have a closer walk with God.
24:52 FEMALE STUDENT: Whatever you put into it, you'll get out of, and so if you
24:54 want to get a nice relationship with God, His presence is so clear and
24:56 evident here.
25:01 FEMALE STUDENT: I don't think I was really that strong with Christ before
25:04 I came to Kingsway, and I got baptized last year and I don't think I would have
25:07 made that decision if it hadn't been for Kingsway.
25:20 BILL: Well, that was a great video.
25:24 Congratulations on the fine work you've been doing there with those
25:26 young people.
25:28 JARED BROWN: Thank you.
25:30 BILL: Now, Scott, for our viewers that are watching, they're at home; they're
25:33 saying, "I'd like to learn a little bit more about Kingsway and maybe even
25:35 experience it firsthand.
25:38 " I understand you have an opportunity for them to do that.
25:39 SCOTT BOWES: We do.
25:41 On April 19 through 21, we have what we call our preview weekend.
25:45 It's an open house opportunity for families to come visit our campus,
25:48 get a tour, meet our faculty and staff, get to see our band, choir, and
25:53 Aerials perform, and get all their questions answered about the school,
25:56 the academics, the finances.
25:59 BILL: So how would someone go about becoming a part of this weekend?
26:03 SCOTT BOWES: We ask them to send us an email at the email that you see here on
26:06 the screen and let us know that they would like to attend preview weekend,
26:08 and we'd be happy to have them.
26:11 And for the first 25 that register for preview weekend and reference It
26:17 Is Written, this show, in the email, we would be happy to give them, when
26:22 they arrive on our campus, a free Kingsway College hoody that Pastor Brown is
26:24 holding up here.
26:26 BILL: Well, that's very nice.
26:28 So you send an email, you reference this program, the first 25 when they
26:32 show up, you're going to have that giftwrapped for them.
26:35 SCOTT BOWES: Waiting for them.
26:36 BILL: Beautiful.
26:39 Well, you know, these gentlemen have been extremely generous because
26:42 they have another offer, and it is a wonderful Kingsway College t-shirt.
26:46 Now, here's how you can get this Kingsway College t-shirt.
26:51 If you send us an email right now to It Is Written at,
26:55 now, you have to follow these instructions.
27:02 and in the subject line, you put "Kingsway College t-shirt.
27:11 " Got it?
27:14, subject line, "Kingsway College t-shirt.
27:18 " The first 100 emails that we receive, we're going to send you, they
27:23 will send you free of charge this beautiful Kingsway College t-shirt.
27:27 That's all you have to do.
27:29 Gentlemen, I want to thank you so much for joining us here and giving
27:33 us such valuable information about the school.
27:36 May God continue to bless you as you lead out in that fine work there with
27:39 those young people.
27:41 And let me thank our viewers that faithfully tune in each and every
27:44 week.
27:47 If you want to go back and see this program again, you can visit our website,
27:54 In fact, all of our programs are archived there.
27:57 You can watch them all.
27:58 You can send a prayer request.
28:02 You know, we have some faithful staff every morning pray over the
28:03 prayer requests that arrive at our office.
28:06 And you can also make an online donation to help keep this ministry afloat.
28:10 We hope you will be with us again next time.
28:13 Until, then, remember, it is written: Man shall not live by bread alone.
28:19 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06