>>Bill: In 1835 a man visited a doctor in Florence, Italy. He 00:00:02.86\00:00:06.50 was filled with anxiety and exhausted from lack of sleep. He 00:00:06.50\00:00:10.90 couldn't eat, and he avoided his friends. The doctor examined him 00:00:10.90\00:00:16.30 and found that he was in prime physical condition. Concluding 00:00:16.30\00:00:20.76 that his patient needed to have a good time, the physician told him about a circus in 00:00:20.76\00:00:24.63 town and its star performer, a clown named Grimaldi. Night 00:00:24.63\00:00:30.90 after night he had the people rolling in the aisles. "You must 00:00:30.90\00:00:33.46 go and see him," the doctor advised. "Grimaldi is the world's funniest clown. He'll 00:00:33.46\00:00:37.23 make you laugh and cure your sadness." "No," replied the despairing man, "he 00:00:37.23\00:00:42.03 can't help me. you see, I am Grimaldi!" 00:00:42.03\00:00:47.83 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:03.16\00:01:04.10 God's book, The Bible 00:01:04.93\00:01:07.70 Still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:08.83\00:01:11.90 It Is Written. 00:01:12.56\00:01:14.50 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 00:01:15.66\00:01:19.30 According to Health Canada about 9% of adult Canadians will 00:01:43.10\00:01:47.00 experience a major depression or anxiety at some point during 00:01:47.00\00:01:52.53 their lifetime. In 2003 11.6 million visits to doctors across 00:01:52.53\00:01:59.16 Canada were depression or anxiety related. Twice as many women as men are diagnosed 00:01:59.16\00:02:06.03 with depression/anxiety. However, this may simply indicate that men are less 00:02:06.03\00:02:11.66 comfortable seeking help or do not get an accurate diagnosis. 00:02:11.66\00:02:17.00 In Canada, suicide is the second highest cause of death for youth 00:02:17.00\00:02:26.03 aged 10-24. Each year, on average, 294 youths die from suicide. Many more attempt 00:02:26.03\00:02:35.00 suicide. One of the reasons I love the Bible is that it is not afraid of the truth, 00:02:35.00\00:02:43.53 even the sometimes sordid truth about its heroes. Abraham lied. 00:02:43.53\00:02:50.40 Jacob stole. Moses murdered. King David committed adultery. Heroes of the faith, everyone of 00:02:50.40\00:02:57.36 them, but the Bible refuses to gloss over their shortcomings. 00:02:57.36\00:03:02.36 It shows them "warts and all." We find another "wart" in our 00:03:02.36\00:03:08.33 lesson from I Kings - one of the greatest of the prophets - 00:03:08.33\00:03:13.80 Elijah. To briefly recount the background of the story, three years before, at the 00:03:19.06\00:03:23.80 urging of the Lord, Elijah had announced a drought as punishment on the nation 00:03:23.80\00:03:28.66 of Israel for its idolatry and worship. A contest was arranged 00:03:28.66\00:03:34.46 on Mount Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baal to determine once and for all 00:03:34.46\00:03:39.16 just who was the real God of Israel. Each would build an 00:03:39.16\00:03:44.26 altar for their god and then a sacrifice would be made. The god who answered by fire, 00:03:44.26\00:03:48.60 consuming the sacrifice, would be the winner. All day long the 00:03:48.60\00:03:54.86 prophets of Baal danced and prayed, sang and prayed, whined and prayed, all without 00:03:54.86\00:03:59.60 result. Finally, at the end of the day, Elijah prayed his 00:03:59.60\00:04:05.46 relatively short prayer and God answered by fire! Now, the prophets of the Baals 00:04:05.46\00:04:13.16 had been exterminated, the rains have begun again, and except for 00:04:13.16\00:04:18.93 the very real threat of retribution from Jezebel, Elijah should have been feeling 00:04:18.93\00:04:23.70 pretty good. But no - he was, well, depressed. He went out 00:04:23.70\00:04:33.13 into the wilderness, away from all human contact, slumped down 00:04:33.13\00:04:38.03 under a tree and said, 00:04:38.03\00:04:42.40 Quite a speech. One might expect that the Lord would respond with 00:04:58.36\00:05:04.43 something like, "It's all right. You are doing a fine job. Don't be so depressed. It 00:05:04.43\00:05:08.93 will all work out in the end." But the Lord does not say that. 00:05:08.93\00:05:13.43 The Lord does not say anything. Just silence. You can picture 00:05:13.43\00:05:19.03 the prophet looking around him after that emotional outburst. "Is anybody there? Does 00:05:19.03\00:05:24.36 anybody care?" Finally, Elijah took that time-honored way of 00:05:24.36\00:05:29.66 temporary escape - he fell asleep. 1 Kings 19: 5a 00:05:29.66\00:05:34.96 Why should Elijah be so terribly depressed? After all, as much as 00:05:41.06\00:05:47.36 anyone alive he had seen the evidence of God's power. He had 00:05:47.36\00:05:52.80 watched as God provided an unending supply of food for the poor family that had 00:05:52.80\00:05:58.60 offered him hospitality for three years. He had participated 00:05:58.60\00:06:02.66 in God's restoration to life of a desperately ill young boy. He had been God's field 00:06:02.66\00:06:08.66 commander in that great victory on Mt. Carmel. One would expect 00:06:08.66\00:06:13.30 that Elijah of all people would never hit bottom. But he did. 00:06:13.30\00:06:17.16 What causes such depression? In Elijah's case a good part was 00:06:20.13\00:06:27.13 sheer frustration. Now I've asked a specialist to join us, her name is Dr. Leader 00:06:27.13\00:06:34.30 from Toronto's York University. Dr. Leader is an expert and she 00:06:34.30\00:06:41.56 is going to help us better understand this. Dr. Leader, 00:06:41.56\00:06:45.60 thank you for joining us. Let me ask you, can frustration with 00:06:45.60\00:06:48.03 one's life lead to depression? 00:06:48.03\00:06:50.26 >>Dr. Leader: The term "depression" is used to describe 00:06:52.80\00:06:55.33 a variety of situations related to mood. It is a complex illness 00:06:55.33\00:06:58.96 with many contributing factors. Some call depression a disease Others dislike the idea of 00:06:58.96\00:07:03.83 labelling. Often enough, when someone is described as "depressed", it is more 00:07:03.83\00:07:09.10 accurate to say that person has symptoms of depression, is sad, 00:07:09.10\00:07:14.60 lonely or grieved. All of us at one time or another encounter 00:07:14.60\00:07:18.90 phases when we become discouraged, are down on ourselves, and feel dejected for 00:07:18.90\00:07:23.76 one reason or another, real or imagined. There is a lot that 00:07:23.76\00:07:29.33 can be said about depression. Clinical depression requires the presence of a number of 00:07:29.33\00:07:33.60 symptoms affecting a person's "normal" functioning for a 00:07:33.60\00:07:37.76 period of time. For the purposes of this discussion, the question 00:07:37.76\00:07:42.96 is whether frustration with one's life can lead to depression. The causes of 00:07:42.96\00:07:47.83 depression are many, frustration being only one of them. Some 00:07:47.83\00:07:53.36 causes or situations that can lead to depression include 00:07:53.36\00:07:57.76 abuse; certain medications; conflict; death; major life events/changes-even 00:07:57.76\00:08:01.93 positive ones; loss-of a dream, a life, a home, etc; other 00:08:01.93\00:08:07.70 personal problems; serious illnesses, including chronic 00:08:07.70\00:08:12.83 pain, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, and hypothyroidism. 00:08:12.83\00:08:20.60 Some symptoms of depression may be confused with other conditions, but here are 00:08:20.60\00:08:25.66 some: alcohol or drug abuse; insomnia or excessive sleep; 00:08:25.66\00:08:30.26 heightened irritability; loss of interest in people and activities that once 00:08:30.26\00:08:36.13 were pleasurable to the individual; a sense of 00:08:36.13\00:08:39.73 hopelessness and helplessness; negativity; persistent thoughts that something bad would 00:08:39.73\00:08:44.03 happen; thoughts of death; withdrawal from social intercourse; dark themes 00:08:44.03\00:08:49.20 in their work and conversation; decreased motivation and 00:08:49.20\00:08:54.03 productivity; crying spells. At its worst, one can become 00:08:54.03\00:09:00.20 suicidal. Some possible warning signs include extreme mood swings; anxious and 00:09:00.20\00:09:05.93 agitated behaviour; reckless behaviour; talking about not 00:09:05.93\00:09:10.53 wanting to be a burden to others; or about not wanting to be here; feeling trapped or 00:09:10.53\00:09:15.86 in unbearable pain; talk about feeling hopeless and having no 00:09:15.86\00:09:20.96 reason to live; talk about wanting to die or kill himself. One writer noted that 00:09:20.96\00:09:27.10 depression is a problem between the person and his/her world. A 00:09:27.10\00:09:32.33 way to look at depression is that it sets in when we have reached the end of our 00:09:32.33\00:09:38.23 rope/efforts, and find there's nowhere else to go. In Elijah's 00:09:38.23\00:09:44.76 case, he had just done wonders in God's name on Mt. Carmel, and 00:09:44.76\00:09:49.53 then found himself running for his life from Jezebel. At the cave he told God he was sick of 00:09:49.53\00:09:55.73 living, and complained about how he stood alone. If you look 00:09:55.73\00:10:00.83 closely, you will notice that there is that element of self-pity in this story of 00:10:00.83\00:10:06.13 Elijah. People were out to get him. Put another way, when we 00:10:06.13\00:10:11.03 perceive that we are not able to control our lives and situations; when things are not 00:10:11.03\00:10:16.33 working out the way we wanted them to, we crash into feeling 00:10:16.33\00:10:20.46 like failures, feelings of guilt and even anger, leading to 00:10:20.46\00:10:26.13 depression. Could it be that we fall into depression when we take our eyes off God and 00:10:26.13\00:10:30.76 fix them on ourselves and others; When we fix our focus on 00:10:30.76\00:10:32.20 our failures and shortcomings; on our culpability and guilt; on the gross wrongs others 00:10:32.20\00:10:41.13 have done to us (self-pity), and how unfair life is? Our focus 00:10:41.13\00:10:46.80 should be on God. There's no better or more capable individual to whom to give 00:10:46.80\00:10:53.00 our feelings of depression. He made us, and is more than able 00:10:53.00\00:10:59.03 to take us over the hump. Thank you. >>Bill: Well thank you Dr. 00:10:59.03\00:11:05.56 Leader for those insights. People work so hard to do the best possible job and then 00:11:05.56\00:11:11.40 find they are out of work because some corporate bigwig decided to move the 00:11:11.40\00:11:18.93 company. A father and mother try to give their youngsters a 00:11:18.93\00:11:22.53 proper upbringing but are now crazy with worry because their teenage son has been 00:11:22.53\00:11:27.43 arrested for selling drugs. A husband sits quietly by, unable 00:11:27.43\00:11:33.06 to do anything, as his wife slowly wastes away, the victim 00:11:33.06\00:11:38.13 of the unstoppable advance of an incurable disease. A marriage that had started with such 00:11:38.13\00:11:42.36 promise of excitement years ago has now drifted into day after 00:11:42.36\00:11:47.23 day of mutual boredom. A marriage that stayed wonderful through the years is now 00:11:47.23\00:11:52.66 over, ended by the cold hand of death, leaving the survivor to 00:11:52.66\00:11:57.83 wonder if there will ever again be any laughter in life. Is there any word from the 00:11:57.83\00:12:05.76 Lord on this? Is anybody there? Does anybody care? As I said at 00:12:05.76\00:12:13.86 the beginning, one of the reasons I love the Bible is that 00:12:13.86\00:12:17.80 it refuses to be blind to human frailty, even among the heroes of the faith. But another 00:12:17.80\00:12:22.30 reason is that the Bible does have a word from the Lord. It 00:12:22.30\00:12:27.06 offers strength to overcome the frailty, in this case the feelings of depression that 00:12:27.06\00:12:34.20 sometimes come to even the strongest of us. Please do not 00:12:34.20\00:12:40.60 misunderstand - what I am talking about here is not some automatic cure-all, but I 00:12:40.60\00:12:46.93 believe for many of the feelings of despair and hopelessness 00:12:46.93\00:12:51.53 there are some practical remedies that will work. See what happens with Elijah. Verse 00:12:51.53\00:12:58.70 5b 00:12:58.70\00:13:01.03 It hardly comes as a surprise that proper nutrition and rest 00:13:24.10\00:13:28.93 are critical to a decent mental attitude. Overstressed, 00:13:28.93\00:13:35.80 underpaid workaholics will inevitably have trouble. Elijah's body and mind 00:13:35.80\00:13:42.76 were an integrated whole. His body needed to be right before 00:13:42.76\00:13:49.03 his mind could be right. I wanted to explore this a little more so I asked my friend 00:13:49.03\00:13:56.20 Dr. Fereira to join us. Many of you know Dr. Fereira as our 00:13:56.20\00:14:02.56 medical expert. Dr. Fereira thank you for joining us. Let me ask you this, does what we 00:14:02.56\00:14:08.16 eat affect our mental state? 00:14:08.16\00:14:12.36 >> Dr. Fereira: Thank you Bill! We all know that caffeine may 00:14:14.70\00:14:18.13 help a person more energetic and that alcohol may calm one down but what I hear you asking 00:14:18.13\00:14:23.10 is if foodcan in fact affect the way we feel and think. The 00:14:23.10\00:14:28.90 answer is Yes, even though there is not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions yet 00:14:28.90\00:14:33.90 but the evidence does suggest that a healthy diet also 00:14:33.90\00:14:38.23 protects our mental health. Years ago, Dr Andrew McCulloch, the chief executive of the 00:14:38.23\00:14:44.30 Mental Health Foundation, in the UK said that and I quote "We are 00:14:44.30\00:14:50.80 well aware of the effect of diet upon our physical health, but we are only just beginning 00:14:50.80\00:14:55.96 to understand how the brain ,as an organ, is influenced by the 00:14:55.96\00:15:00.53 nutrients it derives from the foods we eat and how diets have 00:15:00.53\00:15:05.33 an impact on our mental health" end of quote. I think we need to look at this by asking two 00:15:05.33\00:15:11.20 main questions: the first is "can my diet affect the way I 00:15:11.20\00:15:17.23 feel, in other words, can it make me feel good or fell bad? The second question is: Can it 00:15:17.23\00:15:23.26 affect my reasoning and memory? Let's have a look at this. Our 00:15:23.26\00:15:28.56 brains are amazing organs that depend on the production of certain chemicals to 00:15:28.56\00:15:33.46 function well. Let's take a substance called dopamine, for 00:15:33.46\00:15:37.33 example, which is produced by the brain and allows information 00:15:37.33\00:15:41.46 to travel from one part of the brain to another. Dopamine is very important for reasoning or 00:15:41.46\00:15:46.13 processing information at an intellectual level. It also 00:15:46.13\00:15:51.03 helps one get motivated, to feel sad or excited, to concentrate, and it is also related 00:15:51.03\00:15:57.36 with sleep as well as feelings associated with sexual 00:15:57.36\00:16:02.46 gratification.Some of the practical implications are that a low dopamine level in the 00:16:02.46\00:16:06.43 brain may make one feel down, less motivated and with less 00:16:06.43\00:16:12.13 capacity to reason about issues. Now, let's go back to your question, could it be that 00:16:12.13\00:16:17.36 dopamine has something to do with food? Well, the brain uses 00:16:17.36\00:16:22.36 certain types protein to make dopamine and where do these come from? Exactly! From food! 00:16:22.36\00:16:29.23 This also means that if we are deficient in them we may end up 00:16:29.23\00:16:34.76 with lower dopamine levels and feel lousy, for example. But dopamine is just one 00:16:34.76\00:16:39.16 example. Let's look at another one which is serotonin. Research 00:16:39.16\00:16:44.66 shows that people who are depressed often have low serotonin levels. Many 00:16:44.66\00:16:49.93 medications raise the amount of serotonin in the brain but could 00:16:49.93\00:16:54.60 food also affect it? The answer is yes! You see, just like with dopamine, the brain 00:16:54.60\00:17:00.53 uses some types of protein to make serotonin. Here is an 00:17:00.53\00:17:05.40 important word to remember - tryptophane. This is a type of substance used to make 00:17:05.40\00:17:11.63 serotonin and you can just guess that what we eat may affect how 00:17:11.63\00:17:16.40 much serotonin we may produce. What about our memory? Could it also be related to the food we 00:17:16.40\00:17:22.46 eat? The answer again is "yes" and not only about what you and 00:17:22.46\00:17:27.96 I would call normal forgetfulness but also in the development of Alzheimer's 00:17:27.96\00:17:33.80 disease. A recent study showed that people who simply ate more calories than what they 00:17:33.80\00:17:38.53 needed had more chances of developing mild memory loss, 00:17:38.53\00:17:43.93 when compared with those who ate fewer calories. That's astonishing! Now, which 00:17:43.93\00:17:49.46 are the best foods for the brain? We need to look at it as a complete package. 00:17:49.46\00:17:55.06 By that I mean, let's avoid foods that are not good for the 00:17:55.06\00:17:59.36 brain and eat more of the ones that help us. This means, we should normally eat less meat 00:17:59.36\00:18:05.63 and foods high in saturated fat such as cured cheeses and processed meats. It 00:18:05.63\00:18:11.13 also means that we should eat less refined starches for 00:18:11.13\00:18:15.36 example, cakes, biscuits and white bread. On the other hand, we should be spending more of 00:18:15.36\00:18:20.23 our money on good things like whole grain, high fiber cereals 00:18:20.23\00:18:25.36 for breakfast, with little sugar added, more fruit, in fact, 00:18:25.36\00:18:29.90 plenty of fruit, plenty of vegetables and good plant sources protein such as beans, 00:18:29.90\00:18:31.60 lentils, chick-peas or carbanzos, soy beans or tofu which also helps to increase 00:18:31.60\00:18:41.76 serotonin. Soy milk is a very good substitute for cow's milk I 00:18:41.76\00:18:47.96 would chose to add it to the morning cereals to start with, if taste is an issue. Now 00:18:47.96\00:18:53.26 something about fats. The best fats are found in nuts, avocado 00:18:53.26\00:18:58.03 pears and olives. Nuts are excellent for the brain but it is better to take them 00:18:58.03\00:19:03.00 unsalted and not fried. How much? A handful of nuts a day is 00:19:03.00\00:19:08.50 probably enough and it is better to take them at breakfast or lunch. Add a tablespoon or 00:19:08.50\00:19:12.60 two of ground flaxseed to your soups or cereals and you have a 00:19:12.60\00:19:19.40 winning diet for your brain. By the way, flaxseed can supply some the body with some 00:19:19.40\00:19:23.83 omega 3 rich oils, and have similar effects to eating fish 00:19:23.83\00:19:30.06 but without the risks associated with eating it. Just a word or two about caffeine and 00:19:30.06\00:19:35.23 alcohol. The best is to avoid them. There isn't a good enough 00:19:35.23\00:19:39.76 reason to take them and, in a long run, even when taken in so called "moderation" they 00:19:39.76\00:19:44.83 can have serious consequences for our health. And to finish 00:19:44.83\00:19:49.73 all this? The cherry on top is plenty of exercise, enough rest 00:19:49.73\00:19:55.00 and a positive attitude in life! Bill, it was a long answer but I hope I have answered your 00:19:55.00\00:19:59.20 question! Now it's back to you. 00:19:59.20\00:20:01.50 >>Bill: Let me thank you Dr. Fereira for those important 00:20:03.36\00:20:05.36 words. Then there is another step. When Elijah woke up again, the narrative says, 00:20:07.66\00:20:11.26 verses 7 and 8 00:20:11.26\00:20:13.96 I do not believe the message here is to overcome depression 00:20:34.73\00:20:39.53 by running away from problems or even going off on an extended 00:20:39.53\00:20:45.46 vacation. What is significant is Elijah's destination. Mt. Horeb was the place where Moses 00:20:45.46\00:20:52.86 first met God in the burning bush. It was also known as 00:20:52.86\00:20:58.80 Sinai, the place where God gave the Law. For Elijah, a trip to that holy mountain was a 00:20:58.80\00:21:04.20 pilgrimage to his spiritual roots...a place to rekindle 00:21:04.20\00:21:10.23 memories, to recall all God had done throughout history. More was needed, of course. The 00:21:10.23\00:21:16.96 next step was conversation with the Lord - a prayer, if you will. Elijah set up 00:21:16.96\00:21:22.10 camp in a cave, and as scripture has it verse 9 00:21:22.10\00:21:28.10 Quite a prayer. 00:22:00.30\00:22:02.03 Have you ever prayed one like that? There is nothing the 00:22:04.33\00:22:09.06 matter with it. It is not as if God does not already know how we feel. God knows. But I 00:22:09.06\00:22:13.70 think letting it all out can be therapeutic. I am reminded of 00:22:13.70\00:22:20.50 words of the famous hymn . 00:22:20.50\00:22:23.13 Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear, 00:22:26.00\00:22:32.26 All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer 00:22:32.26\00:22:38.46 Then there is another important lesson here verse 11. God told 00:22:40.30\00:22:46.10 Elijah . 00:22:46.10\00:22:48.63 The message for those who are occasionally deeply depressed is 00:23:18.96\00:23:24.56 that furious activity - wind, earthquake, fire - is not the 00:23:24.56\00:23:29.70 answer. A time is needed for quiet reflection, to feel the Lord's presence. Psalm 00:23:29.70\00:23:36.80 46:10 says . 00:23:36.80\00:23:41.56 To be sure, Elijah is not the only person in scripture who at 00:23:49.93\00:23:53.83 times was depressed. It happened to Jesus. He was frustrated that 00:23:53.83\00:23:59.03 even his closest disciples often misunderstood him. He stood on a 00:23:59.03\00:24:03.13 hill overlooking Jerusalem one day and broke into tears because 00:24:03.13\00:24:07.13 the people would not listen. One night, as he prayed in a garden, his distress was so great that 00:24:07.13\00:24:12.40 scripture says he sweat great drops of blood and begged for 00:24:12.40\00:24:18.40 escape. The word from the Lord in all this is that deep depression occasionally 00:24:21.93\00:24:26.86 happens to the very best. The story of Elijah offers a prescription for dealing 00:24:26.86\00:24:33.53 with it. We need to do a better job taking care of ourselves 00:24:33.53\00:24:37.90 physically (eating right, proper rest, exercise). Do not neglect 00:24:37.90\00:24:47.53 our roots - set time aside for things that are ultimately important (quiet time for 00:24:47.53\00:24:53.93 prayer, study and reflection) And we need to remember that we are not alone - there 00:24:53.93\00:24:59.00 were and are caring and supportive friends, and 00:24:59.00\00:25:05.66 especially the one scripture calls "the friend who sticks closer than a brother," our Lord 00:25:05.66\00:25:11.63 and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the one who invites us, in our 00:25:11.63\00:25:18.30 deepest, darkest moments, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will 00:25:18.30\00:25:26.90 give you rest." 00:25:26.90\00:25:28.90 Let us pray. Father in heaven, I pray that you draw near to those 00:25:32.26\00:25:36.20 who are suffering at this time. Particularly those that are in 00:25:36.20\00:25:41.60 the midst of depression and anxiety - bring comfort to their souls, to their hearts and 00:25:41.60\00:25:46.56 to their minds. Be with each and every viewer I pray in Jesus 00:25:46.56\00:25:55.20 name, Amen. >>Dave: God is great and beyond all human comprehension. We are told 00:26:12.20\00:26:15.86 that his eyes are even on the sparrow, therefore his eyes are 00:26:15.86\00:26:21.73 on us. Pastor Bill has prepared a book that includes all of the messages in this series. 00:26:21.73\00:26:25.63 The book is called "Fear not, for I am with you" We would like 00:26:25.63\00:26:30.10 to send it to you as our gift. Here is the information you need 00:26:30.10\00:26:34.00 to get your copy. >>Bill: We've come to the end of another It Is Written program, I want to 00:27:33.53\00:27:35.70 thank you for joining us. Remember to visit our web-site 00:27:35.70\00:27:38.70 www.itiswrittencanada.ca On the web-site you can see all of our 00:27:38.70\00:27:45.00 program, they are all archived there, you can chat with us 00:27:45.00\00:27:50.53 live, if we're available, you can find out where the It Is Written team may be 00:27:50.53\00:27:55.20 appearing, you can send a prayer request, you can even donation 00:27:55.20\00:27:58.26 online. Please know that any donation you send is used to keep this ministry on 00:27:58.26\00:28:02.06 the air. You can also watch our programs on our Youtube channel 00:28:02.06\00:28:07.43 (youtube.com/iiwcanada) and you can even follow us on twitter. I 00:28:07.43\00:28:12.50 hope and pray that you will be back with us again next week, we long to be here and 00:28:12.50\00:28:15.20 that's what our prayer will be. Until then remember, It Is 00:28:15.20\00:28:23.16 Written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every work 00:28:23.16\00:28:27.50 that proceeds from the mouth of God. 00:28:27.50\00:28:30.06