>>Bill: When it was built for an international 00:00:04.10\00:00:05.06 exposition in the last century the structure was 00:00:05.06\00:00:07.00 called monstrous by the citizens of the city, who 00:00:07.00\00:00:10.93 demanded it be torn down as soon as the exposition 00:00:10.93\00:00:11.93 was over. Yet from the moment its architect first 00:00:11.93\00:00:16.86 conceived it, he took pride in it and loyally 00:00:16.86\00:00:21.40 defended it from those who wished to destroy it. He 00:00:21.40\00:00:22.43 knew it was destined for greatness. Today it is 00:00:22.43\00:00:25.76 one of the architectural wonders of the modern 00:00:25.76\00:00:31.30 world and stands as the primary landmark of Paris, 00:00:31.30\00:00:32.36 France. The architect, of course, was Alexandre 00:00:32.36\00:00:37.23 Gustave Eiffel. His famous tower was built in 1889. 00:00:37.23\00:00:47.20 >>Announcer: It has stood the test of time. 00:01:01.03\00:01:03.20 God's book, The Bible. 00:01:03.46\00:01:06.63 Still relevant in today's complex world. 00:01:06.90\00:01:11.20 It Is Written. 00:01:11.53\00:01:13.63 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 00:01:13.90\00:01:18.16 >>Bill: In the same way I am struck by Jesus' 00:01:28.26\00:01:29.26 loyalty to another structure--the 00:01:29.26\00:01:32.16 church--which he entrusted to an unlikely band of 00:01:32.16\00:01:36.46 disciples, whom he defended, prayed for, and 00:01:36.46\00:01:37.40 prepared to spread the gospel. To many they must 00:01:37.40\00:01:44.83 have seemed like incapable blunderers, lacking 00:01:44.83\00:01:48.63 education, experience and totally unqualified for 00:01:48.63\00:01:49.66 the task they had been called to complete. We 00:01:49.66\00:01:55.50 remember that our blessed Lord saw Israel, and 00:01:55.50\00:02:00.80 surely the whole world as a vast field to be 00:02:00.80\00:02:01.76 harvested. That's why in Matthew 9:37 He said, 00:02:01.76\00:02:08.76 Everybody is involved. He could see the multitude 00:02:15.40\00:02:16.56 coming to Him and then as He looked at that 00:02:16.56\00:02:20.10 multitude it stretched across the world and He 00:02:20.10\00:02:22.96 could see all men as a field to be harvested. 00:02:22.96\00:02:23.90 They were grain, either to be gathered in or to be 00:02:23.90\00:02:30.33 cast out. And they had been betrayed by their 00:02:30.33\00:02:35.43 shepherds, who were false shepherds, who had mangled 00:02:35.43\00:02:36.50 them and mauled them and mutilated them and left 00:02:36.50\00:02:40.66 them for dead. And when Jesus saw people that way 00:02:40.66\00:02:45.16 He was moved with compassion, it says 00:02:45.16\00:02:46.00 in, Matthew 9:36. 00:02:46.00\00:02:50.96 Literally He felt their pain, He suffered as He 00:03:00.83\00:03:01.86 Himself experienced their agony. And out of that He 00:03:01.86\00:03:07.33 calls on His disciples, in verse 38 He asks them to 00:03:07.33\00:03:12.23 pray, and He asks them to pray that God will send 00:03:12.23\00:03:13.26 forth laborers. Now, as we come to Matthew 10:1, 00:03:13.26\00:03:22.56 He calls the very ones He asked to pray to do the 00:03:22.56\00:03:28.53 ministry themselves. First in verse 38 it's pray, 00:03:28.53\00:03:29.56 then in verse 6 of chapter 10 it's go, and then in 00:03:29.56\00:03:34.50 verse 7 it's preach. The very ones who were the 00:03:34.50\00:03:38.06 ones praying are the ones who become the ones going 00:03:38.06\00:03:39.10 and preaching. Who are these twelve who 00:03:39.10\00:03:45.16 are sent? Let's meet them. Matthew 10:2 00:03:45.16\00:03:51.26 Now frankly, these were just ordinary men. The 00:04:18.26\00:04:19.26 only one who may have had some special wealth was 00:04:19.26\00:04:22.53 Matthew and he gained it by being an extortionist 00:04:22.53\00:04:28.33 and working for Rome. 00:04:28.33\00:04:28.83 None of them that we know of had any particular 00:04:28.83\00:04:33.16 academic background. Some of them are still utterly 00:04:33.16\00:04:34.20 unknown to us. All we know is their names. They were 00:04:34.20\00:04:39.40 chosen from the common people to be the ones who 00:04:39.40\00:04:43.53 would be the first line of agents of Christ to set in 00:04:43.53\00:04:44.63 motion the advancement of the Kingdom throughout 00:04:44.63\00:04:48.70 the history of the world. 00:04:48.70\00:04:49.20 There has been never in the history of the world, 00:04:49.20\00:04:54.40 a task to equal the task these twelve were given, 00:04:54.40\00:04:59.06 never. Now, usually when we think about Peter, 00:04:59.06\00:05:00.10 Andrew, James and John we have that view of stained 00:05:00.10\00:05:05.33 glass saints. People who are on a completely 00:05:05.33\00:05:10.83 different plane than we are. That's really not 00:05:10.83\00:05:11.83 the way it ought to be. 00:05:11.83\00:05:17.06 They are very common men with a very uncommon 00:05:17.06\00:05:18.00 calling. But they're very much like we are. And they 00:05:18.00\00:05:25.23 demonstrate to us the kind of people God uses. Now 00:05:25.23\00:05:32.10 let me show five things I think Jesus had to work 00:05:32.10\00:05:33.13 with, to overcome in the lives of the disciples in 00:05:33.13\00:05:40.46 order to prepare them for the work. Maybe you can 00:05:40.46\00:05:46.26 find yourself in any of these? Number one, 00:05:46.26\00:05:47.20 they lacked spiritual understanding. Now that's 00:05:47.20\00:05:56.40 pretty tough to start with, right? You're going 00:05:56.40\00:06:00.53 to work twelve guys into evangelizing the whole 00:06:00.53\00:06:01.50 world, only they have one basic problem, they do 00:06:01.50\00:06:06.60 not understand spiritual truth. In Luke 18:31, we 00:06:06.60\00:06:15.26 have an interesting exchange, let's read it: 00:06:15.26\00:06:19.70 All of that stuff had been presented in the Old 00:06:33.33\00:06:34.33 Testament, look at what it says in verse 34: 00:06:34.33\00:06:42.90 I mean could they not have understood some of 00:06:50.10\00:06:51.10 these things, yet they understood "none 00:06:51.10\00:06:54.43 of these things." 00:06:54.43\00:06:58.86 In John 13: 6 - 7, Jesus humbled Himself and washed 00:07:00.16\00:07:01.20 their feet and Peter said in verse 8: 00:07:01.20\00:07:11.23 Jesus replied, "Peter you don't understand now 00:07:15.86\00:07:16.96 but you will understand later." In Matthew 00:07:16.96\00:07:19.86 16: 21 - 23 we read: 00:07:19.86\00:07:27.30 And after the resurrection and Peter had seen the 00:08:03.86\00:08:04.90 risen Christ, Peter and all of his buddies went 00:08:04.90\00:08:08.06 back to fishing, can you imagine? Went right back 00:08:08.06\00:08:13.40 to where they started. And the Lord comes up there 00:08:13.40\00:08:14.46 and of course He rerouted all the fish in the sea so 00:08:14.46\00:08:18.86 none went near their boat, they were never going to 00:08:18.86\00:08:24.10 be able to fish again. And then He gets them all into 00:08:24.10\00:08:25.33 the shore and in effect He says, what is going on? Do 00:08:25.33\00:08:29.46 you love Me, Peter? Then feed My sheep, that's what 00:08:29.46\00:08:39.23 I called you to do. 00:08:39.23\00:08:39.70 You see here it is John 21 and he still doesn't 00:08:39.70\00:08:44.06 understand his role. 00:08:44.06\00:08:44.53 He didn't understand his role, he didn't understand 00:08:44.53\00:08:49.10 the purpose of Christ's sufferings, they didn't 00:08:49.10\00:08:50.13 understand the principles. 00:08:50.13\00:08:55.10 Lack of understanding. 00:08:55.10\00:09:00.06 Now they had a second problem, lack of humility. 00:09:00.83\00:09:01.86 They were a proud, jealous, envious bunch. 00:09:01.86\00:09:04.56 I can just see the Lord walking down the road and 00:09:04.56\00:09:09.43 they're walking behind Him, elbowing each other 00:09:09.43\00:09:10.40 and pushing and shoving. 00:09:10.40\00:09:14.63 Mark 9:33 00:09:14.63\00:09:19.10 All the while they were walking Jesus knew they 00:09:30.56\00:09:31.60 was quite a discussion going on amongst the 00:09:31.60\00:09:37.03 disciples. When they arrived at their 00:09:37.03\00:09:39.76 destination He inquired of them - what had been 00:09:39.76\00:09:40.80 the topic of the animated discussion? Verse 34 00:09:40.80\00:09:45.46 What was going on? "but they kept silent;" they 00:09:55.70\00:09:56.73 just got real sheepish and clammed up, "because 00:09:56.73\00:10:01.40 they'd been arguing among themselves," get this, 00:10:01.40\00:10:06.20 "who would be the greatest." 00:10:06.20\00:10:09.33 All the time our dear Lord is walking along they' 00:10:10.50\00:10:11.50 back fighting about who is going to be the greatest. 00:10:11.50\00:10:15.60 "And he sat them down," and He brought a little 00:10:15.60\00:10:19.53 child, and He gave them a lesson on humility. What 00:10:19.53\00:10:20.66 a rebuke! The disciples were all confused about 00:10:20.66\00:10:29.93 what it meant to be a leader, and Jesus had to 00:10:29.93\00:10:33.00 set them straight and He did in Matthew 20:26 - 28 00:10:33.00\00:10:41.00 They had a third problem. 00:11:04.43\00:11:04.96 They had a lack of faith. 00:11:04.96\00:11:05.46 Over and over and over again, in fact probably 00:11:05.46\00:11:06.90 the most common phrase Jesus ever said to them 00:11:06.90\00:11:11.73 was this, "0 ye of little faith." In fact in Mark 00:11:11.73\00:11:12.86 4:40 He says to them, 00:11:12.86\00:11:24.26 How can it be that after all of this you still 00:11:28.86\00:11:29.83 don't believe? How can it be? How can it be? 00:11:29.83\00:11:34.10 At the end of Mark's gospel 16:14 it says, 00:11:34.10\00:11:41.10 They didn't even believe reports of the 00:11:56.93\00:11:57.76 resurrection. Now what a bunch to work with, and 00:11:57.76\00:12:01.13 how do you ever transform men like this into those 00:12:01.13\00:12:04.53 who can change the world? They had a 00:12:04.53\00:12:05.36 fourth problem, lack of commitment. They would 00:12:05.36\00:12:09.40 say, we will never forsake You. Why everyone may 00:12:09.40\00:12:11.66 forsake You, says Peter, I'll never forsake You. I 00:12:11.66\00:12:12.80 would never deny You. But when it came down to the 00:12:12.80\00:12:17.23 crisis of that terrible hour when Christ needed 00:12:17.23\00:12:24.30 them the most they were gone. And Peter was 00:12:24.30\00:12:25.40 denying and Judas was betraying and the other 00:12:25.40\00:12:28.36 ten got out of there. They couldn't handle it, they 00:12:28.36\00:12:32.93 were gone. They talked a good game. In Luke 5:11 00:12:32.93\00:12:33.93 you know what it says? 00:12:33.93\00:12:39.36 When He called His disciples, "they 00:12:39.36\00:12:40.16 forsook all." Isn't that interesting? When He 00:12:40.16\00:12:47.53 called them they forsook all. In Mark 14:50 it 00:12:47.53\00:12:48.96 says, "they all forsook." 00:12:48.96\00:12:49.63 They deserted Christ when they saw the swords and 00:12:49.63\00:12:55.13 the lanterns and the Romans. When they started 00:12:55.13\00:12:56.10 to smell death they got out. They thought they'd 00:12:56.10\00:12:59.16 be okay but they weren't. 00:12:59.16\00:12:59.66 Fifth problem they had was a lack of power. They were 00:12:59.66\00:13:07.90 weak and helpless. For an illustration of that and 00:13:07.90\00:13:12.36 there are many but for one would be 00:13:12.36\00:13:13.13 Matthew 17:14 - 16, 00:13:13.13\00:13:18.66 Now they've been out trying to do their thing 00:13:39.23\00:13:40.16 and they're, they're doing all the motions 00:13:40.16\00:13:44.83 but nothing happens. 00:13:44.83\00:13:45.26 Jesus said, verse 17, 00:13:45.26\00:13:48.73 Jesus rebuked the demon, and departed out of him; 00:13:59.50\00:14:00.53 and the child was cured from that very hour. And 00:14:00.53\00:14:04.43 then came the disciples to Jesus privately, and said, 00:14:04.43\00:14:11.10 Why couldn't we do that? And Jesus 00:14:11.10\00:14:11.90 replied, verse 20 00:14:11.90\00:14:15.53 Listen, it's very simple. 00:14:34.60\00:14:35.13 The disciples were chosen by Jesus but in working 00:14:35.13\00:14:41.70 with them He had to overcome their lack of 00:14:41.70\00:14:42.56 spiritual understanding, a lack of humility, a 00:14:42.56\00:14:46.46 lack of faith, a lack of commitment, and a lack of 00:14:46.46\00:14:50.16 power. What a bunch. 00:14:50.16\00:14:50.63 In the book Desire of Ages we read: 00:14:50.63\00:14:56.73 There's hope for us. Bo I identify with those 00:15:11.20\00:15:12.20 twelve, don't you? The Disciples accomplished the 00:15:12.20\00:15:17.96 task, Jesus transformed them, He really did. And 00:15:17.96\00:15:24.33 you know when they looked at them in Acts 4:13, 00:15:24.33\00:15:25.33 all of the hotshots in Jerusalem looked 00:15:25.33\00:15:34.50 at them and said, 00:15:34.50\00:15:37.30 "These are ignorant and unlearned men." How 00:15:49.16\00:15:50.13 is it that they have accomplished this? They 00:15:50.13\00:15:54.86 have literally filled Jerusalem with their 00:15:54.86\00:15:59.43 doctrine, and they're uneducated in fact they're 00:15:59.43\00:16:00.53 ignoramuses and they're unskilled. But it 00:16:00.53\00:16:05.43 says this, continuing in verse 13 00:16:05.43\00:16:09.96 "They took note of them," I love this, "that they 00:16:17.60\00:16:18.63 had been with Jesus." 00:16:18.63\00:16:24.36 Isn't that good? How did they know that? How did 00:16:24.36\00:16:25.36 they know that they'd been with Jesus? I'll tell you 00:16:25.36\00:16:30.00 how they knew. They did the same things Jesus did. 00:16:30.00\00:16:34.06 They said the same thing Jesus said, they loved 00:16:34.06\00:16:35.03 the same way Jesus loved. 00:16:35.03\00:16:40.60 Finally, the job was done, and they went out as 00:16:40.60\00:16:41.60 living mirrors to reflect Christ. And that's why 00:16:41.60\00:16:46.26 they finally wound up calling them Christians, 00:16:46.26\00:16:52.23 which means what? Little Christs. And it's all 00:16:52.23\00:16:53.20 bound up in Luke 6:40 listen to it, 00:16:53.20\00:17:05.43 Isn't that great? Jesus trained them in three 00:17:16.36\00:17:17.36 years, and when they went out they were like their 00:17:17.36\00:17:20.36 teacher. So what kind of people does He use? What 00:17:20.36\00:17:27.80 kind of people does He draw into intimacy with 00:17:27.80\00:17:28.80 Him? Who are these stained glass saints? What do you 00:17:28.80\00:17:35.70 have to be to get really close to Jesus? Think of 00:17:35.70\00:17:40.46 this now when God came into the world and walked 00:17:40.46\00:17:41.46 in this world, God the God of the universe, the 00:17:41.46\00:17:45.80 living eternal almighty holy God, when He walked 00:17:45.80\00:17:49.86 in this world, He picked out four people to be 00:17:49.86\00:17:50.83 close to Him... four men to be close to Him, four 00:17:50.83\00:17:54.30 men to be His intimates. 00:17:54.30\00:17:54.76 And He made them into fishers of men in spite 00:17:54.76\00:17:57.26 of what they were. How did it end for them? Tradition 00:17:57.26\00:18:06.03 says that cruelty came Peter's way in his death. 00:18:06.03\00:18:07.03 And tradition tells us that he was crucified, but 00:18:07.03\00:18:09.63 before he was crucified he was forced to watch the 00:18:09.63\00:18:15.76 crucifixion of his wife. 00:18:15.76\00:18:16.26 Eusebius writing in his ecclesiastical history 00:18:16.26\00:18:21.26 said - "He stood at the foot of his wife's cross 00:18:21.26\00:18:22.40 and kept repeating to her, úRemember the Lord, 00:18:22.40\00:18:29.80 remember the Lord.' And after she had died, he 00:18:29.80\00:18:35.06 himself was crucified and pleaded to be crucified 00:18:35.06\00:18:36.10 upside down because he was unworthy to die like his 00:18:36.10\00:18:42.53 Lord." Andrew, tradition tells us that Andrew had 00:18:42.53\00:18:50.93 the privilege of preaching in a province and the 00:18:50.93\00:18:51.96 governor's wife received Jesus Christ as her Savior 00:18:51.96\00:18:56.40 and the governor was so upset that he demanded 00:18:56.40\00:18:59.83 that his wife reject Christ and when she 00:18:59.83\00:19:00.80 wouldn't he crucified Andrew. Tradition says 00:19:00.80\00:19:05.10 he crucified him on an X that's why X is the symbol 00:19:05.10\00:19:14.10 of Andrew. An X-shaped cross and the traditional 00:19:14.10\00:19:15.10 history tells us that he was on that cross for two 00:19:15.10\00:19:21.23 days and as he hung alive for all those two days, he 00:19:21.23\00:19:26.03 preached without ceasing the gospel of Christ in 00:19:26.03\00:19:27.03 the midst of his agony. 00:19:27.03\00:19:32.40 Still trying to bring people to Jesus. 00:19:32.40\00:19:33.36 Tradition tells us that James, when he was on 00:19:33.36\00:19:37.63 a way to being beheaded by the Roman sword, had along 00:19:37.63\00:19:42.06 the guard who had guarded him and the guard was so 00:19:42.06\00:19:43.16 impressed with his courage and constancy and zeal 00:19:43.16\00:19:49.16 that he repented of his sin and fell down at the 00:19:49.16\00:19:53.53 Apostle's feet and asked if the Apostle would 00:19:53.53\00:19:54.46 forgive him for the part he had played in the rough 00:19:54.46\00:19:58.00 treatment James received. 00:19:58.00\00:19:58.50 At which point James lifted the man up, 00:19:58.50\00:20:02.86 embraced him kissed him and said - Peace, my son, 00:20:02.86\00:20:06.53 peace to thee. And tradition says immediately 00:20:06.53\00:20:07.50 the officer publicly confessed his surrender to 00:20:07.50\00:20:11.10 Christ and was therefore beheaded along side James. 00:20:11.10\00:20:16.63 John, banished to the isle of Patmos after a long 00:20:16.63\00:20:17.66 life, died around 98 A.D. 00:20:17.66\00:20:25.10 In the power of Christ they were transformed. 00:20:25.10\00:20:26.06 What kind of people does God use? Any kind. Listen 00:20:26.06\00:20:35.26 to this now, it is not what you are, it is what 00:20:35.26\00:20:42.50 you are willing to become that is the issue. The 00:20:42.50\00:20:43.50 fishermen of Galilee did become fishers of men on a 00:20:43.50\00:20:48.96 most extensive scale, and by the help of God they 00:20:48.96\00:20:55.53 gathered many souls into the church. Christ can 00:20:55.53\00:20:56.50 take a very common person and make them a very 00:20:56.50\00:21:03.50 uncommon Apostle. Are you available for that today? 00:21:03.50\00:21:10.76 Take my life and let it be 00:21:15.26\00:21:20.73 Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. 00:21:20.93\00:21:26.56 Take my moments and my days, 00:21:26.86\00:21:32.90 Let them flow in endless praise. 00:21:33.23\00:21:38.53 Let them flow in endless praise. Take my 00:21:38.80\00:21:39.66 hands and let them move 00:21:39.66\00:21:54.26 At the impulse of Thy love. 00:21:55.50\00:22:00.76 Take my feet and let them be 00:22:01.06\00:22:07.06 Swift and beautiful for Thee. 00:22:07.40\00:22:13.00 Swift and beautiful for Thee. 00:22:13.30\00:22:19.60 I am yours, set apart for you. 00:22:19.86\00:22:25.23 I am yours hungry for your truth 00:22:25.70\00:22:30.90 Take my life, you are all I live for. 00:22:31.23\00:22:37.36 I am yours. 00:22:37.70\00:22:44.16 Take my voice and let me sing, 00:22:44.63\00:22:50.00 Always, only for my King. 00:22:50.36\00:22:56.06 Take my lips and let them be 00:22:56.30\00:23:02.16 Filled with messages from Thee, 00:23:02.46\00:23:08.20 Filled with messages from Thee. 00:23:08.50\00:23:15.00 I am yours, set apart for you. 00:23:15.33\00:23:20.83 I am yours hungry for your truth 00:23:21.20\00:23:26.36 Take my life, you are all I live for. 00:23:26.73\00:23:32.83 I am yours. 00:23:33.20\00:23:39.93 Take my will and make it Thine, 00:23:40.33\00:23:45.73 It shall be no longer mine. 00:23:46.20\00:23:51.60 Take my heart, it is Thine own, 00:23:51.96\00:23:57.56 It shall be Thy royal throne, 00:23:57.90\00:24:04.36 It shall be Thy royal throne. 00:24:04.63\00:24:10.66 I am yours, set apart for you. 00:24:11.16\00:24:16.60 I am yours hungry for your truth 00:24:16.90\00:24:22.00 Take my life, you are all I live for. 00:24:22.36\00:24:28.10 I am yours, set apart for you. 00:24:28.40\00:24:33.53 I am yours hungry for your truth 00:24:33.90\00:24:38.96 Take my life, you are all I live for. 00:24:39.33\00:24:47.13 I am yours. 00:24:48.13\00:24:54.00 I am yours. 00:24:54.30\00:24:58.26 I am yours. 00:24:59.96\00:25:07.60 >>Alan: What kind of people can God use? Any 00:25:12.33\00:25:13.26 kind. All we have to do is make ourselves available. 00:25:13.26\00:25:17.33 That mean there is hope for you and me. Pastor 00:25:17.33\00:25:22.96 Bill has written a book, "All the Kings men". It 00:25:22.96\00:25:23.96 includes all the messages in this series. We would 00:25:23.96\00:25:27.76 like to send it to you. 00:25:27.76\00:25:28.26 So here is the information you need to get 00:25:28.26\00:25:32.66 your free copy. 00:25:32.66\00:25:34.43 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It 00:25:36.66\00:25:37.66 Is Written program, let me 00:25:37.66\00:25:38.20 >>Bill: Well we have come to the end of another It 00:26:32.13\00:26:33.26 Is Written program, let me thank you for spending 00:26:33.26\00:26:35.83 this half hour with us, I hope it's not the last 00:26:35.83\00:26:40.06 time. Let me remind you of our web-site - 00:26:40.06\00:26:41.00 www.ItIsWrittenCanada.ca - on the web-site all kinds 00:26:41.00\00:26:44.60 of interesting stuff: all of our programs are 00:26:44.60\00:26:48.33 archived there, you can make a donation online to 00:26:48.33\00:26:49.36 keep this ministry going forward, you can find out 00:26:49.36\00:26:52.93 where the It Is Written team will be appearing. 00:26:52.93\00:26:55.70 Check out our youtube channel - 00:26:55.70\00:26:56.43 youtube.com/IIWCanada - and you can follow us on 00:26:56.43\00:26:59.76 twitter. You know we are launching this series on 00:26:59.76\00:27:03.93 the life of the disciples and as we make our way 00:27:03.93\00:27:04.93 through this, we are going to be offering you a study 00:27:04.93\00:27:08.03 guide and a DVD that make for excellent home bible 00:27:08.03\00:27:16.36 study - as we look at the lives of these disciples - 00:27:16.36\00:27:17.43 what God did in the lives of those. If that's 00:27:17.43\00:27:20.13 something that your interested in enquiring, 00:27:20.13\00:27:21.76 we'd be happy to send that to you for a donation 00:27:21.76\00:27:22.80 of $50. We'll send you the DVD, we'll send you the 00:27:22.80\00:27:28.96 study guides, we'll send you the book "All the 00:27:28.96\00:27:32.36 Kings men" also. You can use that in a small group 00:27:32.36\00:27:33.36 or church bible study or on your own. If English is 00:27:33.36\00:27:38.20 not your first language, we have that set also 00:27:38.20\00:27:42.60 available in Portuguese and in Spanish. Check out 00:27:42.60\00:27:43.63 our web-site for details. 00:27:43.63\00:27:48.40 I hope you will be back with us again next week 00:27:48.40\00:27:49.43 Until then remember, it is written, man shall not 00:27:49.43\00:27:55.43 live by bread alone, but by every word the proceeds 00:27:55.43\00:28:00.16 from the mouth of God. 00:28:00.16\00:28:04.46 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:05.33\00:28:06.06