Participants: Bill Santos
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201203
00:01 >>Bill: Well, Dr. Knight is back with us for
00:02 a third in a four part series on 1st and 00:05 2Thessalonians. You know what that means; it means 00:09 go get your Bible and a pen and pad of paper 00:10 because you are not going to want to miss his 00:16 instruction today. "It Is Written" begins right now. 00:22 (Music) 00:33 Announcer: It has stood the test of time.. 00:36 God's book, The Bible. 00:39 Still relevant in today's complex world. 00:44 It Is Written. 00:46 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 01:00 (Music) 01:02 >>Bill: Well let me welcome all of our viewers 01:03 to this weeks "It Is Written" program and once 01:05 again I'm going to welcome our guest, our special 01:08 guest, Dr. George Knight. 01:08 Dr. Knight welcome back. 01:09 >>Dr. Knight: As always, Bill, it's good to be 01:12 here. >>Bill: It's good to have you here. We're now 01:13 into a third of a four part series as we explore 01:14 Thessalonians and we want to get right into our 01:20 study because that's what folks tune in to hear. 01:26 >>Dr. Knight: That's right. >>Bill: They hear, 01:27 they tune in to hear the instruction of God's word. 01:29 But, maybe again, for the benefit of those who are 01:33 joining us for the first time, if you could just 01:34 quickly bring us up to speed as to where we 01:36 are at this point.>>Dr. 01:36 Knight: Okay. >> the study of our book. 01:42 >>Dr. Knight: Well, Thessalonians, the 01:43 congregation at Thessalonica was one of 01:44 Paul's favorite in many ways. They were a very 01:47 faithful group, although they were undergoing 01:50 persecution. And as I noted last week they 01:51 really believed that Jesus would come right away. 01:59 And they were a little discouraged when some of 02:05 their members died. And so, if you want to just 02:06 turn.>>Bill: Sure. >>Dr. 02:10 fact, if the audience could turn to 02:11 1Thessalonians, we'll start with the fourth 02:14 chapter.>>Bill: Sure. 02:15 >>Dr. Knight:.and then we're going to move on to 02:17 chapter five today.>>Bill Okay. >>Dr. Knight:.but 02:20 I'll give a short introduction. Verse 13 of 02:21 chapter four, "We would not have you ignorant, 02:25 brethren, concerning those who are asleep that you 02:31 may not grieve as others who have no hope". Now, 02:32 you brought out last week that people do grieve and 02:39 it's right to grieve but only with the perspective 02:44 of hope in mind. These people wondered what was 02:45 going to happen to their friends, to their 02:49 relatives, fellow church members who died. Were 02:52 they going to miss out.>>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. 02:53 Knight:.on the great reward? >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. 02:55 Knight: Paul said, uh, uh, that's the last thing; 02:56 they are going to be first. They are going to 02:58 get resurrected from the dead where they are 03:01 sleeping in the grave now, awaiting the resurrection 03:03 morning and when they are resurrected then they'll 03:05 go meet Jesus in the air and then we, who are still 03:10 alive, Paul says, will be caught up or raptured to 03:14 meet the Lord with them. 03:15 And that's the so called 'rapture'. The words there 03:21 in verses 16 and 17 'caught up'. >>Bill: 03:22 Right. >>Dr. Knight: And it's anything but secret. 03:26 The rapture takes place when Jesus comes again but 03:31 there's trumpets blaring, every eye shall see it, 03:32 it will be like lightning going from the east to 03:35 the west; the least secret thing in the history of 03:39 the universe is the Second Coming of Jesus.>>Bill 03:40 Yes. >>Dr. Knight:.and the rapture. So, Paul is 03:43 busy answering a series of questions that Timothy 03:50 brought back from a visit. >>Bill: So, he 03:51 dispatches Timothy to Thessalonica.>>Dr. Knight: 03:54 That's right. >>Bill:.he comes back with a report. 03:56 >>Dr. Knight: Paul wanted to go himself. >>Bill: 03:57 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Nothing like the 03:58 evangelist showing up to make sure the congregation 04:01 is all right but he says, Satan hindered him. We 04:02 don't know exactly how but Paul could not go back 04:06 so he sends Timothy back This is at the end of 04:10 chapter two, chapter three, the first part, 04:11 Timothy arrives and says, man, they are alright, 04:15 they love you, they do love the message but I do 04:19 have a few questions. And then Paul begins to answer 04:20 the questions and every paragraph, really, in the 04:29 Greek has the same words 'But concerning this' in 04:32 verse nine; 'concerning the brethren' and then 04:33 'concerning those who fall asleep', verse 13 and now 04:38 today, chapter five, verse one. I'm going to read a 04:44 couple of verses here. 04:45 >>Bill: Sure. >>Dr. 04:45 Knight: "But as to the times and seasons, 04:50 brethren, you have no need to have any thing written 04:57 to you. For you, yourselves, well know that 04:58 the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the 05:03 night, when people say that there is peace and 05:07 security. Then sudden destruction will come upon 05:08 them as travail comes upon a woman with child and 05:13 there will be no escape." 05:14 Well, I think they're pretty happy with Paul's 05:19 instruction about the Second Coming. I mean, 05:25 you've got nothing to worry about, comforting 05:26 words, words of hope. And, by the way, hope in 05:29 the New Testament is not wishful thinking. >>Bill: 05:33 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Hope is certainty. And 05:34 Paul says, in the book of Romans, "We serve the God 05:38 of hope". >>Bill: Right. 05:39 >>Dr. Knight: And what does Paul call the Second 05:43 Coming in Titus? I think it's 2:13.>>Bill: The 05:48 blessed hope. >>Dr. 05:49 Knight:.the blessed hope All Christian faith 05:51 focuses on the climax of earth's history when Jesus 05:52 comes again. They, they understand that. But 05:57 they've got to question >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 06:03 Knight: It's the same question I've got, Bill 06:04 When? When? You know, I've often said the only; 06:06 the only problem in the Christian church today is 06:10 the lay of Second Coming. 06:11 I mean, would we be arguing about doctrine? 06:16 Would we be worried about, you know, finances 06:17 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 06:20 Knight: No. No. The only problem that you and I 06:21 face as Christians is that Jesus hasn't come. 06:27 I personally believe with all my heart that He will 06:33 come. But I'm stuck right back with those 06:34 Thessalonians. >>Bill: When? >>Dr. Knight: 06:41 You let me in on a little secret.>>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. 06:48 Knight:.when? That's the same question that 06:49 actually we find being asked back in Matthew 06:50 24. >>Bill: That's right. 06:50 The disciples asked that, didn't they? >>Dr. Knight: 06:52 Yeah. The disciples asked it and that kicked off a 06:56 two chapter sermon.>>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight:.on the 06:57 Second Coming. Verse 3 of Chapter 24 of Matthew, 07:04 "As He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came 07:05 to Him privately saying." 07:10 They wanted a little inside.>>Bill: Yes. 07:11 >>Dr. know. 07:13 Hey.>>Bill: Just between you and I.>>Dr. Knight 07:14 Yeah, yeah. These other people, they're alright, 07:17 you know, we deserve a little something.>>Bill: 07:18 That's right. >>Dr. 07:19 Knight:.special. Tell us. 07:19 Tell us. Oh, man. When will this be? When's the 07:21 destruction of temple going to take place? 07:26 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: And what will be the sign 07:27 of your coming and the close of the Age? Now, 07:30 they saw all three of those as one thing. 07:33 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 07:33 Knight: I mean, the temple was the center of their 07:36 life. I mean.>>Bill: If that's going to be 07:37 destroyed.>>Dr. Knight: That's got 07:40 to be the Second Coming >>Bill:.that's got to be. 07:42 That's got to be the end of the world. Yeah. >>Dr. 07:43 Knight: So Jesus gives them an answer in Chapter 07:46 24 and 25 and the answer will be very interesting. 07:51 We'll come back to it because Paul will 07:51 replicate the same pattern. >>Bill: The same 07:57 teaching. >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. Now let's go to 07:59 Acts, the first chapter. 08:00 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 08:00 Knight: Acts, the first chapter, now we're at 08:02 the ascension of Jesus >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 08:12 Knight: The cross is over, He's resurrected, and 08:13 we get down to verse six, this is the disciples on 08:18 ascension morning. "So, when they'd come together 08:24 they asked Him, Lord, will you at this time restore 08:25 the Kingdom of Israel?" Is this the time? And Jesus 08:33 said to them, it's none of your business. Now that's 08:40 a paraphrase. >>Bill: (laughter) I think it's an 08:41 accurate paraphrase. >>Dr. 08:43 Knight: You know we're all wanting the Kingdom. 08:44 I want the Kingdom without having to go through 08:46 the trouble of having my character developed. This 08:48 character development is kind of tough. >>Bill: 08:49 That's right. That's the tough part. That's right. 08:52 >>Dr. Knight: God's been working on my character 08:54 for 70-something years and I'm afraid that I want 08:55 the Coming.>>Bill: That's right. >>Dr. Knight:.I 09:01 don't want the character >>Bill: That's right. 09:03 >>Dr. Knight: Anyway, so when they'd come together 09:04 they asked Him, Lord, will you at this time restore 09:06 the Kingdom of Israel? He said to them, "It is not 09:10 for you to know the times or the seasons which the 09:11 Father has fixed by His own authority". Wow! 09:16 That's pretty well telling them to, you know, just 09:21 get busy. Well, wait for the Holy Spirit and when 09:22 power comes upon you, start preaching the 09:27 message. >>Bill: Do your job. >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. 09:29 And you've got to preach it to the ends of the 09:30 earth. Well, we know that. 09:31 We're both involved in that, Bill. >>Bill: 09:32 Yes, that's right. >>Dr. 09:34 Knight: But over and over and over we find 09:35 the disciples and others wanting to know, when 09:41 will this take place? And so here we find Paul's 09:48 answer. Jesus's answer both times is, nobody 09:49 knows except the Father. 09:53 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 09:53 Knight: In His earthly life, apparently, He 09:56 didn't know. >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. Knight: And, 09:57 you know, I think that's good. What if Jesus had 10:00 said, let's see, I will come in the year 2019 on 10:08 December 24th at 1:30 in the afternoon. What would 10:09 we have done? Well, we would have waited until 10:16 the day before to start getting ready. I mean, if 10:21 Jesus had told us the exact time, forget it 10:22 We're in the relaxed mode. 10:25 We've got 2000 years. 10:26 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: You figure those of us who 10:29 used to cram for exams the night before, right? >>Dr. 10:30 Knight: That's right. 10:32 Jesus knew human nature. 10:32 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: And so he wants us to be 10:35 anticipating this but He's not going to tell us when 10:37 >>Bill: When, right? >>Dr. 10:42 Knight: Okay, so let's go back to chapter five 10:43 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 10:45 Knight: "But as to the times and seasons, 10:46 brethren, you have no need to have anything 10:48 written to you. For you, yourselves, know that the 10:50 day of the Lord will come like a thief in the 10:51 night." We're going to come back to that word 10:58 'thief'. >>Bill: Okay. 10:59 >>Dr. Knight: "When people say that there's peace 11:01 and security, then sudden destruction will come upon 11:03 them." Well, what do you think about these words, 11:04 people saying peace and security. Why would they 11:08 say that? Because it doesn't look like things 11:14 are getting any worse, does it? >>Bill: Right. 11:15 >>Dr. Knight: No. Not from a human perspective. I 11:18 mean, I can look back 50 years and I can see major 11:22 shifts in what we're willing to accept as 11:23 a culture and call it normal. >>Bill: Right. 11:26 >>Dr. Knight: I think the God of Heaven calls it a 11:29 lot of sin and perversion.>>Bill: Yes. 11:30 >>Dr. Knight:.but, you know, the soup, I 11:32 shouldn't say the soup, the water gets just a 11:37 little higher and a little higher and a little higher 11:38 and we're just, kind of, coasting along, coasting 11:42 along. >>Bill: Sure. >>Dr. 11:43 Knight: And even some Christians.>>Bill: Yeah. 11:45 >>Dr. Knight:.will be caught sleeping. >>Bill: 11:47 That's right. >>Dr. 11:47 Knight:.and not prepared And there's others.>>Bill: 11:50 Yes, Jesus makes reference to that quite a few times 11:52 in Matthew 24, where He says that it will come 11:54 as a surprise. I believe He's speaking to many 11:58 Christians. It would be a surprise if He took the 11:59 Christians. >>Dr. Knight: Oh, yeah. In fact, He has 12:01 a whole parable about some of them sleeping, all of 12:03 them sleeping and some of them managing to wake up 12:04 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Anyway, Peter had to 12:07 deal with the same problem 2Peter, the third chapter, 12:11 verse 3, "First of all, you must understand this 12:12 The scoffers will come in the last days with 12:22 scoffing, following their own passions and saying, 12:26 where is the promise of His coming? For since the 12:27 fathers all fell asleep, all things continued 12:32 as they were from the beginning." 12:37 From a human perspective, it just looks like time 12:38 will go on forever and ever and ever. And because 12:43 of that, Paul says back in 1Thessalonians, the fifth 12:49 chapter and the second verse, "It will come like 12:50 a thief in the night." And the interesting thing is, 12:59 he makes, he switches his metaphor in chapter three. 13:05 There he says it's like a pregnant woman who knows 13:06 she's going to have to give birth. >>Bill: Right. 13:09 >>Dr. Knight: But there's a big difference in the 13:12 metaphors. They say one thing, nobody is exactly 13:13 sure when it's going to happen, but a thief in 13:17 the night, you're not even expecting it to happen. 13:20 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 13:20 Knight: A woman knows she's going to have to.she 13:22 doesn't necessarily know what will happen right 13:23 away but it's going to happen. >>Bill: Right. 13:27 >>Dr. Knight: So, we have a difference but there's 13:30 also a similarity. Now, when people say there's 13:31 peace and security, then sudden destruction will 13:36 come upon them, Jesus says somewhere in such an hour 13:41 as you think not. I've often thought, the hour I 13:42 least expect Jesus to come is today. I mean, do I 13:50 expect Him to come today No. I've given my life to 13:55 preaching the Second Advent of Jesus but I 13:56 don't think He's going to come today. >>Bill: 14:02 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Maybe today's the day I better 14:05 be ready. Such an hour as you think not. You know, 14:06 this teaching keeps us always looking, always 14:11 watching, always desiring that we can meet Jesus 14:18 when He comes again. 14:18 >>Bill: Yeah. Get ready and stay ready, right? 14:21 >>Dr. Knight: That's right. >>Bill: Absolutely. 14:22 >>Dr. Knight: Doing His will every day. One 14:24 author tells of a, it's a fictional thing, about the 14:32 Devil up in Heaven. He's got three apprentice 14:33 Devils and the first one says - the Devil says to 14:35 the first apprentice, what are you going to do to 14:40 tempt people down there? 14:40 I'm going to tell them there's no God. The Devil 14:43 says, you're not going to get very many people. 14:44 I mean, people know that earth is wonderfully 14:49 created, you know, you're not going to fool many 14:52 people at all. The next one's going to say, what 14:53 are you going to do? I'm going to tell them there's 15:00 no hell. You're not going to get anybody with that. 15:03 I mean, after all, everybody knows that God 15:04 is just. That there's got to be some kind of .so he 15:09 goes to third one, what are you going to tell 15:13 them? I'm going to tell them there's no hurry. He 15:14 says, that's the secret man, you've got it. 15:19 You'll catch them by the millions. >>Bill: You've 15:24 got time. >>Dr. Knight: No hurry. Just put it off. 15:25 Everything goes like on and on and on. >>Bill: 15:28 Well then, you know, you have in some circles, 15:34 those suggesting that even after Jesus returns you're 15:35 going to get some are going to get a second 15:41 chance. >>Dr. Knight: Not according to the Bible, 15:44 "Let those that are filthy, be filthy still", 15:45 Revelation 223, verses 10 and 11. >>Bill: That's 15:48 right. >>Dr. Knight: No. There's a close of 15:51 probation. There is no second chance. >>Bill: 15:51 Second chance, that's right. >>Dr. Knight: 15:53 fact, we'll talk about Jesus on that in just a 15:55 second. >>Bill: Okay. 15:56 >>Dr. Knight: Over there in Matthew 25 but let's 15:58 just read on in 20, chapter five here of 15:59 Thessalonians. "Then," in the middle of chapter 16:03 three, "Then sudden destruction will come upon 16:08 them as a travail comes upon a woman with a child 16:09 and there will be no escape, but you are not 16:12 in darkness, brethren, for that they to surprise you 16:19 like a thief. For you are sons of light and sons 16:20 of the day and not of the night and darkness. So let 16:24 us not sleep as others do but let us keep awake and 16:29 be sober. For those that sleep, sleep at night and 16:30 those that get drunk, get drunk at night. But since 16:36 we belong to the day let us be sober and put on the 16:40 breast plate of faith and love, for a helmet the 16:41 hope of salvation." I like that. That God doesn't, He 16:46 realizes that we want it to happen right away. But 16:54 He also realizes that we need to have a quality 16:55 of life. In the Bible, symbolism of darkness has 17:01 to do with sin; symbolism of light has to do with 17:06 righteousness. And so, what is Paul saying here 17:07 Don't worry about the time. >>Bill: Worry about 17:11 getting ready. >>Dr. 17:12 Knight: Live every day as if Jesus were 17:17 coming tomorrow. The great founder of Methodism, John 17:23 Wesley, somebody asked him one day, what would you do 17:24 if you knew that Jesus was coming tomorrow? He said, 17:32 I'd do just what I planned on doing. >>Bill: Wow. 17:37 >>Dr. Knight: I like that. 17:37 Could I say that if I knew Jesus was coming? I mean, 17:40 that I would be comfortable doing what I'm 17:41 doing if Jesus came this day or tomorrow. That's 17:46 pretty cool. >>Bill: Yup. 17:46 Absolutely. >>Dr. Knight: Anyway, they asked the 17:51 question in Thessalonica, when? And Paul shifts it 17:58 to live a life for Jesus every day. And when that 17:59 day comes that He arrives you won't have to 18:09 worry. Live as Christians. 18:09 >>Bill: So, he's actually, so, they're saying, tell 18:13 us when. And he's saying, listen, that's really not 18:16 the question. >>Dr. 18:16 Knight: Yeah. >>Bill: That's really not what you 18:18 should be worrying about. 18:19 You should be worried about the way you live 18:21 your life. >>Dr. Knight: But you know what, how 18:22 many people do you and I know that they have a 18:25 whole lot of concern with when. You give them a few 18:31 signs of the times and they're going out of their 18:33 minds with excitement. 18:35 >>Bill: You're absolutely right. >>Dr. Knight: But 18:36 they don't have one bit of desire in serving Christ. 18:38 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Without that enthusiasm. 18:42 No. In fact, if we go back now to Matthew 24 and 18:43 25 we'll find that Paul is really reading off 18:50 the same page as Jesus >>Bill: That's good news, 18:55 right? >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. 18:56 Yeah. If you take a look at Chapter 24, we find 18:59 some signs that aren't signs but that only like, 19:00 hey, keep, every time you see an earthquake, every 19:05 time you see a bad storm it's.>>Bill: Be reminded. 19:09 >>Dr. Knight:.that this earth isn't our home. 19:10 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Something better is 19:13 coming. And when Jesus gets finished dealing 19:18 with, because the only sign He gives is the sign 19:19 of the cloud and that's not a sign of nearness, 19:22 that's a sign of coming >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 19:24 Knight: But then he gets off and he kept saying, 19:25 down here in verse 42, "Watch, therefore, for you 19:29 know not on what day your Lord is coming". Verse 19:36 44, "Therefore you must also be ready because the 19:37 son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect". 19:42 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: And then Jesus goes into 19:46 several parables. >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. Knight: One 19:47 parable talked about the time is delayed, this is 19:52 verse 48. The time went on and on and on and the 19:57 master went away and people began to treat each 19:58 other wrongly. >>Bill: Yes and said, oh, my master's 20:03 not coming back for a long time. >>Dr. Knight: That's 20:05 right. But He will come, verse 50, on a day when 20:06 they do not expect Him. 20:12 And then chapter 25 continues on about 20:13 watching and waiting and being prepared. Chapter 20:20 25, the first thirteen verses, the parable of 10 20:26 virgins. They were waiting for the bridegroom to come 20:27 but they all fell asleep. 20:30 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 20:31 Knight: And at the last minute they woke up and 20:35 five of them weren't prepared. I mean, now's 20:36 the time to prepare. 20:38 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. 20:38 Knight: Now. They're not going to get a second 20:40 chance. You talk about a second chance. According 20:41 to Jesus, there is no second chance. Only those 20:44 who are ready.Well, what does it mean to be ready? 20:50 That's the next parable. 20:50 Verses 14 - 30, "Use your.>>Bill: "Use your 20:55 talents". >>Dr. Knight:. 20:56 'talents". And, you know, some people got more 21:01 talent than others. 21:01 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: I'm not responsible for 21:03 your talent. You're not responsible for my talent 21:04 But we're all responsible for the talent or talents 21:08 that God has given us. So, what are we supposed to 21:15 do? We're supposed to get ready and while 21:16 we're getting ready we're supposed to use our 21:18 talents but what are we really supposed to be 21:22 doing? That's the last parable. Verses 41-46. 21:23 Hey, are you really taking care of your neighbor? Are 21:30 you being Jesus? >>Bill: Yes. A responsibility to 21:33 our fellow person, our fellow man. Yeah. >>Dr. 21:34 Knight: Yeah. Yeah. Loving God with all your heart 21:37 and all your mind and all your soul is only one half 21:39 of Christianity. Some people think they can love 21:40 God and be despicable to their neighbor. >>Bill: 21:43 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Uh, uh. The two commandments 21:45 are tied to it and out of those two, of course, come 21:46 all ten. >>Bill: Right. 21:50 >>Dr. Knight: That love to God is the first four 21:51 commandments; love to fellow humans is the last 21:55 six. So, while we're using our talents, what kind of 22:03 work? We're supposed to be helping other people 22:04 in the same way that Jesus helps us. >>Bill: Wow. 22:08 >>Dr. Knight: So Paul and Jesus both give the same 22:16 argument. You're worried about time. I'm worried 22:17 about your character. 22:20 >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: So, getting ready and that 22:21 brings us to the great passage on sanctification. 22:24 Sanctification is a big topic in 1Thessalonians. 22:30 Verse 23, of Chapter five, "May the God of peace, 22:31 himself, sanctify you holy and may your spirit and 22:38 soul and body be kept sound and blameless 22:43 acoming of our Lord, Jesus Christ". Now, we've got 22:44 some big words here. One of them is sanctify. 22:50 Sanctify means to be set apart for holy use. But it 22:56 also means to grow, to be more like Jesus. And this 22:57 is really a part of the Second Coming concept. 23:06 Every you read about sanctification in 23:10 1Thessalonians, it's tied to the Second Coming 23:11 >>Bill: Oh, interesting. 23:13 >>Dr. Knight: Are you ready? >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. 23:14 Knight: That's pretty important. Are you ready? 23:17 Now, a lot of Christians say, wow, I've been 23:21 justified, I've been saved. You know what the 23:22 word saved means. I've been saved and once and 23:25 for all I don't have to worry. Well, I don't know. 23:28 That doesn't seem to be what the Bible says. 23:29 Jesus says that after your converted you have a new 23:33 way of life and Paul picks that up. We're not only 23:38 justified, that is counted righteous, forgiven but we 23:39 get a new heart and a new mind so that we learn to 23:45 walk with Jesus. >>Bill: There has to be some 23:49 growth, right? >>Dr. 23:49 Knight: That's right. 23:50 And it's the same kind of thing we found out in 23:52 Matthew 25, same thing we found out the last part of 23:54 chapter, the passage for today. When you gonna 23:55 come? Well, that's none of your business but you 24:03 better be ready when I get here. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. 24:08 Knight: Living for Jesus. 24:09 That is important. Not only are we justified but 24:17 God wants us to be ready. 24:17 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Now, this is a very 24:22 controversial verse in Christian theology, "May 24:23 the God of peace himself sanctify you holy and may 24:28 your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and 24:32 blameless at the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ". 24:33 Big arguments with this verse. Does human nature 24:37 have two parts? Spirit, soul, and body. That's 24:43 three parts. Where does it have two parts? But 24:44 you know what? He's not talking about that. 24:49 Because we know from Genesis it says, "God 24:51 breathed into the nostrils, the breath", 24:52 that is the Spirit. 24:56 "Formed out of the.>>Bill: "Dust of the ground". 24:57 >>Dr. Knight: "Dust of the ground", that is the body. 25:00 "And they became a living soul". I mean, if you 25:05 don't have breath, your soul ain't alive, brother 25:06 If you don't have a body.>>Bill: There's 25:09 no soul, yeah. >>Dr. 25:09 A soul is a living being, we're 25:11 unities. And God wants us to take care of all of our 25:16 parts. Our spiritual being, our physical being, 25:17 our mental being. Hey, all of them are important in 25:24 God's sight. He wants to sanctify us holy so that 25:28 we'll be ready when Jesus comes. >>Bill: Wow. You 25:29 know one of my favorite verses found in Acts where 25:33 it says that when they saw the courage of Peter and 25:37 John saw them preaching and recognizing, 25:38 remembered that they were ignorant men but 25:42 recognizing them as having been with Jesus. >>Dr. 25:48 Knight: I love that passage. Jesus ought to be 25:49 able to recognize that I, other people have 25:51 recognized that I've been with Jesus. >>Bill: 25:54 Absolutely. Thank you Dr. Knight. Let's pray. 25:55 Gracious, loving, heavenly Father, we thank 25:59 you for your love and your kindness. Father, may your 26:03 holy spirit work in the lives of each and every 26:04 person within the life, within the reach of my 26:08 voice that our lives may reflect Jesus. In His name 26:11 we pray, Amen. 26:12 >>Dr. Knight: Amen. 26:16 (Music) 26:31 >>Bill: You know, we know that many times these 26:32 studies prompt all kinds of questions on the part 26:34 of our viewers and one of the resources that we'd 26:36 like to make available to you, to help you, is this 26:37 special edition of the Signs of the Times 26:41 magazine which features the end of the world. Many 26:47 of the things that we talked about today are 26:48 explained in our great resource for you to 26:51 help you gain more Bible knowledge. It is a gift to 26:55 you. Here is the information you need 26:55 to get your copy. 27:59 >>Bill: Well, Dr. Knight we've come to the end 28:00 again. Thank you for being here. >>Dr. Knight: Good. 28:03 My privilege. >>Bill: Thank you for being with 28:05 us also. Remember, on our website i t 28:06, there you will find a 28:08 link that will get you to a site where you can 28:13 purchase Dr. 28:14 Knight's book, "Exploring Thessalonians" and all of 28:17 his books will be available there. Well, 28:18 while on the website send us a prayer request 28:21 also. We pray over those requests every day. Our 28:25 plan and our prayer is to be back again next week. 28:26 I hope you will join us. 28:29 Until then, remember, man shall not live by bread 28:30 alone but by every word that proceeds from 28:35 the mouth of God. 28:40 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2015-02-06