It Is Written Canada

Exploring Thessalonians, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201202

00:01 >>Bill: Well, as promised, Dr. George Knight is back
00:02 with the second part of our study of
00:05 Thessalonians. So, go get your Bible and your pad
00:09 and your pen and we will be right
00:10 back in 30 seconds.
00:18 (Music)
00:28 Announcer: It has stood the test of time..
00:31 God's book, The Bible.
00:34 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:39 It Is Written.
00:41 Sharing messages of hope around the world.
00:46 (Music)
00:57 Well, let me start off by welcoming all of our
00:58 viewers to this week's "It Is Written" program and
00:59 I also want to welcome Dr.
01:00 George Knight. Dr. Knight, welcome back. >>Dr.
01:03 Knight: Good to be here again Bill. >>Bill: Well,
01:05 we're going to get right into our study.
01:06 Our viewers have been instructed to go get
01:09 their Bibles, turn to 1Thessalonians and we're
01:12 going to get right into it. Let's just pick up
01:13 from where we left off last week. Maybe you could
01:17 just give a quick synopsis of what we looked at last
01:25 week, just to bring some of our viewers up to speed
01:26 that maybe weren't with us last week. >>Dr. Knight:
01:30 Yeah. Last, last week we talked about a new
01:32 congregation that Paul had formed. The first one,
01:33 actually the second one in Macedonia in the town of
01:37 Thessalonica and these are new converts. And like new
01:42 converts from year one to year 2012, new converts
01:44 are always excited.
01:52 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr.
01:52 Knight: And when they find out that Jesus is going to
01:53 come, oh my, (laughter).I remember when I first
01:54 became a Christian and found out that Jesus was
01:59 going to return and save us from this mess that we
02:03 call 'earthly history', how excited I was. >>Bill:
02:04 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: I'm still excited. >>Bill:
02:07 Absolutely. >>Dr. Knight: I'm looking forward to it
02:09 every day. So, we've got these new converts
02:10 but it's a difficult situation. Paul is
02:12 basically run out of town; he's worried about them;
02:19 he tries to write back; he tries to go back but
02:20 he says Satan hindered me.
02:26 So, finally he sends Timothy to make sure that
02:27 these people have not had their faith destroyed
02:31 by enemies. Timothy comes back, he says, Paul, they
02:37 love you, they love Jesus, they haven't backslidden
02:38 and Paul is so excited that he writes
02:44 1Thessalonians. And 1Thessalonians, part of
02:47 his agenda, his main agenda is to answer their
02:48 questions. >>Bill: Because while they are faithful
02:53 and while they have missed him and want to see him,
02:57 they do have some questions. >>Dr. Knight:
02:58 They have some questions.
03:00 >>Bill: Like any new convert would. >>Dr.
03:00 Knight: That's right. And this was rather a short
03:03 time that Paul was with him. He wanted to be there
03:07 longer but due to the political situation and
03:09 the aggressive Jewish leaders there, Paul had to
03:14 escape by night while he had a chance. >>Bill: Yes.
03:19 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: And, so, he'd had a relatively
03:20 short time, the Bible says he was there three weeks.
03:25 Well he may have been there more than three
03:27 weeks because the Bible sometimes leaves blank
03:28 spots. >>Bill: Right.
03:30 >>Dr. Knight: But it was a short time and he'd
03:31 instructed them carefully, from what he says, about
03:34 a Second Coming. But, you know, Bill, it's one thing
03:39 to know something in your head.>>Bill: Yes. >>Dr.
03:41 Knight:.and when your relatives, your loved ones
03:45 die, your head doesn't work the same way. You
03:52 start working on the level of emotions rather
03:53 than intellect. >>Bill: Interesting. >>Dr.
03:57 Knight: And so, one of the big agendas was we thought
04:01 Jesus would come right away. But some of our
04:02 friends have died. People who have accepted Jesus,
04:11 they've died. What's going to happen to them? Are
04:14 they going to miss out on the great reward? >>Bill:
04:15 Right. Right. >>Dr.
04:18 Knight: And so, we've got a troubled congregation
04:19 and that's what we're going to look at today.
04:23 >>Bill: Okay. Okay. >>Dr.
04:23 Knight: We'll turn to 1Thessalonians, the
04:25 fourth chapter. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. Knight:
04:29 1Thessalonians:4 is actually Paul's best
04:30 description of the Second Coming of Jesus. And I
04:40 think it might be helpful just to read the entire
04:44 passage. >>Bill: Okay.
04:45 >>Dr. Knight: I'll tell you what. We're also going
04:48 to read his second best description and that's in
04:49 1Corinthians:15. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. Knight: But
04:52 I'm going to let you read this one. >>Bill: Sure.
04:54 >>Dr. Knight: Let's read verses 13 to 18. >>Bill:
04:55 Okay. So, I'm using the NASB and it says here,
04:57 "For I testify.oh, sorry I'm in the wrong,
05:04 1Thessalonians:4.>>Dr.
05:04 Knight: Verse 13. >>Bill: Yes. There we go. >>Dr.
05:08 Knight: We all make mistakes. >>Bill: Yeah,
05:09 we do. Absolutely. "But we do not want you to
05:11 be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep
05:15 so that you will not grieve as do the rest who
05:16 have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died
05:22 and rose again even so God will bring with him those
05:27 who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say
05:28 to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are
05:33 alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will
05:35 not proceed those who have fallen asleep. For
05:36 the Lord, himself, will descend from Heaven with
05:42 a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and the
05:45 trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise
05:46 first. Then we, who are alive and remain, will be
05:51 caught up again th them in the clouds to meet the
05:55 Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the
05:56 Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these
06:01 words." >>Dr. Knight: You know, I find it
06:04 interesting that verse 13 and verse 18 both talk
06:05 about the same topic. I do not want you to be
06:13 ignorant like those who have no hope. And comfort
06:20 one another in verse 18. >>Bill: Yes. Very
06:21 pastoral. >>Dr. Knight: Yes. In fact, we really
06:25 need to see this, not as a theological statement as
06:29 such but as a de-expression of pastoral
06:30 concern. For real people in a really grieving
06:35 situation. None of Paul's letter, in fact, no book
06:44 in the New Testament is actually written in
06:45 an abstract theological statement. Not even,
06:49 Hebrews or Romans. They're both written, those books
06:54 and every other one is written to people who are
06:55 hurting. >>Bill: Right.
07:00 >>Dr. Knight: Either physically, mentally,
07:01 spiritually. People need hope. And, you know, I
07:03 like that because I need hope. >>Bill: Absolutely.
07:08 >>Dr. Knight: Anyway, I want to read the parallel
07:09 statement.>>Bill: Absolutely.
07:11 >>Dr. 1Corinthians.>>Bill: Okay.
07:13 >>Dr. Knight:.the 15th chapter and I'm reading
07:14 from the Revised Standard Version. Verse 51, "Lo,
07:15 I tell you a mystery, we shall not all sleep". Now
07:23 there's a word we saw in the other one. >>Bill:
07:24 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: The Bible uses it all the way
07:29 through. "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be
07:35 changed in a moment, a twinkling of the eye at
07:36 the last trumpet", and by the way, the trumpets are
07:41 in both, "For a trumpet will sound and the dead
07:45 will be raised imperishable." I like
07:45 that. You know what imperishable means?
07:52 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: We're not going to have
07:54 all these warts and stuff that you've got on your
07:55 body. >>Bill: Yes. Yes.
07:56 >>Dr. I see you're wearing glasses
07:57 >>Bill: Yeah. >>Dr.
07:59 Knight: I've got hearing aids, we're going to be
08:00 raised, we're going to be raised like it's new.
08:01 >>Bill: Perfect. >>Dr.
08:02 Knight: And I'm ready for my new body, Bill. >>Bill:
08:04 Absolutely. You and I both. >>Dr. Knight: Yeah,
08:06 this one's getting kind of worn out. (laughter)
08:07 >>Bill: My wife says I'm stretching mine. >>Dr.
08:09 Knight: That's right.
08:09 "Raised imperishable and we", that are still alive,
08:14 "shall be changed. For this perishable must put
08:18 on the imperishable and this mortal nature must
08:19 put on immortality". Now watch that because we're
08:27 not given immortality until when? >>Bill: After
08:30 the return of Jesus.
08:31 >>Dr. Knight: Until, yeah, what's immortality mean?
08:33 >>Bill: Not to die. >>Dr.
08:34 Knight: You can't, not subject to death. >>Bill:
08:40 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: so, apparently I don't have
08:41 immortality now, do I?
08:43 >>Bill: No. Not according to this. >>Dr. Knight: No.
08:44 In fact, 1Timothy, chapter six and verse 10.>>Bill:
08:47 There's only one that's immortal. >>Dr. Knight:
08:52 Says only God is immortal.
08:52 >>BillYeah. >>Dr.
08:53 Knight: And he's going to give us, that is, everyone
08:55 who has accepted Christ, when Christ comes again we
08:59 get the.>>Bill: Gift of immortality.
09:00 >>Dr. of immortality. But we don't
09:03 have it now. >>Bill: It's not natural to us. >>Dr.
09:04 Knight: And that's important. >>Bill: Yes.
09:05 >>Dr. Knight: We're going to come back to this
09:07 because a whole lot of people believe that we
09:09 have immortal souls.
09:10 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr.
09:10 Knight: Well, I'm going to tell you what, people can
09:13 believe what they want but scripture is plain. Paul
09:17 didn't believe that.
09:17 >>Bill: Right. >>Dr.
09:18 Knight: He knew that we are mortal. We are subject
09:21 to death. I mean eternal death. Okay, let's go on
09:25 here. >>Bill: Sure. >>Dr.
09:25 Knight: I'll start with verse 53 again, "For this
09:28 perishable nature must put on the imperishable and
09:29 the mortal nature must put on immortality. When
09:34 the perishable puts on the imperishable and the
09:39 mortal puts on immortality, then shall
09:40 come to pass the saying that is written, death is
09:43 swallowed up in victory Oh, death where is thy
09:47 sting. Oh, death where is thy victory." >>Dr.
09:48 Knight: Well, I tell you, Paul is high on the Second
09:54 Coming. I like that.
09:55 In fact, it's the most mentioned teaching in all
10:02 of the New Testament. One estimate is that one out
10:07 of every 13 verses in the New Testament deals
10:08 with the Second Coming of Jesus. In fact, in the two
10:13 books of Thessalonians, the Second Coming is
10:18 treated in every chapter.
10:18 >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: That is the central focus
10:22 of the New Testament but nowhere, well, outside the
10:23 book of Revelation, is it so consistent as in the
10:29 book of Thessalonians.
10:29 So, we've gone over, read Paul's two main passages
10:36 on the topic. Now, let's go over and take a look at
10:40 1Thessalonians and verse 4 a little more carefully
10:41 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr.
10:46 Knight: "But we would not have you ignorant,
10:47 brethren," remember what's happening here. Some
10:50 of their friends in the church have died. I don't
10:56 want you to be ignorant concerning those who are
10:57 asleep. Well, there's a word that we've seen more
11:03 than once.>>Bill: Yes.
11:03 >>Dr. Knight:.we've seen in twice today. Every
11:05 time Paul talks about the resurrection, he's talking
11:08 about those who are sleeping. What do you
11:09 think about that? I mean, what's it mean to
11:14 be asleep in the passages >>Bill: Well, I mean, its
11:17 death. I mean, you know, Jesus tells the disciples,
11:18 our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep and they
11:22 turn to Him and say, oh, that's good news. >>Dr.
11:27 Knight: Good, he's going to get better. >>Bill: Oh,
11:28 he's going to get so much better. >>Dr. Knight:
11:30 Yeah. Yeah. >>Bill: Jesus says, no, he's talking,
11:32 he's dead. >>Dr. Knight: He's dead. >>Bill: He's
11:33 dead. >>Dr. Knight: Yeah.
11:35 And Daniel, the 12th chapter in the second
11:36 verse says pretty much the same thing. He talks
11:38 about those who are asleep in the dust of the earth.
11:42 Well, if they're asleep in the dust of the earth,
11:44 they're obviously in their grave. >>Bill:
11:46 Absolutely. >>Dr. Knight: That's.>>Bill: Can I just
11:50 interrupt you one question? >>Dr. Knight:
11:51 Sure. >>Bill: In your book, you make reference
11:53 that there's some discussion around why this
11:55 question emerged with these new believers. That
11:56 some have suggested that Paul didn't teach this or,
12:00 again, you seem to suggest that what's happened here
12:06 is that they may have had an intellectual
12:07 understanding of it but as they began to see their
12:10 brethren die now they don't know exactly. So,
12:15 the suggestion is not here that in Paul's short time
12:16 with them he didn't cover this doctrine. >>Dr.
12:20 Knight: He covers it.
12:20 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr.
12:22 Knight: But, you know, I have to admit I can read
12:23 a book and still not know what's in it. >>Bill:
12:27 Absolutely. >>Dr. Knight: I can hear one of your
12:29 sermons.>>Bill: Yes. >>Dr.
12:30 Knight:.and stay awake the whole time and still not
12:32 know what you said. And, so, sometimes, you know,
12:33 teaching by repetition and therefore it's important
12:39 that we read our Bibles, not just once, and say, oh
12:43 man, I've been a Christian 43 years and guess
12:44 what, I've already read my Bible. >>Bill: Yes. I
12:48 think that's an important lesson for us. Repetition.
12:50 >>Dr. Knight: Repetition.
12:51 >> very, very important. >>Dr. Knight:
12:53 I'm shocked that I can read the New Testament
12:54 through on a regular basis and still learn
12:56 something new every time.
12:57 And especially these connections between, I
13:00 follow the word asleep all the way through and just
13:06 look what happens. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: So,
13:07 they're asleep, they're dead. >>Bill: They're
13:10 dead. Sure. >>Dr. Knight: And, of course, back in
13:13 Psalms and I'll just quickly mention a couple
13:14 of Psalms here. Psalms 146, "What's it like when
13:18 you die?" Psalms 146 is one of the clearest. Verse
13:23 4, "When his breath departs, he returns to his
13:24 earth on that very day his plans perish". I mean,
13:31 it's like a deep sleep >>Bill: Right. >>Dr.
13:35 Knight: And we're going to get to this because some
13:36 people have a hard time with this. They think we
13:42 have immortal souls; we go to Heaven right away. And
13:45 then somehow they've got to get people back into
13:46 bodies and it's, it's either, let's see, it
13:51 was Oscar Kumar the great theologian from
13:55 Switzerland who wrote a book called "Immortality
13:56 or Resurrection". >>Bill: One or the other. >>Dr.
14:02 Knight: Yep. You can't have both. They're
14:05 incompatible. And, of course, we've all read
14:06 about immortality. People are resting in the grave.
14:09 There's other passages that talk about the
14:14 unconscious condition of people. Anyway, here we
14:15 go, verse 13 again. This is so important, we've got
14:20 to start and read it all over, "But we would not
14:24 have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those
14:25 who are asleep, that is dead and in their graves.
14:30 That you may not grieve as others who have no hope."
14:37 I used to carry a little thing in my Bible. Had a
14:38 big mausoleum with these big concrete drawers and
14:41 it talked about peace of mind, knowing that you're
14:44 dead ones are stored in a concrete vault, reinforced
14:45 with steel. Now, isn't that comforting? I'll
14:51 tell you, Paul's got more comfort than that. Those
14:55 are people, really, Paul would say, they have no
14:56 hope. >>Bill: Right. >>Dr.
14:59 Knight: They've died, their relatives have
15:00 died, that's it, no hope.
15:01 >>Bill: It ends right there. >>Dr. Knight: No
15:02 hope. But the good news of the Gospel is not only
15:06 that Jesus died but he resurrected. >>Bill: Also,
15:09 in verse 13, he doesn't tell folks not to grieve
15:10 >>Dr. Knight: No, no, no.
15:13 He tells them to grieve, no he doesn't tell them
15:14 to grieve. He said, "Don't grieve like those that
15:17 have no hope". >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. Knight: Ya.
15:20 In fact, actually, to tell you the truth I know my
15:21 wife will feel bad when I pass on but I would
15:25 really like my funeral to be a celebration. >>Bill:
15:32 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Now I'm in the grave and the
15:32 next thing I know, Jesus is coming in the clouds
15:35 of Heaven. We get to that shortly here. >>Bill:
15:37 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: mean, I would like but I know
15:38 the emotional side of it. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr.
15:41 Knight: But I would like people to have a party at
15:44 my funeral. >>Bill: All right. A celebration,
15:45 sure. >>Dr. Knight: You know, this guy lived a
15:46 faithful life. I hope that's what everybody
15:48 thinks of me. He lived a faithful life. He loved
15:49 Jesus, he walked with Jesus and he's waiting
15:52 in the grave and Jesus is going to come and
15:56 resurrect him and then were all going to go home
15:57 together. >>Bill: Yes.
16:01 >>Dr. Knight: Praise the Lord. >>Bill: Absolutely.
16:02 >>Dr. Knight: Anyway, I'm going to be asleep,
16:04 so I can't have a party but...okay, I don't want
16:08 you to be ignorant but, oh, no, says four, verse
16:09 14, "For since we believe that Jesus died and rose
16:14 again, even so, through Jesus God will bring with
16:23 Him those who have fallen asleep." Now we have
16:24 a question here, Bill.
16:30 There's the word, God is going to 'bring' with Him
16:31 I mean where's He going to bring Him from? Now, I'm
16:36 going to tell you a little bit of Greek here. >>Bill:
16:42 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: The word used to translate the
16:43 Greek word, the English word 'bring' can also mean
16:46 'take'. It can mean bring or take. How do you know
16:53 which one to translate?
16:54 >>Bill: Good question.
16:54 >>Dr. Knight: Well, theology drives
16:57 the translation. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. Knight: If you
16:59 believe that everybody has immortal souls and they
17:00 all went to Heaven then Jesus is going to bring
17:02 them back. >>Bill: Right: >>Dr. Knight: Uh, uh.
17:05 That's not what the context here said. >>Bill:
17:06 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: We don't have immortal souls,
17:09 we're sleeping in the dust of the ground, we know
17:12 nothing and so when He comes again He's going to
17:13 take them back. >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. Knight: Now,
17:18 I'm going to prove that from the context. Okay?
17:24 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr.
17:24 Knight: As we move on here, verse 15, "For this
17:26 we declare to you by the word of the Lord that we
17:27 are alive and who are left until the coming of the
17:32 Lord shall not precede those who have fallen
17:38 asleep". See, they were afraid that their friends
17:39 who'd died were going to miss out. >>Bill: There's
17:42 going to be this glorious return and they're not
17:47 going to be there. >>Dr.
17:48 Knight: And they're not going to be there. Paul
17:51 says, uh, uh, they're going to have the first
17:52 part of the show. I mean this is great. Not only
17:54 are they going to be there but they get the first
18:00 position. >>Bill: Wow.
18:01 >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. That's where we come to verse 16,
18:05 "For the Lord, himself, will descend from Heaven
18:06 with a cry of command and the Archangel's call, with
18:13 the sound of the trumpet of God and the dead in
18:18 Christ will rise first."
18:19 See, there you've got the word dead and sleep
18:24 equated. >>Bill: Right. >>Dr. Knight: Okay.
18:25 >>Bill: yes. >>Dr. Knight: So, these people who
18:29 are in their graves, not knowing anything will hear
18:31 the voice of the Archangel. And who's the
18:32 voice of the Archangel?
18:33 >>Bill: Jesus. >>Dr.
18:34 Knight: That's Jesus. Jude 7 is the only other place
18:36 in the New Testament that deals with the Archangel
18:37 and it's very plain there that it's Jesus Christ.
18:41 He will call, just like He did Lazarus. >>Bill: Sure.
18:45 >>Dr. Knight: Hey, rise.
18:45 Dale Moody, the great evangelist of the 19th
18:48 century said, he said, it's a good thing He said
18:49 'Lazarus, arise Lazarus', otherwise all
18:51 the graves.>>Bill: That's right. >>Dr. Knight: This
18:54 time Jesus is going to call all of His people
18:55 from the rise. >>Bill: Come forth. >>Dr. Knight:
18:59 And every time I walk through a cemetery, you
19:02 know, all of us have dead friends and dead
19:03 relatives, I'm looking forward to that day.
19:07 I mean, just imagine when Jesus comes in the clouds
19:12 of Heaven, those tombs are going to open.>>Bill
19:13 Yeah. Now, what is the saddest place on
19:17 earth today, will be the happiest place on earth at
19:21 the Second Coming.
19:21 >>Dr. Knight: Oh man. I've already got my hole in the
19:24 ground picked out. >>Bill: Oh, do you? >>Dr. Knight:
19:25 Yeah. Right next to my wife's parents. We're both
19:28 going to get in the same hole, I think. My wife and
19:30 I. Because you can stack them, you know. >>Bill:
19:31 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: And, you know, if Jesus doesn't
19:33 come first. But I want to be there with all my
19:39 friends and relatives and we're going to.>>Bill
19:40 There's a story in Portugal, just very
19:43 quickly, that says that one of the Portuguese
19:46 kings, his wife was assassinated, murdered
19:47 and he actually had her crowned as Queen of
19:50 Portugal after she died And he had her tomb built
19:54 in such a place in a chapel, when he died he
19:55 had his tomb at her feet.
20:00 And the reason why he did that, he said, because on
20:01 the resurrection morning when we rise, the first
20:04 thing we're going to see is each other. >>Dr.
20:08 Knight: That is a beautiful family life that
20:09 begins here on earth and it continues right up
20:12 into Heaven. That's great.
20:13 Okay, verse 16, "For the Lord, Himself, will
20:18 descend from Heaven with a cry of command of the
20:23 Archangel's call and the sound of a trumpet and the
20:24 dead in Christ shall rise first." That is, these
20:27 people aren't going to miss out. They get.>>Bill:
20:32 First. >>Dr.
20:32 Knight:.priority. >>Bill: Yeah. They're first. Yes.
20:38 >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. Then, oh man, it gets more
20:39 exciting now, "Then we who are alive, who are
20:40 left shall be caught up together with them in the
20:44 clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so should we
20:45 always be with the Lord."
20:50 The dead are raised. Those who are living, whatever
20:51 generation it happens to be, we are caught up in
20:56 the air and taken back to Heaven for the great
21:01 millennial period of Revelation 20. I mean, it
21:02 is a time to rejoice. So, the two things happen
21:10 together. Jesus comes and the resurrection takes
21:15 place. And the words I want you to notice, Bill,
21:16 are 'caught up'. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. Knight:
21:24 'Caught up'. Now what does it mean to be 'caught up
21:29 together with them in the clouds'? That, in Latin,
21:30 it's called 'repetio' and for us, in English, we
21:36 translate it as 'rapture' So, do I believe in the
21:46 rapture? You bet I believe, in fact, I
21:47 can hardly wait to get raptured. >>Bill: Right.
21:50 >>Dr. Knight: Now, that brings me to a little
21:55 thought. How secret is the rapture? >>Bill:
21:56 Right. >>Dr. Knight: Now, remember, it's very
21:58 plain here that the Bible teaches that the rapture
22:02 takes place not some time before Jesus comes. Paul
22:03 is very clear. The rapture takes place at the Second
22:09 Coming of Jesus. >>Bill: When He comes with the
22:16 command, with the voice of the Archangel.>>Dr.
22:17 Knight: That's right.
22:20 >>Bill:.and the trumpet of God'. >>Dr. Knight: So,
22:21 do I believe in a rapture?
22:22 You bet. Do I believe in a secret rapture? If so,
22:23 this is the worst kept secret in the history of
22:29 the universe. I mean, what indications do we have
22:31 that this is not secret?
22:32 >>Bill: Well, command, shout, voice, trumpet.
22:37 >>Dr. Knight: I mean, you got trumpets
22:38 blaring..>>Bill: It doesn't sound very
22:41 secret to me. >>Dr.
22:41 Knight:.that's not very secret. And then you've
22:45 got the voice of the Archangel. I mean you've
22:47 got noise all over the place but it's not only
22:48 noise, you've got dead people being resurrected
22:54 all over the place. It's going to be pretty hard to
22:58 miss. >>Bill: Yeah. >>Dr.
22:58 Knight: And what does Jesus say about that, the
23:00 visual aspect of it.
23:01 That it would be like a lightning.>>Bill: From one
23:05 end of the sky clear across the other end of
23:06 the sky. >>Dr. Knight: Yeah. And Revelation 1,
23:11 the 8th chapter, "Every eye shall see Him". Now,
23:17 the Bible is very clear on two points. Number one,
23:19 that we're raptured at the time that Jesus comes
23:23 again, not seven years before or any other time
23:27 but at the time when Jesus descends from the clouds
23:28 of Heaven. And the other thing that's very clear
23:36 is that this is no secret.
23:37 It is absolutely public.
23:47 We'll hear it like, like a trumpet blast. Like the
23:48 Greek call of a mighty Angel and heard around the
23:55 world and then you can see the graves opening up, you
24:00 can see Jesus coming like a flash of lightning,
24:01 not one eye will miss it.
24:06 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Anything but secret, Bill.
24:07 >>Bill: Yes. Absolutely.
24:09 >>Dr. Knight: It's a.>>Bill: This is the
24:10 climax of the world's history. >>Dr. Knight:
24:15 Oh, yeah. >>Bill: I mean, everything is marching
24:17 towards this. >>Dr.
24:17 Knight: And you know, it's the climax of the book of
24:20 Revelation. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: In
24:21 Revelation, it's pictured just a little bit
24:22 different. You've got Jesus coming on a white
24:23 horse. Of course, a white horse was the most
24:24 mechanized thing that they could think of. >>Bill:
24:27 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: I'm positive today that if we
24:28 were going to write Revelation we'd probably
24:29 have something a little more mechanical or
24:31 electronic or who knows what but I don't really
24:35 care about the technology but Jesus is pictured in
24:36 Revelation as coming on a white horse to rescue His
24:41 people and take them to their heavenly reward. And
24:48 that is what the climax of the whole Gospel is
24:49 all about. You know, some people think that Jesus
24:55 died for us is the Gospel Well, it is. But a dead
25:00 Savior won't do you much good. So Paul
25:01 says in 1Thessalonians, 1Corinthians that the
25:06 Gospel is also that Jesus rose on the third day. And
25:13 because He rose we will rise also. >>Bill: Right.
25:14 >>Dr. Knight: But, that's still not all the good
25:18 news. People have been dying for 2000 years and
25:21 are still dying. You and I stick around long enough,
25:22 you and I could die. But Jesus has the victory over
25:26 the tomb and the grave, Revelation 1:18, and the
25:29 best good news, the climax of the good news is that
25:30 He's coming to take us home again. >>Bill: Amen.
25:34 Thank you Dr. Knight.
25:35 Let's pray. Gracious, loving, heavenly Father we
25:40 thank you for the promise of the soon return of
25:43 Jesus. Father, may each and every person within
25:44 the sound of my voice, at this very moment, commit
25:48 to being prepared to meet Jesus when He comes. In
25:53 His name we pray. Amen.
26:03 >>Bill: You know, if you would like to do some
26:04 additional study on the Second Coming and the
26:06 truth about the rapture, we have a special resource
26:11 here for you. It is a special edition of the
26:12 magazine Signs of the Times. It's entitled, "The
26:16 Surprising Truth about the Rapture". It is our gift
26:20 to you, free of charge.
26:20 Here is the information you need in order to get
26:25 your copy.
27:28 >>Bill: Well, Dr.
27:28 Knight, we've come to the end of another program. I
27:32 appreciate you being with us and I look forward to
27:33 Part 3 next week. >>Dr.
27:35 Knight: Sounds good, Bill. >>Bill: Thank you
27:36 our dedicated viewers that tune in every week. Let
27:39 me remind you that you can acquire Dr. Knight's book
27:42 on Exploring Thessalonians. You
27:42 can go to our website, and
27:45 there you're going to find a link and that link will
27:52 take you to a store where you can purchase
27:53 this book, where you can purchase all of the other
27:57 books that Dr. Knight has written. So, they are a
28:00 terrific resource for you.
28:01 On the website you can send prayer requests, you
28:05 can even make an online donation if you feel so
28:06 impressed to do that that will help us keep this
28:11 ministry on the air. Well, our prayer is that the
28:16 good Lord will allow us the opportunity of being
28:17 back again next week to continue in our study of
28:21 Thessalonians. I hope you will join us. Until then,
28:23 remember, it is written, man shall not live by
28:24 bread alone but by every word that proceeds
28:30 from the mouth of God.
28:36 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Revised 2015-02-06