Participants: Bill Santos
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201201
00:01 >>Bill: On today's "It Is Written" program, Dr.
00:02 George Knight is with us and we are going to 00:03 be studying the book of Thessalonians, first and 00:08 2Thessalonians. So, you know what that means, go 00:09 get your pad, your paper and your Bible and we will 00:13 be back in thirty seconds 00:18 (Music) 00:29 Announcer: It has stood the test of time.. 00:32 God's book, The Bible. 00:35 Still relevant in today's complex world. 00:40 It Is Written. 00:43 Sharing messages of hope around the world. 00:47 (Music) 00:57 Let me welcome all of our viewers to this weeks "It 00:58 Is Written" program. Thank you for taking the time to 01:00 join us. Let me welcome my special guest, Dr. George 01:05 Knight. Dr. Knight, welcome back. >>Dr. 01:06 Knight: Good to be with you Bill. >>Bill: It's 01:09 good to have you again. 01:09 And we know that when you're here our focus is 01:11 Bible study. >>Dr. Knight: Amen, brother. >>Bill: And 01:17 so, we don't want to take a whole lot of time but 01:18 maybe for the benefit of those that don't know you 01:22 yet, you could give us a quick biography on who you 01:28 are and then we're going to get right into our 01:29 study of Thessalonians. 01:33 >>Dr. Knight: Okay. 01:33 Well, I'm supposed to be retired. Worked as a 01:35 pastor, worked many years, 30 years in a theological 01:36 seminary, specialist in church history and also, 01:41 writing a regular basis commentary on scripte. 01:47 >>Bill: Well, terrific. 01:48 And this is probably, maybe the fourth.>>Dr. 01:52 Knight: Fourth time >>Bill: The fourth study 01:55 we've done and the response has always been 01:56 extremely positive. We really appreciate you're 02:00 insights and we're going to be, we're starting a 02:04 series today. We're going to be doing four programs 02:05 on 1st and 2Thessalonians and I was thinking maybe 02:09 you could start then by, sort of, giving us a 02:13 little bit of background on the books, who wrote 02:14 them, when they were written, why they were 02:18 written. Sort of, what was happening behind the 02:22 scenes that motivated Paul to pen these books? >>Dr. 02:23 Knight: Well, I suppose, Bill, the most interesting 02:28 thing about these books, in many ways, is that 02:32 these are the earliest Christian documents in 02:33 existence. >>Bill: The earliest. >>Dr. Knight: 02:38 That's right. >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: Written 02:40 probably within 20 years of the crucifixion 02:40 of Christ. >>Bill: So it should give us a very 02:46 accurate snapshot of that early.>>Dr. Knight: Oh 02:50 yeah. >>Bill:.of that early church. >>Dr. 02:51 Knight: You know, you know these are 02:52 great correctives to much criticisms of scripture. I 02:56 mean it's very clear on the Trinity, the full 02:57 divinity of Christ and many, many other topics 03:00 that people said, oh, no, no those took a century to 03:03 develop. No. Right from the get-go. Now, most 03:04 people think that the Gospels come first. Well, 03:09 they come first in time but they weren't written 03:12 until probably 60's, 70's of the first century 03:13 with the Gospel of John probably in the mid 90's. 03:19 By way of contrast, 1st and 2Thessalonians were 03:26 written very closely together, roughly about 03:27 the year AD 50. >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: 03:33 And that can be certified. 03:34 That date can be certified very closely. >>Bill: And 03:36 there's no question on the authorship of.>>Dr. 03:43 Knight: No. Nope, some people have questions on 03:44 other books of the New Testament, whether Paul 03:46 wrote them or who wrote them but in Thessalonians 03:49 absolutely no questions. 03:49 >>Bill: In your study, what do you feel was the 03:55 prime motivator that drove Paul to write these books 03:56 >>Dr. Knight: Well, to get to the prime motivation we 04:01 really have to talk about Thessalonica... >>Bill: 04:07 Okay. >>Dr. Knight:.and what was happening there 04:08 because Paul had some new converts who were 04:12 pretty picky. You're an Evangelist. You know, when 04:16 you go in you hope that after you leave, you hold 04:17 your meetings, you have the converts, and after 04:21 you leave you hope the pastor will be around to 04:24 help nurture these people. 04:24 >>Bill: To disciple, yeah, that's right. >>Dr. 04:27 Knight: Well, Paul went in and held, shall we say 04:28 a three or four or five or six week crusade and had 04:30 to leave. In fact, he gets run out of town and no 04:34 pastor is behind to take care of things and Paul 04:35 is deeply concerned. Will these people be able to 04:44 hang on? >>Bill: Right. 04:44 >>Dr. Knight: Not just because he's worried about 04:49 their faith but that they are suffering persecution. 04:53 Pretty serious persecution, at the same 04:53 time. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 04:57 Knight: And may be the best way to get the 04:58 pickers to go back to the book of Acts. >>Bill: 05:01 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: In the book of Acts, in chapter 05:03 15, we find Paul has already had his first 05:04 missionary tour into, what we would call today, 05:13 Turkey. It was quite successful. There's 05:18 something quite heartening here, not because 05:19 it's a good experience but because something good 05:23 comes out of it. Paul and Barnabus, the partners on 05:27 the first tour, they get into an argument. Can 05:28 you believe it? It was so serious that they couldn't 05:31 even go together. One of them takes John Mark, who 05:35 was a problem of sorts on the first tour, and 05:36 Barnabas sees great hope in him and Paul says, I'm 05:40 not going with that guy He let me down once. So 05:44 Paul goes with Silas and Barnabas goes with John 05:45 Mark and so now we have two evangelistic teams. I 05:51 like that. God takes even bad things and makes good 05:56 things out of them. 05:57 >>Bill: Yes. That's right. 05:57 >>Dr. Knight: And another thing I like about this, 06:01 sometimes we think that the church is going to pot 06:05 today and not everybody gets along.>>Bill: The 06:06 good old days. >>Dr. 06:09 Knight: The good old days. Yeah.>>Bill: When 06:10 they never argued. >>Dr. 06:12 Knight: That's right. The good old days never took 06:13 place. Human beings today are the same as they were 06:18 then. That's why the Bible is a meaningful book. 06:25 >>Bill: Absolutely. >>Dr. 06:25 Knight: Because I can read about what they went 06:28 through and say, hey, that was like a profile of my 06:29 congregation. >>Bill: In fact I had a, I read 06:33 a commentary once that said, every time we read 06:37 scripture we should almost be reading it as a 06:38 self-portrait saying, how do I fit into this? >>Dr. 06:42 Knight: That's right. In fact, a lot of times, if 06:44 you put your own name into some of the 06:45 discussion.>>Bill: That's right. >>Dr.'s 06:47 downright embarrassing >>Bill: That's right. 06:49 Okay. Great. So you say Acts 15. >>Dr. Knight: So, 06:50 we're in Acts 15 and then we move on to Chapter 06:55 16.>>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 06:55 Knight:.and if you go to the first few verses, 07:00 Paul wanted to do more evangelism in Turkey and 07:06 the Holy Spirit said, No. >>Bill: Stop. >>Dr. 07:07 Knight: No. No more evangelism in Turkey. 07:11 You basically covered the ground on time through and 07:16 then he has a vision down here in verse 9. >>Bill: I 07:18 want to put these glasses on because they say I 07:23 look smarter, okay? >>Dr. 07:23 Knight: Okay. And a vision appeared to Paul in the 07:27 night. A man of Macedonia was standing, beseeching 07:32 him, and saying come over to Macedonia and help us 07:33 >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: Now, Macedonia is on the 07:39 other side of the sea and so, we know where Greece 07:43 is, north of Greece. And so Paul went to Macedonia 07:44 and God is behind this, you know, some people say 07:50 if God is behind something then you're not going to 07:53 have problems. I'm going to tell you what; going to 07:54 Macedonia was one problem after another. 07:58 First location, Philippi Remember what happens to 08:06 Paul in Philippi. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: I, yi, 08:07 yi, I mean he tries to preach and he does a 08:09 fairly good job, he's getting some converts, 08:13 everybody gets upset, they have him arrested and then 08:14 he's stripped down naked and beaten in public. 08:20 I don't know, I've never been stripped down naked 08:24 or beaten in public. 08:25 These beatings were pretty brutal. And, of course, 08:28 something good comes out of that. They get the 08:29 singing praises at the Macedonia jail, the jailor 08:33 says, what do I need to do in order to be saved? 08:36 Anyway, so, and then Paul tells them, look it, you 08:37 can't do this to me. I'm a Roman citizen. So, they 08:44 apologize but they force him out of town. And then 08:52 he goes 90 miles to the west to a big 08:52 commercial center called Thessalonica. Very 08:59 important town at the center of trade, going 09:05 north and south and east and west and there were 09:06 going to read some from Acts the 17th Chapter. 09:10 Verse one tells us he went to Thessalonica and Paul 09:18 went, verse two, when Paul went as his custom was and 09:19 for three weeks he argued with them from the 09:28 scriptures. >>Bill: Okay. 09:28 >>Dr. Knight: Explaining and proving that it was 09:32 necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from 09:36 the dead, saying this Jesus I proclaim to you, 09:37 is the Christ and some of them were persuaded and 09:42 joined Paul and Silas as were a great many of 09:47 devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women 09:48 I mean here you've got an evangelistic success. 09:54 >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Paul didn't get success 09:57 everywhere he went but here he has evangelistic 09:58 success. Of course, he's evangelizing first among 10:04 the Jewish synogue and suddenly he's taking their 10:09 converts. Verse 5, "But the Jews were jealous and 10:10 taking some wicked fellows of the rabble they 10:16 gathered a crowd, set the city in an uproar and 10:21 attacked the House of Jason seeking to bring 10:22 them out to the people. 10:26 And when they could not find them, they dragged 10:27 Jason and some of the brethren before the city 10:30 authorities crying, these men have turned the world 10:35 upside down, have come here also, and Jason has 10:36 received them and they're all acting against the 10:41 creeds of Caesar saying that there is another 10:46 King. >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. 10:47 Knight: Jesus. Now, we're coming to the problem. In 10:52 the Roman Empire there were certain cities that 10:53 were special cities. 10:59 >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. 10:59 Knight: They got special favors. Thessalonica was 11:01 the hub of Jewish administration. They had 11:02 the favor of no taxes; they had the favor 11:08 of soldiers were not quartered in the city; 11:13 they had financial blessings from Rome. And 11:14 so the way that the Jewish leaders got the 11:19 politicians upset was to say, look it, these guys 11:25 are challenging Caesar. 11:25 They're saying there's another King. They're 11:30 preaching another leader. 11:31 >>Bill: These were Jewish religious leaders? >>Dr. 11:36 Knight: Yes but they're getting the politicians 11:37 upset because they want Paul out of there and 11:41 they want him out quick >>Bill: Yeah. >>Dr. 11:45 Knight: And so what we find is we find the whole 11:46 community is threatened. 11:50 That they might lose their privileges as a special 11:51 Roman city. And so, Paul - go down here a bit - Paul 11:58 is taken away at night So, he's already beaten 12:05 and run out of Philippi and then he goes to 12:06 Thessalonica and they start a riot and he's 12:13 forced out of town and the only way they can get him 12:18 out safely is by night. He went 45 miles to the west 12:19 again to Beria. And when he gets to Beria the 12:25 people are very faithful, good results from the 12:29 evangelism but then the Jewish leaders come from 12:30 Thessalonica. We have a very aggressive group 12:35 of.>>Bill: He's not far enough away yet. >>Dr. 12:40 Knight: Oh no. They're after him and they're 12:41 going to get him. And so Paul has to skedaddle once 12:44 again out of Beria. Three times. Now, sometimes, you 12:48 know, you hear some of these television preachers 12:49 go at it, if you follow Jesus and if you have 12:52 faith, you'll get lots of money and, you know, if 12:57 anything goes wrong in your life, you 12:58 know.>>Bill: You have no faith. You're doing 13:02 something wrong. >>Dr. 13:02 Knight: There must be something wrong with Paul, 13:04 huh? >>Bill: Yeah. Right. 13:04 >>Dr. Knight: Or else that theology is wrong. >>Bill: 13:07 Yeah. You would think, you know, he's sitting there 13:09 saying, Lord, I wanted to stay in Turkey; you made 13:10 me come this, look, what's happening here? >>Dr. 13:13 Knight: That's right. You and I might think are we 13:16 really following God. 13:17 >>Bill: Absolutely. >>Dr. 13:17 Knight: Especially if we're on the length of 13:20 some preachers. >>Bill: That's right. >>Dr. 13:23 Knight: No, you've got to follow scripture for what 13:24 it says. Paul is obviously being lead but he's having 13:26 on crisis after another And so, then he goes to 13:34 Athens. Well, he's not run out of Athens. They don't 13:35 even care that he's there. 13:38 They're deep into philosophy. He's trying 13:39 to preach the resurrection and that's a bunch of 13:42 foolishness to the Greeks And so, he leaves Athens. 13:48 By this time he is totally discouraged. >>Bill: 13:49 Understandable. >>Dr. 13:52 Knight: And that takes him to Corinth. And 13:53 when he gets to Corinth, 1Corinthians, the sixth 13:55 chapter and the third verse, it says, "I was 14:02 with you and weeped in weakness and in much fear 14:03 and trembling." I mean this is the incorrigible 14:05 apostle Paul. I mean you'd think we were talking 14:09 about Peter here. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: Paul 14:10 says, look it, by the time I got there, just 14:13 thinking, Philippi disaster; Thessalonica 14:17 disaster; Beria disaster; Athens.>>Bill 14:18 Indifferent. >>Dr. Knight: That's worse than 14:21 disaster. >>Bill: I know. 14:22 >>Dr. Knight: I mean he didn't have any 14:24 evangelistic results. And he finally gets to Corinth 14:26 or is going to write the Thessalonian epistles and 14:27 he gets there and he is just done in. >>Bill: 14:31 Completely demolished. 14:31 >>Dr. Knight: He says, I am weak, I have fear, 14:39 I am trembling. So that takes us to the book of 14:43 1Thessalonians. 14:44 1Thessalonians, what's happening as this book is 14:56 being written. The first thing that is happening is 14:57 that Paul had to leave his converts and he had to 15:01 leave quick. He has a very, very aggressive 15:04 group of Jewish, and now the political people 15:05 They're .>>Bill: They're not happy, ya. >>Dr. 15:10 Knight:.just out to get him. And so, they're 15:12 saying, look it, Paul didn't really care. He was 15:13 just out for a quick buck. 15:19 He's lying. Like a lot of teachers in the Greek 15:20 empire, the Greek part of the world, they come 15:23 in, they teach, they preach.>>Bill: They're 15:26 gone. >>Dr. Knight:.and they say, let's have an 15:27 offering and then they're gone. He was just out for 15:30 the money. >>Bill: Wow. 15:30 >>Dr. Knight: And so, you know, the Jewish people 15:36 they're saying, look it, you got suckered in, this 15:42 guy doesn't care, he hasn't come back, forget 15:43 it. We're going to let you back in the Synogue. Just 15:50 give it all up and come back. And that's where we 15:55 find Paul over in the second Chapter. Down about 15:56 verse 17, "But since we were breadth of you 16:08 brethren for a short time in person, not in heart, 16:13 who endeavored the more eagerly and with great 16:14 desire to see you face to face because we wanted to 16:19 come to you. >>Bill: Yes. 16:20 Okay. >>Dr. Knight: And here's Paul.>>Bill: 16:25 Right. >>Dr. Knight:.he's been run from one city to 16:27 another. He wants to go back. He wants them to 16:28 know that he cares. And the only preachers they've 16:34 got there are these people that are saying, Paul 16:37 doesn't care, Paul is a gutless wonder, Paul is 16:38 a money grabber, don't believe anything he said. 16:43 Paul's not worried about his own reputation, he's 16:47 worried.>>Bill: He's worried about the flock 16:48 >>Dr. Knight:.he's just got these new converts and 16:51 he's worried that they're going to back off and that 16:55 really deeply troubles him. Verse 18, again, of 16:56 Chapter two, "Because we wanted to come to you", 17:03 and Paul says, " I, Paul", again and again he really 17:12 desired to go there but Satan hindered us. Wow. 17:13 Here's a little view of the Great Controversy. 17:19 >>Bill: Yeah. >>Dr. 17:19 Knight: I mean, Paul is working for Jesus and 17:21 Satan.>>Bill: Is working against him. >>Dr. Knight: 17:25 That's right. A lot of people in the world today 17:26 don't really believe that Satan is a personal 17:30 being. Not Paul. He knows. 17:30 >>Bill: Yeah. He had no doubt who his enemy was 17:37 here. >>Dr. Knight: That's right. Verse 19, "For what 17:41 is our hope, our joy, or crown of boasting before 17:42 our Lord Jesus that is coming. Is it not you? 17:47 For you are our glory and joy." Well, Paul wanted to 17:57 go but he couldn't go. 17:58 That brings us to Chapter three, "Therefore when we 18:05 could bear it no longer," and can you feel the 18:06 anguish here of a true pastor.>>Bill: Ya, it's 18:09 amazing how many times he feels he has to reinforce 18:12 that I wanted to come, I couldn't, I wanted to 18:13 come, I'm in pain that I couldn't come. >>Dr. 18:17 Knight: And you know the interesting thing about 18:19 these books, Bill, is that they are loaded, these 18:20 Thessalonian books, with pastoral concern. Pastor 18:23 Paul, in chapter two, is both described as mother 18:29 who cares for her children and a father who instructs 18:30 them. >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. 18:33 Knight: On and on and on. 18:34 Very positive approach. 18:34 Much caring. He wanted to go and therefore when he 18:37 could bear it no longer, were willing to be left 18:41 behind and in Athens alone and we sent Timothy, our 18:42 brother and servant. He sent Timothy to find out 18:48 how they were going. Paul couldn't go but he was so 18:53 concerned that he sent his chief associate to go find 18:54 out how they are doing. 19:01 And then comes verse six. 19:02 "But now that Timothy has come to us from you and 19:12 has brought us the good news", oh my, Paul can 19:13 sleep at last.>>Bill: Yes. 19:18 >>Dr. Knight: "The good news of your faith and 19:19 love and reported that you always remembered us 19:23 kindly." >>Bill: Wow. 19:24 >>Dr. Knight: In other words, the enemies hadn't 19:28 achieved what they wanted to do. See, now Paul, he's 19:32 got his converts. >>Bill: Yes. >>Dr. Knight: The 19:33 church is still intact and they still like Brother 19:37 Paul. >>Bill: Ya. Ya. It's amazing. It shows that 19:41 here. >>Dr. Knight: And when Timothy comes back, 19:42 this is the occasion for writing the first letter. 19:46 >>Bill: Oh, okay. >>Dr. 19:47 Knight: And they have several questions. And 19:51 as we introduce these two books, we've got to 19:56 introduce the rest of the book of 1Thessalonians 19:57 because when he comes to Chapter four he's got two 20:03 things he wants to say Number one, he wants to 20:07 say what's on his heart, you guys are a good church 20:08 but you're messed up in one area, well, two areas. 20:15 Sexual ethics and two, work ethics. So, this is 20:24 Paul's burden. He really wants to help them realize 20:25 that when Christ comes into your life that being 20:34 saved is not just being justified. It's just not 20:38 accepting Jesus, it's doing what He says. That's 20:39 Paul's main. And then he gets on to three of their 20:45 questions. >>Bill: Okay. 20:46 >>Dr. Knight: They're signaled by the words 'but 20:51 concerning' which don't always show up in the 20:54 English translation. When you get to verse 9, "But 20:55 concerning love of the brethren,".>>Bill: Sorry, 20:58 verse 9 of which.>>Dr. 20:58 Knight: Chapter four. 21:02 >>Bill: Four, oh, okay. 21:03 >>Dr. Knight:.chapter four, "But concerning love 21:05 of the brethren", you're doing a good job but you 21:06 can do it better. >>Bill: Okay. >>Dr. Knight: And 21:10 when he gets finished there he's dealing with 21:11 this issue of work. See what happened was, Bill, 21:12 the people said, Jesus is going to come real quick. 21:15 >>Bill: So, let's take it easy. Why do we have.>>Dr. 21:23 Knight: Well, it's not work. We'll just kind of 21:24 rest until he shows up. 21:26 We're going to come back to that topic. And then 21:27 in verse 13, "But we would not have you ignorant, 21:34 brethren, concerning those who are asleep or those 21:39 who have died." So here's there second problem. They 21:40 expected Jesus to come right away and suddenly 21:43 some of them died. What's going to happen.>>Bill: 21:47 What's going to happen to these guys, they died 21:48 >>Dr. Knight: Ya. In chapter five, verse one, 21:50 they're third question When is Jesus going to 21:54 come? They were concerned with the time. Now, that 21:55 is the basic reason that he wrote 1Thessalonians. 22:05 To encourage them, to give them a little instruction, 22:12 and then answer three other questions. The 22:13 reason that he writes 2Thessalonians is because 22:17 they've got a problem >>Bill: Oh, okay. >>Dr. 22:22 Knight: It's found in 2Thessalonians, the second 22:23 chapter, verses one and two. "Now, concerning the 22:27 coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the assembling 22:31 to meet Him, we beg you, brethren, not to be 22:32 quickly shaken in mind or excited either by Spirit 22:38 or by Word or by letter purporting to be from us 22:43 to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 22:44 >>Bill: Oh, wow. >>Dr. 22:48 Knight: Ya, Paul had pretty thoroughly 22:49 instructed them about the Second Coming of Jesus 22:53 in 1Thessalonians. But somehow they were only 22:59 listening with one ear. 22:59 We've still got people like that today. >>Bill: 23:03 Yes. >>Dr. Knight: What I call the one-eared 23:04 listeners. >>Bill: Now, is he suggesting that 23:06 somebody counterfeited here. >>Dr. Knight: Ya. 23:08 Actually, we're going to on our fourth study of 23:09 this we're going to come back to this but somebody 23:13 had apparently had claimed that they had a vision 23:17 that Jesus had already returned but he wasn't 23:18 quite sure how they got that false news. So, he 23:22 says, maybe somebody wrote a letter and signed my 23:28 name to it. >>Bill: Oh, I see. Okay. >>Dr. Knight: 23:29 And, so, at the end of this letter he 23:33 says, "I, Paul, write this greeting," this is chapter 23:38 three, verse 17.>>Bill: Oh, I see. Ya. >>Dr. 23:39 Knight: "I write this with my own hand". He wants to 23:42 make sure that they know it came from him. >>Bill: 23:49 Oh, I see. Yes. >>Dr. 23:49 Knight: Came directly from him. So, we have two books 23:51 largely centering on one theme. That is the major 23:52 content. And that is the Second Coming of Jesus and 23:58 in these two books we have Paul's best and fullest, 24:08 most complete discussion on the Second Advent and 24:09 events surrounding the Second Advent. >>Bill: 24:15 His best commentary. >>Dr. 24:15 Knight: Pardon. >>Bill: You said, his best. >>Dr. 24:19 Knight: Oh yes, his best and his fullest. This is 24:21 Paul's most complete discussion of what will 24:22 happen when Jesus comes before Jesus comes and 24:28 what do while we're waiting for Jesus to come. 24:33 >>Bill: Wow. >>Dr. Knight: These are, this is the 24:41 heart and everything else, sanctification, gift of 24:42 prophecy are all related to the Second Coming and 24:45 these letters. >>Bill: I think you have given us 24:52 the perfect cliffhanger for our next episode 24:53 >>Dr. Knight: Yup. We'll start right up next time 24:58 with, those who have no hope and Paul's answer of 25:02 hopefulness in the Second Advent of Jesus. >>Bill: 25:03 Wow. Thank you, Dr. 25:08 Knight. Let's pray. 25:08 Loving, Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love 25:12 and kindness. We thank you for scripture. Father, 25:13 please guide us that we may learn your will for 25:18 our lives and put it into practice. Bless each and 25:24 every viewer, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 25:25 >>Dr. Knight: Amen. 25:29 (Music) 25:46 >>Bill: We have a special offer for our viewers 25:47 today. It's this booklet, "Certainty in an uncertain 25:50 world". It is our gift to you. Here is the 25:55 information you need to get your copy. 26:58 >>Bill: Well, let me thank our viewers that tune in 26:59 faithfully each and every week. Let me thank our 27:02 special guest, Dr. Knight, for being here. We look 27:07 forward to next week's continuing study of 27:08 Thessalonians. Dr. Knight has written a commentary 27:11 on Thessalonians called, "Explaining 27:15 Thessalonians". You can visit our website at 27:16 and there you will find a link 27:22 that will allow you to acquire this book. It is a 27:28 fascinating read, going into a lot of the detail, 27:29 a lot of the stuff that you talked about today is 27:33 in here. So, this, you can get this from our website, 27:37, there's a link there 27:38 that will tell you how to purchase this book and his 27:42 other commentaries. While on the website you can 27:48 also watch this program, all of our programs again 27:49 They're all archived there. You can refer 27:53 a friend to see the programs. You can send a 27:58 prayer request. I want you to know that every morning 27:59 we have staff in the office that go over the 28:03 prayer requests and pray over every single one that 28:07 arrives at our office. You can also make an online 28:08 donation if you feel so impressed to do so, to 28:12 help us stay on the air We'll be praying that 28:15 we'll have the privilege of being back together 28:16 with you again next week. 28:19 Until then, remember, it is written; man shall not 28:20 live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds 28:25 from the mouth of God. 28:31 $$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2015-02-06