Participants: Bill Santos (Host), Randy Ruggles
Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201128
00:01 >>Bill: On today's "It Is Written" program, our
00:02 special guest is Ruggles with top questions about 00:04 creation and the flood "It Is Written" begins 00:09 right now. 00:23 >>ANNOUNCER: IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME... 00:26 GOD'S BOOK, THE BIBLE. 00:29 STILL RELEVANT IN TODAY'S COMPLEX WORLD. 00:34 IT IS WRITTEN . . . 00:36 SHARING MESSAGES OF HOPE AROUND THE WORLD. 00:50 >>Bill: Welcome to the "It Is Written" program. Thank 00:51 you for joining us this week. And let me welcome 00:55 our special guest, Randy Ruggles. Welcome back 00:58 Randy. >>Randy: Thanks for having me again Bill. 00:59 >>Bill: It's good to have you here. You're quickly 01:01 becoming one of the favourites of our viewers 01:03 because of your direct, straight approach to your 01:04 presentations. And so, I know you always cram 01:08 a lot of information into a short amount of time so 01:12 I'm not going to take any more time. But, today 01:13 we're going to be looking at some of the top 01:16 questions with regards to creation and the flood, 01:21 right? >>Randy: That's correct. >>Bill: So, let 01:22 me with that just welcome you and let you go man. 01:25 >>Randy: Okay. Yeah, what I hope to do with this is 01:28 try to, kind of, give a biblical world view of 01:29 history. >>Bill: Okay. 01:32 >>Randy: This will, kind of, help to put some 01:33 things into perspective of how things fit in. Like 01:34 where the dinosaurs fit in, where the ice age fits 01:37 in, and stuff like that. 01:38 So, we'll get right into it. The first things they 01:42 ask is "Are the days of creation ordinary days? 01:43 >>Bill: Okay. >>Randy: There are basically three 01:45 primary creation theories, they'll say, one is known 01:48 as the Day-Age theory which is that each of the 01:49 days of creation are long periods of time. Another 01:53 one is called the Gap Theory which is that there 01:57 is a big gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 01:58 Genesis 1:2. They'll say, "And the earth became 02:01 without form and void", and they'll say that maybe 02:04 that is, they'll sometimes even call it 'Lucifer's 02:05 Flood'. Maybe that's where Lucifer falls and goes in 02:08 and, you know, and that's called the Gap Theory. And 02:13 then there's the Literal 24-days. Now, I want 02:14 to first point out that nobody denies that the 02:19 Hebrew word for day is 'Yom' and that it does 02:21 have three different meanings. It can mean a 02:22 literal 24-hour day; it can mean day versus night, 02:24 you know, the lighted portion of the day; or it 02:28 can mean a period of time. 02:28 I have an example here of a, of a sentence that uses 02:31 all three in the same sentence. So, it's 'back 02:32 in my grandfather's day it took 12-days to drive 02:38 across the country during the day'. And so that uses 02:40 all three. I believe the days of creation are 02:41 literal days and here's why. First of all, it's 02:47 modified by an evening and a morn in each case. 02:50 Outside Genesis 1, 'Yom' is used with a number 359 02:51 times and it always means a literal day. And when 02:56 I say with a number, it could be a cardinal number 02:58 like 1-2-3-4 or it could be what's called 02:59 an ordinal number like first-second-third-fourth 03:04 but it's always, always means a regular day. 03:08 >>Bill: So, how many times, how many references 03:09 are there? >>Randy: 359 times. >>Bill: 359. 03:11 >>Randy: Outside Genesis 1 and this refers to Genesis 03:14 alone. >>Bill: Refers to a 24-hour period of time. 03:15 >>Randy: Yeah. Exactly. 03:17 And the only reason that usually they try to change 03:18 it and try to fit in more time is often because 03:21 they're trying to fit in evolution. And so, we've 03:23 talked before that if evolution is not a valid 03:24 theory then we can, we can just take the scripture as 03:30 it's written. They always try to change the meaning 03:33 of the words. And there's another thing, there's 03:34 are Hebrew words for long periods of time, 03:38 for example, 'olam' and 'kedem' that could have 03:42 been used if those were intended. So, the fact 03:43 that they used the word 'day' indicates to 03:45 me that, just one of the reasons that it actually 03:48 means a literal day. But, what I think is the slam 03:49 dunk reason is that's going to be your 03:53 favourite reason probably is, because of the Sabbath 03:56 day. God told us to work six days and rest on the 03:57 seventh day because I created the world in sixth 04:00 day and rested on the seventh day, therefore, I 04:06 want you to work six days and rest on the seventh 04:07 day. So what? Are we being told that if those days 04:09 are long ages that we're supposed to tell our boss 04:11 that work six million years and I'll be back in 04:12 a million years or - it just doesn't make any 04:14 sense. >>Bill: Yeah, there would be no logic to that 04:16 outside of the 24-hour days. >>Randy: Exactly. 04:17 Now, some of the objections that come up to 04:20 this is they'll say, well, the sun wasn't created 04:24 until day four, how do you have a literal day before 04:25 you have the sun? Well, light was created on 04:29 day one, in fact the bible says that God is light and 04:31 all you need is a rotating earth in relation to 04:32 a light source and you can have a day. So, you 04:35 don't need to have a day. 04:36 In fact, Revelations says that the sun will be 04:38 no more and yet it still talks about as if there's, 04:42 we're into eternity there. 04:43 Another argument is that Adam and Eve are told to 04:48 replenish the earth and so they'll see, say see 04:49 replenish means to fill again so obviously the 04:52 earth was filled at one point and then they were 04:56 asked to Well, the interesting thing about 04:56 the word 'replenish', it's used in the King James 04:59 version, if you look back at when that was 05:01 translated in 1611, the word 'replenish' only 05:03 meant to fill completely and so it didn't mean to 05:06 fill again. That's a more modern usage of the word. 05:10 In fact if you look back and you look at other 05:11 translations, more modern translations they usually 05:14 don't use the word 'replenish' they'll just 05:16 say to fill. They'll also say, one day is with 05:17 the Lord as is a thousand years, so, maybe those are 05:21 long periods of time. And again, I would say, first 05:25 of all, if you're trying to fit in an extra six 05:26 thousand years in order to fit in Evolution it's 05:28 not going to help you any Second of all, they don't 05:32 quote the whole verse. 05:32 That verse in 2Peter says, "One day is with the Lord 05:35 is as is a thousand years and a thousand years is 05:36 as a day". So it cancels each other out. And really 05:39 what that verse is talking about is that God is 05:42 outside of time. It has nothing to do with the 05:43 creation week and it's really taken out of 05:45 context to apply as such I have a quote here from 05:49 Marcus Dods, a Scottish biblical scholar who said, 05:50 "If for example the word 'day' in these chapters 05:53 does not mean a period of 24-hours, the 05:55 interpretation of scripture is hopeless" 05:56 And I would agree with him. Let's move on to the 05:59 next question, "What was the pre-flood earth like?" 06:03 We're going to have to make some assumptions in 06:04 this case but there are certain things we can 06:06 infer from what the Bible says and from what we know 06:09 from science. I believe that there was one large 06:11 super continent before the flood. Genesis 1:9 says, 06:13 "Water was gathered to one place", and that indicates 06:16 that the earth, that the land masses may have been 06:17 gathered to one place as well. I believe that there 06:20 was more land and less water on the surface. This 06:23 will all become important once we get into the 06:24 question about the global flood. He says, it says 06:26 in Isaiah, "He did not create the earth to be 06:30 empty but formed to be inhabited". Only about 06:31 3% of the land today is habitable for man. There's 06:35 mountain ranges, there's polar ice caps, a lot of 06:38 it is under the ocean. So I believe there was much 06:39 more land available for habitation. I also believe 06:44 there were lower sea levels; there were no high 06:48 mountains, no deserts and no ice caps. There were 06:49 seasons but less extreme temperatures than there 06:53 are now. Possibly a canopy of water or ice covering 06:56 the earth as Genesis 1 says, "There were waters 06:57 above the firmament". 07:01 >>Bill: Right. >>Randy: That would help to account 07:02 for why in the past when they drill into amber and 07:05 they hit air bubbles they find that there's 50% more 07:09 oxygen in the past. 07:09 So there would be an increased air pressure if 07:13 there was this canopy of water which would account 07:14 for why trees, people, and animals all were bigger in 07:19 the past. We find fossils of; you know, dragonflies 07:22 with three foot wing spans, for example. Lush 07:23 green forests, we would have to have huge trees 07:28 and a lot more of them to account for all of the 07:30 coal that is in the ground. Obviously, we know 07:31 that there were longer life spans according to 07:34 the genealogies and that dropped off dramatically 07:37 after the flood. Animals were not afraid of humans 07:38 and we also had people and animals were vegetarian 07:42 until after the flood. The next question is, "Where 07:46 did Cane get his wife?" We here this one quite often 07:47 and even in the scopes trial, if you remember the 07:49 scopes monkey trial that was brought up and it was 07:53 kind of left with the impression that there's 07:54 no good answer. And I've heard many people say, 07:57 "Aha, where did Cane get his wife?" and they think 07:59 that that discredits the Bible because it doesn't 08:00 have an answer. So, first of all, I'd like to point 08:03 out that Genesis 5:4 says "The days of Adam after 08:06 he fathered Seth were 800 years and he had other 08:07 sons and daughters." It clearly does say that Adam 08:12 and Eve had other sons and daughters and even the 08:14 Hebrew historian, Josephus, recorded that in 08:15 Hebrew tradition Adam and Eve had something like 56 08:20 children. Now, that's not scriptural so I don't know 08:23 where they get that.>>Bill: Right. 08:24 >>Randy:.but they definitely had other 08:26 children. So the answer to that all important 08:30 question, where Cane got his wife, is basically 08:31 that Cane must have married his sister or his 08:34 niece. Now, people often ask, "What about the 08:37 biological problem?" 08:38 We know that if you marry your sister today you have 08:39 a greater chance of inheriting the same 08:40 genetic mistakes from your parents and you might end 08:43 up having three-headed babies or something. But, 08:46 we believe that God created everything 08:47 perfectly and then things started to degenerate 08:51 since the fall. So, there wouldn't have been the 08:53 build-up of genetic mistakes of genetic 08:54 defects in the genials. 08:56 >>Bill: So early on in the process. >>Randy: Exactly. 08:57 And they'll also say, "What about the moral 09:00 problem? Wasn't it wrong to marry your sister?" 09:02 Well, the law forbidding intermarriage between 09:03 close relatives was not given until centuries 09:05 after Abraham. In fact, Abraham himself married 09:08 his half-sister Sarah, did he not? And she, as far as 09:09 we know, Isaac was fine, no genetic defects. So 09:14 know, who, where did Cane get his wife. Now 09:21 what about the dinosaurs People often ask, "Why are 09:24 dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible?" Well, I 09:25 believe, first of all, dinosaurs were first 09:28 created on day six along with other land animals. 09:29 The word 'dinosaur' itself was not - dinosaur means 09:31 terrible lizard by the way and was not coined until 09:34 1841 by Sir Richard Owen So before that I think 09:38 dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. In Job we have 09:39 behemoth and leviathan are both mentioned and 21 09:44 times in the Old Testament there's the word 'dragon'. 09:46 And we know of hundreds of dragon legends throughout 09:47 history and every culture has these legends 09:51 of dragons and I think that what they were was 09:54 dinosaurs. And we do have evidence of dinosaurs and 09:55 humans co-habitating. I mentioned the dragon 10:00 legend, we've seen cave drawings in the Grand 10:03 Canyon of things that nobody would argue that 10:04 it's a dinosaur or argue that it's not a dinosaur. 10:09 >>Bill: Right. >>Randy: It's only based on their 10:11 pre-supposition that dinosaurs died 65 million 10:12 years ago that they ever question it. And we 10:14 found human and dinosaur footprints together in 10:17 different or in the same strata of rock and so, all 10:18 these things add evidence that they, they co-existed 10:22 at the same time. And I think the big slam-dunk 10:29 argument for this also is that in 2005 10:30 Dr. Mary Schweitzer, a paleontologist, found 10:32 red blood cells and soft tissue inside a T-Rex 10:35 femur and so they were amazed that this dinosaur 10:36 DNA had not fossilized yet and as far as they knew 10:43 it took anywhere from - it should have been all gone 10:46 - in anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 years. And so, 10:47 she actually had trouble getting her work published 10:52 in scientific journals because people were 10:54 saying, what you're finding is impossible 10:55 Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. It's 10:57 impossible for the DNA to still be there. And I 11:00 remember she actually said to one, what evidence 11:01 would it take to convince you and he said, none and 11:03 hung the phone up on her >>Bill: Wow. >>Randy: So, 11:06 anyway, now it is common knowledge that - except 11:07 they never questioned the evolutionary paradigm 11:11 they just said, I guess it takes a lot longer to 11:13 fossilize than we thought. 11:14 "Was Noah's flood really global or only local?" 11:18 Well, the answer is that it says all the high hills 11:19 that were under the whole heaven were covered. Water 11:23 seeks its own level. You can't have it covering the 11:26 highest top of the mountain and not affecting 11:27 the rest of the world. You could also say that "Why 11:30 would God have Noah build a boat and fill it full of 11:35 animals?" He had 120 years before the flood came. Why 11:36 not just ask Noah to move? 11:40 He could have moved to the other side of the mountain 11:41 if it was just going to be a local regional flood. 11:44 The other major thing is that God promised never to 11:46 flood the earth again. If He was just promising that 11:47 He would never bring a local flood, we've had 11:52 hundreds, thousands of local floods. Even many 11:55 just in the past recent years.>>Bill: Just in 11:56 the last little while. 11:58 Absolutely. >>Randy: Yes. So, I mean, did God 11:58 break his promise? Was He promising to only bring a, 12:00 to never flood the Earth with a local flood. It 12:05 just doesn't make sense. 12:05 Also, the flood helps to explain the fossil 12:09 records. So, you'll notice that a lot of people who 12:10 don't believe in a global flood and believe in a 12:14 local flood, it's because they believe in evolution. 12:16 A local, a global flood would have destroyed 12:17 the fossil record but we actually say that what 12:20 you're looking at in the fossil record is not 12:24 evidence for evolution, its evidence of the way 12:26 they were buried. Simple organisms like clams are 12:30 already at the bottom so in a flood they're the 12:33 first things to get buried. Things like humans 12:34 would be able to fight for high ground. >>B ill: More 12:38 sophisticated. >>Randy: Yeah. The more advanced 12:39 animals are toward the top. Certainly humans 12:40 could have fought for high ground and when they did 12:45 drown they would float and rot and maybe get 12:48 scavenged by birds and so they wouldn't fossilize 12:49 Same with the birds, they would float around until 12:52 they ran out of gas and they would go into water 12:54 and they probably wouldn't fossilize. So you'd, by 12:55 our prediction you would expect to find very few 12:58 human and bird fossils and we'd just expect to find 13:01 them near the top. It doesn't mean that it's 13:02 evidence for evolution. 13:04 I'd like to show a picture here that sometimes 13:05 wrinkles our evidence of age but sometimes they 13:10 can be evidence of damage. 13:10 And when I look at what I think of as wrinkles like 13:16 in the fossil record and the geologic strata of the 13:22 Grand Canyon, for example, I say that that 13:23 is evidence of destruction and no of age. People 13:27 will often say to me, "You know, why did God deceive 13:29 us then, make it look as if the world were 13:30 old, as if evolution had happened?" And I say, 13:33 it doesn't look like the world is old. The world 13:36 doesn't look old, it looks destroyed. And that's, 13:37 kind of, the message I want to get across in this 13:41 particular show. You know, open your eyes to the fact 13:45 that when you look around it's a sign of God's 13:46 judgement that is passed on the Earth. They'll ask, 13:49 "Where did all the water come from and where did it 13:53 go?" Well, the water did not come; the majority 13:53 of the water did not come from rain. We acknowledged 13:58 that, you know, the rain only lasted for 40 days 14:01 and 40 nights but the flood lasted a year. So, 14:02 the Bible says in Psalms, "He founded the Earth upon 14:06 the waters". I believe there was more water under 14:08 the crust of the Earth and it says, "All fountains 14:10 of the great deep burst forth", so the water shot 14:12 up like.>>Bill: Geysers, right? >>Randy: Big 14:16 geysers right up into the atmosphere and ended 14:17 up coming down as global torrential rains but at 14:19 the same time the flood water is rising, covering 14:23 the land and burying things. So, I think most 14:23 of the water came from inside the crust of the 14:27 Earth. That's why I said, you know, the Earth is 70% 14:30 under water now but maybe it wasn't always that way 14:31 Maybe it used to be 30-70, that there was 70% land 14:37 and 30% water and, you know; now it's reversed. 14:41 >>Bill: That's right. 14:41 >>Randy: Yeah, and that's another thing, when they 14:45 say, "Where did the water go?" You can just look out 14:46 there. There's a lot of water out there right 14:49 now. Usually when they ask that question it's because 14:52 they're assuming that the water used to be above 14:53 Mount Everest and Mount Everest is five and half 14:54 miles high. They'd say, "Where did all the water 14:56 go to cover Mount Everest?" Well, the answer 14:57 to that is that the water did not need to cover 14:59 Mount Everest because Mount Everest wasn't 15:00 there. The Bible says in Psalms, "The mountains 15:01 rose up and the valley sank down." And 15:05 they believe that this is referring to at the end of 15:07 the flood, the mountains rose up as the tectonic 15:08 plates were shifting, the water ran off carving out 15:12 canyons and Niagara Falls, probably within a few 15:17 days. And then the mountains rose up, that 15:18 is why we always see the mountain ranges are always 15:21 perpendicular or parallel to the oceans. And so, 15:27 again, you didn't need to cover Mount Everest with 15:28 water. However, we do find giant oyster fossils and 15:33 clams on top of Mount Everest, it doesn't mean 15:37 that they floated up to the top there; it means 15:38 they were under ocean and when mountain ranges 15:40 pushed up it took them with them. And so I have a 15:45 picture here of some huge fossilized clams on Mount 15:46 Everest and the Andes that are eleven and a half feet 15:50 wide and 66 pounds. Just imagine the size of the 15:52 pearl inside that oyster. 15:53 Now, how did all the animals fit on Noah's Ark? 15:58 We're going to go through this one simply but I have 15:59 a picture here that shows, kind of a cute, funny 16:02 version of the way we tend to show kids Noah's Ark 16:07 and it's kind of a caricature of it and I 16:08 think that's why people don't accept it. I think 16:10 we do a disservice to kids showing them a picture 16:13 like this because it ends up tending to make a 16:14 mockery of Noah's Ark. And I have pictures here of 16:18 what probably is more realistic to what it 16:21 really looked like. Now, we also know by its size, 16:22 according to the Bible, it's 300x50x30 cubits 16:25 which translates roughly into 450x75x45 feet that's 16:31 going by an 18 inch cubit which is the tip of your 16:32 finger to your elbow but that's, the Hebrew 16:38 cubit is 18 inches but an Egyptian cubit is actually 16:41 21 inches. And if people were bigger in the past 16:42 maybe Noah had some really big cubits. He probably 16:47 was a pretty big guy and probably really healthy 16:51 too since he lived to be 900 and something. >>Bill: 16:52 Yes. >>Randy: They've discovered the ratio 16:55 of 6:1, that the Ark was said to be made provided 16:58 excellent stability, in fact, there is a Babylonia 16:59 legend of the Epic of Gilgamesh that they'll 17:03 often say the Hebrew flood story was copied from 17:07 .>>Bill: Right. Okay. 17:08 >>Randy:.but if you look at the dimensions of the 17:10 Ark that Gilgamesh was told to build it comes out 17:11 as a cube which would have just rolled in the ocean. 17:15 It wouldn't have been stable it would have just 17:17 turned over and over. So, I mean, the dimensions 17:18 for the Ark are actually perfect.>>Bill: Perfect. 17:20 >>Randy:.for stability. 17:21 The capacity of the Ark would have been 569 17:24 modern railroad stock cars which translates into - 17:27 someone's done all the work on this and figured 17:27 out that probably all of the animals could have - 17:31 there were three decks to the Ark, so the animals 17:33 could have been on one deck, the food on the 17:34 second deck, and Noah's family could have had 17:38 the whole upper deck to themselves if they like. 17:41 Often when they're trying to ask how did Noah 17:42 fit all the millions of species that we have 17:47 on the Ark? Well, the Bible doesn't talk about 17:49 species, the Bible talks about kinds. We know that 17:50 there's the horse kind that includes zebras, 17:54 donkeys, mules, all that type of thing. There would 17:57 have been a dog-kind, a cat-kind, that doesn't 17:58 mean that you had to have millions of, all the 18:02 millions of species that we see today. Someone has 18:05 calculated that there's really only about eight 18:06 thousand different kinds of animals so Noah 18:08 probably had to have about 16 thousand animals and 18:10 the average size of an animal is only about the 18:11 size of a sheep, so it's been calculated that it 18:15 could quite comfortably fit on the size of the 18:18 Ark. He only had to take land animals and some 18:19 birds but he didn't have to take sea creatures like 18:23 whales and that type of thing. He didn't have to 18:25 take bugs. Bugs can survive a flood quite well 18:26 on their own. Also, Noah would have taken babes or 18:29 young animals. You know, they're smaller, they 18:32 sleep more, they eat less, they produce less waste, 18:34 and they live longer to reproduce after the 18:37 flood which is why you're bringing them along in the 18:39 first place. You're not going to bring the oldest 18:40 elephant that's going to die of old age. >>Bill: 18:42 Yeah. That's right. 18:43 >>Randy: .you know, the day he steps off the Ark. 18:45 >>Bill: That's right. 18:46 >>Randy: Okay. And then one other question comes 18:48 up, they'll say, "How does Noah go on rounding up all 18:50 these animals and how did he get the kangaroos from 18:52 Australia and that type of thing"? Well, again, 18:55 the Bible in Genesis 6:20 answers that question for 18:58 us. It says, "The animals came to him. He didn't 18:59 have to do a thing". We know lots of animals that 19:01 migrated on their own. So, and this may have been a 19:08 supernatural event. God brought them to Noah but 19:09 the idea is they had 120 years anyway to come to 19:11 Noah and he didn't have to worry about going and 19:14 rounding them up. Where does the Ice Age fit in 19:15 We're going to deal with this one really quickly 19:18 but less than one third of the Earth's land surface 19:21 was covered with ice in the recent past. Secular 19:22 scientists say that the last Ice Age ended around 19:26 10,000 years ago. I happen to believe that the Ice 19:29 Age was actually as a result of the flood 19:30 Secular scientists, again, they don't really know how 19:34 to get an Ice Age started but it turns out that the 19:38 flood - I won't go into all the details as time 19:39 doesn't permit but it turns out that the flood 19:43 is actually the perfect mechanism to create an Ice 19:45 Age. And so, there's a man named Michael Board 19:46 who works for Answers in Genesis, a meteorologist, 19:51 he's done a lot of work on this and he says the flood 19:54 probably started shortly, I mean the Ice Age 19:55 probably started shortly after the flood, reached 19:58 a maximum glacial coverage at about 500 years, ended 20:01 about 900 years after the flood. And that becomes 20:02 important when we look at the very next question 20:06 which is, "Where did the different races come 20:08 from?" Now, first of all, I'd like to mention that 20:09 there really is only one race, that's human race. 20:13 "He made from one blood every nation". So, there's 20:16 no need to be a racist if you're a Christian. All 20:17 the- really when we're looking at races, the 20:21 Bible never mentions races only nations; we're really 20:23 just looking a different shades of one colour which 20:24 is melanin. We all have melanin in our skin and 20:28 some of people have more, some people have less. In 20:30 some the sun can make the melanin express itself 20:31 All humans are descended from Noah and his three 20:37 sons and ultimately back to Adam and Eve. Now, do 20:40 you recall the Tower of Babylon incident? >>Bill: 20:41 Yeah. >>Randy: And what happened there? They were 20:44 trying to build - God had asked them to spread out 20:47 over the Earth and they were, they were building 20:48 this big tower to heaven and God, what did he do? 20:51 He frustrated their plans by confusing the.>>Bill: 20:54 Languages, right. 20:54 >>Randy:.languages. So, imagine you suddenly have 20:58 all these different groups that can't understand each 20:59 other so they're broken up into small groups and they 21:02 would probably start to migrate away from Babel. 21:05 And this is where I believe the races start to 21:06 come in because now you do have natural selection 21:10 and some micro-revolution begins to take over but it 21:13 is still just within the kinds. You know the 21:14 humankind. Before Babel there was only one 21:18 language, one culture, there was nothing to 21:21 prevent intermarriage. But after Babel you had small 21:22 intergroups, small groups, they would be 21:25 interbreeding, you would have environmental factors 21:28 like the sun. Dark skinned people would do well close 21:29 to the equator; a lighter skinned person would 21:32 probably be less healthy and leave less offspring. 21:35 So, within a generation, a few generations you'd have 21:36 people tend to live in distinct groups. Maybe 21:39 some discrimination and racism would play a 21:43 factor. But aside from skin colour then you also 21:44 have some various traits would get expressed and 21:49 become preserved in the population such as, I have 21:51 a picture here of a Caucasian eye and an Asian 21:52 eye. And the Asian eye really has a little more 21:55 fat around the eye and so it's little things like 22:00 that that would be caused by a genetic mutation 22:01 and might just get stuck within a population 22:04 through interbreeding. 22:04 But again, that is not evolution, that is 22:07 not, it's just natural selection in action but 22:11 they're still humans, they're still the same 22:11 kind. I also believe that this is where the Cave 22:16 people fit in because as you have the different 22:18 groups break up, some of them would have less 22:19 technology. And so you'd have some of them as 22:21 they're migrating around the parameter of the Ice 22:24 Age, this is all happening during the Ice Age, they 22:26 would tend to make stone tools and live in caves. 22:30 We have people who live in caves today. >>Bill: Sure. 22:33 >>Randy: We don't say that they're anything less than 22:34 human. So I think that these are people of just 22:36 less advanced technology that were migrating away 22:39 from Babel. Then as the Ice Age, as more and more 22:40 of the water would be trapped in the glaciers, 22:46 the water levels would be lowered and you'd have 22:49 underwater land bridges that connect all the 22:50 continents. And so, I believe that you 22:52 would Asians, for example, would be able to cross the 22:56 Bering Strait over into North America and that 22:57 would eventually, over a few hundred thousand years 22:59 might become, might become the Native Americans and 23:07 Inuit and that type of thing. So this is 23:08 what happened and then eventually as the water 23:10 melted again you'd have the continent.>>Bill: 23:13 Continents covered. 23:14 >>Randy:.the continents would be separated and 23:16 we'd have a situation like we have today. There are 23:17 over 600 flood legends, languages and cultures 23:18 and technologies tend to appear suddenly and 23:21 well-developed in the record when they dig up 23:22 archaeologies, that's evidence that they had 23:26 this technology already And a really interesting 23:29 fact is that if you look at China, for example, 23:30 they're language is pictograms made up of 23:33 various other symbols that make up words. >>Bill: 23:36 Yes. Yes. >>Randy: And if you actually look at 23:37 the symbol for boat it's actually made up of the 23:39 symbols for eight person vessel. How many people 23:42 were on the Ark? >>Bill: Eight. >>Randy: Eight 23:43 people. And so I think, actually, the Chinese 23:47 language actually has a lot of things like that 23:49 that go back to the creation story and I think 23:50 this is all evidence that they are descendants from 23:52 Adam and Eve and Noah. The final.>>Bill: You've got 23:57 one more there. >>Randy: I've got one more. >>Bill: 23:58 Yeah we've got about two minutes. >>Randy: Okay. 24:00 Other evidences for a young Earth and a global 24:02 flood, maybe we'll skip that one and just go to 24:03 my summary and conclusion. 24:06 Young Earth and a young Universe created 24:07 supernaturally, spoke into existence by God in 6 24:09 literal 24-hour days, 6 - 10 thousand years ago. 24:10 Everything was perfect until Adam and Eve decided 24:11 to disobey God, death entered the world and 24:12 God placed a curse on the Earth. Fifteen hundred 24:13 years later God flooded the Earth sparing just 8 24:14 people, Noah and his wife, their three sons and their 24:16 wives. The flood lasted about a year. After the 24:19 flood waters retreated the Ice Age began, reaching 24:20 its maximum glacial coverage about 500 years 24:24 later and ended about 900 years after the flood. The 24:27 Tower of Babylon incident occurred about 100 years 24:28 after the flood, people broke up into small groups 24:31 and began to migrate away from the Mesotanian area. 24:34 All of this is what has caused the races. The 24:35 apparent age of the Earth and the fossil record are 24:40 not evidence of evolution but are actually a 24:42 testament to a cataclysmic worldwide flood, 24:43 they serve as a constant reminder of God's former 24:45 judgement upon sin and his warning of the coming 24:48 future judgement. As in Noah's day, God will spare 24:49 those who believe in Him and persevere in their 24:51 faith, at that time we have the hope that God 24:53 will re-make the Earth and restore it to the Garden 24:54 of Eden-like conditions. 24:57 God will dwell with His people once more and I 24:58 have a final quote that says, "God shall wipe away 25:02 all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more 25:05 death, neither sorrow no crying, neither shall 25:06 there be any more pain for the former things are 25:09 past away." And I'll leave you with the final picture 25:13 that says, "Yes I am coming soon. Amen come 25:13 Lord Jesus." >>Bill: Amen. 25:16 That's the blessed hope of every Christian. That's 25:17 what sustains us. The belief that Jesus Christ, 25:22 very soon, will return Let's pray Randy. Heavenly 25:25 Father, we want to thank you for your loving 25:26 kindness. We look forward to the day when Jesus 25:29 returns. Father, if there is anyone within the sound 25:32 of my voice that has not yet claimed Jesus as their 25:33 personal saviour, may they do it now and prepare 25:39 themselves to meet Him when He returns. We pray 25:43 in Jesus' name. Amen. 26:03 >>Bill: You know, every time Randy is with 26:04 us he presents a lot of information in a short 26:06 amount of time. And folks will write and say, well, 26:09 I'd like to see it again. 26:09 Well, we'd like to send you a DVD with both of 26:13 Randy's presentations. 26:13 It's free of charge. 26:14 It's a gift from "It Is Written" to you. Here 26:18 is the information you need to get your copy. 27:10 >>Bill: Randy thanks again for the all the research 27:11 and the fine work that you do. >>Randy: You're 27:13 welcome. >>Bill: Let me remind our viewers of 27:15 Randy's book, "Evolution: Fact or Fiction?" You 27:16 can find this book on his website, 27:19 . There you may also be 27:23 interested in booking Randy to come out to speak 27:24 at your church or one of your groups on one of 27:28 his many presentations Remember the "It Is 27:30 Written" website, also, 27:31 There you can send comments on the program, 27:35 you can send a prayer request, you can even make 27:39 a donation if you feel so impressed by the Holy 27:40 Spirit. Well, we are thankful that you were 27:44 with us this week and we pray that we will do this 27:49 all again next week. Hope you'll join us. Until 27:50 then, remember, it is written; man shall not 27:54 live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds 27:59 from the mouth of God. 28:03 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Revised 2015-02-06