It Is Written Canada

Fruit Of The Spirit - Goodness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201125

00:02 >>Bill: The French philosopher, Jean Jacques
00:03 Rousseau, once said, "Happiness is a good bank
00:05 account, a good cook, and a good digestion." That is
00:10 what he would call today "the good life." There are
00:11 many today who would agree with him. There are some
00:16 who say that the good life is physical. They believe
00:20 it just doesn't get any better than a hot tub, a
00:21 back rub, and a drink at the pub. But then there
00:25 are others who say the good life is material.
00:29 They think that got the mansion, the
00:30 Mercedes, and the money, you are living the good
00:33 life. But God says the good life is spiritual.
00:42 (MUSIC)
01:04 IT IS WRITTEN . . .
01:11 (MUSIC)
01:29 Contrary to many opinions, goodness is not feeling
01:30 good, looking good, or owning good; it is being
01:34 good and doing good. Since it is the fruit of the
01:39 Spirit, we know that goodness can only come
01:40 from God. Goodness is not something that
01:44 man manufacturers. It is something that God gives.
01:48 Rom. 3:12 says, "There is none who does good, no,
01:49 not one." People are not basically good. People are
01:55 basically bad. You see, goodness is only possible
02:01 with God. Have you ever thought about the fact
02:02 that if you take the word "God" out of the word
02:05 "good", all you are left with is a big fat "o." In
02:11 fact, the word "good" comes from an old
02:12 Anglo-Saxon word that had the same connotation
02:16 as "God." "Goodbye" is an abbreviation of the
02:19 Anglo-Saxon way of saying, "God be with ye." Good
02:20 literally means "to be like God."
02:31 >>Bill: Let me welcome our viewers to this edition
02:32 of the "It Is Written" program. We're so happy
02:35 that you have made this time to join us. And we
02:39 are studying the Fruit of the Spirit as found in
02:40 Galatians, chapter five and verses 22 and 23
02:44 and we have made our way to Goodness. As been our
02:50 habit, we have two special guests with us
02:51 that are helping us better understand what, all the
02:56 intricacies and all the applications of this. We
03:00 have Pastor David Schwinghammer and Pastor
03:01 Campbell Page. Gentlemen, welcome. As we do every
03:06 time you are with us we're going to ask you to
03:11 introduce yourselves for the benefit of those that
03:12 may not be familiar with you yet. >>Pastor Dave:
03:19 Sure. I'm Pastor Dave Schwinghammer and I've
03:21 been pastoring for 15 years and I now serve as
03:22 a Stewardship Director in the area of worship and
03:26 stewardship. We teach people living a balanced
03:30 lifestyle in the area of faith, family, fitness,
03:31 finance here in Ontario.
03:32 >>Bill: Well, that's wonderful. Now, where were
03:33 you born? >>Pastor Dave: Born in Toronto. >>Bill:
03:36 Born in Toronto. >>Pastor Dave: Toronto, Ontario,
03:38 yeah. >>Bill: Oh, but you lived out toward
03:39 Leamington, did you?
03:42 >>Pastor Dave: Yes. That's correct. >>Bill: But
03:43 you're actually born in Toronto. >>Pastor Dave:
03:45 Born in Toronto. >>Bill: So was I. >>Pastor Dave:
03:47 Yeah. >>Bill: And Pastor Campbell Page, welcome.
03:48 >>Pastor Page: Thank you.
03:49 Good to be here. I was actually born, or grew up
03:50 in Saskatchewan and have been in Oshawa for the
03:55 last 7 years, pastoring a church in downtown Oshawa
03:59 called "Newlife Seventh-day Adventist
04:00 Church". And just very passionate about helping
04:03 people know God and helping that, to help them
04:10 become very visible agents of change and
04:11 transformation in their lives, the people they
04:14 work with, the community we're in, all of that.
04:17 Making God real. That's a big passion for us
04:18 >>Bill: Excellent. Is there a website for your
04:21 church? If anybody is interested in.>>Pastor
04:25 Campbell: Just brand new, a couple glitches
04:26 we're working out but
04:28 . >>Bill
04:31 . Excellent. Okay, well, you know, we've been going
04:32 through this study here.
04:37 Paul contrasts the deeds of the flesh which we have
04:38 said on previous programs and just to recap are the,
04:46 I don't know, would you say the natural tendencies
04:50 of our, the ways of our heart. These are, sort
04:51 of, the things that come without much effort on our
04:56 part. And then he says, but, you know, in contrast
05:00 to that is what he calls the Fruit of the Spirit
05:01 are the things that when the Spirit takes control
05:06 of your life these are the things that begin to
05:10 appear in the life of those. And Goodness is the
05:11 one that we're at and, you know, as we were talking
05:18 before we sat down to tape this, Goodness it's one of
05:23 those words that's not really much used anymore
05:24 in our vocabulary, is it?
05:28 >>Pastor Dave: No. >>Bill: And, you know, it almost
05:29 has, like, a negative, a bit of a negative
05:35 connotation when we say, you know, he's good. It's
05:38 like they're lacking in something else, you know,
05:39 it's just.they're good.
05:42 But, you know, let's look at what it is that,
05:43 you know, we believe Paul means by
05:47 this manifestation here Goodness and what it is
05:51 and how do we exhibit that and what are the
05:52 results of Goodness in the followers of Jesus Christ.
05:57 So, wherever you gentlemen want to begin. >>Pastor
06:01 Dave: You just made me think of, I hear young
06:02 people today as I go through schools and I hear
06:05 them say, oh, that's bad, that is so bad, that's
06:08 wicked or .>>Bill: Sick. >>Pastor Dave:.sick.
06:10 (Laughter) And actually it means it's good. You're
06:12 right, the word goodness has a whole different
06:14 meaning today but I, the first thought that came
06:15 to my mind was back in Genesis where God
06:19 is creating the world and He looks at the different
06:24 parts of Creation and it's good and He makes a point
06:26 and he says, that's good.
06:28 That's good, that's good.
06:28 And He gets to the end, He created mankind and
06:32 humanity and He says, this is very good. And then
06:33 they make some choices then that weren't so good.
06:38 They exhibit behaviour that wasn't good and you
06:41 see this pattern throughout all of
06:41 Scripture where God's trying to work towards
06:44 restoring what once was and now was lost. And Paul
06:48 says here that there is way that we can experience
06:49 goodness by walking in the Spirit. >>Pastor Page: I.
06:53 >>Bill: Go ahead. >>Pastor Page: I was thinking it
06:57 was the Fruit of the Spirit here seems to be
06:58 a way of regaining that Genesis 1 situation and
07:03 context that we were created in. We were
07:08 created to be good, to have goodness as part of
07:09 us and that's allowing the Spirit in is a way of
07:14 returning that to the image that God has
07:18 originally intended for us and that to be growing.
07:19 So I think it's, it's God coming around full circle
07:25 from where we walked away and lacked trust in Him
07:28 and coming back and the results of that is this
07:29 goodness that we should have had from the start.
07:34 >>Bill: Now, to me that sounds like God is asking
07:39 His children to still conduct themselves in a
07:40 way that they should, that they would have even
07:50 if everything around then was good, when now we are
07:54 surrounded by everything that is corrupt. >>Pastor
07:55 Dave: Right. >>Bill: That even though we are
07:57 surrounded by everything that is not good and
08:02 wickedness, God's expectation of his
08:02 followers is that we remain good. >>Pastor
08:07 Dave: Right. >>Bill: And that can't be done outside
08:10 of the intervention of the Holy Spirit, right
08:11 >>Pastor Dave: No. >>Bill: No. >>Pastor Dave: I
08:14 think that's the challenge today, is on our own we
08:17 can't do that. When Paul starts off, I love how he
08:18 starts off in Galatians, chapter five and verse 16,
08:21 he says, "I say live by the Spirit".and this word
08:25 'live' is the word "parapatago" which
08:26 actually means to walk or regulate your life
08:30 according to the Spirit And he actually bookends
08:33 that section on the Fruit of the Spirit in the last
08:34 verse, he says in 26, "Let us walk or keep in step
08:38 with the Spirit". Another Greek word "stocao" which
08:45 means 'to proceed in a row or keep in step like a
08:46 march, like a soldier with the Spirit'. So, our focus
08:50 when we focus on things around us and the choices
08:55 that are being made and the choices contrary to
08:56 God, we'll move farther away from God but when we
08:59 focus our focus is on the Spirit, walking with the
09:03 Spirit, listening to the Spirit, abiding with God,
09:04 staying connected with God then something, a
09:08 transformation happens within us. Some of the
09:11 choices that we used to struggle with as God
09:12 begins to transform us, we begin to change and we
09:16 can't do that. We can try to do that on the outside
09:19 but God does it on the inside, which is really
09:20 how it should be. >>Pastor Page: Like to go with
09:23 Pastor Dave there, its 2Peter talks about how we
09:29 are, oh, sorry, 1Peter talks about how we're this
09:30 chosen people, the people of God, those who profess
09:34 to follow Him and that God actually gives us His
09:39 goodness, His glory. And that that in its turn is
09:40 to help others see His goodness. Not us,
09:42 you know, there's so many times where probably most
09:51 Christians can identify with, a lot of
09:52 non-Christians maybe more so, the sense that
09:57 people can be good on the outside, the behaviour can
10:00 be there but that inner sense of really being
10:01 good, that can only come from God. And that's what
10:07 He wants the world to see And so, I think it's a bit
10:14 of a challenge. I think maybe the church isn't
10:15 portraying that in the way it should be, in our time
10:18 right now and yet, people are desiring it. >>Bill:
10:23 So God uses me as a means by which He can
10:24 demonstrate His goodness to others. He does
10:27 that.>>Pastor Page: Yes.
10:28 >>Bill:.and He does that through me. I love the
10:30 idea of this walk because it gives me the sense that
10:36 it's a daily - it's not something that I invest a
10:37 little bit of time in now and, you know, okay,
10:43 from now on I'm, that's it It's a daily, it's a daily
10:47 commitment. It's a daily struggle, a daily walk
10:48 with the Spirit. Where, you know, I at any moment
10:53 when I let go of that, right, now I'm susceptible
10:59 to falling and beginning to exhibit some of these
11:00 deeds of the flesh versus the Fruit of the Spirit.
11:03 >>Pastor Dave: I think it's two-fold, number one
11:06 God empowers us. >>Bill: Yes. >>Pastor Dave: He
11:08 gives us the strength to do that. The other day I'm
11:10 in church and I'm watching our organist and he's
11:13 amazing, amazing guy and he plays three or four
11:14 keyboards on the organ and there's buttons
11:19 everywhere, and stops, and there's pedals and I'm
11:21 watching him move his whole body perfectly
11:22 reflecting the requirements of the page,
11:26 you know, the notes. He's happy, he's loving it,
11:29 he's make beautiful music, effortlessly. And I was
11:30 thinking as I was sitting there, God I want my life
11:34 to be good in that way for you. I don't want it to be
11:39 - I know it's going to be effort, I know my natural
11:40 choices are going to be different from what you
11:43 want but I think God can empower us to experience
11:47 that abundant life, the life in his Kingdom and
11:48 following His Spirit that Jesus modelled for us.
11:51 >>Bill: It should almost become instinctive, right?
11:54 It's almost like an instinctive response. Now,
11:55 Pastor Page you raising that thought I thought was
12:03 interesting where you said that we all know, or folks
12:11 that are exhibit goodness on the exterior but that's
12:12 not reflective of the interior, right? >>Pastor
12:16 Page: Right. >>Bill: Jesus, there in the 24th
12:19 chapter of Matthew talks, you know, He talks about
12:20 the second coming, He talks about the
12:22 hypocrites, right? "That will be cut into pieces
12:24 and there will be gnashing of teeth and weeping", and
12:25 he talks about, the word hypocrite in Greek is from
12:29 the word 'actor'. An actor who portrays something on
12:36 the exterior which they are not in the interior
12:37 And, you know, you can be good when people
12:44 are responding to you in goodness but is - because
12:52 we talked about love on one program.>>Pastor Page
12:53 Yes. >>Bill:.right. We talked about; Jesus said
12:56 love your neighbours. I think the challenge here
13:00 becomes exhibiting goodness when what you
13:01 receive in response is not goodness. I'll tell you,
13:07 if that goodness is only on the exterior, boy,
13:11 that's not going to hold up. >>Pastor Page: That's
13:12 right. >>Pastor Dave: I think the reward
13:19 of repaying that type of behaviour with goodness,
13:24 you know, there's a push, there's a real
13:25 intentionality about these random acts of
13:27 kindness.>>Bill: Yes.
13:27 >>Pastor Dave: People don't deserve it but you
13:29 just do it anyway. And when I think of my own
13:32 personal journey, those times when I've retaliated
13:33 or I've responded back you want to do that, I'll do
13:37 that back, I think of how I felt and the pain and
13:42 the consequences of that versus saying, you know
13:43 what, no, no, I know you must be hurting
13:46 or something's going on in your life and I'm going to
13:48 repay that with goodness.
13:48 The rewards, the feeling's just amazing. There's
13:51 something to that, you know. >>Pastor Campbell:
13:52 Yeah, I think that, Bill, you're part of what you're
13:55 raising there and part of the struggle between
13:58 goodness and whatever our other choices are, is
13:59 power. You know, it's when we come down to things. I
14:05 don't remember where the quote is from but I heard
14:10 one time that God is looking for people He can
14:11 trust with His power. And you go back to the
14:15 idea that the world, He sees this power, this
14:20 transformational power that just totally changes
14:21 everything. And goodness, I mean, let's take the
14:25 other side of it, we can look at the world right
14:29 now and see what power connected with people who
14:30 aren't good at the core what happens. And yet, we,
14:35 we continue to hope for that. What happens when
14:42 you connect that power of God with goodness and
14:43 love and all the rest, the Fruit? And I look
14:48 at goodness as a key component. You know if I
14:53 want someone to exercise power towards me I sure
14:54 hope that their heart's good. That's what Proverbs
14:58 4:23 says, "Guard your heart because out of that
15:02 everything else comes".
15:03 That's the well-spring of life. So I think it's
15:07 important to look at it that way. God's trying to
15:08 trust us with a power that speaks worlds into
15:12 existence. So He wants us to be good. >>Bill: I love
15:16 that about God's looking for people He can trust
15:17 >>Pastor Page: Yeah. I forget where it was but
15:21 it's an amazing statement >>Bill: It is an amazing
15:23 statement. It is an amazing statement. You
15:24 know, going back to the random acts of kindness, I
15:27 know a lot of churches do and I think it's amazing
15:29 to me how people are surprised by those acts
15:30 of kindness. It says to me that maybe we, as
15:36 Christians, aren't being as good as we should be
15:39 because it shouldn't be a surprise. People should
15:40 be expecting that from the followers of Jesus Christ,
15:43 but, you know, listen, we're all in this boat
15:48 together. Sometimes the only difference between
15:49 Christians and anybody else is that I recognize
15:52 that I'm a sinner and I desperately need, I
15:54 desperately need the help of a Saviour. I'm
15:55 not going to turn to a self-help book, I'm
15:58 not going to turn to a motivational speaker, I'm
16:01 going to turn to Jesus Christ and ask that His
16:02 spirit to empower me in my life. We're all in the
16:05 same boat. >>Pastor Dave: Exactly. I think that's so
16:09 key. Jesus said, Apart from me, you just can't
16:10 do this. You just can't do this. So if I try and do
16:14 this on my own that's when the mistakes come. That
16:18 connection, I think that's what Paul's trying to
16:19 say here is, live by the Spirit, walk by the
16:21 Spirit, keep in step with the Spirit, and naturally
16:23 and the outflow of this will come acts of
16:24 goodness. You'll just start to change. And David
16:27 said, you know, can you change my heart, God? You
16:30 need to change. Create within me a brand new
16:31 heart and I think that transformation happened
16:34 a step at a time, staying connected with God. The
16:36 more we do it, what I find is the more we do it it's
16:37 more contagious. You know, I find other people doing
16:43 it and responding back to me in that way, so it's
16:45 contagious. >>Bill: We, it always comes back to that,
16:46 the relationship, doesn't it? You know, we do these
16:51 health programs with Dr.
16:52 Ferreira and some of these other folks and it always
16:55 comes back to, you know, whatever you tried, it
16:59 always comes back to eat the right stuff.>>Pastor
17:00 Dave: Yeah. >>Bill:.and all of these comes back
17:01 to the relationship, you know, spend time in
17:05 prayer. >>Pastor Page: Yes, yeah. >>Bill: Spend
17:06 time in studying the Bible. You know,
17:09 spend time with likeminded people in the community of
17:15 church community, right?
17:15 >>Pastor Page: Right.
17:16 >>Bill: You're going to draw strength from that.
17:18 You know, we don't, you know, we as pastors, we
17:21 don't talk about that, just, that, we don't just
17:22 talk about that, we don't want people coming to
17:25 church because we want to have a large congregation
17:28 to preach to.>>Pastor Dave: No. Exactly, yeah.
17:29 >>Bill:.because that's where the power resides.
17:31 It resides in you getting on your knees. It resides
17:35 in you taking time out of your busy day, you know,
17:36 and spending moments in God's word reading
17:40 it and studying it Transformations occur. It
17:42 sounds almost cliché for people. How can it be
17:43 that simple? But it is.
17:49 >>Pastor Dave: God shows up. >>Bill: That's right.
17:50 >>Pastor Dave: When you come to meet Him in those
17:56 places, He shows up. And just over time, yeah, you
17:58 start seeing the changes but you have to meet
17:59 with Him. >>Bill: Yeah.
18:01 Absolutely right. We're coming down, our time
18:02 always zips by and you guys may have something
18:03 that you would like to share with our viewers
18:15 before our times wraps up so, I want to make sure I
18:16 give you enough time to do that. So, maybe Pastor
18:20 Dave you want to share some closing thoughts.
18:24 >>Pastor Dave: I was living in St. Catherine's
18:25 Niagara area for a few years, starting our
18:29 ministry, and I remember driving by this Burgoyne
18:32 Bridge, it's been there since the mid 1800's and
18:33 James Rollins put that bridge up against all
18:37 that, I mean, people were saying can't be done,
18:41 can't be done and he ended up proving with
18:41 determination, he bridged the gap between
18:44 two countries with the suspension bridge. And it
18:48 was 1855, March 16th that the first locomotive made
18:49 it over there and I think t's amazing when we're
18:53 determined and we're intentional about doing
18:57 something good and bridging the gap that we
18:57 think that it can be done.
19:00 Now, we add to that the ultimate power, the
19:01 promise that we can do anything by living in the
19:05 Spirit, walking with God, it's endless. It can be
19:08 done and it's so rewarding. >>Bill: Praise
19:09 God. Pastor Page, maybe some closing thoughts in
19:13 the last couple minutes >>Pastor Page: Yeah. Of
19:17 any of the Fruit of the Spirit, this is one I
19:18 struggle with the most.
19:22 Simply from the point of, I was growing up with four
19:23 brothers and I was the one that really, I didn't
19:29 rebel, I didn't, you know, I was considered one of
19:31 the good ones, and yet, realized as I came to
19:32 Christ in my adult years that there was a lot of
19:38 ungoodness there. A lot of bad, a lot of evil and so,
19:42 when I come across this and just previous in
19:43 Chapter 2, Paul talks about how it's no longer I
19:50 to live, it's Christ that lives in me. My thought,
19:55 you know, I think of David's words, "goodness,
19:56 your goodness and mercy will pursue me all the
20:02 days of my life". God's goodness is right there.
20:06 You know, chasing after us like a hound dog chasing
20:07 after its game and all we need to do is let him
20:13 grab hold of us and that goodness, you know, will
20:15 become a part of who we are. And change the bad
20:16 that's inside so we start living, Christ starts
20:21 living more fully through us. >>Bill: And others are
20:24 then.>>Pastor Page: Drawn to us. >>Bill: Yeah.
20:25 >>Pastor Page: You bet.
20:28 >>Bill: Which is really the core of all of this
20:29 Gentlemen, thank you for your insights. >>Pastor
20:32 Dave: Thank you. >>Bill: Have you ever thought
20:35 about the fact that a musician is not judged by
20:36 how long he plays but how well he plays? Sir Francis
20:40 Bacon once said, "Of all the virtues and dignities
20:44 of the mind, goodness is the greatest being the
20:45 character of the deity and without it man is a busy,
20:51 mischievous, wretched thing". See the world
20:58 expects believers, who call themselves
20:59 Christians, to be good and to be godly, to be the
21:03 real thing and not a cheap imitation. Mahatma Ghandi
21:07 once said, "I would have become a Christian
21:08 if I had met more true Christians". Friends,
21:12 this whole world is full of badness and what it
21:18 desperately needs is goodness. Goodness that is
21:19 produced by knowing Jesus, loving God, and bearing
21:24 the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Page would
21:31 you lead us in prayer.
21:32 >>Pastor Page: Our Heavenly Father, we thank
21:36 you again that as we look at the life that we want
21:37 to live with you and that life that we want of Jesus
21:44 shining out of us and taking care of the issues
21:48 of our lives. But also just changing that core of
21:49 who we are, our character, to be more like Him. That
21:53 you don't leave us to do that alone, you don't just
21:57 leave us with just the best plans that you can
21:58 come up with. You send your very own goodness and
22:02 your glory into our lives, you're very presence so
22:05 that we can become more like you again so that
22:06 others can look to us and be drawn to Jesus because
22:11 they see your goodness through us. Let us pray,
22:16 Lord, for everyone watching that you will
22:17 help us, Lord, to turn around and choose to
22:21 accept this goodness and mercy that God is chasing
22:26 us with. So that we can just benefit in the
22:27 blessing of Him in a part of everything we do.
22:32 We thank you, Jesus, and pray in your name. Amen.
22:37 >>Pastor Dave: Amen. >>Bill: Amen.
22:40 (MUSIC)
22:55 (MUSIC)
23:12 >>Bev: Hi, everyone! Are you one of the 80% of
23:13 the population who isn't getting enough physical
23:16 activity every day? If you are, I've got to tell you,
23:20 you are missing out on so many health benefits!
23:21 Here's what the current research is telling us;
23:26 Did you know that being physically active helps to
23:30 strengthen the muscle around your joints, and
23:31 can thus help to slow joint damage. And, good
23:34 news! A study published in Archives of Internal
23:39 Medicine found that for men with prostate cancer
23:40 who are older than 65, three to four hours of
23:43 vigorous exercise weekly actually helped slow down
23:48 the progression of their cancer. Health benefits
23:49 were also found for colon cancer survivors and
23:54 breast cancer survivors who engaged in regular
23:58 physical activity. For those suffering from
23:59 osteoporosis, regular exercise strengthens the
24:02 muscles, which in turn strengthens the bones.
24:06 Especially for older adults, experts say that
24:07 staying physically active can mean the difference
24:12 between a healthy, independent individual and
24:15 a frail individual who relies on others for care
24:16 Which one would you rather be? If you want to put
24:21 life in your years, you'd better get those walking
24:23 shoes on and hit the pavement. Or, go swimming.
24:24 Or gardening. Whatever you choose to do, make it
24:27 something you enjoy and do it at least five days each
24:35 week. As well, research shows that you can even
24:36 slow the onset and the progression of dementia,
24:40 simply by being more active now! Preserve your
24:45 memory for as long as possible by adding
24:46 physical activity into your every day schedule.
24:50 Speaking of your brain, regular physical activity
24:54 is a wonderful way to keep headaches away
24:55 Endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers,
24:59 are produced when you exercise. They can boost
25:03 your mood as well as reduce the sensation of
25:04 pain. Exercise is also a great antidote for
25:08 depression. Feeling blue?
25:09 Get outside and walk your troubles away! One of the
25:14 best things you can do for yourself and your family
25:19 is to turn off your television and get
25:20 yourselves outside. Don't just send your children
25:23 out to play; you need to go with them! Remember,
25:27 you don't have to sweat profusely or feel any pain
25:28 in order to experience the benefits of regular
25:32 activity. Also, if you have any health
25:36 conditions, remember to check with your physician
25:37 first before starting an exercise program. There
25:42 are so many health benefits that come with
25:46 being active; I've only listed a few. Be
25:46 encouraged to go for a walk right after
25:49 you finish watching this program, even if it's just
25:52 for a few minutes.
25:53 Gradually work your way up to at least thirty
25:57 minutes, and then aim for more. Don't be a couch
25:58 potato! Research shows that not getting regular
26:01 physical activity is as bad as smoking a pack of
26:05 cigarettes daily! So, get going! You can do it! Live
26:06 healthy, everyone! See you next time!
26:19 >>Bill: If you would like to get to know this Jesus
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27:41 >>Bill: Well, Pastors, let me thank you for being on
27:42 our program and for your wonderful insights.
27:45 >>Pastor Dave and Pastor Page: Thank you. >>Bill:
27:47 Let me thank you, our faithful viewer. You tune
27:48 in each and every week and we appreciate that very,
27:52 very much. You know, I want to let you know that
27:56 we're preparing a DVD of all of these programs in
27:58 this series and at the end of the series they will
28:01 be available to you for a donation of $40. Now,
28:05 those $40 will go directly to help keep this ministry
28:06 on the air. You can go to our website and there
28:10 you can pre-order it, Our
28:15 prayer is that we will have this privilege again
28:16 next week. Until then, remember, it is written;
28:20 man shall not live by bread alone but by every
28:24 word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-02-06