>>Bill: On today's "It Is Written" television 00:00:02.86\00:00:03.83 program we have our friends from ADRA joining 00:00:03.83\00:00:05.46 us who will be bringing us some very interesting and 00:00:05.46\00:00:08.73 exciting news about what has been going on in the 00:00:08.73\00:00:09.70 country of Thailand. Now joining us on the set, 00:00:09.70\00:00:14.03 also, is Christian recording artist, 00:00:14.03\00:00:16.96 Christine Wolman. You're not going to want to 00:00:16.96\00:00:17.90 miss this program. 'It is Written' will be 00:00:17.90\00:00:22.36 back in one minute. 00:00:22.36\00:00:25.66 >>ANNOUNCER: IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME... 00:00:36.43\00:00:39.56 GOD'S BOOK, THE BIBLE. 00:00:39.86\00:00:42.83 STILL RELEVANT IN TODAY'S COMPLEX WORLD. 00:00:43.10\00:00:47.40 IT IS WRITTEN . . . 00:00:47.70\00:00:49.83 SHARING MESSAGES OF HOPE AROUND THE WORLD. 00:00:50.10\00:00:54.20 Well, let me welcome our viewers to this week's 00:01:05.53\00:01:06.50 television program. Thank you for joining us and let 00:01:06.50\00:01:08.20 me welcome my two guests James, I'm going to go 00:01:08.20\00:01:12.23 ladies first. 00:01:12.23\00:01:12.60 Welcome Christine Wolman, Christian recording artist 00:01:12.60\00:01:15.03 and our friend James Astelford from ADRA, 00:01:15.03\00:01:15.93 Adventist Development Relief Agency. Thank 00:01:15.93\00:01:20.66 you both for joining us >>James: Good to be here. 00:01:20.66\00:01:23.06 >>Christine: Good to be here. >>Bill: You know, we 00:01:23.06\00:01:24.13 like to do these programs every so often just to 00:01:24.13\00:01:25.93 remind our viewers of some of the work that's going 00:01:25.93\00:01:28.86 on around the world as ADRA partners, in this 00:01:28.86\00:01:29.93 case, with Christine on some exciting projects 00:01:29.93\00:01:33.20 in Thailand, I believe, we'll hear about that in a 00:01:33.20\00:01:37.16 minute, to alleviate suffering. And there is 00:01:37.16\00:01:38.13 so much suffering in the world. Thank you, 00:01:38.13\00:01:42.23 thank you. I think it's important that folks be 00:01:42.23\00:01:45.23 reminded as to what is happening around the world 00:01:45.23\00:01:46.26 and the responsibility that each one of has 00:01:46.26\00:01:50.56 as Christians to help our fellow man. But Christine 00:01:50.56\00:01:54.63 let me start with you because folks already know 00:01:54.63\00:01:55.66 James. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where 00:01:55.66\00:01:59.50 are you from? >>Christine: I was born in London, 00:01:59.50\00:02:02.86 England. Most people don't realize that but I 00:02:02.86\00:02:03.93 was >>Bill: I'm not sure I knew that. >>Christine: 00:02:03.93\00:02:07.90 can talk with a British accent. >>Bill: (laughter) 00:02:07.90\00:02:09.50 >>Christine:.too. Anyhow, but I've lived most of my 00:02:09.50\00:02:10.66 life right here in Canada from age 6 in Toronto, 00:02:10.66\00:02:14.73 mainly in Winnipeg. I grew up in a Christian home and 00:02:14.73\00:02:21.43 had wonderful experiences with that. In my teenage 00:02:21.43\00:02:22.53 years, I became quite distant from what 00:02:22.53\00:02:27.96 was going on in the church There were a lot of things 00:02:27.96\00:02:34.63 that happened to me that I was very, I couldn't 00:02:34.63\00:02:35.60 understand why it was happening to me and one 00:02:35.60\00:02:40.53 of the things you'll hear later why I'm so excited 00:02:40.53\00:02:42.93 about working with ADRA is because I myself was 00:02:42.93\00:02:44.10 sexually mistreated. And so I can relate to what 00:02:44.10\00:02:52.40 I'm deemed with right now, with ADRA. At eighteen I 00:02:52.40\00:02:57.66 was engaged to a CFL football star and that 00:02:57.66\00:02:58.60 didn't work out so I ran away to this beautiful 00:02:58.60\00:03:04.43 island in the Caribbean where I started singing 00:03:04.43\00:03:08.16 as, not a Christian artist. Anything but 00:03:08.16\00:03:09.06 Christian. Travelling all over with a 12-man brass 00:03:09.06\00:03:15.76 band. Well, man, I was the only woman in that group 00:03:15.76\00:03:21.56 and God made, God lead me on an incredible journey 00:03:21.56\00:03:22.56 of faith back then. At that time I was Agnostic. 00:03:22.56\00:03:29.23 I didn't really know where my place was in life but 00:03:29.23\00:03:34.16 God showed me that He could use me in a powerful 00:03:34.16\00:03:35.20 way. >>Bill: Well, you are a gifted, gifted musician. 00:03:35.20\00:03:39.56 I've heard sing many, many times and have been moved 00:03:39.56\00:03:43.26 by that. So, this is interesting. So, you're a 00:03:43.26\00:03:44.23 young woman. You're being successful 00:03:44.23\00:03:50.53 singing, popular music >>Christine: Yes. >>Bill: 00:03:50.53\00:03:53.96 Not Christian music. 00:03:53.96\00:03:54.43 >>Christine: Reggae, Calypso, and popular music 00:03:54.43\00:03:56.43 as well. >>Bill: So what turned it around for you? 00:03:56.43\00:03:57.43 What brought you back? 00:03:57.43\00:04:01.30 >>Christine: I had this extremely fearful 00:04:01.30\00:04:02.20 attitude. I just didn't know what was going to 00:04:02.20\00:04:09.06 happen. I knew there was something more than just 00:04:09.06\00:04:12.60 what was, what I was doing, singing. Singing 00:04:12.60\00:04:13.56 was everything to me. 00:04:13.56\00:04:16.93 Music was just my way of escaping the many sorrows 00:04:16.93\00:04:17.93 that I had faced in my life and the challenges 00:04:17.93\00:04:22.63 but it wasn't enough. I was searching and crying 00:04:22.63\00:04:30.53 out to God, if you're there God, show me and 00:04:30.53\00:04:31.50 if you don't show me I'm going to blame you if 00:04:31.50\00:04:35.36 I go to hell. That was my prayer. And I am so 00:04:35.36\00:04:39.26 thankful where God has lead me and I can tell 00:04:39.26\00:04:40.23 you, I never want to go back to that life, ever 00:04:40.23\00:04:45.26 again. >>Bill: Now, at some point you feel 00:04:45.26\00:04:49.63 inspired to write a special song.>>Christine 00:04:49.63\00:04:50.56 Yes. >>Bill:.about reaching out to others 00:04:50.56\00:04:55.16 in - where did that inspiration come from? 00:04:55.16\00:04:59.16 >>Christine: Well, first of all, I'm just going 00:04:59.16\00:05:00.20 to back up a little bit.>>Bill: Sure. 00:05:00.20\00:05:02.50 >>Christine:.because when I came back to the Lord I 00:05:02.50\00:05:05.03 thought, well what am I going to do? All I could 00:05:05.03\00:05:06.03 do was sing. I had been trained to sing and I 00:05:06.03\00:05:09.96 couldn't think of anything else except for nursing 00:05:09.96\00:05:13.16 because I've always enjoyed the fact that I 00:05:13.16\00:05:14.13 could help people through that area. So I studied 00:05:14.13\00:05:18.06 nursing but there was something inside me that 00:05:18.06\00:05:24.50 always said, no, you can always sing and glorify 00:05:24.50\00:05:25.63 God. You don't have to glorify the Devil. God 00:05:25.63\00:05:30.03 is to be praised and you should be doing that. So, 00:05:30.03\00:05:33.83 I was very compelled that I needed to do more than 00:05:33.83\00:05:35.00 just sing in my local church, to do more for 00:05:35.00\00:05:40.63 the Lord. But through my nursing I saw a lot of 00:05:40.63\00:05:44.93 suffering.>>Bill: Yes, I can imagine 00:05:44.93\00:05:45.73 >>Christine:.and through the travels that I had 00:05:45.73\00:05:48.16 been on and I saw a lot of suffering. And I thought, 00:05:48.16\00:05:54.23 God, what can I do, through the singing and 00:05:54.23\00:05:55.20 through the experiences that I've seen, to help 00:05:55.20\00:06:00.30 people? And I got down on my knees, literally, and I 00:06:00.30\00:06:06.30 prayed, please God, help me write a song that 00:06:06.30\00:06:07.23 will reach out and touch others. Others will be 00:06:07.23\00:06:11.36 blessed. Others will become more aware of 00:06:11.36\00:06:14.56 what's happening in the world. You know, we, in 00:06:14.56\00:06:15.60 North America, we live like kings and queens. 00:06:15.60\00:06:19.23 >>Bill: Absolutely. 00:06:19.23\00:06:19.66 >>Christine: We have little idea of what 00:06:19.66\00:06:22.46 goes on if you're not travelling outside of 00:06:22.46\00:06:26.60 Canada and the States and parts of Europe. And 00:06:26.60\00:06:27.56 I wrote this song and I said, Lord, if ADRA could 00:06:27.56\00:06:32.73 use this song, please Lord, you be the catalyst 00:06:32.73\00:06:37.00 to get it moving. And I did not go to ADRA; I just 00:06:37.00\00:06:38.06 simply prayed an earnest, heartfelt prayer and wrote 00:06:38.06\00:06:46.03 the song called "Reach" >>Bill: Well, we have the 00:06:46.03\00:06:49.96 privilege of listening to that song, right now. 00:06:49.96\00:06:53.73 >> Take a moment; 00:07:07.76\00:07:11.20 So many hungry mouths to feed; 00:07:11.63\00:07:15.40 Such disaster, 00:07:15.70\00:07:19.30 oh, can't you see their desperate need; 00:07:19.56\00:07:23.26 Stop a minute; Look into their eyes; 00:07:23.60\00:07:31.86 Feel their pain, can't you hear their 00:07:32.26\00:07:33.06 pleas, their cries. 00:07:33.06\00:07:40.26 Reach for the hand that is reaching out to you; 00:07:41.26\00:07:47.00 See how their lives are being broke 00:07:47.30\00:07:48.13 and torn in two; 00:07:48.13\00:07:50.73 Come join the vision, make that decision; 00:07:57.00\00:08:01.30 Show that you care, 00:08:05.10\00:08:07.16 be the answer to their prayer; 00:08:07.46\00:08:12.53 and reach for the hand that is 00:08:12.93\00:08:13.63 reaching out to you. 00:08:13.63\00:08:26.73 Yes, it's urgent, 00:08:29.23\00:08:32.50 so many lives are being lost; 00:08:32.83\00:08:36.26 make a difference, 00:08:36.60\00:08:40.50 what will really be the cost; 00:08:40.83\00:08:44.20 Touch a life, 00:08:44.50\00:08:48.00 make a brand new start, 00:08:48.36\00:08:52.50 Show God's love and end a fragile heart. 00:08:52.80\00:09:00.06 Open the door, please don't walk the other way; 00:09:00.76\00:09:07.70 help someone, bring relief today. 00:09:08.00\00:09:15.23 Reach for the hand that is reaching out to you; 00:09:15.93\00:09:21.20 see how their lives are being broke 00:09:21.50\00:09:22.33 and torn in two; 00:09:22.33\00:09:30.53 come join the vision, 00:09:30.90\00:09:34.13 make that decision; 00:09:34.53\00:09:37.90 show that you care, 00:09:38.46\00:09:40.30 be the answer to their prayer 00:09:40.66\00:09:46.86 And reach for the hand, 00:09:47.33\00:09:50.90 why don't you reach for the hand, 00:09:51.30\00:09:54.90 reach for the hand that is reaching out to you. 00:09:55.36\00:10:13.90 >>Bill: That was a beautiful song and if 00:10:16.93\00:10:17.80 you're goal was to touch someone it did, it did 00:10:17.80\00:10:19.83 touch me. >>Christine: Praise the Lord. >>Bill: 00:10:19.83\00:10:22.06 Now, James, you hear this song.>>James: I 00:10:22.06\00:10:22.96 heard.>>Bill:.for the very first time and what do 00:10:22.96\00:10:26.10 you think when you hear it >>James: Well, I happened 00:10:26.10\00:10:27.83 to buy one of her CD's, actually I bought two or 00:10:27.83\00:10:28.83 three of her CD's in the music store and I picked 00:10:28.83\00:10:31.53 up on this one particular song. And I listened to 00:10:31.53\00:10:36.60 the words and I thought, sounds like she's writing 00:10:36.60\00:10:37.60 about what we do, the work of ADRA. How do I contact 00:10:37.60\00:10:41.93 such an important music star and say, this really 00:10:41.93\00:10:47.60 sounds like.so Christine and I got into contact 00:10:47.60\00:10:48.56 and I said this is such a great song, I just wish 00:10:48.56\00:10:52.80 you had been thinking about ADRA, to which she 00:10:52.80\00:10:56.56 replied, Yes, I was. 00:10:56.56\00:10:57.03 >>Christine: There are some key words in there 00:10:57.03\00:11:00.66 that are definitely ADRA. >>James: So, then 00:11:00.66\00:11:01.63 we got together with a videographer of ours and 00:11:01.63\00:11:04.83 said, can we, can we make a music video out of this 00:11:04.83\00:11:08.80 which is what we just saw. 00:11:08.80\00:11:09.36 >>Bill: Yes. >>James: And, of course, that got my 00:11:09.36\00:11:12.26 thinking, you know, we really need more 00:11:12.26\00:11:13.13 ambassadors like Christine through their 00:11:13.13\00:11:18.80 music.>>Bill: Absolutely. 00:11:18.80\00:11:19.30 >>James:.to tell others about this ministry that 00:11:19.30\00:11:21.30 we're involved with. And so then I asked Christine 00:11:21.30\00:11:24.90 if she'd be interested in reporting on some of our 00:11:24.90\00:11:25.90 project activity in Asia and I don't think 00:11:25.90\00:11:30.13 I had to twist your arm >>Christine: Oh no, not at 00:11:30.13\00:11:34.63 all. >>James: So, we have some very exciting 00:11:34.63\00:11:35.56 projects activity in Asia, in Thailand, particularly. 00:11:35.56\00:11:42.43 So then I asked if you'd go off with our 00:11:42.43\00:11:46.83 videographer. I couldn't join her on this occasion 00:11:46.83\00:11:47.83 but our videographer, who we've seen his 00:11:47.83\00:11:50.83 work on this show before, travelled in Thailand and 00:11:50.83\00:11:55.53 maybe you can tell us.>>Bill: Yeah. Let's 00:11:55.53\00:11:56.43 hear what happened? What is this project? Thailand 00:11:56.43\00:11:58.56 project, what was it all about? >>Christine: Well, 00:11:58.56\00:12:01.00 there's a project that ADRA's doing called eep 00:12:01.00\00:12:02.06 Girls Safe". That's one of the projects that we were 00:12:02.06\00:12:05.50 on when I was there and it's an amazing project. 00:12:05.50\00:12:10.26 Thailand has one of the highest rates for human 00:12:10.26\00:12:11.30 trafficking of young women and girls anywhere in the 00:12:11.30\00:12:15.56 world and it's horrendous And so coming to this 00:12:15.56\00:12:21.30 particular province, Chiang Rai, the province 00:12:21.30\00:12:22.23 of Chiang Rai, ADRA has helped to facilitate and 00:12:22.23\00:12:27.20 put together a shelter for young girls who have been 00:12:27.20\00:12:32.73 taken from their homes, taken from remote areas of 00:12:32.73\00:12:33.80 Thailand and brought into the big cities, like 00:12:33.80\00:12:39.20 Bangkok and beyond for the sole purpose of selling 00:12:39.20\00:12:45.53 sex. These girls are innocent. They are unaware 00:12:45.53\00:12:46.53 of what's happening. In North America and other 00:12:46.53\00:12:52.66 places in Europe, they're marketed as saying these 00:12:52.66\00:12:57.43 girls have no AIDS, they have, they're clean, so, 00:12:57.43\00:12:58.53 you can come and enjoy yourself with these young 00:12:58.53\00:13:03.90 women. I saw girls as young as nine-years-old. 00:13:03.90\00:13:08.86 >>Bill: Oh my goodness. 00:13:08.86\00:13:09.40 >>Christine: In this place that had been rescued, 00:13:09.40\00:13:12.76 literally, rescued from these brothels, from these 00:13:12.76\00:13:13.83 places that they were selling them. And I was 00:13:13.83\00:13:18.56 just overjoyed to see the work that was being 00:13:18.56\00:13:22.40 carried out there and how well-adjusted these young 00:13:22.40\00:13:23.43 women and girls were and how they were being 00:13:23.43\00:13:28.93 treated. It was absolutely incredible. Can I give a 00:13:28.93\00:13:32.10 quick.>>Bill: Yeah. 00:13:32.10\00:13:32.56 Absolutely, please do. 00:13:32.56\00:13:33.03 >>Christine:.story. One girl, I think she was 00:13:33.03\00:13:35.43 about 14-years-old, she looked at me and she said 00:13:35.43\00:13:39.13 to the translator, could you ask her if I could 00:13:39.13\00:13:40.10 call her Mom? And I said, absolutely, I have a 00:13:40.10\00:13:43.30 fourteen-year-old daughter and I can't in my wildest 00:13:43.30\00:13:50.80 nightmares see my daughter being abused that way 00:13:50.80\00:13:51.83 This young girl came up to me and she, literally, 00:13:51.83\00:13:57.73 hugged me tight for half an hour. One of her eyes 00:13:57.73\00:14:03.56 was actually mutilated because she had refused 00:14:03.56\00:14:04.56 some sexual act and that was part of the abuse that 00:14:04.56\00:14:09.26 she had to endure. And just the joy on some of 00:14:09.26\00:14:16.06 these girls' faces, knowing that people are 00:14:16.06\00:14:17.03 making a difference in their lives means all 00:14:17.03\00:14:19.43 the world to these young people. >>Bill: So, James, 00:14:19.43\00:14:23.83 this is Canadian, Canadian money that's helping this 00:14:23.83\00:14:24.90 centre. >>James: Yes in the ADRA network, of 00:14:24.90\00:14:31.66 course, we have this co-operation between 00:14:31.66\00:14:35.23 different ADRA offices and different countries. And 00:14:35.23\00:14:36.26 Canada, Australia and some other donor countries 00:14:36.26\00:14:39.40 are helping to fund this variety of projects that 00:14:39.40\00:14:45.33 are all funded around this central idea in Thailand 00:14:45.33\00:14:46.36 It was interesting that Christine went off with 00:14:46.36\00:14:51.53 an idea for a music video but the song wasn't even 00:14:51.53\00:14:56.16 finished when you went. 00:14:56.16\00:14:56.70 >>Christine: No. It was basically written in 00:14:56.70\00:14:59.93 Thailand as we are experiencing it. I'm 00:14:59.93\00:15:00.86 writing a song as we're experiencing so; it was 00:15:00.86\00:15:06.60 really inspired by just being in Thailand and 00:15:06.60\00:15:10.63 seeing a huge need. It was absolutely amazing and I'm 00:15:10.63\00:15:11.73 so proud and thankful and privileged to have been 00:15:11.73\00:15:18.10 part of that work. >>Bill: How many girls, roughly, 00:15:18.10\00:15:20.86 were at this.>>Christine: About 30, 30 girls that 00:15:20.86\00:15:21.90 were in this particular centre and they're doing 00:15:21.90\00:15:27.03 an amazing job. The girls get education, they get 00:15:27.03\00:15:33.03 schooling, they have food, they have wonderful 00:15:33.03\00:15:34.13 shelter, they've made new friends, they've become 00:15:34.13\00:15:37.70 like a family unit. And they've become quite 00:15:37.70\00:15:41.53 adjusted. They have counselling to help them 00:15:41.53\00:15:42.46 deal with the trauma that they've gone through and 00:15:42.46\00:15:45.90 it's just a tremendous work. I wish people were 00:15:45.90\00:15:50.63 more aware of what's going on in the world with our 00:15:50.63\00:15:51.66 women, with our girls. And it's not just in Thailand. 00:15:51.66\00:15:58.10 It's something that's widespread and we need to 00:15:58.10\00:16:03.96 realize if it was our own, we would do something 00:16:03.96\00:16:05.13 about it. And it is amazing what ADRA is 00:16:05.13\00:16:10.40 doing. >>Bill: Well, you know, James, this is part 00:16:10.40\00:16:14.23 of why we continue to have these programs. One of 00:16:14.23\00:16:15.26 the things is to let our viewers know that there 00:16:15.26\00:16:19.13 is this kind of need in the world. As you said, 00:16:19.13\00:16:23.53 Christine, we, you know, we live in this oasis here 00:16:23.53\00:16:24.56 in Canada, where.I mean, we have our 00:16:24.56\00:16:30.33 share of difficulties, no question.>>Christine: Yes. 00:16:30.33\00:16:34.13 >>Bill:.but we live in an oasis, a paradise 00:16:34.13\00:16:35.10 >>Christine: Compared to what we see. >>Bill: 00:16:35.10\00:16:37.43 Absolutely. And sometimes, you know what, we forget 00:16:37.43\00:16:39.60 that there's this suffering. And James, let 00:16:39.60\00:16:40.50 me just tell you, now, we've talked about a 00:16:40.50\00:16:43.40 lot of different ADRA projects, whether it's 00:16:43.40\00:16:45.53 digging wells, or Canadian Food Grains Bank, 00:16:45.53\00:16:46.60 or alleviating hunger but, I'll tell you, this is 00:16:46.60\00:16:52.03 one where as a father of a young girl, one that has 00:16:52.03\00:16:56.30 impacted me. Hats off to ADRA and the fine work 00:16:56.30\00:16:57.36 that you do in helping save the lives of these 00:16:57.36\00:17:03.36 young girls. >>James: And it's not just the saving 00:17:03.36\00:17:06.56 in that rescue sense, Bill, because in keeping 00:17:06.56\00:17:07.53 with ADRA philosophies, it's not just the relief, 00:17:07.53\00:17:12.36 but it's the development >>Bill: Yes. >>James: So, 00:17:12.36\00:17:14.26 this is a huge problem. 00:17:14.26\00:17:14.93 So, how do we solve it? 00:17:14.93\00:17:15.43 Not just by going and trying to rescue girls. 00:17:15.43\00:17:19.93 How do we stop them from getting into the problem 00:17:19.93\00:17:22.73 in the first place? 00:17:22.73\00:17:23.20 >>Bill: Right, right. 00:17:23.20\00:17:23.66 >>James: So, this project that Christine saw was not 00:17:23.66\00:17:25.46 just the rescuing but it was also the educating of 00:17:25.46\00:17:29.56 whole communities on the issue so that they don't 00:17:29.56\00:17:30.53 get caught in the first place. Nearby, 00:17:30.53\00:17:34.46 in Cambodia, we have a very effective project. 00:17:34.46\00:17:38.83 Tackling this issue at the root level, helping 00:17:38.83\00:17:39.83 villagers develop literacy, knowledge, 00:17:39.83\00:17:44.26 getting girls educated so when the fast slick 00:17:44.26\00:17:49.63 salesman comes in from the capital city trying to 00:17:49.63\00:17:50.66 offer a restaurant job to the girls in the capital 00:17:50.66\00:17:54.30 city and offering the parents $50, $100 to sell 00:17:54.30\00:17:58.76 their daughter to this, they don't fall for it 00:17:58.76\00:17:59.86 Because, now, they know, through the ADRA project, 00:17:59.86\00:18:03.53 they've learned of the dangers and the girls are 00:18:03.53\00:18:07.60 protected from getting involved in the first 00:18:07.60\00:18:08.66 place. So, we're trying to come from different angles 00:18:08.66\00:18:12.83 and not just pick up the pieces at the end which is 00:18:12.83\00:18:16.30 so vital for the girls that you saw, but for the 00:18:16.30\00:18:17.30 thousands of girls who never had to face that 00:18:17.30\00:18:21.50 because of the projects we're doing. >>Bill: Now, 00:18:21.50\00:18:25.06 James, let me ask you something. Someone 00:18:25.06\00:18:25.96 watching the program, right now, wants to make 00:18:25.96\00:18:28.36 a donation specifically to this Thailand project, is 00:18:28.36\00:18:33.46 it possible to do that? 00:18:33.46\00:18:34.00 >>James: Or to any of our projects that would be 00:18:34.00\00:18:37.66 protecting a girl. 00:18:37.66\00:18:38.10 >>Bill: Okay. >>James:.in a community sense. Because 00:18:38.10\00:18:43.53 if we can protect a village, that's extremely 00:18:43.53\00:18:44.50 important.>>Bill: Absolutely. >>James:...as 00:18:44.50\00:18:48.96 well as saving the one girl who might.>>Bill: 00:18:48.96\00:18:51.60 They can go on the ADRA website, adra.ca, and 00:18:51.60\00:18:52.70 then specify 'Save a Girl' project or something 00:18:52.70\00:18:56.16 like that and you guys will.>>James: Right. A 00:18:56.16\00:19:00.53 number of projects will show up there and you can 00:19:00.53\00:19:01.56 make a donation for that. 00:19:01.56\00:19:03.93 >>Bill: Now, Christine, you were there. You saw 00:19:03.93\00:19:04.96 it firsthand. >>Christine: Yes. >>Bill: What 00:19:04.96\00:19:06.83 would you say to someone watching, as an appeal to 00:19:06.83\00:19:09.76 them to apply some of the blessings and some 00:19:09.76\00:19:10.70 of the money that God has privileged us with having 00:19:10.70\00:19:16.43 in this country? What appeal would you make to 00:19:16.43\00:19:19.80 someone watching? 00:19:19.80\00:19:20.20 >>Christine: Do you.>>Bill: You saw it 00:19:20.20\00:19:22.26 firsthand. >>Christine: Yes. Jesus said, Unto the 00:19:22.26\00:19:23.30 least of these. If you do it unto me. Pardon me; if 00:19:23.30\00:19:25.93 you do it unto them, you do it unto me. And I think 00:19:25.93\00:19:29.03 that if we put ourselves into their position, in 00:19:29.03\00:19:30.03 their shoes, literally, we cannot refuse that appeal 00:19:30.03\00:19:37.20 to reach out and touch somebody's life, to change 00:19:37.20\00:19:44.36 somebody's life. And we often say we want to 00:19:44.36\00:19:45.33 change that life, one life, one step at a time. 00:19:45.33\00:19:49.26 We don't have to go across the ocean. Just a little 00:19:49.26\00:19:55.46 bit of a donation, a little bit of kindness, 00:19:55.46\00:19:56.40 thinking, empathizing with the people that are 00:19:56.40\00:20:02.56 suffering in so many different ways. All we 00:20:02.56\00:20:05.73 want is for you to reach out and touch somebody in 00:20:05.73\00:20:06.73 a special way by giving even the smallest donation 00:20:06.73\00:20:12.73 to ADRA Canada. >>James: Big donations are welcome 00:20:12.73\00:20:16.56 also. (laughter) >>Christine: Absolutely. 00:20:16.56\00:20:17.40 >>Bill: Yeah. Couldn't have done it any better 00:20:17.40\00:20:20.83 myself. Now, while you were there you were 00:20:20.83\00:20:25.50 inspired to write this song which happens to 00:20:25.50\00:20:26.46 be called.>>Christine: "Change the World." 00:20:26.46\00:20:29.33 >>Bill: Change the World. 00:20:29.33\00:20:29.83 And we're going to have the privilege, right 00:20:29.83\00:20:34.33 now, of watching that wonderfully made video, 00:20:34.33\00:20:38.20 music video. 00:20:38.20\00:20:38.53 Change the World. 00:20:38.53\00:20:41.56 >> There's a voice that's calling 00:20:55.00\00:20:55.76 everyone to action; 00:20:55.76\00:21:00.80 calling us to be His hands, 00:21:01.80\00:21:04.60 calling us to understand; 00:21:04.93\00:21:07.60 The girl's so far from home and the 00:21:07.96\00:21:08.80 one that's all alone, 00:21:08.80\00:21:17.10 think of all the people, this could mean Salvation; 00:21:17.43\00:21:26.73 Now's the time to take a stand; 00:21:27.23\00:21:30.20 For the devastated mother, 00:21:30.63\00:21:33.86 for the girl that sees no future; 00:21:34.23\00:21:39.70 We can change the world for the better; 00:21:40.10\00:21:42.86 We can change their life forever, 00:21:43.13\00:21:46.56 one step, one life at a time; 00:21:46.93\00:21:52.90 We can shine the light of hope, 00:21:53.33\00:21:56.63 believe in our hearts, 00:21:57.13\00:22:00.70 we can change the world together, 00:22:01.40\00:22:04.73 with faith and love, we can change the world. 00:22:05.16\00:22:12.13 We can make their dreams come true, 00:22:12.86\00:22:15.56 We can make their dreams come true, 00:22:16.96\00:22:19.70 just believe we can, 00:22:19.96\00:22:25.90 now's the time to rise and shine; 00:22:26.56\00:22:29.60 For the one that lives in fear, 00:22:29.93\00:22:32.90 for the child that's lost somewhere. 00:22:33.23\00:22:42.40 We can change the world for the better, 00:22:42.83\00:22:45.53 we can change a life forever, 00:22:45.90\00:22:49.20 one step, one life at a time; 00:22:49.56\00:22:55.66 We can shine the light of hope, 00:22:56.06\00:22:59.26 believe in our heart, 00:22:59.66\00:23:02.96 we can change the world together, 00:23:03.33\00:23:06.96 oh, yes, we can. 00:23:07.36\00:23:13.73 We can change the world for the better; 00:23:14.26\00:23:16.80 we can change a life forever, 00:23:17.20\00:23:20.66 one step, one life at a time. 00:23:21.06\00:23:27.06 We can shine the light of hope, 00:23:27.50\00:23:30.56 believe in our hearts; 00:23:30.93\00:23:34.53 we can change the world together, 00:23:34.83\00:23:38.36 with faith and love, we can change the world. 00:23:38.73\00:23:45.36 Yes, we can. 00:23:45.70\00:23:47.23 We can change the world. 00:23:50.20\00:24:00.50 >>Bill: Let us pray. 00:24:13.23\00:24:13.70 Father in Heaven, we want to thank you that in Your 00:24:13.70\00:24:16.66 infinite mercy, and love, and wisdom you inspired 00:24:16.66\00:24:17.70 Christine and James and all the fine people that 00:24:17.70\00:24:22.70 have dedicated themselves to alleviate suffering in 00:24:22.70\00:24:28.10 the world. Father, I think of someone who may be 00:24:28.10\00:24:29.13 watching right now, who's experiencing suffering 00:24:29.13\00:24:33.76 right now, may you attend to them and bring peace to 00:24:33.76\00:24:36.90 their lives. Continue to be with us, bless each and 00:24:36.90\00:24:37.93 every viewer. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:24:37.93\00:24:45.70 (music) 00:24:46.96\00:24:49.33 >>Bill: If you would like to get a copy of both of 00:25:13.63\00:25:14.63 Christine's music videos on DVD, we'd like to send 00:25:14.63\00:25:17.60 them both as a gift from ADRA Canada. Here is the 00:25:17.60\00:25:22.20 information you need to get your copy. 00:25:22.20\00:25:25.30 >>Bill: Well, Christine, thank you very much for 00:26:24.96\00:26:26.06 being with us. If any of our viewers would like 00:26:26.06\00:26:28.80 to purchase your music, it's available at most 00:26:28.80\00:26:32.26 Christian bookstores? 00:26:32.26\00:26:32.90 >>Christine: Yes, it is. 00:26:32.90\00:26:33.36 >>Bill: Okay. So, but sure to check that out, you 00:26:33.36\00:26:36.26 will not be disappointed Thank you so much for 00:26:36.26\00:26:41.06 being with us. 00:26:41.06\00:26:41.43 >>Christine: Thank you. 00:26:41.43\00:26:41.93 >>Bill: James, thank you again for bringing 00:26:41.93\00:26:44.00 Christine and we look forward to having you back 00:26:44.00\00:26:46.70 again with another interesting project 00:26:46.70\00:26:47.56 >>James: It's great to be on the program. >>Bill: 00:26:47.56\00:26:50.60 Thank you James. Thank you our faithful viewers that 00:26:50.60\00:26:53.46 tune in each and every week. Remember the ADRA 00:26:53.46\00:26:54.46 website, adra.ca. Remember the "It 00:26:54.46\00:26:57.66 Is Written" website, itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:26:57.66\00:27:01.36 Remember to watch our programs on the YouTube 00:27:01.36\00:27:02.36 channel, follow us on Twitter. If the Good Lord 00:27:02.36\00:27:09.26 is willing we will be back here again next week, same 00:27:09.26\00:27:11.96 time, same station. I hope you will join us. Until 00:27:11.96\00:27:13.03 then, remember, it is written; man shall not 00:27:13.03\00:27:18.30 live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds 00:27:18.30\00:27:25.00 from the mouth of God. 00:27:25.00\00:27:26.83 >>Narrator: One in three women around the world 00:27:57.33\00:27:58.40 are victims of physical or psychological repression. 00:27:58.40\00:28:00.96 End it now. More than 135 million girls have 00:28:00.96\00:28:08.13 undergone female genital mutilation and an addition 00:28:08.13\00:28:09.16 2 million girls and women are at risk each year, six 00:28:09.16\00:28:14.90 thousand every day. End it now. In the United States, 00:28:14.90\00:28:22.13 one woman is battered every 15 seconds, 00:28:22.13\00:28:23.00 usually by her husband or boyfriend. End it now. One 00:28:23.00\00:28:28.43 in five women around the world will be the victim 00:28:28.43\00:28:36.73 of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. End it 00:28:36.73\00:28:37.76 now. Why now? Because we can't wait. 00:28:37.76\00:28:52.23