It Is Written Canada

Joy To The World, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Bill Santos


Series Code: IIWC

Program Code: IIWC201112

00:01 >>Chris: Today on It Is Written, part 2 of the Fountainview
00:05 Academy. Christmas special, Joy to the World. Listen now, as I know this wonderful
00:10 music will bring the Joy of Jesus to your heart.
00:15 (Music)
00:39 IT IS WRITTEN...
00:47 (Music)
02:54 >>As lately we watch'd o'er our fields thro' the night,
03:00 A star there was seen of such glorious light.
03:06 All thro' the night, angels did sing
03:13 In carols so sweet of the birth of a King.
03:21 A King of such beauty was ne'er before seen,
03:28 And Mary His mother so like to a queen.
03:35 Blessed be the hour, welcome the morn,
03:41 For Christ our dear Saviour on earth now is born.
03:51 Then shepherds, be joyful; salute your great King,
03:57 Let hills and dales ring to the song that ye sing.
04:04 Blessed be the hour, welcome the morn,
04:10 For Christ our dear Saviour on earth now is born.
04:40 >>In the little village of Bethlehem
04:46 There lay a child one day
04:51 And the sky was bright
04:56 With a holy light
04:57 O'er the place where Jesus lay.
05:02 Alleluia
05:05 O how the angels sang!
05:08 Alleluia
05:10 How it rang!
05:13 And the sky was bright
05:16 With a holy light
05:21 'Twas the birthday of a King.
05:39 Twas a humble birthplace
05:42 but, oh! how much
05:45 God gave to us that day!
05:50 From the manger bed what a path has led
05:56 What a perfect holy way.
06:01 Alleluia
06:04 O how the angels sang!
06:07 Alleluia
06:09 How it rang!
06:12 And the sky was bright
06:15 With a Holy light
06:19 'Twas the birthday of a King
06:25 Alleluia
06:28 O how the angels sang!
06:31 Alleluia
06:34 How it rang!
06:38 And the sky was bright
06:41 With a Holy light
06:44 'Twas the birthday of a Saviour
06:50 Alleluia, Alleluia
06:59 'Twas the birthday of a King
07:31 >>And the glory, the glory of the Lord
07:35 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
07:38 Shall be revealed, shall be revealed
07:45 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
07:47 Shall be revealed, shall be revealed
07:51 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
07:55 Shall be revealed
08:09 And all flesh shall see it together:
08:13 And all flesh shall see it together:
08:18 For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
08:25 For the glory of the lord
08:29 and all flesh shall see it together:
08:33 and all flesh and all flesh shall see it together:
08:39 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
08:45 and all flesh shall see it together:
08:55 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
09:02 and all flesh shall see it together:
09:08 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
09:10 and all flesh shall see it together:
09:14 for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
09:21 and all flesh shall see it together:
09:28 And the glory, the glory of the Lord
09:35 Shall be revealed,
09:44 and all flesh shall see it together:
09:50 for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
09:56 for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
10:33 >>O come, O come, Emmanuel
10:42 And ransom captive Israel
10:53 That mourns in lonely exile here
11:03 Until the Son of God appear
11:12 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
11:25 Shall come to thee, O Israel.
11:35 O come, Thou wisdom from on high,
11:44 and order all things far and nigh;
11:52 To us a path of knowledge show,
12:01 And cause us in her ways to go
12:09 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
12:22 Shall come to thee, O Israel.
14:02 O come, Desire of nations, bind
14:11 All peoples in one heart and mind
14:20 Bid in me strife and quarrels cease,
14:29 Fill the whole world with heavens peace
14:39 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
14:51 Shall come to thee, O Israel.
16:12 >>Gloria, Gloria
16:16 Gloria, Gloria
16:21 In excelsis deo
16:28 In excelsis deo
16:36 Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
16:45 In excelsis deo
16:56 Gloria, Gloria
17:00 In excelsis deo
17:21 Gloria in excelsis
17:25 Gloria in excelsis deo
17:34 Gloria in excelsis deo
17:48 In excelsis
18:00 Gloria in excelsis deo
21:11 >>Go, tell it on the mountain
21:15 Over the hills and everywhere
21:19 Go, tell it on the mountain
21:22 That Jesus Christ is born
21:29 Go, tell it on the mountain
21:32 Over the hills and everywhere
21:36 Go, tell it on the mountain
21:40 That Jesus Christ is born
21:46 While shepherds kept their watching
21:50 O'r silent flocks by night
21:53 Behold throughout the heavens
21:58 There shone a holy light
22:04 Go, tell it on the mountain
22:08 Over the hills and everywhere
22:12 Go, tell it on the mountain
22:15 That Jesus Christ is born
22:20 The shepherds feared and trembled
22:24 When lo! above the earth
22:28 Rang out the angels chorus
22:32 That hailed our Savior's birth
22:39 Go, tell it on the mountain
22:42 Over the hills and everywhere
22:46 Go, tell it on the mountain
22:49 That Jesus Christ is born
22:54 Down in a lowly manger
22:58 The humble Christ was born
23:02 And brought us Gods' salvation
23:06 That blessed Christmas morn
23:14 Go, tell it on the mountain
23:18 Over the hills and everywhere
23:22 Go, tell it on the mountain
23:26 That Jesus Christ is born.
23:45 >>Once in royal David's city
23:51 Stood a lowly cattle shed,
23:57 Where a mother laid her baby
24:04 In a manger for his bed;
24:10 Mary, was that mother mild,
24:16 Jesus Christ, her little child.
24:23 He came down to earth from heaven
24:30 Who is God and Lord of all,
24:36 And his shelter was a stable,
24:43 And his cradle was a stall.
24:50 With the poor and meek and lowly
24:56 Lived on earth our Savior holy.
25:08 And His brow so rich in glory
25:15 Was for my sake crowned with thorns
25:22 He was taken to Golgotha
25:30 Where my wretchedness He bore
25:38 God His own son did not spare
25:45 That His glory we might share
25:58 And our eyes at last shall see him,
26:03 Through his own redeeming love;
26:09 For that child so dear and gentle
26:15 Is our Lord in heaven above;
26:21 And he leads His children on
26:26 To the place where He is gone
26:33 And he leads His children on
26:40 To the place where He is gone
26:57 >>Chris: Joy to the World. Jesus brings joy and when it comes in
27:02 music, it seems to warmed your heart. I'd like you to offer you
27:06 the Discover Bible lessons to learn more about this Jesus that can bring joy. Here's the
27:12 information you need to receive today's offer.
28:15 Jesus brings joy friend. I pray that through this program today
28:22 you found joy in Him. I hope you watch again next week, until then remember. It is
28:28 written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
28:32 that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2014-12-17