Series Code: IIWC
Program Code: IIWC201014
00:01 >>BILL: There are certain laws in life that you
00:02 learn, sometimes at a very young age, that should 00:07 never be broken, for example: No matter how 00:09 hard you try you cannot baptize cats You cannot 00:10 trust you dog to watch your food You cannot hide 00:15 a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk Don't sneeze 00:21 while you are getting your hair cut, and Never hold 00:22 a cat and a dust buster at the same time. 00:31 (MUSIC) 00:39 >>ANNOUNCER: IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME 00:42 GOD'S BOOK, THE BIBLE. 00:45 STILL RELEVANT IN TODAY'S COMPLEX WORLD 00:49 IT IS WRITTEN. 00:51 SHARING MESSAGES OF HOPE AROUND THE WORLD 00:56 (MUSIC) 01:10 Jesus said in Matthew 5: 17 - 20: 01:58 The manner in which Jesus makes this statement would 01:59 lead one to believe that He was intentionally 02:03 speaking to those who had thought exactly that - 02:08 that He, Jesus was in contradiction of the Law 02:09 and of the Prophets. After all, early on 02:12 in His ministry, at least according to Mark, before 02:16 he even called the twelve Jesus had already 02:17 encountered hostility from the Pharisees with regard 02:21 to His manner of Sabbath observance. Mark puts 02:27 both the picking of the corn on the Sabbath and 02:28 the healing of the man with the withered hand 02:32 before Jesus' calling of the 12 disciples. I think 02:38 it natural that people would have been 02:39 questioning His authority and its relation to 02:42 the Law of Moses. It was clear that the Scribes and 02:46 Pharisees were submissive to the Law - they were 02:47 the "teachers of the law". 02:52 They were devoted to the interpretation of the 02:53 law and they took their authority from the law. 02:59 But it was not so clear with Jesus. He seemed to 03:03 speak with His own authority. He spoke using 03:04 a formula that no ancient prophet or modern scribe 03:11 would use. He introduced His most impressive 03:16 statements with the words, "Truly I say to you." 03:17 Speaking His own name and His own authority. 03:28 What was this authority of His? Was He setting 03:29 Himself up as an authority over the sacred law, God's 03:36 Word? It must have seemed so to some. Hence their 03:43 question spoken or unspoken , which Jesus now 03:44 answered unequivocally, "Do not think that I came 03:51 to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come 03:56 to abolish but to fulfill." This is what 03:57 Jesus had to say about the law - He has come to 04:02 fulfill. He continues, "I say to you, until heaven 04:07 and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or 04:08 stroke shall pass from the Law until all 04:13 is accomplished." He says none of it will pass away, 04:18 not the smallest letter or part of a letter, not 04:19 even a stroke until all is fulfilled. And this 04:24 fulfillment will not be complete until all heaven 04:30 and earth pass away. 04:31 Now it is common to hear that because times have 04:35 changed, the Bible no longer fits our world. But 04:36 the truth is really the opposite. Many today claim 04:42 that there is no absolute truth - no moral standard 04:47 that defines right from wrong - no absolute basis 04:48 for truth, for law, for morals, for what is right, 04:54 and for what is wrong; and if there is-what is it? 05:01 Jesus' answer is-there is an absolute, and that 05:02 absolute is found in the word of God. Jesus gives 05:08 us three very strict and very serious warnings in 05:13 this passage of Scripture: Warning Number One: Beware 05:14 of those that Deny God's Truth! 05:31 Now this is very important. If you are a 05:32 Christian and Jesus Christ is your Lord, then you 05:36 should see the word of God the same way Jesus saw the 05:42 word of God. Without question, he saw it as 05:44 God's permanent truth. 05:49 Some people even try to separate the Old Testament 05:50 from the New, as if all we need is the New Testament, 05:55 as if we don't need to pay any attention to the Old 06:00 Testament. But here we see that the Law and the 06:01 Prophets, which refers to the Old Testament, 06:07 is exactly what Jesus has affirmed in the strongest 06:12 possible language. 06:17 The word for "destroy" is a word that literally 06:19 means "to tear down, to make null, or to make 06:23 void." Jesus never said or did anything that would 06:28 ever bring even an ounce of doubt on one word of 06:29 God's word. He affirmed every single word of it. 06:35 In fact, there are two things the Bible says 06:38 never changes. First of all, the Lord never 06:40 changes and number two, His Law never changes. 06:43 Let me tell you why I think this is so 06:47 important. As truth goes, so goes morality, and 06:48 we're seeing that played out right here in modern 06:55 day Canada. The Barna Research Group found the 07:01 following: 07:38 That is very rapid change, only 22 months - which 07:39 according to experts in unheard of in the field of 07:43 morality and religion. The terrorist attack of 911 07:50 occurred in that period and some have suggested 07:51 that the attack contributed to the decline 07:54 in these numbers. Barna Research suggested that 07:59 because of the attack: 08:20 But the shift is in the other direction -- towards 08:21 a lessening in belief in absolute truth. The name 08:24 of the game today is relativism; your idea is 08:29 just as good as mine; my idea is no better than 08:30 yours; one religion is just as good as another; 08:35 there's no such thing as truth, only personal 08:38 opinion. St. 08:39 Augustine once said: 08:52 Warning Number Two: Beware of Those Who Disobey God's 08:53 Truth - Matthew 5: 19 09:18 Now listen carefully to what Jesus tells us there. 09:19 He said that the way we are going to be judged by 09:25 God will be very simple. 09:26 God is going to evaluate us as to whether or not we 09:32 obeyed the law or not, and then secondly, He's going 09:37 to evaluate us as to whether or not we taught 09:38 other people to obey His law or not. In other 09:44 words, you're going to be judged not only by how you 09:48 personally obeyed God's word, but also as to 09:49 how you influenced other people to either obey 09:55 or disobey God's word. 09:56 Greatness in God's kingdom is going to be determined 10:02 not by your gifts, your abilities, your success, 10:06 your popularity, your reputation, or even the 10:07 size of your ministry; greatness is going to 10:13 be determined by how you perceived the Bible, how 10:18 you practiced the Bible, and how you 10:19 promoted the Bible. 10:27 The University of Cambridge conducted a 10:28 study in 2009 entitled "Young People Morality 10:30 and Crime" - they make a number of interesting 10:35 observations: 11:46 It seems to me that when we don't model truth and 11:47 teach truth and train our young people to believe 11:53 that there is such a thing as truth, the result is 11:57 not just confusion, but outright corruption. 11:58 Warning Number Three: Beware of Those that 12:02 Distort God's Truth 12:18 Now if there is anything that would have caught the 12:19 attention of the crowd in the Sermon on the Mount 12:22 it would have been this single statement. Because 12:25 the Jews had a saying, "If only two people go 12:26 to heaven, one will be a scribe and the 12:30 other a Pharisee." 12:38 You talk about religious; you talk about rigid; 12:39 you talk about reformed; scribes and Pharisees 12:43 competed with one another in how strict they could 12:46 be in their religion. They were not content with just 12:47 the Ten Commandments. On to the Ten 12:53 Commandments they added on 248 commands, 365 12:59 prohibitions, and 1,521 amendments. In order to 13:01 make sure they would not take God's name in vain, 13:06 they would not even pronounce God's name. To 13:10 avoid sexual temptation they would lower their 13:11 heads and not even look at women. To avoid defiling 13:15 the Sabbath, they outlawed 39 activities that might 13:21 be construed as "work." 13:22 Paul was a Pharisee, and he understood their 13:28 problem because he used to have their problem. He 13:29 pinpointed it in Romans 10:3-4: 13:54 One of the greatest lessons that anyone will 13:56 ever learn when it comes to righteousness 14:00 is this-the righteousness that God requires from you 14:04 is the righteousness that God gives to you. 14:05 Look at Romans 3:21 - 22 14:38 You see, the Pharisees on the outside looked as if 14:39 they were fulfilling every letter of the law, 14:47 but what they were missing was the spirit of the law. 14:54 What Jesus was saying was this: "Unless your 14:55 righteousness goes deeper than theirs, unless yours 14:58 is a righteousness not of the head, but of the 15:02 heart, you do not know what kingdom 15:03 living is all about." 15:11 On July 24, 1983 The Kansas City Royals were 15:12 playing the New York Yankees in Yankee Stadium. 15:16 The Royals were trailing 4-3 with two outs in the 15:19 top of the ninth - George Brett waited in the 15:20 on-deck circle. ame to the plate and connected off 15:24 Yankee reliever Rich 'Goose' Gossage for a 15:29 two-run home run and a 5-4 lead.nAs Brett crossed the 15:30 plate, New York manager Billy Martin approached 15:35 rookie home plate umpire Tim McClelland and 15:39 requested that Brett's bat be examined. Earlier 15:40 in the season, Martin and other members of the 15:45 Yankees had noticed the amount of pine tar used by 15:48 Brett, but Martin had chosen not to say anything 15:49 until the home run. With Brett watching from the 15:55 dugout, McClelland and the rest of the umpiring crew 15:58 inspected the bat. 15:59 Measuring the bat against the width of home plate 16:03 (which is 17 inches), they determined that the amount 16:04 of pine tar on the bat's handle exceeded that 16:08 allowed by Rule 1.10(b) of the Major League Baseball 16:16 rule book, which read that "a bat may not be covered 16:17 by such a substance more than 18 inches from 16:22 the tip of the handle." 16:23 McClelland searched for Brett in the visitors' 16:27 dugout, pointed at him, and signaled that he was 16:30 out, his home run nullified and the game 16:31 over. The Royals protested the game, and their 16:37 protest was officially heard by American League 16:42 President Lee MacPhail who overruled McClelland's 16:43 decision and restored Brett's home run. In 16:47 explaining his decision MacPhail stated that the 16:53 umpire had violated the 'spirit of the rule'. On 16:54 August 18 (a scheduled off day for both teams), the 17:03 game was resumed from the point of Brett's home run, 17:06 with about 1,200 fans in attendance. You see, 17:07 here's what you need to understand about what 17:15 God's word says about salvation and being right 17:19 with God. When the roll is called up yonder the grade 17:20 on your report card that will make it won't 17:25 be "A" for excellent; "B" for good; or even "C" for 17:30 passing. The only grade that will make it 17:31 is "G" for God's grace. 17:42 I heard about a little boy who did his household 17:43 chores and left his mother this note: "For cleaning 17:46 my room, $5.00. For washing the dishes, $3.00. 17:51 For raking the leaves, $10.00. Total: $18.00. 17:52 Mom, you owe me." The mother read the note while 18:00 the boy was at school and put $18.00 on the table. 18:04 With it she left this note: "For bearing you 18:05 nine months in the womb, taking care of you when 18:10 you threw up for three months, no charge. For 18:15 cooking your breakfast everyday, no charge. For 18:16 washing and ironing your clothes everyday, no 18:23 charge. For staying up all night every time you were 18:27 sick, no charge. For taking you wherever you 18:28 want to go, no charge. 18:32 Total: Grace." When the boy read that note he ran 18:33 to his mother and said, "Mother, whatever you 18:41 want me to do let me know and there won't be any 18:46 charge." 18:47 True righteousness is not earned by religious works, 18:53 bought by charitable giving, or deserved by 18:54 good deeds. It is received by grace through faith. If 19:01 you intend to go to Heaven you had better get that 19:07 right. 19:12 Until we give You first place, 19:19 until we let You begin, 19:25 to fill us with your Spirit, 19:33 Renew us from within 19:40 Nothing matters, 19:48 nothing's gained 19:53 without Your holy presence our lives 19:54 are lived in vain 20:08 Lord, we want to know You, 20:14 live our lives to show You, 20:21 all the love we owe You; 20:28 We're seekers of your heart 20:41 Because Your heart was broken, 20:47 because You saw the need, 20:54 because You gave so freely, 21:01 because of Calvary, 21:09 We can now be called 21:16 Your own completed creations 21:29 Filled with You alone 21:36 Lord, we want to know You, 21:43 live our lives to show You 21:49 all the love we owe You; 21:56 We're seekers of your heart 22:04 Lord, we want to know You, 22:11 live our lives to show You 22:18 all the love we owe You; 22:25 We're seekers of your heart 22:34 Seeking your Heart oh Lord, 22:40 We're seeking your Heart oh Lord, 22:48 Show us your face oh Lord, 22:55 Lord we adore you our God. 23:17 Hi, everyone! I want you to take your right hand 23:18 and put it right under (music) 23:22 (music) 23:35 Hi, everyone! I want you to take your right hand 23:36 and put it right under your rib cage. Do you know 23:39 what organ lives there? At a recent presentation, I 23:43 asked that question, and someone said, "fat!" 23:44 Well, underneath whatever fat you might have there, 23:48 located under your rib cage to the right side of 23:53 your abdomen, your liver is a powerhouse of 23:54 activity. It's the largest solid organ in your 23:58 body and, in an adult, it's about the size of a 24:01 football. Essentially, everything that goes into 24:02 your mouth - food, drink, medications, alcohol, 24:03 drugs - all get processed at some point in your 24:04 liver. What else does your liver do for you? So 24:05 many things! Your liver cleans your blood of 24:07 toxins, aids in digestion by producing bile to 24:08 digest fats, it stores energy in the form of 24:09 glycogen, regulates fat metabolism, makes 24:11 cholesterol, helps with blood clotting, and so 24:13 much more! With all the things your liver does for 24:14 you, you want to be sure you're doing everything 24:17 you can to keep your liver healthy and functioning 24:20 well. Here are a few tips: 24:24 1) Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight 24:25 is taxing to your liver. 24:29 In particular, the majority of people who 24:30 have a condition called fatty liver are usually 24:34 overweight. Fatty liver occurs when fat starts to 24:39 accumulate in the liver. 24:42 2) Stay away from alcohol. 24:43 I can't recommend this strongly enough. If your 24:48 liver is constantly having to detoxify alcohol, 24:49 this can result in the destruction of liver cells 24:53 which, over time, can lead to fatty liver, and 24:59 cirrhosis of your liver. 25:00 Not a pretty picture! 25:03 3) If you can, avoid taking too many 25:04 medications. In a study published in the Journal 25:08 of the American Medical Association in 2006, 106 25:13 participants were given the maximum recommended 25:14 dose of a pain medication every day for 14 days. At 25:18 the end of the study it was found that 40% of the 25:22 participants experienced acute liver damage. 25:29 4) Keep active, and eat healthy, plant-based 25:30 foods. For one thing, changing the way you 25:35 eat and engaging in more physical activity may help 25:38 you be able to decrease the amount of medications 25:39 you are on. Speak with your doctor about 25:44 this possibility. And, remember, don't ever stop 25:48 your medications without consulting 25:49 with your doctor first. 25:52 5) And, finally, avoid fatty and sugary foods. 25:53 Instead, eat lots of fresh foods, as unprocessed 25:56 as possible. When you're grocery shopping, shop the 26:02 perimeter of the store and stock up on the vivid 26:04 colors - dark greens, vibrant oranges, reds, 26:07 and yellows, deep purples Your liver loves those 26:12 colors and fresh, healthy foods. Show your liver 26:13 some love! I'll see you next time! 26:19 (music) 26:25 >>MATTHEW: IF YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS SERIES ON 26:26 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT AND WOULD LIKE TO DEEPEN 26:31 YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE, THEN WHY NOT 26:33 ENROLL TODAY IN IT IS WRITTEN CANADA'S DISCOVER 26:34 BIBLE SCHOOL. THE LESSONS ARE SENT BY MAIL, THEY 26:36 ARRIVE POSTAGE PAID AND YOU CAN STUDY THEM IN THE 26:39 COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. 26:40 THOUSANDS HAVE CHOSEN THE DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL AS 26:43 THEIR PREFERRED METHOD OF STUDY. IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE 26:44 SOMETHING THAT WOULD HELP YOU THEN ENROLL TODAY. 26:46 HERE IS THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FIRST 26:47 LESSON. 27:11 >>BILL: WELL I WANT TO THANK YOU BEING WITH 27:12 US AGAIN THIS WEEK. WE APPRECIATE YOU MAKING THE 27:15 EFFORT TO BE HERE EACH AND EVERY WEEK. DON'T FORGET 27:19 TO VISIT OUR WEB-SITE WWW.ITISWRITTENCANADA.CA 27:21 THERE YOU CAN SEND US A PRAYER REQUEST, YOU 27:23 CAN SIGN UP FOR OUR CORRESPONDANCE BIBLE 27:26 SCHOOL - THAT'S A GREAT, GREAT WAY OF GETTING TO 27:27 KNOW THE SCRIPTURES - IT'S FREE OF CHARGE, THERE'S 27:31 NO COMMITMENT, WE SEND YOU THE LESSONS BY 27:33 CORRESPONDANCE - THOUSANDS OF YOU HAVE REGISTERED. 27:34 IF YOU HAVE NOT, DO THAT TODAY, YOU CAN DO THAT 27:37 ON THE WEB-SITE. YOU CAN FOLLOW US ON TWITTER, YOU 27:40 CAN VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. OUR PLAN IS TO BE 27:41 BACK HERE AGAIN NEXT WEEK - THAT'S WHAT WE WILL BE 27:49 PRAYING FOR, I HOPE YOU TAKE THE TIME TO JOIN US. 27:52 UNTIL THEN REMEMBER, IT IS WRITTEN, MAN SHALL NOT 27:53 LIVE BY BREAD ALONE BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS 27:57 FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. 28:30 WHAT IF THIS YEAR YOU SENT MORE THAN JUST A PLEASANT 28:31 GREETING FOR CHRISTMAS? 28:33 WOULD YOU LIKE TO PRESENT THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS 28:34 GIFT OF ALL, JESUS CHRIST, TO YOUR FRIENDS AND 28:36 ASSOCIATES? FOR A LIMITED TIME, IT IS WRITTEN IS 28:39 OFFERING A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CARD THAT 28:40 INCLUDES A DVD MESSAGE IN 7 LANGUAGES INVITING 28:42 ANYONE WHO WATCHES TO STRENGTHEN THEIR 28:46 RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. 28:47 WITH THE LOW COST OF ONLY 3 DOLLARS PER CARD WHY NOT 28:50 SEND ONE TO EACH PERSON ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. 28:51 TO ORDER LOG ON TO ITISWRITTENCANADA.CA |
Revised 2014-12-17