>Bill: An eminent psychologist was called to 00:00:01.23\00:00:02.16 testify in court. A severe no-nonsense professional, 00:00:02.16\00:00:05.10 she sat down in the witness chair unaware that 00:00:05.10\00:00:09.96 its rear legs were set precariously on the back 00:00:09.96\00:00:11.03 of the raised platform. 00:00:11.03\00:00:15.66 "Will you please state your name?" asked the 00:00:15.66\00:00:16.63 district attorney. 00:00:16.63\00:00:20.06 Tilting back in her chair, the psychologist opened 00:00:20.06\00:00:21.23 her mouth to answer, but instead catapulted 00:00:21.23\00:00:24.13 head-over-heels backward and landed in a stack of 00:00:24.13\00:00:28.43 exhibits and recording equipment. Everyone 00:00:28.43\00:00:29.50 watched in stunned silence as she extricated herself, 00:00:29.50\00:00:33.26 rearranged her disheveled dress and hair and was 00:00:33.26\00:00:39.26 reseated on the witness stand. The glare she 00:00:39.26\00:00:40.23 directed at onlookers dared anyone to so much 00:00:40.23\00:00:45.10 as smirk. "Well, doctor," continued the district 00:00:45.10\00:00:54.13 attorney without changing expression, "perhaps we 00:00:54.13\00:00:55.16 could start with an easier question." 00:00:55.16\00:00:59.30 (MUSIC) 00:01:00.30\00:01:08.16 >>ANNOUNCER: IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. 00:01:08.80\00:01:11.36 GOD'S BOOK THE BIBLE 00:01:11.73\00:01:14.70 STILL RELEVANT IN TODAY'S COMPLEX WORLD. 00:01:15.00\00:01:19.26 IT IS WRITTEN . 00:01:19.53\00:01:21.63 SHARING MESSAGES OF HOPE AROUND THE WORLD. 00:01:21.93\00:01:26.53 (MUSIC) 00:01:27.33\00:01:46.30 A young man came to Jesus with what he thought was 00:01:46.96\00:01:47.96 a deep and challenging question: "Good Teacher," 00:01:47.96\00:01:51.16 he said, "what must I do to get to heaven?" Isn't 00:01:51.16\00:01:57.03 that what we all want to know, isn't it? "What must 00:01:57.03\00:01:58.06 we do to get to heaven?" 00:01:58.06\00:02:00.96 Some of you would prefer to be on the golf course 00:02:00.96\00:02:01.93 right now. Instead, you are watching me. I think 00:02:01.93\00:02:08.20 it has something to do with this question: "What 00:02:08.20\00:02:12.33 must I do to get to heaven?" 00:02:12.33\00:02:16.73 Well, the Lord Jesus tells us in no uncertain terms 00:02:18.46\00:02:19.60 just what it takes to be saved. I do not know where 00:02:19.60\00:02:24.16 you stand with the Lord today, but I do know that 00:02:24.16\00:02:29.63 if you are not saved, you need to be and you will 00:02:29.63\00:02:30.66 hear how you can be today. 00:02:30.66\00:02:35.70 If, for some reason, you have been mislead about 00:02:35.70\00:02:36.70 your salvation, then you will hear how you can come 00:02:36.70\00:02:42.96 to know Jesus today. All I ask is that you let the 00:02:42.96\00:02:49.93 Lord speak to your heart, and if He calls you to 00:02:49.93\00:02:50.93 come to Him, then I want you to come. Let's look 00:02:50.93\00:02:54.80 together at the passage - it is found in Mark 10:17 00:02:54.80\00:02:58.43 - 22 00:02:58.43\00:03:02.90 I would like for us to look into this encounter 00:04:02.16\00:04:03.13 today, because I fear that there are many people who 00:04:03.13\00:04:07.33 are in the same condition as this young man. They 00:04:07.33\00:04:10.83 want to be saved and they may even feel that they 00:04:10.83\00:04:11.86 are saved, but they have no understanding of 00:04:11.86\00:04:17.40 what genuine, biblical salvation is all about. 00:04:17.40\00:04:23.83 This particular encounter is mentioned by Matthew, 00:04:23.83\00:04:24.93 Luke and of course here, in our text, by Mark. 00:04:24.93\00:04:29.10 All three of the Gospel writers add additional 00:04:29.10\00:04:32.83 detail concerning this man who has come to be known 00:04:32.83\00:04:33.86 as The Rich Young Ruler. 00:04:33.86\00:04:39.20 Let's get to know him a little better. 00:04:39.20\00:04:41.53 All three evangelists tell us that he was a rich man. 00:04:44.36\00:04:45.46 Matthew tells us that he was young and Luke tells 00:04:45.46\00:04:49.90 us that he was a ruler. 00:04:49.90\00:04:50.40 This probably means that he was a ruler in the 00:04:50.40\00:04:55.00 synagogue. When all the facts concerning this man 00:04:55.00\00:04:59.20 are considered, it becomes clear that this young man 00:04:59.20\00:05:00.46 had many things going for him in his life. 1. 00:05:00.46\00:05:05.56 He has Youth - Youth is a wonderful thing! There is 00:05:05.56\00:05:11.43 no better time to give one's life to the Lord. If 00:05:11.43\00:05:12.46 you are young and unsaved, let me challenge you to 00:05:12.46\00:05:16.53 come to Jesus today! Don't waste your life! Don't 00:05:16.53\00:05:21.36 burn the candle for the devil and then blow the 00:05:21.36\00:05:22.40 smoke of a wasted life in the face of God someday. 00:05:22.40\00:05:27.63 Come to Jesus now, while He can use you for His 00:05:27.63\00:05:32.20 glory and make something special out of your life! 00:05:32.20\00:05:33.20 2. He has Wealth - This young man has plenty of 00:05:33.20\00:05:40.30 this world's goods. Now, there is nothing wrong 00:05:40.30\00:05:45.60 with having money! Having money isn't evil, it is 00:05:45.60\00:05:46.63 when money has you that problems begin. 3. He 00:05:46.63\00:05:52.03 has Morality and Religion - This man is living a 00:05:52.03\00:05:57.66 clean, moral life. Notice that Jesus did not rebuke 00:05:57.66\00:05:58.83 him when he claimed to have kept the 00:05:58.83\00:06:02.70 commandments. Outwardly, this man's life was clean 00:06:02.70\00:06:07.70 and pure. That is a wonderful thing! It ought 00:06:07.70\00:06:08.66 to be true about every person listening to 00:06:08.66\00:06:12.40 me right now. 4. He has Position - Luke says that 00:06:12.40\00:06:19.03 he is a ruler. As I said a moment ago, this probably 00:06:19.03\00:06:20.10 means that he is a leader in the synagogue. He is a 00:06:20.10\00:06:26.56 man of some influence in local religious circles. 00:06:26.56\00:06:32.46 That too is a good thing! From every outward 00:06:32.46\00:06:33.40 appearance, this man was the ideal young person. 00:06:33.40\00:06:38.86 He was everything a mother might want her son to be. 00:06:38.86\00:06:44.53 He was clean cut, religious, industrious and 00:06:44.53\00:06:45.46 morally clean. He was the envy of everyone! 00:06:45.46\00:06:52.56 In spite of all he has going for him, this 00:06:54.13\00:06:55.06 man had one mighty big skeleton in his closet! In 00:06:55.06\00:07:00.50 spite of all that he had, he still had an itch he 00:07:00.50\00:07:05.36 could not scratch! He had found that his youth left 00:07:05.36\00:07:06.40 him unsatisfied. His money had left him feeling 00:07:06.40\00:07:12.96 unfulfilled. His morality, his clean living and his 00:07:12.96\00:07:17.80 religious activity had not been able to satisfy 00:07:17.80\00:07:18.76 the deepest longing of his soul. His swift climb up 00:07:18.76\00:07:24.66 the rungs of the social ladder had failed to give 00:07:24.66\00:07:30.63 him what he wanted most: peace with God. So, he 00:07:30.63\00:07:31.60 comes with haste to Jesus. 00:07:31.60\00:07:38.83 He falls down before the Lord and he 00:07:38.83\00:07:39.66 cries out to Christ. 00:07:39.66\00:07:43.93 Maybe you are in the same shape as this young 00:07:45.33\00:07:46.26 man. From every outward appearance, you have it 00:07:46.26\00:07:53.30 made. Life has been good to you. You have a little 00:07:53.30\00:07:58.13 money. Maybe you have climbed up the social 00:07:58.13\00:07:59.10 ladder a little ways. 00:07:59.10\00:08:03.43 Maybe your name is well known and you are 00:08:03.43\00:08:04.46 well thought of in the community. Maybe you are a 00:08:04.46\00:08:08.00 good person, who has lived a clean, moral life. Maybe 00:08:08.00\00:08:13.43 you are a church member, a leader, a teacher, and 00:08:13.43\00:08:14.40 everyone thinks your life is complete. But, in spite 00:08:14.40\00:08:19.20 of all you have, there is still something missing in 00:08:19.20\00:08:26.50 your life. You know you have what it takes to 00:08:26.50\00:08:27.63 live, but you also know that you are unprepared to 00:08:27.63\00:08:32.90 die. You have everything you want and need 00:08:32.90\00:08:38.40 materially, but you do not have spiritual peace with 00:08:38.40\00:08:39.60 God. Everything looks good on the outside, but 00:08:39.60\00:08:46.53 the insides are all messed up. If that describes you, 00:08:46.53\00:08:51.23 then keep listening, because Jesus has a 00:08:51.23\00:08:52.13 word of hope for you! 00:08:52.13\00:08:58.16 As this young man comes to Jesus, he gets several 00:09:00.46\00:09:01.50 things right. Notice: 1. 00:09:01.50\00:09:08.03 He comes to the right Person - He had evidently 00:09:08.03\00:09:09.03 heard of Jesus and knows that if anyone can help 00:09:09.03\00:09:11.26 him, Jesus can. 2. He comes in the right way - 00:09:11.26\00:09:16.43 He comes running, because he knows the urgency 00:09:16.43\00:09:17.40 of the situation. He also came kneeling. This shows 00:09:17.40\00:09:23.16 that he recognized that fact that Jesus is worthy 00:09:23.16\00:09:28.50 and he is not. 3. 00:09:28.50\00:09:28.90 He comes for the right purpose - This young man 00:09:28.90\00:09:32.76 came to Jesus pondering the issues of eternity. 00:09:32.76\00:09:33.80 He had the most important things on his heart. We 00:09:33.80\00:09:39.76 live in the midst of one of the most sophisticated 00:09:39.76\00:09:44.93 and intellectually advanced cultures the 00:09:44.93\00:09:45.83 world has ever known, yet people still do not 00:09:45.83\00:09:51.56 know the answer to the most basic and important 00:09:51.56\00:09:55.83 question of all. People do not know how to be saved. 00:09:55.83\00:09:56.90 Man can split atoms, put men on the moon, harness 00:09:56.90\00:10:03.63 the power of the sun, wind and rain, but he does not 00:10:03.63\00:10:09.30 know how to get to Heaven! 00:10:09.30\00:10:09.86 Thankfully, Jesus had the answer for this young man 00:10:09.86\00:10:15.66 and He still has the answer you need today. 4. 00:10:15.66\00:10:16.73 He comes at the right time - He came when Jesus was 00:10:16.73\00:10:22.30 nearby! That is a mistake many make. They think they 00:10:22.30\00:10:30.13 can come to Jesus at anytime. They think they 00:10:30.13\00:10:31.06 can come whenever it fits into their schedule. The 00:10:31.06\00:10:35.13 truth of the matter is somewhat different. Man 00:10:35.13\00:10:39.36 doesn't come to the Lord whenever he wants, he 00:10:39.36\00:10:40.33 comes to Jesus when Jesus is passing close to him. 00:10:40.33\00:10:45.16 That is why the Bible says what it does in Isaiah. 00:10:45.16\00:10:55.13 55: 6 - 00:10:55.13\00:10:56.90 You never come to Him when you want. You come when He 00:11:04.03\00:11:05.13 is calling you. You come when He is passing 00:11:05.13\00:11:11.70 by! While this man gets several things right, he 00:11:11.70\00:11:17.50 gets the main thing terribly wrong. Notice 00:11:17.50\00:11:18.43 his question in verse 17. 00:11:18.43\00:11:25.06 Matthew's account puts it this way, Matthew 19: 16. 00:11:35.43\00:11:38.80 This man knows he has a lot of good things stacked 00:11:47.23\00:11:48.30 up in his corner. He seems to think that if he can 00:11:48.30\00:11:52.90 just add some other good thing, then he can have 00:11:52.90\00:11:57.23 salvation as a reward. 00:11:57.23\00:11:57.73 There are two basic problems with his 00:11:57.73\00:12:02.76 question: 1. He thinks salvation can be earned 00:12:02.76\00:12:03.76 - He wants to get his salvation like he has 00:12:03.76\00:12:08.63 gotten everything else in his life: he wants to earn 00:12:08.63\00:12:13.36 it for himself. 2. 00:12:13.36\00:12:13.80 He thinks salvation is a reward - He seems to think 00:12:13.80\00:12:20.86 that if he can just do enough good things, then 00:12:20.86\00:12:21.93 God will give him eternal life as a reward. John 00:12:21.93\00:12:26.60 10:28 ". I give eternal life to them ." When Jesus 00:12:26.60\00:12:39.40 hears what this man wants, He responds in an unusual 00:12:39.40\00:12:40.60 manner. He confronts this young man in two specific 00:12:40.60\00:12:49.20 areas. 1. He confronts him regarding the Person of 00:12:49.20\00:12:55.73 the Savior - When this young man called Jesus 00:12:55.73\00:12:56.70 Good. Jesus reminded this young man that no one 00:12:56.70\00:13:00.53 was good but God. This was designed to make this 00:13:00.53\00:13:06.03 young man consider how he viewed Jesus Christ. Jesus 00:13:06.03\00:13:07.10 is not just a good moral man, a teacher sent to 00:13:07.10\00:13:14.46 show us the way. No! He is far more than that! He is 00:13:14.46\00:13:20.40 God in the flesh! He is not a way-shower, He is 00:13:20.40\00:13:21.40 the Way. He is not a truth dispenser, He is the 00:13:21.40\00:13:28.46 Truth. He does not point out the path to life, but 00:13:28.46\00:13:34.30 He Himself is the Life! 00:13:34.30\00:13:34.83 2. He confronts him regarding the Problem of 00:13:34.83\00:13:40.83 Sin - When Jesus reminds this young man that only 00:13:40.83\00:13:41.80 God is good, he is trying to get this moral young 00:13:41.80\00:13:48.10 man to see that he is a sinner. Apparently, this 00:13:48.10\00:13:54.70 young man believed that salvation was just 00:13:54.70\00:13:55.73 something else he could add to his resume. But, 00:13:55.73\00:13:59.83 Jesus wants him to see that he is a sinner and as 00:13:59.83\00:14:05.03 a sinner he has no ground upon which to stand 00:14:05.03\00:14:06.00 before the face of God. 00:14:06.00\00:14:11.46 This is where most people are isn't it? They take 00:14:13.83\00:14:14.86 an external, superficial, inventory of their 00:14:14.86\00:14:20.66 lives and think they are alright. They say, "I 00:14:20.66\00:14:25.93 don't beat my wife. I don't abuse my children. I 00:14:25.93\00:14:26.96 don't run around. I don't drink. I provide for my 00:14:26.96\00:14:31.33 family. I am a pretty good person. And, after all, 00:14:31.33\00:14:36.63 compared to some people, why, I am almost a saint!" 00:14:36.63\00:14:37.66 Do you know what's wrong with that? The problem 00:14:37.66\00:14:44.13 with people and their relationship with God is 00:14:44.13\00:14:48.33 not what they are outwardly, it's what they 00:14:48.33\00:14:49.23 are inwardly! The heart of the problem is a problem 00:14:49.23\00:14:56.56 with the heart! Romans 3: 10 - 12 Jesus still 00:14:56.56\00:15:05.00 loved this young man regardless of his sins and 00:15:05.00\00:15:06.00 regardless of his improper 00:15:06.00\00:15:22.60 the problem is a problem with the heart! Romans 00:15:28.60\00:15:29.56 3: 10 - 12 Jesus still loved this young man 00:15:29.56\00:15:32.30 regardless of his sins and regardless of his improper 00:15:32.30\00:15:37.50 understanding of the things of God. As proof of 00:15:37.50\00:15:38.50 His love, Jesus tells this young man how to be saved. 00:15:38.50\00:15:42.70 Jesus tells him to do three things. 1. Sell his 00:15:42.70\00:15:49.26 possessions and give the money to the poor - 00:15:49.26\00:15:50.36 Jesus isn't implying that salvation is earned by 00:15:50.36\00:15:55.96 giving away our material possessions. He is merely 00:15:55.96\00:15:59.70 placing His finger on the root of this man's 00:15:59.70\00:16:00.73 problem. He loved his money more that he wanted 00:16:00.73\00:16:04.86 God in his life. Jesus is saying, "If you want Me, 00:16:04.86\00:16:10.26 you can place nothing else ahead of Me!" will save! 00:16:10.26\00:16:11.30 2. Take up the cross - The cross was symbolic of 00:16:11.30\00:16:21.30 death. To take up one's cross was to go to one's 00:16:21.30\00:16:27.10 death. Jesus is saying, "If you want me, then you 00:16:27.10\00:16:28.13 have to die to yourself!" 00:16:28.13\00:16:34.83 In other words, your loves, your goals, your 00:16:34.83\00:16:35.80 desires, your plans, everything you have, must 00:16:35.80\00:16:41.50 be given up if you want to come to Jesus! 3. Follow 00:16:41.50\00:16:50.50 Jesus - Here is the crux of the matter! This young 00:16:50.50\00:16:51.50 man has been following power, prestige, position 00:16:51.50\00:16:57.50 and possessions. Jesus says, "You turn your back 00:16:57.50\00:17:05.03 on all that and you follow me. That is how you 00:17:05.03\00:17:06.03 get eternal life!" This is still the call 00:17:06.03\00:17:12.53 of the Gospel. God says, Isaiah 45: 22 00:17:12.53\00:17:20.93 The demands of the Gospel are clear. You must 00:17:31.96\00:17:32.93 forsake your sins through genuine repentance and 00:17:32.93\00:17:35.56 embrace the Savior by faith. This, and this 00:17:35.56\00:17:41.83 alone, will save your soul. 00:17:41.83\00:17:45.20 Here is the saddest part of this entire encounter. 00:18:01.60\00:18:02.60 This young man makes his decision, notice 00:18:02.60\00:18:08.06 what he did. He chose his possessions over Jesus! He 00:18:08.06\00:18:13.96 loved his money more than he wanted to be saved. 00:18:13.96\00:18:14.96 Jesus will allow you to make the same choice. If 00:18:14.96\00:18:20.83 you want it, He will let you keep it! But, ponder 00:18:20.83\00:18:28.96 this question: Mark 8: 36 - 37 00:18:28.96\00:18:32.36 One day, this man's youth faded and was 00:18:46.63\00:18:47.50 gone. He retired from his prestigious position down 00:18:47.50\00:18:51.83 at the synagogue. Finally, age and disease overtook 00:18:51.83\00:18:57.63 him and even his vast wealth couldn't prolong 00:18:57.63\00:18:58.63 the inevitable, and he died. Friends, what 00:18:58.63\00:19:03.70 you do with Jesus in this life, has eternal 00:19:03.70\00:19:14.10 consequences. In verse 21, Jesus summed up this 00:19:14.10\00:19:15.16 young man's dilemma with these words, "One thing 00:19:15.16\00:19:21.00 you lack". This man had everything, but the most 00:19:21.00\00:19:28.30 important thing. He had everything but he lacked 00:19:28.30\00:19:29.30 Jesus! Does that describe you? Do you have money? 00:19:29.30\00:19:37.83 Position? Youth? Beauty? 00:19:37.83\00:19:38.30 Health? Education? Or anything else you 00:19:38.30\00:19:47.60 can name, but still lack Jesus? Friend, you don't 00:19:47.60\00:19:53.66 have to go another minute without Him. Today 00:19:53.66\00:19:54.76 is a time of personal encounters. Jesus is 00:19:54.76\00:19:58.46 speaking to hearts right now. Don't walk away from 00:19:58.46\00:20:03.26 Jesus, come to Him now! 00:20:03.26\00:20:09.20 Master let me be your disciple I pray. 00:20:12.23\00:20:22.36 Master let me be your disciple I pray. 00:20:22.86\00:20:33.13 I lift my voice to heaven, and pray that 00:20:33.63\00:20:34.53 you will guide me 00:20:34.53\00:20:39.23 You've watched me from a distance, and sent 00:20:39.63\00:20:40.56 your love to find me 00:20:40.56\00:20:45.36 My heart is willing now to heed your calling 00:20:45.93\00:20:49.70 I'm ready to be faithful to the path 00:20:50.26\00:20:51.23 you lay before me 00:20:51.23\00:20:57.10 Master let me be your disciple I pray. 00:20:57.76\00:21:07.90 Master let me be your disciple I pray. 00:21:08.20\00:21:18.43 Perform a change within my life 00:21:18.80\00:21:21.63 And hold me safely to you side. 00:21:21.90\00:21:26.96 Master let me be your disciple I pray. 00:21:27.30\00:21:38.53 >>Bill: Father in heaven, thank you for the 00:21:40.16\00:21:41.06 teachings of Your word. 00:21:41.06\00:21:44.30 Thank you for Jesus and I pray for those right 00:21:44.30\00:21:45.43 now who are choosing to surrender all they have 00:21:45.43\00:21:49.60 and receive Jesus. May You bless them, protect them, 00:21:49.60\00:21:59.30 watch over them and confirm them in their 00:21:59.30\00:22:00.26 decision we pray in Jesus name, amen. 00:22:00.26\00:22:07.20 (music) 00:22:07.63\00:22:22.30 (music) 00:22:25.43\00:22:39.06 Hi, everyone! Diabetes, heart disease, high 00:22:41.26\00:22:42.23 blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. 00:22:42.23\00:22:46.13 What do all of these diseases have in common? 00:22:46.13\00:22:49.06 Well, usually, poor eating habits and a lack of 00:22:49.06\00:22:50.06 physical activity. What is the one diet prescription 00:22:50.06\00:22:55.93 that will help to reverse all of these diseases? If 00:22:55.93\00:23:00.10 you're thinking a plant-based diet, you're 00:23:00.10\00:23:00.96 absolutely right! The exciting findings from 00:23:00.96\00:23:04.06 numerous research studies show us that including 00:23:04.06\00:23:08.20 more plant-based foods in our every day eating and 00:23:08.20\00:23:09.33 decreasing the amount of animal-based products 00:23:09.33\00:23:13.20 will start you on your way to better health. For 00:23:13.20\00:23:17.13 example, a recent study done by Dr. David Jenkins 00:23:17.13\00:23:18.16 of University of Toronto, Dr. Neal Barnard of 00:23:18.16\00:23:23.20 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and 00:23:23.20\00:23:27.20 others revealed that for people with diabetes a 00:23:27.20\00:23:28.16 total vegetarian diet was all it took for blood 00:23:28.16\00:23:32.56 glucose levels to decrease significantly. Another 00:23:32.56\00:23:37.63 study by Canvasback Missions and Loma Linda 00:23:37.63\00:23:38.60 University revealed that many residents of the 00:23:38.60\00:23:42.13 Republic of the Marshall Islands who adopted a 00:23:42.13\00:23:46.16 total vegetarian diet and engaged in daily physical 00:23:46.16\00:23:47.20 activity were able to stop not only their diabetes 00:23:47.20\00:23:52.23 medications but also medications for high blood 00:23:52.23\00:23:57.70 pressure and high cholesterol. And this 00:23:57.70\00:23:58.56 after only two weeks! It all boils down to two 00:23:58.56\00:24:04.26 things, well, three things really. Eating 00:24:04.26\00:24:07.83 healthfully, engaging in daily physical activity, 00:24:07.83\00:24:08.80 and faith that God wants you to have health, and He 00:24:08.80\00:24:12.76 wants you to have it how More abundantly, it tells 00:24:12.76\00:24:17.96 us in John 10:10. 00:24:17.96\00:24:20.63 Let's look at another study led by Dean Ornish. 00:24:21.50\00:24:22.60 He took people with severe heart disease and put 00:24:22.60\00:24:25.90 them on a low-fat, total vegetarian diet. He also 00:24:25.90\00:24:29.70 asked them to walk daily, stop smoking, and take 00:24:29.70\00:24:30.80 stress reduction courses. 00:24:30.80\00:24:35.96 After one year, the results were remarkable. 00:24:35.96\00:24:36.90 Participants on the low-fat, total vegetarian 00:24:36.90\00:24:41.20 diet experienced widening of their narrowed 00:24:41.20\00:24:45.56 arteries, a reversal of their heart disease 00:24:45.56\00:24:46.50 Participants in the control group 00:24:46.50\00:24:50.23 were provided a diet recommended by a national 00:24:50.23\00:24:53.06 health organization and, on this diet, they 00:24:53.06\00:24:54.03 experienced further blockage of their 00:24:54.03\00:24:58.13 arteries. A plant-based diet seems to work for a 00:24:58.13\00:25:04.23 number of diseases! 00:25:04.23\00:25:04.80 Here's why: You'll get an abundance of antioxidants 00:25:04.80\00:25:10.13 and phytonutrients, natural substances in 00:25:10.13\00:25:11.06 plants that contribute to your good health. Plus, 00:25:11.06\00:25:14.33 there's no cholesterol in plant foods. You'll get 00:25:14.33\00:25:17.63 lower saturated fat, lower sodium, less sugar, less 00:25:17.63\00:25:18.66 additives, and more fibre. 00:25:18.66\00:25:21.16 These all add up to decreased risk for all 00:25:21.16\00:25:22.10 diseases. And, wouldn't you know it, a plant-based 00:25:22.10\00:25:30.16 way of eating is God's ideal for us. In Genesis 00:25:30.16\00:25:35.06 1:29, He tells us "I give you every seed-bearing 00:25:35.06\00:25:36.16 plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree 00:25:36.16\00:25:40.46 that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours 00:25:40.46\00:25:45.90 for food." As Michael Pollan puts it in his book 00:25:45.90\00:25:46.93 "In Defense of Food", "eat food, not too much, mostly 00:25:46.93\00:25:52.36 plants." I like that - short and sweet! When you 00:25:52.36\00:25:58.96 start to include more plant-based foods in your 00:25:58.96\00:25:59.96 every day eating, you will reap the rewards of 00:25:59.96\00:26:03.50 better health. Cheers to your good health! 00:26:03.50\00:26:08.56 >Omar: What must I do to be saved? The question 00:26:44.30\00:26:45.26 behind all questions. 00:26:45.26\00:26:48.10 Nothing! Jesus has done it all. If you confess 00:26:48.10\00:26:49.10 with your mouth, "Jesus is lord" and believe in your 00:26:49.10\00:26:54.53 heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be 00:26:54.53\00:26:59.13 saved. We wand to send you a book, it is called 00:26:59.13\00:27:00.16 "getting to know Jesus" by Phillip Yancey. It is our 00:27:00.16\00:27:04.90 gift to you. Here is the information you need to 00:27:04.90\00:27:09.10 get your copy. 00:27:09.10\00:27:11.93 >>Bill: Thank you for being with us. 00:28:16.06\00:28:16.86 Remember our web site www.itiswrittencanada.ca. 00:28:16.86\00:28:19.70 Until next week remember, it is written, man shall 00:28:19.70\00:28:26.26 not live by bread alone, but by every word that 00:28:26.26\00:28:27.23 proceeds from the mouth of God. 00:28:27.23\00:28:33.83 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 00:28:35.36\00:28:37.73