Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Inspire Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: IHS

Program Code: IHS000009A

00:14 Eat the bread, you will have life.
00:16 Eat My flesh, you will have life.
00:19 Drink My blood, you will have life.
00:22 The evidence is our willingness to hear
00:24 and to obey the Word of the God,
00:26 especially since we realize this is God speaking.
00:33 This is not an ordinary book
00:35 we are talking about this morning
00:38 this is the word of life.
00:40 This is the Word of God we have in His presence.
00:47 The Holy Spirit's ability to inspire.
00:59 Father in heaven, reveal Yourself
01:01 from the most powerful Man of this morning.
01:04 You are truly worthy to be worshiped
01:06 in every respect.
01:09 Make that crystal clear and give us the freedom
01:11 to praise Your holy name today.
01:15 We ask this in and through the precious name of Your Son,
01:18 Jesus Christ, amen.
01:20 Amen.
01:22 Revelation Chapter 4,
01:26 Revelation, I finally get into my favorite Book of Revelation.
01:31 Revelation Chapters 4 and 5
01:36 is a heavenly throne scene.
01:40 So there's three reasons for praising God
01:43 and they are all in Revelation Chapters 4 and 5.
01:47 And when these things come out the four living creatures
01:50 and the 24 elders they fall down on their faces
01:55 and they cry out worthy, worthy, worthy,
02:01 worthy out thou to be worshipped
02:04 because of this and this.
02:08 So let's look at the first of these in verse 8.
02:15 "The four living creatures, each of them having six wings,
02:20 full of eyes around and within
02:22 and day and night they do not cease to say," what?
02:27 "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, Almighty
02:35 because
02:37 he is the one
02:44 who was
02:49 and is and is to come."
02:56 The first reason for the worship of God
03:02 that causes the four living creatures to shout out
03:08 holy, holy, holy
03:11 is because God is the one who was and is
03:15 and is to come.
03:18 The eternalness of God,
03:20 I like to call it His eternal self existence.
03:25 God is the only One who was and is and is to come.
03:30 It took me many years of my life to realize
03:33 that God is not limited by time and space like we are.
03:37 He can actually see my entire life
03:41 at one glance because my life in His realm,
03:44 in God's time my life is still happening.
03:48 Look at the second reason
03:50 for Him being worshiped in verse 11.
03:54 Notice the word worthy coming in here in verse 11.
03:57 "Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God,
04:02 to receive glory and honor and power
04:05 because"
04:07 "You created all things."
04:09 "You created all things,"
04:12 God's worthiness is associated with His creative power.
04:17 He is worthy of worship not because He is all powerful
04:22 but because He is the creator God.
04:24 He is author of all living things.
04:28 Nothing has come forth apart from Him.
04:31 Amen.
04:32 Finally in chapter 5,
04:35 the third reason for God being worshiped
04:38 and so worth of worship is in chapter 5.
04:43 Look at verse 9,
04:46 "They sang a new song"
04:50 wow,
04:52 "They sang a new song, saying,
04:55 'Worthy art thou to take the book
04:58 and to break its seals, for thou was slain,
05:06 and has purchased for God with thy blood
05:11 men from every tribe and nation and tongue and people
05:15 and has made them into"
05:17 Kings.
05:19 "Kings and priests or a kingdom of priests."
05:23 Isn't that powerful.
05:24 This is what we have been talking about this week.
05:28 God is worshiped because He is the redeemer God.
05:33 Amen.
05:34 He is the redeemer God.
05:40 Of course many people have noticed here
05:42 that we've got the Redeemer as Jesus Christ.
05:46 The creative side of God is the Holy Spirit
05:50 and the one who sits on the throne
05:51 with all authorities,
05:53 God the father we have the try in God.
05:56 We also have by the way
05:57 and we can't develop this this morning,
05:59 we also have the three sections of the sanctuary here.
06:02 The complete picture of God coming through
06:06 in the beautiful plan of redemption and salvation
06:09 and it's all the reasons for worshiping God.
06:12 If you have seen God through the sanctuary
06:15 you should fall on your face
06:18 and shout, holy, holy, holy,
06:21 worth are thou to be worshiped because you stand alone,
06:27 you have all power and authority
06:30 who can be like God.
06:32 He stands alone and deserved to be worshiped
06:35 because you are the author of all living things.
06:38 You are the Creator God
06:41 and You stand alone
06:42 because You are unique in the universe
06:45 because as God You laid down Your own life in human flesh
06:50 to reconcile Your lost children back to Yourself.
06:54 You are truly deserving of worship.
06:58 Amen.
06:59 How is your faith this morning?
07:00 Amen.
07:02 So we would like to hear some praise this morning.
07:04 Wouldn't we?
07:05 This is very appropriate.
07:07 My good buddy Michael,
07:08 come on out here this morning please.
07:11 My good buddy Michael Carducci from Tennessee.
07:17 I call up the Bronies of Tennessee.
07:21 Michael and I became acquainted a number of years ago.
07:25 And as he shared with me his incredible--
07:27 let's get our microphone here.
07:29 Thank you very much for that. Thank you.
07:31 As Michael shared his testimony with me
07:34 I began to realize that this is the testimony
07:37 that needs to be heard.
07:40 So I'm under conviction this morning
07:42 that he should have a chance to share this with you
07:44 and of course it's being televised
07:46 so I promised you earlier that one of these days
07:49 you are gonna be on TV, remember.
07:50 Yes, thank you, Bill.
07:51 And this will be seen around the world on television
07:54 and I believe as you listen to his testimony
07:57 you will understand the reason why, because there is an issue
08:00 in our church today
08:02 that raises a lot of fear and misunderstanding
08:05 in people's lives and its actually
08:07 prevented us from offering ministry
08:10 to a whole segment of the population.
08:13 And Michael said his testimony, I said wow.
08:17 This has to be brought
08:18 to the knowledge of God's children.
08:20 So take a moment here this morning,
08:22 take a moment and just share with the congregation
08:25 your former lifestyle and where you were
08:28 before the grace of God came upon you, Michael.
08:31 All right.
08:33 I guess it started at an age when I wasn't even conscience
08:36 and my dad was in the military.
08:38 He was a jazz musician and he would be gone
08:41 three to six months at a time.
08:43 I was the second of four children,
08:45 I have three sisters
08:46 and so I was along with my mom and my sisters a lot.
08:49 And during that time when it was very important
08:52 for a male child to bond to his male gender
08:55 and gender identity to be stemmed
08:58 my father was gone.
08:59 And so even though it was genuine on his part
09:02 he was providing for his family.
09:04 At a very young age when I wasn't conscience,
09:06 to me that was interpreted as abandonment.
09:09 And then when my father was home
09:10 he was hot headed Italian and so things were loud
09:14 and things were somewhat verbally abusive at that time.
09:18 So at a very young age when it was important for me
09:20 to make this transference to my father
09:23 I rejected him in my own defense
09:25 which I call attach-- defensive detachment.
09:29 So at that age then I grew up
09:31 and I reverted back to my mother.
09:33 I had three sisters
09:34 so I liked doing the things that girls like to do.
09:37 And I hardened after my mother
09:39 so my mannerisms became more feminine
09:42 and I rejected things like baseball and softball
09:46 and I didn't really relate to other boys.
09:48 But I knew that something was wrong.
09:51 And at six-years-old I remember thinking I'm not other boys.
09:55 And so as I grew up,
09:58 again puberty, as puberty came the sex that is the mystery
10:04 becomes the attraction and for me
10:06 I understood women,
10:08 I understood girls and related to them.
10:10 I didn't understand to relate to men
10:12 and so it took on a sexual twist
10:14 that I didn't understand,
10:16 that I couldn't stop, that I couldn't help.
10:19 And so then it started with fantasy and at 13,
10:23 masturbation and it became a lifelong process
10:27 and I remember at 17-years-old
10:30 begging God that He would take my life.
10:33 I knew that,
10:34 that what was coming out as I couldn't stop these feelings
10:38 and thoughts that were raging inside of me,
10:40 I couldn't find realistic help in the church,
10:43 I couldn't fine resources,
10:44 I couldn't find people that I could related to,
10:47 I couldn't find authenticity
10:49 in the church that I was going to,
10:50 to really related to the problem that I had.
10:53 At 20-years-old God had not answered my prayer,
10:56 in deed I did live.
10:58 I went to a man in church
11:00 and I said listen, can I talk to you.
11:02 And he said, sure. What's it about?
11:03 And I said well, it has to do with women.
11:05 And before I said another word this person that I respected,
11:08 that I handpicked for months
11:10 said something derogatory about women
11:12 and I knew that I couldn't share my secret with him.
11:15 So I turned my back on God.
11:16 I said, Lord, if this is the best you got
11:18 I'm out of here, I'm done.
11:20 I can't legitimately go to church
11:22 and on the other hand
11:23 fight these attractions and feelings that I have
11:26 and You didn't take my life.
11:28 I have no other choice
11:30 and the gay life they embrace me.
11:33 They accepted me.
11:34 They said, that I had every right to feel
11:35 what I felt.
11:37 They told me I was born this way
11:38 and that I shouldn't change.
11:39 And so again this began indoctrination
11:43 if you would into gay culture.
11:45 I was homing for a monogamous relationship
11:48 that I could atleast fulfill my desire to be attached to God
11:54 and be connected to Him.
11:55 However what it did do was it turned into sexual addiction.
11:59 My first lover was heavy into different things
12:04 that were just so wild I won't even go into
12:06 but it began this addictive process for me
12:09 which lasted for over 20 years.
12:11 Excuse me one minute. Let me just get this clear.
12:14 So for 20 years you were living the gay lifestyle basically,
12:17 I see?
12:18 Yes. Yeah.
12:19 I embraced it fully.
12:21 Christianity didn't work and for many of the Christians
12:23 that I was witnessing it wasn't working for them either.
12:25 They weren't happy, they weren't joyful,
12:27 they were miserable and very critical.
12:30 So what age were you by the end of these 20 years?
12:33 Excuse me, for asking. That's okay.
12:35 I'm calculating it in my mind.
12:37 You must have been at least 40.
12:39 Yes, 40 years old. Forty years of age.
12:41 So Michael, I need to move you now in that direction
12:44 if it's okay.
12:45 Yeah. That's a little background.
12:46 So you got a man here
12:48 that lived a gay lifestyle for 20 years
12:51 in a state of confusion we could say.
12:54 And lack of peace within himself
12:56 and certainly not at peace with God.
12:59 And that something must have happened
13:01 then at 40 years of age
13:03 that led you to reconsider your options.
13:06 Let's put it that way, okay. Yeah.
13:08 Tell us what happened,
13:09 how God intervened in your life at 40 years of age?
13:13 Two women had been praying for me for years
13:16 and they were two of my sisters.
13:18 And my two sisters have been praying
13:20 and at the time that my sister
13:23 had been divorced by her husband
13:24 who had an internet affair with an ex-girlfriend.
13:27 They were divorced and I saw such a transition in my sister
13:30 and then when she told me
13:32 that she was marrying her ex-husband again
13:34 I thought she was absolutely ridiculous
13:37 and I went to the wedding.
13:38 And as I sat in church
13:39 which I hadn't been in for years,
13:41 I watched my brother-in-law come forward in the baptismal
13:45 and ask the church for forgiveness
13:47 and thank the church for taking care of his family
13:49 when he was absent.
13:51 He made an open confession
13:52 and I was witnessing the Holy Spirit
13:54 through my brother-in-law
13:55 who I thought was a total creep
13:57 and the Holy Spirit started to move on me.
14:00 And within three months
14:02 my sister in Florida where I live
14:04 she started inviting me to evangelistic series
14:06 and I don't know why I said, yes.
14:09 And as I sat there this preacher who was,
14:12 who was in a gang and he had a very--
14:15 a very real gospel that hit me right between the eyes.
14:18 He is a good friend of mine.
14:20 Yes, okay.
14:21 And while I was still in a relationship
14:24 with the boyfriend
14:25 and at the top of my game I was,
14:27 I was probably the foster child for gay life.
14:30 I was an aerobic instructing hair dresser.
14:34 And at that time the Lord touched my heart
14:37 and I game my life to the Lord.
14:39 And one of the things that pastor said that night
14:41 in the last call as he said,
14:43 some of you tonight will never have
14:44 another opportunity to accept the gospel.
14:47 And as I sat in that chair I knew that was me.
14:49 But I knew that I was so wild in what my lifestyle had become
14:53 that I didn't had the strength to move forward and I prayed.
14:56 I said, Lord, I give you my heart
14:57 but I can't go up there.
14:59 And the next conscience moment that I had,
15:01 I was standing in front
15:03 and my sister was standing beside me crying
15:06 and I gave my heart to the Lord.
15:08 Well, my sister asked me in the parking lot
15:10 what are you gonna do with your boyfriend?
15:11 And again--
15:13 Good question.
15:14 Yes. Yes.
15:15 I remember my understanding was that,
15:17 you know, I was in the dark about that.
15:19 I had accepted what the world said was acceptable
15:21 and what I was born with
15:23 and what was my God given right.
15:25 And so I said to my sister, I'm gay,
15:27 I was born this way and I try to change
15:30 God wouldn't change me.
15:31 And I said, but all I know is
15:32 that Jesus accepts me for who I am.
15:35 And my sister stopped.
15:36 And God began a journey with me
15:38 and He knew it was gonna take time.
15:40 And He had to address the wounds that had taken place
15:43 from the time I wasn't even conscience.
15:45 But even while I wasn't faithful
15:47 and still a sexual addict and in a relationship
15:50 God began this journey with me
15:52 and He addressed the issues at a time
15:54 when I could handle them.
15:55 And while I wasn't faithful to Him,
15:57 1 John 1:9 says that "He is faithful."
16:00 And He stayed by me on this journey.
16:02 If I can jump in just again, I have the gift of jumping in,
16:06 you know that.
16:08 Isn't this exciting?
16:09 Amen.
16:10 I mean 20 years in the gay lifestyle,
16:13 goes to an evangelistic meeting,
16:14 doesn't want to go forward and ends up going forward
16:18 and finds himself being accepted
16:20 just as he is by the Lord Jesus Christ.
16:23 Isn't that-- that is the gospel, isn't it?
16:25 Amen.
16:27 But I told you all repeatedly
16:28 you can come to God just as you are
16:30 but He does not leave you as He finds you.
16:33 So Michael,
16:36 boiling this all down now to the basic issues,
16:39 I'm trying to put myself in your issues.
16:41 You must have considered there were at least two options
16:44 and I want you to address this today
16:47 even just briefly but never the less address it
16:50 because 20 years in a gay lifestyle
16:52 believing that you were born gay
16:54 and that was your divine right to be gay
16:57 you must have on one hand
16:59 thought about the possibility of becoming heterosexual
17:02 or on the other hand of becoming celibate
17:05 and having a lifestyle,
17:07 a pure lifestyle that would bring glory to God.
17:10 How did you deal with the tension between--
17:14 I ran into both of these attitudes.
17:16 How do you-- how did you deal
17:17 with the tension and did those two things
17:20 hit you with a thud?
17:22 Please share that, would you?
17:24 It still bit of an enigma
17:27 I believe for me as well as for many of my friends
17:30 that have also come out of the lifestyle.
17:33 There were no resources.
17:34 There was no one that I could talk to and yet
17:36 God had led me out of my relationship.
17:38 I prayed and I said, Lord, how could You make me gay
17:41 and then tell me I'm in abomination
17:42 as I read the scripture?
17:44 And I said, that's cool and I remember crying out
17:48 and as I finally got real with God
17:50 He was able to get real with me
17:52 and He started putting in my path
17:54 sermons that I could glean some information out.
17:56 People like Bill Liversidge
17:58 who really got through to my heart
18:01 and gave me a realistic gospel with teeth if you could.
18:04 Scriptures that I could claim and that I realize
18:07 that it wasn't my work,
18:08 it was God working that through me.
18:10 And so as I started to get legitimate help
18:14 in overcoming sin in my life
18:17 and the masturbation issue was a very strong issue in my life
18:20 and the last to go,
18:21 even demonic dreams and recognizing
18:23 that I was under demonic influence.
18:25 Once I got the physical victory over the sin
18:28 I started to have homoerotic dreams
18:30 through men in my church
18:32 that were guided by the Holy Spirit.
18:33 They didn't know how to relate to me anymore
18:35 than I knew how to relate to them.
18:37 They were led by the Holy Spirit
18:39 and they put their arms around me.
18:40 They legitimately showed me what intimacy is with me
18:44 and as I continued this journey healing did come
18:47 and as something that had been taken from me
18:49 at a very early age
18:50 what happened is God was filling that hole.
18:53 And so the desire for same sex attraction started to go away
18:57 and then what started to awaken
18:59 was a desire for heterosexual relationships.
19:03 And so--
19:05 Did you hear an amen then or not?
19:06 One. Oh.
19:09 I got some antidepressants for you.
19:11 Thank you.
19:12 How they can sit quietly with a testimony like this
19:14 which boggles my mind but--
19:16 Well, there may be a little bit of gas I don't know.
19:18 They are processing, they are processing.
19:20 Okay.
19:21 And so I'm somewhere in the middle there
19:23 because I also know that
19:25 that the answer to homosexuality
19:27 is not heterosexuality
19:28 and we know that many men struggle with
19:30 pornography and masturbation as well
19:32 whether in a marriage or not.
19:35 But the difference for me
19:37 is that the opposite of homosexuality
19:39 is holiness.
19:40 And as God fills that--
19:42 Amen. Thank you.
19:43 Amen. Isn't that powerful?
19:45 Amen.
19:46 Hang in out I want you to repeat that again.
19:48 I want the whole world to hear this statement.
19:51 By the grace of God
19:52 I'm gonna take this you with me to TBN right and see.
19:56 This needs to be heard.
19:57 Repeat that statement again.
19:59 Would you? Amen.
20:00 And so the opposite of homosexuality
20:02 is not heterosexuality but holiness.
20:06 Amen.
20:07 That's one of the most profound things
20:09 I ever heard on this subject.
20:11 Are you computing that this morning?
20:14 The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality.
20:17 If that comes we praise God
20:20 but the opposite is actually holiness.
20:22 Amen.
20:24 By the way holiness is applicable
20:27 whether you are heterosexual or homosexual.
20:29 Amen.
20:31 God's standard is still holiness, isn't it?
20:33 Amen.
20:34 Hallelujah. They are hearing it.
20:36 It's a miracle. Thank you, Lord.
20:39 So where has this left you?
20:41 Give us the update now to the current time.
20:44 So I had no idea that God would give to me a ministry.
20:48 It's a story that's not easy to tell.
20:51 I've actually started speaking in academies.
20:54 I have a strong desire to help educate young people,
20:59 academy age 13 up to,
21:01 to talk about the dangers of masturbation.
21:03 And while it's a word that
21:05 that shouldn't have ever been heard in a sanctuary
21:07 I think that its something that has to be addressed
21:09 because if I could help young people
21:12 to recognize the dangers of that at an early age
21:15 my life could have been much different.
21:17 My first sexual experience was in academy as a junior
21:20 and that began this whole road of denial,
21:24 the dean never addressed it
21:26 and so I believe that God has given me a ministry.
21:29 And I speak in churches, I speak at pastors conferences,
21:33 I'm involved in an umbrella ministry
21:35 called "Coming Out Ministries."
21:37 Wayne Blakely in the back in the purple shirt
21:39 is also one of my partners in that ministry.
21:41 And what we do is we go anywhere we are invited
21:44 and all we charge is whatever it takes
21:47 to bring us to your church
21:48 and we like to do presentations
21:50 to weekend seminars to just address the issues,
21:53 to answers questions that you may have to
21:56 lift you up in prayer,
21:57 if you know anyone who is gay.
21:59 And may I ask a question?
22:01 Would you just raise your hand if you know or you are affected
22:04 by somebody who is homosexual in your life?
22:08 It's amazing to see how many people
22:10 and while you may not struggle with it
22:12 as the body of Christ isn't it our obligation
22:15 to know how to minister to these people?
22:17 Amen.
22:18 And so that's where our desire is,
22:19 is that we can come and educate and give you tools to know
22:23 how to reach homosexuals in an authentic way
22:26 and to redeem them out as well.
22:27 Amen.
22:28 Well, talk about your ministry here
22:30 and contact information please, Michael.
22:31 Thank you.
22:33 The name of my ministry is called EXCEED.
22:35 It's an acronym which stands for Excellence in Christ
22:39 through Evangelism to the Erotically Defiled.
22:42 I also have a support group at home
22:44 and the men that are in the support group
22:46 are heterosexual
22:47 but they struggle with the same thing that I did
22:49 and while the sin maybe different
22:51 the struggle is still the same with pornography, masturbation
22:55 and the men that I talk with are actually married men.
22:59 But my ministry in particular
23:02 isn't limited to just homosexuality
23:05 but to also anyone who is struggling with
23:08 sexual addiction as well as sexual preference.
23:12 Is this an exciting testimony or what?
23:15 Amen. Amen.
23:17 Hey, then give her mike would you because--
23:21 I just wanted to make sure that your--
23:25 because that all caps on the EXCEED.
23:27 I don't think it matters.
23:28 Okay.
23:30 I think I want to give this to myself.
23:33 Thank you very much.
23:35 Okay.
23:36 I hope
23:37 there is a deep level of appreciation here this morning
23:42 that why I did not hesitate
23:44 to bring Michael up here this morning
23:46 because I sense that his ministry
23:49 fits perfectly into the good news
23:52 that I've been presenting.
23:53 He's got his feet on the ground.
23:55 He is open and honest isn't he about himself.
23:57 I love that.
23:59 I thought for a minute he must have been an Australian.
24:02 Can I say one more thing?
24:03 Of course, you can.
24:04 Once God had given me the victory over the sexual sin
24:08 and the masturbation
24:10 I had wondered if memory was still intact.
24:13 Because God had taken away the desire
24:15 for sex completely for me
24:17 and then even walking as a Seventh-day Adventist,
24:20 I had been a Christian for a few years
24:23 indeed memory was still intact.
24:25 And as I tempted that faith it brought back another bout
24:29 if you would the struggling with sexual sin.
24:32 And again the resources
24:33 that I couldn't really grasp the hold of
24:35 and get the victory again
24:37 after this door had been unleashed.
24:38 But when I started attending Bill Liversidge's conferences
24:42 I recognized this thing is simple as Philippians 2:5
24:45 which is my anchor.
24:47 It says, "Let this mind be in you,
24:49 which was also in Christ Jesus."
24:50 And what I recognized
24:51 is the word that was so important to me
24:54 was just the first word the "let"
24:56 and as I gave God permission to let His mind in me
25:00 then what happened is those thoughts and those feelings
25:03 were not allowed because the mind of Christ
25:05 would never have those feelings or those thoughts
25:08 and I started to gain the victory in a legitimate way
25:12 and for Bill, I'm grateful and I want to thank.
25:14 Praise the Lord.
25:15 I praise God for you. Hey, hey, hey, praise God.
25:17 Wow.
25:19 Thank you very much.
25:21 Wow.
25:26 Okay.
25:28 Okay.
25:29 I knew that you would have a high level of appreciation
25:32 and I'm personally giving God great glory,
25:36 not only as Michael, a very able speaker
25:39 and presents things with absolute clarity
25:42 but this is an issue
25:44 that the church is being burying its head for too long.
25:48 Amen.
25:49 We have a lot of married people
25:51 that are struggling with this problem in the church
25:53 but they-- it's like Michael said
25:54 there is no way to turn and no way to go.
25:58 You know, what I like about this the most, his approach?
26:02 Is that its not self centered, its Christ centered.
26:06 Amen.
26:07 He wants the mind of Christ.
26:09 He wants to become whatever God wishes him to be
26:13 coming from where he has come from
26:16 and look where God is leading him.
26:18 Amen.
26:19 And I know other men who have come from a similar background
26:22 that are being led to slightly different way
26:25 and yet they are still arriving at the same conclusion.
26:28 They are still living a life,
26:30 a holy life to the glory of God.
26:32 Amen. Amen.
26:34 I will never recover
26:35 from hearing that statement here today
26:36 but the solution to homosexuality is what?
26:40 Holiness.
26:41 It's a profound, a really profound statement.
26:45 I'm very interested in praise.
26:48 And we are leaving on a very--
26:50 we are leaving on a very strong,
26:52 positive praising note here this morning
26:54 and that is to the glory of God.
26:57 Let's stand together as we conclude today please.
27:01 As we conclude.
27:02 Our loving Father in heaven,
27:04 thank You for manifesting Yourself
27:06 in the most powerful manner this week.
27:09 Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ
27:13 and especially Father, we offer You our praise
27:16 because you alone are the One who was and is and is to come.
27:21 You are the Creator of all living things.
27:25 And may the kingdom of God be fully established in this place
27:29 in Jesus precious name, amen.
27:31 Amen.
27:32 If you would like more information about this ministry
27:35 or how you can obtain a copy of this entire series
27:37 and other resources by Pastor Bill Liversidge
27:40 please contact us.
27:42 Creative Media Ministries
27:43 proclaims the full ministry of Jesus through the sanctuary.
27:46 With the growing cost of TV production and broadcasting
27:49 this dynamic ministry needs partners
27:51 committed to spreading the good news
27:53 throughout the entire world.
27:55 You are invited to prayerfully consider
27:56 making a tax deductible donation
27:58 to Creative Media Ministries.
28:00 Contact us online at
28:06 That's
28:11 By mail at Creative Media Ministries,
28:13 P.O. Box 1981, Palm Springs, CA 92263
28:19 or call us at 888-744-0443,
28:24 that's 888-744-0443.


Revised 2015-08-27