Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Inspire Assurance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: IHS

Program Code: IHS000007A

00:13 Break the bread, you'll have life.
00:16 Eat my flesh, you'll have life.
00:19 Drink my blood, you'll have life.
00:22 The evidence is our willingness to hear and to obey
00:25 the word of God,
00:27 especially since we've realized,
00:28 this is God speaking,
00:32 this is not an ordinary book
00:35 which we are talking this morning,
00:38 this is the word of life, this is the word of God,
00:42 we are in his presence.
00:47 The Holy Spirit's ability to inspire.
00:59 There's absolutely no reason
01:02 why we should spend our lives doubting.
01:07 Salvation, we're not to be arrogant about it, we,
01:12 I don't believe we're told to run around saying,
01:14 "I'm saved" and things like that,
01:16 that's not an evidence of salvation
01:19 but neither are we told to be in doubt.
01:23 And I'm not really sure, several people came to me
01:26 even yesterday,
01:27 "Oh I just love to feel more secure about salvation."
01:34 Though I have chosen this morning
01:36 to make another attempt
01:39 to bring the issues of salvation through,
01:42 with crystal clarity.
01:49 Now open your Bibles with me
01:51 this morning to Romans Chapter 5,
01:57 I believe Christians should have an assurance of salvation.
02:02 They shouldn't have to spend their lives worrying,
02:05 "Am I gonna make it"?
02:08 Salvation is not about "How well I am doing"?
02:15 It's not based on human performance,
02:20 it's based on the divine human performance.
02:25 I don't know what it's going to take to program our minds
02:29 into hearing the word that God has asked Jesus Christ
02:34 to resolve the sin problem, not us.
02:38 And I'm reminded of those beautiful verses in I John,
02:43 let me just read it this morning, I John 5:11, 12,
02:50 "And the witness is this,
02:53 that God has given us eternal life,"
02:56 did you hear that?
02:59 He hasn't said "You got to sweat over this,
03:01 " He's given us eternal life and this life,
03:07 allow yourselves to hear it this morning, please.
03:10 This life is in his Son,
03:15 are you grasping that?
03:18 This life is in his Son,
03:24 Jesus in human flesh, is the only human being
03:29 who's ever lived this life fully.
03:34 That's given him the ability
03:36 to become the source of life, it's in him.
03:42 It's not some goal that I'm setting after,
03:45 to spend my life trying to get eternal life.
03:48 This life is in his Son.
03:52 He lived it, He earned
03:54 the right to impart it to us.
04:00 I'm still dealing with people, who measure their success
04:04 in the Christian life
04:06 by how well they're doing or God forbid,
04:09 how well or how well others are not doing.
04:14 Now, if you're focused on others, I wish you luck.
04:18 There's only one focus that counts when you're talking
04:20 about eternal life,
04:22 it's the focus on Jesus Christ.
04:28 Men, if you've got any doubts about eternal life
04:31 look at verse 12,
04:35 "He who tries hard enough
04:37 and finally get's his act together
04:40 will get eternal life"
04:42 is that how the Washington version reads?
04:47 Well that's how many versions appear to read
04:50 and so I listen to what people are saying to me.
04:54 So verse 12, if eternal life is in his Son, he,
05:00 who has the Son,
05:05 has the life.
05:09 He, who has the Son, has the life
05:12 and he who does not have the Son of God,
05:15 does not have the life
05:16 and what life is being referred to there?
05:20 Eternal life. Are you hearing it?
05:25 Can we chalk this up for Washington camp today?
05:30 He, who has the Son, has the life
05:35 and if you don't have the Son today,
05:37 you should be falling down on your knees
05:39 in repentance and begging God
05:44 to bring the living Christ
05:46 into you through the Holy Spirit,
05:48 this is the Spirit's special ministry.
05:52 We're in Romans chapter 5, okay let's slip over to Romans
05:56 chapter 5, there's only two verses here,
05:58 but how profound they are?
06:02 Only Paul can pack so much into two little verses,
06:06 the whole gospel in two verses,
06:09 Romans 5:9 &10.
06:14 By the way, this is what's known in theological circles
06:19 as a "Parallelism",
06:24 because there are two statements in each verse
06:28 and they are parallel to each other.
06:32 Let's look at the two statements in verse 9,
06:34 the first one is fairly clear, "Much more than having now
06:38 being justified," by what?
06:46 "His blood," it's a clear statement.
06:49 "Having now being justified by his blood,
06:53 " and that little conjunction slips in,
06:55 it's repeated in both verses, I'll put up here in the centre,
06:59 much more, hard for me to accept the fact that there's
07:04 something much more than this,
07:08 because this is so overwhelming to me.
07:12 Having being justified by his blood,
07:15 if I knew a dozen people that really believed that,
07:18 I'd probably be translated to heaven today.
07:23 Justified, simply and basically meaning in the Greek...
07:28 declared righteous.
07:31 Declared righteous,
07:32 then another word for righteousness...holiness.
07:37 Incredibly, God is declaring us to be holy in his sight,
07:45 when we looked in the mirror this morning,
07:47 we weren't convinced that we're totally holy, but God said it,
07:53 I believe it, that should settle it, shouldn't it?
07:58 God in his infinite mercy has accepted the magnificent life
08:05 of Jesus Christ as my life.
08:13 And when he laid it down in death,
08:16 God has accepted that death
08:18 as my death,
08:24 I died in him.
08:29 I'm overwhelmed again this morning as I always am,
08:33 when I think about the fact that this is the single
08:37 greatest bargain in history.
08:41 God has lifted my filthy garments from me
08:46 and he hasn't thrown them into the sea,
08:48 you know what He has done with them?
08:52 He has put them on, thank you for such a beautiful
08:55 faith statement here this morning.
08:57 He took my filthy garments from me
09:00 and He actually put them on himself.
09:04 He became sin, He who knew no sin became sin.
09:11 So that we might become
09:14 the righteousness of God in him,
09:16 what a bargain.
09:19 My filthy garments taken from me, placed on Jesus,
09:24 which crushed him and his magnificent robe of holiness,
09:31 that holy robe,
09:34 placed on me every day of my life,
09:36 that's what the death of Jesus has granted us.
09:40 The privilege of being declared
09:46 righteous every single day.
09:51 Because Jesus has changed places with us,
09:55 he's lived our perfect life
09:58 and he's died our perfect death,
10:01 and we don't believe it, so we keep struggling,
10:05 we keep trying harder, we keep trying to do
10:08 all the right things
10:09 until we finally reach the point where,
10:11 I'm never gonna be good enough, what the heck?
10:16 And God allows something to happen in our lives
10:18 and we put our eyes back on the cross and we say, "Ah,
10:23 I've had the wrong focus,
10:27 I should have been looking at Jesus Christ,"
10:29 because God has given us eternal life
10:32 and that life is in his Son.
10:39 Jesus has resolved the sin problem.
10:45 What is the parallel statement in verse 10?
10:49 "For if while we enemies, we were,
10:53 " here it comes "reconciled"
10:55 another one of the great benefits of the death of Jesus,
10:58 "We were reconciled, " through what?
11:02 "The death of his Son,"
11:04 there is the parallel statement.
11:07 Wow, so we're justified by his blood,
11:13 we're reconciled by his death.
11:16 Both of these statements
11:18 have a reference to the atoning death
11:20 of Jesus on the cross.
11:23 And there are many more benefits,
11:24 I have a list in my Bible of 30 benefits
11:28 of the atoning death of Jesus,
11:31 I'm justified, I'm reconciled,
11:33 my enemy's powers being taken from him, I'm totally forgiven,
11:38 all of these blessings are mine.
11:40 My guilt, my condemnation, my judgment,
11:46 even my second death has all fallen on Jesus
11:51 and been lifted from me.
11:57 If only we could believe it, we would be so free.
12:02 You're not free to sin,
12:05 we would be free to encounter the living Christ every day,
12:12 that which brings the assurance
12:14 of salvation into our lives.
12:20 God has made every provision for what sin has done
12:26 to the human race, he's covered all the basis,
12:32 so why are we still trying to help him out with the process.
12:37 Instead of taking hold by faith,
12:40 if you were taking hold of the atoning death of Jesus,
12:43 have you been to the cross this morning?
12:46 If you have, you walked into this church knowing
12:49 that your guilt was laid on Jesus,
12:52 that you are no longer under condemnation,
12:57 that your judgment was placed on him.
13:01 And that he even died your future eternal death,
13:07 you have actually passed from death into life.
13:12 If you've been to the cross this morning,
13:14 you have entered into eternal life,
13:20 it's a present reality.
13:21 I want to challenge all those traditional theories
13:25 of eternal life, here this morning.
13:27 Some people think eternal life is finally making it to heaven.
13:32 I'm gonna make it at last,
13:34 even if I just squeeze through the gate,
13:36 you know, that's not eternal life.
13:40 Eternal life is a present reality,
13:43 you can have it every single day of your life,
13:48 you can even have the quiet assurance that you have it
13:51 because God has given us eternal life
13:56 and that life is in his Son.
14:00 And if I have been to the cross this morning,
14:03 where is the Son of God dwelling today?
14:07 He's in me, through the Holy Spirit
14:09 and he's in you,
14:12 that is the great assurance of eternal life
14:16 because that life is in the Son
14:18 and the good news is, He's alive, thank you.
14:23 And if you've embraced
14:25 the death of Jesus this morning,
14:27 the Holy Spirit has brought the living Christ into you.
14:30 And the really good news this morning is,
14:33 having declared you righteous, for how long?
14:38 We read it the other day, you're perfect for ever,
14:43 in God's sight.
14:44 You know what he will now do?
14:47 He will now grow you up into a holiness
14:54 that will truly reveal and glorify Jesus in your life.
14:59 And all along, at the end of the journey you're gonna say,
15:01 "Well that wasn't me at all, that was Jesus in me,
15:07 " manifesting his holiness every day of my life
15:11 and I was simply privileged by faith
15:13 to act upon it and walk in it.
15:17 And the life and the character of Jesus became mine gradually
15:21 through out my whole life and one day somebody
15:24 will walk up to you
15:26 and you will probably faint like I did
15:27 and someone might say
15:29 "You know, I think I might have seen Jesus in you."
15:34 What a revelation, what a privilege,
15:36 because we don't see these things in ourselves, do we?
15:39 God's made sure of that, he's kept this imbalance
15:44 but others might just see it in you
15:47 and you'll look up and you'll say
15:48 "Thank you father."
15:51 Because the living Christ in me, everyday, is gradually,
15:53 beginning to transform my life and by the grace of God,
15:57 I'm starting to look like him, what a privilege?
16:01 This is not something I'm deliberately trying to do,
16:04 it's come about because I'm moving into faith everyday,
16:07 how about you?
16:10 So here's the good news, as I come to the cross,
16:16 this is the path to assurance.
16:19 I come to the cross and I have another day of my life,
16:23 a whole day, with a total peace of mind,
16:26 knowing that in the sight of God, what condition am I in?
16:32 I'm perfect for ever,
16:35 I'm holy because God incredibly,
16:37 in a generous moment, when he looks at me,
16:42 he sees Jesus Christ,
16:46 because when he looked at Jesus,
16:49 he saw me, and he let Jesus die.
16:54 I died at that moment, in him, I'm so grateful for that.
17:00 Salvation has always consisted of an accomplished fact
17:05 and an ongoing process in the life.
17:07 There are two elements in salvation,
17:10 they are both absolutely essential
17:14 because the established fact,
17:16 the accomplished fact frees us
17:18 from all the burden that sin has placed upon us.
17:22 So that we are now free for God to break the power of sin
17:26 within us and how does he break the power of sin within us?
17:30 By making us strong enough to resist, oh no,
17:35 he breaks the power of sin within us by indwelling us
17:39 with his holy presence.
17:42 He actually comes into our minds through the Holy Spirit
17:46 and incredibly, we start thinking his thoughts,
17:49 which is such a shock to our system.
17:53 We start feeling his feelings, we start acting on his motives,
17:59 we even start realizing when it's God who's speaking
18:03 and communicating with us.
18:04 And what a joy it is to start acting on that,
18:08 what a joy it is,
18:10 and it can happen
18:11 in the most ordinary circumstances
18:13 but let's quickly move in to the second part here,
18:16 come back to verse 9 again,
18:19 look at the second part now, what word kicks in now?
18:25 We shall be, oh there it is and I want you to notice something
18:29 very significant, this morning, the term saved,
18:35 does not come together in the same breath
18:37 as blood and death,
18:45 I hope you're picking up on that
18:48 because this is something very good,
18:50 this is something much more
18:53 than what he's given us.
18:55 Can you think of anything that's much more
18:56 than the atoning death of Jesus?
18:59 Well, Paul can, he says it twice,
19:02 much more than having being justified by his blood,
19:07 we shall be saved by,
19:14 that's a pretty feeble response out there,
19:17 we shall be saved by, verse 9, saved from, I mean,
19:24 it's a very interesting statement,
19:26 saved from, not by, saved from wrath,
19:33 and how does it conclude, through him.
19:38 And if you're in any doubt as to what the through him
19:40 is referring to,
19:42 go to the parallel statement in verse 10,
19:46 it will clarify it, the end of verse 10,
19:49 look at it very carefully, "While we are enemies,
19:53 we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son,
19:55 much more, having being reconciled,
19:59 we shall be saved by his life."
20:06 We have moved from a focus on the death of Jesus,
20:10 we have now moved to a focus on his amazing and holy life,
20:17 isn't that good news?
20:20 So his death has lifted all the burden
20:22 that sin has placed on us,
20:24 his life now coming into us, is going to do what?
20:29 It's going to save us, I hope you're hearing it this morning.
20:36 Saved is not tied together with he death of Jesus,
20:38 even though it's a very popular thing to say,
20:41 Jesus died to save me.
20:45 It's not Paul, Paul says Jesus died to justify me,
20:50 he died to reconcile me, he died to defeat the enemy
20:56 but his perfect life coming into me,
21:00 is what moves me into salvation,
21:05 to save, means to enter into life.
21:08 Did you know the first use of the word saved
21:10 in the New Testament,
21:13 is Mathew 1:21, the root word for saved.
21:16 Mathew 1:21, first time it pops up in the New Testament,
21:21 "Where you shall call his name Jesus,
21:25 for he shall save his people from their sins,
21:33 "the New Testament understanding of salvation
21:35 is not finally getting to heaven
21:38 and living on for ever and ever and ever.
21:41 The New Testament understanding of salvation is to be
21:45 delivered from sin,
21:50 the New Testament understanding of salvation
21:53 is to be delivered from sin.
21:56 And how does God bring it about,
22:00 he brings the overcoming life of Jesus into us
22:06 through the Holy Spirit.
22:09 God practices incarnational ministry,
22:14 he indwells incredibly sinful human flesh.
22:19 A holy God inhabits sinful human flesh,
22:24 my mind can hardly contain that, it's a radical thought.
22:29 Holiness coming into un-holiness
22:32 always results in holiness,
22:34 you don't have to struggle to become holy.
22:39 Your challenge is to come to the cross every day,
22:42 so that God's response will be to put his spirit within you
22:47 and he will bring the holy life of Jesus into you.
22:54 So that, you, through out your life will have the privilege
22:57 of becoming like him,
23:00 you're going to have
23:01 different thoughts, different feelings.
23:06 You're going to find yourself acting from totally un-selfish
23:09 and different motives, you may even question at times,
23:13 where did that come from?
23:14 And God will go knock, knock, it's me,
23:19 I'm the one who's bringing this about within you.
23:22 So when you enter into salvation,
23:26 it's through the life of Christ,
23:29 he is this beautiful statement here.
23:32 We're saved from wrath through him,
23:33 we're saved by his life.
23:38 I've got news for you this morning,
23:40 you can't have the life of Jesus and bypass his death.
23:47 You must come to the cross and let God lift
23:51 all the burden of guilt and sin from you
23:54 which frees you up now
23:56 to receive the in-dwelling life of Jesus
23:59 through the spirit.
24:01 By the way, saved from what?
24:07 Wrath, and notice we're saved from wrath through him
24:11 or through his life.
24:14 What are we actually being saved from?
24:16 I wonder, have a look at Romans 1:18 "For the wrath of God is
24:22 revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
24:27 and unrighteousness of men,"
24:29 now allow yourself to hear this, this morning,
24:32 if God's wrath is revealed against ungodliness
24:38 and unrighteousness, and God saves you from his wrath,
24:46 what is he actually giving you?
24:49 Righteousness and godliness, absolutely,
24:53 the only way you can be saved from wrath,
24:57 is to move into righteousness and godliness,
25:01 because God's wrath is poured out
25:03 against ungodliness and unrighteousness.
25:07 So salvation is moving into the righteousness
25:11 and the godliness of God,
25:15 it's the holy life that he brings in us,
25:17 every single day of our lives,
25:20 and it's a growth process, isn't it?
25:24 I wish I could have it instantly, don't you?
25:28 But character isn't formed instantly,
25:31 it's a process in our lives and God knows that,
25:34 it's a life long process.
25:37 For anyone who understands what Paul is saying here,
25:40 you know what they have?
25:46 They're not struggling and resting,
25:48 am I going to make it?
25:49 Will I be good enough?
25:51 Oh, what if something happens, right at the last minute?
25:55 My faith challenges to take hold
25:57 of the death of Jesus Christ
26:00 and the abiding of Christ in me,
26:02 every single day.
26:03 How is your faith this morning, as we conclude?
26:07 Let's bow our heads together.
26:14 Father in heaven, forgive us for our unbelief.
26:20 We see how much provision
26:22 you have made for the sin problem
26:25 through the atoning death of Jesus.
26:27 Thank you again this morning, father, for allowing our guilt,
26:32 our condemnation, our judgment, even our second death
26:37 to fall on Jesus,
26:40 thereby freeing us so that we can receive
26:42 the indwelling of Christ through the Holy Spirit
26:46 for another day of our lives.
26:48 And as the holy Jesus comes into us, father,
26:51 and imparts his beautiful character to us everyday,
26:56 we trust you with the end-product here.
26:59 We trust you that finally having begun
27:02 our work within us,
27:03 you will bring it to completion,
27:05 so that when he comes, we really will look like him.
27:09 We trust you and we are absolutely confident,
27:12 in your ability to reproduce your Son in our lives.
27:16 Thank you for the absolute assurance we have this morning,
27:20 of eternal life, because it's in your Son,
27:23 and we have your Son in us today.
27:26 We praise you in Jesus's precious name.
27:29 Amen.
27:32 If you would like more information
27:33 about this ministry,
27:35 or how you can obtain a copy of this entire series
27:38 and other resources by Pastor Bill Liversidge,
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Revised 2015-08-20