India Face To Face

The Big Hill

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Wood


Series Code: IFF

Program Code: IFF000012

00:17 I'm trying to get in shape for my trip to India.
00:20 Christ said to go into all the world and preach the gospel
00:25 to every creature.
00:26 The problem is we have no idea who they are.
00:32 How are we supposed to effectively communicate
00:34 the gospel to a people we know nothing about; how they think,
00:37 what kind of pressures they have in their daily lives.
00:41 Come with me and lets meet India Face to Face.
01:07 Welcome to the Hindu city of Palani.
01:11 It took us about eighteen hours to get here from Madras
01:14 by train and bus.
01:15 When we got here we found a city dominated by a Hindu temple
01:19 on top of a big hill.
01:32 Despite the warnings, I couldn't help but grab my camera
01:35 and wander around like a silly tourist.
01:37 Did you cut her hair?
01:38 Up there?
01:39 Okay.
01:40 Are you going to climb all the way up?
01:42 Wow, strong legs!
01:45 I kept thinking that somebody was going to get upset
01:47 and kick me out of here, but I just kept smiling
01:50 and wandering around.
01:51 I really wanted to climb up to the top, but I didn't think that
01:54 was even possible.
02:02 But in spite of the warnings I thought I'd wander over to the
02:04 entrance to the stairway up to the temple mount.
02:07 Macomb curiosity seemed to be driving me.
02:09 I'd read so much about ancient Israel's fascination with this
02:12 kind of stuff.
02:14 About one sixth of the earth's population today is Hindu.
02:18 That's about a billion people.
02:20 The majority of them live here in India, but Hinduisms
02:25 teachings and philosophies are becoming popular in Western
02:28 societies also.
02:30 Why did God dislike idol worship so much?
02:33 Well, here we go!
02:35 The entrance is lined with old kings that have died
02:43 and become deified with their wives standing dutifully
02:46 behind them.
02:47 The first thing you see on the inside is this giant
02:50 steel peacock, the vehicle of the god Mérida.
02:53 Concession stands line the walkway, even though this is
02:56 the off season.
03:02 I can't believe I actually made it in!
03:04 They even invited me!
03:06 Of course, I had to take off my shoes.
03:11 I think the Lord wants me here so we can see just what we're
03:14 calling these precious souls out of.
03:19 Idol worship has a super powerful grip on the people
03:22 that is not easily broken.
03:24 And we're about to witness just how strong this grip can be.
03:28 But I have to warn you before we go any farther that you're
03:31 in danger.
03:32 You may not believe in a devil, but that doesn't mean
03:35 he's not real.
03:36 And you're about to witness the manifestations of his spirit
03:38 in this video.
03:43 So please quickly claim the protection of Jesus
03:46 to protect yourself.
03:47 These dear people have very little protection from the evil
03:51 spirits attacking them.
03:52 Just about anyone can hire a sorcerer to send a demon into
03:56 someone's life and ruin them.
03:57 They think if they can do something to appease the god's,
04:00 if they can get some sense of forgiveness, then the god's
04:02 won't bother them.
04:03 But Jesus Christ has died to give them just that forgiveness.
04:08 And he's the only one that is willing and able to protect them
04:11 from those evil spirits.
04:14 Don't they deserve to know about it?
04:24 Here's a procession coming along similar to the one that woke me
04:27 up this morning.
04:28 There are two instruments here, that obo thing and the drum.
04:33 This is worship music and is designed to bring the spirits
04:36 into the hearts of the worshippers.
05:20 They stop every so often along way, listen to the music,
05:23 and head on up the stairs.
05:35 It's obvious that some people are into it deeper than others.
05:39 They all, however, feel that this is a holy place.
05:42 If I told them that these gods they worship are devils,
05:45 they would be really insulted.
05:46 Better to just present a better way.
05:58 Okay, notice the lady on the left.
06:01 The one with the dreadlocks.
06:03 You'll be seeing her again in a few minutes.
06:07 Those are peacock feathers because the god Mérida uses the
06:10 peacock as his transport vehicle.
06:12 The thing he is carrying is shaped like a mountain
06:14 reminiscent of when this mountain was carried by Saba
06:17 on his shoulder.
06:20 Check out this guy.
06:21 His load's so high that he had to wait for somebody to come
06:24 and lift that rope that's going across the walkway.
06:27 How are you this morning?
06:30 Morning.
06:31 We're coming up to a little shrine.
06:33 This priest thinks he's going to get a big tip.
06:35 I brought no money.
06:46 I actually did leave all my money in my hotel room
06:52 Even the idea of cleanliness is a Christian principle.
07:02 Wow!
07:19 Very good.
07:20 I didn't bring any money, Sir.
07:22 Thank you.
07:23 What?
07:24 Thank you.
07:34 Hello.
07:37 The bell is supposed to wake up the god and let him know
07:39 that I'm here.
07:44 That's a little strange.
07:48 How can he help me if we have to tell him that I'm even here?
07:50 I don't know.
08:03 I don't have any money.
08:04 I didn't bring any money.
08:11 But see, I don't... I didn't bring... I left it in the hotel.
08:16 Sorry, sorry, sorry.
08:20 Thank you.
08:21 These guys seemed a little bit disappointed that I didn't come
08:23 up with a large offering.
08:52 Many people in America today do not believe in a devil.
08:56 I'd like to take them to India where the Devil has had free
08:59 play for centuries, and isn't masked by
09:02 intellectual skepticism.
09:04 Contrast the look on this ladies face with the Bible verse that
09:08 says the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, and peace.
09:18 We're approaching the top now.
09:20 I'm not quite sure what to expect.
09:21 I'm thinking it'll be a really huge idol or something up here.
09:26 Instead I find this policeman.
09:28 He points me off to an office.
09:30 I didn't take any video in that office, but this guy that sat
09:33 behind a big desk just completely ignored me,
09:35 so I walked out.
09:37 Hi, I'm John.
09:41 John.
09:42 I'm Regis.
09:43 Regis?
09:45 Glad to meet you.
09:46 And your name?
09:47 Sunnu
09:48 Sunnu.
09:49 Very good.
09:50 Kevin, glad to meet you.
09:51 Acheron.
09:52 Okay, alright.
09:55 One of the advantages of not going with the big tour group
09:58 is that you get to meet people like these young college
10:00 students out on a field trip.
10:05 Only English man!
10:14 Alright!
10:15 Thank you.
10:16 Good to see yah.
10:17 Have a good trip.
10:19 See you again.
10:20 Okay.
10:21 See you again someday.
10:22 The first thing I find on top of the mountain is a
10:24 large open courtyard...
10:26 Oh, very cute.
10:27 surrounding a temple complex in the center.
10:29 One thing I appreciate about India is the love and pride they
10:33 take in their children.
10:37 Notice the sacred thread tied around this man's torso.
10:40 He's from the highest caste of Brahman.
10:42 This lady is performing a specific act of penance
10:45 proscribed for her in the Hindu writings in order to atone for a
10:49 specific misdeed that she has committed.
10:59 This is one of several shrines placed in the courtyard.
11:02 In a sense, these dear people are buying their way to heaven.
11:06 Instead of being dependent on God, they depend on their
11:09 performance of a whole list of tasks.
11:11 So instead of peace there is only tiring labor.
11:34 Here's the big sign that we saw from the hotel last night.
11:37 The green letter is Om, which means god, and the red letters
11:40 say Durga, the name of the god that lives here.
11:42 That big red thing is a weapon of defense, and is the symbol
11:45 for Hinduism like the cross is the symbol for Christianity.
11:49 Beneath it are images of gods and rulers that became gods.
11:52 On the top is this dragon like creature that is everywhere
11:55 in Hindu art.
11:56 I've gone nearly all the way around the courtyard,
11:59 and here's the entrance to the temple.
12:00 Let's go in.
12:04 That gold thing is over the most holy place.
12:07 I don't have the heart to go in there today, so I'll just stay
12:10 out here with the monkeys.
12:27 As I was leaving I wondered, who will tell this boy?
12:33 Who will tell these young hopeful girls of the better life
12:36 to come?
12:40 Must the millions perish without a hope?
13:02 Well, here we are at the big temple in Palani.
13:06 This is the seat of Hinduism in this entire state.
13:10 I've been able to go all of the way inside and come back out.
13:14 They actually invited me.
13:16 My people here said that there's no way I could take a video
13:19 camera in; I might get beat up.
13:21 But being a silly foreigner, I guess they gave me free rein.
13:28 So it's been great.
13:30 It's been interesting.
13:31 And it's hard to believe that people would accept this
13:36 as for real.
13:39 Hello.
13:42 So why does God hate idol worship?
13:43 Maybe because it takes so much away from the people,
13:47 and gives them nothing in return.


Revised 2014-12-17