India Face To Face

Our Own Flesh

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jon Wood


Series Code: IFF

Program Code: IFF000005

00:18 Trying to get in shape for my trip to India.
00:20 Christ said to go into all the world and preach the gospel
00:25 to every creature
00:26 The problem is we have no idea who they are.
00:32 How are we supposed to effectively communicate the
00:34 gospel to a people we know nothing about; how they think,
00:38 what kind of pressures they have in their daily lives.
00:41 Come with me and let's meet India Face to Face.
01:18 It's 4:30 in the morning and I'm here at one of the slums
01:22 in Madras, India.
01:24 I've gotten permission through Pastor Samuel to follow a trash
01:27 collector named Oscar on his morning route.
01:33 Although we live in the age of information, we know very little
01:36 about poverty and what it looks like.
01:38 And yet there are over 300 million people in India
01:42 alone that face poverty every day.
01:45 300 million people!
01:48 That's the population of the entire United States!
01:50 Total!
01:54 It's much easier for me if I just ignore these people
01:56 and the way they live.
01:57 It seems like everyone else does.
01:58 Seeing them makes me feel overwhelmed, helpless,
02:01 sad, and discouraged, but God promises blessings if we do
02:06 something about it.
02:09 But how can we help unless we understand?
02:13 And how can we understand unless we take a good look?
02:18 And how can we look unless we care?
02:22 And how can we care unless we recognize these people for who
02:26 they really are: our own flesh.
03:35 Does this happen every year?
03:46 So, do they have their cooking supplies?
03:53 They don't have anything to cook with.
03:55 Well, they all look so dressed up.
03:58 Yeah.
04:29 It's a disease.
04:32 Do many people get it?
04:34 Yeah, very many people.
04:51 So how long will they think that they have to stay here?
05:26 Are there schools they can go to?
07:31 For fifteen years he's been doing this.
07:34 The one thing the video camera is not capturing is the smell.
08:02 Then why did he leave that?
08:41 Has he ever run into big rats?
08:43 Ha ha, Yes, he has.
08:45 Rats and bandicoots.
08:47 They eat their food from here.
08:49 What's a bandicoot?
08:50 It's a bigger type of rat.
08:52 Oh.
09:06 See, there's another man coming like him on the other side.
09:10 He has no tricycles, but he picks up in a gunny bag.
09:14 Oh, he carries it.
09:16 He carries them.
09:23 So he says that maybe today I'm lucky, I got a little more
09:28 extra papers here.
09:30 Does that mean that he'll get a little bit more money
09:33 today to eat with?
09:34 Yes, I think so.
09:47 More than 3,000 years ago the indigenous peoples of India were
09:50 invaded by light skinned Arian tribes who brought their
09:53 religion from Babylon, modifying it to suit their needs.
09:56 The caste system, though now outlawed, is an integral
10:00 component of the Hindu view of the cycle of life.
10:03 It ties in very closely with reincarnation which says if
10:07 you are good and suffer quietly in this life, you may ascend to
10:11 a higher caste in the next life, which also implies that if
10:15 you are a low caste person then you must have been really bad
10:18 in your last life, which means that you're merely paying
10:20 the penalty for all the bad things you did in the last life.
10:25 In this system, the lower castes are not recognized as being
10:28 really human, and are often treated worse than many of the
10:31 animals which they worship.
10:32 They're not allowed to go into any temple, and aren't allowed
10:36 many jobs except these menial degrading jobs like picking
10:38 through the trash, or cleaning the sewer.
10:40 The upper caste benefit greatly by controlling this large cheap
10:44 labor force.
10:45 In fact I have been told that there are more millionaires in
10:48 India than in the United States.
10:50 Go figure!
11:46 Yeah, the water came up to this level; his house's level.
11:49 Really?
11:50 Yes.
11:51 About twenty-five huts, which were near to the bank of this
11:55 river washed away by the waters of the flood.
12:07 Up to this level; the water came up to that level, you see,
12:11 where he was standing there.
12:27 It looked like the water was up to there.
12:35 How many people live in this place?
12:41 There are ten people living in this place.
12:46 And is he the only one that works?
12:51 Yeah, he's the only one that works for the entire family.
12:55 So what he did this morning will feed the entire family.
12:59 Yes, what he did this morning.
13:06 It's about a hundred rupees; about $2.00.
13:10 Really?
13:11 Yeah, he will sell it for $2.00.
13:15 With that he will run the day.
13:19 Yes, one day at a time.
13:21 If he doesn't go in the morning then there's no food at home.
13:28 Without Jesus, and Christians like Pastor Samuel, Oscar's
13:32 children will have no hope but to follow their father in this
13:36 endless struggle against hunger.
13:38 But if we can teach the children the gospel, and how to read and
13:41 write, then they will have the tools for freedom.


Revised 2014-12-17