Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Ernie Pyle
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000464A
00:01 In the very fist verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1,
00:04 there is an interesting story about God, 00:08 something he reveals to us about himself. 00:11 It says, "In the beginning God, Elohim, 00:15 created the heavens and the earth." 00:18 Stay tune to find out 00:19 what the meaning of the word Elohim is. 00:52 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. 00:54 Once again we welcome you to Issues and Answers, 00:57 and once again we're so excited 00:59 to have Ernie Pyle as our special guest 01:01 because he is going to tell us something special 01:06 about one of the names of God. 01:09 Ernie, thank you for coming back, 01:11 you are a speaker for Knowing God Ministries. 01:16 That's correct, along with Dr. Rob Sheppard. 01:18 Dr. Rob Sheppard. 01:20 And we've a heard a little, 01:21 you've told this how you began and how you all go out 01:25 without asking for any remuneration, 01:28 that you go to camp meetings, you do seminars in churches. 01:32 And Lord has had you very busy in the last six years. 01:36 And the entire focus of Knowing God Ministries 01:40 is on the names of God. 01:44 Why the names of God? 01:46 We've we have chosen the names of God as a special interest 01:50 because every name the God introduces himself by, 01:54 and there's over 300 to 400 names, 01:57 is every name is a description of who he is. 02:02 And it's a promise of what he will do in our lives. 02:08 And as we go through the story of the Bible 02:10 and we recognize the different names 02:12 and the situations 02:14 we see how God arises to the situation, 02:17 how he, and tells people 02:20 that he has the solution to their problem, 02:22 and promises to do in his life. 02:25 The next one is a perfect one because in the Book of Judges, 02:30 one of the most bloodiest books in the Bible, 02:33 so bloody that the take a woman, 02:35 hack her up into 12 parts and send all parts to this, 02:38 every tribe of Israel. 02:41 God says, "Hello, 02:44 my name is peace, shalom." 02:49 The God of pace in that book of judges. 02:53 Yes. It's amazing story, Shelley. 02:55 And that's why the stories come alive 02:58 as we learned names of God and what they mean, 03:01 we see how he interacts with his people. 03:04 And as we already said, to know God is eternal life, 03:09 that's what Jesus said in John 17:3. 03:10 Absolutely. 03:12 So, what is the name that God uses the most 03:16 when he's introducing himself to others? 03:19 The name that he uses is Elohim. 03:24 In the very first words of the Bible he says, 03:27 "In the beginning, God." 03:30 So, every time, Shelley, you see capital G, 03:35 little o, little d. 03:38 That is Elohim. 03:41 When the people translated the Bible, 03:44 they didn't know how to do these names, 03:46 and so they gave a spelling, for every name, 03:49 each name a different spelling. 03:51 So anytime you see G-o-d, that's Elohim. 03:56 Elohim is used 2250 times in the Bible, 04:02 the name that God uses the most. 04:05 So as I was to begin to study the names, 04:07 I thought, well, there has to be a reason 04:09 that he uses his name the most. 04:12 Elohim simple means I made you, 04:18 I've created you, 04:20 I hold you in the palm of my hand, 04:24 and my promise to you 04:26 is that I'll never, never let you go. 04:33 So, Elohim is the covenant maker, 04:36 and his covenant is I'll never let you go. 04:41 Now, as you know, Shelley, 04:42 there is a lot of discussion about covenants. 04:46 You know, did old covenant come before the new covenant 04:50 or that the new covenant become before the old covenant? 04:54 Well, I'm is a simple old Texas boy. 04:57 And so I like things where I can understand it. 05:01 And as I've gone through the Bible I've decided, 05:04 here is God's covenant with his people. 05:08 Remember, Jesus said 05:10 that we should be able to teach salvation simply 05:15 that a child can understand it. 05:17 So here's what I think the covenant is, 05:20 he says in Exodus, 05:22 "I want to be your God and you be my people." 05:27 He says in Leviticus, "I wanna be your God, 05:31 you be my people." 05:32 We can go through all the way over to Jeremiah, 05:35 "I want to be your God and you be my people." 05:39 We can to Ezekiel, 05:41 "I want to be your God and you be my people." 05:45 We can go through the New Testament, the Revelation, 05:48 the 21st chapter 05:50 where God is describing heaven and guess what he says, 05:55 "I'll be your God and you'll be my people." 06:00 So, Elohim, such a beautiful name, 06:04 used the most because God is expressing 06:08 all he wants in our life 06:10 is that we look up to him as our God. 06:14 And obviously, he looks to us as his people. 06:18 Amen. We call that a relationship. 06:22 And that's the message and the name of Elohim, 06:25 I will not forget you. 06:31 And the interesting thing to me is that in the Hebrew, 06:34 Elohim is what I call a uniplural. 06:39 Yes. 06:40 You know, and I love when he says, 06:43 the Lord, your God, Elohim is one God, Echad. 06:47 So it's more then one personality wrapped up, 06:53 and it says it right here. 06:55 So we see a picture of what we had called the trinity. 06:59 Right, right, from the very beginning. 07:01 Right here from the very, very beginning how God create it 07:04 because we know throughout New Testament, 07:06 the Bible says that Jesus, 07:08 all things were created through him. 07:10 Right. 07:12 We know that the spirit hovered, 07:14 so we see the father, the son, 07:16 and the spirit right here at creation. 07:18 Right. 07:19 And this is the covenant maker, the covenant keeper. 07:23 Right. 07:25 The God who keeps' covenant with those 07:26 who keep covenant with him. 07:27 Right. 07:29 From the very beginning God says, I care for you, 07:32 I'll not let you go. 07:35 When I was about 12 years old 07:39 my daddy didn't allow my brother 07:42 and I to go to movies at all. 07:45 And one a day he came to me and he says, 07:47 "I want to you take to your brother to movie," suddenly. 07:52 I mean, all right, yeah. 07:53 Wow, okay. 07:55 I mean, I was shock, you mean, 07:56 I'll get popcorn and a drink or something. 07:59 And it was a movie called the Ten Commandments. 08:01 Yes. Cecil B, the male's classic. 08:05 And so we went to the movie and of course, 08:07 we were just kind of awed by it. 08:10 But it was interesting that one of the things in the movie, 08:13 the Ten Commandants that just stuck in my mind, 08:15 I don't know why, 08:18 was just before Israelites to leave Egypt 08:22 to go in to the promise land, 08:25 it shows that they are carrying the bones of Joseph 08:31 as they go in to the promise land. 08:34 And for some reason that just stuck in my mind. 08:38 Now lets move forward many years 08:40 when I started learning the names of God and studying, 08:43 and I'm looking through them, 08:45 I came up on Genesis, the 50th chapter. 08:49 And here's Joseph, he knew he was dying, 08:53 he calls his family together and he tells them, 08:58 "I believe in Elohim, 09:02 the covenant maker 09:04 and one day he's gonna fulfill his promise to father Abraham, 09:11 and he's gonna go and take you to the promise land. 09:16 When he does that I want you to carry my bones 09:22 and buried me in promise land." 09:25 So, here we see Joseph starting out a life, 09:29 he's kind of a smart like a teenager. 09:32 "Ha, ha, ha, look what I got, you don't." 09:35 Goes to Egypt, looks like he's got it made, 09:38 falls in prison, fall asleep, all through their life. 09:42 But yet, when his life was ending, 09:45 it was Elohim, the covenant maker 09:49 that was a blessing in his life 09:50 and he had so much faith in the covenant maker, 09:54 he says, I know that the promise land will be here 09:58 and I want to be buried in that. 10:00 And all of a sudden the Elohim and the movie kind of clicked 10:04 because for some reason 10:06 that just stuck in my mind as a teenager. 10:10 You know, this is something that, 10:12 when we think of, even the Ten Commandments, 10:16 most people think of God, from the movie, you know, 10:21 speaking in this voice that is just you know, 10:24 "Those shall not..." 10:26 Not recognizing, 10:28 as I learned from Dr. Rob Shepard 10:31 who works with you that the Ten Commandants 10:36 are read in the future tense, 10:38 which indicates there are promise. 10:40 What God is saying when he wrote the Ten Commandants 10:43 as this covenant keeping God 10:45 is that when you're covenant relationship with me 10:49 you won't want to have any other Gods before me. 10:53 You're not going to take my name in vein, 10:55 you're not gonna bow down idols, 10:57 you're gonna be excited about the Sabbath, 11:00 you're not... 11:01 You're gonna honor your parents, 11:02 not gonna murdered, not gonna commit adultery, 11:04 not gonna liar, you not gonna bear false testimony, 11:07 you're not gonna covert 11:09 because this is what covenant relationship. 11:11 I'm gonna be the one that works in you 11:14 to will and to do my good pleasure. 11:18 So, we see, 11:20 as you a taking about all the different names of God. 11:24 Well, we're talking about some of the names of God. 11:27 We see that God was trying with each name 11:31 by which he introduced himself, 11:34 he was painting a picture of who he is and what he'll do. 11:40 Right. 11:41 And every picture is the picture of love, it's... 11:44 Yeah. 11:46 You know, Sue and I at the age now, well, she is, 11:50 were we began to kind of wonder 11:52 what our future is gonna to be like. 11:55 You know the beauty of God is he says, just as you said, 12:00 if you know me 12:02 here's what your life is going to be like. 12:05 You're going appreciate day that you can worship me, 12:09 you're going to do all these things. 12:10 And how wonderful it would be if we took the Ten Commandments 12:16 and presented them in that light of a promise 12:19 verses something you got to do to please God. 12:22 Amen. 12:24 Let me give you another example of Elohim, how he works. 12:29 We all the story of Jonah. 12:32 Now, it's pretty heard to you think 12:33 the God would speak to a man 12:35 and he was just go do opposite. 12:37 Why, I don't know if that's so hard, you know. 12:40 I think they're probably... 12:42 It happens to all of them, it's done. 12:43 He might not speak directly but he speak through his word. 12:47 But he went... and we all know the story. 12:49 So it's interesting thing 12:51 that when Jonah was swallowed up by the great fish, 12:55 he's in the belly and he began to pray. 13:01 And guess what name of God he uses? 13:04 Elohim. Elohim. 13:05 Elohim. 13:07 God, you promised me that you would not let me go. 13:13 And when you read that prayer 13:15 you see exactly that's what his thanking is. 13:18 Yes, I've missed up, yes, I've done wrong, 13:22 yes, I probably deserved what I'm getting 13:26 but you promised you would delivered me. 13:30 And, Elohim, I'm calling up on you to fulfill that promise. 13:34 And off course, we know the next thing, 13:36 the fish throws up on the dry land 13:38 and there is Jonah. 13:40 So it's interesting that in that, 13:45 what I called the pit of the fish, 13:48 he was in the same condition 13:49 as the boy was in the hog pan in the story of the good daddy, 13:53 Prodigal Son, call out to God. 13:57 Elohim says to all of us, Shelley, 14:00 don't care what you've done, where you at, call out, 14:06 my promise is I'll be there. 14:07 It's a very beautiful promise. 14:10 And I'd like to give you one more story 14:13 that I think is just fascinate in about Elohim. 14:16 Would that be okay. Absolutely, please. 14:19 If I would, well, I'm gonna ask you. 14:23 Name one or two of what you think 14:26 the most wicked people on earth have been. 14:29 Manasseh. 14:31 Well, stop there. 14:33 I'll never ask you another question, 14:35 never again, Shelley. 14:36 Most people would say Adolf Hitler, Stalin, 14:42 who killed a you know, 20 million people, 14:44 compared to Hitler, six. 14:46 But one of the words absolutely was Manasseh. 14:49 Yeah. 14:51 And Manasseh 14:53 was the king over the gods people 14:59 and yet we're told there during his reign it was bloody. 15:04 One author his suggested 15:05 that the streets ran with blood, 15:08 he was killing that much people. 15:11 And so there were so wicked, 15:13 so separated from God 15:16 that God allows Assyrian army to come in 15:20 and capture Manasseh. 15:22 Take him off with the hook in his nose. 15:24 Takes him off to Babylon 15:27 and the Babylonians want to throw a great party. 15:31 And so its important, as you said, 15:33 but its important for people to understand 15:36 here's God chosen servant, king of his people, 15:41 and he's been imparted down streets of Babylon 15:44 with the hook in his nose, 15:46 chains on his hands, chains oh his feet, 15:49 and their is literally 15:51 thousands and thousands of people. 15:54 And they're saying, if this is the man 15:57 that represents Israel, ha, ha, look how week. 16:01 And we would say, if we're not careful 16:05 that Manasseh got exactly what he deserved. 16:10 Oh, absolutely. 16:11 I mean, he introduced adultery, child scarifies, 16:16 he was so evil, it was unbelievable. 16:18 Yes. 16:20 Yea, we have a tendency to say, 16:21 he's is getting he just deserves. 16:23 In fact, I would say, well, see, this is what happens 16:26 when you don't serve God, this is what God does. 16:29 Yes. 16:31 But though he was so wicked... 16:33 Amen. 16:35 He turned to Elohim 16:40 and his life changed. 16:44 Now this is the beauty about God. 16:48 We could think that God would take Manasseh 16:50 and starting at the bottom of the ladder, 16:53 he brings him right back, Shelley, 16:55 and puts him right back on the throne, 16:58 and we restores kingdom right to him. 17:00 Isn't that amazing? 17:02 How beautiful God. 17:03 See, here again, 17:04 one of the principles of Knowing God Ministries 17:08 is the stories always about God, 17:10 its not about Manasseh, it's always about the God. 17:13 Put shim right back. 17:15 Manasseh had one of the profits sawed in half. 17:20 Isaiah. 17:21 And so... 17:22 And don't know what it's gonna be like on that day? 17:24 That's what I'm getting ready to say, Shelley. 17:27 I hope me and you were there 17:29 when the prophet turns the corner 17:32 and he runs into Manasseh. 17:34 Yes. Can't you imagine the shock? 17:37 But I think it won't, don't you know 17:39 the Isaiah is not gonna be saying, 17:42 "What are you doing here, " and upset about it. 17:44 He's gonna be going, "How did God save you?" 17:48 Absolutely, absolutely. 17:50 And you can just see him hugging. 17:52 Yeah. 17:53 And so happy that they are there. 17:55 That is the goodness of Elohim. 17:59 You know what, Ernie, I always tell people that, 18:02 you've heard this, I'm sure. 18:04 That some people just don't see grace in the Old Testament, 18:10 in the old covenant, they can't see grace. 18:12 And I tell them, if you wanna see grace in action 18:16 look at the story of Manasseh, 18:18 how God took this one that thumbed his nose at God, 18:25 this heathen, he was so wicked. 18:29 And how, when he, like the prodigal son, 18:32 when he came a his senses in the pit, 18:35 and called out on Elohim, 18:38 the covenant maker, how God restored him. 18:41 I mean, that's nothing abut grace. 18:43 You know, the interesting thing in the story of Manasseh, 18:45 as you know is that all though he turned back fully to God 18:50 and he tried to tear down the high places, 18:53 he tried to restore, 18:54 he couldn't undo the consequences for sin. 18:57 It had already influence too many. 18:59 And that's sometimes, as we forget in our lives 19:03 that even if we turned back 19:05 there's still the consequences of actions that keeps on going. 19:10 I think the story Manasseh is a story for all. 19:13 As we've gone through over 70 seminars 19:17 we've constantly have people share with us 19:21 that they felt they have gone too far, 19:24 they've committed their unparalleled sin, 19:28 that God doesn't care, church doesn't, you know. 19:32 This is Satan's biggest lie that he puts on people, 19:38 that God is a condemning God 19:43 and that God is one who, 19:46 he will point out what you do wrong. 19:48 And yet the glory of it is he says, 19:51 I've created you, I'll never leave you. 19:54 And he's proven that over and over. 19:56 You know what, here's the scripted that release 19:59 because I grew up believing that, 20:01 that not that I've committed the unpardonable sin 20:03 but I grew up believing, 20:05 I had to be perfect for God to love me. 20:07 And I finally, I remember, you know, 20:10 in high school I would a Sunday school teacher. 20:13 I mean, I was, you know, 20:14 they called me miss goody two-shoes 20:16 when I first went off to college. 20:18 It wasn't a Christian collage, 20:19 so every body would call me Polly Anna, 20:21 that was my nick name, you now. 20:23 They'd say, oh, she's a Polly Anna. 20:24 And I do recall, though, you know, 20:27 I had this love affair with Jesus 20:29 'cause I know he died for me. 20:30 But the idea that of the father 20:36 was one that he was just ready to strike me down 20:38 at any moment, until I read this scripture. 20:42 And it says, and this is Hebrews 1:3, 20:46 it's talking about 20:48 how God has spoken in the last day to ascend. 20:52 And he says, "Who, " talking about Jesus, 20:56 "being the brightness of his glory 21:00 and the express image of his person, 21:06 upholds all things by the word of power." 21:08 Now just gonna stop here. 21:11 You know, I always looked at the part, 21:14 the B part that he upholds all things 21:17 by the word of his power, 21:18 because my focus was on the power, the word. 21:20 And then one day I'm reading this and it's like, 21:23 wait a minute, this says that Jesus is the affluence of God, 21:28 that everything we see in Jesus, 21:31 this is way the father. 21:32 Absolutely. 21:34 So as loving is non-judgmental as patient, 21:37 as compassionate as Jesus was. 21:41 That's who the father he is. 21:43 And it blew my mind because all of the sudden, 21:46 I'm Jesus said, he came so that to reveal the Father. 21:49 He was here. And we all know how. 21:52 We don't look at Jesus as being, you know, judgmental. 21:56 No. 21:58 But that how we feel about the Lord. 21:59 You know one of the things I also grow up 22:01 is Jesus was my friend, God was a kind like, 22:06 Santa Claus, seeing who's is naughty and nice, 22:08 and they Jesus had to explain God who I was. 22:12 Well, what a picture of the father. 22:14 Yeah. 22:15 I love it when Jesus came to this earth and he says, 22:19 I want to show you what a God of the Old Testament is like. 22:23 And when he come across a leper, 22:27 he would hug the leper 22:30 and then he would heal him. 22:34 I think if I was doing it 22:36 I would heal the leper then I would hug him. 22:38 That's a good point. 22:40 But see, that's what the father is like. 22:43 Can you imagine a leper... 22:45 That's good. 22:46 You know, they're unclean, 22:47 nobody come within 10 feet of them, 22:50 they had to howl unclean or ring a bell. 22:53 Can you imagine, a leper going year after year, 22:56 nobody ever touching him. 22:57 And then, all of sudden here comes this man 22:59 who hugs him and then cures him. 23:05 He cure 10 lepers, they all took off running, 23:09 one of them stopped and said, you know, 23:12 I guess it would being nice if I went back thank the guy. 23:16 But that's, Jesus says, 23:18 that's what your father in heaven is like. 23:22 If he was here he would be hugging lepers, 23:26 he would be having children sit on his lap. 23:29 If the God, the father was here, 23:31 he'd be at a well at noon, taking to us Samaritan woman. 23:35 Yeah. 23:37 Have you ever read 23:38 the translation of the word rejoice? 23:42 It actually means to twirl about, 23:46 to kick of your feet or your, 23:49 like a calf would kick up its heels if it was released. 23:53 I want to read you just one of my favorite promises. 23:55 Love to hear it. 23:57 This is about the Lord, your God, that's Elohim. 24:01 "The Lord, your God in your midst..." 24:03 This is, I'm sorry, Zephaniah 3:17, 24:06 "The Lord your God in your midst, 24:08 the mighty who have saved, 24:11 he will rejoice over you with gladness, 24:16 he will quite you with his love, 24:18 he will rejoice over you with singing." 24:22 Now I had just study out the root 24:28 and the meaning of rejoice, 24:30 when I read this one night. 24:31 And all of a sudden here's the picture of God 24:35 who get so excited over me, he actually stands up, 24:39 twirl round and he's singing over me. 24:41 Yes. 24:43 Ernie, we've got a correct picture 24:46 that people have in their minds of who God is. 24:48 We say in our ministry on this 24:50 that God is up in he's clapping, 24:52 singeing, and he is dancing. 24:54 Yes. 24:55 Because one person has come back, 24:59 and again it's his, always been his child, 25:01 but he's come back to the family of God. 25:04 We need to tell the world 25:07 and our ministry has a small section of that, 25:12 God loves you, God cares for you, 25:15 his greatest desire is that you spend eternity with him. 25:22 And that's the picture 25:24 that we try to portray through the names of God. 25:27 There's many ways of doing it, 25:28 we just chose the names of God because just with Elohim, 25:33 you can see it interacting in people's lives, 25:36 and they call upon him. 25:37 Yes. 25:39 And we share with people, don't care who you are, 25:42 what you've done, Gods still loves you, 25:45 God still cares, and God want you to come home. 25:48 Amen. That's the essence of our. 25:51 And don't listen to the wrong voice, 25:53 if somebody is trying to convince you that you know, 25:57 if Satan's trying to convince you 25:58 that you've committed the unpardonable sin. 26:01 You would even, you would be concern 26:03 if you'd committed it, 26:05 you wouldn't be concerned about it. 26:06 You would be like Satan 26:08 that there is no chance of you turning back, so. 26:10 You know, one of the things that happen to the prodigal 26:13 in the pig pan was the daddy was always in the pig pan 26:18 right there with them. 26:19 It was the daddy's voice that keep saying, 26:22 come home, come home. 26:24 And so that what our ministry share with people, 26:27 just come home. 26:29 Don't worry about getting cleaned up, 26:31 don't worry about getting things in order. 26:34 But we can come home. That's right. 26:36 It's like, he said in Jeremiah, you know, 26:39 you think you can change your heart? 26:41 You can't change yourself anymore 26:43 than a leper can change his skin 26:44 Or Ethiopian is 26:46 or leper can't change his spots or Ethiopian his skin. 26:49 So its this idea of yielding to God 26:52 and letting him do all of these things. 26:55 I mean, the salvation belongs to God, 26:58 no if, and, or buts about it. 27:01 I can't believe how fast, you have a closing comment? 27:03 Well, the only thing I can see is you can see 27:07 the covenant maker, I will not let you go, 27:09 why God use that name 27:12 more than any other name that in? 27:14 Because it is his greatest promise. 27:16 Amen. Amen. 27:18 Well, I just want to you certain 27:20 that we give your ministry website address 27:25 because if you would like to get in touch 27:27 with Ernie and have Dr. Rob Sheppard, 27:29 and Ernie come to your church 27:31 or and they gave free materials, 27:34 they're wonderful materials. 27:36 Or if you like to get on their website, 27:38 may be download any of their sermons that are free, 27:41 you can go to 27:46 27:49 And that's all in lower case. 27:50 Thank you so much for being here. 27:53 Well, thank you for having me. 27:54 It just I love to talk about God. 27:57 Amen. Amen. 27:59 And that shows Ernie is precious. 28:01 Well, for those of you at home, 28:03 our prayer is that you will come to know God, 28:06 and one way to know him better 28:08 is to know how he introduces himself. 28:10 Because, in the Bible, 28:12 names meant something to do with you character, 28:15 and this is why God use so many different names 28:19 to tell us who he was. 28:21 Please join us next time, 28:22 we're getting to get Ernie to come back, 28:24 and we look forward to next week. |
Revised 2016-08-29