Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Ernie Pyle, ,
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000462A
00:01 Jesus said in John 17:3, these words,
00:05 "This is eternal life, that they may know You, 00:09 the only true God, 00:10 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." 00:13 Knowing God is so important. 00:16 That is the key to eternal life. 00:19 And we're inviting you to join us today 00:21 on Issues and Answers 00:23 as we will be talking about the names of God. 00:56 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn 00:57 and once we welcome you to Issues and Answers. 01:00 Today is gonna be a special treat 01:02 because we are starting today 01:04 on a topic that should be well known to most of us, 01:08 but unfortunately not many of us really do know 01:12 and that is the names of God. 01:14 Let me introduce a very special guest 01:17 who is also a personal friend and that is Ernie Pyle. 01:21 Ernie, we're so glad that you've joined us today. 01:24 Well, that's certainly 01:25 my privilege to be here, Shelley. 01:26 I look forward to spending some time 01:28 with the names of God. 01:29 Amen. 01:31 Now, you are one of the speakers 01:33 of a fascinating ministry called Knowing God Ministries. 01:37 You and Dr. Rob Sheppard. 01:39 Dr. Rob Sheppard, 01:40 we have the privilege of being the speakers for the ministry, 01:44 and we think our messages are little unique, 01:47 but it always points towards the love of God. 01:49 Amen. 01:50 In fact, I'd like to share 01:52 a little story about our message, 01:53 would that be okay? 01:54 Please. 01:56 There was a little girl in an art class 01:58 and the assignment for the day was to draw 02:01 a picture of somebody that you admired. 02:05 Well, most all the little kids 02:06 just kind of stared at the ceiling 02:08 and they looked around because they couldn't think. 02:11 Shall I do mommy or daddy? 02:13 The teacher noticed that there is one little girl 02:15 and she was already just drawing away. 02:18 Well, this caught the teacher's attention 02:20 and eventually she walked away over to the little girl, 02:24 and this little girl was drawing 02:25 she said, "Honey, well, 02:28 who are you drawing a picture of?" 02:30 And she says, "I'm drawing a picture of God." 02:34 And the teacher smiled and said, 02:35 "Well, honey nobody knows what God looks like." 02:39 And she says, "They will when I get through." 02:42 And that is exactly, Shelley, 02:46 the theme of our ministry is to draw a picture of God 02:51 that people will understand how much He loves them, 02:55 how much He cares for them 02:57 and that His greatest desire is that 03:00 they spend eternity with Him. 03:02 Amen. 03:03 And that is the theme of knowing God's ministry. 03:06 We just happened to use 03:08 the different names of God 03:10 to illustrate His character and His love. 03:14 You know, I've... 03:16 It's fascinating, 03:17 I just kind of want to go back to how you began the ministry, 03:19 because I know that you 03:21 and Dr. Sheppard were here at our church... 03:24 Yes, we were. 03:25 And you did a seminar, what was it? 03:29 How many hours? 03:30 We did four sessions. 03:31 Four sessions. 03:33 And what amazed me about the ministry was that 03:36 you gave away, 03:38 everyone who attended got a binder, materials, 03:41 it was all free. 03:42 Yes. 03:43 So, kind of, let's step back in history for just a second. 03:46 Tell me how Knowing God Ministries begin? 03:48 Well, it really begins... 03:51 I have the privilege of being a teacher 03:54 in the Arlington Church, 03:57 Arlington, Texas. 03:58 And after I taught the Sabbath school class, 04:01 I was walking in the hallway 04:03 and a personal friend had known our family for a long time 04:05 came up to me and she was almost mad. 04:09 And she pulled me aside and she says, 04:12 "Why are you wasting your talents? 04:15 And by the way 04:16 why is Rob Sheppard wasting his talent?" 04:20 Well, this got my attention, 04:22 I mean, this was out the blue. 04:24 We had a home church every Friday night in my house 04:29 and we have anywhere from 15 to 35 people there, 04:33 and we did a lot of different topics 04:36 and Rob Sheppard brought to me the idea, 04:38 let's do a series on the names of God. 04:42 And it was that series, Shelley, 04:44 that really seemed to hit home to the people. 04:47 Yes. 04:48 And the Arlington Church asked us to do 04:52 a three month series on the names of God 04:54 for prayer meeting. 04:56 That turned into be a year and half. 04:59 And we began to pray to God, and we said two things, 05:04 if we have a message have somebody call us. 05:09 And if you want us to go, provide the funds for us. 05:15 And so we've been in the ministry 05:17 for little over six years. 05:19 We've had over 70 seminars. 05:21 We've been to camp meetings in Canada, 05:23 cowboy camp meetings, Hawaii, all over. 05:26 And we also wanted everybody to understand that 05:30 Rob and I were dedicated to the ministry. 05:33 And we decided, 05:34 we would charge nothing for any of our materials. 05:37 So we charge nothing for the seminars, 05:40 nothing for the materials we give away 05:42 which is well over a $100 per person 05:45 that in the materials. 05:47 And we just kept saying, 05:48 as long as God provides the funds, 05:51 we'll keep going. 05:53 Our Sabbath school class is about 65 to 75 people 05:58 and 90 percent of our funds comes from that class 06:02 that keeps Knowing God's Ministry alive. 06:05 And so, we either, we run out of invitations 06:08 or we run out of funds, 06:10 otherwise we're gonna keep 06:11 proclaiming the wonderful love of God. 06:13 So that's how we got started. 06:14 You know, it reminds me so much of the Apostle Paul 06:17 because it was kind of like, 06:18 this was his, was with a Colossians. 06:22 Right now I can't remember 06:23 if it's Ephesians or Colossians but that was his most, 06:27 if you will is that, 06:29 I will not be any problem to you, 06:32 he did his tent making, he took care of everything 06:36 and that's what it was with the Thessalonians, was it? 06:38 Yes, Thessalonians. 06:40 My mind, but... 06:42 and then he had other people 06:44 who actually helped him to minister to others. 06:49 So why do you feel in your own words. 06:52 Why are the names of God so important? 06:57 It's a good question. 06:59 You know if I came on the Issues and Answers show, 07:02 and I said today, my name is Ernie, 07:06 and then you had me on tomorrow and I said my name is Daniel. 07:11 And then tomorrow afternoon, I said, my name is Andy, 07:15 and then later my name is Charles, 07:18 where you should kind of say 07:19 either we got a schizo or we got a nut here 07:22 what something different. 07:24 But that's exactly what God has done. 07:27 Shelley, he's come along in certain circumstances 07:31 introduced Himself by another name. 07:35 The reason that He does that is twofold. 07:38 Number one, every name 07:42 that He introduces Himself is a description 07:45 of His character 07:47 and what He will do in our life. 07:50 Number two, it is that promise. 07:54 I will do this in your life. 07:56 And as you begin to read the stories in the Bible, 07:59 as you become acquainted with these names, 08:02 the stories kind of come alive because all of a sudden, 08:04 you see in this particular circumstance, 08:07 here's God with a specific name. 08:10 Now one of the things down the road, 08:12 we're gonna talk about is the Book of Judges. 08:17 Nobody reads the Book of Judges at devotion 08:21 and yet is that name 08:23 the God introduces himself as the God of peace. 08:29 Jehovah-Shalom. 08:30 And the worst book perhaps of the Bible, 08:33 the bloodiest book, 08:35 He says hello, My name is peace. 08:39 So, I believe that names of God are important 08:42 because it's a facet of His character 08:45 that helps opens up who He is. 08:48 Now, it's not the only way to know God, 08:50 there is many ways. 08:51 It's just that we chose in our ministry to study 08:55 and to share with people, 08:56 the different names and the different promises. 09:00 One other thing that helped me personally, 09:03 in my Bible study many years ago 09:06 when I began to understand 09:09 that the hero of every story in the Bible is God. 09:15 It is not Job, you know, as a little boy, 09:19 I was taught Job just had all this faith. 09:22 Then as a teenager, 09:23 I began to read Job and he says why was I born, 09:27 I wished I would have died in my mother's womb 09:29 or what kind of faith is all of this, see. 09:32 But Job is not the hero, God is. 09:34 Joan is not the hero, God is. 09:37 David is not the hero, God is. 09:40 And so, as we have the privilege 09:43 of presenting the names of God, 09:45 telling what His character is and what His promise, 09:48 then God becomes the hero. 09:51 Now, in our ministry we hear two things 09:55 most every church that we go to. 09:58 The first one is, 10:00 "Why are we just now hearing this message 10:03 about the names of God?" 10:07 And the second one 10:08 which just thrills our hearts is, 10:12 "I knew that God loved me, 10:16 but I've really didn't know how much He love me?" 10:20 Amen. 10:21 And you know, Shelley, 10:23 the reason that I can present that message is that 10:29 I know what is like to wander from God. 10:32 I know what it's like for God to continue to seek, 10:36 and I know what is this like for God to bring one back home. 10:40 And so, I can think of no other message 10:43 that when you stand up 10:44 before 30 people sometimes and 3000 sometimes 10:49 to say God loves you 10:53 and His greatest desire is to spend eternity with you. 10:57 What better message could a ministry have. 11:00 Amen. 11:01 And it's such a beautiful ministry. 11:03 I know that everyone here, 11:05 when you're here we're so blessed at bour church. 11:08 You know, Ernie, like you, 11:10 I ran from God for a little while, 11:13 and He chased me down. 11:17 So it is something that as you... 11:20 The more we can know about God and as he said, 11:23 there is so many ways to learn about God, 11:26 and of course we... 11:27 Our primary way is just right here in the Bible, 11:30 and as the Holy Spirit inspires our understanding. 11:35 But I do know that the names have always been 11:39 of particular interest to me. 11:41 And one of the better known names is Yahweh 11:45 for which the Jews use a tetragrammaton. 11:51 Kind of talk to us about the name of Yahweh? 11:54 Yahweh is the second name 11:57 that God introduced Himself by the scriptures. 12:01 The first name is Elohim. 12:04 Elohim which we're going to discuss in another session, 12:08 simply means the covenant maker. 12:12 The second name is Yahweh. 12:15 Now, Yahweh says, 12:18 I am that I am, the great I am. 12:22 Well, what is that really mean? 12:26 And so Yahweh comes along 12:28 and says, I am everything, 12:32 I'm the standard of righteousness. 12:37 I also want a relationship with my child 12:44 and I will do everything 12:49 to give them the power to have that relationship with me. 12:54 So, Yahweh points out sin. 12:58 Now, lot of times we go in to places and they say, 13:01 that's the God of the Old Testament, 13:03 I know Him, 13:04 He is the one that points out, 13:06 you did this wrong and you did this wrong 13:08 and you did this wrong. 13:10 So we're kind of accustomed to God pointing out sin. 13:14 But you know, Shelley, 13:16 I have grandchildren that I am just crazy about. 13:22 And if one of the grandchildren came to me 13:25 and said, Grandpa, 13:27 I would like to go out and play with my wagon 13:32 and I'd said, sure, go on out there. 13:35 And the next thing I know 13:36 he is going out to the freeway to play. 13:41 Now, I wouldn't sit on the sidelines 13:43 and say, Shay. 13:46 I would do anything, 13:49 anything to get that boy's attention 13:52 to get him off of that freeway into safety. 13:55 So sometimes we look at Yahweh and they says, yeah, 13:59 He is going to point out sin, 14:01 but He points out sin 14:04 because He doesn't want anything 14:07 to separate His child from Him. 14:10 Amen. 14:12 And so, yes, He will point out sin. 14:14 But then this is the beauty of Yahweh, 14:17 He immediately turns around and gives you a path of escape, 14:22 a path to comeback to Him, the power to come back, 14:25 the want to come back. 14:27 So I like to look at Yahweh as a blank check. 14:32 Anything that you need 14:35 to keep in a relationship with God, 14:39 He'll fill it in on that blank check 14:41 and give it to you. 14:43 And all of a sudden, 14:45 you see Yahweh 14:46 in some of the different parts of the Bible 14:50 and you understand, yes, He's pointing out problems. 14:53 He's pointing out what separates 'cause He loves, 14:57 He wants to hold, He wants to caress and care, 15:00 and He's got to point it out just as any parent would, 15:04 but then He immediately gives you the road back to Him. 15:08 It's a beautiful picture of God. 15:11 Yes, I would say, grace writes the check, 15:13 faith takes it to the bank, right. 15:15 That's right. That's right. 15:16 When Moses was at the burning bush 15:21 and he asked who shall I say sends me. 15:25 Yes. 15:26 the response was Yahweh. 15:28 Yeah, Yahweh. 15:30 I am that I am. 15:32 In other words... 15:34 I was just gonna say so, 15:36 I always understood this that 15:38 God was saying I am self existing, 15:41 I'm not a generated, created being of any sort. 15:45 I am self existing and this is the God 15:49 who sent Moses to open up the way to give his children 15:55 escape from slavery, from bondage. 15:58 Yeah, He got him in back. 16:00 There's two places in the Bible 16:03 that we kind of highlight the name of Yahweh. 16:07 The first one is in Genesis the 3rd chapter, 16:10 Garden of Eden. 16:13 Now, it's interesting, Shelley, that Satan, the adversary, 16:17 he knows these names. 16:19 I'm gonna show that to you in just a second. 16:21 The first name as I mentioned in Genesis 1 is Elohim, 16:26 who is the great covenant maker, 16:28 I will never leave you. 16:30 Sub chapter two, we meet Yahweh, 16:33 the creator who says, "I am that I am." 16:36 In chapter 3 of Genesis, we see Eve going to the tree, 16:43 and she looks up 16:44 and here's this gorgeous beautiful snake 16:47 chomping on some fruit 16:51 and he says to Eve, 16:57 has Yahweh 17:01 told you that you can't eat of this fruit. 17:04 He did not use Elohim, 17:07 'cause Elohim is the covenant maker 17:09 who will never leave you. 17:11 He used the name of Yahweh. 17:14 And of course we know the story 17:16 how Eve was deceived 17:18 and eventually ate the fruit, brought it back to Adam. 17:23 In the cool of that evening, 17:27 here comes Yahweh through the garden, 17:30 just like He had done every other evening. 17:37 Except this time, it's a little different. 17:40 Yahweh is the same. 17:44 In the Hebrew, 17:45 it tends to leave us to believe that he, 17:48 as he called out for Adam and Eve, 17:50 he was singing their names. 17:52 There was a melodious voice that was calling now. 17:56 At this time, there was no answer 17:59 because when you separate yourself from God, 18:04 you want to hide 18:06 and that's exactly what they did. 18:08 And so Yahweh calls out, He finally sees them, 18:12 He asked them some question, 18:14 well, who told you, you were naked. 18:17 God knows those answers, 18:19 but it's important for Adam and Eve. 18:21 And we know what happened. 18:23 Now we're told, if we read the story 18:26 that we believe that all of a sudden, 18:28 God caste them out of the Garden of Eden. 18:32 Not quite. 18:34 As you look at Yahweh, 18:37 here is what I believe happened, 18:39 and there is some text I'm gonna give you. 18:42 I believe that He took them by the hand, 18:45 Adam and Eve, 18:47 and He walk them out of the garden 18:51 with tears down His, streaming down his face. 18:55 Jeremiah says in the 13th chapter, 18:58 God stands before His people, why won't you listen to Me, 19:02 and He says, His eyes swell up with tears 19:05 and they run down His cheek. 19:08 In Isaiah, He says, how brokenhearted He is. 19:12 So I believe He led them out 19:15 and put 'em outside the Garden of Eden, 19:17 because He didn't want them to sin. 19:19 Now, here is what's interesting. 19:21 I used to sell Bible books 19:23 when I went to school in the summertime. 19:25 And one the pictures I would show, 19:27 showed an angel with a sword, 19:31 standing in the entrance of the garden 19:33 and he was just kind of ready to let nobody in. 19:38 What a picture. 19:41 As you read there in Genesis, he says first of all, 19:44 at the entrance to the Garden of Eden was cherubim. 19:49 That means, Shelley, there were two angels. 19:53 And it says the sword was as 19:56 if it was a sword dangling in between. 20:01 Well, if you have a sword like this 20:03 and it's twisting and the sun and the rays hit it, 20:06 it sends off lights everywhere. 20:11 And so what was at the entrance of the Garden of Eden 20:13 was the two cherubim, 20:15 right in the middle was this light. 20:20 And every morning and evening, 20:23 this is where Adam and Eve could come and worship Yahweh. 20:28 What else, Shelley, 20:30 do we see in the Old Testament 20:31 with two angels with their wings touching 20:34 and the glory, Shekinah glory right there between. 20:38 They are on the mercy seat on the ark. 20:40 Yes. 20:42 That was exactly 20:43 what was at the entrance of the Garden of Eden. 20:44 Oh, that's fascinating. 20:46 So, you can see how Yahweh works. 20:48 Yes, He had to point out sin to Adam and Eve. 20:52 But He wasn't mad, He wasn't unhappy, 20:56 He was brokenhearted and then He came 21:00 and did the best He could 21:01 where they still could come to that gate 21:04 and worship Him. 21:06 That's Yahweh. 21:07 And He had to, it was love, 21:10 or by love that He led them out of garden 21:12 because He didn't want them to pluck anything 21:16 from the tree of life and eat from that 21:19 because then 21:21 they would have remained in their sin forever, 21:24 and God had a plan. 21:26 But that's the way that we need to present God. 21:30 And sometimes, you know, 21:31 can I give you one more? Please. 21:33 Children of Israel, 21:37 Jesus says, God is there at Mount Sinai 21:40 and He ask, I've done all these things for you, 21:44 fed you, give you air-conditioning, 21:46 heating at night, water to drink, 21:47 you know, will you do what I ask? 21:51 And they said, 21:52 oh, yes, Lord, yes. Tell us. 21:54 And so, He said, Yahweh said bring 'em to the mountain, 21:59 and it was there that Yahweh gave to Moses 22:04 for the children of Israel the Ten Commandments. 22:08 Now, I grew up most of my life understanding that 22:13 I should not have another God 22:16 and I should not kill 22:19 and I should not do this and I should remember. 22:23 You cannot command love. Yes. 22:28 You cannot command respect. 22:31 I can't say to somebody, you love me, 22:36 never works and God cannot. 22:39 Through study and this came from Rob Sheppard 22:42 in our studies. 22:44 We began to understand that 22:46 the Ten Commandments 22:48 were written in the future tense. 22:53 Now, when we share that with church congregations, 22:57 the Ten Commandments are written in the future tense. 23:01 We've yet for anybody to jump up 23:03 and say halleluiah, amen, 23:06 that chanting, you know, 23:08 where they said and they're kind like 23:09 okay, that's so... 23:10 What does that mean? 23:12 But what a difference it makes because God says 23:17 when you get to know me, 23:20 and that is the only way to eternal life is to know God. 23:25 He says when you have that relationship, 23:28 Yahweh says when you're my child and know me, 23:32 I will give you the power. 23:34 I will give that way of salvation 23:38 and when you know me, 23:40 well, you wouldn't even consider having another God 23:43 in front of me. 23:46 When you know me, 23:47 you'll never take my name in vain. 23:50 When you know me, 23:53 you love that I've taken a day 23:55 and set it aside 23:57 that you can be with your church family, 23:59 your family and you can be with me, 24:02 and certainly you will honor your mother and father. 24:06 Well, you wouldn't even think about killing, stealing, 24:10 committing adultery, 24:11 you would not want to do anything when you know me. 24:15 'Cause that's what covenant relationship is all about. 24:17 Absolutely. 24:19 Sometimes we get the list reversed. 24:22 If you do this, and this, and this, and this, 24:24 then you get to know God. 24:27 Well, Yahweh says, I'm the blank check. 24:31 You can't do anything without me. 24:34 You have no power without me. 24:37 And so as we go through Yahweh, 24:41 we point out to a God that yes, 24:43 He must point out sin, 24:45 but immediately gives you a way of escape. 24:48 All of a sudden, Shelley, is, 24:51 you look just a two stories 24:52 I've shared with you with a Garden of Eden. 24:55 When I began to understand that story, 24:57 that changed the whole picture. 25:00 Not that God was angry, not that God said get... 25:03 In fact I've seen pictures 25:04 where God's pointing, cussing, get out of here. 25:07 That's not God at all. 25:09 So, you can begin to see with the names of God, 25:14 it's just the facet that gives us an opportunity 25:17 just like that little girl painting a picture. 25:21 When I get through, they'll know what God is like. 25:24 And this is our prayer every time 25:27 we take the pulpit is when we get through 25:30 with the name of God, 25:31 the description that they'll know a little bit more 25:34 of what God is like, and if we can do that, 25:38 then we felt like we've done a tremendous blessing. 25:40 Amen. 25:42 Let me ask you a question that begs to be asked. 25:45 Okay. 25:47 You've been in the church for a long time. 25:48 Yes. 25:50 I know you're a strong believer. 25:52 How did learning the names of God 25:55 going into this deep study, 25:56 how has that impacted you personally? 25:58 Well, good question. 26:00 One must understand my background, I came up, 26:03 I won't mention the church town, 26:05 but I came up 26:07 in probably one of the most legalistic churches, 26:09 Adventist Churches there were. 26:11 I used to go around at the age of 16 years old 26:15 and debate in other churches 26:18 on the first day or the seventh day a Sabbath, 26:21 it allows my message, you know, 26:23 I put you down and prove I'm right. 26:25 So I was very, very realistic, uh, legalistic. 26:28 When I begin to see the names of God, 26:31 along with the philosophy that the story is always about God. 26:36 Over a period of years changed my entire concept 26:40 and relationship with God. 26:43 I used to look at God as somebody 26:45 I've got to strive to please. 26:49 When I realized that I'm His son 26:55 and wait till you hear 26:57 the one we're going to do next and he is my daddy. 27:00 Amen. 27:03 That changed my whole concept of God, 27:05 my whole relationship, 27:08 and so, I strive to know Him 27:12 and I'm kind of like Paul every once in a while, 27:15 I sit back and I say wow! 27:18 I don't do the things I used to like. 27:21 I do things I thought I would never like. 27:24 Well, who did this to me? 27:26 Well, it's God, because I began to understand 27:30 the relationship is everything. 27:33 Amen. 27:35 Well, we're just... 27:36 Ernie, thank you for being here. 27:38 We're looking forward to you joining us again next week, 27:41 because I believe 27:42 that this is a life changing message. 27:45 As Jesus told us, this is eternal life 27:49 and that is to know God 27:51 and the knowing there is a very intimate thing. 27:56 It's same word used for husband and wife 28:00 sharing intimacy together. 28:03 So, God wants you to know Him, 28:05 to know Jesus Christ whom He sent. 28:08 And there is so many names of God in the Bible. 28:10 Please join us next time 28:12 as we will be talking about a very intimate name for God. 28:17 Thank you for joining us. |
Revised 2016-10-10