Issues and Answers

Conscience and Mental Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Magna Parks


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000441A

00:29 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:30 And we welcome you again to Issues and Answers.
00:33 Today, the issue we will be discussing
00:36 is conscience and mental health.
00:39 And, boy, those two things are highly related.
00:42 And our answers are going to be coming
00:44 from a lovely person,
00:46 someone who's become dear to my heart.
00:48 She is a beautiful Christian woman
00:50 who also has such a spirit of humility about her.
00:55 And she's highly educated.
00:57 She has her doctorate in counseling psychology.
01:01 I had to stop and think about that for a second.
01:04 But let me introduce Magna Parks-Porterfield.
01:08 And, Magna, we are so glad that you're here again today.
01:11 Thank you, Shelley. It's good to be here again.
01:13 And we've had a couple with you that we discussed
01:16 the ways to optimize mental health.
01:20 But today, we just ask you to stay by
01:22 so that we could get another program out of you.
01:25 And we're going to be talking about something
01:27 that you've been on your heart,
01:29 and that's conscience and mental health.
01:32 Please tell me...
01:34 First, for those who don't know you
01:36 let me just...
01:38 let you give a little two or three minute bio.
01:41 Tell us a little who you are.
01:43 Well, as you mentioned,
01:44 I have a PhD in counseling, psychology.
01:46 I've taught on the college level,
01:47 I've been in private practice
01:49 and now I have my own ministry
01:52 where we educate people
01:53 on mental health and physical health as well
01:55 because my husband is well trained
01:57 in the physical health area.
01:59 I've been in this field for a long time.
02:01 I'm not gonna say how many years,
02:02 'cause that will date me,
02:03 but I enjoy it
02:05 and the Lord has brought me to a point of seeing
02:06 the importance of His biblical methods
02:09 and principles for mental health
02:10 and so I look at research, I look at that,
02:13 I look at inspired writings,
02:14 and try to help people through educating, counseling,
02:17 however, the Lord brings my...
02:19 whatever He brings my way.
02:20 Amen. That's excellent.
02:22 So if we are just gonna launch into our topic,
02:26 conscience and mental health.
02:28 First, define what is conscience?
02:32 Well, there's a lot of different
02:34 definitions out there
02:35 but the basic way of defining it is
02:38 a knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.
02:40 Okay.
02:42 And we're all born with that knowledge
02:44 of what is right or wrong.
02:45 That's interesting.
02:46 Yes, even those
02:48 who don't acknowledge God
02:51 have that inherent sense of right and wrong.
02:53 You know, Paul talks about that,
02:55 I think it's in Romans,
02:56 where he talks about the gentiles
02:58 not having a law unto themselves
03:00 but their conscience bearing witness.
03:02 Yes.
03:03 God gives all of us
03:04 the knowledge of what's right and wrong.
03:06 And I think that
03:07 that's very true that there are so many people
03:09 who know it's wrong to murder.
03:11 I mean, in so many societies,
03:13 now there are some who have taught otherwise,
03:16 but that's interesting, and I do believe that.
03:19 But if your conscience...
03:24 Explain how the conscience functions.
03:27 Okay.
03:29 Well, one of the things it does is that it points us
03:32 to what we ought to do.
03:33 Okay.
03:35 All of us has that little voice.
03:36 As Christians, we say the Holy Spirit,
03:38 but when we are getting ready to do something,
03:39 we have that voice,
03:41 if it's properly trained, I should add, that says,
03:44 "This is not something you should do.
03:46 And this is something you should do."
03:48 So the conscience points us as to what to do.
03:50 And then the conscience also judges our actions.
03:54 So when we make that decision,
03:56 the conscience will actually say to us,
03:58 "You know, what you did was not right,
04:00 and what you did was wrong."
04:02 But then, there's a third process
04:04 or function of the conscience and that is,
04:06 it passes sentence on us
04:08 after we've made that decision
04:10 and that's where guilt may come in or shame
04:13 because the conscience leads us to say,
04:16 "You shouldn't have done that. It's not right."
04:18 And you may feel the guilt
04:19 and the shame that comes about from the decision
04:21 that you've made.
04:22 Oh, amen.
04:23 I think I have a highly active conscience
04:25 because if I say anything,
04:28 I would never
04:29 intentionally wound somebody with my words
04:33 and if you say something in a joking manner
04:36 that maybe isn't taken as a joke,
04:37 or you say something
04:39 that you learned offended somebody,
04:41 or you may realize
04:42 when you walk away that didn't react properly,
04:45 I will immediately think,
04:47 "Oh, I shouldn't have done that."
04:48 But then, I can beat myself up over that
04:51 but I'm quick to go and apologize to someone
04:53 if I think I have offended them.
04:55 You have a sensitive tender conscience.
04:58 Yeah, but why when you think about...
05:02 If the conscience is functioning to tell us
05:06 this is what we should do or shouldn't do,
05:08 this is something that perhaps you recognize that...
05:13 you walk away from a situation feeling uneasy, and thinking,
05:17 "Oh, I shouldn't have done this."
05:19 Is that what you would call violating your conscience.
05:23 Very much so, very much so.
05:26 And actually what I have found out,
05:29 and I've read and I've seen it in my own life
05:31 and other people's lives,
05:32 well, maybe not in my own life,
05:33 but people suffering with depression and anxiety,
05:36 sometimes, some of these people
05:38 are dealing with consciences
05:40 that has been violated more than is healthy.
05:45 And so I remember reading a story
05:46 about a young lady.
05:47 She was depressed,
05:49 she tried all kind of methods to deal with her depression.
05:52 Somehow, she ran across the information on conscience.
05:55 As she started to analyze her life each day
05:58 in her decisions
05:59 whether it be taking a pen from work home
06:01 that wasn't hers,
06:03 as she started to pay more attention
06:04 to what her conscience was telling her
06:06 and started to follow and listen to more
06:08 of the things that she knew was right.
06:10 Guess what happened to the depression, Shelley.
06:12 It was gone.
06:13 It was gone,
06:14 just by her starting to pay more attention
06:16 to that conscience.
06:19 Can I tell you a quick story? Sure.
06:22 This was years and years and years ago,
06:25 we were fairly newly weds, my husband and I.
06:29 And we married
06:31 we had a great debt hanging over our heads
06:33 when we married.
06:34 And I went into Walmart once.
06:37 Somebody had told me about this face cream
06:40 that was marvelous.
06:42 It was close to Christmastime.
06:44 So I went into Walmart and this face cream ended up
06:46 being like $50.
06:47 And I thought, "Oh, I can't do that.
06:49 We're too broke."
06:50 But I decided I was going to splurge
06:52 that was my Christmas present to me.
06:55 Well, I bought it.
06:56 And I went out and I got in the car.
06:58 And I was thinking,
07:00 "How did all this add up to only $85?"
07:05 And I went and I pulled out my slip,
07:08 and I looked through the receipt.
07:11 They had not charged me for this face cream.
07:15 So, you know, you could sit there and think,
07:20 "Ooh, I just landed a great gift."
07:23 But my conscience wouldn't allow me.
07:25 And I'll tell you why.
07:27 It's because I knew angels are watching me,
07:31 you know, no one else might have known
07:33 but God knew and angels are watching me,
07:35 and I wanted to be a good witness.
07:36 So I went back into the store which was so busy
07:40 because this is so close to Christmas
07:42 and I had to wait forever and I got to this lady.
07:45 Finally, I said,
07:46 "You didn't charge me for this."
07:49 She sent me to customer service.
07:50 It took forever.
07:52 And they were upset with me
07:55 for coming back into the, you know, store.
07:58 This lady said,
07:59 "You're just causing such a hassle.
08:00 Why didn't you go on?"
08:02 And I looked at her and I said,
08:04 "Well, my conscience wouldn't allow that."
08:06 And I almost went miffed back to the car, thinking,
08:10 "I can't believe I got in trouble for this."
08:12 And then the Lord really shared with me
08:14 that I had been a witness for Him.
08:16 That's right.
08:18 I mean, that's an interesting experience.
08:20 It is.
08:21 And there are people who are always often violating
08:24 that same thing that you responded to,
08:26 and that leads to problems with mental health.
08:29 It really does.
08:30 Lack of peace, lack of joy, even anxiety.
08:33 There's another story
08:35 I can add to a gentleman who got out of prison
08:37 and he would not leave the house during the day.
08:40 And while he was at home, he would stay there,
08:42 but he would only go out at night
08:44 because he was so plagued by what he was done
08:47 that he... what he had done
08:48 that he felt that everybody was after him,
08:50 so this violation of conscience
08:52 can even affect your level of anxiety
08:55 and trust in people
08:57 because you're so used to doing those things
08:59 that are wrong that you think everybody else
09:00 was looking at you
09:02 and wanting to do the same thing.
09:03 So that's why,
09:05 you know, we talk about violating conscience
09:07 but it can affect the peace and contentment
09:10 that we have in our own lives.
09:11 But I suppose one of the greatest ways
09:13 to violate your conscience,
09:14 and I'll just go back to my example,
09:16 if I had realized that,
09:19 "Yes, this was,
09:21 you know, they didn't charge me.
09:22 Well, I don't want to go back in there in that mob."
09:25 If I had driven home,
09:27 I would have violated my conscience
09:30 and by doing something,
09:31 when you're being led to do what's right,
09:34 and you do what's wrong,
09:36 it then violates your conscience.
09:39 Let's say that somebody had an affair,
09:41 then their conscience is violated,
09:43 so then how they respond
09:46 to that violation is very important
09:48 because if you don't correct it,
09:49 I guess, you end up going off the deep end.
09:52 You know, you bring that story up,
09:53 and that example up and it reminds me
09:55 of another story of a couple who I knew.
09:58 And the husband started to hear voices and see things.
10:03 And the wife started to question,
10:04 "Honey, why you think what's happening?"
10:07 Finally, after a couple of weeks,
10:08 he reported that he had had multiple affairs on her.
10:12 So his conscience was bothering him,
10:14 and as of result of him violating his conscience,
10:17 and not responding to the Holy Spirit's voice,
10:19 he started to experience psychotic symptoms.
10:22 And I personally believe that some people
10:24 sitting in psychiatric hospitals right now
10:27 is because they violated their conscience
10:29 so much and they're dealing with all the guilt
10:31 that's coming from them.
10:32 There's no research to support what I'm saying
10:34 but that one little story
10:36 and understanding of the conscience
10:38 helps me to know that
10:39 that can affect us our mental health in that way.
10:42 Did he live to correct this?
10:45 He did correct it. He did?
10:47 I just realized what you are saying.
10:50 If my husband had confessed multiple affairs,
10:52 he may not have had to worry about violating conscience.
10:57 No. But, yeah. It's just amazing.
11:00 And the other thing when I think about conscience,
11:02 you've heard of the words psychopath and sociopath.
11:05 In the field of psychology,
11:07 they describe them as having no conscience
11:09 and I used to believe
11:10 that until I started to read the Bible.
11:11 We all have a conscience.
11:13 What has happened to them
11:15 is that they've engaged in these behaviors,
11:17 they've so used to persistently
11:19 violating their conscience and just ignoring that voice,
11:22 that they actually get to the point
11:24 where the Bible say they seared their conscience.
11:27 When something is seared, you no longer feel it, do you?
11:30 It becomes numb.
11:31 And so when you hear
11:33 these people committing these horrendous acts...
11:35 One author that I like, Ellen White,
11:37 she says that things were done,
11:38 and I love this word "imperceptibly," imperceptibly.
11:42 So all along,
11:43 they've been violating their conscience
11:44 in various areas, violating, to eventually
11:47 it leads to this horrendous act that we see coming on the news,
11:51 shooting in schools, going postal,
11:54 killing their children.
11:55 It doesn't just happen all overnight,
11:57 it's a continual violation of conscience
12:00 that eventually leads to this big acts.
12:02 So this violation of conscience is a serious thing
12:04 that we need to take very,
12:07 you know, pay a lot of attention to
12:09 because it can lead us doing things
12:10 we'd never imagine we'd do.
12:11 But do you think that all psychotic breaks,
12:14 I mean, we wouldn't say
12:15 that all psychotic breaks are...
12:17 No, no.
12:18 Because there are people,
12:19 when you mentioned killing your children,
12:21 I'm thinking of the stories
12:22 where you realize it was somebody
12:24 who is violating their conscience
12:26 because they were doing it to rid themselves
12:29 of the responsibilities of caring for their children.
12:35 But then you hear stories of mothers,
12:37 I'm thinking of the poor mother,
12:38 down in Texas who drove her children off
12:40 into the ocean who was bipolar,
12:44 so there are chemical imbalance,
12:45 we're not saying that anybody who has a psychotic break
12:50 is because of a seared conscience
12:52 but seared conscience
12:54 can certainly lead to a psychotic break.
12:56 Yes.
12:57 I'm glad you're making
12:58 that clarification let's people should think
13:00 it's always due to that.
13:02 You're right.
13:03 Another thing about conscience,
13:05 and you kind of referred to that earlier,
13:06 I think, you and I were talking,
13:08 the whole area
13:09 of a falsely trained conscience.
13:12 Some of us go up in homes where we sent messages
13:16 that can easily lead us to feel guilt
13:18 about the very little, smallest things,
13:22 and things that are not really wrong
13:23 we taught are wrong.
13:25 So that when we get older,
13:26 it's just we're so sensitive
13:28 and it doesn't take much to just really cause us
13:31 to feel guilt and shame at things
13:32 we shouldn't feel guilt and shame about.
13:34 And that's a falsely trained conscience.
13:35 And the thing about a falsely trained conscience
13:39 as well is that it can completely interrupt
13:44 your relationship with the Lord.
13:46 And let me say this just personally.
13:49 I grew up believing
13:50 I had to be perfect for God to love me.
13:53 That is a falsely trained conscience
13:55 to where anything I did,
13:56 that was anything less than perfect,
13:58 I remember when I first went to college,
14:00 they called me goody two shoes and all that
14:02 because I tried so hard to do everything perfectly
14:05 because at the time
14:07 I'd been trained I would burn in...
14:09 I don't think...
14:10 I think I was... my motivation was
14:12 so I wouldn't burn eternally in hell,
14:15 and you finally get to a point
14:18 when you've been falsely trained
14:20 that the conscience,
14:22 you get to a point where you recognize
14:24 this is absolutely...
14:26 your expectations are too high of me,
14:28 I give up, and you don't want that constant burden
14:33 in your conscience and I went the other direction.
14:35 I actually kind of walked away
14:37 from the Lord for a couple of years.
14:38 He chased me down.
14:40 But it was like, "Lord, I can't please you.
14:42 So why try?"
14:44 You know, you want to put salve on your conscience.
14:47 That's right. You wanted to heal that.
14:49 That's right. Yeah.
14:51 And parents have to be so careful.
14:53 One person said that
14:54 a person, a child is born with a canvas,
14:57 just a clean canvas
14:59 and the parents can paint on things,
15:01 on their things that are right or wrong.
15:03 And that person grows up
15:05 with those impressions of what is right and wrong
15:07 and that educates their conscience
15:09 either for good or for bad.
15:10 We have to be very careful,
15:12 those who are parents to make sure
15:13 that we're teaching our children to have a clean,
15:15 pure, healthy conscience
15:18 and not bringing them up in homes
15:20 with a lot of dos and don'ts
15:21 and they had that falsely trained conscience
15:24 and takes away from their mental experience,
15:26 healthy one,
15:27 and spiritual experience as well.
15:28 Amen, amen. This is good stuff.
15:31 Yeah.
15:33 You know, there's a thing,
15:34 this quote from counsels to teachers
15:37 I believe it is and she says,
15:38 "The consciousness of right doing
15:42 is the best medicine for deceased bodies and minds."
15:47 Isn't that powerful?
15:48 The consciousness of right doing
15:50 is the best medicine for deceased bodies and minds?
15:54 Doing right
15:55 not because we're trying to earn salvation,
15:58 not because we're trying to please God
15:59 but just because we know in our minds,
16:01 this is right and this is wrong.
16:02 And doing it can give us
16:04 the most freedom from deceased bodies and minds.
16:07 And, you know, you're seeing the science now
16:11 that supports this,
16:12 that if you're suffering from a lot of guilt,
16:17 it causes stress on the body, you get stomach ulcers,
16:21 you get all kinds of colon issues, heart issues,
16:24 all of these various things but they're also finding now
16:28 that this has a great deal to do
16:30 with your mental and emotional health.
16:33 Right. I've dealt with so many people.
16:35 I remember a woman who came to me
16:37 she was feeling so bad.
16:38 Her conscience, I guess, was bothering her
16:41 based on some of the things
16:42 that she did to her children, and I just quickly,
16:45 because I was running through the hall,
16:47 getting ready to go
16:48 from one seminar to the next, I was at a church and she says,
16:51 "You know, Dr. Parks, I don't know what to do.
16:52 My conscience is just bothering me.
16:53 I feel so guilty."
16:55 And I just prayed to the Lord, I said a quick prayer.
16:56 And I said to her,
16:58 "You know, I want you to go home
16:59 and just read Psalms 32 and Psalms 51."
17:01 She said, "Why those Psalms?"
17:02 I said, "Those are the two Psalms
17:03 that David wrote
17:05 when he was dealing with his guilt
17:06 from Bathsheba and killing Uriah.
17:08 And, Shelley, this doesn't always happen.
17:10 The next day, I saw her
17:11 because I was doing a series of seminars at this church,
17:13 her face looked different, bright,
17:16 and I told her to put your name in place of when she says me,
17:19 mine, the pronouns and she came back
17:21 and she said, "I did what you told me
17:23 and the Lord has just lifted this guilt from me."
17:25 Praise the Lord.
17:26 And I said, "Praise God."
17:28 You know, He gives us remedies
17:30 for dealing with these violated consciences.
17:32 And I think it's important,
17:33 one of my favorite scriptures,
17:34 I've just turned to here is 1 John 3,
17:38 and I'm going to begin with verse 20.
17:39 Let me just read this.
17:41 It says, John wrote and said,
17:44 "For if our heart condemns us,
17:47 God is greater than our hearts, and knows all things.
17:51 Beloved, if our hearts does not condemn us,
17:55 we have confidence toward God and whatever we ask,
18:00 we receive from Him
18:01 because we keep His commands and do those things
18:05 that are pleasing in His sight."
18:07 The thing about having
18:09 that guilt-ridden conscience
18:14 as far as it affecting
18:15 your physical health and mental health,
18:17 it can certainly affect your spiritual health
18:20 because if you feel guilty around someone,
18:21 what do you do?
18:23 You avoid them. That's right.
18:24 And so if our heart condemns us,
18:26 we don't feel like we can go before the Lord.
18:28 But when our heart doesn't condemn us,
18:30 then we are quick to pray.
18:31 Amen.
18:33 So that makes perfect sense. Yeah, it's amazing.
18:35 How many are suffering right now
18:37 because of that and not recognizing
18:39 the importance of dealing with that.
18:41 So what can we do
18:43 when you're looking at all of these things
18:45 that happen with the conscience,
18:48 what can we do to strengthen our conscience?
18:51 There are lot of different things we can do.
18:53 The first thing that comes to my mind, Shelley,
18:55 is everyday at the end of the day,
18:57 we need to review our acts, daily.
19:01 Now what I mean by that,
19:03 you sit down and just spend some time
19:04 and if you're a Christian,
19:05 you ask the Holy Spirit because the Bible says,
19:07 "Search my heart and try me and know my thoughts."
19:10 So asking God,
19:11 "Okay, today, father, what did I do?
19:13 How did I listen to your voice?
19:15 How did I listen to the conscience?
19:16 Show me where I have, you know, failed you."
19:19 And when He reveals it, asking for forgiveness
19:22 so that the enemy won't come in and condemn you
19:24 as it's revealed the way that you did that
19:28 and the more you review your acts,
19:29 the more sensitive you be the next day.
19:32 That's good.
19:33 You know, so daily reviewing your acts, very important.
19:37 Another thing is...
19:39 Can I ask you? Sure.
19:40 You said you do this?
19:41 How long do you usually spend doing this?
19:44 Daily reviewing the acts? It can vary.
19:46 It's just a few minutes really.
19:48 It depends on what you've done that day
19:50 that violated the conscience but just a few minutes,
19:53 just some people may write things down
19:55 because sometimes writing things down is helpful
19:57 instead of keeping them in your head.
19:58 Cathartic? Cathartic. That's right.
20:00 So it just depends on where you are with your walk
20:03 with the Lord
20:04 and how much has gone on that day,
20:06 but a few minutes is probably ample time.
20:08 Yeah.
20:10 Of course, reading the Bible.
20:11 You ever heard people say,
20:12 "Well, I didn't feel bad
20:14 because my conscience didn't bother me about it."
20:15 You ever heard that? Sure.
20:17 Our conscience, I have to add this,
20:18 is not always a good guide
20:20 if it's not educated by the Bible.
20:21 Amen.
20:23 It has to be educated by the Word of God.
20:24 So when you say your conscience doesn't bother you,
20:27 my question is,
20:28 in my mind or sometimes I might say it
20:30 if it is a person I'm working with,
20:32 who educated your conscience?
20:34 Is it based on what you've seen on television, movies,
20:36 or is it God's word?
20:38 See, that's another falsely trained conscience.
20:40 Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
20:42 You know, that is not just
20:43 when expectations are put on you
20:45 but when there are no expectations,
20:47 when you are receiving
20:49 what the world is saying is right,
20:51 your conscience is falsely trained
20:54 and then I know that there are people who...
20:58 When I've talked about repentance
21:00 and the gift of repentance,
21:01 and there's people who are like,
21:03 "Well, I don't sin,"
21:04 you know, and I'm thinking
21:06 how much of the Word of God do you have in you?
21:09 And the beautiful thing about this is interesting.
21:12 Because at home, you might be thinking,
21:13 "Well, if I don't know maybe I'm better off."
21:16 But once you learn what is pleasing to God,
21:20 and then you realize what's displeasing to Him,
21:24 and you pray for forgiveness,
21:27 but God just magnifies
21:30 the power of His love in your life
21:32 it seems to me because your conscience,
21:35 as it gets trained,
21:37 life just gets better
21:38 with a correctly trained conscience.
21:41 Amen, amen.
21:42 So you're making that method
21:45 for training your conscience even bigger.
21:47 Not only read the Bible regularly
21:49 but watch what you are putting into your mind
21:52 because that has an impact on your conscience.
21:54 So that's another way of strengthening it.
21:56 And actually I can say this early
21:57 the conscience is actually housed
21:59 in the frontal lobe,
22:01 so whatever we do to strengthen the frontal lobe,
22:04 will actually strengthen our conscience.
22:06 All right, so explain to someone
22:07 who doesn't know what the frontal lobe is.
22:10 Okay.
22:11 What that is and how would we strengthen
22:13 the frontal lobe?
22:14 All right, the frontal lobe,
22:16 as it says, it's that lobe
22:17 that's in the front of our heads...
22:18 In the brain. Brain, right.
22:20 And there are things
22:21 that we can do to make it stronger or weaker.
22:23 What is the function of the frontal lobe?
22:25 It helps us to make decisions, it's for judgment.
22:28 It helps us to know what's right or wrong.
22:31 Spirituality is housed in the frontal lobe,
22:33 our will is housed,
22:35 all of these things about decision-making
22:37 and judgment, and morality,
22:39 all of those are housed in the frontal lobe.
22:41 And so going back to what we said earlier,
22:44 when you read the Bible that actually strengthens
22:46 the frontal lobe, because the Bible...
22:47 especially Proverbs.
22:49 It takes time to analyze and understand
22:51 what Solomon is saying
22:53 and as you're doing that analysis
22:54 and that critical examination,
22:56 you're actually exercising your mind.
22:58 So whatever activity you can do to
22:59 exercise your mind, exercises the frontal lobe.
23:02 So when I pull out a novel, or a sensational magazine,
23:06 I'm not exercising my frontal lobe,
23:07 because it doesn't take much thinking for me
23:09 to be able to understand those things.
23:11 So watch what you're reading
23:13 to strengthen the frontal lobe
23:14 which will in turn strengthen your conscience,
23:17 read more of the Bible
23:18 and, of course, just lifestyle in general,
23:20 how do you eat, sleep,
23:21 all those things can strengthen the frontal lobe as well.
23:23 What we listen to, all of these things
23:26 which in turn will also strengthen your conscience.
23:29 When you said listen to,
23:30 I was thinking of my niece when she was young 13, 14,
23:35 and I was cleaning up her room.
23:37 I was caring for her at that time
23:38 and I went in to clean up her room
23:41 just because I couldn't take it any longer,
23:44 so I was straightening out things
23:45 and I found her headset.
23:48 It was still going and I put it up to my ear
23:51 and all I could hear of
23:53 was it was a song about suicide and I realized
23:57 she'd been listening to it all night long,
23:59 she listened to the music while she slept
24:02 and before I could even control myself,
24:05 I got that thing and I broke that CD.
24:08 And when she came home,
24:10 I told her what I've done and I apologized
24:11 but I explained to her.
24:13 I said, "Do you realize
24:14 that there's not a more sophisticated computer
24:17 in the world than your brain."
24:18 Yes.
24:19 But one thing that when I studied,
24:22 when I was studying computer programming,
24:25 what we were taught is garbage in, garbage out
24:28 and that you could see I can remember many a night
24:32 in the lab there,
24:34 you know, three o'clock in the morning
24:36 and because I had used the wrong syntax,
24:39 it had a semicolon instead of a colon,
24:41 when you're trying to write software
24:43 for the computers, that it was garbage in.
24:47 So all I was getting was in a loop
24:48 and I'm getting nothing out and I told her,
24:50 "You are programming your brain to think about suicide."
24:54 And I sometimes wonder with all these hip hop music
24:57 and various things that kids listen to now adays,
24:59 if this isn't something that,
25:02 you know, would you think that this could be something
25:07 that is actually making these actions manifest.
25:12 You know, even like the games, the computer games
25:16 where they are killing and stuff,
25:17 they begin to sear their conscience.
25:19 There you go. That's what's happening.
25:21 And that's what makes it so easy
25:23 for a young man come up to you,
25:24 pull out the gun, and just shoot you,
25:26 and have no remorse.
25:27 All along, they've been desensitizing
25:29 their conscience by the music, by the gaming, by the movies.
25:33 They're desensitizing in weakening the conscience.
25:35 Okay.
25:36 Well, we've got a couple more minutes.
25:38 What other things can we do to strengthen our conscience?
25:40 Actually, prayer.
25:42 You know, the Bible says, "If we confess our sins,
25:44 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins
25:46 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
25:47 Through prayer,
25:48 when we found we have violated the conscience,
25:50 we can go to the Lord and say, "Forgive me.
25:52 Father, help me to listen more to the Holy Spirit's voice."
25:55 And so praying can do a lot.
25:57 And just one simple thing is,
25:59 each day, start to be more careful
26:01 with listening to that voice, for us as Christians,
26:04 we say the Holy Spirit,
26:05 but because all of us have a conscience,
26:07 they just have a voice
26:08 that says do this and don't do that,
26:10 start to listen to that voice
26:11 even if it means delaying gratification,
26:14 denying self, start to pay more attention to that voice
26:17 and just listening to it as it speaks is something else.
26:21 And then something that I read in by Ellen White,
26:23 she says, "Behold in Christ crucified."
26:26 We'll just educate our conscience
26:28 as we see what He's done for us
26:30 and we imagine Him on that cross
26:32 and what He's done,
26:33 it will help us to be more sensitive
26:35 to want to follow the lifestyle that He's given to us.
26:39 You become or become what you behold.
26:41 That's right.
26:42 So those are the things,
26:43 that I daily reviewing our acts,
26:45 praying, making that choice
26:47 when we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit
26:49 and behold in Christ crucified...
26:51 Studying in the Bible.
26:52 Studying the Bible, yes.
26:54 Magna, as always,
26:55 it's a delight to have you here.
26:57 And I just praise God for the ministry
26:59 that you are doing.
27:01 And if you want to get in touch with Magna,
27:02 you can reach her
27:04 at,
27:16 And thank you so much for taking time
27:19 from your busy schedule to come here.
27:21 I know your precious husband travels with you.
27:23 He is in the control room right now
27:26 but we're very pleased to have you here
27:28 and thank you for bringing us this wonderful message.
27:31 For those of you at home,
27:33 our prayer is that
27:34 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
27:37 the love of the Father,
27:38 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
27:40 will be with you today and always.
27:43 Thanks for joining us.


Revised 2017-08-28