Issues and Answers

Depression And Its Effects

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Cynthia Powell-Hicks


Series Code: IAA

Program Code: IAA000437

00:01 Are you are somebody you love suffering
00:03 from sadness and just feel a little bit
00:06 overwhelmed by life right now.
00:08 Are you wondering if you are suffering
00:10 from depression, well please stay tune
00:12 we have a doctor in the house
00:14 and depression is our topic today.
00:41 Hi, I am Shelley Quinn and we are very glad
00:43 that you're joining us today on
00:44 Issues and Answers. If you know anyone
00:47 who is feeling an overwhelming sense
00:50 of sadness or perhaps just a lack of
00:52 motivation call them and tell them to tune
00:55 in today because our topic today is
00:58 depression and this will surprise you
01:01 because our guest share this statistic with me
01:05 over 18 million people in United States
01:09 alone are suffering from depression.
01:11 Now, I know the figure varies for many
01:15 different countries don't know what its
01:17 like in the country from which you are
01:19 watching but the point is that depression
01:22 is something that is a very prevalent
01:25 and real condition and we are gonna
01:27 discuss that today with our special guest.
01:29 Let me introduce you to her and it is
01:32 Dr. Cynthia Powell-Hicks. Dr. Cynthia Powell
01:35 we're so glad that you are here with us today.
01:37 Thank you for having me, I always enjoy coming
01:40 and speaking to people about the
01:42 effects of depression. Well, first lets get
01:45 little bit of history on you what you
01:50 have a PhD explain to us your credentials.
01:53 Okay, thanks for asking, I am a psychologist
01:56 and I have a doctor degree in clinical
01:59 psychology also I spent additional time
02:02 working with the special topics with children.
02:09 I am a child psychologist by trade,
02:10 I spend additional time working with children
02:12 and then I did a sub specialty working with
02:15 abused children that have been neglected,
02:18 oh, and you know physically and sexually
02:20 abused and emotionally abused.
02:22 But depression reaches all of the sectors
02:26 you know that you know age and raise creates.
02:29 No respect of persons that's for certain.
02:31 That's for sure. I know that your life work
02:34 there must be times that when you listen
02:38 to things that are going on and you
02:40 witness things that are happening in
02:42 people's life there must be times that
02:43 even as a Christian its difficult to shake
02:46 it off and turn it over to the Lord because
02:48 that would be enough to make you sad
02:51 in your own life to hear some of these things.
02:54 It really can, can affect you I can only
02:57 equate the first month that I worked on
03:00 the unit that worked with children that
03:04 had been molested by their actual parents
03:07 and I would and I will be dating myself
03:10 yet again back in those days they had a
03:14 tape recorder that you would dictate
03:17 your notes in, so for the first thirty
03:19 days as I was driving home I was sobbing
03:22 while dictating the notes because I have
03:24 like a 30 minute period and then I would
03:26 take it in for the stenographer too,
03:28 to transpose the notes. But it can't
03:31 be so I had to really come to terms and
03:33 ask the Lord if this is the ministry you
03:35 really want me to have than you are going
03:37 to have to not take away the empathy
03:40 or sympathy, but give me the strength
03:43 to be able to endure. Amen. And to recognize
03:46 what you can change and what you have
03:50 to turnover to the Lord so that. That's right.
03:52 We have to sometimes compartment even
03:54 in ministry and this is a sad admission,
03:57 but you have to compartmentalize your
04:01 work and the things that you hear
04:04 and you have to pray and be able to
04:06 release it all that burden over on the
04:07 Lord and kind of to keep your own sanity
04:10 you have to compartmentalize and be
04:13 able to change hats I guess is a good
04:16 word to say. That's an accurate way of
04:19 explaining it because when go into a
04:22 particular settings it's like the hospital
04:24 or the clinic or you are gonna go and give
04:26 a presentation, you are not really sure
04:27 what you are going to walk into, yeah,
04:29 its true. And as being a Christian, I can
04:33 share this story this is one of my,
04:34 the second month I was intern, I walked
04:36 into a room and when I ask the patient
04:39 well how are you feeling? And they will
04:40 say obliviously okay, and then after you
04:43 start asking one more questions then you
04:47 know in which direction you are going to go.
04:49 So, I did a DIP which is draw a person,
04:51 I ask this patient to draw a person.
04:55 When he finish, he had a little demon on his
04:59 shoulder with a little pitchfork and so you
05:02 can only imagine what I was thinking,
05:03 so I than started inquiring and asking
05:08 more and more about it and so he was
05:10 speaking more and more like dissociative
05:12 and speaking more of what this demon
05:16 was telling him to do. So, being my first
05:19 time ever seeing a psychotic patient I
05:21 assume because I was you know a
05:23 Christian in the church, however, that
05:25 he was demon possessed and so I ran
05:28 out of the room and went straight to my
05:30 therapist, I mean to my supervising therapist
05:32 I said I am not going back in that room,
05:34 I can't go back and they are the demon
05:35 possessed, I am not a pastor and so. So,
05:38 that's just a little, so the Lord had did,
05:40 to really work with yes, to show you.
05:41 That, that psychosis and various mental
05:45 illnesses really have nothing. I shouldn't say
05:48 never have anything to do with demon
05:50 possession, but it's a rare thing because
05:52 they are chemical imbalances and problems.
05:54 Well, let's for our audience, let's our
05:58 topic today is depression, how would
06:00 you define depression. Well, what I want
06:04 to really explain to everyone is that sadness
06:06 and disappointment is a normal way of life
06:10 it happens to all of us and it can be,
06:13 it can occur because we've lost our job
06:16 or because we are having financial issues
06:18 or just we are upset and when that sadness
06:22 which is so normal and disappointment
06:25 that occurs persist over periods of time
06:28 and then we are having different thought
06:31 processes as where we are either with lost
06:34 interest in getting out of bed or wanting
06:37 to go to work or interacting with other
06:39 people or our self image we are starting
06:42 to feel bad about ourselves, we are
06:43 looking in the mirror and just only looking
06:46 at the negative side, not looking at the
06:47 cup being half full where I was looking
06:50 at the cup being half empty and if we
06:52 have major extremes as in sleep patterns
06:56 or in eating or in our weight or in our
06:59 sexual behavior, major you know activities
07:02 either increasing or decreasing or if we are
07:04 starting to feel hopeless and helpless
07:06 anything like there is nothing that can
07:09 make us feel better and then the more
07:11 severe part of the depressed moment
07:14 would be when people would want to end
07:17 their lives to end the pain and stuck or
07:20 possibly do self mutilation which seems
07:22 to be on the rise at this time. Very much
07:24 so particularly among the young people,
07:26 that's what I was gonna say and these
07:29 are definitely the signs of clinical depression
07:31 however if you only have one or two don't
07:34 be alarmed and run out and say oh my
07:36 goodness you know they told me today I am
07:38 clinically depressed and I must do something
07:40 because like I am saying it's a severity of it,
07:42 it's the intensity or the consistency of it.
07:44 So, is it accurate to say that depression
07:48 can be situational? Let's say that you
07:52 have lost a mate, I know when my
07:54 uncle died my precious aunt who is such
07:57 a go getter, she is such an active and up
08:01 person and she suffered some great
08:04 things in her life, but she always bounce
08:06 back and she told me I mean she continued
08:09 on with her life but she said that it took
08:12 her nearly a year to get her feet under
08:14 her and another year to walk without
08:15 wobbling, so it may have been a
08:18 situational depression as you are going
08:21 through the grieving process, the sadness
08:24 or loneliness but if depression is something
08:28 that or the sadness the loneliness,
08:30 the lack of motivation is extended for a
08:33 long period of time it can go into,
08:36 where it's effecting the brain chemistry,
08:38 right, sure, sure. And then you become
08:40 chronically depressed and they call it
08:43 what is that clinical depression at that point.
08:46 Clinical depression, I can go into major
08:48 depression and I am glad that you brought
08:49 up the issue of when you lose a loved one
08:52 especially couples that have been married
08:54 for years and people that are depending
08:57 upon each other and that's their support,
08:59 that's their person, the go to person that
09:03 they go to when they need to speak,
09:04 talk to someone like in the middle of the night
09:06 or if they just want to share something
09:12 they have heard or seen or if they are
09:13 having issues what is that person do?
09:15 You know during that time, so they have
09:18 that void, they have that vacuum and
09:20 if they don't fill it with something then
09:22 it can go into a far serious levels of
09:26 depression and clinically we really
09:29 look at it six months up to two years that
09:33 a person can really go through that,
09:35 that process after they have lost
09:38 their loved one. Yes, yes. Now, what
09:40 about people who, I have a friend whose
09:43 daughter most recently went through
09:47 I mean she was very active at church she
09:52 was, she held on a full time position
09:55 with the government office. She is God
09:59 grown children, but suddenly there was a
10:02 change in her behavior and she wanted to
10:06 sleep all the time, she started having the lot
10:08 of headaches, they went through various studies,
10:11 medical studies, to see if there was a
10:15 physiological reason but she got to the
10:19 point that over a period you could just
10:21 see how she was on this downhill slide
10:26 for over a year and then for about two
10:29 years she got into such a serious depression
10:33 that medication didn't help, they tried even
10:36 shock treatments didn't help, they done
10:39 many things now praise God. Now,
10:43 she has come back up was like the pendulum
10:46 has swung the other way and she is
10:48 doing much better. What is the physiological
10:53 happenings in the brain? What's happening
10:55 when a person gets depressed? What actually
10:58 causes depression? Some people can suffer
11:01 the loss of a job and not get depressed.
11:04 They may be sad some people it can be just
11:07 the factor that trips them up, there are so
11:11 many different levels and reasons for the
11:15 depression but definitely chemical imbalance,
11:17 there is hormonal imbalances. Definitely
11:20 before anyone should really go and have,
11:25 they should have a physical, a complete
11:27 physical, Amen. Before they actually
11:29 say for sure they are totally clinically
11:31 depressed and most therapists and
11:32 psychiatrists will recommend that
11:35 because if you have a thyroid condition.
11:38 I mean you could be sitting in the
11:40 emergency room and they are getting
11:42 ready to hospitalize you, I have seen
11:44 it before and they are just overlooking
11:46 something so simple just look at the labs,
11:48 look at the levels, look at the imbalances
11:50 that can be in the brain as you have
11:52 said before or there could just be hormonal
11:54 imbalances, there lot of us pre-golden
11:57 girls or even golden girls, but you not
11:59 have to bring out that, just hormonal
12:02 something so simple you know, right.
12:04 You just look at the labs, just look at the
12:07 levels and there are medications or even
12:11 psychotropic medications or anti-anxiety
12:13 medications, they are just regular medications
12:16 that your OB/GYN or your family practitioner
12:20 or your endocrinologist could you know
12:24 can prescribe for you. You know,
12:26 I am wonder that we have had this discussion
12:28 because I recently had a thyroid condition
12:31 myself and for a period of months I didn't feel
12:36 depressed I wasn't sad, I was still very
12:38 active but the joy the motivation, I mean
12:43 my life is so overscheduled and
12:45 and overcommitted that I am constantly
12:47 going from one thing to another and I was
12:49 still in motion but what happened was I had
12:53 a tendency to wait till the very last
12:55 second to do something because I didn't
12:57 have the joy of preparation that I used
13:00 to have and when I was talking with my
13:02 doctor I said I don't think I am depressed,
13:05 but for some reason I am just, my motivation
13:10 is down and it turned out that my thyroid
13:13 was just that we have just caught it
13:15 before it completely crashed, great,
13:17 so there are things that happen in our
13:20 bodies that can affect this and I am glad
13:22 you brought out that people need to have
13:24 that serious physical exam before you
13:29 start taking the other drugs that are available,
13:32 definitely. And I am not wanting to be an
13:35 alarmist, but I think that you really need to
13:37 know yourself, you need to know your body
13:39 and like you were the first to say before
13:41 someone could say, you know you are
13:43 looking pretty sad, you are looking pretty
13:45 you know dysthymia or melancholy that
13:47 you knew something was changed,
13:49 you didn't really know what it was but
13:51 you know your affect, your mood was
13:52 so different. Yeah, yes. And I want to for
13:55 some reason I feel impressed to say this
13:57 right now we are handling this kind of on
14:01 a superficial level, but I feel like right now
14:03 there is somebody that's watching who may
14:06 think that you are beyond hope and that its
14:11 something that you feel like life is hopeless and
14:15 you are ready to take your life. Please, please
14:18 listen to the rest of this program because
14:20 my mother tried to commit suicide several times
14:24 and she got into that point of feeling hopeless
14:28 and the interesting thing is there is so many
14:31 times when people, when there is an
14:33 intervention in suicide that the person who is
14:35 considering taking their life if you can
14:39 intervene that within 24 hours that thoughts
14:44 gone from their head and they will never
14:46 try it again. Now, when we get to that
14:50 level of being suicidal if someone is speaking
14:55 of suicide, someone is thinking of suicide
14:58 what do we do? Well, I would recommend as to
15:02 get them intervention immediately, take them
15:04 to the hospital, take them to a doctor so
15:06 that someone can actually talk to them
15:09 further to see if it's a suicidal idea or a
15:12 suicidal ideation or if they would had a
15:14 suicidal attempt because some people may
15:16 say oh I just, I am not feeling well today
15:19 I just would like to die than someone else
15:22 may say I have these bottle of pills and I am
15:25 going into the kitchen, I am gonna you know,
15:27 I don't want to give suggestions or ideas
15:29 but you know that they might want to end
15:32 their lives that way or someone may say you
15:35 know here's my risk I have already tried
15:37 this and this or you know how come I woke up,
15:40 I took this bottle of pills so you definitely
15:43 would like someone a health professional or
15:45 mental health professional to be able
15:47 to intervene with that and what we are
15:49 also need to know is because we have to go
15:52 outside of our comfort zone like speaking
15:55 to our pastor or family or friends it doesn't
15:58 mean that we are less of a Christian or
16:00 that our walk with Christ is any less.
16:02 Oh! Cynthia I am so glad you said that because
16:05 what I have found is that many Christians
16:08 feel guilty for being depressed and you know
16:12 I also want to say this that sometimes pastors
16:14 are not really trained in handling that
16:17 and may be your husband or your wife or
16:20 your spouse or maybe a parent is telling
16:23 you snap out of it, you know come out of
16:25 this you don't need to mope around all the time
16:28 and its impossible for people to snap out of it
16:32 if they are clinically depressed. So, depression
16:36 is not, is not a mental condition so much
16:40 as it is a physiological condition, it's an illness
16:43 is it not? It's an illness just like hypertension
16:47 or like cancer or like diabetes. It's just
16:51 an illness that recently people are coming
16:54 to terms with and saying that there is no
16:56 shame in having a mental disorder because
17:00 if I told you I was hypertensive and my
17:02 medication wasn't working and I would ask
17:05 you for advise but if I had a mental illness
17:08 nine times out of ten I wouldn't tell you that
17:10 and I wouldn't share what type of medications
17:12 that I was taking, I guess you even use
17:13 the words like depression and mental illness
17:15 and equating that its like wait, yeah,
17:18 you know, you are trying say that I am
17:19 mentally ill and when you are mentally depressed
17:23 then what can we say it is something that
17:27 is effecting the mind and often it is chemical.
17:30 Now, for that very reason I have interviewed
17:32 a number of doctors who believe, Christian
17:36 doctors, who are trying to do a way
17:40 with the idea and put to rest I should say
17:45 the myth that it is wrong for a Christian
17:49 to take an antidepressant would you how
17:53 do you feel about that? What role do
17:56 antidepressants play in treatment? I see it
18:00 as a major stabilizer because the one thing
18:03 is you don't want the patient to continue
18:04 spiraling out of control and if you are
18:07 constantly feeling worthless, hopeless
18:10 and useless, the goal is to elevate you to
18:14 make you feel better, to make you feel as
18:16 normal as you possibly can and to keep you
18:19 from wanting to harm yourself. And is it not
18:22 true I was, I remember Dr Neil Nedley many
18:25 of our audience members will be familiar with
18:29 that name and he has written a book called
18:32 Depression The Way Out and he says that
18:36 when the serotonin level is so low that
18:39 sometimes it is absolutely necessity to put
18:42 people on an antidepressant which then
18:45 helps this the production of serotonin and
18:49 then once you get them up to a normal level
18:52 now you can start treating them with
18:54 cognitive behavioral therapy and whatever,
18:57 you know the idea of positive thinking but you
19:00 can't reach them when they are that low. So,
19:03 you have to get them as you said stabilize,
19:05 okay, and then you can start even possibly
19:08 weaning them off that medication but its not
19:11 something that just happens by itself,
19:13 is that right? You are absolutely right, and
19:15 it is just like hormonal levels and you can
19:17 always test those, you know going to your
19:20 physician also and having lab work done
19:23 but you are absolutely right with those
19:25 levels because if you can't get people
19:27 up to the level that they need to be than they
19:29 are not gonna be able to receive the additional
19:31 type of treatment. Okay. So, what about,
19:34 what I am hearing a lot of lately is people
19:38 who are having anxiety attacks, how do
19:42 anxiety attacks tie in with depression, can it
19:48 lead to depression or what is causing
19:50 the anxiety of that? Well, unfortunately
19:51 almost everything kind a leads to that level,
19:54 okay, of depression and its anything that
19:57 is excessive but once again go back to the
20:00 hormones, go back to your other levels of
20:03 chemicals within your bodies to see and
20:06 also reduce the pressure and the stress
20:10 in your life because that can trigger anxiety.
20:13 I tell women all the time wherever I go hang up
20:16 your supergirl suit you know, I mean we
20:19 multitask all the time, all the time hang up
20:23 that suit because that can lead to anxiety,
20:25 overwhelmingness just listening to your
20:27 schedule that you are gonna be doing within
20:28 the next 24 hours would overwhelm
20:31 some people but you are able to balance
20:34 it and handle it very well. I mean you look
20:36 very gracious you know, you are tried,
20:41 but the average person might not be able
20:43 to handle that and that would put them
20:45 into an anxiety attack and then they
20:47 might start having some of the
20:49 symptomatology which would be the headaches,
20:53 the clamminess in the hands, the dizziness,
20:57 the just overwhelmingness you know, yeah.
21:00 So, if let's talk about because we want to give
21:04 you hope today there are so many people
21:06 that you know life can be overwhelming
21:09 and particularly with the economic down turn
21:11 it seems that we are seeing many more calls
21:14 to 3ABN about issues of depression people
21:18 who are sad besides number one if there is
21:22 someone in your family you are a loved one
21:25 who are feeling this way, I have talked with a
21:28 lady the other day praise the Lord who had a
21:31 suicidal thought and she said as soon as
21:34 she did she just was impressed by the lord
21:36 to drive herself to the hospital, which doesn't
21:39 always happen but then she went to the hospital
21:42 and within 48 hours she had gone beyond
21:46 that crisis. Now, she is seeing a Christian
21:50 physiologist, excellent, and she is in treatment
21:52 and doing much, much better. There are
21:56 people who are chronically depressed,
21:58 but we want to give you a hope and some
22:01 ideas so first is if seeking intervention
22:06 if it serious but we should seek professional help,
22:10 talk with your doctor get them the medical exam,
22:13 if you are diagnosed with clinical depression
22:18 what are some of the treatments other
22:20 than taking anti-anxiety and anti-depressant
22:24 drugs? If you are truly a major clinical depressed
22:27 person I would still recommend the medication
22:30 if I could, right starting with that, the
22:32 medication and then get in a support group, okay.
22:35 And then have a therapist you can see
22:38 a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist,
22:41 marriage, family, child counselor they are
22:43 more than capable of helping you with how
22:46 to function and process within your day because
22:50 that's how we want to lift people up. So that,
22:53 they can function and become productive
22:55 citizens as they used to be and have a normal
22:58 pattern and normal activities, also get
23:01 yourself involved with support groups with
23:03 church groups, I tell you if you ever want to fill
23:07 loved and needed go and tell someone, hey
23:11 I have free time what can I do? Churches have
23:13 different ministries, Amen. Amen.
23:15 And you know I think that prayer if
23:19 getting involved with people who will pray
23:21 with you, definitely, learning to turn your
23:23 problems over to the Lord, learning to claim
23:25 the promises of God if you are going to.
23:27 If you want to take those negative thoughts
23:29 captive and make them obedient to the
23:32 will of the Lord. If you get the promises of
23:34 God in your heart and kind of to overcome
23:39 your negative thought get God thoughts in
23:42 your heart, definitely, and that can really
23:43 be helpful can it not. Definitely. And be
23:46 careful who you associate with. And so what
23:49 you are saying is, if you are feeling in a
23:51 melancholy mood and you have a friend who is
23:53 always down in the mouth in melancholy,
23:56 a negative that can, attitudes are contiguous
23:59 like that. Oh! Definitely, definitely. So,
24:02 find someone that's just the opposite. Yeah,
24:04 that's very positive and very active. If that's
24:08 not gonna you know overwhelming,
24:11 definitely if you aren't able to handle the
24:13 schedule but definitely be around uplifting people.
24:16 Let me ask you this question because we just
24:19 have a few more minutes but are there
24:20 certain people who are more prone to depression
24:23 and are there certain people who are more
24:26 resistant to treatment because I do know
24:29 when you are talking about going to therapy
24:30 I have talked with so many people who been
24:33 to a therapist and said ah! You know,
24:35 it was just nearly life changing for them.
24:38 We have a friend who was having anxiety attacks
24:42 and it turned out that a project he was working
24:45 on in just a recent year connected in his brain to
24:51 something he had worked on like 15 years ago
24:55 that was a very, it was a project where he
24:58 saw a lot of trauma, where he stuffed it,
25:00 he didn't get deprogrammed from the
25:03 horrendous things he had seen and so now
25:06 working on a similar project kind of opened
25:09 up things for his past but for men in particular
25:12 it seems that women are anxious to talk
25:15 out their problems, yes, but is it more difficult
25:18 for a man to go and admit that he need
25:21 somebody to talk to. Lots of times because men
25:24 are the head of the household, men are always
25:25 in charge. Men feel that if they show that side
25:29 of them then everything will fall apart and
25:32 then people will think less of them a lot of
25:35 the times and especially when you are talking
25:36 about mental illness. If you just talk about
25:38 regular health more women visit the
25:42 physician or a therapist than men do.
25:45 Lots of time we just see men in the emergency
25:48 room and they have to see you versus then
25:51 when they just wanna do preventative things
25:53 but women will ran to the physician quite a
25:56 bit you know just for prevention, so you are
25:58 absolutely right and you also mentioned
26:01 like the trigger point for this particular person
26:04 with something that he has suppressed
26:06 for years and years. So, that's why lots
26:08 of times when you go for therapy you go and
26:10 you have regressive therapy, where they
26:12 always say tell me about your childhood
26:14 because that is pretty crusade and you see it
26:16 almost in every movie and people are lying
26:18 on the sofas, but it really tells you about
26:22 the adult that you are seeing clinically
26:25 and all this. Are they are more women
26:26 depressed then men or do we see any
26:28 I mean as we said it effects all
26:32 nationalities, its effects all social and
26:35 economic situations but, and the answer to that
26:38 question is the reason that we see at least as
26:41 this is my belief that we see more women
26:44 as far as you know the CTC was stated that the
26:47 more women that are clinically depressed
26:48 because more of us are going to the doctors. So,
26:51 we are more you know they are regulating us
26:55 more and so the doctors are reporting that
26:57 there are more women at that time. You know
26:59 Cynthia, I can't believe that our time is already
27:02 gone and I feel like we just barely touched
27:04 on this, you we will come back and talk
27:06 with us some more on this topic will you not?
27:08 Of course, thank you so much and thank you
27:11 for being here and I just admire you the
27:14 work that you have done in your life and
27:16 continue to do and I know it hasn't always
27:18 been easy. Thank you so much for having me.
27:21 We are very blessed, again we just want
27:25 to encourage you if you are feeling
27:28 overwhelmed talk to a pastor, talk to a friend,
27:31 go to your doctor, find out if you need
27:35 to have a medical exam, check the thyroid,
27:37 check out what's going on in your life.
27:39 It could well be that, that life is just
27:43 overwhelming you by problems and this is
27:44 the situational temporary thing but if you
27:48 had been suffering a feeling of sadness or
27:51 loss of motivation or just feeling like you
27:54 don't know if you can go on with life very long,
27:57 you need help and please reach out and get
28:01 that help and don't think that you could
28:03 just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, but
28:06 remember to pray turn that burden over to the Lord
28:09 and ask him to lead you to someone who
28:11 can help you today, thanks for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17