Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jim Ayer
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000434
00:01 How would you like to be able to pinpoint
00:03 your exact location on the Time Line of Eternity, 00:07 you know, Daniel the prophet wrote in 00:10 Daniel 12 verse 4 that at the time of the end 00:16 many shall run to and fro and knowledge 00:19 shall increase. Today, we are going to talk about 00:23 where we are in this Cosmic Time Line 00:28 and how you can survive, join us. 00:57 Hi I am Shelley Quinn, we are so glad that 00:59 you are joining us for Issues and Answers, 01:01 you know Jesus said Mathews 16:26, 01:04 what is a profit of man, if he gains 01:06 the whole world, yet loses his soul. 01:08 Well, we have a Gentleman with us today 01:12 who really was tapped on the shoulder by God, 01:16 he heard that and he responded. 01:18 Let me introduce our special guest Jim Ayer. 01:21 Jim, so thankful that you are here today. 01:23 Hey can you shake your hand good to be here, 01:25 amen, now you are a Vice President for 01:28 Adventist World Radio (AWR) you are also 01:30 the host of 'Making Waves', what it tell us 01:35 about that program that airs one 3ABN. 01:37 Making Waves, I have so much fun because 01:39 I get to travel around the world 01:40 and look at the God's peace people worship, 01:43 the lives they live, their economies, the country 01:46 where they are, and then we go into 01:48 illustrious story how someone life 01:50 was dramatically altered by the Gospel message, 01:52 amen. And let me tell you God is altering lives 01:55 all over the world, it's like the book of Acts 01:57 out there really. I mean the Holy Spirit 01:59 is been poured out Shelley. And you know 02:00 we see it even more, I agree with you 02:02 and we see it even more in countries 02:05 that are underdeveloped, it seems like, 02:07 it's like our opening today, when I was telling 02:11 you about this Cosmic Time Line, 02:13 when Daniel wrote that people will run to 02:18 and fro and knowledge shall increase, 02:20 of course we know that there is talking about to 02:22 and fro looking into the world, 02:24 yet I do believe that the devil is doing everything 02:28 he can to keep us so busy in the developed worlds 02:31 we have got all of these new conveniences 02:33 and yet we are losing ground as far as 02:38 our spirituality is concerned because 02:41 what you see and what we hear testimonies 02:43 of the underdeveloped world God's pouring out 02:46 his Holy Spirit and thousands upon, 02:48 thousands are responding because time is getting 02:51 close, yes, yes, you know, Ellen white 02:55 made an interesting statement 02:56 and I love her writings, the first book 02:59 I ever read as I joined the Adventist church 03:02 one of the first books was called 03:03 the great controversy and I read that book 03:05 and I thought, wow, this lady is really something 03:08 she has got more than just a good writing 03:10 ability, but she said she saw a speeding train, 03:14 it seem like the whole world was on this train 03:17 and they were speeding toward the destruction 03:19 and the devil was the conductor of that train. 03:21 And, you know, we are such a time seems like 03:25 everything is just going so rapidly I brought 03:27 some statistics today. If it's okay, 03:29 if I show you some of them with you, please yeah. 03:31 First of all you know in 1800, 03:34 there was one billion people on the planet, 03:36 130 years later it doubled, 30 years later 03:40 went to 3 billion, 15 years later 03:42 went to 4, 12 years later to 5 and only 11 years 03:46 after that to 6 billion and now we are heading 03:48 towards 7 so rapidly, and listen this, 03:51 and this almost is going to become unsustainable, 03:53 yeah, yeah absolutely and one of every 8 couples 03:58 who get married now, get married 04:00 from the online contact, one out of eight, yes, 04:03 that's amazing. There is two trillion text messages 04:06 sent everyday, two trillion can you imagine, 04:08 there are five hundred forty thousand words 04:11 today in the English language at the time 04:13 of Shakespeare it was five times less than that. 04:16 So even the language has been increasing 04:19 and Nano technology, I am not gonna pull 04:21 a hair out of my head because I don't that many, 04:23 but, but you know, I will share a few, 04:26 if I pulled the hair out of my head, 04:28 Nano technology is a hundred thousand times 04:31 smaller, that's amazing, than my human hair. 04:34 And here, let me there is some great ones here 04:38 that, you know, we're preparing student today 04:41 in classes for things that don't even exist, 04:45 we are doing training for them for things 04:47 that don't even exist here. So you mean, 04:49 they are being trained for jobs or positions, 04:50 yes, yes, that don't exist yet, yes, yes 04:52 and we don't even know what problems 04:54 are going to face, but we are training them 04:55 how to deal with those problems that 04:57 we don't know what is going to crop up, 04:58 I mean, it's going so rapidly. Listen this, 05:01 one week's worth of the new old times 05:03 that's more information that somebody in the 1800s 05:06 in their entire life had. So today's issue, 05:11 one issue the new old times offers us 05:14 more information that they had in their entire life, 05:16 in their entire life. No wonder, 05:18 I'm gonna have feelings of guilty when I forget 05:20 something because we have got stuff coming here 05:23 so rapidly. When we say, you know, 05:25 we are going through a hard drive to check out 05:27 the various files. It's really true we are storing 05:30 so much more up there now and unfortunately 05:32 most of is useless information, you know, 05:34 well I speak for myself, but let me read you 05:38 another we have there four xBytes, 05:39 don't ask me what an xByte is? 05:41 Now I just getting ready to ask you, 05:43 how many terabytes, I am not even sure 05:45 how many mega bytes makes up a terabyte, 05:48 but now they have got xBytes. 05:49 But here is the definition it's four times 05:52 10 to the 19th power. In other words, 05:55 you would have zero strong out here for miles 05:58 that amount of information is generated 06:01 this last year, that's some, just this last year. 06:04 It's estimated that's more than the previous 06:07 five thousand years combined. 06:09 So in one year we have generated more knowledge 06:13 and information than in the last 06:15 five hundred thousand years combined, 06:17 well the last six thousand years, six well 06:20 that what you said five thousand, I am saying, 06:21 I said five thousand years but that's what 06:24 they say but we know biblically 06:26 that we're been here about six thousand years. 06:28 So, there is more information now 06:30 than all of that previous time is what 06:32 they are telling us. Now the other thing is 06:34 that amount of information is doubling 06:36 every two years now, unbelievable. 06:39 I can't even wrap my neurons around that. 06:42 Listen to this fellow that he developed 06:46 the flatbed scanner and voice 06:49 recognition software. So you could speak 06:51 to your computer and it starts doing 06:53 what you want. His name is Ray Kurzweil, 06:55 listen to what he says, there is even 06:57 exponential growth of the rate of exponential growth 07:00 within a few decades machine intelligence 07:03 will surpass human intelligence leading 07:05 to the singularity, technological change 07:08 so rapid, so proven it represents a rupture 07:12 in a human fabric, you know, when we look at 07:17 how rapid the pace of this world is. 07:20 When we look at the population, explosion 07:24 and realize that at some point planet earth 07:27 will be overwhelmed, it will be unsustainable 07:31 as I said before when we look at the governments 07:35 that are collapsing, society that's 07:37 breaking down, all of the prophecies of the Bible 07:41 particularly this one of Daniel saying 07:44 that people will be running to and fro 07:45 and knowledge shall increase, of course 07:48 I believe that in part Daniel was referring 07:51 Bible knowledge, which we have seen 07:53 an increase in Bible knowledge but yet 07:56 we can apply it to what's going on in our world. 07:59 It would seem on the cosmic timeline 08:02 that we're getting to the point, where we can 08:05 identify where we are? Oh yeah, let me share 08:09 one more quote with you, it is just kind of, 08:11 I read this and it almost stop me in my tracks, 08:14 okay it says the scientist name is von Neumann 08:17 was quoted a saying that the ever 08:20 accelerating progress like technology gives 08:23 the appearance of approaching some 08:25 singularity in the history of the human race 08:27 beyond which human affairs as we know 08:30 them could not continue, wow, 08:33 so here we are secular scientists even are saying 08:37 what's going on, we see this happening 08:39 and we envision that society couldn't 08:41 even continue on, yes, but we serve a God 08:44 who knows best and we serve a God 08:46 who really knows, you know, when your are saying 08:49 this I was wondering if the camera was looking 08:51 at me because my tendency was 08:53 when I heard the seculars. The quote from 08:55 the secular scientist was to break out in a smile 08:59 when he said it can't continue on 09:00 and we don't feel because it's time to look up 09:04 and know that are redemptions drawing in, 09:06 that's is so true, so true, we who love 09:10 Jesus Christ and everybody here all the audience 09:12 can love Jesus it's so simple to fall 09:15 in love him, we can look forward to that time 09:18 when all this mess is over around. 09:20 The simple way to fall on love with Jesus 09:25 is to know how much he loves you and once you 09:27 begin to understand that we love him because 09:29 he first loved us, yes absolutely, amen. 09:31 But you know here is you talked about Daniel 09:34 and it's perfect because you just drop back 09:37 some chapters to chapter 2 and in chapter 2 09:40 God gave king Nebakanezer who is the king of all 09:44 the Babylon the greatest kingdom at that time 09:46 on earth, gave him a dream and he couldn't 09:50 figure out the dream at all and finally 09:53 he took God's man to talk with God 09:55 and say please God show us what it means 09:58 for the King because he can't remember it, 10:00 he went to the king and said oh king live 10:02 forever you know and but he said there is a God 10:06 in heaven who reveal secrets and here 10:09 is the secret he goes on to share his whole dream 10:12 and he painted this incredible picture of 10:15 here was the kingdom of Babylon. 10:18 Nebakanezer's kingdom is this head of gold 10:20 of this great statue, but then it moved down 10:23 into arms of silver, which was Medo-Persia, 10:25 the crossed arms of those two great nations 10:28 who joined forces down into Alexander's kingdom, 10:31 the kingdom of bronze, and then down into 10:34 the iron kingdom of Rome, down into the feet 10:38 of iron and clay and this feet of iron 10:40 and clave where told they couldn't mix 10:41 just like iron doesn't mix with clay, 10:43 now we can follow history and we can see it 10:47 led all the way down to the European times. 10:51 You know, if Charles the fifth, 10:54 I think it was Napoleon and Hitler have 10:58 they ever read the Bible they would have 10:59 never tried to unite Europe because God said 11:02 it wouldn't be done, yes, and so here is God 11:04 we can trust because, it couldn't cleave together. 11:07 Yeah, history has proven it off but then the one 11:10 I wanted to bring the viewers too today 11:12 is found over in Revelation chapter 6 11:18 because it's pretty exciting to read this 11:22 and to realize where we are in time. 11:24 Revelation chapter 6 and we look at verse 12, 11:30 verse 12 says and behold when it opened 11:33 the sixth seal, and low there was great 11:35 earthquake and the sun became black 11:37 as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood 11:40 and verse 13 says And the stars of heaven fell 11:43 from the earth, even as a fig casteth her; 11:46 on timely figs, when she shaken of a mighty win. 11:48 Now we can look back in history 11:50 and we can pinpoint, we can pinpoint 11:54 even from the newspapers of the day exactly 11:57 when these things occurred and from other 11:59 prophecies which we don't have time to go in today 12:01 but we know that's happen so we can say okay 12:06 those have occurred in 12 and 13 12:07 now look at verse 14 and the heaven departed 12:10 as a scroll when it is rolled together 12:12 in every mountain and island are moved out 12:15 of there place, amen, is that occurred, 12:17 have we seen every mountain 12:19 and island moved out of there place, 12:20 not yet but soon. So, Shelley I would say 12:22 to you and to all the viewers they can draw 12:24 a line between those two verses, verses 13 and 14 12:28 and put a little note there and say here 12:29 I am, they can write their name 12:31 and say here I'm between two verses in eternity. 12:35 I mean that's where we are and so what, 12:39 what is that have to do with today. 12:40 Well, we got to get I believe off of that 12:42 speeding train that Ellen White saw in my own life 12:47 I got on that train. I started getting 12:50 into business and making money, I started lobbying 12:53 and congression, capital hill; I have my own radio 12:56 talk show I was writing for a newspaper 12:58 as people views excess on planet earth. 13:02 I was very successful, but I'd also sit in church 13:05 and I was lost. I really know 13:08 I was just absolutely lost. I look good, 13:10 looked apart, acted apart, I even went on preached, 13:14 but I preached without the power 13:15 of the Holy Spirit and God, 13:17 you were a busy person, you know what busy stands 13:20 for bondage under Satan's yolk 13:24 and I think that's the devils plan, oh yeah, 13:26 and even being myself in ministry 13:29 and as you know in ministry we can become 13:32 so busy with ministry that it begins to interrupt 13:36 the rhythm of our relationship 13:38 with the Lord. It doesn't matter 13:39 who you are, it doesn't matter who you are 13:42 because the plan is to get us 13:44 where we are bound up by our busyness. 13:48 And you know Shelley with a scripture, 13:52 reading a quick Scripture from our Bibles 13:54 with my hand on the door in the morning, 13:57 running out to go do my job doesn't correct 14:00 it doesn't give us the relationship 14:02 that we need to make it out of this world 14:04 on God side. Because God's prepared you know 14:08 John 14, it says I prepared these wonderful 14:14 mansions for you, I have done all these things 14:15 for you for those love me you know 14:18 and we've got to understand that 14:21 loving God is that personal friendship like 14:23 husband and wife, when you fall in love 14:25 and you continue that relationship I don't know 14:28 about you, but I have still got a work 14:30 at my relationship with my wife. 14:32 If you quit working at, it usually it's not that, 14:37 it's not always a conscious effort 14:40 of working at it, it's something that, 14:43 how can I say this, yeah we don't want to get you 14:46 in trouble with your husband. 14:47 No, but I mean it's not that your consciously 14:50 when you are really madly in love with somebody 14:52 you are always doing for them, 14:54 you want to be near them, you want to please them, 14:56 yeah when it really becomes a conscious effort 15:00 is when you realize there is a little break here 15:03 and this person loves me, it's like even 15:06 with the Lord, when you are in the right rhythm 15:10 of your relationship with God. 15:12 It doesn't take a conscious effort, 15:14 you want to be in the world, you do spend 15:17 more time in prayer, but then when you suddenly 15:20 put your finger on your pulse and realize 15:22 you are not doing these things then God began 15:26 once again you recognize that he is drawing 15:29 that he loved us with an everlasting love 15:32 and that he is wooing us near him then we got 15:36 to put little work into it will you agree, 15:38 oh absolutely, absolutely, you know 15:40 there, there are times that I just realize 15:44 because I been around my wife so long 15:46 now that if I just did this for her, 15:48 it make her so happy if I did this 15:51 and it's a joy for me because I get excited 15:53 to do it, you know, I think oh, this is gonna 15:55 make her real happy and so I'll do this 15:58 and I'll do that, I even tell her you know 16:00 I all out the garbage because I know how much 16:04 you want me to all of the garbage not that 16:06 I necessarily like all of the garbage, 16:07 but I know how much you are loving 16:09 and sure enough she does and but it you know, 16:15 in Mathew it says what is a profit a man to gain 16:18 the whole world, yes, and lose his own soul. 16:21 We can, we can be working 24x7, 16:25 we can make all kinds of money, 16:27 we can have the boat, we can the house, 16:29 we can have the Harley-Davidson 16:30 in the garage maybe we got two of them. 16:33 We can have all these things and never be happy 16:36 why because God is not in our lives 16:38 and that's the only happiness that comes, 16:40 amen, everlasting happiness, yeah when Jesus 16:43 walked in a room he said peace to you 16:46 and you know later he said peace 16:48 I leave unto you. You know for the viewers 16:51 out there, we really have the peace 16:53 that comes from knowing God from 16:56 understanding God from getting to know him 16:58 as our very best friend and that peace comes 17:02 as we abide in Christ, it's not enough 17:05 just to know him here that mentally accent, 17:09 but we have to allow him to live in our heart 17:12 as Colossians 127 says Christ in us is the hope 17:17 of glory, exactly, exactly, 17:18 and we abide in him now I know that 17:21 you are someone who has every evidence 17:25 that you abide in Christ tell us how you do 17:29 that because if as we are stating here, 17:32 we are at that point we can pinpoint on the 17:37 cosmic timeline where we are and know 17:40 that Christ is returning soon that this world 17:43 is not going to last that much longer, 17:46 we have got another solution of how 17:49 we can survive these in days, 17:53 how we can have that peace, how did God 17:57 teach you to abide in him. 17:58 Well it's exciting that you ask that because 18:01 God has promised this for everyone of us 18:03 and laid this out in John chapter 14, 15, 16, 17 18:08 and these chapters incredible chapters now 18:11 Jesus had left the upper room he knows 18:14 what his destiny is because he has come 18:17 to the earth in order to die for us. 18:19 As he his walking toward that garden you think 18:23 what, what would say to your disciples 18:26 who remember one of them he told Peter 18:28 when you are converted Peter then this 18:32 and this will occur. Peter been with around Jesus 18:35 for three and a half years, yes, 18:37 but he still didn't have that conversion experience 18:40 and so in the upper room there are the disciples 18:43 had kind of looked at one and another 18:45 and thought I am better than you, 18:46 I am not gonna wash your feet, 18:47 I am better than you, I am not gonna do this 18:49 so there is all this chaos going on in their hearts 18:53 and their minds and Jesus is almost it's time 18:56 for the cross what's he is going to say 18:58 and here we find the John the one that Jesus 19:00 loved shares with us in, in John 14 19:04 and onward just some phenomenal things 19:06 and I hope you know everyone at home 19:08 will running go get their Bibles right now 19:10 if they don't have them and look at these 19:13 incredible chapters. These ought be chapters 19:16 that are you know circled and underlined 19:19 and, yes, and note I mean just incredible things 19:22 going on, but God tells us let not your heart 19:24 be troubled, you believe in God and believe 19:26 the house on me and in my Fathers house 19:28 there are many mansions. I go to prepare a place 19:31 for you, it's got your name on the door, 19:33 you know, Shelley Quinn there is her name right 19:36 there on the door it's waiting there for you, 19:37 there is one for me, one for all of the audience 19:40 here today and then God continues on verse 6 19:44 he says I am the way, I am the truth, 19:48 I am the life here is, here is the pathway 19:51 for us, he is getting to know him personally 19:54 and following him personally, verse 7 19:57 if you had known me you should have known 19:59 my father you can't beckon now. 20:01 Now Thomas asks the crazy question well Lord 20:04 show us the Father. Jesus said have you been 20:07 with me so long and haven't seen the father. 20:10 I know people today look at the old testaments 20:14 and say oh God was retired and he was a 20:16 horrible God now as a father. You know, 20:19 but Jesus, oh, Jesus is loving. 20:20 No it's kind of the other way around, 20:22 Jesus was actually did everything 20:25 of the old testament, he was the pillar of fire, 20:27 he was the cloud, he was the one who watched 20:30 over his children continually, 20:33 they have lived with the Lord, but you know 20:35 if you read, I think sometimes people read 20:38 the old testament with this certain filter on 20:41 and they were looking at everything that God 20:44 warned his people of in their thinking, 20:46 oh it sounds so harsh, it sounds so harsh, 20:48 but if they recognize how long God suffered 20:53 through this and kept warning them for years, 20:56 decades and before he ever acted it wasn't 21:01 harshness God was trying to warn them to say 21:03 this is what's kind to happen if you don't 21:06 and he was kind a like a parent saying to a child. 21:09 If you doesn't straighten up I am gonna 21:11 have to spank you, don't make me spank you. 21:13 And that's what God was doing. You know, 21:15 you are exactly right, I look at my life. 21:18 Shelley, if I had been God I would have done 21:20 away with me a longtime ago, I mean literally 21:23 I could, oh couldn't we all say that, you know 21:25 I was horrible, but God even from the time God 21:28 said Jim you have got a short-time to decide 21:30 and God literally told me that it was two years. 21:35 I continued all this garbage and stuff 21:38 for two years and finally God said okay now 21:41 its time when I finally woke up, 21:45 I mean long suffering, you talk about long suffering. 21:47 I mean there is an ultimate point in which 21:50 God just finally has to say enough is enough 21:52 because it's causing everyone too much hurt 21:55 and pain, yes, but here God says is the way 21:58 he said verse 20 and that day you should know that 22:02 I am in my father, and you in me and I in you. 22:06 Here is the whole trinity wanting to be with us, 22:12 you know, I and you and you and me, 22:14 and God says I want a tabernacle in you 22:16 and I want to dwell in you, I want to be your 22:19 very best friend, so that you can live a peaceful 22:22 and happy life. Because he is the true wine 22:25 and we are the branches of and he said 22:27 Jesus goes on in verse chapter15 and verse 5 22:30 to say that, if we are not abiding in him 22:33 apart from him we can do nothing, nothing 22:36 that we do has eternal value, 22:39 it will last for eternity, it has to be in him. 22:43 You know, you mentioned the wine 22:44 and here you think why did God pick that example, 22:48 you know he is the wine and we are the branches 22:51 it's organic, it's living, it's real and it's living 22:56 and the energy, the vitamins, the nutrients 23:00 everything has to flow out from the source out 23:03 to the branches and that's what how God 23:06 wants to do with you and with me, 23:08 and you mentioned abide here, yes, 23:10 you know in this chapter alone it's eleven times, 23:14 a eleven times John says, abide, abide, 23:18 dwell, live in, dwell and remained in, 23:22 remain connected closely too and I have, 23:25 so in we only have about four minutes left. 23:28 What do you do to abide in Christ? 23:32 There is somebody watching us right now Jim 23:36 who is saying I want to abide Christ, 23:39 I have been going to church for 30 years 23:41 may be during the same situation 23:44 you were in before. How did you finally make 23:47 that surrender to God and come into that 23:52 rest of abiding. Well, that's the key, 23:56 how did I make the surrender. I came to God 24:00 did all the things and studied and prayed, 24:04 but then I backed off of all those things 24:06 and I found itself was rising up again. 24:09 Jim Ayer wanted to do things in his own way. 24:13 I remember one time fellow said 24:16 I was driving down the road, 24:17 stopped for hitchhiker said come on 24:19 get in the car. Hitchhiker said no. Oh, 24:21 what do you mean come on get into the car. 24:23 No, no I why not, because I want to drive. 24:27 What do you mean, you want to drive 24:29 and this is the way it is with God. 24:31 You know we are willing to take God 24:32 long as a hitchhiker. We are willing to take God 24:34 out there to, you come along in my life 24:37 to follow me as I wanna do my things, 24:39 but God says no, no I wanna drive. 24:42 I wanna take control of your life. 24:46 I used to think I had watched folks 24:48 who are new age and they say oh, 24:50 I just wake up in the morning and I just kind 24:52 of go along with the universe. 24:54 And I thought that was so crazy and it is the way 24:57 they lay it out. Yes. But the way God says it. 25:00 You know my sheep here, my voice, 25:03 I want to dwell in you, I want to mold you, 25:05 make you, shape you in my image 25:07 whole different thing. Except and he will never 25:09 take control. We always have to yield the control. 25:13 Choose you this day whom you will serve. 25:15 Whom you will serve, yeah. Amen. 25:16 And I was down and do we have enough time 25:19 couple of minutes maybe, yeah bit. 25:20 I was down in the Dominican republic 25:22 and I was doing an evangelistic series 25:24 and the pastor one day said Jim 25:26 would you do this funeral for me, 25:29 where you don't have time, no he says 25:30 he don't have time. Is it well okay. 25:32 So after he told me this I started to ask him 25:35 well was he a good guy, no he wasn't everybody 25:37 hated him. He wasn't a Christian, 25:39 no he wasn't a Christian, hated Christians. 25:40 I'm thinking now I know why the pastor asked me 25:44 to do the funeral and I'm thinking what on earth 25:46 am I going to do. I was laboring over this. 25:48 I went to the house. I mean there was people 25:51 everywhere they were spread out around 25:53 the sidewalks because they love the family 25:55 and I got there and they rushed me right 25:57 in between the wall and the open casket 26:01 and I'm thinking oh, this is what am I gonna do, 26:04 you know and I'm going on with this 26:06 and finally I thought I'm just gonna preach 26:07 about the second coming of Jesus. 26:09 I'm gonna preach about the Lord 26:10 and his love and I did all that. 26:12 I preached about the second coming 26:14 and I invited people to come to my meetings 26:15 and you know what that guy down 26:17 there in the casket had to say about it 26:19 who hated Christians. Nothing. Nothing 26:22 because he was dead. Amen. 26:23 Paul says I die daily, daily. 26:26 Every moment of everyday I have to come 26:28 to the point say I've got to surrender 26:29 today to God. And that's the only way 26:32 I can really live because God will change us 26:35 and give us so much power to do 26:37 the right things to walk. This is the way 26:39 he says walk in it. He will do that for us. 26:43 You see that's the secret is the secret 26:45 of learning to surrender is to understand 26:48 that even in surrender would depended upon 26:50 his power. We have to go there 26:52 and pray help me Lord pick up my cross. 26:54 Yes, it's all God. Help me Lord. Exactly. 26:56 Put exactly mistakes of my flesh from the Holy Spirit. 26:59 The only part we have is understanding 27:00 the correct use of our will. 27:02 I can will to choose God at this moment in time. 27:05 Exactly, exactly. You know I can't believe 27:08 how fast this third imminence went, 27:10 but I just want to thank you Jim 27:13 for being with us today. Well thank you. 27:15 Hope you will comeback and I just kind a wanted 27:17 to sum this up for us at home. We do know 27:20 that we are getting close to the end of time 27:23 and it is, it doesn't matter what's coming 27:28 at us. We can still have peace. 27:30 We can still have contentment. 27:34 We can have confidence in what our Lord offers us. 27:38 Please if you haven't received Christ 27:40 as your savior today don't be like King Agrippa 27:43 when Paul was telling him about him 27:46 and King Agrippa was just waiting 27:48 for a more convenient season, 27:50 the time is drawing nine. It is soon I believe 27:55 that Jesus will return, so we invite you 27:59 to invite him into your heart and ask him 28:02 to help you heal control. He has got a great plan 28:05 for your life. It will be an exciting time 28:08 with the Lord. Thank you. |
Revised 2014-12-17