Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jim Ayer
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000433
00:01 Have you ever suffered a breakdown of communication
00:03 between you and someone you love, 00:05 how did that affect your relationship? 00:07 Well you know when we think about it there 00:09 was a breakdown of communication between man 00:13 and God in the Garden of Eden. But God knew that the 00:17 relationship wouldn't stand unless 00:19 He bestowed it and He did just that. 00:22 Please join us today on Issues and Answers, 00:25 as we look at the restoration of communication with God. 00:55 Hello, I am Shelley Quinn and we are so glad that 00:57 you've joined us today, no matter where you're tuning 01:00 in from around the world, whether you're watching us 01:02 on Television, by Internet or listening by radio. 01:05 I think this is a program that you're going 01:07 to really enjoy. I wanna share a scripture 01:10 with you and it's a scripture that has a lot of meaning 01:14 and sometimes we seem to, we can read past this 01:18 one without really catching the depth of it. 01:20 It comes from John 17:3 and the Bible says this is Jesus 01:25 speaking, he says, this is eternal life that they may 01:30 know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom 01:35 you have sent, that's eternal life to know God, 01:39 to know this God of love, of righteousness, 01:43 a God of mercy to know him is to love him and today 01:48 we have a special guest with us, this is a man who came 01:53 to know God a little later in life and when he found 01:57 out what God was like and who he was, he 02:00 surrendered his life totally and completely to him. 02:04 And he is now enjoying eternal life I believe that, 02:08 Amen, don't you Jim, absolutely, surely I do, 02:11 oh glory to God. Jim Ayer, Ayer I knew I would do that, 02:15 because well that's okay, if it's in, if 02:17 it's in India they say Iyer. Well, someone told me Ayer 02:20 they corrected me and I knew I am just gonna say 02:22 that wrong today. Jim Ayer and you are with an 02:25 Adventist World Radio (AWR), that's right. 02:29 You are a vice president. How long have you been 02:31 with AWR? About three and half years. 02:33 Alright and what are you, what do you with them? 02:37 Well, one of great things I get to do, I am with the 02:39 Making Waves. Have you ever heard of Making Waves, 02:42 I believe so, that's a popular program on 3ABN, 02:45 on 3ABN several times a week. I get to travel around 02:48 the world and talk to the people about how their lives 02:51 have been dramatically altered when they heard 02:53 the Gospel message through radio. 02:55 Amen, and it's, it's tremendous Shelley what God 02:58 is doing out there, you know, this program Making Waves 03:01 is very popular with our viewers, because 03:03 you have such exciting testimonies and speaking 03:07 of exciting testimonies you have one as well. 03:11 Jim could you just give our viewers just a little 03:16 synopsis of what God has done in your life. Well, 03:18 just a couple of snippets, I was a drug dealer, 03:21 alcoholic and a thief actually, it's amazing, 03:24 it's didn't look like this at all. But God came 03:27 in and spoke to me I mean literally spoke to me and it, 03:32 it didn't take, it didn't really take, it was kind 03:36 of interesting it took actually about two years 03:39 and God spoke me again and finally that time it 03:41 was like basically. Ayer excuse me, 03:43 when you speak to you, you think are you speaking 03:45 of life 1st Kings 19:12 that a still small voice for Lord 03:49 where He is impressing his thoughts upon you almost 03:52 to the point they seem audible. 03:54 It could very well been Shelley, but I mean to me it 03:57 was just like you and I are talking right now 03:59 and God one time said Jim, tonight is your last night 04:02 to decide, you've got to make up your mind and there 04:04 was a cross roads of eternity right there, wow, 04:07 and that was the moment, that was the turning 04:09 point in my life but you know even that didn't stick, 04:12 I started studying and praying and learning 04:17 God's word. I even had a call to the ministry but some 04:20 way somehow because I kind of quit praying as much, 04:23 I stopped studying as much, 04:25 I lost that communication with God, 04:27 when I had the call I turned my back on it. 04:31 I went off into the business world, 04:33 became very successful in the business world, 04:35 very successful and sitting in a church pew, look nice, 04:40 did all the right things, paid tithe, 04:41 did all these good things. But I really believe I 04:44 was lost and then God again spoke to me and this time 04:47 I think it was more of the internal so Jim, 04:51 the Holy Spirit may be poured out all around you, 04:54 you will never recognize or receive it, and I thought, 04:56 wow, wow, I can't let that happen in my life. 05:00 I've got to do something and so it was an interesting 05:02 trail how God continued to lead me and wow, 05:06 what a, what a journey it's been Shelley. Yes, 05:08 it has been. So, that kind of gives me then a glimpse 05:14 into why you have chosen today's topic and that 05:18 is restoration of communication with God, 05:22 when you, when God first got your attention did you 05:28 feel that you were like Adam and Eve that you were 05:32 running from him. You know, I didn't even, 05:34 didn't even know God. I mean, I had no concept of 05:37 what God was. So, you didn't grow up in a Christian home, 05:40 didn't grow up Christian home really, you know, 05:42 my mom and dad said well you know you go to church, 05:45 as I was child they thought it's good you should go, 05:48 but they didn't go and you know I just kind of went 05:53 but I never heard anything, as a child it just never 05:56 stuck and so I quit going when I was old enough 05:59 as said I don't want to do any more to do with this. 06:01 You know high school, I thought the only time 06:03 I'd go to a church was to take a cute girl or something 06:06 you know some good excuse. 06:08 And, but I just didn't want go and so I just totally 06:11 wandered, wandered away. So, you believed there 06:14 was a God you would just agnostic. 06:17 Yeah, I kind of believed there was a God but it was, 06:20 it was during that time period when everybody had 06:22 some great ideas about something you know even 06:25 Timothy Leary, you know drugs are the ultimate 06:27 way to God. LCD is the way to find God and so, 06:31 but you know, I don't know who Timothy Leary 06:33 was that he sure had crazy ideas. 06:35 That was his own desire. Well, and you know somehow 06:38 praise the Lord, by the grace of God I entirely missed 06:43 I remember when I was in high school that there was 06:46 reports of people doing marijuana and things 06:49 and I would just avoid those people like the plagues, 06:52 so somehow even in college I was blessed that I missed 06:55 that whole culture. You see it's interesting this 07:00 was what the devil wants to totally do, 07:02 he wants to block out God, he wants us to think there 07:05 is no such thing as God. In the beginning 07:10 we're told in the Bible that the devil rebelled against 07:14 God he begins thinking that he could do things better 07:16 than God. He had this whole plan in his mind. 07:20 He began sharing with everybody in the universe 07:23 that why if I was in that position I could do things 07:26 so much better and he was so well his stuff 07:31 was at the, may be the right way to put it is, 07:33 his stuff was incredible that many believed him 07:36 and the Bible says there was war in heaven now many, 07:39 many think that that's probably a war 07:41 of words or war of ideas and it certainly was, 07:44 it says he ultimately he was cast out down to this 07:48 earth and you know at that time Shelley, 07:50 God had just done a beautiful new creation Adam and Eve, 07:54 man and woman and this was going to be his crowning 07:57 achievement. He said let us make man in our image, 08:00 after our likeness we were to be created in the 08:03 image of God. Amen, imagine that you know and it is 08:07 so exciting to think about that but then God says 08:10 you know, there needs to be a test you because 08:13 there's been this whole situation going on in heaven 08:16 and there does need to be a test of loyalty. 08:18 So, if you love me, Adam, if you love me, 08:21 don't go near this tree over here, 08:23 this is the tree of knowledge of good 08:25 and evil. If you love me just stay from that one tree, 08:27 I have given you every tree in the garden that's good, 08:31 just stay away from that one and you know we find 08:34 that here Eve gets away from the side of her husband. 08:37 She goes up and she sees this tree. 08:40 Why this tree it looks nice and she goes up 08:43 and you know there is a serpent in that tree, 08:45 Shelley that says. Hey Eve, Eve darling, 08:48 come a little closer, he spoke in a voice why she 08:51 thinks never heard of. A serpent speaks 08:54 in a human voice. He says, Eve God say you shouldn't 08:58 do this, but Eve he knows from the day you do it, 09:00 you will be just like God, go ahead try it, try it. 09:03 Ayer, you know even he was a little more insidious 09:07 than that because he first planted that seed of doubt 09:10 didn't he, didn't just say God said you, 09:12 you shouldn't do this, but he said did God really 09:15 say this, like are you sure this is what God said 09:19 and you and I both know we run into it in the ministry 09:22 all the time that often this is what happens, 09:25 it's kind of like people will read something and they 09:27 will say, oh, yeah, but is that what God really means 09:30 that I can't do this, that or the other, 09:33 and so he started there and start getting her to doubt 09:37 and then he starting sucking her in, 09:40 didn't he? He did and then he says you know go ahead 09:42 try it Eve, well she begins thinking about it, 09:45 just as you said, you know this concept begin sticking 09:48 those things. Well may be God really doesn't 09:50 what me to know how good this is. 09:53 And she takes that fruit whatever it was, 09:55 she begins eating and then all of a sudden we're told 09:57 she feels this accelerating feeling, 09:59 this is exciting, this is wonderful and it's just like 10:03 today the devil is handing out drugs to people, 10:06 just to try it, here you'll be like God, go ahead, 10:09 it'll lift you higher, it'll make you feel wonderful 10:12 go ahead. And you know drugs and alcohol 10:16 and all these things are the devil's counterfeit 10:18 to God's tree of life. Amen. And, and so here she 10:22 takes this fruit oh, this is great and she becomes 10:25 the first drug dealer, she runs to her husband, 10:27 she grabs up this fruit. She runs to her husband 10:29 and says, here honey try this, it's wonderful well 10:33 Adam's countenance you know I can imagine drops 10:35 because he knew immediately what had happened? 10:39 He is just sick about it but then he thinks God says 10:42 in the day we take of this fruit we will die and I don't 10:45 wanna lose Eve she is my partner. 10:48 Surely God can never ever replace her and so he 10:51 takes over the fruit and all of a sudden at that moment 10:54 even while the juice is dripping on his lips he feels 10:58 funny and they look at one and another and you know 11:01 the story, Shelley they're, we're naked they had 11:05 never seen nakedness because they had their own 11:07 righteousness before that and all of a sudden 11:09 they're starting to feel cold and something 11:12 is feeling funny, you see in that moment they really 11:13 did started dying just as God said that they would. 11:17 But now the wonderful things is, 11:19 God just didn't leave them in that situation. 11:22 You know God wandered in the cool of the afternoon 11:26 he said Adam and Eve where are you? 11:28 Where are you? He knew exactly where they were, 11:32 he's God, but he wanted them to respond to him 11:35 and finally they come out of the bushes and 11:38 they've got these fig leaves that they've sewn up 11:40 their own little aprons to cover their own nakedness, 11:42 their own "righteousness" and they said Lord, 11:47 here we are. Adam and Eve what have you done? 11:50 Lord, it's the woman you made, 11:53 it's the woman you made, God it's all your fault 11:55 and notice all of a sudden here's that communication 11:58 gap, the devil was successful right there in breaking 12:01 the communion with God. God had wandered with him 12:04 and walked with him in the garden in the cool 12:07 of the day talk with him. It was such a wonderful 12:10 experience and now all of a sudden you're attiring God, 12:13 if you had made this serpent and this woman because 12:16 then he looks to Eve and he says it is the serpent 12:18 you know that you made. This blame game goes 12:22 back and forth. And you know when you think 12:24 about it a thought occurred to me that it actually 12:28 that communication broke the minute here they are 12:32 clothe with the light of God and they didn't recognized 12:36 their nakedness, but once they recognized 12:39 their own nakedness and tried to make themselves 12:43 righteous on their own, which sometimes 12:45 we try so hard to do. In own righteousness 12:49 we can't stand before the Lord. 12:50 So, here comes their loving God and they're already 12:54 hiding from him and he has to seek them out 12:58 and don't we do that sometimes when God just like 13:01 what you say how God approached you over 13:04 and over again and you were kind of hiding from God 13:07 so then even when they stepped up to the plate 13:10 all of a sudden the communication 13:12 is not only broken but now you see that it's fractured 13:18 because now they began to accuse God 13:21 of doing wrong just as Satan did. 13:24 Yeah, yep, It was a terrible situation and at that 13:27 moment the devil thought aha, I've got them now 13:30 I am gonna yell to the whole universe you see 13:33 God's gonna have to destroy them because they did one 13:35 little thing, but then all of a sudden something 13:38 really strange happens Jesus I believe called two little 13:42 lambs over there, that were grazing near by 13:44 and he took a knife and he slit their throats 13:47 and he says Adam and Eve, this is death, 13:49 this is what you deserve and then he did something 13:53 else strangely. He, he, he, he is doing something all 13:56 of a sudden he clothe them with this, 13:59 with these garments the skins of the lambs 14:02 and he says Adam and Eve one day in the history 14:04 of man I will come and I will die, just 14:07 as these little lambs have died, I'll earn the right 14:11 to give you this righteous covering that I've given 14:15 you and then he does something even more 14:16 strange that the devil can't quite understanding 14:19 what's going on and he says Adam and Eve 14:21 and he looks at the devil I am going to put 14:23 enmity between you, between the woman, 14:26 between your seed and her seed. 14:28 Can you explain enmity because some people 14:30 don't understand that word? Well there in that 14:32 you know for one I looked at this what is this? 14:34 You know when you take magnets that are, 14:37 that are poles are opposites that you try and 14:39 shove them together, as a kid I loved to do that, 14:41 you show one magnet it bounces back you know 14:43 they repel. God says I don't want to only clothe 14:47 you with my righteousness on the outside, 14:50 I am going to come and live via the Holy Spirit 14:53 on the inside so that my righteousness repels evil. 14:58 So enmity then is a kind of a hatred, a repulsion, 15:02 I mean it's something that you, you can't stand 15:06 to be around. So that's what God was saying 15:09 I'll put enmity between you, exactly, and Satan, 15:12 exactly, exactly I will give you the power in your life 15:14 to repel the evil now. You have given away your 15:18 own righteousness, you've given away your own 15:20 power of choice, you've surrendered it to the devil. 15:24 But now I am going to give you the power back I 15:26 will earn right. You see God, God in heaven they 15:29 was a crisis when the devil stood before the universe 15:32 said God's a tyrant. I'd be a better ruler I will do 15:35 this and this and this. Well, they, 15:37 they didn't understand, they've never seen sin 15:39 and the council of God gets together, 15:42 God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit 15:44 and they come up with a plan, we're going to nail 15:47 two pieces of wood together, the son of God is 15:49 going to hang on it. I mean you say all that's so 15:52 simplistic, it is so simple a child can understand it, 15:57 but if so in death that we'll study it for all eternally, 15:59 isn't that truth, and, and so Jesus came in order 16:03 to die for men and women. He laid out that plan 16:05 to restore communication right there in the garden 16:09 of Eden. In the Revelation 13:8, yeah, 16:11 that he was the lamb slain before the foundation 16:14 of the world. I remember when I was about 16:16 19 years old and doing a, a very deep Bible study 16:20 and I don't know why but it was like for the first 16:24 time I wanted to know what they wear clothed 16:26 with and I had looked at how God lived in 16:29 unapproachable light and realized that the Psalm says 16:32 that he is covered with this robe of light and I 16:36 thought I bet that's what was on Adam and Eve 16:39 and then as I've realized that they had lost this, 16:43 it was the first time in my life that I realized 16:47 that was the first sin offering was when God made 16:50 for them these lamb skin coverings and it, 16:54 and I thought where did that come from? 16:57 God had to have killed a lamb. So I believe as your 17:01 describing, you know it dawned on me that from 17:04 the very beginning they knew, God shared the plan 17:08 of salvation with them. As he went through these 17:11 things and explained it to them that Adam and Eve 17:15 and therefore Cain and Abel were also taught, 17:18 exactly. What was acceptable to God is 17:21 a sacrifice and that, yes, God's got this plan 17:25 of salvation. So, it's an incredible thought that God 17:30 to restore communication had to promise to die 17:34 for us so that we could stand before a Holy God 17:38 not in our own righteousness, but covered 17:40 with his robe of righteousness. 17:43 Exactly, now this, this sacrificial system that 17:45 you're talking about, this was all designed 17:48 to bring their focus back to God, to turn their eyes 17:52 once again upon God because they had focused on, 17:56 on the serpent, they had focused on the serpent, 17:58 so now it's, it's to bring them back and we kind 18:01 of fast forward through the Bible of violin and God 18:05 had chosen the people, the Israelites and through 18:09 Abraham he had said I am going to, 18:10 I am going to make you a great nation of people 18:13 and sure enough he had a tremendous nation of people 18:17 and he gave a prophecy and he said in 18:18 four hundred years they're going to be in bondage, 18:21 but I am going to deliver them. Now, 18:24 we know that story and it all took place in Egypt 18:27 and they ended up in bondage in Egypt 18:30 and we look at that, they ended up in sin in Egypt, 18:32 yes, and God brought them out, 18:35 God brought them out of that land under his power 18:38 by his might. They didn't do anything on their 18:41 own except follow the instruction of God look 18:44 to that sacrifice and God brought them out in this 18:49 journey and all of a sudden as they're on this journey, 18:51 they get up to the Red sea and here's the whole 18:53 army of Pharaoh behind them and then they said, 18:56 why did we ever come out here, 18:57 why did we ever start this journey, 18:59 why did we trust God, yeah, why did we ever 19:01 trust this God, you know, now they've been slaves 19:03 for a long time, they've totally taken their eyes 19:06 off of God and so now it begins a process of training 19:09 them, how to look back to God again and God says 19:13 hey go forward, you know, why are you standing 19:16 here, go forward now and an interesting thing 19:19 is right there, he brought down a cloud in a pillar 19:23 of fire. That enmity that separation between the evils 19:28 of Pharaoh's armies in the separation to protect 19:31 his children and then he parts the seas for them 19:34 and they go through on dry ground and you read 19:37 in Exodus15 this incredible song of victory, 19:41 incredible of song of victory, God has done this, 19:44 and God has done this and God has done all these 19:46 things and it's interesting Shelley, 19:48 go all the way through to Revelation 15 19:51 and again a song of victory that virtually the same 19:55 song that the children of Israel sang, 19:58 a song of deliverance out of sin and bondage. 20:01 But this time it's God's people, 20:03 all of us standing on the sea of glass. 20:07 However we gain the victory? It's through God 20:08 by keeping our eyes upon God. But you know 20:11 there is a, there is a sad moment in there because 20:14 we go to Numbers chapter 13 and in Numbers 20:18 chapter 13 God wanted take now his children 20:21 to the Canaan land. He wanted to get them to the 20:24 Canaan land and he says look it's a land flowing 20:27 with milk and honey. It's a, it's a wonderful land. 20:31 Well they, they were just maybe doubtful a little 20:33 and they said lets send in spies and check it out, 20:35 lets just check it out. Well, they went in for 20:38 forty days and they came back and you know 20:40 at the camp, they look and say, look, look, 20:42 look over there, look at that. 20:43 What, what's happening and all of a sudden 20:46 they see these two guys bearing one cluster 20:49 of grapes on a great big stick, can you imagine 20:53 one cluster of grapes. I picture that as kind 20:55 of like in heaven you know hey come on over 20:57 Shelley over to my house we'll split a grape 20:59 for lunch. Yeah. You know, big grapes, 21:01 huge grapes, and here they were, 21:05 they all get back I mean the evidence they say yes 21:07 God everything you said is true it's absolutely true. 21:10 It's is a land flowing with milk and honey. 21:14 But then all of a sudden you know the sad story, 21:17 absolutely, all of them say but the that, 21:20 that's is the worst word in the whole Bible 21:22 and they said but was nevertheless they were 21:24 giants in the land. We've seen them with our own 21:27 eyes and in our own sight. We are like 21:30 grasshoppers. So this is that grasshopper 21:34 identity syndrome that so many of us have, 21:37 I've never heard it said like that but yes. 21:39 We don't recognize who we are in Christ, 21:42 but we're getting down, I can't believe how 21:45 quickly this is, is escaping us our time. 21:48 When, when they, God is trying to restore 21:53 communication to them, he is trying to get them 21:56 to trust him. What do you suggest we started 22:00 this program with John 17:3, That Jesus, 22:04 God said Jesus here to really restore us if you will 22:08 and to see that we might really see who he is. 22:13 As Hebrews 1:3 says he's the exact representation 22:16 of the Father. And Jesus is saying this is eternal 22:20 life that you may know that know him the only true 22:24 God and the one who him sent. What, what, 22:28 what is your response or what is your suggestion 22:33 to our viewers. How to restore communication 22:37 with God? Well like the song says turn your 22:39 eyes upon Jesus and all of the things of this world 22:42 would grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory 22:45 and grace, there the children of Israel 22:48 at the borders of Canaan land look to themselves, 22:51 but you go to Joshua chapter 3 22:53 and here's is a lady who was a prostitute of a 22:56 heathen land and she began sharing her story, 23:00 we saw what your God did, he parted the seas. 23:03 We saw what your God did, he destroyed the 23:05 heathen Kings. So, remember what God 23:07 has done in the past, so, it is one way of looking. 23:09 So, so, always look to God, okay, now the, 23:12 the texture quoted, this is life eternally 23:15 that they might know thee. Yes. 23:17 Well, this know with Adam and Eve they knew one 23:20 and another and they conceived a children, 23:21 very inmate, very personal, you've got to, 23:24 you've got to get to know this God, look to him, 23:27 turn your eyes on him. Not on the giants, 23:29 not on all the giants out there because there 23:31 are giants everywhere and the devil is trying 23:34 to destroy us continually, there is real devil, 23:36 there is real evil angels and there is a real God 23:40 and powerful God who loves us who died for us, 23:43 to us the power to overcome, you know, 23:46 Revelation chapter 2 and 3: looks God says for over 23:50 comers to him that overcomes, 23:53 I will give the right to sit with me on my thrown. 23:56 Can you imagine, God wants to provide us 23:58 with his power, with his strength to overcome 24:02 the viles of the devil and as we go along in our 24:05 daily walk, how do we do it, we've got to spend 24:09 time in his word. Because I've heard you talk 24:10 about the logos, you know his word, 24:13 his word is transforming, amen, 24:15 his power is transforming in our lives and unless 24:19 we spend that time on our knees and prayer and study, 24:21 I saw it in my own life when I quit doing that 24:25 even though God had called me and then soon 24:28 I dropped away, you know I got busy with 24:30 all the things of life and I became a businessman 24:33 and I was too important to spend time in study 24:36 and prayer. Well, but, and you were still going 24:38 to church, so there was some little you know, 24:40 sometimes we, we satisfy ourselves by saying 24:45 well I am getting the weekly message or 24:47 I am doing this, and to really know someone 24:50 it'd be like if you were married and you always 24:53 spoke to your wife once a week. 24:56 But you are in the same house and avoiding 24:58 her all the rest of week, what would your 25:00 relationship be, that's right, how many husbands 25:03 can sit, you know husbands, my phone rings 25:04 and I pick up the cell and I say, who is this, 25:06 yes, who is this? Oh honey, it's you how, 25:11 how long would I be married to my wife, 25:13 if didn't recognize the voice of my wife, amen, 25:15 and the Lord says my sheep hear my voice 25:18 and they follow me and we need to learn to listen 25:22 to God's voice and that voice comes to us 25:25 through his word. Yes, exactly. 25:26 Number one way he talks to us is through the word. 25:29 But now the restoration of communication, 25:33 sometimes people will spend time in the word but 25:37 they don't really pay much attention to the prayer 25:40 of life, what would say about that? 25:43 Well, you, you don't have one without the other 25:45 because as you read this is an encounter with 25:49 a God of Universe. His word is a direct encounter, 25:52 he says I am the way, I am the truth, 25:56 I am the life and I am light, I am the bread, 26:00 all these things, God doesn't say come follow me 26:02 and I'll show you where this is, no, 26:05 no he says I am, amen. We send these pages 26:09 as he is the God of the universe, 26:11 desiring to live in our lives to, to clothe, 26:15 to clothe himself with our bodies that he might 26:20 live in our temple, to give us the victory, 26:22 to give us changes, to overcome the problems 26:25 that beset us so easily in this life. 26:27 Yes, you know, it's a, the Lord once spoke to me 26:31 and I'm trying to think, here's how he said it, 26:33 that time is life, how you invest your time is how 26:38 you invest your life and boy, 26:40 sometimes we can invest our lives, 26:42 waste our lives, by, by wasting our time, 26:47 yet you have a saying about time, 26:50 share that with us. Well, we weren't created for time, 26:52 we're created for eternity, amen. 26:54 And we've got to focus on that. 26:56 God, God wants to transform us Romans 26:58 12:2 Be ye therefore transformed by the renewing 27:02 of your mind and God does it all. 27:04 He clothes us with his righteousness just as Adam 27:06 and Eve in the garden. He sends us the Holy Spirit 27:09 when he is invited in, yes, to live in our lives to 27:13 changes and we. live in the blast moments of earth's 27:16 history, Shelley, we don't have time to do things 27:19 that we used to do. Amen, and he does renew 27:21 our mind but when we spend time in the word 27:24 this is the best way to renew our mind, 27:27 and as James says in, amen, James 1:21 and it is, 27:30 that word is planted in our hearts, 27:32 it has the power to save our souls. 27:34 Thank you so much so much for being with us Jim Ayer, 27:37 thank you, oh thank you, and we are so grateful 27:39 to all of you for joining us. 27:41 I pray that if you feel that your communication 27:45 with God is suffering right now, 27:47 just look heavenward and say Lord, 27:50 I want to be able to communicate with you 27:53 on an intimate level, just one and one and God 27:56 will help you restore that, we're so grateful that 27:59 you've joined us and now our prayer is at the grace 28:03 of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the father 28:05 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. 28:08 We'll be with you today and always, see you again. |
Revised 2014-12-17