Participants: J. D. Quinn (Host), Gregory L. Jackson
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000409
00:01 Do you understand the house and wise
00:02 are surrendering to Jesus? 00:04 Stay with us. We'll be right back. 00:32 Welcome to Issues & Answers. My name is J. D. Quinn. 00:35 As I mentioned earlier, 00:37 we're going to be talking about 00:38 the how's and why's of surrendering to Jesus. 00:41 A person that has written a book on this 00:43 is our guest today. And it is Pastor Greg Jackson. 00:48 Greg, welcome to Issues and Answers. 00:50 Thank you, thank you. 00:51 I know that you have written a book 00:53 on "Surrender, The Secret to Perfect Peace & Happiness." 00:57 What else do you do? 00:58 Well, I pastor in the Allegheny West Conference. 01:02 I'm now pastoring the Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church 01:04 in Cleveland, Ohio. 01:06 And then I travel doing seminars on to surrender life 01:10 and then on marriage and divorce, and single life. 01:13 I do several kinds of seminars, 01:14 that's why I stay fairly busy. 01:17 I can imagine being a pastor 01:19 is a fulltime job in itself. Oh, yes. 01:21 You're married? Yes, I am. 01:23 Yes, I am a married to Marilyn. 01:25 I've been married to her for 14 years. 01:27 We have five children between us 01:30 and five grandchildren, amen, so- 01:33 Amen. So your plate is full. 01:36 Oh, yes. Okay. 01:37 Of course it's good full. I understand. 01:40 Now on this book, "Surrender, The Secret 01:42 to Perfect Peace and Happiness." 01:45 Why, what was your purpose for writing this book? 01:50 My purpose for writing the book was- 01:53 because I'm convinced that the majority of God's people 01:56 don't fully understand 01:58 the meaning of the word surrender, 01:59 the depth of that word. 02:02 Because if and when we do, we're going to experience 02:06 what the title of the book promises or the perfect peace 02:09 and happiness that the Lord promise us. 02:12 He says in Isaiah 26:3 that, 02:13 "I will keep him in perfect peace 02:16 whose mind is stayed on me." 02:19 And that is what surrender does. 02:21 It keeps our minds stayed on God. 02:24 And so I wrote the book to really deal with that. 02:28 So that God's people can begin to enjoy 02:32 the peace and the happiness, 02:33 and the power that God promise us. 02:35 I also know here, pastor, it says, 02:38 "The Secret to Perfect Peace." What do we mean by secret? 02:43 Well, I just kind of cover that to some degree. 02:45 Most people don't understand that that is the key. 02:50 Because if they did, they would truly seek 02:53 to surrender all to Jesus everyday. Okay. 02:57 But because they haven't experienced that peace 03:01 and really don't know 03:03 the depth of the word surrendering. 03:04 It's really a secret. 03:06 And I'm trying to expose that secret in that book. 03:08 Okay, because I just know in my own life. 03:11 Whenever I truly invite the Holy Spirit 03:13 and I press in, 03:15 there's not a greater feeling in the world 03:17 than have impressed with my life. 03:19 And I know, that I know, 03:21 that I know that he is working. 03:23 And He certainly simplifies, He simplifies, you know, 03:26 my path, my path, you know, so yes, yes. 03:29 You know, you're talking about a formula 03:31 that you used in this- in this book and everything. 03:33 Can you tell us about that formula that, 03:35 that you feel will solve 03:37 most of the problems that we have? 03:39 Yes, I, whenever I say that people feel that, 03:43 that's really not realistic. 03:47 When you say that, you have a formula. Yeah. 03:50 That can solve every problem that you face. 03:53 And it just has three, three, three things in it. 03:56 People's ears prick up, 03:57 but their minds are in disbelief. 04:01 But it works for me. 04:02 And really it is the formula 04:05 that will take us to the depths 04:08 that surrender requires, so I love it. 04:11 And that formula is this 04:12 and then we'll go back over it. 04:16 My problem is always self. Okay. 04:24 The solution to my problem is always Jesus. Amen. 04:31 And the way to the solution, 04:34 which is Jesus, is surrender, always surrender. 04:38 My problem is always self. My solution is always Jesus. 04:43 And the way is always surrender. 04:45 Now the biggest- 04:48 the biggest hurdle to that equation is the first thing. 04:56 My problem is always self. I shared this before. 05:02 And as I talked with someone, I was giving some counseling, 05:05 and I just kind of shared the formula with him. 05:09 And he was, he was dealing with his wife cheating on him. 05:16 And when I say that, he said, 05:17 "Pastor, are you telling me that I am the problem 05:23 when my wife is cheating on me?" 05:27 And I said to him, 05:32 "I'm not saying that you're the problem. 05:35 What I am saying is this. 05:37 Is that you have allowed your wife's conduct to come in 05:43 between you and your God and that's your problem." 05:49 Because God promised to give you peace. 05:52 He promised to supply your needs. 05:54 He's promised- you've got 05:56 many precious promises in the Bible. 05:58 But you've allowed a human being, 06:00 no matter how close, 06:02 to come in between you and the Lord, 06:05 and your relationship with Him. 06:07 And until you solve that problem, 06:10 you can't find the peace that you're requiring. 06:14 What you are requiring for your peace is that God 06:19 overwrites your wife's choice 06:24 and make her do for you what you feel is right, 06:28 even though it's a right thing, 06:30 God won't do that. 06:32 So what you in essence have done 06:33 is you have given your wife power over your life. 06:39 You have given her the key to your happiness. 06:41 Really in essence, she has become your God. 06:43 Because now God can't even do for you 06:46 what He requires, because 06:47 your happiness and your peace is based on 06:49 a human beings conduct rather than God's promises 06:53 and that's your problem. 06:57 The solution to that problem is Jesus, 06:58 because you can't change the way you feel. 07:01 You can't heal the hurt that you- 07:05 that you feel, that's real. 07:07 You cannot meet the need 07:09 that your wife has been to some degree meaty, 07:16 but Jesus can't. Amen. 07:19 And the way He can do it, 07:22 and what is required of you for Him to do it, 07:26 is that you must surrender yourself to Him 07:28 in whatever way He chooses to do that. 07:30 Now that- now that is the issue. 07:33 When we understand surrendering that decree, 07:35 then a lot of people say, "Well, when you say surrender, 07:39 you have to do more than that." 07:41 And then whenever I hear that, 07:42 I realized that people don't really understand 07:44 what surrender really is. 07:45 Because when you understand 07:46 what surrender is, you won't say, 07:48 "That's a do nothing thing." 07:50 It requires everything you have 07:52 because when you are hurting like that. 07:59 And you hear that because our human nature says, 08:03 "I want, I want someone, some power, 08:07 God, whoever to make that person do for me what I need." 08:14 When we have to surrender that desire to God, 08:18 and say, Lord, whatever way you want to do it, 08:20 I give it over to you. 08:22 That requires everything we have. 08:25 You know, and I agree with you. 08:26 I mean, I'd like to take this little bit deeper, 08:28 because I know that 08:30 we have different connotations of surrender. 08:33 Normal, whenever you come to a guy and you say, 08:35 "You're supposed to surrender." Yes. 08:36 He will say, "Oops, I give up." 08:39 You know, and but then you go 08:40 to a woman or female and you say, 08:43 that you're gonna have to surrender. 08:44 Normally, they- they bring in. 08:47 No one is gonna control me. Yes. 08:49 And so, you know, we sometime have 08:51 these skewed ideas of what surrender is. Yes. 08:55 Now you're saying, taking it to Jesus. 08:58 Now where do we go with that? 08:59 I mean, do we get on our knees? 09:03 We're saying his issue. 09:05 We're saying that God is here, Jesus is here saying, 09:08 "Hey, I'll bring you perfect peace." Yes. 09:10 Now what is our next step? Our next step is just- 09:14 Again, it is just that going, as you surrendering, 09:17 really giving Him our will, giving Him our emotions. 09:23 So is that just done, just by, 09:25 just raising our hands and say, 09:26 "Father, this is bigger than I am. 09:28 I'm turning this over to You. 09:29 I'm giving You permission to be in charge." 09:31 It is done that way. It is done whatever way. 09:34 You know, it is more so an attitude. 09:37 The words cannot comprehend, 09:39 I mean, that was- that was a good one. 09:41 The key is- so often 09:44 we're looking for a prescribed way. 09:48 It's more so an attitude or desire 09:51 where you want the law to fix it 09:53 and you're willing to go over, 09:55 give it over to Him, and let Him fix it. 09:57 And you're giving Him- you've to see, 10:00 because we not only want God to fix it. 10:02 We have a way we want God to fix it, 10:04 and that's what we have to surrender. Yes. 10:06 That's what we have to surrender. 10:08 So often we say, "Give it over to God. 10:10 We give it over to God like the quarterback 10:12 gives a football to the runner." 10:15 We give it to God with the instructions, 10:17 cut here and make that here. 10:19 And really, we're still in control of it. 10:21 When we surrender, we release, 10:23 we relent to stay in control, that's the biggie for us. 10:27 Because control is our issue, that's our issue, 10:31 that's what sin has done to us. 10:33 Sin has put us in God's place. 10:35 God originally created us in a way 10:37 where He was in that control center. 10:39 And as long as He's in that control of center, 10:41 we have freedom, 10:43 we have power, we have control. 10:45 When we remove Him by in throwing ourselves there, 10:51 self, actualization and by the way, 10:55 that's the world's tomb. Yeah. 10:57 You know, I did it my way. Yes. 10:59 And that's sin. 11:00 We think sin is pulling the gun, 11:02 pulling trigger, that's a result of it. 11:04 The sin that so easily besets us is putting self 11:09 where God belongs, amen. Self-exaltation. 11:14 And that's what it requires, 11:16 and that's why it's the biggie, 11:18 because it reverses that whole process 11:20 and puts Jesus back on the throne. 11:24 Now, the way I- because I say surrender. 11:28 Surrender does it in the way 11:31 is that Jesus gives us the strength. 11:35 See, so often we say things like this, 11:38 and we interpret and that's how we really 11:41 interpret the cross sin against. 11:43 One of the things I get into 'cause I say, 11:45 what is the cross experience? 11:48 We see the cross as some burden, 11:50 I hear it all the time, that's my cross. 11:53 One day, if I carry my cross out win my crown 11:57 and we-you know, we had that- Trudge along. 12:00 Yeah, we had that trudge along. 12:02 That's not what the cross is for. 12:04 The cross is for dying. Amen. 12:07 The Lord says, "Come unto me, 12:10 all ye that labor and are heavy laden, 12:12 and I will give you." Not a cross, not burdens. 12:15 "I will give you rest. My yoke is easy." 12:17 Amen. "And my burden is light." 12:19 Now if we're carrying a heavy cross, 12:21 isn't that the cross that Jesus is giving? 12:24 That's a self-made cross. 12:25 Matter of fact, that's even a quote 12:27 from the writings of Ellen White. 12:30 Jesus cross is not for carrying, it's for dying. 12:36 Now I can't crucify myself, 12:38 and that's another thing we say. 12:40 Well, self-denial. 12:43 Self-denial is just that, that means 12:45 there's no self in it. 12:46 Now, if I have to do it, then it's not self-denial, 12:50 its self-exaltation. 12:52 Self-denial is not I, but Christ. Amen. 12:57 And the way we get the not I, 12:59 but Christ is we go to Jesus and let Him crucify us. 13:03 That means, when I'm hurting like, 13:06 the man with the wife that is cheating on. 13:11 Then I go to Jesus who is my healer 13:15 and my redeemer and who loves me 13:19 and died for me, and has all power. 13:22 I go to Him and I say, "Lord, I need Your healing. 13:27 I need for You to do for me what I want. 13:29 And I've been looking for my wife to do for me. 13:32 I need for those promises in the Bible, 13:36 the word to become flesh." Amen. 13:39 And like you say, I will supply a new dwells 13:41 all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 13:44 You and I can be made complete, 13:46 I need that to happen. Amen. 13:47 I can't make it happen. I need for You, 13:50 because I need to let this burden go, 13:52 but I can't, there is a need. 13:54 There is a void in my life that is not being filled. 13:56 And I can't let it go, until that void is filled. 13:59 She won't fill it. 14:00 I've been trying to make her do that, Lord. 14:03 You say, that you would. 14:05 Now I come to You with all that I have. 14:08 Work in me, both dwells in You, 14:10 and that's that process. 14:12 I love it the way Philippians 4:13 14:15 "I can do all things through Christ 14:17 who strengthens me." That's right. 14:18 And then it takes a step further 14:19 in some translations that Jesus speaking 14:24 "I will empower you." Yes. 14:26 "I will infuse inner strength into you." That's right. 14:29 Which is precious to me, because 14:32 for my weakness I can do nothing. That's right. 14:34 And here I'm very frustrated 14:36 in a situation as you're giving here. Yes. 14:38 My wife is messing around on me. Yes. 14:40 I'm confused. Yes. 14:42 First of all we know that, he is not author of confusion. 14:44 That's right, but yet he says here okay, J. D. 14:46 if you will surrender, then I will empower you. Yes. 14:51 Let me carry that for you. Right, right. 14:54 I think that's what I'm picking up that you're- 14:57 And that makes it, you know, 15:00 because so often we try to solve people's problems. 15:07 The problems we face today are awesome. 15:11 They're so complicated, there is no good answer. 15:16 And if you try to solve that by giving solutions 15:21 you're going to run into problems. 15:23 And that's why there is so many suites for pastors 15:24 and ministers, even psychologist. 15:27 I mean because we're trying to solve things 15:30 that we don't have the wisdom or the strength to do, 15:32 even if you can point to them. 15:34 If you can point out to them the problem, 15:37 there is nothing they can do about it. 15:38 See when I tell people that your problem is that, 15:44 you're depending on your wife to supply your needs. 15:47 He can't stop depended on that- 15:50 the only way he can stop depending on that. Amen. 15:52 Is to find another source 15:55 that we're adequate to do it. Amen. 15:56 The only other source is Jesus. 15:57 And when you go to Jesus, Jesus knows that problem 16:02 and He knows all the ins and outs. 16:04 He knows the end from the beginning. Amen. 16:06 And He not only will work it out, 16:09 but He will give you the power. Amen. 16:12 That you need while He is working it out. 16:14 So my, I'm not- 16:16 I don't major in knowing the right answers, 16:22 Oh, well, I do. The right answer is Jesus. 16:25 I have one this one thing I do in this one, 16:29 our major inch knowing 16:30 how to get people to Jesus. Amen. 16:33 Once I get him to Jesus, the problem is solved. Amen. 16:36 And so that's why that solution, 16:38 that formula. Amen. 16:39 Solves every problem. Amen. 16:41 Because they formally get you to Jesus. Amen. 16:44 So its going from yourself into the hands of Jesus. Yes. 16:48 And because now you understand 16:50 the redeeming power of Jesus, 16:53 then you get on your knees and you surrender. Yes. 16:55 And then that takes away to self. Yes. 16:59 And let me just say this. 17:00 You only have to understand 17:01 and most likely you don't understand 17:03 the fullness of the redeeming power of Jesus, 17:04 I've done it when I didn't fully understand it. 17:06 I just told to believe it, and that's what faith is. 17:08 Faith is a choice to trust and believe in Jesus. 17:12 Amen. That's what it is. 17:13 I don't have to feel it, when I do, 17:15 because I have done it, when I've been afraid, 17:17 you know, the consequence, I say Lord, 17:19 I don't know if you can really do this thing. 17:23 I feel really so messed up now that I can't, you know, 17:27 I don't want the problem solved, 17:29 I want it gone. Yeah. 17:31 But I'm gonna trust you now. Amen. 17:33 And I'm going to Him like that 17:35 and God is worth lifting- Amen. 17:36 and that's what He ask of us. Yes. 17:38 You know just, just trust me. Yes. 17:41 And you know my prayer quite often is, 17:43 father increase my faith, 17:44 increase my belief in you. Yes. 17:46 You know, I give you permission 17:47 to work in me. There you go. 17:48 Now, you're talking also about 17:50 the three greatest fears concerning surrender. 17:55 Yes, one of it I kind of hit the core of it, 18:00 because we're afraid that, that when we give, 18:03 when we give the Lord total control 18:06 that we're going to miss out on a happier and better life, 18:10 that, that's gonna make us like a Robot. 18:15 We don't have control anymore 18:17 and really as violation of our will 18:20 and that's number two. 18:21 And then the third one is that, you know, 18:24 we're really not going to, 18:27 we're gonna live in our personal growth, 18:30 you know, I have dreams, ambitions and goals 18:33 and if I surrender all to the Lord 18:36 and what happens to those, you know, 18:37 I'm suppose to have. 18:39 So those are the three greatest fears, 18:41 and you know I'll just say briefly 18:44 the book covers it more extensively, 18:45 I've more of time. 18:47 But to the one that, you know, 18:48 better and happier existence out of fear that, 18:52 and I limited the law 18:55 when I first came and I stopped the drugs, 18:59 I gave this in my personal testimony 19:01 before in another program, 19:03 but stopped drinking and drugs and then the smoking. 19:08 I know the drugs and smoking 19:09 and the pointing lifestyle, 19:11 because I really truly believed 19:15 that I could be happy without that. Yes. 19:19 But I went back to drinking because I told myself 19:21 I can't be truly happy with the Lord 19:23 if I don't have some kind of substance, 19:25 because I've had some kind substance for so long. 19:27 And until I was ready 19:29 to let that go up, I couldn't get victory 19:31 and the Lord helped me to get there so. Amen. 19:32 You know, that limited God, 19:34 there is another line that they miss God 19:36 when we feel that I'm gonna lose control 19:38 and I've my will. 19:40 Really what happens you gain more control. Amen. 19:42 I was- I didn't have 19:44 after I gave it all to the Lord, 19:45 I have more self control than ever I had before. Amen. 19:48 So that's another law. 19:50 And it's not a violation of your will, 19:52 it's the right use of your will, 19:54 because you have to choose it. 19:56 That's why people say, why don't I have to ask- 19:58 why I have to give him permission 19:59 because that's your right, 20:01 that's where your power is. You have no other power, 20:04 but that will and it's weak as what as it is, 20:07 give it to Him and He will make it strong. 20:11 Then the last one where you know, 20:13 He's talking about, He was going to- 20:15 He's gonna live in my personal growth. 20:17 And one of my greatest fears 20:18 also even after I got into ministries 20:20 if I gave it fully to the Lord. 20:23 I had ambitions and goals, timetable about so and so 20:27 and I felt that I'm going to in five years 20:29 I want to be so here in my ministry and so and so, 20:32 and even in pastoral ministry, you know, 20:33 people think well, you know, 20:35 I know that you don't look at that as a career, 20:37 yes you do because everybody wants success the way 20:41 and we see it in the way the world 20:43 defines it in. I did as well. 20:45 I did necessarily want to, my praises sung to the tune of, 20:49 I did it my way, 20:50 but I did want to sung to the tune of 20:52 Jesus keep me near the cross, you know, but my praises. 20:57 I was sincere, trust me I was sincere 21:00 and I love the Lord 21:01 and I want to do right and I even looked it 21:04 and say well that's where the Lord can really use me, 21:05 but there was still that part 21:07 that I couldn't fully give it over 21:08 and I really didn't find a four pieces. 21:11 But on one morning as I was, you know, 21:14 I would have my sessions with God 21:16 as I understood this thing with 21:17 surrender is spending time and I will love. 21:19 That's why I call it my sessions, 21:21 because is like I have my own personal psychiatrist 21:26 that makes all, you know, 21:28 that deals with all my problems 21:30 and knows me like a book. 21:31 Not only he can tell me what's wrong, 21:33 he gives me power to overcome. 21:35 I don't have to pay him a dime. 21:36 I can get him anytime I want. Amen. 21:38 I have my sessions with God and I was with myself 21:41 and I wasn't feeling 21:43 the closeness that I normally felt 21:44 and I was talking to a doctor a friend of mine one morning, 21:46 all he knew, but he shares me 21:48 whenever that happening to with me 21:49 there's something I haven't fully given all to the Lord 21:52 and the Lord is, He is really addressing at the time. 21:55 And you know before he hadn't dealt with it 21:56 he deals with the- He brought me, 21:58 so I wasn't feeling because he knew he get my attention 22:01 and so I start praying to the Lord- 22:02 I already knew that, but it's just the Lord that use it. 22:06 Prick my mind, I said Lord what is it. 22:08 And He let me know it's my ministry 22:10 into that degree you know because I was sincere 22:13 but there was a little inkling. 22:14 And I said okay I will get that to you 22:17 because I had this in mind 22:19 if I give it over to the Lord I know, 22:22 because He already impressed me when I came. 22:23 He say, your ministry is going to be like Jeremiah ministry. 22:26 A lot of people not going to know what 22:27 he is talking about, you know, 22:29 its not going to be that popular 22:30 and truly surrender of self is not popular, 22:34 because you know we have to give some great thing, 22:36 but good things must I do, but when it comes to, 22:39 I wish we shall all praise you. 22:41 Master will do good thing. 22:42 What, tell me good thing, I'll do it. 22:45 But when the Lord told him 22:46 and really was surrender, you know, 22:48 the good thing wasn't to give up all your money, 22:50 because we look at and say, oh that means 22:51 I give up all the money, that wasn't 22:53 what the good thing was, because the Bible says 22:55 if I give all my goods to feed the poor, 22:57 and have that love is nothing. 22:59 He hadn't he wanted perfect peace. 23:02 He say, what can I do to find that. 23:05 Lord say, if you want be perfect 23:06 that's the word you say if that will be perfect 23:09 go and say all that you have, 23:11 give to the poor come follow me, 23:12 his claim was when he says, when he says what good thing, 23:15 they will say keep the commands, 23:17 you're looking for good thing. 23:18 But before you said that he said 23:19 there is only one good, that's God. 23:20 Goodness is not in our thing, it's in being and that's God, 23:23 that's not you, there is only one. 23:24 But he knew, he's going to have us, 23:25 if you're looking for good thing, I'll give you, 23:27 keep the commandments. 23:29 You know, this really gets us over there. Amen. 23:32 We're looking for good things. 23:33 There is nothing wrong to good things, 23:34 but that's not what's gonna do it. 23:36 The good one. Amen. 23:37 So he said I've been doing this. 23:40 So but I don't have it, what like I get. 23:43 He say, okay now 23:45 if you want to be perfect go and serve on to him. 23:50 Now we jump right into a good thing. 23:51 Oh, we got to give it all, 23:52 oh, I can't do, not that's not what. 23:55 He is saying surrender all to my control. 23:58 You still have God, you still have something 24:00 that you depend on more than me. 24:04 If I, if you want me to make you perfect, 24:06 you have to surrender all to me, 24:08 because if that's not surrendered to me 24:11 all the devil has to do destroy your peace 24:13 is to touch your bank account and I can't help you, 24:16 because you are depending on that money more than me. 24:20 If you want to be perfect, surrender all, 24:24 give me control of that. 24:26 You say, you can keep the commandments. 24:27 Commandments are based on two basic things, 24:29 supreme love to God 24:33 and unconditional love to your brother and you sister. 24:35 Now if you love me supremely, 24:38 let me tell you what to do with my money, 24:42 it's God's money not his. 24:44 And if you love your brother unconditionally, 24:47 then give it to him and come and follow me. 24:51 I'm not going to hurt you, because I'm the one 24:53 that gave the money in the first place. Amen. 24:55 You don't have to worry about that. 24:56 Do you trust your bank account more than you trust me? 24:59 Do you really love me supremely? 25:01 Do you really surrender all to me? 25:03 You see really he's saying that to all of us. 25:05 When we surrender to God, 25:07 and this is where the tithe and offering thing comes in. 25:10 You often we struggle with this and we do the good thing. 25:13 And we relate to it like we were relating to a mafia boss. 25:16 I'm gonna pay God off, get him off my back, 25:18 then I can do with the rest of the way I will. 25:21 But when we really relate to it at the right way, 25:23 then we have peace no matter 25:24 whether we have that money or not, 25:25 because it says, Lord I recognize 25:28 that the rest of this money, 25:29 its all comes from you and I trust you 25:31 and I depend on you and no matter what 25:33 even if my bank account goes, 25:35 all that I'm, all that have comes from you 25:37 you've been good to me 25:38 and you will continue to keep me. 25:40 And that's where that fear comes from, 25:42 so when we realize, it won't let me it, 25:45 get us just, it gets better. 25:47 We've got about a minute, minute and half left. 25:50 You talk about surrendering daily. 25:53 Yes. Kind of explain that. 25:55 Well, its yesterday surrender isn't good enough for the day 25:59 and every day is a new adventure for God, 26:01 and in your prayers never get boring, 26:04 because your life isn't boring 26:05 what you have to deal which isn't boring. 26:06 What God will reveal to you isn't boring. 26:08 It's an exciting encounter with God 26:10 and so it's a daily thing. 26:13 And once I start in the morning, 26:15 it keeps me throughout the day. 26:17 And if I need to pray again because I got connected, 26:20 it's like a trolley car. 26:21 When I connect in the morning, I'm on tuning, 26:23 if I need to pray the Holy Spirit prick me pray. 26:25 If I need a song, the Holy Spirit- 26:27 He is in charge, so once I connect in that morning 26:30 and that's my morning session, 26:32 He keeps me throughout the day, 26:33 so that' what daily surrender is about. 26:37 It is just not only just praying in the morning 26:39 that is your time, 26:40 that is because in you're the way 26:43 it works for you is that then you can feel 26:47 His coat of righteousness on you from the very 26:49 when you get up probably the last thing you do it 26:51 and I this is oh, Jesus, just please be with me, 26:54 let me wake up in the morning 26:55 you know with happiness and cheerfulness in my heart. 27:00 Yes, yes and throughout the day its communication, 27:03 because I've connected and I stay connected, 27:05 it keeps me connect throughout the day. 27:07 Amen, amen. 27:08 Okay. Oh, listen. 27:13 I know that I have certainly enjoyed reading these books, 27:16 "Surrender, The Secret to Perfect Peace and Happiness" 27:19 by Pastor Gregory L. Jackson. 27:22 And I just appreciate the time that you spend with us today. 27:27 I know I can just tell your love for the Lord. 27:32 I can tell that, He is just all over you 27:34 and I know that as busy as you are, 27:37 you start every day off in the right way. 27:41 So, I just appreciate very much 27:42 for you being at 3ABN today. 27:46 I know that you did another program yesterday 27:49 and you'll be doing more before us I think. 27:52 Anyway I just, I just appreciate everyone 27:56 being here with us joining this program 27:58 sharing this time with us on Issues and Answers at 3ABN. 28:02 And I just ask the God will just richly bless you 28:06 and all that you do and you say. God bless. |
Revised 2014-12-17