Participants: J. D. Quinn (Host), Troy Fitzgerald
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000408
00:01 The question is, do we get what we expect
00:03 or do we expect what we get? 00:05 We'll be right back, stay with us. 00:33 Welcome to "Issues and Answers." 00:35 My name is, J.D Quinn. 00:36 It's like I asked a while ago the big question is, 00:39 do we get what we expect or do we expect what we get? 00:43 Today, I have a special guest Troy Fitzgerald. 00:47 I just want to welcome you Troy. 00:49 It's good to have you here at Issues and Answers. 00:52 Tell us a little bit about yourself. 00:53 Well, I'm pastoring in Walla Walla Valley, Washington. 00:57 It's beautiful there right up against the Blue Mountains, 00:59 and I've been working with this church 01:03 Walla Walla University Church for 12 years now 01:06 as the youth and adult pastor. 01:09 My wife Julia, we've been married for 19 years. 01:13 I got two boys, Cameron 12 and Morgan 7. 01:17 Amen. They're dynamite. 01:18 We have the best of times together. 01:21 And that's what we like to do 01:23 as we spend time together as a family. 01:25 It's what we do for fun. 01:27 Now I know that you are quite athletic, 01:28 are the kids pretty athletic? 01:30 My boys love to get out and do things 01:34 and my oldest boy is probably just by his age is pretty, 01:39 pretty oriented that way, but they like to do a lot. 01:41 He plays the cello and so they're trying to-- 01:45 we're trying to keep them well rounded but-- 01:46 Amen, well balanced. Yeah. 01:49 They love the Lord that's what we care about the most. 01:51 Most certainly. Yeah. 01:52 Tell me about your education. 01:55 Studied theology and went into Pastoral Ministries. 02:00 I got my Masters in Education, 02:01 did some teaching, also just wanted to learn 02:07 how to teach, so that I could be a better pastor. 02:10 And then I eventually did my Ph.D. in leadership 02:13 because I really wanted to be a part of engaging 02:19 our world, our church, and a life of change 02:23 that was positive and productive. 02:27 And so I was excited to be able to 02:28 do a Ph.D. in leadership too. 02:30 Amen, well, that sounds like that's quite balanced to me. 02:34 I also know that you've authored 02:36 four, five, six books. 02:37 A few of them, yeah. Amen. 02:39 I know one book that I've read of yours 02:41 that I really like is 20 Questions 02:43 God Wants You to Ask. 02:45 Life-Changing Encounters with the Divine, Troy Fitzgerald. 02:50 Yes. I like this book. 02:52 And I've gone through it and its simple enough 02:56 to understand what you're saying. 02:58 It doesn't get into, you know, lots of doctrine, 03:01 lots of stories, and it's just really neat 03:03 the way that you tied all in with the biblical principles. 03:07 Thank you. Yeah. 03:08 It's really a lot of work and, you know, 03:11 it's hard to--it's hard to find something that just 03:16 rings your bell that you can write over and over and over 03:19 about most of my ministry. 03:22 I didn't have a whole lot that I could just continue in, 03:27 but I found this theme in scripture 03:30 as I was studying the teaching ministry of Jesus. 03:33 One of the qualities that was so powerful 03:36 in His ministry was His ability to ask good questions. 03:41 In fact, that's one of the things I do 03:43 when I am teaching a class in the life of Christ whatever, 03:46 so I'll just have the students open up 03:48 red letter edition bibles. 03:50 I'll say look around for the question marks 03:52 and find what Jesus is curious about, 03:56 what does God want to know, 03:59 and they will look through and see some 04:03 very penetrating questions. Amen. 04:06 You know, why don't you have more faith? 04:08 Why are you afraid? Who are you looking for? 04:11 You know, what do you want Me to do for you, 04:14 He says to the blind man. 04:16 And so lots of questions that's God asks, 04:21 if we answer them, we can find 04:25 that there is a window that opens to God's heart. 04:29 We can see what God's like by answering these questions. 04:32 We can also find a way to walk in His will, 04:35 I believe that, there is this door that opens 04:39 and we can walkthrough and follow Him by responding 04:43 to the things that He asked us to do. 04:46 I would think that if someone was 04:49 wanting a closer walk with the Lord, 04:51 that'll be a great place to start. 04:53 Go to the gospels look under the red letters-- 04:56 and look for question marks. 04:57 Well, you can certainly find a lot of things to think about. 05:01 But God doesn't want us to just think about things 05:03 He wants us to answer. Amen. 05:05 And sometimes questions are meant to be 05:07 just thought about but most of the time 05:10 in scripture God wants us to speak up, to stand, 05:12 to say, to go, to do in response to His curious, 05:19 His curious notions. Yeah. 05:21 And so He gives us to us and I'm so grateful for them, 05:25 talking about getting closer to God. 05:27 I had to answer the questions myself 05:29 as I walk through the whole of scripture 05:32 and I did it because I just want to respond, 05:34 I just--I wanted to interact and have this contact 05:38 with God in a very meaningful enduring way. 05:41 And so my questions weren't good enough. 05:43 I mean, I'd ask superficial questions or even questions 05:46 that I felt were theological and big 05:48 and they turned out to be, well, he didn't answer them, 05:52 they must not be that important. 05:55 I believe God thinks I'm important. 05:57 Which is why here comes back 05:59 and says, Troy, do you believe this? 06:03 He'll say, Troy, you know, 06:05 tell me about your faith is it big enough? 06:08 And He will ask me questions, 06:10 do you want to go home? 06:13 You know, He will-- so He will follow through 06:15 and that's what's been so rich about this study. 06:19 And I think it's been helpful to lot of people as well. 06:21 Amen, I know today we're gonna be talking about 06:24 expectations, wholeness, where do we go with that? 06:28 Well, I'll tell you where, I was--as I was 06:31 going through the gospels, I was looking at these 06:35 little stories and events where Christ 06:36 asked people in crisis something 06:40 and so if you come to a moment 06:43 in your life or ministry where there is a crisis, 06:46 sometimes the questions 06:47 people ask during those moments 06:49 are pretty pivotal, especially with Jesus. 06:53 He comes upon a man at the pool of Bethesda there. 06:58 And in John 5 this story is pretty amazing. 07:02 He happens upon this man and I'll just read it 07:05 real quick here, "There is in Jerusalem 07:07 near the Sheep Gate a pool, 07:08 which in Aramaic is called Bethesda 07:11 which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 07:14 Here a great multitude, a great number of disabled 07:18 people used to lie, the blind, the lame, 07:22 the paralyzed and one who was there 07:26 had been an invalid for 38 years." 07:31 So I'm reading this story and I'm thinking, okay, 07:33 well, what's Jesus gonna do here. 07:36 Well when Jesus saw him lying there 07:38 and learned that he had been 07:40 in this condition for a long time, 07:41 so Jesus must have investigated it, 07:44 he asked him a question. 07:48 He asked him, do you want to behold? 07:51 Amen. Or do you want to get well? 07:55 And behind that questioned is this world of possibility. 08:01 You'd think, I mean, if somebody came to me 08:03 and said, you know, do you want to behold 08:07 or do you want to get well? And I was sick. 08:10 I'm leaning forward in my chair 08:12 and I'm thinking you know I do. 08:15 Yeah. What do I have to do? 08:16 But in this case he doesn't respond that way. 08:20 And in fact his answer has to be 08:22 a little bit disappointing to Jesus. 08:25 He says sir, "I have no one to help me 08:28 into the pool when the water gets stirred, 08:31 while I am trying to get in, 08:32 someone else goes down ahead of me" 08:34 In other words for me. Yeah. 08:36 Nothing ever good happens to me 08:38 I've been here for 38 years and I'm broken. 08:41 And every time I get a chance 08:44 somebody else gets in ahead of me, 08:46 so frankly your question is a mood point. 08:48 It doesn't matter what I want 08:50 or what I hope for what I think is a possibility 08:53 and I'm paraphrasing here, 08:54 "It doesn't matter what those things are somebody else 08:56 is gonna get in ahead of me and so I might as well 08:58 just sit here and complain about it." 09:01 Well, I might be over-dramatizing that. 09:03 I don't know if you are not. 09:06 But we hear this daily from different people 09:09 in the form of an excuse for doing this 09:12 or I mean, just those pity parties. 09:15 And unfortunately I've heard them too 09:18 and the hardest place to hear them 09:20 is when they come out of my own mouth. 09:23 I've been like this, I can recall several moments 09:26 in my life when someone asked me, you know, Troy, 09:30 why don't you getup and why don't you preach a sermon. 09:32 Oh, nobody cares what I think. 09:34 No, you've got something that you should say. 09:36 I mean, I think you should say it. 09:38 No, nobody is gonna listen, 09:39 somebody is just gonna criticize me. 09:42 Now I've seen these things coming out of my mouth. 09:44 Well, let's go to church today. 09:47 Oh, nothing good is gonna happen there. 09:50 Well, you know, those are those moments when I know 09:54 Jesus wants to describe us by our robes 09:56 and just jostle us a little and says, 09:58 wakeup I've got something better 09:59 and if you just step up you might experience it, 10:03 so in this story he gives the excuse and, you know, 10:10 when we ask that question immediately, do you, 10:14 do you just get what you expect from day to day? 10:18 In another words or do you expect what you get. 10:23 Sometimes I think we just go along with life 10:26 and whatever happens happens 10:28 and that's what we've come to accept 10:31 but I don't think that's the way 10:33 Christ is calling us to live. 10:35 It's like that story that was told of a disaster 10:41 that was talking place in the small Midwestern town. 10:43 Somebody was going around, shooting the town up, 10:46 a sharpshooter, you know, it was a sharpshooter because 10:50 there were these targets and in the dead center 10:55 of the bull's-eye of the target 10:56 was the bullet hole, exactly center. 10:59 The town was frightened with terror. 11:02 They just didn't know what to do. 11:04 They stayed inside, 11:06 the authorities came in, the FBI came in. 11:07 The FBI finally caught him as the story goes, 11:12 this guy wasn't a sharpshooter at all, 11:14 he short first and then painted 11:16 the target afterwards. Oh, my goodness. 11:19 And so you have this, this target that you just kind of 11:23 accept whatever happens, so you just shoot the target 11:26 and then well that's what we're aiming for. 11:29 This guy shows up at the pool everyday 11:31 and nothing happens and nothings gonna happen 11:34 and he knows it and 38 years just gone by. 11:38 And I just wonder if there are people out there today, 11:39 that don't expect much from church, 11:41 from Christians, from life, from God. 11:45 They don't expect possibilities to emerge 11:48 that are beyond their wildest dreams. 11:50 They just don't expect much and I think 11:53 they get exactly what they expect. 11:57 I've had enough disappointing moments 11:58 where I've been hopeful about something 12:00 and it hasn't come through and there are those moments, 12:02 but in this story Jesus comes and He ask the question 12:06 to this man that I think He asked for all of us out there. 12:09 And that is, do you want to behold? 12:11 Do you want more? 12:13 Do you want more than this pool 12:14 and this fabled hope that if somebody stirs the water, 12:18 it's gonna cleanse you from your infirmity. 12:20 Didn't even know if that was gonna work or not. 12:22 It's just an old story, that's all he had 12:25 and Jesus comes into his life 12:27 and brings him a little bit more, 12:30 but he has to learn what I call the law of expectation. 12:35 He has to learn and Jesus does this. 12:36 He picks him up, He just--He says all right, 12:40 here's what I want you to do, 12:41 pick up your mat and walk. 12:45 Now something had to happen in that man's mind, 12:48 he had to just flip the switch from going, 12:51 from just expecting what you get 12:55 or getting what you expect, right? 12:58 He had to stop just taking what comes his way 13:01 and he have to start saying, I want to expect more. 13:05 I'm gonna hope and dream and think that 13:07 this might be the moment. 13:09 The moment he starts pushing up the muscles in his legs 13:13 rising up, he felt the strength and he gets up 13:16 and he experiences healing, wholeness. 13:22 Something had to be there, something had to happen 13:25 in his mind for him to standup. 13:28 In other cases throughout the gospels 13:30 Jesus actually pulls people up 13:32 who can't do it are moments like 13:34 that were Jesus will just heal you, 13:36 whether you're asking for it or not. 13:39 And think of the paralyzed man 13:40 who has dropped from the roof, 13:42 didn't ask for healing but he got forgiveness, 13:45 lifted him right up healed him. 13:47 But in this case I think it teaches us to expect more 13:50 because I believe that God believes 13:54 great things on our behalf. 13:56 He believes the best about us 13:58 and He hopes for the greatest things 14:00 and I think sometimes we're so short sited 14:03 that we don't experience the abundant life 14:06 because we don't think it-- we don't think it 14:08 should happen to us or we don't believe 14:11 it's gonna happen to us. 14:12 It's like that I mean, you know, 14:14 what's the different between 14:16 a thermostat and a thermometer. 14:19 We got thermostat on the wall 14:21 and then we got thermometer on the wall. 14:23 What are their functions? They're different. 14:26 They are much different, thermometer just-- 14:31 Just tells us where we are. Yeah. 14:33 That's what I meant, it just registers the temper, 14:35 but a thermostat, sets the temperature. 14:39 In fact if you turn it to 72 14:42 and it's 100 degrees outside, 14:45 all of the resources, electrical, 14:49 Freon, whatever it is that makes an air conditioner 14:52 kick on are gonna be deployed to make sure it 14:55 gets to that until it gets to 72 there is no stopping 15:00 and it'll grind away and drawn energy 15:03 and it'll suck all of that energy till it gets to 72 15:07 and I just think as Christians we got to start dreaming big 15:10 and expecting more, expect not just the healing 15:13 but the great things for churches to rise up 15:16 and be planted and the gospel to go to places 15:19 that we just don't expect it to. 15:22 But first we've got to know that, 15:24 you know, that He can do it for us. 15:27 Precisely and he tells us to-- Amen. 15:29 He says in John 14, He says, if you believe in Me, 15:32 you will do the thing I do and he stops there 15:36 and says no, you will do even greater things-- Amen. 15:38 When I go and the Holy Spirit comes. 15:41 And again that's kind of what Peter expected, 15:43 I mean, to happen at Pentecost-- 15:46 how many people are in Jesus' church 15:49 on resurrection morning. 15:52 It's probably not too many maybe, 15:55 handful up to maybe a 120, that's not very large 15:58 after feeding how many thousands 16:00 that He fed and healed whole towns. 16:03 Where are his people? And that Peter comes in 16:07 tells the story of the risen Christ and how many? 16:10 Three thousand. So there is something 16:13 to this law of expectation. 16:16 It's God calling us to say, do you want be a thermostat 16:21 or do you want to be a thermometer. 16:24 It affects the whole teaching. 16:25 I don't know if you've had teachers 16:27 that have expected a lot from you. 16:30 I mean you could probably think and start wincing right now. 16:34 Yeah, teachers who just you knew-- 16:38 They expected much but they might not 16:40 have been able to give you much. 16:41 Yeah. I mean, there is that concept too but-- 16:45 They set the bar high. 16:46 They set it high and then some don't really care. 16:49 Yeah. You know, you're just one of a number that's in there. 16:53 And I think that's what, I think must frustrate 16:57 the Lord the most and they did this research projects 17:01 on teachers in schools this one intercity school area 17:06 and I was so troubled to find what they found. 17:09 They found that there are teachers who just 17:14 because of the color of a young person's skin 17:17 were not capable of learning math the same way 17:22 and so they were just-- 17:25 they wouldn't teach them to aspire 17:30 and yet when that student get's in a classroom of a teacher 17:33 that dreams big for their students-- 17:35 And looks right into their beautiful eyes 17:38 and says you know what you could be the next president. 17:43 Amen. Or you could, you know, learn to read, 17:47 you could learn to do math, you could do be an engineer, 17:50 you could learn to revolutionize the farming industry 17:54 you just have to seize the opportunity. 17:57 Now those are the teachers that we hear 17:59 and read about that inspire us, right? 18:02 It's a lot of expectation. 18:04 In fact, there is this one particular teacher 18:09 that is inspired by the master teacher, 18:11 his name is Bruce Wilkinson. 18:12 He wrote the book "The Prayer of Jabez" 18:14 and a couple other books on teaching and learning. 18:20 His first few days as a teacher in college, 18:24 at a Bible College, he was given the task of teaching 18:28 three sections of Bible study methods 18:31 and section 1, 2, and 3. Now he was nervous, 18:35 because he was just right out a college himself. 18:38 One of the esteemed professors came up to him 18:41 and said to him, how did you get to teach section 2? 18:46 And he looked astonished, he says, what do you mean, 18:48 I've got section 1, 2, and 3. 18:49 He says, I've been teaching here 25 years 18:52 and they've never let me teach section 2. 18:55 He says, what is section 2? 18:56 He says, you don't even know that's even worse. 18:59 Section 2 is the cream of the crop, 19:01 the finest students that come to our school, 19:03 the highest achievements scorers, 19:05 they put them all in one class room, 19:06 and you don't even have to teach them 19:07 they just pull it right out of you. 19:10 He went back to the class looked at the names 19:12 and, of course, just looking at the names 19:14 and names looked smarter to him. 19:16 Jonathan and Susan and Frank, 19:20 those are just genius names he thought to himself. 19:23 And when he got to class section 1 went fine, 19:26 section 2 was just alive, 19:29 there was electricity in the air, there was energy. 19:33 Section 3 was a bit of a disappointment. 19:36 And that's how the whole school year went. 19:39 Section 1, section 2, boy, they just rolled along, 19:41 got through the material, stacked up the papers high. 19:44 Section 3, didn't turn anything in hardly. 19:47 When he finally finished, he went back to the school, 19:50 to the academic building 19:53 and he met the academic dean this time. 19:55 He says, how did your first core teaching go? 19:58 He said, it was fantastic 19:59 and thank you for giving me section 2. 20:03 And he says well, why are you thanking me for that. 20:05 He said, because they're the cream of the crop, 20:06 they're brightest of the bright, 20:07 they just, they just pull it right out of you. 20:09 He says, yeah, that used to be what we did, 20:12 but we don't do that anymore. 20:15 He said, but go check with the registrar. 20:16 He went up to the registrar he said, section 2, 20:19 best of the best, cream of the crop, 20:21 they just pull it right out of you, right? 20:22 She said, yes, no, we don't do that anymore. 20:27 He said, you mean to tell me that all of the students 20:29 in my class were a mixture of all different types of students 20:35 they all had the same potential. 20:37 Wow. She said, yes, they did. 20:40 He went back feeling like a fraud. 20:43 But he learned a valuable lesson 20:44 about teacher expectations. Amen. 20:48 Is that when we set the expectations our students rise 20:53 and as disciples of Christ, 20:55 you know, Christ sets the bar high, 20:57 do you want to behold, do want to be healthy, 20:59 do you want to live, do you want to be full, 21:01 do you want to make difference, 21:02 do you want to change the world, 21:03 do you want to bring one soul to Christ, 21:05 do you want to bring a whole nation to Christ, 21:07 do I stop at one, right? Amen. 21:12 And so that's the challenge for us 21:14 is to live this law of expectation. 21:19 And I would-- what I would like to think 21:21 that if you know, who you are in Jesus Christ, 21:25 you could be very passion about that. 21:28 And that passion that's contagious. 21:31 Exactly, in fact, when you look at people 21:35 who are contagious they're not contagious 21:38 or bitter or angry or critical, 21:41 people who are contagious are alive with possibilities. 21:45 Amen. There are the hopeful ones. 21:47 Now we need a few naysayer's out there 21:49 to say don't do that project, that's not gonna work, 21:51 I had a couple of farmers 21:52 when I was pastoring in Michigan said, 21:54 that's not gonna work, and they were right, 21:56 I listen to them. 21:58 But then they are those who see, 21:59 you know, we have to try it, 22:01 we have experiment, we have to do great things. 22:04 I believe that they're whole TV ministries 22:07 that are built on the promise, the possibility, 22:10 the notion that God can do great amazing things with us. 22:17 I just believe that with all my heart I've implemented 22:19 that in my ministry I give you a couple of examples 22:23 well, first of all I did my, 22:25 my doctoral research on student missionaries. 22:27 I tried to think of one of the things 22:29 it's the most practical learning experience for young people. 22:33 There were summer camps and great things 22:35 like that but student missionaries, 22:38 students that we empower to take a year out of college 22:40 and go away and spend a year teaching in Korea or Saipan 22:45 or Africa or Bolivia or Brazil, all over the world 22:50 and some of them stay in the States, 22:52 but they go and they function as teachers, 22:57 deans, pastors, principals even, 23:01 who haven't had a year or two of training in that area, 23:05 so how dare we do that. 23:06 Well, whole schools are run by student missionaries. 23:09 Like in Micronesia right now, 23:11 all the schools down there depend upon a college student 23:14 saying I'll take a year out and go. 23:17 And then some naysayer could go and say 23:19 but you're not a trained teacher, 23:20 you don't know how to teach? 23:24 You're not old enough, do you have a degree? 23:27 They say no, I'm gonna-- I'm a little overwhelmed 23:30 by the whole thing myself but they go. 23:34 And they give and what happens with the law of expectations 23:36 is they're asked to teach second graders in Palau 23:41 and they pray like they've never prayed before. 23:45 They study like they've never studied, 23:47 they pay attention to every face in the classroom 23:51 and previously they might of ignored everybody 23:53 in their own class while they sat in college. 23:57 They think and work and try new things 24:00 because why they're expected 24:02 to do great things in the name of Christ. 24:05 I started doing that with my young people in my church. 24:09 I started asking them, I said I've got this young person 24:12 that just made a decision to be baptized. 24:15 They responding to the call 24:17 and I said I need you to study with him. Amen. 24:20 Well, here is a 16-year-old saying, 24:21 "Study with him, that's' your job." 24:23 I said, I know, but I'm pretty busy 24:26 and I know I do it, but something has got-- 24:28 I've got a leave for a couple of weeks too. 24:31 I've got a do a series of meetings in Africa 24:32 and for two, three weeks 24:34 I can't just leave the young person. 24:36 You have to, you have to step up, 24:38 can you--do you think you can do it, 24:39 "Well, no, there is no way, I don't know anything." 24:42 I said, you don't know anything? 24:44 Now come on are you willing to try? 24:48 And just like that man by the pool, 24:51 the notion pops into their mind 24:52 that just maybe God has great possibilities for them. 24:57 He said, I'll try and you know what it turns out, 25:00 the 16-year-old young lady teaching 25:02 the 12-year-old young girl is the perfect combination. 25:06 Because the 12-year-old wants to be like the 16-year-old. 25:10 Amen. They don't want to-- 25:12 I don't know any 12 year old girls 25:13 that dream of becoming like me. 25:16 No, no. They don't even imagine. 25:18 Exactly. But that other person so influenced there 25:22 and not to mention they study harder 25:24 for these Bible studies than I do. 25:26 I've been trained I think I know the Bible already. 25:29 They put their heart, their prayers, they worry about it. 25:34 Do I worry about a Bible study? 25:36 I don't, I probably should but they take it so seriously 25:41 and what happens, the impact is significant. 25:45 I don't do anymore of those classes. 25:47 I do one maybe but I've got 15, 20, 30 kids 25:50 deployed doing that, well, the job of the pastor. 25:56 And what I hear you saying is, 25:57 they draw on the resources that are available and because, 26:00 you know, they have conscientiousness about them. 26:04 Yeah, they have something 26:05 that they're just unwilling to let go, 26:08 once you taste that, you don't want to let it go. 26:12 You don't want to ever expect small. 26:14 You hold on to the one thing 26:16 that means the most to you, it's a legacy. 26:19 Amen. I think of this-- the Tennessee Valley Project, 26:23 they're trying to get this family, 26:26 this operation family of Hillbillies 26:28 to move to the other side. 26:29 They built a cabin for them. 26:30 They built with water and lights 26:33 and everything all the amenities 26:34 and yet they couldn't get this family to move. 26:37 They had to bulldoze the whole other side 26:39 and they looked and they tried 26:41 to find out why they wouldn't move. 26:42 They stood there with their shotguns. 26:45 Finally a social worker came in and found the problem. 26:49 The man said, I won't move 26:51 because that fire you see in the hearth, 26:53 it's a fire my grandpa started 26:55 and it hasn't been put out since. Amen. 26:58 We didn't have money for matches, 26:59 so we kept fire going. 27:00 My daddy kept the fire going, 27:02 when my daddy died, I kept the fire going. I'm not moving. 27:06 Amen. And so they said well, 27:09 if we were able to carry the fire with us, 27:13 would you be willing to go, so they got in a huddle, 27:15 they discussed it, and they got this big apple kettle, 27:17 took up the coals and the fire, 27:19 and the whole family moved 27:21 to the other side of the lake with the fire. 27:25 And I believe that, that's what Christ wants us to do 27:27 with our young people, with our people 27:29 that are just young at heart in church. 27:31 He wants us to expect more great things to happen, 27:34 do you want to be behold? Yeah. 27:37 And I think our answer to that is, 27:39 you said so Lord I'll go. 27:40 Most certainly, keep those fires going? That's right. 27:42 We're out of time again Pastor Troy, 27:45 I mean, it's just actually time just flies by. 27:48 I just want to thank you so much for being with us today. 27:51 You're a wonderful teacher. 27:52 Praise God. You're so balanced. 27:55 Anyway I want to thank each one of you out there 27:59 for being with us today. 28:01 We love each one of you, we wish you only the best, 28:05 and I know that God has a special plan for your life. 28:08 God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17