Participants: Ruthie Jacobsen (Host), Pr. Roy Rugless
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000396
00:01 God's gifts are real.
00:03 We want to talk about His gifts today. 00:06 And maybe explain and illustrate that 00:10 through something that happened in a beautiful, beautiful hotel. 00:14 One of the most beautiful hotels in Europe. 00:16 This took place in Bern, Switzerland. 00:19 We'll be right back. 00:44 God's gifts are real and they're great. 00:47 They're huge. It's amazing. 00:50 The Holy Spirit gives us gifts to live 00:53 as Christians and to be useful. 00:57 Here's something that is so big. 00:59 In Ephesians 3, He says, 01:02 he wants us to comprehend with all the saints, 01:05 something about the width, and length, 01:08 and depth of His love. 01:11 He wants us have the ability to comprehend, 01:14 to have the capacity to understand that. 01:17 To know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge 01:20 that you maybe filled with all the fullness of God. 01:24 What an amazing gift, His presence, 01:27 His goodness, His love. 01:30 And then the 20th and 21st verses of Chapter 3, 01:33 "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly 01:38 above all that you can ask or think." 01:42 No matter what you imagine, no matter what you ask for? 01:46 God says, I have something better. 01:49 Is that all you can ask for? I have something bigger. 01:53 You're still coming to the ocean with a teaspoon. 01:56 I have something great. 02:00 Bigger than we can ask or think 02:02 according to the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. 02:06 To Him be glory in the church 02:10 by Jesus Christ through all ages. 02:13 He is a God of love. He's a God of power. 02:16 And of great and wonderful gifts. 02:19 In the fourth Chapter, it says that, 02:22 "To each of us grace was given 02:24 according to the measure of Christ's gift. 02:26 Therefore he says, When he ascended on High, 02:30 He led captivity captive, and He gave gifts to men." 02:36 It is His nature to give 02:40 and His glory to bless, that's our God. 02:43 It's His nature to give. 02:46 And that last verse was Ephesians 4:7, 8. 02:52 Our special guest today is 02:54 Pastor Roy Rugless from Alabama, 02:58 and you're also our Director of Prayer Ministries 03:01 in the five states. 03:03 And let's see if I can remember all those. 03:06 Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Part of Florida, Mississippi. 03:11 You got it. 03:13 I was counting on my fingers. You have it. 03:17 So, Roy, how does it make you feel 03:19 when you read verses like this about 03:22 God's enormous gifts for His people? 03:26 The first question that comes to my mind is, 03:29 why do we need the gifts? 03:30 There maybe people who are listening out and says, okay. 03:33 He gives gifts, so what difference does it make? 03:36 Do I really need it? Do I really need it? 03:38 And my response to that is this, 03:41 if you understand that God is love. 03:45 And if you understand that part of His love is giving. 03:49 And if you look at the Ten Commandments. 03:51 And this is really, really important, Ruthie, 03:53 because there has been a misconception 03:55 about the Commandments. 03:57 I believe that. 03:59 People have said that the commandments 04:00 have been done away with. 04:01 That's the Jewish tradition, that's Old Testament stuff. 04:05 We're not living under the law. 04:07 We're living under grace. 04:08 But if they really understand the commandments, 04:11 the commandments are nothing more than love. 04:14 Love to God, love to your fellowman, that's all it is. 04:18 If you look at the first four commandments, 04:20 if you love God, you won't have any other Gods before Him. 04:23 If you love God, 04:25 you will not take His name in vain and it goes on. 04:28 And actually I believe that the Ten Commandments 04:31 are like a safety net or like a fence at the top of a cliff. 04:35 Okay. If we live by those then the Lord, 04:40 we understand the character of God better, 04:42 we understand Him because he is speaking to us 04:46 through that and that's His character. 04:47 That's His character 04:48 and we are supposed to assimilate His character. 04:52 All right, so the first four commandments 04:55 deal with Love to God. 04:56 The last six commandments deal with love to our fellowman. 04:59 If we love our fellowman, we won't steal from him. 05:02 If we love our fellowman, we won't lie about him. 05:05 And it goes on. 05:06 Love to God, love to our fellowman. 05:09 And if we're supposed to be like God, 05:11 if we're supposed to be with God, 05:13 then we're supposed to be like God, 05:14 therefore I love God, and I love fellowman. 05:17 How do I demonstrate my love then to my fellowman? 05:20 By ministering to Him. 05:22 Let me tell you something, Ruthie. 05:24 There is no way that we can be like God 05:27 or be with God without doing God things. 05:31 By that I mean, and by the way, 05:32 I'm not talking about this being a matter of salvation. 05:36 I'm not talking about you have to do things to be saved 05:39 because we're saved-- that would never work, 05:41 we're saved by faith, grace in Christ. 05:44 All right. That's bottom-line. 05:46 We don't do things to be saved. 05:48 We do things because we are saved. 05:50 That's right. If we're saved individual, 05:52 automatically love bounces out of us in loving acts. 05:58 There is no way, and this is the first point 06:01 that I want to make. 06:02 There is no way that we're going to be with God 06:06 without doing things like God. 06:09 Therefore we have, we have a mission 06:14 to do what God would have us to do to reach out to others. 06:17 I want to make that very clear 06:19 because people wants to think that, okay, 06:22 all I have to do is accept Christ as my personal Savior. 06:25 And come to church, get baptized and that's it. 06:28 That is not it. 06:30 We have been saved to save. That's right. 06:32 We have a responsibility to reach... 06:34 That's just the beginning. 06:36 Beginning, it's the commencement. 06:38 We have been saved to save. 06:39 And so therefore, I have a responsibility 06:42 and God understands that. 06:44 And so when we go to our word, why do we need gifts? 06:47 Because God has a work for me to do. 06:49 That's right. All right. 06:50 Now I don't know how to do this work, 06:52 don't worry about doing it. 06:53 I will give you the gift that enables you 06:55 to be able to, isn't God good? 06:57 And he matches the gifts with our own personalities, 07:02 he gives us things that we are comfortable with. 07:05 He doesn't want us to stay in our comfort zone. 07:09 He wants us to move out of our comfort zone. 07:11 And depend on him, but he matches the gifts 07:15 with something that brings us fulfillment, 07:18 and satisfaction, and joy. 07:20 I want to tell you story about a friend of mine. 07:23 Something that happened this was Dr. Michael Hussle, 07:28 when he was 17, he had family living in Europe, 07:32 and so he went over there at 17 and got a summer job. 07:36 This was in Bern, Switzerland, 07:38 the capital of Switzerland and he said, 07:42 I got a job at the hotel 07:45 which is the most prestigious in that whole country. 07:49 It was right close to the parliament buildings, 07:52 and he said, if you looked at the title of my job, 07:54 it actually translated only meant shoe. 07:58 In other words he was a courier, he just delivered things. 08:02 But he got to wear a tuxedo, 08:04 and he said, I really felt at 17, 08:08 like I was having a fun summer job, 08:11 because he said, I even had a Swiss bank account. 08:18 And, but one of the first things that he discovered in this job 08:23 at the very hotel was that he had a supervisor 08:27 who could be a little overbearing. 08:30 And one-- in his first week there 08:32 he called him into his office, close the door. 08:35 He said, do you see that big stack of newspapers? 08:38 I want to you to carry them to all the guests 08:40 and then there will be about ten maybe left over. 08:44 He said I want you to give those to my friends 08:46 down in the food service department. 08:49 He said the chef expects this everyday 08:52 and his assistants and there are people there 08:55 that just they're my friends. 08:58 And I want you to be sure that they get that those newspapers. 09:02 Michael looked at him and he said sir, I can't do that. 09:06 I have just come from an orientation class 09:09 given by your superior, who told us do not ever 09:14 confuse the amenities that are intended 09:17 for the guests with the employees. 09:20 There is a big difference, the employees are paid, 09:24 the guests are given free amenities, don't confuse those. 09:29 So he said, I will not be able to deliver 09:31 these newspapers to your friends, I'm sorry. 09:34 Well, he looked at his boss, who was getting angrier at, 09:39 you know, every second. 09:41 You could see the veins sticking out on his neck, 09:44 he was just you know, ready to show Michael, who was boss. 09:50 And Michael took the newspapers, 09:52 smiled and walked out of the office. 09:54 He delivered the papers came back with a stack 09:57 and left them in the lobby. 09:59 So he knew, I mean, the boss knew 10:01 because he could see what he had done. 10:04 Next day the same thing happened, he said, 10:07 Michael, you disobeyed me deliberately, 10:10 I want you, you know, what you're supposed to do 10:13 with those newspapers. 10:14 Michael said, I know what you want me to do with them 10:16 but sir I can't do that. 10:18 I cannot do that. 10:21 I was told and I understand my job by your superior, 10:27 I can't do that. 10:28 He smiled he walked out, this happened Monday, 10:32 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, on Friday 10:37 he called him into his office again. 10:39 And he said Michael, be sure the door is closed. 10:45 He said, now I have a new position, 10:47 a new job for you to do today. 10:49 This afternoon I want you take this envelope put it 10:53 in the inside of your coat and walk across 10:58 the street to the hotel, to the bank. 11:01 He said it will have hundreds of 11:04 thousands of dollars equivalent in U.S. 11:08 And that is our deposit I want you to do that. 11:11 That's your job now every Friday. 11:13 He said, there was somebody from one of - 11:19 I think it's some place in Saudi Arabia, 11:21 who had come with his family 11:23 and some of the people on his staff 11:25 and they had rented a suite of rooms and he told Michael, 11:31 he said, this would be equivalent in your money. 11:35 He said they left this morning and they paid their bill. 11:38 The equivalent in your money would have been about $40,000. 11:43 And he said so the amount of money 11:46 that you've in this envelope is huge. 11:48 We're trusting you because I've discovered 11:51 that I can trust you. 11:52 Wow! I've discovered that you're honest and you've integrity. 11:58 I believe Roy, that, that is one of the gifts of God. 12:03 When you're being--when you've given him your life. 12:08 And you've said, Lord, I need you. 12:10 I need your Holy Spirit. 12:12 I need to be the kind of person that will reflect who you are. 12:17 And I just need to have you here with me, 12:21 to make me strong, to give me the strength. 12:24 One of the gifts, I believe that God gives 12:27 is strength of character, honesty, integrity. 12:31 Let me take it a step further, 12:32 I want to piggy back on that story. 12:37 Michael had valuables that he was to take it to the bank. 12:42 That's right. 12:44 The Bible says that we have this sacred treasure. 12:49 In earthen vessel. In earthen vessels. 12:51 Clay vessels. Now, watch this, watch this. 12:55 The sacred treasure is the good news 13:01 that goes to the world that tells people God loves you. 13:05 He demonstrated that love on Calvary. 13:08 Amen. And He wants you saved. 13:09 Now think about that, think about that. 13:14 These finite vessels of ours that are laced with sin 13:21 and we are so inadequate. 13:24 That there is no way, we could do this without Him. 13:27 So inconsistent. That's right. 13:29 So unreliable that He would trust us to carry 13:34 such a valuable and expensive mission. 13:39 A gift. I was reading another quote, 13:41 where it was said that God could have called angels, 13:47 true to the work of giving this message 13:50 and it would have been done years ago. 13:52 Sure. But he left. 13:53 And better. And better. 13:55 But left up to us faulty, finite, 14:01 sinful, messed up human beings 14:03 on such an expensive errand 14:07 that we fumble over, stumble over, refused to do. 14:11 We have a responsibility and it just blows my mind 14:15 how God with such a valuable treasure 14:19 of a message leaves it with us. 14:23 Amazing. It's amazing. 14:25 You know, there is another little story in Allegory. 14:30 That says this, when Jesus went back up to earth 14:34 after his resurrection, after the ascension 14:38 that we see take place in Acts 1. 14:41 The angels are there to greet him and to meet him 14:45 and they're saying, Jesus, what is your plan? 14:49 Now, you've given your life, 14:52 you've just done an amazing thing on earth, 14:55 but what is your plan just to carry on in your absence. 15:01 And Jesus smiles and says, I've got the disciples, 15:05 I've got the people. 15:07 And the angels say to him, what if they mess up? 15:11 And he says, I'm giving them gifts. 15:15 That's my plan, I have nothing else. 15:19 That's it. Isn't that something? 15:21 He trusts us. He trusts us. 15:23 And I believe he gives us experiences 15:26 like Michael, had at the hotel. 15:28 Because that's something tangible 15:32 and that is something that helps us to see the greater things, 15:37 the spiritual lessons that we can draw from this. 15:41 But Michael couldn't have even done that, 15:43 without the power of the Lord. 15:46 But I don't want us to miss the point 15:48 and this is what also blows my mind 15:50 is that God has commissioned us. 15:54 Yes. To tell it. Yes. 15:56 Matthew 28 verses 18, 19, 20, after Jesus, went up to heaven. 16:01 Just as he was ascending he says, 16:03 all power I'm going to give to you, 16:06 go, tell, baptize, that's what we're supposed to do. 16:11 So how can we do this thing? 16:12 I don't know how to preach? 16:14 I don't how to teach? I don't know anything? 16:16 And will give you a gift. That's right. 16:17 Now the one thing we don't miss. 16:19 Two things I don't want to miss. 16:22 Everybody has a responsibility to tell somebody about Jesus. 16:26 We may not be able to tell it in the same way. 16:29 We may not be able to use same vehicle. 16:31 But everybody has a responsibility. 16:33 That's why when you go to Ephesians 4, 16:36 it talks about how we have the various gifts, 16:38 not everybody is called to preach. 16:40 But there are some preachers, there are some teachers. 16:42 The gift of honesty, it goes on. 16:45 What we need to do now, Ruthie, 16:48 is ask God, okay now God, 16:49 after we become connected with him. 16:51 All right now, God, show me my gift. 16:56 That's right. That's right. 16:58 Show me my gift? 17:00 And then after he shows you, then empower me to use my gift. 17:05 I want to let you know, there was a statement made 17:07 that there will be no starless crowns in heaven. 17:10 I believe that. 17:11 Everybody's going to have to trust somebody. 17:13 That's right. 17:14 And you know, Roy, I have some friends 17:17 and you may know them too. 17:19 They're right here in the State of Illinois. 17:22 Rod and Donna Willey, he's a dentist, 17:25 but he's also a pastor because he started 17:28 giving Bible studies and then the, 17:32 he planted a church because of his Bible studies. 17:36 But the Lord led him to do something 17:40 that I think is inspired, tremendous idea. 17:44 When they baptized people and now they have a church 17:47 of about a hundred people. 17:49 And they have spawned other churches 17:51 and planted other churches. 17:53 But when they baptize someone 17:55 and someone wants to join the church. 17:58 He says, I'm going to ask you two questions. 18:01 One is why do you want to become a member of this church. 18:06 Do you love the Lord? Do you know the Lord? 18:09 Do you understand what it means to be his child? 18:12 And to be member of his body. 18:14 And the second question is what are you going to do for him? 18:20 What is the gift that you're going to give back to him? 18:24 Very important question. 18:25 He has given you gifts. 18:27 What gift of service and ministry 18:29 are you going to give back to him? 18:31 There was one woman her name was Robin, 18:35 she was baptized and she weighed 300 pounds 18:39 and she was in a wheelchair. 18:42 They said what gift are you going to the Lord. 18:45 What ministry is he calling you to do? 18:48 She said, I'm going to begin a community service center 18:52 because you aren't doing that here. 18:54 And they wondered they said, 18:56 this is impossible for you in your condition. 19:00 But she said watch me, she had been hospitalized 19:02 thirteen times the year before 19:04 because she really had some serious health issue. 19:07 But she got teenagers to help her, 19:09 they started a community health service. 19:12 They've had many baptisms because of that 19:15 and then her doctor came to Dr. Rod Willey, 19:18 the dentist and he said what are you teaching Robin, 19:21 changed her life. 19:22 She's lost a 100 pounds, she is healthy, she is happy. 19:26 I want to know what you are teaching her. 19:28 See how God's gifts snowball. Yes. 19:32 But something else we don't to miss, Ruthie. 19:35 Is that there are three integral parts to our spirituality. 19:41 There is prayer. There is a study of the word. 19:46 But it's also witnessing. That's right. 19:47 And they cannot be separated. That's right. 19:50 We can pray and we can study. But if we don't witness. 19:55 We're missing all, as a matter of fact, 19:57 if we don't witness, we're not growing. 20:00 When one exercises, he becomes stronger. 20:03 When you stop exercising, you become weaker. 20:06 And so what needs to happen is an exercise of our gift. 20:09 The mistake that many churches make is that 20:12 when people come into the church. 20:14 They sit, they don't do anything. 20:16 That's why I like what Dr. Willey is doing. 20:19 He is saying I want you know, 20:21 and when you have to think that through, 20:23 this is why I want to be a member 20:26 and this is what God is leading me to do. 20:28 I like that, I like that, I like that. 20:29 So what we do is that we make people spiritually weak 20:33 because we don't put them to work. 20:35 They don't actively involve themselves. 20:39 So they're not growing, they're not growing. 20:43 I was reading a quote in one of my favorite books. 20:46 It was entitled "The Desire of Ages" and the author says this. 20:50 When there is no active labor for others, watch this. 20:55 Love wanes, our love decreases 21:00 and our spirituality decreases as well. 21:02 So you're actually, if you're not exercising, 21:05 if you're not ministering, if you're not serving, 21:08 doing something for others. 21:09 You are depriving yourself of spiritual strength. 21:13 Exactly. As well as depriving others. 21:15 And let me tell you something else. 21:17 We're gonna be held accountable for what we could have done, 21:22 but failed to do. 21:23 Now God is not asking us to do some insurmountable thing. 21:27 He is asking us to do whatever He needs done 21:30 within our parameter of influence. 21:33 That's right, that's right. I believe that. 21:35 He doesn't ask us for more than our five loaves and two fish. 21:39 Exactly. 21:40 He doesn't ask you to give him something you don't have. 21:42 But use what you have. That's right. 21:43 The little boy only had five loaves, two fish, 21:45 that's what, that's all he had. 21:47 That's all God needed. That's right. 21:48 But it was multiplied. That's right. 21:50 And the more you use it. 21:52 The more becomes stronger and it multiplies. 21:55 I like the thought that we, He calls us to work 21:59 and we have to be diligent and faithful 22:02 as if it all depended on us. 22:04 Yes. But knowing that it all depends on Him. 22:08 That's what prayer goes. 22:09 You work as though everything depends on you 22:12 but you pray as though everything depends on him. 22:15 And you know, it really does. Yeah. 22:16 But let me tell you this. 22:17 The devil knows how important it is. 22:20 Once again I got to get back to that statement 22:23 about the sacred treasure in earthen vessels. 22:26 The devil knows how important it is to get this sacred treasure, 22:30 this Gospel of the good news out to others. 22:34 So what he does, 22:35 he tries in a variety of ways to float back. 22:38 And one of the things that he does to float 22:41 that is to put fear in hearts. 22:42 That's right. I'm afraid to witness. 22:45 I'm afraid to testify. I'm afraid to use my gift. 22:49 I've got to tell you something 22:50 because you have just given me a perfect opportunity. 22:55 And you'll like this. 22:57 A friend of mine who is a pastor in Tampa, 23:00 does all kinds of things to reach out 23:02 into the community and meet people. 23:04 And he said, so many times people come into his office 23:08 and they'll say, Pastor Steve, I'm afraid, I'm scared, 23:13 I just can't do this. 23:14 I am fearful. 23:16 And he says, I'm scared too. 23:18 Let's all go and be scared together. 23:21 But let's do it. Let's do it, let's do it. 23:24 So prayer. 23:27 First of all, if we recognize that we have a responsibility 23:30 to our neighbor that God has commissioned us to go. 23:34 That he has given us gifts to go. 23:37 We've a responsibility and he enables us. 23:41 Yes. He is with us. Yes. 23:43 And I like the quote from the same book, 23:45 Desire of Ages, that says angels rejoice 23:49 that they can use your lips. 23:50 Oh yes. Angels rejoice. 23:52 Yes. So you're not going alone. 23:53 Yes. And it's a privilege. 23:55 But now you put all that together now and then 23:58 the devil comes in with fear or doubt. 24:01 Just like Moses, when God told him to go to Pharaoh, 24:04 God, Moses said, I don't how to speak? 24:07 I don't know what to say? 24:09 I don't think that made God happy. 24:10 I don't think that made God happy, either. 24:12 He said well, you can have Aaron, but that's not plan A. 24:15 I want to use you. That's right. 24:16 I want to use you. 24:17 And you know, later, you look through the Book of Exodus, 24:21 the Lord gave Moses a backbone. 24:25 He gave-- Because you don't see, 24:27 you don't read any big speeches being made by Aaron. 24:30 That's right. Moses is the spokesperson. 24:32 Moses is the one that steps forward. That's right. 24:35 And I think he is the one who was the leader 24:37 that God ordained and appointed. 24:39 But let me show you, 24:40 let me show you the other prayer thing now. 24:42 Once we realized our responsibility. 24:44 Once we understand our venerability 24:47 and our inability to do what God has commissioned us 24:50 to do to save others, then we go to our knees and pray. 24:55 We go to our knees and praise him, my Lord. 24:58 I'm like a little child, I don't how to go out or come in. 25:03 I don't how to do this stuff. 25:04 But I know that you want me to do it. 25:07 And the love that I have in my heart. 25:09 I want to go and help others but you have to help me. 25:12 Yes. And as we pray this, I guarantee you, 25:15 if you pray this prayer sincerely. 25:16 I got to say this too. 25:19 I teach a seminar on the Lord's prayer, 25:21 and part of the seminar when I get, 25:24 deal with, give us this day our daily bread. 25:27 We should be asking for bread to give to others. 25:30 Yes. All right. 25:31 Now, I tell my participants this. 25:34 I dare you to ask the Lord. 25:36 Lord, show me who You want me to witness today. 25:40 Send someone my way. Yes. 25:42 I dare you to pray that prayer. You know, why? 25:45 Because invariably if you ask God to send somebody 25:48 your way who needs your mission 25:50 and your witness, he'll do it. 25:52 He will. Every time. He will. 25:54 Now Roy, I want to ask you a personal question. 25:57 Yes, Ma'am. I want to ask you a question. 25:59 We've been talking about giftedness, 26:03 it's His nature to give and His glory to bless. 26:08 What gifts has God given you that you can identify 26:14 and know that those are gifts from the Holy Spirit. 26:18 One gift that comes to my mind is the gift of teaching. 26:21 Yes. I love to teach. 26:23 And I've seen that here today. 26:26 You're teaching us all, that's a gift. 26:28 Another gift is the gift of preaching. Yes. 26:30 Oh, I love to preach. You're a good preacher. 26:32 I've heard you preach. You never heard me preach? 26:35 I did. I did. 26:36 You heard me preach? I did. 26:38 You preached at the prayer retreat 26:41 we had down in Mississippi. 26:43 Did I preach there? Oh, you preached. I tell you. 26:46 And that was just a seminar. 26:47 Oh, you were preaching up a storm. 26:50 I tell you, it was good. 26:52 Another gift is the gift of administration. 26:54 Organizing. I like organizing. 26:56 You're, yes, you're organized. I try to do that. 26:58 And the list goes on. 27:00 But here is the ultimate thing would be, 27:02 here's the ultimate thing. 27:04 The ultimate thing is that with the gifts that God has given us, 27:10 ultimately it goes back to God. That's right. 27:13 He wants us to use our gifts for his honor and glory. Amen. 27:17 So all of the things that I just enumerated to you. 27:20 If I'm able to preach, if I'm able to teach, 27:23 if I'm able to administrate, whatever that maybe, 27:26 I give it all back to him. 27:28 Amen. Amen. 27:30 Well, Roy, it has been so good to have you here. 27:33 My pleasure, my pleasure. Thank you for being here. 27:35 And I want to say, it's been good to be with you too. 27:38 And it's true. 27:39 When use your gifts, God surprises you, 27:43 he gives you such joy and such excitement, 27:46 and everyday is a new fulfillment 27:49 of the out working of his Holy Spirit. 27:52 Because his, he tells you, I've plans and they're good. 27:56 A woman in California tells us that she goes out everyday 27:59 and her life has become so full and so exciting. 28:03 So I just want to challenge you, pray, ask the Lord, 28:06 show me my gifts and use me. 28:08 God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17