Participants: Ruthie Jacobsen (Host), Kelly Veilleux
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000386
00:01 Hello and welcome to Issues & Answers.
00:04 You know, sometimes we humans 00:06 have issues don't we, huge issues. 00:09 You might feel sometimes like you are 00:12 in a deep valley or on a dry desert. 00:14 Today, we're gonna talk about where to go for answers. 00:18 We will be right back. 00:43 Welcome back. Today, we want to talk about 00:47 where you go for answers. Where do you go? 00:50 I think the most powerful, the most; 00:53 the greatest privilege in our life is to go to 00:57 God's word that is the one thing that will 00:59 never change. We find out who we are, 01:02 and who he is and what his plan is for us? 01:06 There is a wonderful prayer in this book, 01:09 praying God's word by Beth Moore. 01:12 The little prayer is based on John 15:9 listen to this. 01:17 LORD GOD, help me not only to fully accept how much 01:21 you love me, but help me to abide in your love! 01:26 That's the answer, isn't it? To find out that 01:29 we're loved by almighty God and that we can 01:33 abide in his love. We can walk with him. 01:36 We can talk to him. We can listen to him to his word 01:40 I have a special guest today. My dear friend, 01:44 Kelly Veilleux, she is from Waterville, Maine. 01:49 And she is doing some exciting and wonderful things 01:53 in prayer ministries for that part of 01:56 Northern New England, so welcome Kelly. 02:00 Thank you. It's really good to have you. 02:01 Thank you. You have been working in-prayer ministries, 02:05 helping people to find answers, helping people 02:08 to connect with God. Sometimes you know when I travel 02:12 and maybe this happens to you too, sometimes people 02:15 will say to me. Ruthie, I don't feel like I really 02:19 know how to pray. And if you don't feel comfortable 02:23 in praying, you probably don't do it as much. 02:26 We don't do what we don't feel comfortable with. 02:30 Have you found that too? 02:33 I sure have and I really appreciate that verse you 02:36 started this off with because I really think it 02:38 it goes back to the whole abiding me principle. Yes 02:41 Many times when I get ask that question, I will share 02:45 some my, some thoughts about devotional life and the 02:48 importance of getting to know, who he is? 02:50 who he is? And, and once we do, we find that our 02:52 prayer just takes on that conversation. 02:54 Yes, it's a relationship. 02:56 Just like you and I talk, exactly. 02:57 A relationship. And, and that's I think 02:59 the whole you know, the whole emphasis behind prayer 03:02 is to just have that abiding, abiding principle 03:05 in our lives and then when we go to him 03:08 and talk to him, it's just like talking to a friend. 03:10 That's right, and prayer isn't something phony, 03:13 it isn't something that you have to conjure up; 03:16 it isn't something that you have to work on, 03:19 it's something that is based on a relationship 03:23 and a faith relationship. I have to tell you Kelly, 03:28 something that really helped me to understand 03:30 that even more. Most Christians today know 03:34 who Dr. Henry Blackaby is and many do. 03:37 He wrote the book Experiencing God and he 03:41 really has led probably millions of people into a 03:45 deeper prayer life. He was speaking one day, 03:49 he said to a group of CEO's, administrators 03:53 of corporations and he tried to help them to see. 03:56 In fact he said, don't leave your home, don't; 04:00 don't begin your day without spending enough time 04:03 with God, almighty God so that he can strengthen you, 04:08 he can show you who you are? He can give you the 04:10 purpose and plans for your day. Then you're ready 04:14 because you know he is with you and he will give you 04:17 wisdom as he has promised. After it was all over, 04:20 one of the young CEO's came up to him and he said, 04:24 well Dr. Blackaby obviously you have no idea, 04:29 how busy I am. I mean asking me to do that 04:33 kind of thing, my day is already too full. 04:36 And Dr. Henry Blackaby smiled and he said, 04:40 obviously you don't understand who it is 04:43 you meeting with. Amen, yes. 04:45 What a privilege to meet with the sovereign 04:48 God of the universe. Amen. 04:50 We can't afford to pass that up. Amen. 04:53 We can't afford it. And to know that he wants to meet 04:56 with us, he is longing to me with us. 04:58 That's right. I know when I first started my journey 05:01 into having a devotional life, it was like, 05:06 he was just drawing me there in the mornings. 05:09 That's right. And, and I too had a busy life 05:11 and I often, in the beginning I would wonder how 05:14 am I gonna find time for the devotional time, 05:17 but it soon became very clear. 05:19 And you don't, if you put it on top. 05:20 Exactly, that's right. If you just fit it in 05:22 after everything else is done. You never have time 05:25 because the enemy himself will keep you busy. 05:28 He, he trembles when we pray. 05:30 That's right, that's right. And I think we should 05:32 giving the best of the day anyway, which for me 05:35 is always the beginning. 05:36 That's right, that's right. 05:37 So, I learned early onto get up and spend those early 05:40 those first quite moments. The first hour or two 05:43 of the day to give that to the Lord 05:46 and what a difference it makes, when we do that. 05:48 Changes everything. Amen. 05:50 And you know, Kelly out of that that time spent 05:53 with the Lord he has led you into a ministry, 05:58 prayer ministries for the Northern New England 06:01 Conference and it's grown farther than that conference. 06:04 Now, you're leading in three big areas of the 06:10 East Coast of all of North America. 06:13 And, and God himself enlarges our territory. 06:18 Yes, he does. But tell me, when you first started 06:21 working in prayer ministries what, were there some 06:25 changes in your own life in your perspective? 06:28 How, how did this affect your life? 06:30 Well, there was big changes in my life 06:32 in the beginning Ruthie because I have been a 06:36 Christian my whole life, but there was just something 06:41 missing. And one day, number of years ago 06:44 I came home from church one afternoon and I just said, 06:47 Lord you know, if this is as good as to gets. 06:49 I just don't want to do this anymore. 06:52 There is got to be something more to this. 06:54 Something missing. Something was missing. 06:55 And the Lord knew that I was getting close 06:58 to that point of my life and, and so he had set 07:01 into motion, the plan you know, how he 07:03 does that for us. And he had prompted my mother 07:06 to send me a book titled, 07:07 Let Prayer Change Your Life. And you know, 07:10 I, I had the usual few moments of prayer 07:13 particularly before, I would send my son off to school 07:17 or maybe over a meal, there is something 07:18 but to really have a prayer life, 07:20 didn't even know there was such a thing and so, 07:23 And goes back to what we were saying before, 07:25 it's a relationship that you can't live without. 07:27 That's right. And you were getting to a place 07:29 where you felt hopeless without it, 07:32 that's right, and somebody said, really the place 07:35 of hopelessness is a great place to come to because 07:39 you realize, I don't have this hope in myself. 07:42 That's right. I have to find it. 07:44 That's right, and so that's kind of, what changed 07:47 for me was when the Lord prompted me to go 07:49 pick up that book, I had had it there on my desk 07:51 for several months since the time that my mother 07:54 had sent it to, to me, but had no interest 07:56 in really reading that. The title didn't catch my eye 07:58 until that day, when I cried out to the Lord 08:01 and said that that you know this; there is got to be 08:03 something more of this. And so he prompted me 08:06 to go pick that book up and it was just 08:08 wonderful that afternoon. I, I went through that book 08:10 in over halfway through the author 08:12 who is Becky Tirabassi, have you; I don't know, 08:15 if you've read any of her stuff but, 08:16 Umm! Umm! Tirabassi, she is a good friend. 08:17 She just, Oh! She writes great on the 08:18 subject of prayer. And she throws out the challenge 08:21 just spend an hour a day with the Lord. 08:23 Yes. And, I wasn't sure, how I was gonna 08:25 make that work, but the Lord prompted me to 08:28 to finally after 2-3 mornings of me expecting him 08:32 to wake me up and get me up earlier. 08:34 Then he prompted me to set my alarm 08:36 and get up earlier, if I really wanted to come there. 08:38 We have some responsibilities, here too. 08:40 That's right, exactly and that's, that's kind of how 08:42 we do all started. So, I literally went from 08:44 0-60 Ruthie in that first, first week of having, 08:48 that's wonderful, that relationship with the Lord. 08:50 And it took sometime to get comfortable 08:53 in that relationship and to, to recognize that 08:56 that hour of the morning is truly 08:58 the hour of power and I can't imagine living without 09:01 and soon you find that an hour is not enough. 09:03 That's right. That goes by so quickly. 09:05 That's right, and you know, Becky Tirabassi 09:07 came to Oregon when we were out there and she spoke 09:10 for a women's retreat. She has such an authentic 09:14 powerful story. When she was 15, she was a 09:18 she was a hopeless alcoholic. And she finally 09:22 got to the place where she said, 09:23 I can't live like this, I cannot live like this. 09:27 And then remember she went into this church 09:29 and she found a janitor who prayed with her. 09:34 Amen. And from that time on her life was turned 09:38 over to the Lord. And it's such a, 09:41 a powerful testimony of what faith does 09:45 and what God does, amen 09:46 to meet the faith asides of a mustard seed. 09:50 Yes. So, you were growing. 09:52 Yeah. Tell me what happened after that? 09:54 So, I was growing you know, in this, 09:56 in this prayer time with the Lord and not realizing 09:59 that a lot of people around me were also void 10:03 of having that prayer time. And I really think that 10:06 collectively you know, maybe this is why and, 10:09 in so many circles we move forward in our power 10:12 rather than in the power and the strength of the Lord. 10:14 Because we're not plugged in the morning, 10:17 and so we depend on what we can do. 10:19 We should do, don't we. And there is so much 10:22 more that God wants to do for us, if we first plug in 10:24 and let him, and let him become in the driver seat, 10:28 that's right, rather than us. That's right. 10:29 So, those, those first few months were 10:32 a real journey of, of learning to self aside 10:36 and let him be in charge. And then took me through 10:39 quite of journey of overcoming, a lot of things 10:41 in my life. You know, when we learned 10:43 to put self aside and let him be an in charge. 10:46 And, and so that was kind of. 10:48 It's a daily thing, isn't it? 10:49 It sure is and still worse. 10:51 Sure. Still worse even, even years later, 10:54 we're still dealing with things. 10:55 But Kelly, don't you believe that at this point 10:59 in your life when you were finding the joy. 11:01 And the excitement of actually meeting with God 11:05 that he was going to come and be there with you 11:08 when you were praying and, and listening to him, 11:12 speak to you from his word. Don't you think that 11:14 he was giving you kind of an open heart and 11:18 opening your eyes to see; hey I'm not the only one. 11:21 here are other people who are struggling 11:24 and who are needing what God is showing me. 11:27 Yes, that's good. 11:28 So, how did you, how did you get to the next step. 11:31 Well, I started looking for other people 11:35 that wanted to pray. And, and the Lord had a 11:39 wonderful woman in our conference at the time 11:42 Shirley Charlestream who was, who was a prayer leader 11:45 at the time. And, and so every opportunity that I had 11:48 I would go to Shirley and some of the other lady, 11:51 ladies were doing things on prayer. 11:53 And I, I say ladies, but praise the Lord. 11:55 Now, there is, there is many men 11:56 that are involved in prayer ministries. 11:58 That's true, that's true. 11:59 Well, back then it seem to be mostly the ladies. 12:00 But the Lord uses people to come along side. 12:04 Yes. And to coach, and, and now you're doing that. 12:08 Now, you're a mentor for other prayer coordinators 12:13 and pastors and people who want to walk deeper. 12:17 Amen. With the Lord. 12:18 That's right. That's exciting. 12:19 And that's exactly what it is, a desire to walk 12:21 deeper, to live deeper with the Lord. 12:24 What, what was one of the most exciting things 12:27 that you did early on in this discovery? 12:31 Well, I went to Camp Meeting and when I noticed 12:38 on the schedule that they were doing prayer works 12:39 and I had never heard of such you're saying. 12:41 So, curiosity I got up early that one morning 12:43 and went and took part in the prayer work 12:46 that surely led there on the campus. 12:48 And I just fell in love with that concept of praying 12:52 on side with inside. And I could, I just saw 12:55 the benefits that there was in prayer working and. 12:58 And, so you were inviting God. 13:00 Yes. To come into that under the grounds 13:02 at the camp ground and just do something special 13:05 for the people who were coming there for a blessing. 13:08 Yes, and, and he sure did. He answered our prayer 13:11 in big ways that here I was actually 13:14 attending the meetings that were in the youth chapel. 13:17 And the speaker was talking with the young people 13:20 about all kinds of purity issues and sharing 13:23 her own testimony and that was just powerful 13:24 and it really touched my life. And I didn't realize 13:27 at the time that there were issues that the Lord 13:30 really wanted to do with in my life. 13:31 And now through the course of that week, 13:33 some deep healing in my own heart really 13:37 started taking place and by the end of. 13:39 That's the God good. 13:40 He is so good. He always knows what we need. 13:41 And by the end of that week, when she prayed her 13:44 closing prayer the last Sabbath of Camp Meeting, 13:46 there was truly that mighty rushing wind 13:50 that we read about in Acts 13:52 that came through that building. 13:53 And the Lord just really reached down 13:55 and heeled some, some deep wounds in my soul. 13:59 And from that moment forward I could just sense 14:02 that the Holy Spirit had done something different 14:04 and had empowered me for something different 14:07 that was yet ahead. That was exciting. 14:09 That is wonderful Kelly and the beautiful thing 14:12 of that is, when the Holy Spirit comes in 14:15 and blesses you there is always healing, 14:18 there is always deep hope, 14:20 but the main purpose I believe is from ministry. 14:25 Amen. Because he says, alright, 14:27 I want to make you hope, but it's for other people. 14:31 Yes. Because there are others out there, 14:33 who are just like you were? 14:36 And, and you may not feel like you're perfect 14:39 and you're not, but just walk with me, 14:42 me, keep your eyes on me. Amen. 14:44 And I will use you. That's right. 14:45 To help other people. And, and God 14:48 gave you a real desire and ability to work with kids 14:52 teenagers, young people, isn't that right? 14:55 Umm! Umm! Yeah that was some probably 14:57 about two years into I actually working 15:00 with Women's Ministries first in my conference 15:02 and then beginning into prayer ministries 15:03 that we had situation that happened at Camp Meeting. 15:08 And we just felt that somehow we needed to 15:11 invite those kids to a deeper level of prayer 15:14 there had been some youth prayer ministries happening 15:16 but we felt that we needed something deeper. 15:19 And so four five adults and myself 15:21 we went into a circle of prayer 15:23 and that was from that circle 15:25 that the Lord inspired us with a vision to begin a 15:29 team prayer ministry in our conference 15:31 that later took on the name extreme teams. 15:35 And we did that for, for about six years, 15:38 the kids now mostly all in college and graduating. 15:42 Finding to see. And so see how that, 15:44 how it impacted their lives, 15:46 but we had a lot of really nice experiences 15:48 and saw the Lord really moving through 15:50 those young people. And kids love to pray. 15:52 They do. It's a beautiful experience to watch 15:54 how the teenagers it's really take hold 15:58 of the vision of, of prayer 16:00 and applying the promises. 16:01 They do, I remember Oh! Many years ago, 16:05 we were having a Team Prayer Conference in Oklahoma 16:07 and Peter Neary was leading out. 16:10 We had a big group of young people. 16:13 I remember walking into this room seeing big circles. 16:17 And these kids were standing in, in circles 16:20 with their arms around each other praying, 16:22 but they were praying for their parents. 16:24 They were praying for their pastors, 16:26 they were praying for their teachers, 16:28 praying for one another. And they were singing 16:31 and using scripture it was just a powerful place. 16:35 Amen. God was there, and he was just listening and 16:39 and, and teaching those kids. Amen 16:41 How do we, how to pray, 16:42 how to have a relationship with him. 16:43 That's right, and to watch them 16:45 develop their testimonies. Yes. 16:47 And to sermons. Yeah. 16:48 We did a lot of that, and it was just so exciting 16:50 to watch them realize that God had done something 16:54 in their lives. And that they had a story to tell. 16:56 Something to share. Yeah. 16:58 And he opened many doors for us to take those kids 17:00 all over the country, different places 17:03 to be able to share their testimonies 17:04 and it was a powerful experience. 17:06 More than once, we had to say, 17:08 okay kids tomorrow morning is going to come soon 17:11 and you really need to get some rest. 17:13 They pray by the hour. Yes. 17:15 They'll pray in hour, two or more because the prayers 17:20 are short and they will pray by themes. 17:23 One prayer will remind somebody else you know, 17:26 that Oh! I need to pray for so and so. 17:28 And then they will pray for that or somebody 17:31 will start prayers of thanksgiving. 17:33 And everything will think of things to pray 17:36 to thank the Lord for something. 17:38 And then they will sing those songs, 17:40 their quote scripture. And so it's never boring. 17:44 It's always powerful. Amen. 17:47 And the kids just love it. 17:48 And you know, the one part aspect of it that 17:51 I probably enjoy the most confession. 17:53 Yes. Those kids are so honest. 17:55 Real. And real, and they, they truly recognize 17:59 the importance of confession and repentance. 18:02 Yes. You know, on their knees before the Lord. 18:04 Yes. We just had some powerful times of 18:06 watching, how the Lord changed their lives 18:08 because they were willing to be real. 18:09 I'm glad you mentioned that Kelly because really 18:13 the Lord says to David in the Psalms 18:17 that if we have inequity, known inequity 18:19 in our hearts. He can't hear. Yes 18:22 So, we have to take that to him. 18:24 And he is eager to forgive and cleanse. Amen 18:27 And then he empowers then you can go out. 18:30 That's right. In your prayer, but that's an important 18:33 first part of the prayer time. Amen. 18:36 So, where did you go from, 18:39 how did you help the kids develop their story? 18:40 Well, just the simple basics of a testimony, 18:43 how was I before? The Lord got a hold of me 18:46 how did that impact to my life then how was a, 18:50 how am I different now? And just you know, 18:52 developed their stories really just from that. 18:55 And the Lord opened the doors for us to go to 18:59 several academies. So, remember one we went to 19:01 out in the North West that I took a group of kids out. 19:03 What's an academy? 19:05 An academy, it is a boarding school, high school. 19:09 High school. Yeah, so it was teenagers. 19:11 So, their own age group of teenagers 19:13 and they went out and did all the speaking 19:15 and we teamed up with another small group of teenagers 19:19 from that academy, who were also working in prayer 19:21 ministries. And together these kids just put on 19:25 a powerful program and Saturday night 19:27 as we were 24-hours of so into the program 19:31 you know, usually takes about that long 19:32 for the affects to really begin to, to become visible, 19:36 but that night as they were sharing the testimonies, 19:40 one; one young girl, who had really had some 19:44 terrible issues at home that she had been dealing 19:48 with some sexual abuse issues and some other things 19:50 like that that the Lord had brought her 19:52 some healing on. And she was sharing that with the kids. 19:55 And of course we knew that there were others 19:57 that were there, that were wrestling 19:58 with similar situation. Same similar situation. 20:00 And, and so, as she shared a testimony it just soften 20:04 the hearts and as the spirit began to move, 20:06 there were many that came forward that night 20:09 for special prayer. And we were long. 20:11 And for healing. And for healing 20:13 and that's exactly what he did because we were 20:14 long into the night, praying and, and helping our kids 20:19 pray for those kids that was, that was 20:21 the awesome part of it. And there was one experience 20:24 where this young, young man. I think she was a 20:27 junior maybe in high school, name was Kay. 20:29 And as Kay came forward to share her testimony 20:32 she had been really dealing with a lot of abuse 20:35 from her past. And stemming from that 20:38 was also some demonic depression that was 20:42 even happening right there in her dorm room 20:44 and she shared a lot of that and asked that the Lord 20:48 would make her whole and that was the exciting part. 20:51 It was that he desired to make her whole 20:52 and it gave our kids an opportunity to pray 20:55 into a situation that they had never done before. 20:58 Wow! But it was a blessing; of course 21:00 we had a pastor there with us, who helped 21:02 to lead it. And it was just a wonderful experiences 21:04 we saw her, be set free. 21:06 And she, her whole appearance changed 21:08 and the kids noticed that, that the next day 21:10 she just didn't even look like the same person. 21:12 Wow! It was beautiful. 21:14 But you know, these children, 21:16 these young people are changed forever. 21:18 Yes, when they see God reach into a life. 21:21 And they, they know this is the real deal. 21:24 That's right. This is real, 21:26 and don't you think that people everywhere today 21:29 want to see that this is, there is something 21:33 that they can get a hold off, 21:35 something they can believe and trust. 21:38 Yes, they do. And something that works, 21:40 It's not the prayer we worship prayer, 21:43 we worship God. Amen. 21:44 Because he is listening. That's right. 21:46 That is such an exciting thing. Amen, amen. 21:49 Kelly, I would like to ask you to just pray 21:52 a short prayer for the people who maybe 21:55 viewing right now. Who may say Lord 21:58 I could use some healing deep in my life. 22:01 I want to know you better, I want to enjoy prayer, 22:05 I want to listen to you, speak to me from your word 22:09 There is somebody I'm sure that could be blessed 22:13 by a special prayer for him or for her. 22:16 Amen, amen. Would you do that? 22:17 Father in heaven, we thank you that we have the 22:20 privilege of calling you father that you love us 22:22 as your children. And that you desire healing 22:25 in the innermost part of our beings. 22:27 And so Lord today I would like to just lift up to you, 22:31 those that are watching this program right now, 22:33 Lord you know, that special someone that has 22:37 bowed their head before you right now. 22:39 Who is desiring healing in their life? Amen. 22:41 What, whatever their issue maybe we know that you 22:43 know the details. And so we lift them up to you today. 22:46 We asked that you will go in and do what only 22:48 you can do because you're God that is faithful. 22:50 There is many promises in your word and as we think 22:53 about you being our great heeler, the physician, 22:56 the one who takes care of all of our needs, 22:58 we just release these folks to you today 23:00 that your will, will be done that, that they will 23:03 allow you to come in and abide in them 23:05 and that they will abide in you. 23:07 And we give you all the glory for what 23:09 you're doing in Jesus name, amen. 23:11 Amen, thank you Kelly and you know, 23:14 part of, of this is receiving the healing. 23:18 Yes. Receiving it, and then you realize it's not based 23:23 on how I feel. I mean I make still feel crummy 23:26 about something that happened to me in the past, 23:28 but God says, don't go there I've healed you. 23:33 I've made you hold off. Amen. 23:36 And God will walk with you and keep healing. 23:38 And then using you for other people. 23:41 That's right, amen. 23:42 It's just an amazing and wonderful, wonderful privilege 23:46 And then I believe when you have been blessed. 23:49 We have a responsibility to help someone else. 23:52 That's right, amen. I think that's one of the biggest 23:55 reasons why he gives us healing. And so that. 23:57 hat's right. We can become a tool. That's right. 23:59 And instrument in his hands to help someone else. 24:01 I have one of the ladies that's a member 24:04 of my prayer team that had a beautiful 24:06 healing experience at one of our prairie treats. 24:09 We do two prairie treats a year. 24:10 I know, it's wonderful, that's right. 24:13 We probably talk about that a little later, but. 24:14 Yes I hope so. 24:15 She had an opportunity to come forward and, 24:18 and be healed in just a very dramatic way 24:20 at our prairie treat. Emotional healing, 24:22 but also there was some physical healing 24:24 that needed to take place and the two 24:25 were really related. And as the Lord helped her 24:28 to deal with some of the emotional baggage 24:31 from her past she was also healed on the physical side 24:34 as well and it was just a real exciting to watch that 24:36 but it's interesting that, she does have to maintain 24:40 that it's kind a like what you said, 24:42 we have to hang on to that and a lot of 24:44 that is by helping someone else. 24:46 Yes. By sharing her story. 24:47 Yes, yes. By not allowing some of those issues 24:50 of angriness or bitterness, or things that she was 24:52 dealing with to comeback in and steal that joy again 24:56 and as long as she maintains that joy 24:57 and that connectedness with Jesus. 24:59 She walks, she walks in the healing, isn't that awesome? 25:03 I, I really believe that Kelly. And I think 25:05 it's important too to have a spirit of gratitude. Amen. 25:10 Thanksgiving because it makes you realize 25:13 that is true, that really, really happened. Amen. 25:17 And, and God works the same yesterday, 25:20 today and forever. Amen. 25:22 There is a wonderful song that says, you will, 25:26 I will trust you for tomorrow 25:28 because you were faithful yesterday. Amen. 25:31 See God speaks to the reality of the relationship. 25:36 We had a wonderful experience in Virginia 25:39 just last week. I was there for Camp Meeting. 25:42 And in case anyone doesn't know what a Camp Meeting is. 25:46 It's a large convocation where people come together 25:49 from many churches in a state or a couple of states. 25:52 For several days and many of them bring RV's 25:56 and or sometimes they've tents. 25:59 And they just have meetings all day long and seminars 26:04 and times to worship and enjoy good Christian music. 26:07 Well, after the 7 O' clock in the morning, 26:10 our first service a lady came and she said, 26:14 I have been having, she her job on the camp ground 26:18 was to clean all the rest rooms. 26:20 She said I'm the bathroom lady, but she said, 26:24 my arthritis is so bad that I can't get around. 26:28 And the ground was wet and she had very 26:31 a lot of real difficulty. She was trying to get around 26:34 with a walker and it was very, very difficult. 26:37 And she said I'm in severe extreme pain. 26:40 So, I just need to have you pray for me. 26:43 So, there were a group of 7 or 8 of us, 26:45 who gathered around and we anointed her with oil 26:48 as it's we're told to do in James 26:52 and we had a prayer for her. 26:56 And then I went from there to my class that 27:00 I was teaching about halfway through the class, 27:02 the door opened, in walk join no, no walker. 27:07 All smiles, she sat down and she said, 27:11 I don't want to interrupt, but I just think 27:13 you ought to know what happened. 27:15 She said, after that prayer 27:16 and anointing God touched my life. Amen. 27:19 And now I can, I can go, I'm pain free. 27:22 She walked across the classroom of a couple times. 27:24 She said, look at this, I'm having no pain. Amen. 27:27 So, she said I just thought the Lord wanted to me 27:29 to become and tell you, how good he is? 27:31 Praise the Lord. So, we, we did, we just, we stopped 27:35 and we're saying the doxology. Umm! Umm! 27:37 And we had a prayer of thanksgiving. 27:40 Well, Kelly our time has gone by so fast, 27:43 but you know, I get it so excited remembering, 27:46 what God has done. And I know that 27:50 because he was faithful yesterday. 27:52 We can trust him for tomorrow. Amen. 27:55 I just want to say to you, thank you, so much 27:58 for joining us. I hope that there has been something 28:01 here that is reminded you of the way that God 28:04 has blessed in your life. 28:05 So, thank you, for joining us 28:08 and we will see you again next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17