Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jennifer Jill Schwirzer
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000382
00:01 Hi, are you like me, you know, you want exercise
00:03 more. May be eat healthier and spend more 00:06 time in the word of God, but you just can't 00:09 seem to get motivated. Well join us today for 00:12 Issues & Answer, because today. We're gonna be 00:15 talking about, how to get 00:17 that proper motivation going. 00:45 Hi, I'm Shelly Quinn and we're so glad that you're 00:47 joining us today for Issues & Answers. 00:49 We're gonna be talking about getting motivated 00:52 and I'm like to share one of my favorite scriptures 00:55 with you, because somehow I think this surprise 00:57 in Ephesians 2:10 Paul write and says, 01:01 for we that you and me are His workmanship, 01:06 God's handy work. His work of art, created in 01:11 Christ Jesus for Good works, which God prepared 01:15 before hand that we should walk in them, 01:19 and you know, we all know that they are certain 01:22 good works and good things, that we're be 01:24 doing and sometimes we sit around and say. 01:27 I just don't feel motivated, but today 01:30 we've a very special guest. She's going to 01:33 tell us, how to over come this and her name is 01:36 Jennifer Jill Schwirzer. Jennifer, we're so glad 01:39 that you're here and I know that you've a 01:43 Masters in Human Services and you're a certified 01:46 Christian counselor. Aren't you? 01:48 Umm! Umm! And we're so glad that 01:50 you've come today to talk us about that. 01:52 Great to be here, I'm really excited. 01:53 I wanna ask you a little bit about your ministry, tell us. 01:56 Tell us about yourself. Okay, well I started 01:59 out doing a lot of, I mean musician, 02:01 I did lot's of singing then I got into 02:03 writing and presenting seminars do that for many 02:05 years and then finally, that's a second half in 02:07 my life career decided to get into counseling. 02:10 So, I went back to graduate school got them 02:12 answers and counseling and I've a counseling 02:14 practice on top of all that other stuff. 02:16 That's wonderful do, why did you choose 02:19 getting motivated. 02:20 Well, I've see that it's a common clinical 02:23 presentation a lot of people come to counseling 02:26 and need to get motivated. They just 02:28 can't seem to get themselves, you know, 02:31 off their chair and into action so. 02:33 It's a common presentation. 02:35 Do you have a definition for motivation? 02:37 Well, we're gonna get into that. 02:38 Okay. But, I wanted to say 02:40 that. You know, I see a lot of people coming in 02:42 and usually it has to with things like, 02:45 needing to change their diet. They no, they need 02:47 to eat healthier or they no need to exercise. 02:50 Often time's people have a difficult time getting 02:52 motivated to clean their house. Sometimes it's 02:55 religious devotions; people want to be close 02:57 being God. They wanna have a spiritual 02:58 experience, but they can't seem to get 03:00 themselves to self discipline enough to get 03:03 up early in the morning and spend that hour with 03:05 God and so these kinds of things are very 03:08 common motivation issues and so, we really had 03:11 to kind of sort through. You know, what's going 03:13 on their in minds and try to find something that 03:16 works for them so. I thought that, 03:18 we could talk about it. 03:19 I think it's wonderful. Yeah. 03:20 Because I know, I can identify with that. 03:22 There are times that, you go through a time in 03:26 your life where you're exercising regularly. 03:28 You feel really wonderful what you are. 03:31 Umm! And then something 03:33 breaks the rhythm that you've going. 03:35 Yeah. And it's so hard to 03:37 get going again, even .though you start feeling 03:39 poorly. That's right. 03:40 And you think well, I know if just getup and 03:43 exercise. Umm! Umm! 03:44 I feel better, but it is interesting how we can 03:47 sometimes not have the discipline. 03:49 We need to getup and get going. 03:51 You've it one period and then you fall away and 03:53 then you need to get backup and going. 03:55 But you just can't seem to get there. 03:56 Amen. But the reality is it 03:58 everybody is motivated, whether people think 04:01 they're motivated or not everybody is motivated to 04:04 do something and what we say in psychology is 04:06 all behaviors operative. There is something we are 04:09 trying to achieve in all behavior, either avoiding 04:13 something that we don't like or getting something. 04:16 We do like all behavior is really pretty much 04:19 motivational so. People that say, they're not 04:21 motivated really are motivated, but they're 04:24 motivated to do things like eat lot of junk food 04:26 or sit in front of the TV and watch TV or 04:30 you know avoid something unpleasant or difficult. 04:33 I don't like working out a conflict in 04:35 relationship, they're really motivate to avoid that you know. 04:38 So, you know, I used the terminology, 04:42 that motivation means it's a motive for 04:45 actions. That's right. 04:46 And basically, at this point, if I don't wanted 04:50 to get out and exercise or say I'm not 04:52 motivated to exercise, that's true, my motive 04:54 for the action of staying in my chair, 04:57 if you will, that's right, is because I am willing 05:00 avoid the strain of the work, that's right, 05:02 maybe just sweating, that's right, and sore 05:04 muscles. That's right, so you're 05:06 motivated to do something. 05:07 You're motivated to avoid exercising. 05:09 Okay. So, motivation is 05:11 always a work. The way we say it in 05:13 Psychobabble is all behaviors operative. 05:16 There is something we're trying to get out of that 05:19 behavior, either avoiding something or achieving 05:22 something or getting something. 05:23 Okay. All behaviors operative! 05:25 Well, let's talk about some of the psychobabble 05:27 theories is if you will. Okay, I hope, 05:31 I can use that term loosely, some people that 05:33 I speak English and I'm fluent in psychobabble so. 05:36 Okay. 05:37 One of the most popular and well known theories, 05:40 they talked about motivation was Abraham 05:42 Maslow, and so let me just give a little 05:44 background on him and then we'll discuss his 05:46 theory. He said, the basic premise that 05:48 he worked from was that all behavior was 05:52 need based, people were motivated to be fill 05:55 certain needs and the add what he called the 05:57 hierarchy of needs, started with 05:59 physiological needs like food and then he went to 06:03 safety. We need to be sheltered from the 06:04 elements and then it was belonging. He said need 06:07 to be part of a society or group or family and then, 06:11 then it was a steam and need to fill valuable and 06:14 the finally self actualization, which was 06:17 sort of realizing your own potential. 06:19 Okay, so that was the hierarchy of needs and 06:21 what he said was that, if we don't have the 06:23 basic needs to fill. We won't be able move on to 06:26 the next tear of the hierarchy sort of speaks, 06:29 so the thinking was that you've to meet those 06:32 basic needs and then the person will naturally 06:34 progressed to the next need in the hierarchy. 06:38 I would prompt with that, because what I see in 06:41 my clients and people and my self, is that once 06:45 get those basic needs met. Once we're fat and 06:48 safe and warm, we tend not to get the things 06:52 that we needs, such as belongingness. 06:54 Many people are too lazy or avoidant, 06:58 to work on developing healthy relationships. 07:01 Self actualization, you know people 07:03 fulfilling their potential. You know, 07:04 how many they're, that never to fulfill 07:06 their potential simply because they're rather 07:09 sit in front of the TV and avoid having to 07:11 actually discipline themselves to you know 07:14 go get a master's degree or do whatever they need 07:17 do to feel their potential. So, many 07:20 people really need things, but don't get 07:23 those things. Because they're not really 07:25 motivated by what they need, so much as by what 07:28 they want. You know, 07:29 for some reason, I trying to remember what it is, 07:32 I know it's in Isaiah, there was a scripture in 07:35 Isaiah that just talks about, how the Lord is, 07:39 like the eagle stirs the nest, 07:42 The nest, and stirs up her young. 07:45 And basically, what the eagle does is go and 07:48 there is a huge nest that they build and 07:50 they're so wonderfully comfortable, but they 07:52 start taking out all of the feathers, and the 07:54 cushion things, that's right, just leave 07:56 the sticks, to motivate, to motivate the babies to 08:00 get out of the nest, to get out of the nest 08:02 and fly, that's right, but what you're saying 08:04 is that sometimes when people's basic needs if 08:06 they are, if they got sheltered, yeah they are 08:09 comfortable, they're in comfortable 08:11 place and their bellies are full. 08:12 That's right. But sometimes people 08:14 just sit back they need the Lord to stir the 08:17 nest, to give them some discomfort in their life, 08:19 to get them of dead sinner, if you will. 08:22 That's right, that's right and often that discomfort 08:23 comes in the form of problems that develop. 08:25 Because they're spending all their time sitting in 08:28 front of the TV instead of attending to what 08:30 they're really do need. So those needs will kind 08:32 of cry out to them, if they're not met over 08:34 a long period of time. But you know, 08:36 it's amazing how avoidant people can be even in 08:38 the face of you know, things are going majorly 08:41 wrong in their life. They can still manage 08:44 to avoid doing anything about it. 08:45 Yeah. So to me, you know 08:47 there is a lot of that I like about Maslow's 08:49 Theory, but I think it breaks down and really 08:52 one of the reason it breaks down, it's because 08:54 humanist decades based on the believe that people 08:56 are motivated by the goodness within them and 08:59 they will always to fulfill though, always involve 09:02 into higher level of being and of course we 09:05 know from the Bible that humanity is devolving 09:08 rather then evolving, yes Amen, that we're 09:09 innately wicked rather than innately good. 09:12 So, we don't rest on that humanistic premise. 09:15 But, another really intriguing theory was 09:17 authored by a man named Lawrence Kohlberg and 09:21 he talked about the stages of the moral 09:23 development and I find this very, very 09:26 fascinating and I also find it very Biblical. 09:30 He talked about, how children's start out 09:32 and basically children are motivated by two 09:36 things, a hope of reward and a fear of punishment. 09:40 Okay, so little children are motivated by 09:43 lollipops and spankings, they will avoid the 09:46 spanking and they're will try to acquire the 09:48 lollipop. That's basically, how we're as 09:51 the children and then kind of in the middle, 09:53 you know of life. We go through, you know lay 09:56 childhood add lesions, young adulthood and we 10:00 go to different stages of moral development and 10:02 that's basically the same essential motives 10:05 being afraid of failure or afraid of punishment 10:09 and then hoping for reward, but they're 10:11 sort of translated into the social realm. 10:13 Because people become more socially geared as 10:16 they get older. So they're afraid of social 10:19 punishments, you know ostracism or being 10:20 rejected and they're seeking after social 10:23 acceptance in that type of thing and then 10:25 according to Kohlberg in the latter stages of 10:28 moral development. People start to develop 10:32 principle based motivations, ultimately 10:36 resulting in the highest stage of moral 10:39 development, which is called post conventional 10:42 and that is that right is based up on universal 10:45 principles and that person that achieves that 10:47 highest stage of moral development is actuated 10:50 or motivated by this Universal Principles of 10:53 Right. He does things or she does things just 10:56 because they're right and I think that's a very 10:59 appropriate and accurate model of how people 11:02 progress from ones stage to another. 11:04 Amen. If they're maturing on 11:06 God's time table, but the problem is, that I mean 11:10 somebody adults that our biologically adults. 11:14 But they're really operating on the motives 11:16 of the two year old and I could say the same for 11:18 myself, it times of my life. You know, we can be 11:22 very childish even though we're biologically 11:24 mature. So, people, my point are the people 11:26 just naturally mature into that higher stage of 11:30 development. It takes something beyond of just 11:33 people, you know, living and learning. 11:34 It takes something divine. 11:37 And you know some of that divine in my 11:39 estimation and you are talking, I just turn to 11:41 Romans 12:2 because this scripture came to my 11:44 mind that says, Do not be conformed to this 11:47 world, but be transformed by the renewing of your 11:52 mind, that you may prove. What is that good, 11:54 and acceptable, and perfect will of God and I 11:57 believe, I've read a study that said that the 12:01 frontal lobe, especially of young boys, 12:04 the frontal lobe in a teenage boy has as much 12:08 slower development, that's right, rather than 12:10 teenage female, but as the frontal lobe begins 12:14 to developed or are you spirituality is. 12:16 Well, my question would be, do they ever catch 12:18 up? That's a good question. 12:21 Do you know the answer? 12:22 I don't know the answer, do you? 12:23 Okay, I'm just curious, I think they do, 12:24 I think they do. Okay, but when you 12:27 think of it. I shouldn't say that, because I might 12:29 somebody write me on that, the when you think 12:32 about it. The transformation were we 12:36 really do begin to seek the type of action are 12:44 motive for action is to pleased God that's when 12:48 we really begin when we are in the word of God 12:51 then the more word we've in us, the more we want 12:54 to actually please our Lord, because we're 12:58 learning about what pleases him. We learn 13:00 his perfect will and it's that transforming power 13:05 of the word of God that does confirm our mind. 13:08 Amen, Amen. But, my point is that they're has 13:12 be some kind of divine intervention, some 13:14 kind of super natural interposition in the 13:18 human beings life in order to get them from 13:20 stage one to the final stage of moral 13:22 development, it doesn't just happened. 13:24 We don't have some kind of maturity time clock, 13:27 that's just innately within us the naturally progresses. 13:30 To a high stage of moral development and left to 13:32 our own devices, we'll devolve instead of 13:35 evolve, exactly, and will become more and more 13:37 in Satan image less and less and God's image. 13:39 So, God change is all that of course when he 13:42 enters our experience. But to me the basic 13:46 difference between all of these human theories is 13:48 valuable as many of them are. These humanistic 13:50 theories basically teach that people get their on 13:53 their own and my believe as a Christian counselor 13:56 is that when man fallen to sin, he created a 13:58 God's sized problem. He created a problem 14:01 bigger then he himself could fix. Secular 14:04 psychology teaches us that, yes we've a problem 14:07 and we can fix that problem. Christian 14:09 psychology teaches us that, we've a problem in 14:12 our sinfulness, in our fallowness and only God 14:14 can fix it so. There has to be this divine 14:17 intervention in an individual's life in order 14:21 for them to get to the place where Paul, 14:23 got where he said when I was a child, I spoke as 14:25 child, thought as a child and reason does a child. 14:27 But when I became man, I put away childish 14:30 hings. How many adults do we know that never 14:33 put away those childish things? 14:34 That's true. People that are 14:35 squabbling in their marriages as if they are 14:37 two year olds, yes, you know, four year olds 14:39 maybe. People that are engaging in back-biting 14:44 and gossip, you know tearing down their 14:46 neighbor, handling relationships in a very 14:49 immature manner or just not even managing 14:51 themselves well, because they've never matured 14:54 beyond that very early stage of moral 14:57 development. They need an experience with a 14:59 Lord they need a divine in feeling. 15:01 You know, when you were talking Jennifer. 15:03 I was thinking, because you use the word 15:05 self-discipline and I was just thinking that a Paul 15:10 wrote II Timothy and II Timothy 1:7 and 15:15 you know, you see if I'm on the same as you here, 15:18 it's in Second Timothy 1:7, Paul wrote if I can 15:22 find it here, He said God has not given us the 15:26 spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, 15:29 and of a sound mind or self discipline some 15:32 translation says or self controls with the 15:36 amplifies says. So, essentially what 15:38 saying is that this development, if we're 15:43 going to evolve instead of Godly principle. 15:46 Amen. It takes, these is really 15:48 no such thing as self discipline. It has to be 15:53 motivated I mean it comes from the Lord. 15:56 He gives us a spirit. Amen, yeah. 15:58 To, he's the one that actually is initiating. 16:02 That's right. His ability for us to 16:04 control the selfish tendency is that we've. 16:07 Workout your own salvation with fear and 16:08 trembling but it's God that works and you both 16:11 to willing to do, so you wrestling with 16:14 You know, God created us for self-mastery, 16:16 but isn't as in our fallen condition is it a 16:19 self-mastery, that is self-generated. 16:21 Yeah. No it is not, it's a 16:24 self-mastery that is empowered it is initiated 16:27 and had every stage and powered by forces 16:30 outside of ourselves. i. e. God himself and 16:33 heavenly agencies, his Holy Spirit, you know the 16:36 intervention of angles or whatever we've to 16:39 constantly have. This external power supply 16:42 coming into our lives. Absolutely. 16:44 Or we will not be able to fill the propos for which 16:47 God created us and to be to live as if in his image, 16:53 which is calling. But at the same time God did 16:57 created us for self-mastery, he created 17:00 us with this kingly powers, reason conscious, 17:03 the ability to believe what we don't see to fix 17:06 our faith on the more sure word of prophecy. 17:08 That's more sure, and event he witness of our 17:10 senses. Amen. 17:12 God has created us with these kingly powers, 17:14 these governing powers and they were mend to 17:16 rule over the other aspects of our being, 17:19 our appetites, our passions, our emotions, 17:22 we were design to such way that's how we 17:24 function the best, when those kingly powers are 17:27 in dominates or in control. We're turned 17:30 upside down, because of the fall. 17:31 You know, I love, you just moved into two of my 17:34 favorite passage or scripture are in 17:36 Philippians 2:12, I used to really get hung up on 17:39 that were. Paul writes and says, work out your 17:42 own salvation with fear and trembling and I did, 17:45 I mean, I was trying to do more best for the Lord 17:48 and I was fearing and trembling and the church, 17:52 the denomination in which I grow up, which I left 17:56 at the age of about 28. I guess, but, yeah, 17:59 that denomination taught us that, if you just want 18:02 perfect. God was getting ready to spew you out at 18:05 his mouth and strike you with the lightening bolt, 18:07 just striking with the lightening bolt, 18:08 I've thought God, you were toast, I was, 18:10 I'm read and so you would and I wouldn't do 18:13 all I could, but I can't never do enough then I 18:15 get discouraged and it walk away. 18:18 And then finally one day as I was studying and 18:20 thinking about that's scripture. The Lord just 18:23 impressed up on me so much that you cannot 18:26 separate Philippians 2:12 from Philippians 2:13. 18:29 Yes, Amen. Because essentially 18:30 Paul say workout you own salvation with fear and 18:33 trembling, but not in our own study. 18:36 That's right. Amen. Because the next verses, 18:38 who it is God, who is all the while and work 18:42 within you to willing to do, to willing to act 18:45 according to his good pleasures so, what was 18:48 the word you called that, that you're, the word? 18:51 Self-mastery. No the powered word you say. 18:55 About the like external power source. 18:57 There is an external power source that must 18:59 come into our lives. Okay. 19:00 So, that process of self-mastery must be 19:02 initiated and then empowered by God 19:05 God throughout the process of maturity. 19:07 Absolutely. As you were talking 19:08 about that I was thinking about how people go 19:10 through those. What we might call legalistic 19:12 experiences as where they're trying to do 19:14 God's willing in their own strength and their 19:16 living in a state of fear, you know God gave us the 19:18 fight or flight response, as a means of coping with 19:21 the dangerous world. The problem as if we live 19:24 on fear eventually the fight or flight response 19:27 itself will cause physical break down will 19:29 be a danger to us. So, people that are in a 19:33 religious context were they're encourage to be 19:35 motivated by fear for a long period of time will 19:37 often break down and though if the apathy will 19:41 follow fear. Their nervous system literally 19:44 collapse as they get to a place where are they 19:45 doing even care anymore, because their nervous 19:47 system just can't manage. 19:49 You've seen that happen, I've seen that happen to 19:50 people. I've to, it will reminds 19:52 me of what Salomon's said in the book of 19:54 Ecclesiastes, he said be not righteous overmuch, 19:57 why should you destroy yourself. 19:59 Umm! Isn't that interesting? 20:01 That is an interesting. And if I can quote 20:03 Ellen White, she said excess of caution is it 20:06 attendant with his much, these many problems as 20:11 excess or not enough caution, so. If you've 20:13 too much caution, you're bringing as much 20:15 trouble upon yourself as if you've not enough 20:18 caution. We need to stay balance, do we need to 20:20 realize that our power source is Jesus. 20:23 Amen. So. 20:24 That's a good word balance. 20:25 Yeah. Now, let me ask you 20:27 this, because our time is going by quickly. 20:31 Sometimes people will say and I'm upset it 20:33 myself, I don't feel motivated. 20:36 Yeah, Amen. How that you, 20:38 we're promise to you that. We're gonna tell 20:40 you today, how to get motivated. 20:42 That's good. When someone says, 20:44 they don't feel motivated. 20:45 What do you say to them? 20:46 When people tell me that they're not motivated, 20:48 what they are saying is. I don't feel motivated 20:51 and many of those people operate on the basic 20:54 premise, that they can't do something until they 20:58 feel like doing it. That is the basic 21:01 believe that many people have, I can't do it, 21:04 unless I feel like do again and so to them. 21:07 Feeling like doing something is equivalent 21:10 to being motivated to do something. 21:13 But, this is not true, according to Biblical 21:16 teaching. People can actually learn how to do 21:19 things, but they might not feel like doing. 21:22 But it does take this divine intervention and 21:25 the thing that I think, I was the new covenant 21:27 and how God said in Jeremiah Chapter 31. 21:30 I will put my laws in their minds and write it 21:33 on their heart. Amen. 21:35 That's the first stage of this final stage of moral 21:38 development, you know, when we, if we're ever 21:40 go and come to unsurety it's gonna be because 21:43 God put his laws in our mind and wrote it on our 21:46 heart. Then we could be guided by those timeless 21:50 principles that come straight from his 21:52 character of love. We can be guided by those 21:55 principles into maturity, but we will come to the 21:59 place where we don't feel like doing. 22:01 We should be so naive is to think that they just 22:03 because we're a born again Christian fallowing 22:06 Jesus, so the disciple of his and warning to do his 22:09 willing choosing to live our lives for his glory, 22:11 we should not be so naive is to think that there 22:14 won't be many times when we don't really feel 22:16 like doing, what we know we should do. Amen? 22:19 Amen. I mean, won't there 22:20 will be times? So, let's not be naive of that some 22:24 people entertain a notion of the Christian 22:26 experience that they always feel motivated to 22:29 do the right thing. Now, I'm not saying they 22:30 would never feel motivated, sometimes 22:32 which is flows and it's always the best one it's 22:34 flowing straight out of our heart, 22:37 you know so to speak. 22:38 But they're will be times, when there is 22:40 a pull one direction to the 22:41 wrong thing and then our conscious will pull 22:43 other direction to the right thing and then that 22:46 moment we must make it choice to be motivated 22:50 to do the right thing and so what I do with my 22:53 clients that have this motivation issues. 22:55 I teach them, how to act on principles instead of 22:59 unfeeling. Okay, so explain that. 23:02 What I mean by acting on principles instead 23:04 Let me give you a case in point. 23:06 Okay. This is a client, 23:07 who was very, very unstable and I won't 23:09 going to great detail here, but when people 23:12 become sufficiently unstable in their 23:14 relationships and in their relationship to 23:17 themselves, sometimes they were become very 23:19 self-destructive. Umm! 23:21 Sometimes they will let their relationship just 23:23 we're out of control. This was where there is 23:25 person born; she was just very, very unstable. 23:28 just very, very unstable. So, I thought this 23:30 person, how and I remember the moment 23:33 when the light went on her head. We're walking 23:35 sometime; my clients and I will walk when we 23:38 have sessions believed or not. I think it's even 23:41 more their orthopedics they just sitting and 23:42 talking or it can't be and I remember the 23:45 moment, when the light went off. 23:46 We're walking and I just have been talking to 23:49 her and talking to her about how she didn't have 23:51 to live by your feelings basically and it finally 23:55 broke through and she realized I don't, I can 23:58 do things, even though I don't feel like doing 24:00 things and it was something like cleaning 24:02 her room and her house or something that she 24:03 was procrastinating and it just, it just, 24:06 I mean it sound so stupid, it sound so 24:08 so simple, it sound so basic. But you won't 24:11 believe, how many people on a very subconscious 24:15 level believe that they can only do things, 24:19 when they feel like doing them. So, she finally 24:22 realize on that subconscious the deep 24:24 level kind of some sunk down into the substrate 24:27 of her thinking, she could actually choose to 24:29 do things, even though she didn't feel like 24:31 doing them. You know, it going 24:33 back to Philippians 2:13 where it says God works 24:36 in you too, will into act. 24:39 Yeah. I just teach that's to 24:40 separate phases that first phase by the 24:43 renewing of your mind, if you know what God's 24:45 will is to live healthy, to spend time with him 24:48 or him pray or the good things to do the good 24:50 works and creative for you to do. What you think 24:54 about it, that for works in you to will, it's kind a 24:57 like you, he helps laying you will up with his will. 25:00 Amen. So, that his desires 25:02 began to commit your desire as well, 25:05 but that does mean you really feel like 25:07 doing them. That's right. 25:08 So, he's not gonna force you to act. 25:10 Yeah. So, the very next 25:11 thing, that he does if God more forces to act. 25:15 How does he working to us in us to will went to 25:19 act, I was tell people, there is the one foot gap 25:22 between working in his to will and to act and 25:25 that is that God once we know what's to do. 25:28 Umm! What is right to do, 25:30 he asks us to choose it, to take once step? 25:34 That's right, Amen, that's exactly what I'm saying. 25:35 When you just get, you take one step that's right to do it. 25:37 That's right. And then the power 25:39 of the Holy Spirit shows up and he works in us to 25:42 act. That's right, 25:43 I call it Faith it how you make it, because I don't 25:46 like Faith it how you make it. Because we're 25:48 not fake, we're real, you know. Our Christian 25:50 we're authentic, but faith it's kind of 25:53 like fake it to you make a, because you're not 25:54 there yet experientially. I've use that 25:57 terminology for years that my husband that 26:00 Faith it how you make it, you know it's great 26:03 terminology, because we do have to take that step 26:05 in faith. Amen. 26:07 Before, we've you know, how to people get from 26:09 it to be. How do they get from bad habits, 26:12 to better habits? They've to step out in faith. 26:16 Yeah, we've just a minute left. 26:17 Okay. What we do you tell 26:18 someone, who's out here maybe and know they're 26:20 having self-destructive behavior, because perhaps 26:23 they know they should lose some weight and eat 26:25 healthier, but they just keep going for the junk 26:28 food, what we would you tell them? 26:29 Okay, first thing come to Jesus, don't wait 26:32 until you're sorry, don't' wait for anything, 26:34 just come to him and then. He will give you 26:36 gift of repentance; you take ownership of what 26:39 you've done to yourself it's been harmful. Amen. 26:42 And then you pray for strengthen to over come; 26:45 you're receive him and his grace. 26:46 Pray for strengthen to over come and then live 26:48 in accordance with you prayers. 26:50 And make no provisions for this 26:52 flash. Flash, yes. Amen. 26:53 It was in Roman 14 something I think over he 26:55 says making. Making of provision 26:57 for the first of the fill the less there are. 26:59 Yes. Yes. 27:00 So, for us to get motivated, we just have 27:04 to understand basically and recapping. 27:07 We're all motivated sometimes, it's to avoid 27:11 things and both the right things, we know that we 27:14 should do, but what we need to do is just to ask 27:17 the Lord for his strength, his power to 27:20 be making perfect in us. We need to pray, 27:23 we need to choose to start doing it. If you 27:26 can't get around to clean in your house, 27:28 just settle little timer for 15 minutes and go do 27:31 something for 15 minutes and clean in your house, 27:33 right. Yeah, also it helps to 27:35 connect to another person, a life coach, 27:37 a consoler, or prayer partner. 27:38 Amen. Sometimes we need 27:39 little nudge from another fellow wanderer. 27:45 That's right, Amen. Jennifer Jill Schwirzer. 27:47 It always so much fun. It is. It always go 27:50 so fast, you are here. Yeah. 27:51 I just wanna thank you so much for being here 27:54 and then now it's our time is already all gone, 27:57 but I hope that you saw something today to 28:01 recognize that you can over come lack of 28:03 motivation by the Holy Spirit help you today to 28:07 do what you're to be doing. 28:09 Thanks for joining us. |
Revised 2014-12-17