Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jim Burr
Series Code: IAA
Program Code: IAA000361
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00:30 Hello I'm Shelley Quinn and welcome again to 00:32 Issues and Answers. We welcome you no matter where 00:34 you're joining us from around the world. I think today you're 00:38 going to be extra glad that you tuned in because we are going to 00:42 have an incredible discussion on evolution, intelligent design 00:46 and creationism. You know the bible says in Romans 1:18 and 19 00:50 let me read this to you. It says For God's holy wrath and 00:54 indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness 00:58 and all unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness repress 01:02 and hinder the truth and make it inoperative. For that which is 01:06 known about God is evident to them and made plain in their 01:11 inner consciousness because God himself has shown it to them. 01:16 For ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature 01:21 and attributes, that is his eternal power and divinity have 01:25 been made intelligible and clearly discernible through the 01:29 things that have been made. So men are without excuse, 01:33 altogether without any kind of defense or justification. 01:38 Please help us welcome our special guest Jim Burr and Jim 01:42 is the president of Heavens Declare ministry. Jim we are 01:47 so thankful that you have returned to 3ABN. 01:50 Yeah, it's always an honor for me to get a call and say would 01:53 you come again, invited back. It's a big honor. 01:55 You know I remember watching you some years ago when you did the 01:59 Christian Concerns and it was always so fascinating because 02:03 your whole involvement is fascinating to me because you 02:07 started off in the television business and then just through 02:12 amateur astronomy, you became very interested in that, 02:15 suddenly you started developing and manufacturing telescopes and 02:19 you've even sold telescopes to NASA haven't you? 02:22 We did sell two, yes, for the Mars science lab which the 02:25 project now, the major part, has been cancelled, but yes we did 02:28 sell two to NASA. That is amazing. And I know that 02:31 you're also an inventor and you hold 12 or at least about a 02:35 dozen patents, I think. 02:36 Something like that I guess yeah 02:38 Something like that. Now what we're going to be talking today 02:43 about is creationism, evolution and intelligent design. Let me 02:49 ask you a quick question. When our schools are saying we want 02:54 science for our kids. We want it to be absolutely something 02:58 that's trustworthy, that you can prove. You've got these three 03:02 theories out here and really to me creationism and intelligent 03:05 design are very closely akin. Intelligent design just doesn't 03:11 say who the designer is. But can the Bible be proven? Let me 03:16 phrase this another way. Is science really that reliable? 03:21 Well we're going to show today that there are so many problems 03:24 with science. So much is learned Every day something new is 03:27 coming out and old things are shown to be obsolete and we've 03:31 got new theories. Even now they're saying we need a new 03:35 physics because this latest discovery violates all standard 03:39 physics. So what we want to do is show the cry is give us... 03:43 we want science. We want something we can taste, touch 03:46 feel you know verify, solid science. And yet we're going to 03:51 show some of the problems with evolution and the thing about 03:55 intelligent design... The intelligent design movement is a 03:59 recent movement as opposed to evolution. The intelligent 04:04 design people tend not to say who this intelligent designer is 04:08 They're kind of fence straddlers aren't they? 04:10 Yeah right. They're kind of between a rock and a hard place. 04:13 The evolutionists say tell us who this intelligent designer is 04:17 so we can write it off. We want to write off God. Tell us it's 04:20 God, come on tell us. And they're reluctant to say it's 04:22 God and the Christians over here are saying to the intelligent 04:25 design people, tell them, tell them it's God. Because it's on 04:29 it's on our side you see. Basically Michael Behe has been 04:32 one who is really prominent in that and has come out with 04:36 the Darwin's Black Box which is really a wonderful book and he 04:39 shows the complexity of the bacteria flagellar motor, he 04:44 talks about the mousetrap that you need all the ingredients 04:48 there before it works. It's like your car. If I take your starter 04:51 it isn't going to work, right. If I pull out a piston, it's not 04:55 going to run. So Michael Behe is saying irreducible complexity, 04:58 everything has to be there and how do you evolve all of these 05:03 different ingredients to make it work. So the cry is we want 05:07 science for our kids. So today I would just like to show what 05:11 some of the problems with evolution are and then show how 05:15 we can actually test the Bible. The Bible's not a science book, 05:19 but yet there are so many things that are scientifically accurate 05:22 You know the Bible writers were prevented from following the 05:26 common errors of the day. You know when some religions said 05:29 the earth is supported on the backs of turtles and elephants. 05:32 That it was flat. Yeah and that kind of stuff. 05:34 And the Bible writers talk about the circle of the earth. Let me 05:41 share this real quick. I'm not going to have much to say 05:43 through this whole program but when we were talking earlier I 05:46 told you one of my favorite scriptures was Job 38:19. It 05:50 says, where is the way where light dwells and as for darkness 05:55 where is it's abode? And then in the note here in my Bible, the 05:59 footnote says, how except by divine inspiration could Job 06:03 have known that light does not dwell in a place but in a way 06:06 for light as modern man has discovered involves motion, wave 06:10 motions traveling 186,000 miles a second it can only dwell in a 06:15 way. So like you said the Bible proves to be far beyond... 06:19 We're probably going to mention the 15 points here that can be 06:23 tested and this is what they're saying. You can't test creation, 06:26 you can't test intelligent design. You know we want 06:29 something that can be tested and falsified. And I think we can 06:31 test it and that's what I would like to share with you today. 06:33 You wouldn't teach astronomy from a book that's 25 years old 06:39 because it's just out of date. I was on an airplane, this was a 06:43 red eye into Denver at 2 in the morning and I turned on KOA's 06:47 radio just in time to hear the announcer say Professor you have 06:51 written this book and you say you can now show through 06:53 chemistry and physics there is no God. And I'm going I got to 06:56 get on the radio. I have KOA on my speed dial along with a 06:59 couple other radio stations. So I'm headed home up in the 07:02 mountains, it's almost an hour's drive, and I get on the radio 07:06 and I say professor you know there's two sides to every story 07:09 He's presenting his case on evolution and there's no God 07:12 and yet the announcer is not challenging him or questioning 07:16 him on it. So I get on the radio and I say you know there's two 07:19 sides to every story. I said I read these magazines. I would 07:22 like to paraphrase, I'm on the freeway, I can't read it to you, 07:25 but I would like to paraphrase six quotations from some of the 07:28 scientific magazines. I'd like to be able to talk about them 07:31 after I paraphrase them for you. I had a little chance while I 07:35 was on hold to write a few notes and so I said professor there 07:39 was an article in the Sky and Telescope magazine and the 07:41 headline said how can astronomers keep a straight face 07:44 because to the public they present the idea that evolution 07:47 is a fact and yet they argue over five major areas of the big 07:51 bang. How can they keep a straight face? I said in Sky and 07:55 Telescope magazine of 2001 there was an article where we now know 07:58 and it's proven that the universe is expanding it's 08:01 acceleration of the galaxies like somebody's got their pedal 08:03 on the metal. They're going faster and faster apart every 08:06 day and Sky and Telescope says this violates all standard 08:10 physics. Now the cry is we want the latest science and here 08:13 they're saying this discovery violates physics, right? And 08:16 professor here's an article in Astronomy magazine. They're 08:18 talking about Lauren and Postman These two famous people you read 08:22 about, you hear their names a lot, and they believe it looks 08:26 like, they have discovered a river of galaxies. Here's a 08:30 river of galaxies going that-a- way. What does the article say? 08:33 If this is true, we know less that nothing. 08:35 Everything keeps disproving their previous theories. 08:39 We know less than nothing. Now I know writers like to make a 08:41 good story, right? But it's still interesting reading. We 08:44 know less than nothing if this discovery is true. So I'm 08:47 quoting the different quotations Well about this time the radio 08:52 man, the announcer, comes on and says we have a news break 08:55 coming up, could I remain on the phone. Well of course. 08:57 It's 3 in the morning and I should be sleeping but I'm 09:00 pumped, right? So he comes back on and I say professor I've read 09:07 more than one time where people talking about the super nova 09:12 explosion. We have in our galaxy explosions of stars, we 09:16 can call them explosions. We have the biggest stars, seem 09:19 to be the gas guzzlers, the biggest ones seem to use up 09:22 their fuel and expand like a balloon till they can't expand 09:25 any more and then we get this humongous nuclear eruption and 09:28 it's beautiful. Most of the pictures that we'll see that 09:31 we'll be showing are these exploding super nova eruptions. 09:34 And I said I'm reading a book professor and it says here that 09:37 in this super nova eruption are created all the elements 09:41 necessary for life including oxygen. And I said, professor 09:45 most all science would agree that when you think life arose 09:48 one earth there was no oxygen here, a reducing atmosphere. 09:51 We can't have oxygen. It would oxidize the elements we're 09:54 trying to produce life with. Miller and Nary were trying to 09:56 do that. We're going to get to that in another program. I said 09:58 professor so here they're saying all the elements that are 10:01 necessary for life in super nova eruptions including oxygen yet 10:04 most scientists say life arose on earth with no oxygen. 10:07 Professor, when you get that first living cell what do you 10:09 need; copious amounts of oxygen. And he didn't like that. And he 10:15 says well you just got to stop reading those writings. 10:18 So he didn't have any response, any scientific response. 10:20 He didn't have any response and I think there was about one more 10:23 that I said. Norwood is a noted astrophysicist and Mr. Norwood 10:29 says in his article in his book that we have in our Milky Way 10:33 galaxy a hundred billion stars and we have at least another 10:38 hundred billion galaxies... 10:41 What's a hundred billion times a hundred billion? 10:43 The silent embarrassment to astrophysicists is they cannot 10:47 tell you how even one star formed. I said, professor, can 10:51 you tell me how our sun was formed. Well at this point he 10:55 just started talking over me. I mean, he was trying to sell a 10:59 book, right? And I wasn't helping his sales of his book. 11:01 Good for you. 11:03 I mean, this is Clear Channel, this was KOA, this was nation 11:06 wide, truckers in the middle of the night are driving and I was 11:10 just happy that we were able to challenge some of the garbage 11:15 that's being presented there. So we want science for our 11:17 kids. In 1984 they came out with a new theory of how the moon 11:21 formed. They don't have the first clue of how the moon 11:23 formed. I mean they've got a number of theories and ideas 11:25 about it. So in 1984 we had a new theory getting attention and 11:32 this is an article from Planetary Science Research 11:34 that says the cloud from which the solar system, that's the 11:37 sun's system, formed was composed of gas and gas somehow, 11:41 can we test somehow, we don't know how, somehow, that dusty 11:45 cloud the sun formed in the center of the planets which all 11:48 formed around it, somehow. Can we test that? No we can't. 11:51 We can't test that. But we want to be able... we want solid 11:54 science. Someone told me once, a man who 11:58 was in the book business, he sold books to schools I mean 12:03 and he said that the books that were the most quickly outdated 12:08 are science books. Is that true? 12:10 I think that's probably true, yeah. I'll just share a couple 12:16 quotations with you. This was in U.S. News and Promater was a 12:19 famous astrophysicist and he says the universe is extremely 12:23 complicated and each new item of information we get only shows 12:27 us who much we don't know. We want the latest science but we 12:31 don't know. New things are coming out every day. I think 12:34 the chances that any one of the ideas that are around today are 12:38 slim. See this is a famous Berkley astrophysicist who says 12:42 the chances of any one idea I think are true. We're going to 12:45 probably find out they're wrong. And the big issue over dark 12:48 energy, I know our time is moving along, This is again from 12:51 Promater and he says dark energy is something we have no clue 12:55 as to what's causing it and it doesn't fit any of our current 12:58 physics theories and they have to develop new approaches to 13:02 explain it and so forth. By looking you see at the galaxies 13:06 gravity affects everything in the universe and when they look 13:09 at the density of the galaxies and the rotation of the galaxies 13:12 and they say in order to make this whole thing work there's 13:15 something missing. You know 96 percent of the universe is 13:17 unknowable. We cannot see. There's only about four percent 13:20 they believe. When I read these scientific 13:24 and I know really very little about astronomy, but I do read 13:28 articles, I read scientific journals. For example among 13:33 geologists, we kind of have a tendency to think that geology 13:38 is a science that can be proven and yet geologists, it's all 13:42 theories and there's fighting among themselves which theory 13:47 is correct. For example take carbon dating. Most people 13:51 accept that as something that is a scientific, provable fact 13:56 yet it is a theory. You now when you look at between something 14:00 like that, what goes on with astronomy and the advances that 14:04 we've made... You were showing me the straw, you had that 14:09 straw in your pocket, the straw where you look through and just 14:12 see the little speck, explain that to me for a second because 14:16 that's amazing. Well we'll maybe do another 14:18 program. You know I always like the straw; seems to really get 14:22 people's attention because I ask them do you think you can see 14:25 one star through this little stir stick because people think 14:28 a telescope gets these big pictures of the heavens and 14:30 actually we look at the tiniest little speck. The Hubble looks 14:34 for 10 days back in 19951/25th of one degree of the sky and 14:38 they photographed 3000 galaxies through that little speck of the 14:42 sky. How many? Three thousand galaxies. Three thousand 14:47 galaxies through that one little tiny speck and if you were to 14:51 look at that, how many specks times...? 14:54 You mean how many pictures would I have to take? 14:56 Yeah, how many pictures? 14:57 To take pictures of the whole sky well we've got a real 14:59 problem because today the sun is covering up a bazillion galaxies 15:02 out there because behind the sun is all illuminated in the sky 15:04 and I can't see that part of the sky because the sun is there 15:07 but in six months we'll be on the other side of the sun. Now 15:09 we can see the rest of the universe. We'd have to go to 15:12 Australia too to get the rest of the galaxies. It would be 15:15 27 million pictures through here to cover the whole sky. 15:18 Times at least 3000. Twenty-five thousand. 15:20 Twenty-five thousand galaxies times 100 billion stars so we're 15:26 talking about numbers that none of us could comprehend. 15:29 His ways are as high as the heavens are above the earth. 15:32 Are my ways above your ways as high as the heavens are above 15:35 the earth. Are my thought above your thoughts. My ways are not 15:38 your ways. Because I think sometimes man 15:42 thinks we are so important and you think about what the 15:45 psalmist David said. You know, what is man that you are mindful 15:49 of him? When you think of all the glory of God in all of his 15:53 creation and here on this tiny little speck called earth we're 15:58 these little tiny little specks called man. It's amazing. 16:01 That's Psalm 8, what is man that you are mindful of him. 16:05 And Jesus left that. We're going to have to make this into two 16:10 programs Shelley because... You know Jesus left the glory of 16:14 heaven and the worship of the angels. They're now discovering 16:18 that... They've been looking at a star, HT97048 as a Nova star. 16:22 Scientists have been studying that and they have discovered 16:25 precious diamonds and rubies and gems and sapphires in space and 16:29 and the article says that in this star they have discovered 16:32 there are 100,000 to one million trillion tons of 16:36 diamonds. How do they know that though? 16:38 Well because they look at the carbon, the temperature, the 16:42 pressure and diamonds have a lot of carbon present, the 16:46 the temperature there and so forth. Well what's interesting 16:50 the Bible says that though he was rich yet for our sakes he 16:54 became poor that we through his poverty might become rich. Goes 16:58 right along with priceless gems in space. There's even more but 17:02 I don't have it in front of me. But things have been discovered. 17:05 Lawrence Livermore University has been looking at the sun. 17:09 This was announced in 1987 and it was repeated again more 17:13 recently and they said that every element on earth is 17:18 present on the sun. They could see every element on earth is 17:21 present in the sun. And they have discovered that the sun 17:26 has enough gold to pay the United States national debt five 17:30 hundred million times over. That's amazing. And they've been 17:34 looking at... Of course to mine that gold 17:36 would be our death knell wouldn't it? 17:38 Without the sun we wouldn't even survive. 17:41 But they've been looking at Uranus and Neptune and they say 17:44 the carbon, the temperature and the pressure on those two 17:47 planets, Lawrence Livermore University you remember, and 17:50 they say that there may be 30 percent diamonds on those 17:54 planets, Uranus and Neptune. 17:55 But the whole point of where we're starting, and I'd love for 17:59 you to come back so let's make this two programs, but the whole 18:02 point that we're making today is that here you've got people 18:07 parents crying, we want science for our children, and yet 18:11 science is the one thing that cannot be proven because I mean 18:15 it keeps changing. What they think they're proving changes 18:18 from decade to decade, sometimes year to year, I guess. Whereas 18:24 sometime scientific discoveries actually come in and support 18:29 what the Bible says. Is that not true? Just like archeologists 18:34 who used to say oh we can't find that and now the more we 18:37 discover of archeology there they are. 18:41 Well, yes, you know we have to respect some of what's being 18:46 done. I mean we sent the Cassini space craft to Saturn, a billion 18:51 miles away. But the problem is I think that the universe is so 18:55 big and so far away and we have all these theories about the 18:59 universe. The Cassini is an incredible space craft. It's 19:03 like a school bus. It weighs 12 tons. We don't have a big 19:06 enough rocket to get that a billion miles away to Saturn. 19:10 So what did they do. They shoot it off to Venus. Now it's headed 19:13 towards Venus like a sling shot. It's falling towards Venus and 19:15 gravity of Venus is pulling. But it misses Venus. Like a sling 19:18 shot it picks up speed around Venus, then they shoot it back 19:21 to earth. Now Venus is doing 70,000 miles around the sun, 19:23 earth is doing 66,000 miles. And they aim it back toward earth. 19:26 Now it's falling towards earth but like a sling shot it picks 19:30 up speed back to Venus again picking up speed off to Jupiter 19:33 a half a billion miles away. 19:35 You mean we've achieved this? 19:36 They've achieved this, yes. 19:38 Isn't that amazing what man has achieved. 19:40 Yes and then to Saturn. It takes seven years to get to Saturn 19:43 that's a billion miles away. They fly it through the F and 19:46 and the G rings. They've got a 2500 mile window and they 19:49 fly it there. They reverse it and fire the rockets 96 hours. 19:54 Now it's in orbit about Saturn. OK. So you have to say the God 19:59 who made the laws that they follow. I mean you think of 20:02 just hitting Venus. I mean the earth is doing 66, Venus is 20:04 doing 70,000 miles an hour and we're going to fire our rocket 20:07 on a moving space craft. We're going to hit this one and go 20:10 around there right, you know. It is incredible. It's amazing 20:13 what they've done. So we do need to respect solid science. In the 20:19 process we saved 75 tons of rocket fuel by using gravity 20:22 assist, using the gravity of Venus and earth and Venus and 20:26 Jupiter. We saved 75 tons of rocket fuel because we don't 20:29 have a big enough rocket. I don't know if the Russians have 20:31 a big enough rocket. We don't anyway have a big enough rocket 20:34 to shoot a school bus that far away. So that's incredible stuff 20:37 you know. That is just incredible. How are we doing on 20:41 time? We've got seven minutes left. 20:42 Yes we have a few minutes left if you want to bring something 20:45 else up here. Well again the cry is we want 20:51 science for our kids. The Big Bang cannot answer six profound 20:53 questions. This was in an article in Scientific American 20:59 last year, 2007. They came out with a special feature on the 21:03 of the universe the origin of the universe. So it says in here 21:07 in one of these articles, there are six profound question that 21:10 cannot be answered. The other magazine said five, now we got 21:13 up to six; we're making progress here. Ten years ago we had five 21:17 things but now we've got six. It says in this article the Big 21:22 Bang offers no explanation for this apart from dumb luck. 21:27 I heard someone say it would be like taking a junk yard, 21:32 throwing in a stick of dynamite and thinking that explosion, a 21:36 B-47 designed would be coming out of that. 21:39 Yeah, I think it was Francis Crick that said that evolution 21:43 is like a tornado going through a junk yard and producing a 747. 21:47 You know. The chances, what's the chances of that happening? 21:52 So not here they're saying that the Big Bang cannot explain the 21:56 universe apart from dumb luck. So make a little bit of fun of 22:00 that the kids in school go okay today I want your attention kids 22:03 because today we're going to give you the latest science. 22:07 I'm going to teach you about dumb luck. This is not the first 22:10 time I've read dumb luck. In US News this is at least three 22:14 times I have read where they said you know this is just like 22:18 dumb luck. You know I've read a couple of 22:21 articles and even a book by an atheist who is a scientist and I 22:26 forget his name actually but he was saying that the reason he 22:30 couldn't support certain theories was because that 22:34 would support God. He said I can't prove what I believe but I 22:38 will not support the other because what you're saying 22:41 supports what the Bible says. So there are people out there with 22:45 an agenda as well. We've got to remember that. 22:47 Absolutely, absolutely. I could have brought along a lot of 22:53 things along that line but they're not even bashful about 22:58 admitting it goes against our sexual mores, we can't appeal to 23:04 a miracle. They can't have a miracle. We want solid science. 23:11 So I mentioned before that 96 percent of the universe we can't 23:17 see. It's dark matter. It's unknowable; 96 percent of the 23:21 universe is unknowable. And yet the Bible says in Colossians 2 23:25 verse 3 in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and 23:27 knowledge. His ways are past finding out. Job 9:9, God's ways 23:32 are past finding out. When you think about people who 23:39 are supporting the Big Bang theory in evolution having five 23:42 major questions a number of years ago that they could not 23:44 agree on, that they couldn't find any solution, and instead 23:48 of reducing it now there's six. So if we had to take away 23:51 because we only have a couple more minutes and I know you 23:54 could quote for quite some time here. We'll pick up on some of 23:57 this that you didn't get in here but if you had a take away 24:01 today what do you say to someone out here who isn't sure that 24:05 they can swallow the idea of a creator God? 24:12 First I'd actually like to promote something, a website. 24:16 There's a dissent from Darwin and this is scientists. They're 24:20 looking for people who would sign their name to a simple 24:25 statement that we don't put any belief or we have serious 24:30 questions about Darwinian evolution. And they have over 24:34 700 scientists now that have signed on. 24:36 These are Ph. D. types. 24:37 These are Ph. D. type scientific people who have signed on and 24:41 they're looking for more. It simply, I think, strengthens our 24:44 case because they say well scientists don't believe this, 24:48 scientists don't believe in evolution. So it's dissent from 24:52 Darwin and you just put your name on a simple signature there 24:55 So that's good. But you're asking what would you say to 24:59 people. Well I think Jeremiah is a good example. Jeremiah 33:22: 25:07 Jeremiah said the stars are like the sands of the seashore, 25:10 innumerable. Like you cannot count the sands of the seashore 25:13 you cannot count the stars of heaven. Well you know that was 25:16 3000 years ago. Scientists are quoting Jeremiah. I've read it 25:19 more than once. Now wait. Three thousand years 25:22 ago they're going they thought that they had counted all the 25:25 stars in the sky didn't they? 25:26 Put Jeremiah in a mental institution. Jeremiah don't you 25:29 read Guinness book where we counted the stars. Don't you 25:33 keep up with science. We know there's 5116 stars in the sky. 25:37 Jeremiah you say like sands of the seashore. Put this guy away 25:40 right? Well scientists today are saying exactly what Jeremiah 25:43 said 3000 years about. Scientists today, and I've read 25:45 it more than once, say they believe that the total number of 25:49 sands on planet earth are roughly 70 sextillion which 25:53 would be like 70 time 10 to the 22nd power. And scientists say 25:58 we think that this is roughly the stars in the known universe. 26:02 This is roughly equivalent to the stars in the known universe. 26:06 This was what Jeremiah said 3000 years ago. What we're 26:09 going to have to do in the next program is show statement after 26:12 statement in the Bible you know that are scientifically accurate 26:16 But actually I see we didn't get even done with showing the 26:20 problems. I have book, 900 pages it's not even written by a 26:24 Christian. The title is Forbidden Archeology and it's 900 pages 26:28 and it shows newspaper clippings from the 1700s and 1800s and 26:33 documenting... A lot of it has to do with coal mines. There'll 26:37 be an article in Pennsylvania in that coal mine they dug up a 26:40 chunk of coal today and there was a gold chain inside or there 26:43 was a hammer inside. They broke apart the coal and out... You 26:46 know here's the imprint of a hammer and what does evolution 26:49 say this was 300 million years ago this coal was made and 26:53 man didn't start melting metal till 3300 years B.C. you know. 26:57 So the bottom line is we're nearly out of time but we're 27:02 going to come back here. The bottom line is if someone has 27:06 not tested the Bible for them self or tested God we want 27:10 to encourage you to do that. All right? Yes that's right. 27:13 I'm so thankful that you have joined us. You know what? It's 27:16 too bad you don't have a little bit of enthusiasm for your topic 27:19 I love it because you just get so excited and you're so 27:23 passionate about this, but thank you so much. 27:26 Well it's exciting stuff you know. How can you not be? 27:29 Amen, amen. We're going to pick right up and you're going to 27:32 come back and we're going to do this again. And then for those 27:36 at home if you don't have complete confidence in the Bible 27:40 yet we hope that by the time you see the next program you'll 27:43 see that there is a creator God. He has a plan for your life and 27:46 it's better than the one you're living. I can tell you. I know 27:49 it's still better than the one I'm living. Thank you so much 27:52 for joining us. We'll see you again. |
Revised 2015-07-06